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Infó - megjegyzés

Online Stable Diffusion generátor gyűjtemény

Az egyik legjobb, leg összeszedetteb segítség amit valaha a neten találtam, több int 1600 művész képekkel
illusztrálva, módosítok, minden. Nekem ez a személyes kedvencem!

Ingyenes SD képalkotó oldal, napi 100 kép ingyen!

Főleg MJ és SD képalkotó programokkal fogalkozó oldal.

Dall-e Prompt Guide, Angol. Ezt használja pl a Bing képgenerátor is

Regeteg példa, hogy egyes módosítók milyen végeredményt hoznak

Nyílt képgaléria, promptokkal együtt. Van képgegráló funkciója is, de 10 db után az a része fizetős

Stable Diffusion - Modelek, LORA-k, Hypernetek és minden más finomság. A modelekhez mellékelt képek
tartalmazzák a promptokat is.

Civitai képgaléria - model és promptok - Stable Diffusion

Ingyenes Stable Diffusion generator - SDXL

Ingyenes Stable Diffusion generator

MidJurney styleok gyűjteménye

Művészek stílusainak gyűjteménye, keresővel, pontos promptokkal

Jó kis MI-vel foglalkozó oldal, egy része fizetős, de az ingyenes cucc is nagyon érdekes. Nem csak képalkotásról s

50 Prompt kezdőknek, és inspirációra vágyóknak. Képekkel illusztrálva

100 tematikus prompt, képkkel illusztrálva

MidJurney prompt ötletek

MidJurney promptok - képekkel

Dall-e (Bing is ezt használja) témájú oldal sok érdekességgel

Stable Diffusion Textural Inversion file gyűjtemény (ha ez neked nem mond semmit feleseleges megnézni)

Rengeteg tool és mindenféle finomság AI art készítéséhez

Nagyon jó prompter site, prompt készítő funkcióval. Főleg MidJurney

LORA és Model lista SD-hez

Promptok képekkel illusztrálva, témákba rendezve

Nagyon jó guide kamerabeállításokhoz a regeneratív művészet világában.

Művészek akik szerepelnek az SDXL tanulási listájában

Negatív promptok Leonardo AI -hoz

Cheet sheets for AI

Leonardo AI promptok

550 szín , a nevük és a hex kódjuk

Ingyenes képnagyító program - minden platformra (Win/iOS/Linux)

300+ Művészi stílus

ComfyUI workflow oldal, több száz letölthető workflow

ComfyUI node collekció - 500+ custom node-al (HALADÓ)

extreme close-up
medium close
medium shot
long shot
establishing shot
cowboy shot
medium full shot
full shot
upper body
full body

Kamera Szög:
overhead shot
top down
bird's eye view
high angle
slightly above
straight on
hero view
low view
worm's eye view
1girl, beautiful, solo, (top down:1.5), (close-up1.5), lying in car
1girl, beautiful, solo, (establishing shot:1.5), (side view:1.5), in a bus, reading
A kamera beállításai
1girl, beautiful, solo, (from below:1.5), (full body:1.5), night, stre
1.5), in a bus, reading 1girl, beautiful, solo, (from above:1.5), (selfie:1.5), (close-up:1.5)
low:1.5), (full body:1.5), night, street
ove:1.5), (selfie:1.5), (close-up:1.5), in swimming pool
Technique (English) Technique (Hungarian)

Key Light Fő fény

Fill Light Derítőfény

Backlight Háttér fény

Rim Light Élfény

Hair Light Haj fény

Three-Point Lighting Hárompontos világítás

Rembrandt / háromszög-
Rembrandt Lighting világítás

Butterfly Lighting Pillangó fény

Loop Lighting Kisorr világítás

Split Lighting Felező világítás

Broad Lighting Széles fény

Short Lighting Rövid fény

High-Key Lighting Magas kulcs fény

Low-Key Lighting Alacsony kulcs fény
Silhouette Sziluett
Rembrandt Triangle Rembrandt háromszög
Chiaroscuro Chiaroscuro
Cross Lighting Kereszt fény
Softbox Softbox
Umbrella Ezüst vagy fehér ernyő
Beauty Dish Beauty Dish
Ring Light Kör alakú fény
Snoot Snoot
Grid Rács
Barn Doors Csapóajtó
Gobo Gobo
Diffuser Diffúzor
Flag Flag
Reflector Reflektor
Color Gel Színszűrő
Fire Light Tűzfény
Fog/Haze Machine Ködfelhő gép
Crane Shot Darus felvétel
Dolly Shot Dolly felvétel
Steadicam Shot Steadicam felvétel
Crane Light Daru fény
Practical Light Gyakorlati fény
Flowers: Prompt: (<Technique>1.3) , still life of summer flowers in a glass vase, realistic photography
Negative prompt: (low qality, bad quality, bad art:1.2), easynegative
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 8.5, Size: 536x656, Model: realisticVisionV20_v20-inpainting,

Portrait: (<Technique>1.3) full body photography of a beautiful girl wearing white t-shirt, uhd, delicate skin texture, o
hyper detailed, realistic photography
Negative prompt: (low qality, bad quality, bad art:1.2), easynegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7 Size: 536x656, Model: epicrealism_inpaint

Description (English)

The primary light source that provides the main

illumination on the subject.

Used to fill in the shadows created by the key light

and reduce contrast.
Placed behind the subject to create separation and
highlight the edges.

Similar to backlight, but focused on the subject's hair

or shoulders to create a halo effect.

Specifically targets the subject's hair to add highlights

and texture.

Combines key, fill, and backlight for a balanced and

dynamic lighting setup.
Achieves a dramatic effect by casting a triangular
patch of light on one side of the subject's face.

Creates a distinctive shadow under the nose by

placing the key light directly above and in front of the

A small loop-shaped shadow is formed on one side of

the subject's face, opposite the key light.

Divides the subject's face into equal halves, with one

side in light and the other in shadow.
Illuminates the side of the face that is turned away
from the camera.

Lights the side of the face that is turned towards the

camera, creating a more dramatic look.

Emphasizes bright and evenly lit scenes, often used in

Creates and portrait
a moody photography.
and dramatic atmosphere with
strong contrasts
Backlighting and deep
the subject, shadows.
resulting in a dark shape
against a bright background.
The triangular patch of light created under the
subject's eye incontrasts
Utilizes strong Rembrandt lighting.
between light and dark areas
to create a sense of depth and volume.
Uses two lights positioned at right angles to each
A lighttomodifier
create athatcross-shaped
diffuses andshadow
softenson thethe subject.
light for a
more flattering effect.
Reflects or diffuses the light, providing a broader and
softer illumination.
A shallow, round modifier that produces a soft but
A circular lightcontrasty
more source thatlight.
surrounds the camera lens,
creating a halo-like effect
Narrows the light beam, allowing and reducing shadows.
for precise and
concentrated lighting on specific areas or subjects.
Attaches to a light source to control the spread of light
and preventflaps
Adjustable spillage.
attached to a light source to control
the direction and shape of the light beam.
light source to create patterned or textured lighting
reducing harsh shadows and creating a more even
A flat, opaque object used to block or shape the light
by castingor
A surface shadows or creating
object that reflects cut-off points. and
light, redirecting
A transparentthecolored
illumination on the
material subject.
placed in front of a light
source to add or alter the color of the light.
Simulates the warm, flickering light of a fire, adding a
fine fog and cozy enhancing
or haze, ambiance to thethe scene.of light
or jib, allowing for dynamic and sweeping camera
(dolly) to create smooth tracking or pushing/pulling
capture smooth and steady shots while walking or
to illuminate large areas or create sweeping lighting
Lighting sources that are visible within the scene itself,
such as lamps or practical fixtures.

e of summer flowers in a glass vase, realistic photography

ad art:1.2), easynegative
FG scale: 8.5, Size: 536x656, Model: realisticVisionV20_v20-inpainting, Conditional mask weight:

raphy of a beautiful girl wearing white t-shirt, uhd, delicate skin texture, on grainy background,

ad art:1.2), easynegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t

FG scale: 7 Size: 536x656, Model: epicrealism_inpaint

Description (Hungarian)

A fő fényforrás, amely az alany fő megvilágítását


A fő fény által létrehozott árnyékok kitöltésére és a

kontraszt csökkentésére használjuk.
Az alany mögé helyezett fényforrás, amely elkülönítést és
kiemelést hoz létre a széleken.

Hasonló a háttér fényhez, de a figyelem a modell hajára

vagy vállára irányul, hogy glória hatást érjenek el.

A modell hajára irányuló fényforrás, amely kiemeléseket

és textúrát ad.

A fő fény, töltő fény és háttér fény kombinációja egy

kiegyensúlyozott és dinamikus világítási környezetet
Drámai hatást ér el, azzal hogy háromszög alakú fényt
vetít az alany arcának egyik oldalára.

Egyedi árnyékot hoz létre az orr alatt azzal, hogy a fő

fényt közvetlenül az alany feje fölé és elé helyezzük.

Egy kis hurok alakú árnyék keletkezik az alany arcának az

egyik oldalán, a fő fény ellentétes oldalán.

Az alany arcát egyenlő felekben osztja ketté, az egyik

oldala világos, a másik pedig árnyékos.
Az arcon olyan oldalt világítja meg, amely eltávolodik a

Az arcon olyan oldalt világítja meg, amely a kamera felé

fordul, ezzel drámaibb megjelenést eredményezve.

A fényes és egyenletesen megvilágított jelenetek

hangsúlyozására szolgál, gyakran alkalmazzák
Hangulatos ésés portréfotózásban.
drámai légkört hoz létre erős
Az alany mögé és mély árnyékokkal.
helyezett fényforrás, ami sötét alakot
eredményez a világos háttér
A Rembrandt fényben az alany előtt.
szemének alatt keletkező
háromszög alakú fényfolt.
Erős kontrasztokat alkalmaz a világos és sötét területek
hogymélység- és tértudatot
keresztszerű árnyékothozzon
létre az
Egy fényformáló eszköz, amely szétszórja és puhítja a
A fénythogy kellemesebb
visszaveri hatást érjen
vagy szétszórja, el.
szélesebb és puhább
megvilágítást biztosítva.
Egy sekély, kerek fényformáló, amely lágy, de kissé
kontrasztosabb fényt eredményez.
objektívét, glória-szerű hatást hozva létre és csökkentve
az árnyékokat.
koncentrált megvilágítást konkrét területeken vagy
A fényforráshoz rögzíthető, hogy ellenőrizze a fény
elterjedését és megakadályozza
Állítható szelepek, a kifolyást. rögzítenek,
amelyeket a fényforráshoz
hogy irányítsák és formálják a fény sugarát.
elé helyeznek, hogy mintás vagy textúrált fényhatásokat
használnak, csökkentve a kemény árnyékokat
és egyenletesebb megvilágítást
formálására használnak azáltal, eredményezve.
hogy árnyékot vet vagy
határoló pontokat hoz létre.
Egy felület vagy tárgy, amely visszaveri a fényt, átirányítva
és fokozva hogy
helyeznek, az alany megvilágítását.
hozzáadják vagy megváltoztassák a fény
Utánozza a tűz meleg, pislákoló fényét, természetes és
ködöt vagy hangulatot adva a jelenethez.
homályt terjeszt, fokozva a fény sugarainak
felvétel, amely dinamikus és átfogó kamera mozgásokat
tesz lehetővé.
(dolly), hogy sima követő vagy toló-/húzómozgású
sima és stabilkészítsenek.
felvételeket rögzítsenek járás vagy mozgás
nagy területek megvilágítására vagy átfogó fény
A jelenetbenlétrehozására használnak.
látható világítási források, például lámpák
vagy gyakorlati világítótestek.
Technique - English Technique - Hungarian

Classic Headshot Klasszikus portré

Profile Shot Profil fotó
Three-Quarter View Háromnegyedes fotó
Full-Length Shot Teljes alakos fotó
Sitting Pose Ülő póz
Standing Pose Álló póz
Leaning Pose Dőléses póz
Crossed Arms Keresztezett karok
Hand-on-Hip Kéz az oldalán
Back-to-Camera Háttal a kamerának
Over-the-Shoulder Váll fölötti
Looking Away Eltérített tekintet
Candid Shot Spontán felvétel
Walking Pose Séta póz
Hand in Pocket Kéz a zsebben
Sitting on the Edge Az élre ülve
High Angle Shot Magas szögű felvétel
Low Angle Shot Alacsony szögű felvétel
Description - English
A straightforward close-up of the subject's face,
The theirface
subject's expressions
is turned and features.
to the side, highlighting
the contours
The subject'sand
is turned at a slight angle,
The subject is capturedand
both the front fromside
to toe,
showcasing their entire body.
The subject is seated, creating a relaxed and
casual atmosphere.
The subject is standing upright, exuding confidence
and poise.
The subject leans against a prop or surface, adding
Thesense of ease
subject and their
crosses style.arms, conveying a sense
The self-assurance.
subject places one hand on their hip,
The subjectconfidence
faces awayand frompoise.
the camera, creating
intrigue and mystery.
The subject looks over their shoulder towards the
The subjectcreating
a directioncomposition.
away from the
Capturing the subject in a natural mood.
evoking a contemplative and unposed
moment, often candid and relaxed.
The subject is captured mid-stride, adding
The subjectand dynamism
places to thehands
one or both photograph.
in their
The subject sits on the edge of a surface vibe.
conveying a casual and relaxed or prop,
creating a sense
emphasizing theiroffeatures
and creating a flattering
The camera is positioned below the subject,
making them appear more dominant and powerful.
Description - Hungarian
Egyenesen az alany arcáról készült közeli felvétel, rögzítve
az arc
Az kifejezéseit
alany és jellegzetességeit.
arcát oldalra fordítják, kiemelve az arc kontúrjait és
Az alany arcát enyhén szögben fordítják, megmutatva mind
az elülső, mind az oldalsó profilját.
Az alanyt a fejtől a lábig rögzítik, bemutatva az egész testét.
Az alany ülve van, kellemes és lezser hangulatot teremtve.
Az alany
Az alany támaszkodik
egyenesen áll,egyönbizalmat
kellékhezés méltóságot
vagy sugallva.
felülethez, lazítást
és stílust sugározva.
Az alany
Az alany egyik
kezétaakarjait, önbizalmat
csípőjére sugallva.
teszi, kifejezve az
önbizalmat és méltóságot.
Az alany háttal fordul a kamerához, kíváncsiságot és
Az alany válla teremtve.
fölött néz a kamera felé, izgalmas
Az alany a kamera létre.
hozva irányába ellentétes irányba néz,
Az alany rögzítése egyidézve
hangulatot elő.
természetes és nem megkomponált
pillanatban, gyakran spontán és lazán.
Az alanyt közvetlenül a lépések között rögzítik, mozgást és
dinamizmust advavagy
Az alany az egyik a fotónak.
mindkét kezét zsebbe teszi, laza és
nyugodt hangulatot közvetítve.
Az alany az egyik szélen ül egy felületen vagy kelléken,
A kameraésazvárakozást teremtve.
alany fölé kerül, kiemelve az arcjegyeit és
A kamera hatást létrehozva.
az alany alá kerül, hogy dominánsabbá és
erőteljesebbé váljon.
Architectural Style (English) Architectural Style (Hungarian)

