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Genap 2022/2023 Pengantar Akuntansi 2




1. Financial Statement Penner and Torres decide to merge their proprietorships into a partnership
called Pentor Company. The balance sheet of Torres Co. shows:
Accounts receivable $16,000; Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts 1,200 $14,800
Equipment 20,000; Less: Accumulated depreciation—equip. 7,000 13,000
Journalize entries in forming a partnership.
Prepare portion of opening balance sheet for partnership.

2. Frontenac Company reported net income of $75,000. The partnership agreement provides for
salaries of $25,000 to Miley and $18,000 to Guthrie. They divide the remainder 40% to Miley and
60% to Guthrie. Miley asks your help to divide the net income between the partners and to prepare
the closing entry.

3. Nabb & Fry Co. reports net income of $31,000. Interest allowances are Nabb $7,000 and Fry $5,000,
salary allowances are Nabb $15,000 and Fry $10,000, and the remainder is shared equally. Show
the distribution of income and prepare journal for distribution of income

4. BE12.6 (LO 3) After liquidating noncash assets and paying creditors, account balances in the Mann
Co. are Cash $21,000; A, Capital (Cr.) $8,000; B, Capital (Cr.) $9,000; and C, Capital (Cr.) $4,000. The
partners share income equally. Journalize the final distribution of cash to the partners.

5. Gamma Co. capital balances are Barr $30,000, Croy $25,000, and Eubank $22,000. The partners
share income equally. Tovar is admitted to the firm by purchasing one-half of Eubank’s interest
for $13,000. Journalize the admission of Tovar to the partnership.

6. In Eastwood Co., capital balances are Irey $40,000 and Pedigo $50,000. The partners share income
equally. Vernon is admitted to the fi rm with a 45% interest by an investment of cash of $58,000.
Journalize the admission of Vernon.

7. Capital balances in Pelmar Co. are Lango $40,000, Oslo $30,000, and Fernetti $20,000. Lango and
Oslo each agree to pay Fernetti $12,000 from their personal assets. Lango and Oslo each receive
50% of Fernetti’s equity. The partners share income equally. Journalize the with drawal of Fernetti.

8. Data pertaining to Pelmar Co. are presented in exercise 7. Instead of payment from per sonal
assets, assume that Fernetti receives $24,000 from partnership assets in withdrawing from the
firm. Journalize the withdrawal of Fernetti.

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