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Isolation, Identification, and Sequencing of a Goose-Derived Newcastle Disease

Virus and Determination of Its Pathogenicity

Author(s): Xiao-Qing Chen, Zi-Bing Li, Gui-Xue Hu, Song-Zhi Gu, Shuang Zhang, Ying Ying, and
Feng-Shan Gao
Source: Avian Diseases, 59(2):235-243.
Published By: American Association of Avian Pathologists

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AVIAN DISEASES 59:235–243, 2015

Isolation, Identification, and Sequencing of a Goose-Derived Newcastle Disease Virus

and Determination of Its Pathogenicity
Xiao-Qing Chen,AB Zi-Bing Li,AB Gui-Xue Hu,AD Song-Zhi Gu,A Shuang Zhang,A Ying Ying,A and Feng-Shan GaoACD
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun,
Jilin 130118, China
Department of Bioengineering, College of Life Science and Technology, Dalian University, Dalian, Liaoning 116622, China
Received 13 October 2014; Accepted 20 February 2015; Published ahead of print 23 February 2015

SUMMARY. In August 2010, geese in the Meihekou area of Jilin province in China were found to be infected by a pathogen
that caused a disease similar to Newcastle disease. To determine the causative agent of the infections, a virus was isolated from liver
tissues of infected geese, followed by a pathogenicity determination. The isolated virus was named NDV/White Goose/China/
Jilin(Meihekou)/MHK-1/2010. Specific primers were designed to amplify the whole genome of the MHK-1 virus, followed by
sequencing and splicing of the entire genome. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of MHK-1 showed that the isolate was a
virulent strain of Newcastle disease virus. The MHK-1 genome is 15,192 nucleotides long, and it belongs to the class II branch of
Newcastle disease viruses, as evidenced by the amino acid sequence (112R-R-Q-K-R-F117) of the F protein. The hemagglutinin titer
was 1:128 to 1:512. The chicken embryo mean death time, the intracerebral pathogenicity index, and the median lethal dose of
chicken embryos of MHK-1 were 43 hr, 1.63, and 109/ml, respectively, which revealed that the newly isolated MHK-1 strain is
strongly pathogenic to geese.
RESUMEN. Aislamiento, identificación y secuenciación de un virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle con origen en gansos y
determinación de su patogenicidad.
En agosto de 2010, se encontró que gansos en la zona de la provincia de Jilin Meihekou en China estaban infectados por un
agente patógeno que causaba una enfermedad similar a la enfermedad de Newcastle. Para determinar el agente causante de la
infección, un virus se aisló de los tejidos del hı́gado de gansos infectados, seguido por una determinación de la patogenicidad. El
virus aislado fue nombrado NDV/Ganso Blanco/China/Jilin (Meihekou)/MHK-1/2010. Se diseñaron iniciadores especı́ficos para
amplificar el genoma completo del virus MHK-1, seguido por secuenciación y ensamblaje de todo el genoma. La secuenciación y
análisis filogenético del virus MHK-1 mostraron que se trataba de una cepa virulenta del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle. El
genoma del virus MHK-1 tiene una longitud de 15,192 nucleótidos y pertenece a la rama de clase II del virus de la enfermedad de
Newcastle, como lo demuestra la secuencia de aminoácidos (112R-R-Q-K-R-F117) de la proteı́na F. El tı́tulo por hemoaglutinación
fue de 1:128 a 1:512. El tiempo promedio de mortalidad embrionaria, ı́ndice de patogenicidad intracerebral, y la dosis letal media
de embriones de pollo del virus MHK-1 fueron 43 hr, 1,63, y 109/ml, respectivamente, lo que reveló que la cepa patógena MHK-1
es altamente patógena para los gansos.
Key words: Newcastle disease virus, geese, isolation, genome, pathogenicity
Abbreviations: CEFs 5 chicken embryo fibroblasts; ECEs 5 embryonated chicken eggs; ELD50 5 the median lethal dose of
chicken embryos; F 5 fusion protein; FITC 5 fluoroscein isothiocyanate; HA 5 hemagglutination; HE 5 hematoxylin-eosin;
HI 5 hemagglutination inhibition; HN 5 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase; ICPI 5 the intracerebral pathogenicity index; kb 5
kilobases (kb); L 5 RNA polymerase; M 5 matrix protein; MDT 5 mean death time; NDV 5 Newcastle disease virus;
NP 5 nucleoprotein; nt 5 nucleotides; ORFs 5 open reading frames; P 5 phosphoprotein; RT-PCR 5 reverse-transcription
PCR; SPF 5 specific-pathogen-free; TEM 5 transmission electron microscopy