Art Deco Art deco

Baroque Barokk
Bauhaus Bauhaus
Beaux-Arts Beaux-Arts
Brutalism Brutalizmus
Byzantine Bizánci
Churrigueresque Churrigueresque
Classical Revival Klasszikus reneszánsz
Colonial Gyarmati
Constructivism Konstruktivizmus
Deconstructivism Dekonstruktivizmus
Egyptian Revival Egyiptomi reneszánsz
Expressionism Expresszionizmus
Gothic Gótikus
Greek Revival Görög reneszánsz
International Style Nemzetközi stílus
Islamic Iszlám
Italianate Olaszos
Japanese Japán
Moorish Mór
Neoclassical Neoklasszikus
Organic Organikus
Palladian Palladianus
Postmodern Posztmodern
Renaissance Reneszánsz
Rococo Rococo
Romanesque Román
Russian Revival Orosz újjáélesztés
Spanish Colonial Spanyol gyarmati
Tudor Tudor
Victorian Viktóriánus
American Craftsman Amerikai Craftsman
Art Nouveau Szecesszió
Cape Cod Cape Cod
Catalan Modernism Katalán modernizmus
Chicago School Chicago School
Châteauesque Châteauesque
Collegiate Gothic Főiskolai gótika
Dutch Colonial Revival Holland gyarmati reneszánsz
Egyptian Revival Egyiptomi reneszánsz
Elizabethan Erzsébet-kori
Empire Empire
Georgian Georgian
German Expressionism Német expresszionizmus
Gothic Revival Gótikus reneszánsz
Greek Revival Görög reneszánsz
High-Tech High-Tech
Indian Mughal Indiai mughal
International Gothic Nemzetközi gótika
Italian Renaissance Olasz reneszánsz
Jacobean Jakobinus
Metabolist Metabolista
Mexican Baroque Mexikói barokk
Mission Revival Missziós újjáélesztés
Modern Modern
Moroccan Marokkói
Neoclassical Neoklasszikus
Norman Norman
Organic Organikus
Ottoman Oszmán
Pueblo Revival Pueblo újjáélesztés
Queen Anne Queen Anne
Shingle Style Shingle stílus
Spanish Revival Spanyol újjáélesztés
Streamline Moderne Streamline Moderne
Swiss Chalet Svájci kastély
Victorian Gothic Viktóriánus gótika
Wrightian Wright stílus
Description (English)
A style characterized by sleek lines, geometric
shapes, and ornamental
A style known details. ornamentation,
for its elaborate
dramatic proportions,
An influential modernistandmovement
curved lines.
A neoclassicalfunctional, minimalistbydesigns.
style characterized grandeur,
symmetry, and ornamental details.
An architectural style emphasizing exposed
concrete, raw by
characterized materials,
domes, and bold forms.
mosaics, and rich
extravagant ornamentation and elaborate
A revival ofelements.
classical architectural elements
inspired by ancient Greece and traditions
A style reflecting architectural Rome. of
colonial powers, oftenfunctionalism,
A style emphasizing blending localgeometric
shapes, and industrial by
A style characterized materials.
fragmented, distorted
forms and a sense of unpredictability.
A revival of ancient Egyptian architectural
motifs, often seen
psychological in the 19th
expression century.
through distorted
A style characterized by pointed arches, ribbed
vaults, andpopular
elements, elaborate ornamentation.
during the 18th and 19th
A modernist architectural style characterized by
featuring intricate simplicity,
geometric andpatterns
glass facades.
ornamental details.
architecture, characterized by symmetry and
architecture, elements.
characterized by simplicity and
harmony with
Iberian Peninsula, nature.
characterized by intricate
A style inspired by arches.
and classical Greek and Roman
architecture, emphasizing
A style characterized by flowing, simplicity and order.
forms thatcharacterized
Palladio, mimic natural byshapes and structures.
symmetry and
classical elements.
embracing eclectic influences, characterized by
irony and playfulness.
aesthetics and proportions, prevalent during the
A style knowncenturies.
and 16th for its ornate decoration, pastel
colors, and asymmetrical
arches, and small windows, forms.
prevalent during the
11th and 12th centuries.
elements, often featuring onion domes and
vibrant colors.
architectural traditions in the Americas,
characterized steep
construction, by courtyards
roofs, andand arcades.
chimney stacks.
Victoria, characterized by ornate details and
eclectic influences.
A style emphasizing handcrafted details, natural
materials, and a connection
A style characterized to nature.
by organic forms, floral
motifs, and flowing lines.
a symmetrical façade, central chimney, and
shingle innovative designs and ornate
A style known elements.
for its steel-frame construction,
large windows, and functional
châteaux, characterized by steepdesign.
roofs, turrets,
and ornamental details.
pointed arches, stained glass windows, and
tower-like structures.
characterized by gambrel roofs, flared eaves,
and symmetrical
architecture, facades. by pyramid-like
forms andI,hieroglyphic
Elizabeth characterized motifs.
by timber framing,
gabled roofs, and ornate details.
characterized by symmetrical facades, grand
characterizedandby classical motifs.designs, sash
windows, and classical
abstract forms, prevalentdetails.
in early 20th-century
by pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and medieval-
inspired details.
characterized by columns, pediments, and
classical motifs.
A style emphasizing technological elements,
exposed structures, and
India, characterized industrialcarvings,
by intricate aesthetics.
domes, and arches.
15th centuries, characterized by delicate tracery
and ornate decorations.
in Italy, characterized by harmonious
I, characterizedand byclassical motifs.
intricate woodwork, steep
roofs, and ornate details.
structures inspired by organic growth and urban
indigenous Mexican elements, characterized by
ornate details
California, and vibrantby
characterized colors.
adobe construction
and arched corridors.
A style characterized by simplicity, clean lines,
and a focus on
architecture, functionalitybyand
characterized efficiency.
vibrant colors,
intricate patterns, and courtyards.
architecture, characterized by grandeur,
characterized andbyclassical
stone construction,
round arches, and fortress-like
organic shapes, sustainable materials, features.and
harmony with the environment.
characterized by domes, arches, and intricate tile
characterized by adobe construction, flat roofs,
and earthy
A style tones.
characterized by asymmetry, decorative
details, and a variety of
irregular rooflines, and large architectural
popular in
late 19th-century America.
characterized by stucco walls, tiled roofs, and
arched doorways.
industrial materials, characterized by smooth
curves and sleek
characterized lines. wooden beams,
by exposed
decorative trim, and
characterized by pointed overhanging eaves.details,
arches, ornate
characterized by organic
integration, open spaces, and natural materials.
Description (Hungarian)
Egy stílus, amelyet letisztult vonalak, geometriai formák és díszes
Egy stílus,jellemzőek.
amelyet bonyolult díszítés, drámai arányok és ívelt vonalak
Egy befolyásos modernista mozgalom, amely a funkcionális,
minimalista tervezést
Egy neoklasszikus hangsúlyozza.
stílus, amelyet pompával, szimmetriával és díszes
részletekkel jellemeznek.
Egy építészeti stílus, amely kiemeli a kiálló betont, nyers anyagokat és
merész formákat.
Kelet-Római Birodalom hatásától inspirált stílus, amelyet kupolák,
mozaikok és gazdag
Egy spanyol barokk stílus, díszítésamelyet
az extravagáns díszítés és a
bonyolult dekoratív elemek jellemznek.
Az ókori Görögország és Róma ihlette klasszikus építészeti elemek
Az európai gyarmati hatalmak építészeti hagyományait tükröző stílus,
Egy stílus,keverve
amelyaahelyi hatásokkal.
funkcionális tervezést, a geometriai formákat és az
ipari anyagokat hangsúlyozza.
Egy stílus, amelyet töredezett, torzított formák és a kiszámíthatatlanság
Az ókorijellemzi.
egyiptomi építészeti motívumok újjáélesztése, amely gyakran
látható a 19.
Egy stílus, amelyszázadban.
az érzelmi és pszichológiai kifejezést torzított
formákon keresztül
Egy stílus, amelyet hegyes hangsúlyozza.
boltívek, bordázott boltozatok és bonyolult
Az jellemznek.
ókori görög építészeti elemek újjáélesztése, amely a 18. és 19.
Egy volt divatos.
modernista építészeti stílus, amelyet a funkcionális tervezés, az
Az iszlám építészetüvegfelületek
és az jellemznek.
hatásától inspirált stílus, melyet bonyolult
Az olasz reneszánsz építészet által inspiráltjellemzenek.
mintázatok és díszes részletek stílus, melyet a szimmetria
és díszítőelemek jellemzenek.
A hagyományos japán építészetet tükröző stílus, amelyet a szerénység
természettel való harmóniaaz iszlám jellemzi.
építészettől inspirált stílus, amelyet
bonyolult díszítés és ívek jellemzenek.
Az ókori görög és római építészet által inspirált stílus, amely az
Egy stílus, amelyet és a rendet hangsúlyozza.
folyékony, görbült formák jellemzik, melyek
utánozzák a természetes formákat
Andrea Palladio tervei által inspirált és stílus,
amelyet a szimmetria és a
klasszikus elemek jellemzenek.
Egy stílus, amely elutasítja a modernista ideálokat és keveri a
Egy stílus, hatásokat, jellemezve
amely a klasszikus az iróniát
esztétikát és és játékosságot.
arányokat újjáéleszti,
gyakori volt a 15. és 16. században.
Egy stílus, amelyet gazdag díszítés, pasztellszínűek és aszimmetrikus
formák jellemzőek.
Egy stílus, amelyet vastag falak, körívek és kis ablakok jellemzenek,
gyakori volt a 11. és 12.építészeti
Az orosz hagyományos században. elemek újjáélesztése, amely gyakran
hagymakupolákat és élénk színeket
keveri az amerikai kontinensen, melyet mutat.udvarok és arkádok
Egy stílus, amelyet félfa építészet, meredek tetők és díszes kémények
Egy stílus, amely a Viktória királynő uralkodása idején volt gyakori,
gazdag részletekkel
Egy stílus, és különböző
amely a kézműves hatásokkal
részletekre, jellemzett.
természetes anyagokra és a
természettel való kapcsolatra helyezi a hangsúlyt.
Egy stílus, amelyet organikus formák, virágos motívumok és folyékony
vonalak jellemzenek.
Az Új-Anglia területéről származó stílus, melyet szimmetrikus
homlokzat, központi kémény és fagerendás
Egy Katalóniában, Spanyolországban népszerűburkolat
amelyet innovatív
tervezések és díszes dekoratív elemek jellemzenek.
Egy stílus, amelyet acélvázas építészet, nagyméretű ablakok és
funkcionális tervezés kastélyok
A francia reneszánsz jellemzenek.által inspirált stílus, amelyet meredek
tetők, tornyok és díszes részletek
Egy főiskolai kampuszokon népszerű jellemzenek.
stílus, melyet hegyes ívek, színes
üvegablakok és toronyszerű szerkezetek jellemzenek.
A holland gyarmati építészet újjáéledése, amelyet csuklós tetők, kiemelt
oromzatok és szimmetrikus
Az ókori egyiptomi építészethomlokzatok
által inspiráltjellemzenek.
stílus, amelyet piramisszerű
formák és hieroglifikus motívumok jellemzenek.
fagerendázott szerkezetekkel, vakolt oromzatokkal és gazdag
homlokzatok, pompás bejáratok és klasszikus motívumok
Egy stílus, amely a georgiai időszakban volt népszerű, szimmetrikus
amely a 20.ésszázad
volt népszerű jellemzett.
A gótikus építészet újjáélesztése, amelyet hegyes ívek, bordázott
Az ókori görögés középkori
építészetihletésű részletek
újjáélesztése, jellemzenek.
amelyet oszlopok, timpanonok
és klasszikus motívumok jellemzenek.
Egy stílus, amely a technológiai elemeket, kiálló szerkezeteket és ipari
esztétikát hangsúlyozza.
Az indiai mughal építészet hatásától inspirált stílus, amelyet bonyolult
faragások, kupolák és ívek jellemzenek.
Egy a 14. és 15. században Európában népszerű stílus, amelyet finom
áttörések és gazdag díszítések
Egy a reneszánsz korban Olaszországban jellemzenek. népszerű stílus, amelyet
bonyolult arányok és klasszikus
famunkákkal, motívumok
meredek tetőkkel jellemzenek.
és díszes részletekkel
inspirálódott, és hangsúlyt helyez az alkalmazkodóképességre és
Egy stílus,szerkezetekre.
amely az európai barokkot keveri az őslakos mexikói
elemekkel, gazdag részletekkel
A spanyol missziós és élénk színekkel
építészet újjáélesztése jellemzett.
Kaliforniában, melyet agyag
építés és boltíves folyosók jellemzenek.
Egy stílus, amelyet az egyszerűség, a tiszta vonalak és a funkcionalitás
és hatékonyság iránti
A hagyományos hangsúly
marokkói jellemzenek.
építészet hatásától inspirált stílus, amelyet
élénk színek, bonyolult minták és udvarok
Az ókori görög és római építészetből inspirált jellemzenek.
stílus, amelyet nagyság,
szimmetria és klasszikus motívumok jellemzenek.
Egy Normandiában, Franciaországban népszerű stílus, amelyet masszív
A természet körívek és erődítmény-szerű
által inspirált stílus, amelyetjellegzetességek
organikus formák, jellemzenek.
fenntartható anyagokhatásától
Az oszmán építészet és a környezettel
inspirált való
amelyet jellemzenek.
kupolák, ívek és
bonyolult csempemunka jellemzenek.
A hagyományos Pueblo építészet újjáélesztése, amelyet agyag építés,
Egy stílus, és földszínek
amelyet jellemzenek.
aszimmetria, díszes részletek és különböző
építészeti elemek jellemzenek.
tornácokkal jellemzenek, amely a 19. század végi Amerikában volt
A spanyol építészeti stílusok újjáélesztése, amelyet vakolatos falak,
cserépfedések és boltíves bejáratok
A légáramlást optimalizáló tervezéstjellemzenek.
és ipari anyagokat felhasználó
A svájciamelyet
alpesi sima körvonalak
házakból és letisztult
inspirálódott stílus, vonalak
amelyet jellemzenek.
kiálló fagerendák,
díszes keretek és túlnyúló oromzatok jellemzenek.
hegyes ívekkel, gazdag részletekkel és bonyolult áttörésekkel
A Frank Lloyd Wright tervezésektől inspirált stílus, amelyet organikus
integráció, nyitott terek és természetes anyagok jellemzenek.
Stílus Neve
3D Animation
3D Modeling
3D Printing
3D Render
3D Sculpture
Abstract Art
Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Organic
Action Painting
Action Photography
Adventure Time Art Style
Advertising Campaign
Advertising Poster
African Art
Album Art Cover
Alcohol Ink Art
American Art
Anamorphic Art
Ancient Art
Ancient Egypt Papyrus
Ancient Egyptian Art
Animal Art
Animaniacs Art Style
Aquatint Print
Architectural Art
Architectural Photography
Art Deco
Art Nouveau
Arte Povera
Asian Art
Assemblage Art
Augmented Reality
Aztec Carving
Babylonian Art
Balloon Art
Ballpoint Pen
Baroque Art
Batman Beyond Art Style
Bead Art
Biomorphic Art
Blacklight Painting
Body Art
Body Painting
Book Cover
Botanical Art
Botanical Illustration
Bronze Sculpture
Bronze Statue
Bubble Wrap Painting
Byzantine Icon
Camel Bone Art
Camera Obscura
Cave Painting
Ceramic Art
Chalk and Pastel
Chalk Drawing
Charcoal Drawing
Child's Drawing
Children's Book Illustration
Chinese Art
Chinese Watercolor
Coffee Filter Art
Coffee Painting
Collage Of Magazine Cutouts
Collage Painting
Colored Pencil
Colorful Scribbles
Colorful Spikey Hair
Colouring-in Sheet
Comic Book Art
Composition Art
Conceptual Art
Courage The Cowardly Dog Art Style
Courtroom Sketch
Cowboy Bebop Art Style
Crayon Drawing
Cyberpunk Art
Danny Phantom Art Style
Darkwing Duck Art Style
De Stijl
Decorative Minoan Mural
Digital Art
Digital Painting
Digital Sculpting
Disposable Camera
Doodle Art - Playful
Double Exposure
Dragon Ball Z Art Style
Drip Painting
Dutch Art
Early Renaissance Art
Ebru (Turkish Marbling)
Editorial Fashion Photography
Editorial Illustration
Eggshell Mosaic Art
Egyptian Art
Electrostatic Painting
Encaustic Painting Enkaustische Malerei
Etching Metal
Experimental Expired Film Photo
Family Guy Art Style
Fashion Illustration
Fifth Grade Yearbook
Finger Painting
Fingerprint Art
Folded Paper Art
Folk Art
Fresco Secco
Full Body Photo
Functional Art
Futurama Art Style
Game Art
Gargoyles Art Style
Geometric Abstraction
Geometric Art
Glitch Art
Glitter and Glue
Graffiti Art
Graphic Design
Graphic Novel
Greek Art
Handprint Art
Haptic Art
Hard-edge Painting
Harsh Flash Photography
Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law Art Style
Hey Arnold! Art Style
Hong Kong Phooey Art Style
Houdini 3D Render
Ice Carving
Ice Painting
Indian Art
Ink Wash Painting
Installation Art
Instruction Manual
Interior Design
Japanese Art
Jelly Bean Art
Josie and The Pussycats Art Style
Kim Possible Art Style
Kindergartener Drawing
Kinetic Art
Kinetic Painting
King Of The Hill Art Style
Land Art
Landscape Painting
Layered Paper
Light Art
Line Art
Line Drawing
Lomography Photograph With Slow Shutter
Looney Tunes Art Style
Low Poly
Lowbrow Art
Macro 35mm Photograph
Mandala Art
Marble Statue
Mathematical Art
Matte Painting
Medieval Art
Medieval Portrait
Melted Crayon Art
Mexican Muralism
Minimalist Art
Mixed Media
Modeling Photoshoot
Modern Art
Moo Card Paintings
Mural Art
Mythological Map
Naïve Art
Negative Space
Neon Art
Neon Light Art
New Media Art
Oil Painting
One-line Drawing
Op Art
Optical Art (Op Art)
Oriental Art
Paper Cutouts
Paper Cutting
Paper Mache
Paper Quilling
Pastel Drawing
Pen and Ink
Pencil and Watercolor Drawing
Pencil Sketch
Pencil Sketching
Performance Art
Phineas and Ferb Art Style
Photoshopped Image
Pietra Dura
Pinhole Photography
Pink Panther and Pals Art Style
Pirate Map
Pixel Art
Playdough Creations
Pop Art
Portrait Art
Portrait Painting
Postmodern Art
Potato Stamp Printing
Poured Paint Art
Prehistoric Art
Press Release
Product Photography
Professional Corporate Portrait
Psychedelic Art
Puffy Paint
Real Estate Photography
Reboot Art Style
Regular Show Art Style
Renaissance Art
Reverse Glass Painting
Rick and Morty Art Style
Roman Mosaic
Rorschach-style Art
Samurai Jack Art Style
Sand Animation
Sand Art
Sand Painting
Sci-fi Art
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Art Style
Sealab 2021 Art Style
Seurat Pointillism
Shadow Art
Shadow Puppetry
Shot On iPhone
Sidewalk Chalk Art
Sigma 75mm
Silhouette Painting
Social Realism
South Park Art Style
Spanish Art
Spirograph Drawing
SpongeBob SquarePants Art Style
Stained Glass Window
Stencil Art
Stencil Painting
Sticker Art
Sticker Illustration
Still Life
Stop-motion Animation
Street Art
Street Art and Graffiti
String Art
Studio Photography
Super Friends Art Style
Tattoo Art
Tattoo Art Styles
Terracotta Warriors
Textile Art
The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron
The Archies Art Style
The Banana Splits Adventure Hour Art Style
The Flintstones Art Style
The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy Art Style
The Herculoids Art Style
The Jetsons Art Style
The Many
The Magic Adventures
School Bus Art Style The Pooh Art
Of Winnie
The New Adventures Of Batman Art Style
The New Adventures Of Superman Art Style
The Powerpuff Girls Art Style
The Ren & Stimpy Show Art Style
The Road Runner Show Art Style
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show Art Style
The Simpsons Art Style
The Smurfs Art Style
The Woody Woodpecker Show Art Style
Theatrical Press Release
Thermochromic Painting
Thunderbirds Art Style
Tiny Toon Adventures Art Style
Under Electron Microscope
Underdog Art Style
Unity3D Art
UV Painting
Vector Art
Verre Églomisé
Vexel Art
Vintage Art
Virtual Reality
Voynich Manuscript
Wall Painting
Watercolor Painting
Wet-on-Wet Oil Painting
Wire Sculpture
Wood Carving
Yarn Art
Yogi Bear Art Style
Angol Leírás
Animation created using three-dimensional computer graphics to give depth and realism to animated characters and s
The creation of three-dimensional digital models used in various industries, including animation, gaming, and archite
A modern technology that creates three-dimensional objects by adding material layer by layer based on a digital desi
A computer-generated image or animation created using 3D modeling software, often used in video games and visua
Three-dimensional art created by shaping materials such as clay, wood, or metal into a sculptural form.
Artwork that does not attempt to represent reality but instead uses shapes, colors, and forms to create a unique visual
Artwork that does not attempt to represent reality but instead uses shapes, colors, and forms to create a unique visual
An art movement characterized by spontaneous and emotional expression through abstract forms and gestural brushw
Artwork that combines abstract forms with organic shapes and patterns.
Part of Abstract Expressionism, involving splashing, dripping, or smearing paint.
Photography that captures dynamic and fast-moving subjects, often used in sports and journalism.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Adventure Time," known for its surreal and fantastical wor
A coordinated series of advertisements and promotional materials used to market products, services, or ideas.
Visual promotional materials used in advertising campaigns to convey a message or promote a product or event.
Airbrushed painting, often on non-traditional surfaces like cars or bikes
Artistic traditions and styles originating from the diverse cultures and regions of Africa, often reflecting rich cultural
A and cultural movement
technique thatcompressed
that uses combines elements of African
air to spray andaAfrican
paint onto surface,diaspora culture
often used withart,
for fine science fictionand
illustration, andauf
Artwork designed for the cover of music albums, often reflecting the theme or mood of the music.
Abstract paintings with vibrant, liquid alcohol inks
A Spanish word that translates to "joy" or "happiness," often used in the context of art to convey a sense of delight o
Artwork that reflects the culture, history, and diversity of the United States.
Distorted imagery that appears normal when viewed from a specific angle or with a special lens.
Artistic traditions and styles from ancient civilizations, often reflecting their cultural, religious, and historical context
Art and writing on papyrus, a type of paper made from the pith of the papyrus plant, used in ancient Egypt.
Artwork from ancient Egypt, known for its symbolic and religious themes, hieroglyphics, and distinctive style.
Artwork featuring animals as the central subject, often capturing their beauty and characteristics.
The art style associated with the animated TV series "Animaniacs," known for its zany and irreverent humor.
A printmaking
A style of animation and art
technique thatthat originated
uses in Japan,
acid to create tonalcharacterized
and textured by its in
areas colorful
plates,and often
often featuring
producing fantastic
rich and at
Artwork that focuses on the visual representation of architecture and buildings.
Photography that focuses on capturing architectural structures and designs.
An art and design movement from the early 20th century known for its geometric shapes, sleek lines, and luxurious a
An art and design movement characterized by organic and flowing forms, often seen in decorative arts, architecture,
Utilizing everyday or "poor" materials in art, challenging conventional standards of value and beauty in art.
A broad category encompassing the diverse and rich artistic traditions of Asia.
Three-dimensional compositions from found objects.
A technology that overlays digital content onto the real world, often experienced through smartphones or AR glasses
An early color photography process that used glass plates with a layer of colored grains to create color images.
A technique of spontaneous, automatic, or subconscious creation, often associated with Surrealist art.
The Legend Of Korra Art Style
Artwork created by the Aztec civilization, often characterized by intricate stone carvings and sculptures.
Artwork from ancient Mesopotamia, known for its cuneiform script and depictions of historical events and mytholog
A principle of design that involves arranging visual elements in a composition to create a sense of equilibrium and ha
Artwork created by shaping and twisting balloons into various forms and sculptures.
A common writing instrument used for drawing and sketching, often known for its convenience and versatility in art
An art and architectural style from the 17th century known for its grandeur, ornamentation, and dramatic compositio
An art style that flourished in the 17th century, characterized by ornate decoration, dramatic lighting, and emotional
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Batman Beyond," known for its futuristic and cyberpunk a
An influential art and design school that promoted the integration of fine arts, crafts, and technology in the early 20th
Artwork created by arranging beads into patterns or designs, often used for jewelry and decorative pieces.
Art depicting organic or natural forms, often abstracted.
Using fluorescent materials for UV light glow.
A detailed and technical drawing or plan, often used in architecture and engineering.
Artwork created on or with the human body, often involving body painting, tattoos, and performance art.
Using the human body as a canvas, often seen in performance art or cultural rituals.
Visual design and artwork used on the cover of books, often reflecting the themes or content of the book.
Depicting plants and flowers scientifically and realistically
Detailed and scientifically accurate illustrations of plants, often used for botanical reference and education.
Three-dimensional art created by casting bronze into a specific shape or design.
Three-dimensional art created by casting bronze into a specific shape or design.
Artwork created by applying paint to bubble wrap and pressing it onto a surface to create textured patterns.
Religious artwork from the Byzantine Empire, known for its stylized and spiritual representations of religious figures
The art of decorative writing, often with a focus on precise and beautiful letterforms.
An early carvings and paintings
optical device on camel
that projects bone,ofpopular
an image in Rajasthan,
the outside India
world onto a surface inside a dark room, serving as a pre
A humorous or exaggerated depiction of a person or subject, often emphasizing distinctive features and characteristic
A simplified and often humorous illustration or animated character.
The process of shaping and sculpting a material, often wood or stone, by removing parts of it to create a desired form
Ancient artworks created on the walls of caves, often depicting scenes of daily life, animals, and rituals.
The art ofcreated using
creating ceramics,
objects, often
usually in the
pottery form
and of pottery,
sculpture, fromsculptures,
clay that isand decorative
fired objects.
at high temperatures to harden and of
decorative purposes.
Computer-generated imagery, often used in filmmaking and video games to create realistic or fantastical visual effec
Artistic mediums that use colored chalk or pastel sticks to create vibrant and textured drawings or paintings.
Artwork created using chalk, often on chalkboards or sidewalks.
A fictional or recognizable figure used in storytelling, often with distinct traits and personalities.
A drawing medium created from burnt wood, often used for its expressive and smudgable qualities.
Artwork created using charcoal, known for its dramatic contrast and expressive qualities.
Using the human body as a canvas, often seen in performance art or cultural rituals.
Artwork created by children, often characterized by innocence, creativity, and imaginative subjects.
Art created for children's books to visually accompany and enhance the text.
A traditional
A diverse andpainting
rich tradition of artinfrom
technique China,
Chinese art including painting, calligraphy,
that uses watercolor pigments andceramics, and to
brushwork more.
create delicate and ex
A printing technique that uses multiple colors and stones to create colorful and detailed prints.
A stop-motion animation technique that uses clay or plasticine figures to create animated sequences.
Artwork created by applying colors or pigments to coffee filters, often resulting in unique and textured designs.
Using coffee for monochromatic sepia-toned paintings.
Artwork created by assembling and gluing various materials, such as paper, photographs, and objects, onto a surface
Artwork created by cutting and arranging images and text from magazines to form new compositions.
Integrating materials like paper, cloth, or objects.
The visual perception of different wavelengths of light, often used as a fundamental element in art and design.
A drawing and coloring medium similar to traditional pencils but with colored leads, allowing for vibrant and detaile
Artwork characterized by spontaneous and vibrant scribbles of various colors, often conveying energy and emotion.
Artwork featuring characters or subjects with vibrant and unconventional hairstyles.
A printed page with outlines and drawings intended for coloring, often used as an activity for children.
Artwork created for comic books, often characterized by dynamic poses, speech bubbles, and panel layouts.
The arrangement of visual elements in a work of art to create a unified and harmonious whole.
The underlying idea or theme that informs a work of art, design, or creative project.
Art that prioritizes the concept or idea behind the artwork over traditional aesthetics or materials.
An art movement characterized by the use of geometric forms and industrial materials, often with a political or socia
The distinctive and surreal artistic style used in the animated TV series "Courage the Cowardly Dog."
Visual representations of courtroom proceedings, often created by artists during trials when cameras are not allowed.
The artistic style associated with the anime series "Cowboy Bebop," known for its blend of jazz, noir, and space wes
A coloring medium made of wax, often used by children for drawing and coloring.
Art created using crayons, often characterized by vibrant colors and a childlike quality.
The ability to generate original ideas, concepts, or artistic expressions.
A handicraft technique that involves using a hooked needle to create fabric from yarn or thread through a series of in
An art movement that emphasizes geometric shapes, abstracted forms, and multiple perspectives in the depiction of s
A photographic printing process that produces blue-tinted images using light-sensitive chemicals.
Artwork and design related to the study of communication and control in animals, machines, and systems.
A subgenre of science fiction characterized by a dystopian future, advanced technology, and a focus on hacking and
Futuristic imagery combining neon, high technology, and dystopian themes
An avant-garde art movement known for its rejection of traditional artistic values and embrace of absurdity and chao
An avant-garde art movement characterized by its rejection of conventional norms and its embrace of chaos, absurdi
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Danny Phantom," known for its supernatural and action-pa
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Darkwing Duck," known for its superhero and comedy the
Video footage captured by a dashboard camera, often used for documenting road trips and incidents.
An art movement characterized by the use of geometric shapes, primary colors, and a focus on abstraction and simpl
Art created on a computer mimicking traditional techniques.
Elaborate and colorful wall paintings from the ancient Minoan civilization, known for its complex patterns and motif
An art
The technique
process that involves
of creating decorating
functional surfaces with
and aesthetically cut-out
pleasing paper spaces,
objects, images,oroften sealedoften
systems, withinvolving
varnish orprinciples
glue. o
A focus on intricacy and precision in art, often involving meticulous rendering of fine elements.
A visual representation that explains or clarifies a concept, process, or structure through simplified drawings or symb
