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Jurome Louie P.

De Jesus BSIT-NS-3A-T

Computer System and Platform Technologies


A technology platform is a foundational structure for developing and running business applications. It
serves as a building block for extending and integrating various technologies. When it comes to database
platforms, they encompass a suite of technologies for acquiring, storing, managing, and governing data,
supporting user and application security. Some examples of database platforms include Oracle, IBM Db2,
Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. These platforms typically include database
management systems, analytics, and data management tools. In the context of IT, a platform can refer to
any hardware or software used to host an application or service, such as a database application like SQL

Deployment Flavors:

• Local: Ideal for small-scale applications or development, platforms like SQLite offer self-contained
databases running directly on your machine.
• Corporate Server: Larger organizations often opt for dedicated servers hosting platforms like
Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database, providing increased security and performance.
• Cloud: For ultimate scalability and flexibility, cloud platforms like Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL,
and Azure SQL Database offer managed database services with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Database Types and Platforms:

• Relational Databases: Structured data organized in tables and relationships, perfect for
transactional applications. Popular platforms include:
o MySQL: Open-source, widely used for web applications and e-commerce.
o PostgreSQL: Open-source, known for its robustness and advanced features.
o Microsoft SQL Server: Industry-standard for large-scale enterprise applications.
• NoSQL Databases: Flexible data models ideal for unstructured or semi-structured data, often used
for big data and real-time applications. Popular platforms include:
o MongoDB: Document-oriented database popular for web applications and mobile
o Cassandra: Distributed database designed for high availability and scalability.
o Redis: In-memory data store for caching and high-performance applications.
• In-Memory Databases: Store data in RAM for lightning-fast access, ideal for real-time analytics
and fraud detection. Popular platforms include:
o SAP HANA: High-performance in-memory database for enterprise applications.
o Memcached: Open-source, high-performance key-value store for caching.

Choosing the Right Platform:

Selecting the best platform depends on several factors:

Data type: Structured, unstructured, or semi-structured?

Application needs: Transactional processing, analytics, real-time updates?

Scalability: How much data growth do you anticipate?

Security and compliance requirements: What is your data protection needs?

Budget and technical expertise: Open-source vs. managed services, in-house vs. cloud hosting.


With a plethora of database platforms available, understanding your specific needs is crucial. Consider
deployment options, database types, and platform strengths to make an informed decision. Remember,
the ideal platform empowers your applications to manage, analyze, and leverage your data effectively.

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