Newcastle disease, caused by virulent strains of Newcastle disease have been four NDV pandemics, with the fourth spreading genotype
virus (NDV), is an acute and highly contagious disease responsible VII NDV (1,19), although there is still only one serotype of NDV
for severe economic losses in domestic poultry, especially in chickens presently. Based on genome sizes and the nucleotide sequences of the
(8,24), and it belongs to the Avulavirus genus within the F and L genes, NDV strains can be categorized as class I or class II
Paramyxoviridae family (10). The genome of NDV is a single- (21). Class I NDVs are usually 15,198 nucleotides (nt) in length and
stranded, negative-sense RNA of approximately 15.2 kilobases (kb) consist of nine genotypes, all but one of which are avirulent in
that contains six open reading frames (ORFs) (23), including, from chickens (16,17). Class II NDVs include 18 genotypes and are more
39 to 59, nucleoprotein (NP), phosphoprotein (P), matrix (M) virulent than class I NDVs. Genotypes I–IV (15,186 nt) and IX
protein, fusion (F) protein, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), (15,192 nt) emerged before 1960, whereas genotypes V–VIII
and RNA polymerase (L), that encode six structural proteins (15,192 nt), X (uncertain), and XI (uncertain) were detected after
(14,22). The molecular basis of NDV virulence relies on multiple 1960 (34,38). People generally thought that waterfowl had a greater
genes, and the amino acid sequence motif at the cleavage site of the resistance to NDV. However, an increasing number of reports
precursor F glycoprotein is the critical site for major changes in showed an increasing pathogenicity of NVD toward waterfowl,
virulence (11,28,31). Since NDV was first described in 1926, there especially geese (35). Mortality from infections with virulent strains
of NDV can reach even 100% in goslings unprotected by
These authors contributed equally to this work. vaccination (33). Currently, among animal viruses, it is one of the
Corresponding authors. E-mails:; biggest contributors to economic losses to the world’s economy (9). We successfully isolated an NDV strain, named NDV/White
There is no conflict of interest. Goose/China/Jilin(Meihekou)/MHK-1/2010, from the tissues of ill

236 Chen et al.

White Geese in the Meihekou area of Jilin province in China.

MHK-1 was detected with the use of the hemagglutination (HA)

Melting temperature (C)

and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests with the use of anti-
NDV antiserum and pathogenicity index tests. On this basis, we
proceeded with gene amplification and molecular cloning to obtain




the whole genome sequence of the virus. Then we studied the
molecular characteristics and pathogenicity of MHK-1.


Samples and virus isolation. In August 2010, a goose farm with only

Expected size (bp)

800 2-yr-old White Geese in the Meihekou area of Jilin province in
China suffered an outbreak of disease. Nearly 100% of the geese were

infected, and 80% of the geese died after 5 days. We collected liver
tissues from five geese that were ill or near death. Physiological saline
was added in a proportion of 3:1 to the tissues, followed by cutting and
grinding the tissues into a homogenate. After centrifugation at 12,000 3
g for 10 min, antibiotics (final concentrations of 1000 IU/ml penicillin
and 1 mg/ml streptomycin) were added to the supernatant, and
incubated for 2 hr at 37 C. Thirty 9–11-day-old specific-pathogen-free