A retro-futuristic art style that draws inspiration from the diesel-powered technology and aesthetics of the early 20th
Art created using digital tools and techniques, often with the use of software and digital drawing tablets.
Artwork created using digital tools and software to mimic traditional painting techniques.
The creation of three-dimensional digital sculptures using software tools, often used in animation and gaming.
A type of camera that uses film and is designed for one-time use, often associated with candid and spontaneous photo
Playful, sketchy
Spontaneous anddrawings often withdrawings
often unconscious repeatingorpatterns andmade
scribbles designs
while a person's attention is otherwise occupied, ofte
of creative expression.
A photography technique that combines two or more images into a single frame, often creating surreal and layered co
The distinctive artistic style associated with the anime and manga series "Dragon Ball Z."
The act of creating images or designs on a surface using pencils, charcoal, ink, or other drawing tools.
Allowing paint to freely drip and splash onto the canvas
Artistic traditions and movements originating from the Netherlands, known for its contributions to painting and desig
Artwork from the early period of the Renaissance, known for its revival of classical aesthetics and perspective.
Patterns created with colored inks on water, then transferred to paper.
Photography that focuses on capturing fashion and clothing in a creative and editorial style.
Artwork created to accompany editorial content, often seen in magazines, newspapers, and online publications.
Mosaics made from colorful dyed eggshell pieces
Artwork from ancient Egypt, known for its iconic imagery, hieroglyphics, and focus on religious and funerary theme
Applying paint with an electrostatic charge.
A decorative craft that involves stitching thread or yarn onto fabric to create intricate patterns or designs.
Ancient technique mixing pigments with hot wax. Alte Technik, bei der Pigmente mit heißem Wachs gemischt werd
A printmaking technique that involves cutting or incising a design onto a hard surface, often used for detailed illustra
A printmaking technique that involves creating designs on a metal plate, often using acid to etch lines and textures.
Using acid or corrosive liquid to etch an image into metal
Photography using expired or unconventional film stock, often resulting in unpredictable and unique images.
An art movement characterized by the emotional and subjective portrayal of subjects, often with distorted forms and
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Family Guy," known for its satirical humor and diverse cha
Art that depicts imaginary and fantastical subjects, often featuring mythical creatures and magical settings.
Artwork that showcases clothing and accessories, often used in the fashion industry for design and promotion.
An early 20th-century art movement known for its bold and vibrant use of color, often with distorted and non-represe
Artwork and design often associated with yearbooks created for fifth-grade students, reflecting their experiences and
A technique where paint is applied directly to a surface using the fingers, often associated with children's art.
Art created by using fingerprints as the primary medium to form images or designs.
Artwork created by folding and manipulating paper to create three-dimensional forms and designs.
Art created by individuals outside of the traditional art world, often reflecting cultural and regional influences.
A mathematical concept and art form that uses recursive patterns to create intricate and self-similar designs.
A mural painting technique that involves applying pigments to wet plaster, resulting in a durable and long-lasting art
Painting on dry plaster for different textural effects.
A photograph that captures the entire body of a subject, often used for portraits or fashion photography.
Using smoke from a candle or lamp to create images.
Artwork that serves a functional purpose beyond aesthetics, often found in furniture and product design.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Futurama," known for its sci-fi and satirical themes.
An early 20th-century art movement characterized by its focus on technology, speed, and the dynamic energy of mod
Artwork created for video games, including character design, environment design, and concept art.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Gargoyles," known for its dark and mythological themes.
Artwork that emphasizes geometric shapes, lines, and patterns to create precise and structured compositions.
Abstract compositions based on geometric forms
Artwork that emphasizes geometric shapes, lines, and patterns to create precise and structured compositions.
Integrating digital or analog errors in paintings.
An art and internet aesthetic that celebrates digital glitches, errors, and distortions.
Art created by applying glitter to a surface using glue, often used for decorative purposes.
An style characterized
architectural and artistic by detailed
style brushwork
that originated in and highlyEurope,
medieval controlled technique
known for its pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and
Artwork created by spray-painting or tagging public spaces, often used for self-expression and social commentary.
Artwork created by spray-painting or tagging public spaces, often used for self-expression and social commentary.
The practice of creating visual content, often for advertising, branding, and communication purposes.
A format of storytelling that combines visual art with narrative, often used for comics and longer-form stories.
Artwork that uses shades of gray, often for a monochromatic effect.
Artistic traditions and styles originating from ancient Greece, known for its contributions to sculpture, architecture, a
Painting in gray monochrome to represent objects in relief.
Japanese fish printing, originally a record-keeping method.
Artwork created by drawing directly by hand, often emphasizing the artist's personal touch and skill.
Artwork created by applying paint to the hand and transferring it onto a surface, often used in children's crafts.
Art that is more about the sense of touch than sight, often with textured surfaces that invite physical interaction.
Characterized by large, simplified, geometric forms with clean and sharp edges.
The that associated
artistic style uses strongwith
direct lighting,
animated TVoften creating
series "Harveybold contrasts
Birdman, and shadows.
Attorney at Law," known for its parody o
Barbera characters.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Hey Arnold!," known for its urban and diverse character d
A system of writing used in ancient Egypt consisting of pictorial symbols and characters.
A technique used in art and design to draw attention to specific elements or areas within a composition.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Hong Kong Phooey," known for its martial arts and humor
Artwork created using the Houdini software for 3D rendering and animation.
Paintings resembling high-resolution photos with surreal elements.
The art of sculpting intricate and detailed forms from blocks of ice, often used for decorative and functional purposes
Using colored ice cubes for painting.
Visual artwork created to complement or convey a story, idea, or concept.
A professional artist or designer who creates illustrations for various media and purposes.
Thick paint application with visible brush or knife strokes.
An art movement characterized by the use of loose brushwork and an emphasis on capturing the fleeting effects of li
A 19th-century art movement characterized by the use of loose brushwork and an emphasis on capturing the effects o
The diverse art traditions of India, including classical, folk, and contemporary styles.
A medium used for drawing and writing, often made from pigments suspended in a liquid base.
East Asian style using black ink tones, often for landscapes.
Artwork created as an immersive environment or experience, often involving the viewer's participation.
A document that provides guidance and instructions on how to assemble, use, or operate a product or system.
The art and science of designing and decorating interior spaces, often incorporating elements of furniture, color, and
A diverse and rich tradition of art that includes various styles such as ukiyo-e, calligraphy, and ceramics.
Artwork created by arranging colorful jelly beans to form images or designs.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Josie and the Pussycats," known for its music and fashion-
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Kim Possible."
Art created in a style reminiscent of drawings by young children, often characterized by simplicity and innocence.
Artwork that includes moving or dynamic elements, often activated by wind, motors, or other mechanisms.
The artisticwith motion
style elements,
associated with often mechanical.
the animated TV series "King of the Hill," known for its realistic and down-to-earth
An art form that combines paper cutting and origami to create intricate and three-dimensional paper structures.
Art or objects that are considered in poor taste or overly sentimental, often characterized by their superficial or comm
A craft technique that involves creating textiles by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
Artwork created using natural materials and landscapes as a canvas, often located outdoors and subject to natural pro
Artwork that depicts natural landscapes, often capturing the beauty of the outdoors.
Artwork created by layering and collaging pieces of paper to create depth and texture.
Utilizing light sources and technology as artistic media
The use of light and shadow to create mood, atmosphere, and emphasis in visual art and photography.
Artwork composed primarily of lines, often with minimal or no shading or color.
Artwork created primarily using lines to depict subjects, often with a focus on simplicity and clarity.
A printing
A printmaking technique
technique that where anusing
involves imagea isflat
carved intotypically
surface, a block of linoleum
a stone and then
or metal plate,printed onto
to create paper.or text throug
chemical reactions between ink and the surface.
A photographic movement that celebrates analog and experimental photography using Lomography cameras, often p
and artistic images.
Photography that uses a slow shutter speed to capture extended moments of time, often creating blur or light trails.
The distinctive and whimsical artistic style associated with the animated Looney Tunes cartoon characters.
A 3D modeling style that uses a limited number of polygons to create a simplified and stylized representation of obje
A contemporary art movement known for its subversive and often humorous take on pop culture and kitsch.
A style emphasizing tranquility and light effects in landscapes.
An Italian style similar to Impressionism, emphasizing light and shadow.
A textile art form that involves knotting and tying cords to create patterns and designs.
Close-up photography using a 35mm camera to capture intricate details and textures.
Creating intricate, often symmetrical designs with spiritual significance.
A style of comics and graphic novels originating from Japan, often featuring distinct character design and storytellin
An art style that emerged in the late Renaissance, characterized by elongated proportions, artificial poses, and compl
Handwritten or hand-illuminated books and documents, often of historical or cultural significance.
Sculptures carved from marble, known for their classical and timeless beauty.
A drawing and coloring tool often used in illustration and design, available in various colors and styles.
Artwork that incorporates mathematical concepts and patterns into its design and composition.
Digital painted backdrops for movies and video games
Artistic traditions and styles from the medieval period, often reflecting religious themes and a focus on symbolism.
Portraits created during the medieval period, often depicting royalty and religious figures.
Artwork created by melting crayons onto a surface to create colorful and drippy designs.
A Mexican art movement that uses large-scale mural paintings to convey cultural and social messages.
Focusing on simplicity and purity of form and color, often using limited color palettes and basic geometric shapes.
A style that emphasizes simplicity and minimal elements in art, design, and lifestyle.
Artwork characterized by simplicity, minimal elements, and a focus on essential forms and concepts.
Artwork created by combining different materials and techniques, often resulting in layered and textured composition
A photography session focused on capturing images of models, often for fashion or advertising purposes.
Artwork created from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century, characterized by innovation, abstraction, and exp
Artwork created using a single color or limited color palette, often emphasizing tone and contrast.
Artwork created using a single color or limited color palette, often emphasizing tone and contrast.
Creating one-of-a-kind printed images by hand manipulation
Miniature paintings on business card sized cow leather
An art form that involves creating images or designs by arranging small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other mater
A photographic portrait taken after a person's arrest, typically used for identification purposes.
Large-scale artwork painted directly onto walls or surfaces, often used to convey cultural or social messages.
Large-scale paintings done on walls, often public, and incorporating social and political messages.
Maps featuring mythological creatures, places, and stories, often used for decorative and educational purposes.
A style of art characterized by its simplicity and lack of formal artistic training, often associated with childlike or pri
An empty or unoccupied
movement areas
that builds on in a work of art that
Impressionism, usingsurround the or
small dots main subjects
strokes or objects.
of pure color to create vibrant and harmo
An art movement that draws inspiration from classical Greek and Roman art and architecture.
Art that incorporates neon lighting elements to create vibrant and colorful displays.
Bending and shaping neon tubing into vibrant, glowing sculptures
Art created using digital technology and multimedia elements, often exploring the intersection of art and technology.
A painting technique that uses pigments mixed with oil, typically linseed oil, to create rich and vibrant artworks.
Artwork created with a continuous, unbroken line, often resulting in simplified and expressive forms.
An art movement that uses optical illusions, geometric shapes, and patterns to create visual effects.
Using optical illusions in paintings.
Artistic traditions and styles from East Asia, often characterized by calligraphy, ink painting, and traditional motifs.
The Japanese art of paper folding, creating intricate and often geometric sculptures from a single sheet of paper.
A style related to Cubism but focusing on pure abstraction and bright colors, inspired by the works of artists like Rob
The act of applying pigment to a surface to create images, often using various painting techniques and materials.
Artwork created by cutting shapes or designs from paper and arranging them into compositions.
Artwork created by cutting intricate designs or patterns from paper.
A crafting technique that involves creating objects by layering paper strips with an adhesive.
An art form that involves rolling and shaping strips of paper into intricate designs and patterns.
An art form that involves cutting intricate designs or patterns from paper.
Artwork created using soft and muted pastel colors, often producing delicate and dreamlike compositions.
Repeated and decorative designs or motifs that create visual interest and can be found in various art forms.
A drawing technique that uses ink applied with a pen or similar writing instrument.
A common drawing tool made of wood or other materials, often used for sketching and shading.
Artwork created using both pencil and watercolor techniques, often resulting in delicate and detailed images.
A preliminary drawing or representation created using pencils, often capturing the essence of a subject.
Drawing technique that uses graphite pencils to create sketches with varying levels of shading and detail.
Artwork that involves live, often interactive, performances by the artist, often blurring the line between art and life.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Phineas and Ferb," known for its humor and creative inven
A digital painting technique blending photographs into digital art.
A visual representation of a subject captured using a camera, often printed on paper or displayed digitally.
An art movement that aims to create paintings or drawings that closely resemble high-resolution photographs.
An image that has been edited or manipulated using Adobe Photoshop or similar software.
A of semi-precious
photographic techniquestones
usesa astone
hole to capture images on light-sensitive material, creating unique and eth
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Pink Panther and Pals," known for its comedic and animate
Illustrated maps that often accompany pirate stories and legends, featuring hidden treasure locations.
Digital illustrations created pixel-by-pixel
Artwork created by shaping and molding colorful playdough into various forms and figures.
A painting technique that uses small, distinct dots of color to create an image when viewed from a distance.
A type of instant camera and photograph that develops within minutes of being taken.
An art movement that celebrates popular culture and consumerism, often using bold colors and iconic imagery.
Artwork that focuses on capturing the likeness and personality of a specific individual or subject.
Artwork that focuses on capturing the likeness and personality of an individual through painting.
Art that depicts the aftermath of a catastrophic event, often showing a world in decay or transformation.
An art movement
Artistic movements that
and followed Impressionism
styles that emerged in theandlate
emphasized the use
20th century, of color
often and formbytoaconvey
characterized emotion
rejection and mea
of traditional a
a focus on individual expression.
A printmaking technique that involves carving designs onto a potato and using it as a stamp to create printed patterns
Pouring fluid paints to blend and form abstract shapes.
Artwork created by early human societies, often found in caves and depicting animals, humans, and rituals.
A written or visual communication issued by organizations to provide information to the media and the public.
A technique involving creating multiple copies of an image or design through processes like etching, woodcut, or scr
Photography focused on capturing products for advertising and marketing purposes.
A formal and professional portrait photograph often used for corporate profiles and marketing materials.
Surreal, optic, bold imagery associated with 60's counterculture
A type of three-dimensional fabric paint that creates raised and textured designs on textiles.
A textile images
art formwith
whererolled, shaped,
layers andare
of fabric glued paper.
stitched together to create a padded, decorative design often used in blan
A digital image composed of pixels or dots, often used in computer graphics and photography.
Photography focused on capturing images of properties, often used for marketing real estate listings.
An art movement that aims to represent subjects and objects with a high degree of accuracy and detail.
Art inspired by or referencing the visual style of a rebooted or reimagined version of a franchise or series.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Regular Show," known for its surreal and comedic visuals.
A period in European history known for its cultural revival and advancements in art, science, and philosophy.
Artwork from the Renaissance period, known for its emphasis on realism, humanism, and classical themes.
A style that draws inspiration from the past, often reflecting the aesthetics of a specific era or decade.
Painting on glass and viewing from the opposite side.
An artisticand
style associated
elaborate withdesign
art and the animated TVflourished
style that series "Rick and18th
in the Morty," known
century, for its
known fordark humor and
its intricate surreal vis
decorations an
Mosaic artwork created by the ancient Romans, often featuring intricate patterns and scenes.
An art movement characterized by a focus on emotion, nature, and the sublime, often featuring dramatic and imagina
Symmetrical images inspired by the Rorschach inkblot test.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Samurai Jack," known for its action-packed and cinematic
Creating images with sand on a lightbox or tabletop.
Artwork created by arranging colored sand to form intricate and temporary designs.
Colored sand applied by hand to create temporary designs
Artwork that explores futuristic and science fiction themes, often depicting advanced technology and otherworldly se
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!," known for its mystery-sol
Scratching off dark ink to reveal a white or colored layer.
Three-dimensional art created by shaping or carving materials such as stone, wood, metal, or clay.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Sealab 2021," known for its satirical and absurd humor.
A painting
A self-portrait photograph
technique taken with
associated by oneself,
Georgesoften shared
Seurat, on small,
using social distinct
media. dots of color to create images with a sense
A technique blending colors subtly for a smoky effect.
Scratching through paint or plaster to reveal an underlying layer.
The use of various techniques to create the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality in a drawing or painting.
Arranging objects for distinct shadow images.
A traditional form of storytelling and entertainment using cut-out figures and shadows cast on a screen or wall.
A marketing term used by Apple to showcase the quality of photographs taken with their iPhone camera.
Artwork created on sidewalks or pavement using colored chalk, often temporary and ephemeral.
A specific camera lens with a focal length of 75mm, often used for photography and videography.
Creating images by painting in solid black against a lighter background, focusing on outlines and forms.
A preliminary drawing or rough representation of an idea or subject.
A personal notebook used by artists for sketching, doodling, and experimenting with ideas and compositions.
A design approach that incorporates real-world elements into digital interfaces to create familiarity.
An art movement that focuses on portraying the harsh realities of society, often with a social or political message.
The distinctive and intentionally crude art style used in the animated TV series "South Park."
Artistic traditions and movements originating from Spain, reflecting its rich cultural heritage.
Art created using a Spirograph, a geometric drawing toy that produces intricate and repetitive patterns.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "SpongeBob SquarePants," known for its colorful and whim
A subgenrecreated by assembling
of science fiction andcolored
stylepieces into a window
that combines or panel,aesthetics
Victorian-era often found
religious and architectura
A created by cutting
where or spraying
a design paintbythrough
is created cuttingaout
stencil onto in
a pattern a surface,
a stenciloften usedapplying
and then for streetpaint
art and urbanthe
through expressio
Artwork created using adhesive stickers, often placed in public spaces as a form of street art.
Illustrations created as adhesive stickers, often used for decoration or personal expression.
A genre of art that focuses on inanimate objects, often arranged in a composition to explore aesthetics, symbolism, o
Creating images with small dots of color or ink, similar to pointillism but often used in pen and ink drawings.
A filmmaking
Visual planningtechnique
for films,that involves moving
animations, and otherand photographing
visual media, often physical objects
consisting frame byorframe
of sketches drawingsto create animatio
that outline sc
A book with illustrations and narrative content, often aimed at children.
Artwork created in public spaces, often with a focus on social and political commentary.
Art in public spaces, often vibrant and graphic.
Artwork created by arranging strings or threads on a surface to form intricate patterns and designs.
Photography conducted in a controlled studio environment, often used for professional portraits and product photogr
A traditional Japanese marbling technique that involves floating ink on water and transferring it to paper.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Super Friends," known for its superhero team and action-o
An art
An abstract art movement
movement founded
characterized by Kazimirand
by dreamlike Malevich,
imagery thatby geometricconventional
challenges shapes and areality
focus and
on pure abs
subconscious mind.
An art movement that uses symbols and allegorical elements to convey deeper meanings and emotions.
A retro-futuristic music and art movement that draws inspiration from 1980s pop culture, featuring a distinctive visu
Permanent body art created by injecting ink into the skin, often with symbolic or decorative designs.
Artwork designed to be tattooed onto the skin, often reflecting personal meanings and aesthetics.
Traditional, new school, neo-traditional, tribal, dotwork, blackwork, etc
Life-sized clay sculptures of soldiers and horses buried with China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang.
Artwork created using textiles, such as fabric, yarn, and thread, often involving techniques like weaving, knitting, an
The physical surface quality of an artwork, often created through various materials and techniques.
Boy Genius Art Style
The artistic
The artistic style
style associated
associated with
with the
the animated
comic book TVseries
"TheArchies," knownAdventure
Banana Splits for its musical
Hour,"and teen-oriented
known them
for its colorfu
The artistic
The artistic style
style associated
associated with
with the
the animated
animated TV TV series
series "The
"The Grim
Flintstones," known
Adventures of for its&prehistoric
Billy and humorous
Mandy," known for its dad
supernatural themes.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "The Herculoids," known for its sci-fi and adventure themes
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "The Jetsons," known for its futuristic and space-age design
The artistic
The artistic style
style associated
associated with
with the
the animated
animated film
TV series "The Magic
"The Many SchoolofBus,"
Adventures Winnieknown for its educational
the Pooh," known for its and adv
The artisticaesthetics.
style associated with the animated TV series "The New Adventures of Batman," known for its darker and
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "The New Adventures of Superman," known for its superhe
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "The Powerpuff Girls," known for its colorful and minimali
The artistic
The distinctive
styleand often grotesque
associated with theart style used
animated TVinseries
the animated
"The Road TVRunner
series "The
& Stimpy
for itsShow."
slapstick humor an
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show," known for its satirical h
distinctive character designs.
The unique and satirical art style used in the long-running animated TV series "The Simpsons."
The artistic
The unique style
and whimsical
with thestyle used inTV
animated theseries
"TheTV seriesWoodpecker
Woody "The Smurfs." Show," known for its slapstick an
Announcements and promotional materials related to theatrical productions, often featuring artwork and information
Using heat-sensitive pigments that change color with temperature.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Thunderbirds," known for its futuristic and rescue-themed
A fabric dyeing technique that creates colorful and psychedelic patterns by tying and dyeing fabric.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Tiny Toon Adventures," known for its youthful and comic
The art of shaping and trimming living plants into decorative forms and sculptures.
Realistic imagery creating the illusion of three-dimensional objects.
The art and technique of arranging type to make written language visually appealing and legible.
A genre of traditional Japanese woodblock printing, featuring images of landscapes, scenes from daily life, and kabu
Images captured using electron microscopy, revealing the microscopic details of objects.
The artistic style associated with the animated TV series "Underdog," known for its superhero and adventure themes
Artwork created for video games and interactive experiences using the Unity3D game engine.
The practice of repurposing and transforming discarded or old materials into new and useful items.
Fluorescent paints that radiate under blacklights
Artwork created using vector graphics software, which allows for scalability without loss of quality.
Reverse painting on glass to imitate gilded mirrors
Digital art mimicking vector graphics.
Artwork that reflects the aesthetics and styles of a particular era, often associated with nostalgia.
Artwork that draws inspiration from past eras, often featuring nostalgic and retro themes.
A technology that immerses users in a computer-generated environment, often used for interactive experiences and g
An ancient and mysterious manuscript written in an unknown script and filled with intricate illustrations.
Artwork created directly on walls or surfaces, often seen in ancient and contemporary contexts.
Artwork created using watercolor paints, known for its translucent and fluid appearance.
The process of interlacing threads or fibers to create textiles, fabrics, or patterns.
Applying oil paint wet-on-wet for softer edges and blending
Bending and shaping wire into three dimensional forms
The process of carving designs or sculptures into wood using various cutting tools to create intricate and detailed artw
A printmaking technique where an image is carved into a block of wood and then printed onto paper or other surface
The Animated Series Art Style
The created
artistic style using yarn,with
associated thread,
theor fiber to TV
animated create textiles,
series "Yogisculptures, and other
Bear," known for itsforms of creative
humorous expression.
and anthropomorphic
make a chart for me of the 50 most commonly used painting techniques (for example watercolo
ChatGTP prompt: each. the description should be both in english and hungarian. make sure there are no duplicates
(technique - hungarian) : Description In english , description

