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Ans 7 Relation between educatiOn and development

The nelationship between edlucation and

development i6 mleltitaceted and cyucial to
indiyid ual and societal puogyes6. Hene ane key
points highlighting this melationship:
1. Economic Gyowth: Education eqlip&
individ uals witth skills and knowledge, tosteing
human Capital, which is es8ential tor econOmic
development. Edlucated populations tend to
have highen eaming pOtentials and contotbute
t0 a nation' &econOmic grOwth.
2. Reduced Povesty: EdluCation Can alleviate
poventy by enabling people to accels betten job
OppOtunitied. It empoweHó individ uals to byeak
the cycle ot poventy by acquising skills and
inpoving their 6OciO-economic btatus.

3. Healthcae Impovement: Edlucation coHHelates

with bette health outcomes. Educated
individluals ase moHe likely to make intomed
health choices, leading to seduced
mortality snates and impsoved overall health in
4. Innovation. and Technological Advancement:
Edlucation promotes innovaton and technological
progress, A well-ed lcated wosktoce is moe
adept at CHeating and ad Opting new
technologies, which can dive economic
5. Social Cohesion: Edlucation tostess kOcial
cofedion by poomoting tolerance, lindenbtanding,
and coopesration among individ uals toom diverbe
backgrounds, It helps reduce 60cial inequalitied
and conticts.

6, GendeH Equality: Ed ucation id a Catalybt tor

gender eqliality. When gils and wWOmen have
equal acce&8 tO eduCation, it Can ead to moe
includive development, as they become active
patticipantó in econOmic and social activities,

7. Envisonmental Subtainability: EdLucation can

Haide awdstene86 about enviOnmental i88ue&
and prOmOte 6Ustainable practices. An educated
poplalace is more likely t0 &upport policies and
initiatives aimed at protecting the envionment.

8. Political Stability: Education can contstbute to

political stability by promoting intomed
citizendtip and civic engagement. Educated citizend
aHe moMe ikely to participate in democtatic
procesies and iphold the ule ot law.
9. Global Competitivene&s; Nation& with well
edlucated populations tend to be moe
cOmpetitive On the global stage. They Can adapt
to changing ecOnOmic cOnditiOnd and asHe mose
retilient to extemal challenges.
10, HLuman Development Index : The United
NatiOnd' Human Developnent Index includes
ed lucation indicatord 8uch as liteacy and
school enrollment alongbide income and lite
expectancy to meabluHe a coluntay 3 ovesall
In 8ummay, eduCatiOn dnd development ase
deeply intertwied, with edluCation derving as a
tlundamental d ive ot economic, 8Ocial, and
individ lual porogres4, Investing in education is a
stategic impenative tor achieving sustainable
development goals and improving the quality ot
lite tor people wonldwide.

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