(SPF) embryonated chicken eggs (ECEs, a kind gift from the White

Goose Research Center, Changchun, China) were inoculated with 0.1 ml
of supernatant via the chorioallantoic route, and then the control group
with same number of ECEs was inoculated with saline. The ECEs were
incubated at 37 C and were illuminated twice a day to detect the state of
the eggs. All the inoculated eggs, with the exception of those that were
dead after 24 hr, were discarded to avoid unspecific mortality. Allantoic
fluids from chick embryos that died between 24 and 120 hr
postinoculation were collected and stored at 280 C. Allantoic fluids




were negatively stained and then observed by transmission electron


microscopy (TEM) (JME-100EA III, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) (2). To




confirm the presence of virus, allantoic fluids were tested by HA and HI

tests with the use of the standard positive serum of NDV (Key Laboratory
of Animal Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Agriculture)
Reverse (59–39)

and positive serum of the H5, H7, and H9 subtypes of avian influenza
virus (Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences) by the conventional microtiter method, as
previously described (26). The virus was plaque purified three times with
the use of ECEs and prepared for the tests to follow (36).
Ultrathin sectioning of infected cells. The virus was inoculated into
chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs), followed by culturing for 18, 24, or
30 hr. The cells were collected and centrifuged at 5200 3 g for 10 min
to remove the supernatant. The cell precipitate was fixed overnight with
2.5% glutaraldehyde. The cells were processed according to the
manufacturer’s instructions for ultrathin sectioning. Finally, the cells
were observed by TEM.
Pathogenicity index tests. The virulence of the isolated virus was



determined by three standard methods, chicken embryo mean death




time (MDT), the intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI), and the



median lethal dose of chicken embryos (ELD50), as previously described



(15). For the MDT, 40 NDV antibody-free chicken embryonated eggs,

obtained from the White Goose Research Center, were inoculated with a
Forward (59–39)

10-fold serial dilution of the NDV isolate (1024–10210) in saline. Five

Primers used in the study.

eggs were inoculated with 0.1 ml of each viral dilution, and five eggs
were inoculated with saline as a negative control. The infected eggs were
incubated at 37 C, and the deaths of the inoculated embryos were
recorded every 2 hr for 10 days. The highest dilution at which all the
embryos died was considered to be the minimum lethal dose. The MDT
was determined as the mean time, in hours, required for the highest
dilution (the least amount of virus) to kill all five embryos. The MDT
has been used to classify NDV strains into the following groups:
velogenic (highly virulent; MDT , 60 hr), mesogenic (moderately
virulent; 60 # MDT # 90 hr), and lentogenic (avirulent; MDT .
Table 1.

90 hr). For the ICPI, 10 one-day-old chicks were injected intracerebrally

with 0.05 ml of a 10-fold dilution of fresh, infective allantoic fluid,


which was filtered before being inoculated and had an HA titer of at


least 16. Ten chicks that were injected with 0.05 ml saline as a negative
Isolation of a velogenic NDV strain from geese 237

Fig. 1. (A) Normal chicken embryo. (B) Hemorrhaging chicken embryo.