Technique - English Technique - Hungarian

Acrylic Pouring Akril öntés
Alla Prima Alla Prima
Chiaroscuro Chiaroscuro
Encaustic Enkausztika
Fresco Freskó
Glazing Üvegezés
Grisaille Grisaille
Impasto Impasztó
Pointillism Pontillizmus
Sgraffito Sgraffito
Stippling Pöttyözés
Tenebrism Tenebrizmus
Wet-on-Dry Nedves-száraz
Wood Graining Faerezet
Xieyi Xieyi
Zen Painting Zen festészet
Trompe-l'oeil Trompe-l'oeil
Dry Brush Száraz ecset
Sfumato Sfumato
Decalcomania Decalcomania
Reverse Painting Fordított festészet
Mosaic Mozaik
Ink Wash Tinta festés
Stenciling Sablonfestés
Scumbling Scumbling
Graffiti Graffiti
Frottage Frottázs
Wet-in-Wet Nedves-nedves
Fauvism Fauvizmus
Sponging Szivacsos festés
Tonalism Tonalizmus
me of the 50 most commonly used painting techniques (for example watercolor or knife painting) , and a short description of
on should be both in english and hungarian. make sure there are no duplicates! it should look like this: (Technique - english) ,
(technique - hungarian) : Description In english , description in hungarian.

A technique where Description in English

diluted acrylic paints are poured
onto a canvas to create abstract patterns
applying wet paint onto wet paint, allowing and for
spontaneous and expressive brushwork.
A technique that emphasizes the contrast between
light and darkthat
A technique areas, creating
involves a dramatic
using pigmentseffect.
plaster, allowing them to become embeddedsurface.
hot wax, usually applied to a wooden and
create a long-lasting mural.
paint over a dried layer to create depth and
used to create a painting that appears similar to a
black and white
A technique wherephotograph.
thick layers of paint are applied
applied in patterns tothree-dimensional
create texture and effects.when
create a cohesive image
scratched from a distance.
to reveal underlying layers, creating
texture and contrast.
A technique where small, individual dots or strokes
and applied
dark areas to create a pattern
to create a senseoroftexture.
drama and
heightened realism.
paint, allowing for controlled blending and layering
of colors.
grain on surfaces by applying paint in a way that
focuses onthe natural patterns
expressing the spiritfound in wood.
or essence of the
and the through
expression bold,
of spontaneous brushwork.
the artist's inner state, often
associated with Zen Buddhism.
fool the viewer into believing the painted objects
are a dry brush to create a scratchy,
together effect.
to create soft transitions and a hazy,
and pulled apart, effect.
creating unpredictable
patterns and textures.
viewer to see the final result when viewed from
fixed onto a surface to create an image or
create a range of gray tones and create subtle
over a surface, brushwork.
creating precise shapes
and designs.
amount of paint is applied lightly over a base
surfaces creating
using avarious
or hazy effect.
paints, markers, or
with a pencil or crayon to transfer the texture
paint,the paper.colors to blend and create soft
emphasizing emotional expression over realistic
paint by dabbing or stippling, creating a mottled
or textured
tones to createeffect.
a harmonious and atmospheric
effect in the painting.
(for example watercolor or knife painting) , and a short description of
there are no duplicates! it should look like this: (Technique - english) ,
In english , description in hungarian.

akrilfestékeket öntünk in Hungarian
vászonra, hogy absztrakt
festéket viszünk fel nedves festékre,létre.
és hatásokat hozzunk lehetővé téve a
spontánabb és kifejezőbb ecsetkezelést.
Egy olyan technika, amely hangsúlyozza a fény és a sötét
területek közöttiolyan
Az enkausztika kontrasztot,
viaszba kevert
pigmentek használatával készül, általában
fel, lehetővé téve, hogy beágyazódjanak és hosszan fára felvíve.
freskót hozzanak létre.
felvitele egy megszáradt rétegre, hogy mélységet és
használnak egy hozzon
festmény létrehozásához, amely
hasonlít egy fekete-fehér
Az impasztó technika vastag fotóra.
festékrétegek felvitele a
textúra és a háromdimenziós
alkalmaznak mintázatokban annak hatások létrehozása
érdekében, érdekében.
karcolással képet hozzanak
távolítják létre aa mögöttes
el, hogy távolból nézve.
felfedjék, ezzel textúrát és kontrasztot
vonalakat alkalmaznak egy minta vagy textúra hozva létre.
a sötét területek között annak érdekében, hogy drámai
száraz és fokozott
festékre, realizmust
lehetővé téveérjen el. ellenőrzött
a színek
összekeverését és rétegezését.
származó természetes mintázatokra hasonlító módon
festékkel imitálja
lélekének a faerezet kifejezésére
vagy lényegének megjelenésétösszpontosít
a felületeken.
merész, spontánésecsetkezeléssel.
spontaneitásra a művész belső állapotának kifejezésére
összpontosít, gyakran kapcsolódik a zen
használja, hogy háromdimenziós buddhizmushoz.
hatást keltsen és
becsapja a nézőt, hogy a festett
festéket visznek fel egy száraz ecsetre, hogy tárgyak valódiak.
textúrált hatást érjenek el.
hogy lágy átmeneteket és homályos, légies hatást
hozzon létre.ezzel kiszámíthatatlan mintázatokat és
textúrákat hoznak létre.
festik egy átlátszó felületen, lehetővé téve, hogy a
néző az előnézeti eredményt
rögzítésre egy felületre egy kép lássa
vagy azminta
elülről nézve.
történik, hogy érdekében.
szürke árnyalatok sorozatát hozzák létre
visznek fel festéketecsetkezelést
finom, kifejező egy felületre,érjenek el.
precíz formákat és
tervezéseket hozva létre.
alaprétegre, ezzel törött vagy homályos hatást hozva
készítése közterületeken különböző spray festékek,
krétávalvagy sablonok
dörzsölő segítségével.
mozdulatokat használnak a textúra
átvitelére a papírra.
fel nedves festékre, lehetővé téve a színek
jellemezhető, amelyésazlágy átmenetek
érzelmi létrehozását.
pöttyözés útján,a realizmus
mely texturáltelőtt.vagy márványos hatást
hatás létrehozása érdekében a színtónusok finom
változataira összpontosít.
nyomj egy refresht,
mert nem jól jelennek
meg a képek :)

ChatGPT válaszok
A ChatGTP-t lehet utasítani, hogy promptot írojon. Itt kifejezetten a filmes scéna létrehozására utasítottam

ChatGPT Prompt

Imagine renowned directors like Tarantino, Kubrick, and Kurosawa, along with two
others. Now, let’s generate five movie scenes and describe them in precise detail. We
will also specify the lighting setup and camera lens type and brand. The scenes will be
created with the following parameters: “4K, photorealistic" . Here is an example: "a
sterile, futuristic spaceship corridor, bathed in clinical white light. The camera, an
ARRI Alexa Mini LF with a Cooke S4 32mm lens, gently glides through the weightless
environment, capturing the eeriness of the quiet, abandoned vessel. A solitary
astronaut floats into view, fear and determination etched on her face as she makes
her way toward an unknown danger. Directed by Stanley Kubrick. 4K, photorealistic" .
Here is an another good example: "a vast, rain-soaked cityscape, neon lights
reflecting off the wet streets. The camera, a RED Helium 8K with a Leica Summilux-C
40mm lens, swoops down from above, following a lone figure in a trench coat as he
walks through the crowded streets, unnoticed by the throngs of people. The figure
stops at an alleyway, as a mysterious, hooded character emerges from the shadows
to deliver a cryptic message. Directed by Ridley Scott. Format: 4K, photorealistic" -
please follow these guidelines, and give me 10 more

Scene: An intense Western standoff in a deserted town square.

Lighting: Warm, golden sunlight casts long shadows across the scene.
Camera Lens: Wide-angle lens (24mm), Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM.

Scene: A suspenseful thriller sequence set in a dimly lit underground bunker.

Lighting: Harsh, flickering fluorescent lights create eerie shadows and contrast.
Camera Lens: Standard lens (50mm), Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G.
Scene: A sweeping epic battle on a fog-covered ancient battlefield.
Lighting: Soft, diffused natural light breaks through the fog, adding an ethereal atmosphere.
Camera Lens: Telephoto lens (200mm), Sony FE 70-200mm f/2.8 GM OSS.

Scene: A breathtaking natural landscape, with snow-covered mountains and a crystal-clear lake.
Lighting: Soft, diffused sunlight creates a serene and majestic atmosphere.
Camera Lens: Wide-angle lens (24mm), Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM.
Director: Akira Kurosawa.

Scene: A vibrant and bustling street market in a bustling Asian metropolis.

Lighting: Warm, colorful streetlights and market stalls illuminate the scene.
Camera Lens: Prime lens (35mm), Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art.
Director: Wong Kar-wai.
Scene: A tense and claustrophobic submarine interior during a naval battle.
Lighting: Dim, flickering overhead lights and instrument panels provide an intense atmosphere.
Camera Lens: Wide-angle lens (16mm), Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM.
Director: Kathryn Bigelow.

Scene: A visually stunning ballet performance in an opulent theater.

Lighting: Precisely positioned spotlights create dramatic lighting effects on the dancers.
Camera Lens: Telephoto lens (135mm), Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM.
Director: Darren Aronofsky.

Scene: A sun-drenched vineyard at golden hour, with rows of grapevines stretching into the distance.
Lighting: Warm, golden sunlight filters through the leaves, casting a romantic glow.
Camera Lens: Zoom lens (24-70mm), Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM.
Director: Sofia Coppola.
Scene: A gritty and intense boxing match in an underground, dimly lit fight club.
Lighting: Harsh, directional lighting from overhead creates stark contrasts and shadows.
Camera Lens: Standard lens (50mm), Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G.
Director: Martin Scorsese.

Scene: A surreal dreamscape with floating objects and shifting perspectives.

Lighting: Soft, ethereal lighting sources create an otherworldly ambiance.
Camera Lens: Prime lens (85mm), Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.4G.
Director: David Lynch.

Scene: A heart-pounding chase sequence through a dense forest at dawn.

Lighting: Dappled sunlight filters through the trees, casting dynamic light and shadows.
Camera Lens: Telephoto lens (200mm), Sony FE 70-200mm f/2.8 GM OSS.
Director: Christopher Nolan.
Scene: A stylish and vibrant dance club with pulsating lights and energetic music.
Lighting: Colorful, dynamic strobe lights and laser beams create an electrifying atmosphere.
Camera Lens: Wide-angle lens (14mm), Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED.
Director: Baz Luhrmann.

Scene: A quiet and intimate conversation between two characters in a candlelit medieval castle.
Lighting: Warm candlelight illuminates the scene, casting gentle flickering shadows.
Camera Lens: Prime lens (50mm), Zeiss Otus 55mm f/1.4 ZE.
Director: Guillermo del Toro.
mes scéna létrehozására utasítottam.

Eredmények - Képek
eal atmosphere.

d a crystal-clear lake.
tense atmosphere.

he dancers.

retching into the distance.

nd shadows.

d shadows.
ing atmosphere.

lelit medieval castle.

ChatGPT prompt: give me 70 scenarios for photograply or artisctic painting, that is putting the stress on 2

ChatGTP Prompt: you are now a visual artist and your prtofile is to find the best complementer color pairs and tri
unusual imaginery descriptions such as "azure blue" or "peach pink" or "sunset red". Now tell me your 10 best pairs
Best Color Pairs:
Best Color Triplets:
atGPT prompt: give me 70 scenarios for photograply or artisctic painting, that is putting the stress on 2 colors gardien

Sunset over a mountain range with a gradual transition from warm orange to cool blue hues.
A field of flowers with a color gradient from vibrant yellow to soft pink.
An abstract painting featuring a dynamic gradient from deep purple to electric blue.
A portrait where the subject's face is bathed in a gradient of warm reds and oranges.
A coastal landscape capturing the transition from golden sand to deep teal ocean waters.
A cityscape at twilight showcasing a gradient of dark blues fading into the city lights.
A still life arrangement of fruits with a gradient from bright green to rich red.
A macro photograph of a butterfly's wings displaying a gradient from vibrant orange to soft yellow.
An architectural shot of a modern building emphasizing a gradient from sleek silver to glossy black.
A seascape with a sunset reflecting in the water, creating a gradient from fiery red to cool indigo.
A close-up of a flower petal showcasing a gradient from pale pink to deep magenta.
An abstract painting where a gradient of earthy browns transitions to vibrant greens.
A landscape photograph of a forest with a gradient from lush green foliage to misty blue in the distance.
A still life composition of wine glasses, with a gradient from pale yellow to rich burgundy.
An aerial shot of a winding river, highlighting a gradient from icy white to deep azure.
A portrait featuring a woman's hair styled in vibrant colors, blending together in a gradient.
An abstract painting with a gradient of fiery reds and oranges fading into cool purples and blues.
A close-up photograph of a peacock's feathers displaying a gradient of shimmering greens and blues.
A cityscape at dawn capturing a gradient from dark purple skies to warm, golden sunlight.
A landscape photograph of a desert sunset, featuring a gradient from sandy yellows to fiery oranges.
A seascape with a gradient from deep navy blue to pale turquoise, emphasizing the vastness of the ocean.
An abstract painting featuring a gradient from vibrant magenta to electric purple, evoking a sense of energy.
A portrait where the subject's clothing transitions from warm earth tones to cool blues, creating a harmonious color
A still life arrangement of fruits with a gradient from sunny yellow to juicy orange, capturing their vibrant essence.
A landscape photograph of a misty forest with a gradient from deep green to soft gray, evoking a sense of mystery.
An architectural shot of a modern building highlighting a gradient from sleek silver to metallic gold, accentuating its
A close-up of a flower petal displaying a gradient from delicate pink to rich crimson, emphasizing its beauty.
A cityscape at dusk showcasing a gradient of dusky purple fading into the warm glow of city lights.
A macro photograph of a butterfly with wings featuring a gradient from vivid orange to vibrant yellow, showcasing its
An abstract painting where a gradient of fiery reds transitions to deep, inky blacks, creating a dramatic effect.
A landscape photograph of a coastal cliff with a gradient from sandy beige to cool, serene blue waters.
A portrait featuring a person's eyes accentuated by a gradient from deep brown to piercing blue, capturing their inte
An underwater photograph of coral reefs, displaying a gradient from vibrant coral to deep ocean blue.
A still life composition of wine glasses, with a gradient from translucent white to deep crimson, conveying luxury.
An aerial shot of a vast farmland, highlighting a gradient from golden wheat fields to verdant green crops.
A close-up photograph of autumn leaves, displaying a gradient from fiery red to golden yellow, capturing the essenc
An abstract painting with a gradient of warm orange transitioning to cool, serene blues, creating a sense of balance
A cityscape at sunrise capturing a gradient from dusky pink skies to golden rays of sunlight.
A landscape photograph of a snow-capped mountain range with a gradient from icy white to deep blue, evoking a s
A macro photograph of a seashell showcasing a gradient from pearly white to iridescent silver.
An abstract painting featuring a gradient from vibrant yellow to intense green, symbolizing growth and vitality.
A portrait where the subject's skin tone transitions from warm peach to cool lavender, creating a unique and artistic
A still life composition of candles, with a gradient from soft pastel hues to deep, rich shades, creating a serene atmo
A landscape photograph of a field of lavender flowers with a gradient from pale lilac to deep purple, capturing their a
An architectural shot of a bridge highlighting a gradient from cool gray to vibrant yellow, adding a dynamic element
A close-up photograph of a water droplet showcasing a gradient from crystal clear to vibrant blue, capturing its mes
An abstract painting with a gradient of warm earthy tones transitioning to cool, serene blues, representing the conne
A cityscape at night capturing a gradient from dark indigo skies to twinkling city lights, creating a magical ambiance
A landscape photograph of a desert with a gradient from warm sandy tones to intense orange hues, portraying the
A portrait featuring a person's hair styled in a gradient of vibrant red to deep purple, creating a bold and artistic state
An abstract painting with a gradient of soothing pastel colors, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility.
A close-up photograph of a butterfly resting on a flower, displaying a gradient from soft pink to vibrant orange, captu
A still life composition of fresh citrus fruits, with a gradient from zesty yellow to tangy orange, conveying their refresh
A landscape photograph of a tranquil lake with a gradient from pale blue to deep teal, reflecting the serene atmosph
An architectural shot of a modern skyscraper highlighting a gradient from sleek silver to futuristic neon lights, adding
A macro photograph of a vibrant bird feather showcasing a gradient from vivid green to electric blue, highlighting its
An abstract painting featuring a gradient of warm sunset colors, transitioning from golden yellow to fiery red, capturi
A cityscape during a thunderstorm, capturing a gradient from dark stormy clouds to streaks of vibrant lightning, crea
A landscape photograph of a lush meadow with a gradient from vibrant green to soft lavender, highlighting the harm
A portrait featuring a person's eyes accented by a gradient of deep emerald green transitioning to icy blue, creating
An underwater photograph of a coral reef, displaying a gradient from vibrant coral to cool azure, capturing the beau
An abstract painting with a gradient of earthy brown tones transitioning to vibrant gold, symbolizing the cycle of grow
A close-up photograph of a dew-covered flower showcasing a gradient from transparent droplets to vibrant petals, c
A still life composition of various spices, with a gradient from warm reds to deep purples, evoking a sense of exotic
A landscape photograph of a serene waterfall with a gradient from pure white cascades to turquoise pools, portrayin
An architectural shot of an ancient ruin highlighting a gradient from weathered stone to lush green foliage, contrasti
A macro photograph of a vibrant flower petal showcasing a gradient from soft pastel shades to deep, rich hues, rev
An abstract painting featuring a gradient of vibrant rainbow colors, transitioning harmoniously from one hue to anoth
A cityscape at sunset capturing a gradient from warm golden skies to silhouetted urban structures, creating a nosta
A landscape photograph of a rolling countryside with a gradient from golden harvest fields to vibrant blue skies, por

ChatGTP Prompt: you are now a visual artist and your prtofile is to find the best complementer color pairs and triplets. you are
usual imaginery descriptions such as "azure blue" or "peach pink" or "sunset red". Now tell me your 10 best pairs and 10 best t
st Color Pairs:
Midnight Indigo and Starlight Silver
Rustic Amber and Forest Green
Ocean Mist and Coral Blush
Lavender Haze and Lemon Sorbet
Velvet Plum and Golden Honey
Sapphire Serenity and Moonlit Lilac
Crimson Velvet and Ivory Lace
Teal Tempest and Sunflower Gold
Stormy Slate and Tangerine Tango
Obsidian Onyx and Celestial Ivory

st Color Triplets:
Enchanted Twilight:
Twilight Teal
Mysterious Midnight
Whispering Lavender

Desert Oasis:
Sandy Beige
Oasis Blue
Sun-Kissed Terracotta

Tropical Paradise:
Palm Leaf Green
Coral Sunset
Aqua Lagoon

Vintage Charm:
Antique Rose
Dusty Blue
Timeless Taupe

Electric Dreams:
Neon Pink
Electric Blue
Citrus Burst

Autumn Delight:
Maple Red
Harvest Gold
Rustic Brown

Ocean Breeze:
Azure Blue
Seafoam Green
Sandy Beige

Regal Elegance:
Royal Purple
Gold Leaf
Ivory Silk

Cosmic Wonder:
Galactic Blue
Stardust Silver
Nebula Violet

Enchanted Forest:
Mossy Green
Woodland Brown
Fairy Fern Green
rdient to achieve the maximum artistic look

olor scheme.

g its elegance.

ng its delicate patterns.

sence of fall.

g a sense of tranquility.
heir aromatic beauty.
ent to the structure.
mesmerizing nature.
onnection between land and water.

the arid beauty of the landscape.

capturing a moment of beauty.

freshing nature.

dding a touch of sophistication.

g its natural brilliance.
pturing the essence of a captivating sky.
creating a dramatic atmosphere.
harmony of nature.
ating a mesmerizing effect.
beauty of marine life.
growth and renewal.
als, capturing a moment of freshness.
otic flavors.
raying the tranquil beauty of water in motion.
asting the past and present.
revealing the intricate details.
nother, representing diversity and unity.
ostalgic and romantic ambiance.
portraying the beauty of rural life.
make a chart for me of the the 20 most famous renessaince painters , and a short
ChatGPT prompt:
hungarian. make sure there are no duplicates! it should look like this: (Painter) |

Painter Description of Style (English)

detailed portrayals. He excelled in various fields such as painting,
Leonardo da Vinci sculpture, and
paintings, and architectural
science. achievements. He had a unique style
Michelangelo characterized
compositions and graceful figures. and
by muscular figures dramatic
His works poses.
often depicted religious and
Raphael mythological subjects.
and a sense of poetry. His works often featured mythological and
Sandro Botticelli allegorical
Titian was subjects.
known for his mastery of color and brushwork. His works were
Titian characterized
shadow, known byasrich, vibrant colors
chiaroscuro. and a bold,
He depicted expressive
realistic scenesstyle.
with a
Caravaggio strong sense of naturalism.
compositions. His paintings often depicted dramatic scenes with a strong
Tintoretto sense
He wasofonemovement.
of the pioneers of Renaissance sculpture and introduced a
Donatello sense of naturalism to hisHe
detail and realistic style. works.
was a pioneer of oil painting and his works
Jan van Eyck
Pieter Bruegel the displayed a high level of technical
genre scenes, and his ability to depict skill.complex narratives. He was known
Hans Holbein the for
He his observational
captured skillsofand
the likeness hissatirical
subjectsdepictions of society.
with remarkable accuracy and
Younger often painted portraits of prominent figures of his time.
vibrant colors, voluptuous figures, and dynamic compositions. His works
Peter Paul Rubens often depicted
meticulous mythological
attention to detail. and
excelled subjects.
in various mediums, including
Albrecht Dürer painting, printmaking, and engraving.
colors, and spiritual intensity. His works often had a religious or mystical
El Greco theme,
was and he hadby
characterized a unique
and symbolicof space and
elements, perspective.
often depicting
Hieronymus Bosch moral and religious
foreshortening allegories.
techniques, creating a sense of depth and realism in his
Andrea Mantegna paintings.
by soft colors, gentle figures,classical
He often depicted and a senseand biblical subjects.
of spirituality. His works often
Fra Angelico depicted religious subjects.
use of perspective, and attention to light and shadow. His works often
Piero della Francesca had a serene and
interpretations. Hemonumental
created a sense quality.
of mood and emotion through his use
Giorgione of color and light.
compositions and rich colors. His works often depicted historical and
Paolo Veronese mythological subjects and
capture the character in a lavish and decorative
personality style. He was a master of
of his subjects.
Diego Velázquez
Lucas Cranach the light
oftenand shadow,
depicting creating
religious anddepth and atmosphere
mythological subjects.inHe hiswas
known for his
Elder attention to detail and his use of rich colors.
portraits. His style emphasized delicate features, soft colors, and a sense
Hans Memling of tranquility.

ChatGPT prompt: give me a list of 30 Renaissance painting theme

Madonna and Child
The Last Supper
The Birth of Venus
Adoration of the Magi
The Creation of Adam
The Deposition from the Cross
The Assumption of the Virgin
The Garden of Earthly Delights
The Temptation of St. Anthony
The School of Athens
The Resurrection of Christ
The Sistine Chapel Ceiling
The Triumph of Death
The Last Judgment
The Pieta
The Wedding Feast at Cana
The Annunciation to Mary
The Adoration of the Shepherds
The Baptism of Christ
The Resurrection of Lazarus
The Expulsion from Paradise
The Conversion of St. Paul
The Transfiguration
The Allegory of Spring
The Battle of San Romano
The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian
The Triumph of Bacchus
The Temptation of Christ

ChatGPT prompt: I'll give you a list of painting titles, please tell me what normally they are showing, wh
Madonna and Child:
Depicts the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus.
Conveys a sense of tenderness, love, and devotion.
Artists associated with this theme include Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Sandro Botticelli.

The Last Supper:

Illustrates the final meal of Jesus Christ with his disciples.
Can evoke a range of emotions, including solemnity and anticipation.
Leonardo da Vinci's iconic depiction is most well-known.

Shows the moment when the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will conceive Jesus.
Often conveys a sense of awe, reverence, and spirituality.
Artists associated with this theme include Fra Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, and Sandro Botticelli.
The Birth of Venus:
Portrays the goddess Venus emerging from the sea.
Elicits a sense of beauty, grace, and sensuality.
Sandro Botticelli's renowned painting is the most famous rendition.

Adoration of the Magi:

Depicts the three wise men paying homage to the newborn Jesus.
Often conveys a sense of reverence, wonder, and the journey of faith.
Artists associated with this theme include Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, and Albrecht Dürer.

The Creation of Adam:

Illustrates the biblical creation story, specifically the moment when God breathes life into Adam.
Conveys a sense of awe, divine power, and the beauty of creation.
Michelangelo's fresco on the Sistine Chapel ceiling is the most famous depiction.

Shows the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Evokes emotions of sorrow, sacrifice, and redemption.
Artists associated with this theme include Matthias Grünewald, Peter Paul Rubens, and Diego Velázquez.

The Deposition from the Cross:

Depicts the removal of Christ's body from the cross after the crucifixion.
Often conveys a sense of grief, mourning, and compassion.
Artists associated with this theme include Caravaggio, Peter Paul Rubens, and Rogier van der Weyden.

The Assumption of the Virgin:

Illustrates the Virgin Mary's ascension into heaven.
Conveys a sense of spiritual elevation, divinity, and heavenly glory.
Artists associated with this theme include Titian, Peter Paul Rubens, and El Greco.

The Garden of Earthly Delights:

Portrays a complex and surreal depiction of humanity's journey from innocence to sin and its consequences.
Evokes curiosity, fascination, and moral contemplation.
Painted by Hieronymus Bosch.

The Temptation of St. Anthony:

Depicts the temptation and trials faced by St. Anthony, a Christian hermit.
Often portrays fantastical and grotesque scenes.
Artists associated with this theme include Hieronymus Bosch and Matthias Grünewald.
The School of Athens:
Illustrates a gathering of renowned philosophers and intellectuals from ancient Greece.
Conveys a sense of intellectual pursuit, knowledge, and harmony.
Painted by Raphael.

The Resurrection of Christ:

Depicts the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Conveys a sense of triumph, joy, and divine power.
Artists associated with this theme include Piero della Francesca and Raphael.

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling:

Refers to the entire ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which includes various scenes from the Bible and other subjects.
Elicits a range of emotions depending on the specific panel, such as awe, reverence, and contemplation.
Painted by Michelangelo.

The Triumph of Death:

Portrays the triumph of death over humanity, often featuring skeletons and symbols of mortality.
Evokes a sense of fear, mortality, and the transient nature of life.
Artists associated with this theme include Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Andrea Orcagna.

The Last Judgment:

Illustrates the biblical scene of the final judgment of souls, separating the damned from the saved.
Elicits a range of emotions, including fear, awe, and the contemplation of one's actions.
Painted by Michelangelo, Hieronymus Bosch, and Jan van Eyck.

The Pieta:
Depicts the sorrowful scene of the Virgin Mary holding the body of the dead Christ.
Conveys emotions of grief, compassion, and maternal love.
Artists associated with this theme include Michelangelo and Giovanni Bellini.

The Wedding Feast at Cana:

Illustrates the biblical miracle performed by Jesus at the wedding in Cana, where he turned water into wine.
Conveys a sense of celebration, abundance, and divine intervention.
Painted by Paolo Veronese.

The Annunciation to Mary:

Shows the moment when the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will conceive Jesus.
Conveys a sense of wonder, humility, and divine revelation.
Artists associated with this theme include Fra Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, and Jan van Eyck.
The Adoration of the Shepherds:
Depicts the shepherds visiting the newborn Jesus in the stable.
Often conveys a sense of humility, faith, and joy.
Artists associated with this theme include Hugo van der Goes and Gerard van Honthorst.

The Baptism of Christ:

Illustrates the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist.
Conveys a sense of purity, divine revelation, and the beginning of Jesus' ministry.
Artists associated with this theme include Piero della Francesca and Andrea del Verrocchio.

The Resurrection of Lazarus:

Depicts the biblical story of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus.
Conveys a sense of astonishment, faith, and the power of miracles.
Artists associated with this theme include Caravaggio and Duccio di Buoninsegna.

The Expulsion from Paradise:

Portrays the biblical scene of Adam and Eve being banished from the Garden of Eden.
Elicits a sense of sorrow, loss, and the consequences of disobedience.
Painted by Masaccio and Michelangelo.

The Conversion of St. Paul:

Depicts the moment when the apostle Paul underwent a profound religious conversion.
Conveys a sense of divine intervention, revelation, and personal transformation.
Artists associated with this theme include Caravaggio and Michelangelo.

The Transfiguration:
Illustrates the biblical event where Jesus revealed his divine nature to his disciples.
Conveys a sense of awe, majesty, and the divine presence.
Painted by Raphael and Titian.

The Allegory of Spring:

Portrays a symbolic representation of the season of spring, often featuring mythological figures.
Elicits a sense of rejuvenation, fertility, and the cycle of life.
Painted by Sandro Botticelli.

The Battle of San Romano:

Depicts a historical battle scene, specifically the Battle of San Romano.
Conveys a sense of action, conflict, and valor.
Painted by Paolo Uccello.

The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian:

Illustrates the martyrdom of St. Sebastian, who was tied to a tree and shot with arrows.
Conveys a sense of suffering, strength, and devotion.
Artists associated with this theme include Andrea Mantegna and El Greco.

The Triumph of Bacchus:

Portrays the Roman god Bacchus (Dionysus) and his followers in a festive and indulgent scene.
Elicits a sense of revelry, ecstasy, and pleasure.
Painted by Diego Velázquez and Giovanni Bellini.

The Temptation of Christ:

Depicts the biblical scene where Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness.
Conveys a sense of struggle, spiritual conflict, and the triumph of virtue.
Artists associated with this theme include Sandro Botticelli and Titian.
aince painters , and a short description of each. the description should be both in english and
uld look like this: (Painter) | Description of style In english | description of style in hungarian.