control were housed separately. Chickens were examined for clinical (10 pmol/ml) of each primer, 2.5 ml of 103 Taq Buffer, 0.3 ml of ExTaq
symptoms and mortality every 12 hr for 8 days. On each day, chicks that Enzyme (TaKaRa), and 17.2 ml of double-distilled H2O. The PCR
appeared normal or sick were scored as 0 and 1, respectively; dead chicks reactions were performed according to the following protocol: 95 C for
were given a score of 2. The values for normal and sick chicks were 5 min, followed by 30 cycles (95 C for 30 sec, 57.5 C for 30 sec, 72 C
recorded, and the value for dead chicks was cumulative, such that a total for 1 min) and a final elongation step of 10 min at 72 C.
of 10 recordings were made each day for each group of 10 chicks. The Gel extraction of PCR products. A 5-ml aliquot of PCR product was
ICPI is expressed as the weighted mean divided by the number of loaded onto a 1% agarose gel and electrophoresed for 40 min in TAE
observations made. Velogenic viruses give values approaching 2, and buffer containing 0.5 mg/L ethidium bromide. The PCR products were
lentogenic viruses give values close to 0. Virulent NDVs give values that purified with the use of the Solarbio Gel Extraction Kit (Solarbio,
are equal to or greater than 0.7. For the ELD50 determination, 30 NDV Beijing, China) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
antibody-free chicken embryonated eggs were inoculated with a 10-fold Cloning and sequencing of PCR products. The PCR products
serial dilution of the NDV isolate (1025–10210) in saline. Five eggs obtained with the F1 and F15 primers were inserted into the pEASY-
were inoculated with 0.1 ml of each viral dilution, the infected eggs were Blunt vector, and then transformed into Escherichia coli Trans 1-T1
incubated at 37 C, and the deaths of the inoculated embryos were competent cells according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The
recorded every 2 hr for 10 days. The Reed–Muench method was used to recombinant plasmids were extracted from positive clones with the use
calculate the ELD50 (29). of the TaKaRa Plasmid Miniprep kit (TaKaRa, Dalin, China) and
Primer design. Based on available NDV nucleotide sequences (NA-1, identified by PCR. Plasmids containing inserts were sequenced by
with GenBank accession number DQ659677), 15 pairs of specific Sangon Biotech (Shanghai, China). The whole-genome nucleotide
primers were designed to amplify the complete genome of the NDV sequences of the MHK-1 isolates were selected and submitted to the
isolate. All primers used for reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) were DNA Databank of Japan (DDBJ)/GenBank database through the
synthesized by Sangon Biotech (Shanghai, China), and their sequences SAKURA system.
are displayed in Table 1. The amplified fragments overlapped each other Analysis of the whole-genome nucleotide sequence. The whole-
and covered the whole genome. genome nucleotide sequences of the MHK-1 isolates were aligned and
RNA extraction and RT-PCR. Viral genomic RNA was extracted compared with 34 representative NDV strains, which were obtained
from allantoic fluid with the use of the Trizol Reagent (TransGen from GenBank (data not shown). Phylogenetic trees were built and
Biotech, Beijing, China) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. analyzed with the use of the MEGA 5.0 program. The variance of the
The extracted total RNA was reverse transcribed to cDNA with the use difference was computed with the use of the bootstrap method (1000
of avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (TaKaRa, Japan) and replicates).
oligo (dT) primers per the manufacturer’s recommendation with a Animal pathogenicity tests. Clinical symptoms observation. Eight 14-
thermocycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). Then, 2 ml of the product was day-old SPF goslings (White Goose breed) from the Changchun
used as a template to amplify the different regions of the genome in a Academy of Agricultural Sciences were inoculated subcutaneously with
25-ml reaction volume containing 2 ml of 2.5 mmol/L dNTPs, 0.5 ml 0.2 ml of the third passage of the virus (ELD50 5 107.3); two goslings
238 Chen et al.

Fig. 3. Chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with MHK-1 virus

(40,0003). The black arrow with a dashed tail indicates the released
virions, and the black arrow indicates a viral budding phenomenon in
the membrane; the white arrow indicates dense particles in
the cytoplasm.

chick embryos of the control group were normal (Fig. 1A), and the
infected group died at 36–48 hr. The surfaces of the dead chick
embryos showed evidence of hyperemia, and substantial hemor-
rhaging at the head (Fig. 1B).
Negative staining electron microscopy. Fresh allantoic fluids
were negatively stained and observed under an electron microscope.
The results showed circular NDV particles, and the surface of the
NDV was characterized by an envelope and a spike. The diameter of
the virus was about 200 nm (Fig. 2).
Ultrathin sections of infected cells. Ultrathin sections of CEF
infected by the MHK-1 strain were observed by electron microscopy.
The results showed that dense particles were observed inside the cell
cytoplasm, there was a viral budding phenomenon in the membrane,
Fig. 2. Negative staining electron microscopy observation of NDV. and virions were released extracellularly (Fig. 3).
HA and HI tests. The 20 NDV samples were analyzed with the
were inoculated with saline as a control group. Clinical symptoms (state use of HA and HI tests. The results showed that the viral
of health, weight change, breathing characteristics, defecation) of the hemagglutination titers ranged from 1:128 to 1:512, and they could
goslings were observed for 5 days. be inhibited by the standard NDV-positive serum, but not by serum
Pathological anatomy observation. The goslings were euthanized positive for the H5, H7, and H9 subtypes of avian influenza virus.
according to the animal protocols approved by the local Animal Welfare Pathogenicity index tests. The MDT of the MHK-1 strain was
and Research Ethics Committee when they showed obvious signs of 43 hr, and the intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) was 1.63.
illness. Then, pathologies of the brain, liver, spleen, lungs, and intestines The ELD50 was 109/ml. The results confirmed the isolate is a
were observed for both the infected and control groups.
velogenic strain, with a rapid onset of symptoms.
Immunohistochemical tests. Paraffin section hematoxylin-eosin
staining. Sample tissues were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin RT-PCR amplification results. Fifteen pairs of specific primers
for approximately 52 hr. All sampled tissues were routinely processed were designed to amplify the whole genome of the NDV isolate. The
into paraffin blocks, and 3–5-mm sections were cut for hematoxylin- fragments overlapped with each other and the lengths of the
eosin (HE) staining. All tissues were examined histologically, and the segments matched the expected values (Fig. 4A–C).
severity of the lesions was recorded. Cloning the PCR products and sequencing. The PCR products
Frozen-section immunofluorescence staining. Frozen-section im- obtained with the F1 and F15 primers were inserted into the
munofluorescence staining was processed as previously described (4). In pEASY-Blunt vector, transformed into E. coli Trans 1-T1 competent
brief, frozen sections (5 mm) of the brain, liver, and duodenum of the cells, and identified by PCR (data not shown). The results of the
infected and control geese were made and fixed with 4% formaldehyde RT-PCRs were in accordance with expectations. The positive clones
for 5 min. Newcastle-positive blood serum was used as the primary from every PCR product were sequenced with the use of an
antibody, and fluoroscein isothiocyanate (FITC)–conjugated affinity
automated gene sequencing facility at Takara Bio, Inc.
purified rabbit anti-chicken IgG was used as the secondary antibody. All
sections were observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Splicing of the whole genome of the MHK-1 strains and
analysis of the genetic phylogenetic tree. The whole-genome
sequences were spliced from 15 segments of the MHK-1 strain with
RESULTS the use of the DNAStar program. The whole-genome sequences
were submitted to the DDBJ/European Molecular Biology Labora-
Chick embryo inoculation. ECEs that were 9–11 days old were tory (EMBL)/GenBank database and received accession numbers
inoculated with the infected tissue solution, and a control group was KM408752. Compared with the LaSota strain of the NDV vaccine,
inoculated with physiological saline. The results showed that the which is 15,186 nt long, an extra six nucleotides (ACACTC) were
Isolation of a velogenic NDV strain from geese 239
Analysis of the sequence and identification of the genotype of
F protein. The ORF of the F gene is 1662 bp long and encodes 553
amino acids. The F-protein cleavage-site sequence is located at 112R-
R-Q-K-R-F117, which is typical for velogenic NDV strains. To
identify the genotype of MHK-1, we compared the sequence of the
1–389-bp region of its F gene with typical velogenic NDV. The
phylogenetic analysis showed that the MHK-1 strain belonged to
genotype VII, which is the class II branch of NDVs (Fig. 6).
Homology analysis of the MHK-1 genome and its structural
genes. The whole genome sequence of the MHK-1 strain was
compared with those of 34 other strains with the use of the
DNAStar program. It was shown that the MHK-1 strain is most
homologous (99.4%) with NA-1 strains, which belong to genotype
VII of the class II branch. In contrast, the homology of MHK-1 and
duck/China/NDV08-004/2010 strains, which belong to the class I
branch, was the lowest (71.9%). A comparison of the homologies of
the structural genes of MHK-1 strains and the corresponding genes
of the other 34 NDV strains yielded the following results. For the
NP gene, the MHK-1strain had the highest nucleotide sequence
homology (99.7%) with NA-1 strains, and the lowest with DE-R49/
99 strains (77.6%). For the P gene, the MHK-1 strain had the
highest nucleotide sequence homology (99.9%) with NA-1 strains
and the lowest with duck/China/NDV08-004/2010 strains (70.4%).
For the M gene, the MHK-1 strain had the highest nucleotide
sequence homology (99.9%) with NA-1 strains and the lowest with
DE-R49/99 strains (75.8%). For the F gene, the MHK-1 strain had
the highest nucleotide sequence homology (99.9%) with NA-1
strains and the lowest with duck/China/NDV08-004/2010 strains
(70.8%). For the HN gene, the MHK-1 strain had the highest
nucleotide sequence homology (99.7%) with NA-1 strains and the
lowest with duck/China/NDV08-004/2010 strains (71.7%). For the
L gene, the MHK-1 strain had the highest nucleotide sequence
homology (99.1%) with NA-1 strains and the lowest with duck/
China/NDV08-004/2010 strains (74.9%). Moreover, the homolo-
gies among the NP/M/L genes were higher than those of the P/F/
HN genes.
Clinical symptoms observation. Fourteen-day-old SPF goslings
were inoculated with the third passage of the virus, and a control
group of two goslings was inoculated with saline solution. The
results showed that the goslings of the control group survived and
were healthy. The inoculated goslings all had clinical symptoms,
including depression, anorexia, dyspnea, producing white liquid
feces, and neuronal symptoms, such as torticollis, ruffled feathers
and one-leg paralysis, within 5 days and the morbidity incidence rate
was 100%.
Pathological dissection observation. The goslings were eutha-
nized when they had obvious signs of illness. Then the goslings were
Fig. 4. RT-PCR products of whole genes of the NDV MHK-1 dissected and pathologies were observed. It was found that there was
strain. M, DL2000 marker: lanes 1–7: products of whole genes of the much mucus in the larynxes and tracheas of the infected goslings.
NDV MHK-1 strain following RT-PCR with primers F1–F7; lanes 8– The trachea was hemorrhaged annularly. The brain and duodenum
14: products of whole genes of the NDV MHK-1 strain following RT- exhibited severe bleeding (see Fig. 1A,B of the supplemental online
PCR with primers F8–F14; lane 15: F-gene product of whole genes of material, which is available on the Avian Diseases website). The
the NDV MHK-1 RT-PCR with primers F15.
jejunum was swollen, and the liver had focal hemorrhaging with
partial swelling. However, there were no pathological anomalies in
inserted into the noncoding region between the NP and P genes the control group.
located in the 1652–1657 nt region in the MHK-1 strain. The Paraffin section and HE staining. Paraffin sections from the
length of the MHK-1 genome was 15,192 nt, which is consistent brain, liver, and duodenum of infected goslings, as well as the
with the extra six nucleotides. The genome has six ORFs. The control group, were stained with HE. All sections were observed by
genetic structure is 39-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-59. A phylogenetic analysis light microscopy. The control group had normal brain tissue (see
of the whole-genome sequence and the whole-genome sequences of Fig. 2A in the supplemental online material), whereas the infected
34 other strains showed that the MHK-1 strain belonged to the class group had pathological cephaledema. Some neurons showed signs of
II branch of NDV strains (Fig. 5). degeneration and necrosis (see Fig. 2B in the supplemental online
240 Chen et al.

Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of 35 NDV strains based on the complete genomic sequences.

materials). The control group had a normal liver (see Fig. 2C in the the liver, but not in the brain or duodenum (see Fig. 3A,B in the
supplemental online material). However, the natural hepatic supplemental online material).
structure of the infected geese disappeared, and the hepatic cords
were disorganized and their boundary was blurry. Most of the liver
cells displayed degeneration and necrosis, and some of the liver cell DISCUSSION
nuclei disappeared (see Fig. 2D in the supplemental online
material). The duodenums of the control group were normal (see NDV occurs worldwide, and it has a considerable impact on the
Fig. 2E in the supplemental online material), whereas the poultry industry, as it causes significant economic loses (27).
duodenum villi of infected geese were sloughed and necrotic (see However, NDV infection is not restricted to chickens, as it has been
Fig. 2F in the supplemental online material). demonstrated that there are at least 250 species of birds that are
Observation of frozen tissue sections by indirect immunoflu- susceptible to this virus (26). There is a large variety of fowls in
orescence microscopy. The frozen sections of brain, liver, and China, especially waterfowls and terrestrial birds in the southern
duodenum tissues from infected and control goslings were incubated region. The circulation of different strains of NDV in this
with Newcastle-positive blood serum and a FITC-conjugated environment was promoted by the mixing of species, which
secondary antibody. The frozen sections were observed by the established a natural cycling pool of NDV. The virulence of the
indirect immunofluorescence method. A green fluorescence signal, virus gradually increased during its circulation because of the
which denoted the presence of NDV, occurred and was detected in selective pressure of the hosts (5). Meanwhile, the virus continued to
Isolation of a velogenic NDV strain from geese 241