Description of Style (Hungarian)

Leonardo da Vinci egy sokoldalú zseni volt, aki valósághű és részletes ábrázolásairól volt
ismert. Kitűnően
alkotásainak teljesített avált
köszönhetően festészet,
híressé. a Egyedi
szobrászat és a
stílusa tudomány
erőteljes terén is.
alakokkal és drámai
pózokkal jellemezhető.
Raphael híres olasz festő volt, aki harmonikus kompozícióiról és kecses alakjairól volt ismert.
Művei gyakran
Botticelli stílusátábrázoltak vallási és
a kecses alakok, mitológiai
finom témákat.
részletek és költői érzék jellemezte. Művei gyakran
mitológiai és allegorikus témákat ábrázoltak.
Titian a szín és a festéktechnika mesterének számított. Műveit gazdag, élénk színek és
Caravaggio expresszív stílus
stílusát az jellemezte.
árnyék és a fény drámai használata, a chiaroscuro jellemezte.
Valósághű jeleneteket ábrázolt,
Tintoretto erőteljes ecsetkezelésével erős természetesség érzetével. vált híressé. Festményei
és dinamikus kompozícióival
szobrászjeleneteket ábrázoltak,
volt, akinek erős
élettel teli és mozgással.
expresszív szobrait ismerik. Az egyik
valósághű stílusáról. Az olajfestészet úttörője volt, természetesség
szobrászat úttörője volt, és műveiben művei magas szintűérzetét mutatta be.
képességekről árulkodnak.
narratívák ábrázolására. Ismert volt megfigyelőképességéről és társadalom szatirikus
Rendkívül pontosan ragadta meg alanyaik hasonlóságát, és gyakran festett portrékat a kor
Rubens híres alakjairól.
volt bővelkedő stílusáról, melyet élénk színek, dús alakok és dinamikus
kompozíciók jellemzettek.
híressé. Különböző médiumokban, Művei gyakran
mint a mitológiai
festészet,és történelmi
a metszet éstémákat ábrázoltak.
a gravírozás is kiválóan
gyakran vallási vagy misztikus témával rendelkeztek, és egyedi tér- és
Hieronymus Bosch fantasztikus rendelkezett.
és képzeletgazdag műveiről volt híres. Stílusát szürreális és
ami elemek jellemezték,
valósághűséget gyakran morálisGyakran
kölcsönzött festményeinek. és vallásiábrázolt
allegóriákat ábrázolva.
klasszikus és bibliai
Fra Angelico a finom és ethereális stílusáról volt ismert, amit lágy színek, gyengéd alakok és
Piero dellaérzék jellemeztek.
Francesca pontosMűvei gyakran
geometriai vallási témákat
kompozícióiról, ábrázoltak.
perspektívahasználatáról és a fény
Giorgione az atmoszférikus tájakról és költői interpretációkról volt ismert. A szín és voltak.
árnyék megfigyeléséről volt ismert. Művei gyakran derűsek és monumentálisak a
fényhasználatával hangulatot és érzelmet teremtett.
gazdag színeket mutattak. Művei gyakran történelmi és mitológiai témákat ábrázoltak gazdag
és díszítő stílusban.
megörökítésének képességéről volt híres. Kiválóan kezelte a fényt és az árnyékot, mélységet
és atmoszférát teremtve
vallási és mitológiai témákat műveiben.
ábrázolva. Részletekre való odafigyelése és gazdag
színhasználata miatt volt ismert.
Hans Memling flamand festő volt, aki részletes és derűs portréiról volt ismert. Stílusa
hangsúlyozta a finom vonásokat, a lágy színeket és a nyugalmat.
mally they are showing, what is on the picture, what is the mood, and typically what artist makes such of paintings <é
brecht Dürer.

d Diego Velázquez.

van der Weyden.

and its consequences.

he Bible and other subjects.
and contemplation.

m the saved.

urned water into wine.

st makes such of paintings <és megadtam az előző listát>
make a chart for me of the the 30 most famous pop art artist, and a short description of each. th
ChatGPT prompt: in english and hungarian. make sure there are no duplicates! it should look like this: (artist) | De
description of style in hungarian.
Artist Description in English
Known for vibrant silkscreen prints of
Andy Warhol celebrities
Recognizedand forconsumer culture. paintings
comic book-inspired
Roy Lichtenstein
Robert and
Known usefor of combining
Ben-Day dots. different media and
Rauschenberg objects in his artworks.
Famous for his iconic American flag and
Jasper Johns target
for creating large-scale sculptures
Claes Oldenburg of
Noted for hisobjects.
everyday bold and energetic graffiti-
Keith Haring inspired artworks.
Known for his vibrant paintings of swimming
David Hockney pools and landscapes.
Considered one of the founders of pop art,
Richard Hamilton known
Beatles' albumcollage
for his work. Lonely Hearts
"Sgt. Pepper's
Peter Blake Club
Known Band."
for his large-scale nudes and still life
Tom Wesselmann paintings.
Recognized for his word-based paintings and
Ed Ruscha text-heavy
Renowned artworks.
for his paintings featuring pin-up
Mel Ramos girls
Noted for his colorful products.
and commercial paintings of cakes, pies,
Wayne Thiebaud and everyday objects.
Known for his large-scale collages and
James Rosenquist fragmentedfor
Renowned imagery.
her polka dot patterns and
Yayoi Kusama immersive
Notable forinstallations.
his oversized sculptures of
Jeff Koons balloon animals
Recognized for his andvibrant
Takashi Murakami artworks inspired by Japanese
Known for his figurative paintings pop culture.
Keith Vaughan exploration
Noted for his oflarge-scale,
human emotions.stylized portraits
Alex Katz and landscapes.
Renowned for his collages and sculptures
Eduardo Paolozzi incorporating
Known for hismachine provocative parts.
sculptures and
Allen Jones paintings exploring
Recognized for his paintingsfemale sexuality.
Peter Phillips popular culture imagery.
Noted for his photorealistic paintings of
Richard Estes cityscapes
Renowned and reflective
for his pop artsurfaces.
portraits of
Gerald Laing celebrities and fashion icons.
Known for his politically charged paintings
Derek Boshier and collages.
Notable for his vibrant and psychedelic
Peter Max artworks.
Recognized for his conceptual art exploring
Billy Apple brand
for his and consumerism.
colorful and satirical paintings
Peter Saul with cartoonish imagery.
Renowned for her sculptures and
Marisol Escobar assemblages
Noted of human figures.
for his minimalist paintings of clouds
Joe Goode and skies.

ChatGPT prompt: give me 30 idea for pop art

Pop Art Self-Portrait: Create a vibrant and stylized self-portrait using bold colors and comic book-inspired elements.
Pop Art Food Collage: Make a collage using images of popular food items, such as hamburgers, pizza slices, and ic
Pop Art Celebrity Mashup: Combine images of different celebrities to create a colorful and surreal pop art composit
Pop Art Fashion Illustration: Design a pop art-inspired fashion illustration featuring bold patterns and vibrant colors.
Pop Art Comic Strip: Create a comic strip-style artwork with exaggerated characters and speech bubbles.
Pop Art Music Icons: Paint or draw portraits of famous musicians in a pop art style, incorporating musical symbols a
Pop Art Still Life: Arrange a colorful display of everyday objects and paint or photograph them in a pop art style.
Pop Art Animal Portraits: Create vibrant and playful portraits of animals using bold colors and geometric shapes.
Pop Art Movie Posters: Design pop art movie posters for classic films, incorporating iconic imagery and bold typogr
Pop Art Pop Culture Mashup: Combine elements from different pop culture references, such as movie characters a
Pop Art Street Art: Create a large-scale pop art mural with graffiti-inspired elements and bright colors.
Pop Art Vintage Ads: Repurpose vintage advertisements with a pop art twist by adding bold colors and graphic elem
Pop Art Typography: Design eye-catching typographic compositions using bold and vibrant letters.
Pop Art Retro Technology: Create pop art representations of vintage technology, such as retro telephones or record
Pop Art Nature: Paint or collage vibrant and surreal landscapes or flowers in a pop art style.
Pop Art Sports Icons: Create pop art portraits of famous athletes, incorporating sports-related symbols and vibrant
Pop Art Patterns: Design bold and repetitive patterns inspired by pop art aesthetics.
Pop Art Abstract Expression: Create abstract pop art compositions using bold colors, shapes, and energetic brushs
Pop Art Comic Book Covers: Design pop art-style comic book covers featuring dynamic characters and bold typogr
Pop Art Body Art: Use body painting techniques to create pop art-inspired designs on the human body.
Pop Art Collage: Cut out images from magazines and combine them in a collage with bright colors and playful comp
Pop Art Cars: Paint or illustrate classic cars in a pop art style, incorporating bold colors and patterns.
Pop Art Vintage Fashion: Create pop art-inspired illustrations of vintage fashion outfits, using bold colors and graph
Pop Art Portraits with a Twist: Paint or draw portraits of people but exaggerate or alter certain features to give them
Pop Art Retro Packaging: Design pop art packaging for imaginary products, using vibrant colors and bold graphic e
Pop Art Dance: Create dynamic and energetic pop art representations of dancers or dance movements.
Pop Art Cityscapes: Paint or collage colorful and lively cityscapes in a pop art style, capturing the energy of urban li
Pop Art Toys: Create pop art representations of popular toys from different eras, using bold colors and playful comp
Pop Art Still-Life with Consumer Products: Arrange and paint or photograph a still life composition featuring iconic c
Pop Art Patterns on Everyday Objects: Apply pop art-inspired patterns to everyday objects such as mugs, phone ca
most famous pop art artist, and a short description of each. the description should be both
e there are no duplicates! it should look like this: (artist) | Description of style In english |

Description in Hungarian
Híres élénk színű szitanyomatokról, amelyek celebritásokról és fogyasztói
kultúráról szólnak.
Híres képregények ihlette festményeiről
hogy különböző médiumokat és és tárgyakat
a Ben-Daykombinál
pontok használatáról.
Híres ikonikus amerikai zászló- és céltáblafestményeiről.
Híres, hogy hétköznapi tárgyakból nagyméretű szobrokat készít.
Jegyzeteljél merész és energikus graffiti ihlette műalkotásairól.
Híres élénk festményeiről, amelyek uszodákat és tájakat ábrázolnak.
A pop art egyik
Figyelemre alapítójaként
méltó, hogy tervezteismert,
a Thehíres kollázs
Beatles munkáiról.
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band" című albumának borítóját.
Híres nagyméretű meztelen és tájképfestményeiről.
Híres szavakon alapuló
melyekfestményeiről és szöveges
pin-up lányokat műalkotásairól.
és kereskedelmi termékeket
Jegyzeteljél színes festményeiről, amelyek tortákat, pitéket és hétköznapi
tárgyakat ábrázolnak.
Híres nagyméretű kollázsairól és fragmentált képeiről.
Híres pontozott
Figyelemre méltómintáiról és lenyűgöző
nagyméretű installációiról.
lufiállatokból és hétköznapi tárgyakból készült
Ismert élénk és színes műalkotásairól, melyeket a japán popkultúra ihletett.
Híres figuratív festményeiről és az emberi érzelmek felfedezéséről.
Jegyzeteljél nagyméretű, stílusos portréiról és tájképeiről.
Híres provokatív
Híres kollázsairólszobrairól
és szobrainak, melyek gépalkatrészeket
és festményeiről, amelyek a nőitartalmaznak.
Ismert festményeiről, amelyekbe belefoglalja a népszerű kultúrához
Jegyzeteljél képeket.
fotorealisztikus festményeiről, amelyek városképeket és
visszatükröződő felületeket ábrázolnak.
Híres pop art portréiról, melyek celebritásokat és divatikonokat ábrázolnak.
Híres politikai témájú festményeiről és kollázsairól.
Ismert méltó élénkművészetéről,
koncepcionális és pszichedelikusamelyműalkotásairól.
a márkaidentitást és a fogyasztói
kultúrát vizsgálja.
Híres színes és szatirikus festményeiről, amelyek képregényes képi világgal
Híres szobrainról és montázsról, amelyek emberi figurákat ábrázolnak.
Minimalista festményeiről híres, amelyek felhőkről és az égről szólnak.

give me 30 idea for pop art

-portrait using bold colors and comic book-inspired elements.

popular food items, such as hamburgers, pizza slices, and ice cream cones.
t celebrities to create a colorful and surreal pop art composition.
ashion illustration featuring bold patterns and vibrant colors.
with exaggerated characters and speech bubbles.
musicians in a pop art style, incorporating musical symbols and motifs.
y objects and paint or photograph them in a pop art style.
rtraits of animals using bold colors and geometric shapes.
or classic films, incorporating iconic imagery and bold typography.
different pop culture references, such as movie characters and superheroes, into a single artwork.
with graffiti-inspired elements and bright colors.
ts with a pop art twist by adding bold colors and graphic elements.
compositions using bold and vibrant letters.
ons of vintage technology, such as retro telephones or record players.
dscapes or flowers in a pop art style.
s athletes, incorporating sports-related symbols and vibrant colors.
nspired by pop art aesthetics.
ompositions using bold colors, shapes, and energetic brushstrokes.
ic book covers featuring dynamic characters and bold typography.
ate pop art-inspired designs on the human body.
combine them in a collage with bright colors and playful compositions.
t style, incorporating bold colors and patterns.
ations of vintage fashion outfits, using bold colors and graphic elements.
f people but exaggerate or alter certain features to give them a pop art twist.
r imaginary products, using vibrant colors and bold graphic elements.
representations of dancers or dance movements.
cityscapes in a pop art style, capturing the energy of urban life.
ar toys from different eras, using bold colors and playful compositions.
d paint or photograph a still life composition featuring iconic consumer products from different decades.
nspired patterns to everyday objects such as mugs, phone cases, or notebooks.
Category Material Anyag / Textúra

Surface QualitAbsorbent Elszívó

Appearance Artificial Mesterséges
Cooking Baked Sütött
Surface QualitBanded Sávos
Surface QualitBarbed Tüskés
Surface QualitBarren Kopár, meddő
Texture Beaded Gyöngyös
Surface QualitBlistered Pattanásos
Texture Bloated Duzzadt
Surface QualitBlotchy Foltos
Appearance Blurred Homályos
State Boiling Forrásban
Texture Bouncy Rugalmas
Texture Braided Fonott
Surface QualitBristled Sörtés
Texture Bubbly Buborékos
Surface QualitBumpy Domború
Texture Buoyant Lebegő
Texture Bushy Bokros
Texture Buttery Vajas
Texture Caked Sütött
Surface QualitCalcified Meszes
Texture Carved Faragott
Surface QualitChalky Kréta-szerű
Surface QualitCharred Szenesített
Texture Chipped Lepattogzott
Texture Chiseled Vésett
Texture Clumpy Darabos
Texture Clustered Csoportos
Surface QualitCoarse Durva
State Cold Hideg
State Compact Sűrű
State Complex Komplex
State Compressed Összenyomott
Shape Concave Homorú
Material Concrete Beton
Appearance Convoluted Görbült
State Cool Hűvös
Surface QualitCorrugated Hullámos
Surface QualitCracked Repedt
Surface QualitCratered Kráteres
Texture Creamy Tejszínes
Texture Crispy Ropogós
Texture Crumbly Morzsolódó
Texture Crunchy Ropogós
Texture Crystal Kristályos
Texture Crystalline Kristályos
Texture Curly Göndör
Texture Cushioned Párnázott
State Damp Nyirkos
Texture Dehydrated Kiszáradt
Texture Delicate Finom
Surface QualitDense Sűrű
Surface QualitDimpled Gödröcskés
State Dirty Piszkos
Surface QualitDiscolored Elszíneződött
Appearance Distorted Torzított
Texture Dotted Pöttyös
Texture Downy Pelyhes
Texture Draped Lefüggő
State Drenched Ázott
State Dripping Csepegő
State Dry Száraz
Appearance Dull Kopott
State Dusty Poros
Texture Elastic Rugalmas
Appearance Embossed Domborított
Appearance Engraved Belevésve
Appearance Etched Maratott
State Even Egyenletes
State Expansive Terjedelmes
Texture Feathery Tollas
Surface QualitFibrous Szálkás
Texture Filmy Fátyolos
Surface QualitFine Finom
State Firm Kemény
Surface QualitFissured Repedt
Texture Flaky Pikkelyes
Shape Flat Lapos
Texture Fleecy Gyapjas
Texture Fleshy Húsos
Texture Flexible Rugalmas
Texture Flimsy Gyenge
Texture Fluffy Bolyhos
Texture Foamy Habos
Shape Folded Összehajtott
Surface QualitFragile Törékeny
Texture Frayed Fonott
State Frigid Hideg
Texture Frosted Zúzott
Texture Frosty Fagyos
Texture Furry Szőrös
Texture Fuzzy Bolyhos
State Gaseous Gázos
Texture Gelatinous Zselés
Appearance Gilded Aranyozott
Appearance Glistening Ragyogó
Appearance Glittery Csillogó
Texture Gloopy Nyúlós
Texture Glossy Ragyogó
Texture Gluey Ragadós
Surface QualitGnarled Csavart
Texture Gooey Nyúlós
Texture Grainy Szemcsés
Surface QualitGranular Szemcsés
Texture Grassy Füves
Texture Greasy Zsíros
Texture Gritty Zúzott
Texture Grooved Barázda
Texture Gummy Ragadós
Texture Hairy Szőrös
Surface QualitHard Kemény
Surface QualitHarsh Durva
State Heavy Nehéz
Texture HoneycombeMéhsejt
State Icy Jeges
Appearance Illuminated Kivilágított
State Impervious Áthatolhatatlan
Texture Inflated Felfújt
Texture Interwoven Szőtt
Appearance Irregular Szabálytalan
Surface QualitJagged Csipkész
Texture Knitted Kötött
Texture Knobbly Csomós
Texture Knotted Csomós
Appearance Lacquered Lakkolt
Surface QualitLaminated Laminált
Shape Layered Rétegezett
Texture Leafy Level
Surface QualitLeathery Bőrszerű
State Light Világos
Texture Limber Rugalmas
Surface QualitLined Vonalas
State Liquid Folyadék
Appearance Luminous Ragyogó
Texture Lumpy Domború
Appearance Luxurious Luxus
State Magnetic Mágikus
Texture Marbled Márványos
Texture Marshy Mocsaras
Appearance Matte Matt
State Meandering Kanyargós
Material Metallic Fémcsillogású
Surface QualitMildewed Penészes
Texture Milky Tejes
Appearance Mirrored Tükrözött
Appearance Misty Párás
State Moist Nedves
Texture Molded Formázott
Texture Mossy Mohás
State Muddy Iszapos
Texture Multi-layered Többrétegű
Texture Mushy Pépes
Natural Natural Természetes
Texture Nebulous Ködös
Texture Needle-like Tűszerű
Texture Netted Hálós
Texture Non-slip Csúszásmentes
Texture Notched Csorbált
Texture Oily Olajos
Surface QualitOpaque Átláthatatlan
Shape Open Nyitott
Appearance Ornate Díszes
Texture Padded Párnázott
Appearance Painted Festett
Texture Papery Papír
State Parched Kiszáradt
Appearance Patterned Mintás
Texture Pebbled Kavicsos
Texture Perforated Lyukas
Texture Permeable Áteresztő
Surface QualitPitted Pöttyös
Texture Plaited Fonott
Material Plastic Műanyag
Appearance Plated Bevonatos
Texture Pliable Rugalmas
Texture Plucked Megszedett
Texture Plush Plüss
Appearance Polished Csiszolt
Surface QualitPorous Pórusos
Texture Prickly Tüskés
Texture Puffy Puffad
Texture Pulpy Pépes
Texture Pungent Csípős
Texture Quilted Steppelt
Appearance Radiant Sugárzó
Texture Ragged Rongyos
State Rainy Esős
Texture Raspy Szikár
Texture Rattling Zörgő
Appearance Reflective Tükröző
Texture Resilient Rugalmas
Surface QualitRibbed Bordázott
Surface QualitRigid Szigorú
Texture Rippled Hullámos
Surface QualitRough Durva
Surface QualitRugged Hepehupás
Surface QualitRusty Rozsdás
Texture Sandy Homokos
Appearance Satiny Selymes
Surface QualitScaly Pikkelyes
Surface QualitScarred Sebzett
Appearance Scented Illatos
Surface QualitScorched Megégetett
Surface QualitScratched Karcos
Surface QualitSeamless Varratlan
Texture Shaggy Bolyhos
Surface QualitSharp Éles
Appearance Sheer Átlátszó
Appearance Shimmery Csillámló
Appearance Shiny Fényes
State Shivering Rázó
Texture Silky Selymes
Texture Silty Iszapos
Shape Simple Egyszerű
Texture Sinewy Ínyszerű
Appearance Sleek Sima
Texture Slimy Nyálkás
Texture Slippery Csúszós
Texture Slithery Csúszós
State Sloshy Locsogó
Texture Smooth Sima
Texture Smudgy Maszatos
Texture Snappy Pattogó
State Snowy Hóval borított
Texture Soapy Szappanos
Texture Soft Puha
State Solid Szilárd
Texture Spongy Póros
Texture Springy Rugalmas
Texture Squishy Puhad
Stability Stable Stabil
Surface QualitStained Foltos
Appearance Starched Keményített
Texture Sticky Ragadós
Surface QualitStiff merev
State Still Csendes
Texture Stony Köves
Shape Straight Egyenes
Texture Stretchy Nyújtható
Surface QualitStriated Foltos
Texture Striped Csíkos
Stability Strong Erős
Shape Structured Strukturált
Texture Stubbly Borostás
Texture Stuffed Töltött
Stability Sturdy Robosztus
Appearance Suave Elegáns
State Sudsy Habos
Texture Sugary Cukros
Shape Sunken Belesüllyedt
Texture Supple Ruganyos
Texture Swirled Forgó
Texture Tacky Ragadós
Texture Tangled Össze-vissza
Stability Taut Feszes
Texture Tender Puhán
Stability Tense Feszült
Shape Terraced Teraszos
Texture Textured Strukturált
Texture Thick Vastag
Texture Thin Vékony
Texture Thorny Tüskés
Texture Threaded Fonott
Stability Tight Szoros
Surface QualitTiled Csempés
Appearance Tinny Fémhangú
Size Tiny Apró
Texture Toasty Pirított
Texture Torn Szakadt
Appearance Translucent Átlátszó
Appearance Transparent Átlátszó
Stability Treacherous Álnok
Texture Tree-like Faféle
Appearance Trimmed Nyírott
Shape Twisted Görbe
Appearance Uneven Egyenetlen
Surface QualitUnglossy Fénytelen
Appearance Unique Egyedi
Surface QualitUnpolished Nyeletlen
Surface QualitUnrefined Finomítatlan
Surface QualitUnsmooth Nem sima
Surface QualitUntamed Megszelídítetlen
Texture Velvety Bársonyos
Appearance Vibrant Élénk
Texture Viscous Ragadós
Appearance Vitreous Üvegszerű
Appearance Vivid Élénk
Texture Waxy Gyertyás
Texture Webbed Hálós
State Wet Nedves
Texture Whirled Forog
Texture Wiry Szálkás
Texture Withered Elhervadt
Texture Woody Faian
Texture Woolly Gyapjas
Texture Woven Szőtt
Texture Wrinkled Ráncos
Texture Yielding Engedelmes
Appearance Zesty Fűszeres
English Description