Fig. 6. Phylogenetic tree constructed with 35 NDV strains based on the 1–389-bp region of the F gene.

spread to different hosts, which further enhanced its virulence, and HI tests were performed with allantoic fluids from infected
eventually leading to outbreaks in poultry (30). Previous studies chicken embryos, and the results demonstrated that the virus was an
found that geese are strongly resistant to disease, as the infected geese NDV. Electron microscopic analysis of infected allantoic fluids
did not show any illness and were merely vectors for the virus (3). In showed that the virion was circular, with a diameter of about
1997, there was an outbreak of NDV in geese flocks in most parts of 200 nm, and the surface of the virus exhibited an envelope and
southern China, and the morbidity and mortality can reach 100% in spikes. All of these characteristics proved that MHK-1 is a typical
goslings, although this varies with the route of infection (13). All paramyxovirus. In addition, it was found that there were dense
isolates from waterfowl (geese and ducks) from 1997 to 2005 were particles scattered in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. The virions
virulent strains (18). This overturned the traditional view that geese produced a gemmiform protuberance that could be released from
could only be infected, but not killed, by the virus. The the cell when mature virions formed near the cytoplasmic
pathogenicity of this strain of NDV toward geese has grown membrane. The mature virions were circular or elliptic, and the
stronger as the virus evolves. surface of the virus exhibited an envelope and spikes. It was shown
Presently, we isolated a NDV strain, named MHK-1, from geese that the MHK-1 strain can proliferate in chicken embryo
in the Meihekou area of Jilin province in China. In a previous fibroblasts and that the budding of virions occurred in the
study, it was shown that NDV can replicate in chicken embryos membranes. All of these characteristics are consistent with those of
and chicken embryo fibroblasts (20). In this study, we used MHK- paramyxoviruses.
1 to inoculate 9–11-day-old ECEs, and it was shown that MHK-1 The pathogenicity index tests showed that the MDT of the
could cause obvious pathological changes in chicken embryos. HA MHK-1 strain was 43 hr, the ICPI was 1.63, and the ELD50 was
242 Chen et al.

109/ml. The results showed that the isolate is a velogenic strain that The pathological anatomic showed that the larynx and trachea of the
exhibits a rapid onset of symptoms. gosling had a great deal of mucus, along with an annular hemorrhage
To study the molecular characteristics of the MHK-1, we in the trachea ring. The brain and duodenum also exhibited severe
designed 15 pairs of specific primers to amplify the whole genome hemorrhaging, the jejunum was swollen, and the liver had focal
of the MHK-1 strain. After splicing the whole genomic sequence, it hemorrhaging with local swelling. At the tissue level, the brain, liver,
was shown that the whole genomic sequence of MHK-1 is about and duodenum tissue exhibited histopathological changes in paraffin
15,192 nt. A phylogenetic analysis of the whole-genome sequence of sections. At the cellular level, the tissues from the infected goslings
MHK-1 and those of 34 other strains showed that the MHK-1 strain showed that the MHK-1 strain was only detected in the liver, not in
belongs to the class II branch of NDVs. The results showed that the the brain or duodenum. Because the goslings were infected rapidly,
homology among the whole genome sequence of the MHK-1 strain they suffered a high mortality rate when infected with the MHK-1
and class II strains ranged from 83.4% to 99.4%, which was much strain. In conclusion, the MHK-1 strain had a pathogenic effect on
greater than for class I genes (71.9%–72.3%). It was shown that the goslings, suggesting that the virus can multiply rapidly. The study
genes of class I and class II viruses had obvious differences, and all provides useful information regarding the prevention and control of
genes of the MHK-1 and class I strains exhibited different degrees of NDVs in waterfowl.
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