Capable of absorbing liquids or moisture

Made by human skill or labor; not natural
Cooked by dry heat, typically in an oven
Marked with stripes or bands
Equipped with barbs or sharp projections
Lacking vegetation or fertility
Decorated or adorned with beads
Marked with blisters or raised areas
Swollen or inflated
Marked with uneven spots or discolorations
Indistinct or unclear
Agitated or bubbling, as if in boiling water
Capable of rebounding or springing back; elastic
Interwoven strands or threads
Covered with or having stiff, hair-like projections or spines
Marked with or resembling bubbles
Covered with small, raised areas
Able to float or rise to the surface of a liquid
Covered with or resembling bushes or thick vegetation
Resembling or characteristic of butter
Covered or coated with a solid mass
Hardened or solidified by the deposition of calcium salts
Shaped or sculpted by cutting or engraving
Resembling chalk in texture or appearance
Burnt or reduced to carbon by fire
Having small pieces broken off or missing
Carved or shaped with a chisel
Formed into clumps or lumps
Forming a closely grouped mass
Rough in texture or grain
Low in temperature
Compressed or densely packed
Complicated or composed of interconnected parts
Pressed or squeezed together
Curved inward or depressed
Made of concrete, a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and water
Twisted or intricately folded
Having a moderately low temperature
Shaped into parallel ridges and grooves
Split or broken
Depressed or pitted with craters
Smooth and soft, like cream
Crunchy and brittle
Easily breaks into small fragments
Producing a sound or sensation when bitten or crushed
Resembling or made of crystals
Having a structure that resembles crystal
Formed into curls or having a twisted or spiral shape
Softened or made more comfortable with a cushion
Slightly wet or moist
Lacking water or moisture
Easily broken or damaged; fragile
Closely compacted or crowded
Marked with small, natural depressions
Soiled or stained with dirt
Altered or stained in color
Twisted or deformed
Marked with small dots or spots
Soft and fluffy, like down feathers
Hanging loosely or arranged in folds
Soaked or saturated with liquid
Shedding drops of liquid
Lacking moisture or wetness
Lacking brightness or luster
Covered with or characterized by dust
Capable of stretching and returning to its original shape
Decorated with a raised design or pattern
Carved or incised with a design or inscription
Decorated or delineated by cutting or corroding a surface
Uniform or level in surface
Extending or capable of extending over a wide area
Resembling or covered with feathers
Composed of or resembling fibers
Thin and translucent
Small or delicate in texture
Solid and resistant to pressure
Cracked or marked with narrow openings or grooves
Composed of or easily breaking into small, flat pieces
Smooth and level, without irregularities
Soft and woolly, like a fleece
Thick and soft, like flesh
Easily bent or shaped
Weak or easily torn
Soft and light; resembling or covered with fluffy masses
Covered with or resembling foam
Bent or creased into folds
Easily broken or damaged; delicate
Worn away or unravelled at the edges
Extremely cold or icy
Covered with or having a layer of frost
Cold or icy in appearance
Covered with or resembling fur
Covered with a soft, indistinct surface
Resembling or characteristic of a gas
Resembling or having the characteristics of gelatin
Covered with or decorated in gold
Shining or reflecting light brightly
Sparkling or shining with small, bright points of light
Thick and sticky
Smooth and shiny; having a glossy finish
Covered with or resembling glue
Twisted, knotty, and misshapen
Soft, sticky, and semi-liquid
Having a texture like grains or granules
Consisting of or resembling small grains or particles
Resembling or covered with grass
Covered with or resembling grease
Covered with or containing grit or small, coarse particles
Marked with long, narrow furrows or channels
Sticky and viscous; resembling gum
Covered with or resembling hair
Resistant to pressure or easily yielding
Rough or unpleasant in texture or sound
Having great weight or density
Having a hexagonal cell pattern like a honeycomb
Covered with or resembling ice
Brightened or lit up with light
Not allowing fluid or light to pass through
Expanded or filled with air or gas
Woven or twisted together
Lacking symmetry or regularity
Having sharp points or uneven projections
Made by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops
Covered with or having small, rounded projections
Tied or twisted into a knot
Coated with or decorated in lacquer
Layered or covered with a thin material
Formed or arranged in layers
Covered with or resembling leaves
Resembling or having the texture of leather
Well-lit or having a bright color
Flexible or capable of being bent easily
Marked with straight lines or stripes
Flowing and taking the shape of its container
Emitting light or glowing
Covered with or having small, irregular lumps
Elegant and comfortable; suggesting wealth or opulence
Attracting or influenced by a magnet
Having a streaked or mottled appearance like marble
Wet or boggy; characteristic of a marsh
Not shiny or glossy; having a dull finish
Winding or following a twisting course
Resembling or characteristic of metal
Covered with or affected by mildew
Resembling or characteristic of milk
Resembling or covered with a reflective surface like a mirror
Covered with or resembling mist or fog
Slightly wet or damp
Shaped or formed into a particular shape or configuration
Covered with or resembling moss
Covered with or resembling mud
Composed or arranged in multiple layers
Soft and pulpy; resembling or having the consistency of mush
Not altered or modified; in its original state
Hazy or indistinct
Resembling or shaped like a needle
Covered with or resembling a net
Providing traction or grip to prevent slipping
Indented or incised with a V-shaped cut
Covered with or resembling oil
Not transparent or translucent; not allowing light to pass through
Not closed or obstructed; allowing access or passage
Elaborately decorated or adorned
Covered with or protected by padding
Covered with paint or color
Resembling or having the texture of paper
Extremely dry or thirsty
Decorated with a repeated design or motif
Covered with or resembling small, rounded stones or pebbles
Pierced with holes or punctures
Allowing liquids or gases to pass through easily
Marked with small depressions or pits
Braided or woven
Resembling or made of plastic
Coated with a thin layer of metal
Easily bent or shaped
Pulled out or removed by force
Luxuriously soft and comfortable; resembling plush fabric
Smoothed and made shiny by rubbing or friction
Having small openings or pores that allow the passage of liquids or gases
Covered with small, sharp points or thorns
Swollen or inflated
Soft and pulpy; resembling pulp
Strong-smelling or having a sharp taste
Covered with or decorated in a quilted pattern
Emitting or reflecting light
Torn or worn out; having irregular edges
Wet or covered with rain
Harsh or grating in sound
Making a rapid series of knocking or clattering sounds
Capable of reflecting light or images
Capable of returning to its original shape or position after being compressed or
Marked with long, raised lines or ridges
Stiff and not easily bent or deformed
Marked with small waves or undulations
Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth
Having a broken, uneven, or rocky surface
Covered with or affected by rust
Covered with or resembling sand
Smooth and glossy; having a satiny finish
Covered with or having small, thin, flat plates or scales
Marked or disfigured by a scar
Having a pleasant or distinctive smell
Burned or discolored by heat
Marked or damaged by a scratch
Smooth and continuous without seams or joints
Covered with long, unkempt hair or fibers
Having a fine edge or pointed tip
Very thin and transparent; almost see-through
Glowing with a flickering or wavering light
Reflecting a bright light; glossy
Trembling or quivering, especially from cold or fear
Smooth, soft, and shiny; resembling or characteristic of silk
Covered with or resembling silt
Plain and uncomplicated; not complex or elaborate
Resembling or characteristic of sinews or tendons
Smooth, glossy, and well-groomed; having a streamlined and elegant appearan
Covered with or resembling slime
Smooth and wet, causing or tending to cause slipping
Moving smoothly in a twisting or winding manner
Making a splashing or slapping sound when moved or stirred
Having an even and level surface; not rough
Marked or blurred with smears or smudges
Making a sharp, cracking sound
Covered with or resembling snow
Covered with or resembling soap
Yielding easily to pressure; not hard or firm
Firm, compact, or hard; not liquid or gaseous
Soft and porous, like a sponge
Bouncy and elastic
Soft and yielding when pressed or squeezed
Firm and not easily moved or changed
Marked or discolored with spots or stains
Stiffened with starch
Covered with or producing a sticky substance
Difficult to bend or move
Motionless or calm
Resembling or characteristic of stone
Not curved or bent
Capable of being stretched without breaking
Marked with striae or stripes
Decorated with parallel lines or bands
Sturdy and capable of withstanding pressure or force
Organized or arranged with a definite pattern or form
Covered with short, stiff hairs or projections
Filled with a soft material
Strong and durable
Smoothly polite or refined
Producing or covered with suds
Resembling or characteristic of sugar
Lowered or submerged
Flexible and easy to bend or fold
Twisted or curled
Sticky or adhesive
Twisted or interwoven
Stretched or pulled tight
Soft and easily damaged or injured
Stretched tight or rigid
Formed or arranged like a terrace
Having a distinctive surface quality or pattern
Having a large extent from one surface to the opposite
Having a small extent from one surface to the opposite
Covered with or resembling thorns
Covered with or resembling threads
Firmly held in place or fastened
Covered with or made of tiles
Having a metallic, high-pitched sound
Very small in size
Lightly browned or toasted
Ripped or damaged by force
Allowing light to pass through but not transparent
Allowing light to pass through completely
Hazardous or dangerous due to hidden or unpredictable dangers
Resembling or characteristic of a tree
Neatly cut or arranged
Turned or bent out of shape
Not level or smooth; having variations in height or surface
Not shiny or glossy
One of a kind; having no equal
Not polished or made smooth
Not refined or processed; in a natural or raw state
Not smooth or even; lacking a regular or uniform surface
Wild and not domesticated; not controlled or restrained
Soft, smooth, and resembling velvet
Full of energy and life; bright and striking in appearance
Thick and sticky; having a high viscosity
Resembling or characteristic of glass
Bright and intense in color or appearance
Resembling or characteristic of wax
Covered with or having a web-like structure
Moistened, damp, or covered with liquid
Moving rapidly in a circular or twisting motion
Thin, flexible, and resembling wire
Shriveled or dried up, especially due to lack of moisture or vitality
Resembling or characteristic of wood
Covered with or resembling wool
Formed or made by weaving; having an interlaced or braided structure
Having small lines or folds on the surface; creased
Capable of being bent, stretched, or compressed without damage
Full of flavor or spice; lively and appealing
Magyar leírás

Képes folyadékokat vagy nedvességet felszívni

Emberi kéz vagy munka által készített; nem természetes
Száraz hővel sütve, általában sütő
Csíkokkal vagy sávokkal jelzett
Szigonyokkal vagy éles kiemelkedésekkel felszerelve
Vegetáció vagy termékenység hiányzik
Díszítve vagy ékszerrel gyöngyökkel
Pattanásokkal vagy kiemelkedésekkel jelzett
Dagadt vagy felfújt
Egyenetlen foltokkal vagy elszíneződésekkel jelölt
Homályos vagy nem egyértelmű
Zaklatott vagy buborékok, mintha forrásban lévő vízben lenne
Képes visszapattanni vagy visszapattanni; rugalmas
Egymásba fonott szálak vagy cérnák
Borítva vagy merev, hajhoz hasonló kiugrásokkal vagy tüskékkel
Buborékokkal jelzett vagy buborékokra emlékeztet
Kisméretű kiemelkedésekké borított
Képes lebegni vagy felszínre emelkedni folyadékban
Bokrokkal vagy sűrű növényzettel borított vagy növényzetre emlékeztet
Vajasra emlékeztető vagy vaj jellegzetessége
Egy szilárd tömeggel borított vagy bevonva
Megkeményedett vagy megszilárdult a kalciumsók kicsapódásával
Vágással vagy gravírozással formázott vagy megmunkált
Kréta szerű felülettel vagy megjelenéssel
Égett vagy tűzzel redukált szén
Kis darabok letörve vagy hiányoznak
Vésett vagy vésővel formázott
Darabokra vagy csoportokba rendezve
Szorosan összegyűjtött tömeg
Durva felületű vagy szemcsés
Alacsony hőmérsékleten
Összenyomott vagy sűrűn csomagolt
Bonyolult vagy összetett összekapcsolt részekből áll
Nyomva vagy összenyomva
Behajló vagy beeső
Betonból készült, amely cement, homok, kavics és víz keveréke
Kacsázott vagy bonyolultan hajtott
Mérsékelt alacsony hőmérséklet
Párhuzamos gerincű és horonyalúrá alakítva
Szétszakadt vagy törött
Behorpadt vagy kráterekkel teli
Sima és puha, mint a tejszín
Ropogós és törékeny
Könnyen apró darabokra törhet
Hangot vagy érzést termel, amikor megharapják vagy összenyomják
Kristályra emlékeztető vagy kristályból készült
Olyan szerkezettel, amely a kristályra emlékeztet
Göndör vagy csavarodott vagy spirális formába alakult
Puhított vagy párnázott
Enyhén nedves vagy nedves
Hiányzik a víz vagy a nedvesség
Könnyen eltörhet vagy sérülhet; törékeny
Szorosan csomagolt vagy zsúfolt
Kisméretű, természetes bemélyedéseket mutat
Koszos vagy sáros
Színezett vagy elszíneződött
Elforgatott vagy deformált
Kisméretű pöttyökkel vagy foltokkal jelzett
Puha és bolyhos, mint a lefelé szőrök
Lógva lazán vagy redőkben rendezve
Ázott vagy folyadékkal telített
Csepegtetés folyadékot
Hiányzik a nedvesség vagy nedvesség
Hiányzik a fényesség vagy csillogás
Porral borított vagy porral jellemezhető
Képes nyújtani és visszatérni az eredeti formájába
Domborított mintával vagy mintával díszített
Kifaragott vagy belevésve egy tervezettel vagy felirattal
Vágással vagy korrozióval díszítve vagy kijelölve egy felületet
Egységes vagy szintes felületen
Kiterjedő vagy képes kiterjedni egy széles területen
Tollakra emlékeztető vagy tollakkal borított
Szálakból álló vagy szálakra emlékeztető
Vékony és átlátszó
Kicsi vagy finom textúrájú
Szilárd és ellenálló a nyomásnak
Repedt vagy keskeny nyílásokkal vagy barázdákkal jelzett
Rostokból áll vagy könnyen kis darabokra törik
Sima és sík, szabálytalanságok nélkül
Puha és gyapjas, mint egy gyapjú
Vastag és puha, mint a hús
Könnyen hajlítható vagy formázható
Gyenge vagy könnyen szakadó
Puha és könnyű; fluffos tömegre emlékeztet
Habos vagy habosnak látszik
Hajtogatott vagy redőkbe hajtott
Könnyen eltörhet vagy megsérülhet; törékeny
Elhasználódott vagy szélein kibomlott
Rendkívül hideg vagy jeges
Jégréteggel borított vagy faggyúréteggel rendelkezik
Hideg vagy jeges megjelenésben
Szőrrel borított vagy szőrre emlékeztető
Puha, homályos felülettel borított
Gázra emlékeztető vagy gázra jellemző
Zselatinra emlékeztető vagy zselatint jellemző
Arannyal borított vagy arannyal díszített
Ragyog vagy fényesen visszatükröződik a fény
Apró, fényes fényekkel csillog vagy ragyog
Sűrű és ragacsos
Sima és fényes; fényes befejezéssel
Ragasztóval borított vagy ragacsra emlékeztető
Kifordult, csomók és deformált
Puha, ragacsos és félfolyékony
Olyan felülettel, mint a szemek vagy granulák
Kis szemcsékből vagy részecskékből álló vagy azokra emlékeztető
Fűre emlékeztető vagy fűvel borított
Zsírral borított vagy zsírosra emlékeztető
Grittel vagy kis, durva részecskékkel borított
Hosszú, keskeny barázdákkal vagy csatornákkal jelzett
Ragadós és viszkózus; rágóra emlékeztető
Szőrrel borított vagy szőrre emlékeztető
Nyomásálló vagy könnyen engedhető
Durva vagy kellemetlen tapintású vagy hangzású
Nagy tömegű vagy sűrű
Olyan hexagonális cellamintával, mint egy méhsejt
Jéggel borított vagy jégre emlékeztető
Fényesen megvilágítva vagy fényben
Nem engedi át a folyadékot vagy a fényt
Kitágult vagy levegővel vagy gázzal töltött
Fonott vagy összefonódott
Szimmetria vagy szabályszerűség hiányzik
Éles pontokkal vagy egyenetlen kiemelkedésekkel rendelkező
Fonott vagy cérna vagy fonál összefonásával készült egy sor összekapcsolt hurokból
Kisméretű, kerek kiemelkedésekkel borított vagy ezekkel rendelkezik
Egy csomóba kötve vagy összefonva
Lakkal bevonva vagy lakkal díszített
Rétegezve vagy vékony anyaggal borítva
Rétegezve vagy rétegzve
Levéllel borított vagy levelekre emlékeztető
Bőrére emlékeztető vagy bőr textúrájú
Jól megvilágított vagy világos színű
Rugalmas vagy könnyen hajlítható
Egyenes vonalakkal vagy csíkokkal jelzett
Áramló és a tartály alakját veszi fel
Fényt bocsát ki vagy világít
Kisméretű vagy egyenetlen dudorokkal borított
Elegáns és kényelmes; gazdagságot vagy fényűzést sugalló
Mágnesesen vonzza vagy mágneses hatás alatt áll
Olyan csíkos vagy foltos megjelenésű, mint a márvány
Nedves vagy lápos; a mocsár jellemzője
Nem fényes vagy fényes; tompa befejezéssel
Kanyargó vagy követve egy csavarodó útvonalat
Fémre emlékeztető vagy fém jellemzője
Penészrel borított vagy penéz által érintett
Tejre emlékeztető vagy tej jellemzője
Tükröződik vagy egy tükörre emlékeztető felülettel borított
Párával vagy köddel borított vagy ködre emlékeztető
Enyhén nedves vagy nedves
Egy adott forma vagy konfigurációba alakítva vagy formázva
Mohával borított vagy mohára emlékeztető
Iszappal borított vagy iszapra emlékeztető
Több rétegből áll vagy több rétegben rendezett
Puha és pépes; pép konzisztenciájú vagy pép konzisztenciájú
Nem megváltoztatott vagy módosított; eredeti állapotában
Ködös vagy homályos
Tűre emlékeztető vagy tű alakú
Hálóval vagy hálóra emlékeztető
Trakciót vagy tapadást biztosít a csúszás megakadályozása érdekében
Behorpadt vagy belevésve egy V alakú vágással
Olajjal borított vagy olajra emlékeztető
Nem átlátszó vagy átlátszó; nem engedi át a fényt
Nem zárt vagy akadályozott; hozzáférést vagy áthaladást enged meg
Bonyolultan díszített vagy ékített
Párnázva vagy párnázva borítva
Festékkel vagy színnel borítva
Papírra emlékeztető vagy papír textúrájú
Rendkívül száraz vagy szomjas
Ismétlődő tervezéssel vagy motívummal díszítve
Kisméretű, kerek kövekkel vagy kavicsokkal borított vagy azokra emlékeztető
Lyukakkal vagy szúrásokkal átszúrt
Lehetővé teszi a folyadékoknak vagy gázoknak a könnyű áthaladást
Kis bemélyedésekkel vagy gödrökkel jelzett
Zsinórozott vagy szőtt
Műanyagra emlékeztető vagy műanyagból készült
Vékony fémréteggel borítva
Könnyen hajlítható vagy formázható
Kitépve vagy erőszakkal eltávolítva
Luxusosan puha és kényelmes; plüss anyaghoz hasonló
Simítva és dörzsöléssel fényesítve
Kis nyílásokkal vagy pórusokkal rendelkező, amelyek lehetővé teszik a folyadékok vagy gázok áthaladását
Kisméretű, éles pontokkal vagy tüskékkel borított
Dagadt vagy felfújt
Puha és pépes; lédúsra emlékeztető
Erősen illatos vagy élénk ízű
Steppeléssel borított vagy steppeléssel díszített
Fényt kibocsát vagy visszatükröződik
Szakadt vagy koptatott; szabálytalan élekkel rendelkező
Nedves vagy esővel borított
Durva vagy dörzsölő hangú
Gyors sorozatban kopog vagy zajong
Képes a fény vagy képek visszaverésére
Képes visszatérni az eredeti alakjához vagy pozíciójához a nyomás vagy a nyújtás után
Hosszú, kiemelt vonalakkal vagy gerincekkel jelzett
merev és nehezen hajlítható vagy deformálható
Kisméretű hullámokkal vagy hullámokkal jelzett
Egyenetlen vagy szabálytalan felülettel rendelkezik; nem sima
Törött, egyenetlen vagy sziklás felülettel rendelkezik
Rozsdával borított vagy rozsdával érintett
Homokkal borított vagy homokra emlékeztető
Sima és fényes; selymes befejezéssel
Kisméretű, vékony, lapos lemezekkel vagy pikkelyekkel borított
Jelzett vagy megcsonkította egy seb
Kellemes vagy jellegzetes szaggal rendelkező
Leégett vagy elszíneződött hőtől
Sima és folytonos varratok vagy ízületek nélkül
Hosszú, ápolatlan hajjal vagy rostokkal borított
Finom éle vagy hegyes csúcs
Nagyon vékony és átlátszó; majdnem látható
Fényes csillogással pislákoló vagy hullámzó fény
Ragyogó fényt tükröz; fényes
Rázódó vagy remegő, különösen hidegtől vagy félelemtől
Sima, puha és fényes; selyemre emlékeztető vagy selyem jellemzője
Iszappal borított vagy iszappal emlékeztető
Egyszerű és nem bonyolult; nem összetett vagy kifinomult
Az inak vagy inak jellemzője vagy jellegzetes
Sima, fényes és jól ápolt; áramvonalas és elegáns megjelenés
Nyálkával borított vagy nyálkára emlékeztető
Sima és nedves, csúszást okoz vagy hajlamos okozni
Simán mozog kígyózva vagy kanyargósan
Zsugorításkor vagy keveréskor csepegő vagy csattanó hangot adó
Egyenetlen és sík felülettel rendelkezik; nem durva
Masnival vagy foltokkal jelzett
Éles, repedő hangot adó
Hóval borított vagy hóra emlékeztető
Szappannal borított vagy szappanra emlékeztető
Könnyen enged a nyomásnak; nem kemény vagy szilárd
Szilárd, sűrű vagy kemény; nem folyékony vagy gáz
Puha és pórusos, mint egy szivacs
Rugalmas és rugalmas
Puha és engedelmes, amikor megnyomják vagy kinyomják
Szilárd és nehezen mozgó vagy változó
Foltokkal vagy foltokkal jelzett vagy elszíneződött
Keményítve keményítővel
Ragadóval borított vagy ragadós anyagot termel
Nehéz hajlítani vagy mozgatni
Mozgalmatlan vagy nyugodt
Kőre emlékeztető vagy kő jellemzője
Nem görbe vagy hajlított
Kiterjedhet anélkül, hogy eltörne
Foltokkal vagy csíkokkal jelzett
Párhuzamos vonalakkal vagy sávokkal díszített
Robosztus és ellenálló a nyomásnak vagy erőnek
Szervezett vagy rendszerezett egy meghatározott mintával vagy formával
Rövid, merev szőrszálakkal vagy kiemelkedésekkel borított
Egy puha anyaggal töltött
Erős és tartós
Simán udvarias vagy kifinomult
Habot termel vagy habbal borított
Cukorra emlékeztető vagy cukor jellemzője
Csökkent vagy alámerült
Rugalmas és könnyen hajlítható vagy összehajtható
Kifordított vagy göndör
Ragadó vagy ragasztó
Kifordított vagy összefonódott
Nyújtva vagy feszes
Puha és könnyen sérül vagy sérült
Szorosan kinyújtva vagy merev
Terasz formájában alakítva vagy rendezve
Különböző felületi minőség vagy minta
Nagy kiterjedésű egy felülettől a másikig
Kis kiterjedésű egy felülettől a másikig
Tüskékkel borított vagy tüskére emlékeztető
Fonott vagy fonott
Szorosan a helyén vagy rögzítve
Csempével borított vagy csempéből készült
Fémes, magas hangzású
Nagyon kicsi méretű
Kissé barna vagy pirított
Széttépett vagy erőszakkal sérült
Engedi át a fényt, de nem átlátszó
Engedi át a fényt teljesen
Veszélyes vagy veszélyes rejtett vagy kiszámíthatatlan veszélyek miatt
Egy fára emlékeztető vagy egy fa jellemzője
Rendesen levágott vagy rendezett
Kifordult vagy kiszorult
Nem sík vagy sima; magassági vagy felszíni változásokkal rendelkezik
Nem fényes vagy fényes
Egyedi; nincs hozzá hasonló
Nem csiszolt vagy sima
Nem finomított vagy feldolgozott; természetes vagy nyers állapotban
Nem sima vagy egyenletes; hiányzik a rendszeres vagy egyenletes felület
Vad és nem háziasított; nem ellenőrzött vagy korlátozott
Puha, sima és bársonyra emlékeztető
Tele van energiával és élettel; élénk és feltűnő megjelenésű
Sűrű és ragadós; magas viszkozitással rendelkezik
Üvegre emlékeztető vagy üveg jellemzője
Élénk és intenzív színű vagy megjelenésű
Méhviaszra emlékeztető vagy méhviasz jellemzője
Hálóval borított vagy hálószerű szerkezetű
Nedves, nyirkos vagy folyadékkal borított
Gyorsan mozog körkörös vagy kanyargós mozgásban
Vékony, hajlékony és drótot emlékeztető
Megszáradt vagy kiszáradt, különösen nedvesség vagy vitalitás hiánya miatt
Fára emlékeztető vagy fára jellemző
Gyapottal borított vagy gyapjúra emlékeztető
Szövött vagy szőtt; egy összefonódott vagy fonott szerkezetű
Kisebb vonalakkal vagy hajtásokkal rendelkezik a felszínen; gyűrött
Hajlítható, kinyújtható vagy összenyomható károsodás nélkül
Ízes vagy fűszeres; élénk és vonzó
kok vagy gázok áthaladását
1. Prime Lens
2. Macro Lens
3. Zoom Lens
4. Tilt-Shift Lens
5. Wide-Angle Lens
6. Standard Lens
7. Telephoto Lens
8. Fisheye Lens
9. Portrait Lens
10. Lightroom Lens


1. Prime Lens
2. Portrait Lens
3. Bokeh Lens
4. Telephoto Lens
5. Low Light Lens
6. Zoom Lens
7. Macro Lens
8. Vintage Lens
9. Art Lens
10. Lightroom Lens

Tájkép Fotózáshoz:
1. Wide-Angle Lens
2. Ultra-Wide Lens
3. Telephoto Zoom Lens
4. Prime Lens
5. Standard Zoom Lens
6. Tilt-Shift Lens
7. Macro Lens
8. Fish-eye Lens
9. Weather-Sealed Lens
10. Lightroom Lens
Városi Fotózás (urban)

1. Wide-Angle Lens
2. Prime Lens
3. Standard Zoom Lens
4. Telephoto Zoom Lens
5. Low Light Lens
6. Tilt-Shift Lens
7. Ultra-Wide Lens
8. Bokeh Lens
9. Vintage Lens
10. Lightroom Lens

Wild Life
1. Telephoto Zoom Lens
2. Wide-Angle Lens
3. Macro Lens
4. Portrait Lens
5. Documentary Lens
6. Telephoto Prime Lens
7. Standard Zoom Lens
8. Underwater Lens
9. Low Light Lens
10. Lightroom Lens


1. Telephoto Zoom Lens

2. Super-Telephoto Lens
3. Fast Prime Lens
4. Wide-Angle Zoom Lens
5. Telephoto Prime Lens
6. Ultra-Wide Lens
7. Sports Zoom Lens
8. Fast Action Lens
9. Weather-Sealed Lens
10. Action Stabilized Lens
A leg művészibb fotókhoz

Lensbaby Velvet 56mm f/1.6

Lensbaby Sol 45mm f/3.5
Lensbaby Composer Pro II with Sweet 50 Optic
Lensbaby Edge 50 Optic
Lensbaby Twist 60 Optic
Lensbaby Velvet 85mm f/1.8
Lensbaby Circular Fisheye
Lensbaby Composer Pro II with Sweet 35 Optic
Lensbaby Double Glass Optic
Lensbaby Burnside 35 Optic
Lensbaby Velvet 28mm f/2.5
Lensbaby Trio 28 with Sweet, Twist, Velvet Opti
Lensbaby Muse with Double Glass Optic
Lensbaby Spark with Double Glass Optic
Lensbaby Composer Pro II with Edge 80 Optic
Lensbaby Twist 40 Optic
Lensbaby Velvet 105mm f/2.5
Lensbaby Twist 50 Optic
Lensbaby Sweet 80 Optic
Lensbaby Velvet 40mm f/2.8
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS USM Macro
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II
Sigma 14mm f/1.8 DG HSM Art
Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR
Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 ED AS IF NCS UMC Fisheye
Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 (A032)

Canon EF 85mm f/1.4L IS USM

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G
Sony FE 50mm f/1.2 GM
Canon RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III RXD
Canon RF 85mm f/2 Macro IS STM
Nikon NIKKOR 58mm f/1.4G
Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM
Fujifilm XF 56mm f/1.2 R

Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G
Sony FE 70-200mm f/4 G OSS
Sigma 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2
Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G VR Micro
Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 ED AS IF NCS UMC Fisheye
Fujifilm XF 16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR
Panasonic Lumix S Pro 70-200mm f/4 O.I.S.
Sigma 20mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM
Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM
Nikon AF-P NIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6E ED VR
Fujifilm XF 56mm f/1.2 R
Canon TS-E 45mm f/2.8
Panasonic Lumix S Pro 16-35mm f/4
Sony FE 85mm f/1.4 GM
Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm f/1.8
Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8 Di III RXD

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4G ED
Sony FE 90mm f/2.8 Macro G OSS
Canon RF 50mm f/1.2L USM
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
Fujifilm XF 200mm f/2 R LM OIS WR
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
Sony FE 24mm f/1.4 GM
Panasonic Lumix S Pro 70-200mm f/4 O.I.S.

Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III USM

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 600mm f/4E FL ED VR
Sony FE 85mm f/1.4 GM
Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Art
Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS II USM
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2
Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 50-200mm f/2.8-4.0 AS
Fujifilm XF 50-140mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR
Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS
Creates a dreamy, ethereal effect with soft focus and beautiful, glowing bokeh.
Features a selective focus design, allowing for creative and artistic compositions.
Offers a unique, selective focus effect with a sweet spot for artistic portraits.
Provides a slice of focus with a tilt effect for creative and artistic compositions.
Creates a swirling bokeh effect around the subject, adding a touch of whimsy and fantasy.
Similar to the Velvet 56mm, it offers a soft and glowing effect, ideal for portraits.
Delivers a circular fisheye perspective for a unique and distorted artistic look.
Allows for selective focus with a wider sweet spot for creative compositions.
Creates a unique, vintage look with a central area of sharp focus and a dreamy edge.
Features a central area of sharp focus and a swirling, adjustable vignette for creativity.
Wide-angle lens with a soft and glowing effect, perfect for artistic wide-angle shots.
A creative lens with three optics in one for diverse artistic effects.
Offers manual focus and creative effects for a personalized artistic touch.
Provides a burst of creativity with selective focus and vibrant image quality.
Offers a slice of focus with a longer focal length for unique compositions.
Features a unique swirling bokeh effect and sharp central focus for artistic shots.
A longer focal length for soft and glowing portraits, emphasizing artistic expression.
Creates a distinct twist effect in the bokeh for a unique and artistic look.
Offers a sweet spot of focus with creative flare for artistic compositions.
A mid-range focal length with a soft and ethereal effect for artistic shots.
Ideal for capturing intricate details and small products with its macro capabilities.
Perfect for close-up shots, capturing the finest details of your products.
Versatile zoom lens for capturing various product shots with optimal clarity.
Corrects perspective distortion, ideal for architectural and product photography.
Captures expansive product scenes with a wide perspective and excellent sharpness.
Versatile lens suitable for a wide range of product photography scenarios.
Brings distant products closer with exceptional clarity and image stabilization.
Provides a unique, distorted perspective, ideal for creative product photography.
Perfect for capturing product portraits with a beautiful background blur (bokeh).
Corrects lens distortions in post-processing, ensuring optimal product images.

Ideal for capturing stunning portraits with a creamy background blur (bokeh).
Versatile lens for portrait photography, offering excellent image quality.
Creates beautiful, artistic bokeh for unique and expressive portrait shots.
Ideal for capturing portraits with a flattering compression effect.
Excellent for low-light portrait photography, providing sharpness and clarity.
Versatile zoom lens for capturing portraits in various settings with flexibility.
Allows for creative close-up portraits, capturing intricate details.
Delivers a unique character and vintage feel, adding charm to portrait images.
A premium lens for artistic portraits, offering stunning background separation.
Known for its beautiful rendering, ideal for capturing portraits with a cinematic look.

Ideal for capturing expansive landscapes and dramatic scenes.

Offers an ultra-wide perspective, perfect for vast landscapes and architecture.
Ideal for compressing distant landscapes and isolating specific details.
Offers a wide aperture for low-light shooting and captures sharp landscapes.
Versatile lens for capturing a variety of landscapes with optimal clarity.
Allows for perspective control, ideal for architectural and scenic photography.
Can capture intricate details of small elements within a landscape.
Provides a unique perspective with a 180-degree field of view.
Designed to withstand challenging weather conditions for outdoor shooting.
Corrects lens distortions in post-processing, ensuring optimal landscape images.
Ideal for capturing urban landscapes and architecture with a wide perspective.
Offers a versatile focal length for street photography and urban scenes.
Versatile lens for capturing a variety of urban scenes with optimal clarity.
Ideal for capturing distant urban details and street scenes.
Excellent for low-light urban photography, providing sharpness and clarity.
Allows for creative perspective control, great for architectural and urban shots.
Captures expansive urban scenes with a wide perspective and excellent sharpness.
Creates beautiful bokeh, ideal for isolating subjects and enhancing urban portraits.
Adds a vintage charm to urban scenes, providing a unique character to the images.
Corrects lens distortions in post-processing, ensuring optimal urban images.

Ideal for wildlife photography, capturing distant subjects with superb clarity.
Perfect for capturing expansive landscapes and environmental portraits.
Allows for detailed shots of small subjects and intricate details in nature.
Ideal for capturing compelling portraits with a beautiful background blur.
Versatile lens for capturing candid moments and telling visual stories.
Offers exceptional telephoto capabilities for isolating distant subjects.
Versatile lens for a wide range of subjects, from portraits to documentary shots.
Designed for capturing the beauty of underwater environments.
Excellent for shooting in low-light conditions, capturing atmospheric night scenes.
Corrects lens distortions in post-processing, ensuring optimal image quality.

Ideal for capturing action from a distance with fast autofocus and image stabilization.
Offers extreme reach to capture distant sports action with exceptional detail.
Ideal for capturing fast-paced sports with a wide aperture for excellent subject isolation.
Versatile lens for capturing sports action in a variety of settings with optimal clarity.
Excellent for isolating subjects and capturing the intensity of sports moments.
Captures dynamic sports scenes with a unique perspective and wide field of view.
Offers a long reach for capturing sports action on the field with image stabilization.
Designed for capturing fast-paced sports action with precision.
Resistant to challenging weather conditions, ensuring reliability in outdoor sports.
Features optical stabilization for steady shots while capturing dynamic sports action.
us and beautiful, glowing bokeh.
creative and artistic compositions.
weet spot for artistic portraits.
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ect, adding a touch of whimsy and fantasy.
glowing effect, ideal for portraits.
que and distorted artistic look.
ot for creative compositions.
ea of sharp focus and a dreamy edge.
wirling, adjustable vignette for creativity.
perfect for artistic wide-angle shots.
rse artistic effects.
personalized artistic touch.
us and vibrant image quality.
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arp central focus for artistic shots.
aits, emphasizing artistic expression.
unique and artistic look.
for artistic compositions.
al effect for artistic shots.
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