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Read the journal article and the questions in the ANSWER BOOK.

1. Complete the following title for the article. (1 mark)

Occupational Stress and Burnout among Hong Kong dentists

2. Explain why a new survey of investigating the sources of stress among dentist is
necessary (1 mark)
It is because there has been no published study after the 2001 survey. (Line 20)

3. Name the sources used in the design of the questionnaire. (1 mark)

Cooper et al,(Line 46) ; Waddington (Line 47) ; Kopec and Esdaile (Line 53) ;
MBI-HSS (Line 55)

4. Match Paragraphs 10 – 15 with the most suitable subtitle (A – F). (3 marks)

A. Occupational stress 11
B. Effect of occupation stress on work 13
C. Demographics 10
D. Human Services Survey and level of burnout 14
E. Human Services Survey, occupation stress, and demographic variables 15
F. Stress-coping strategies 12

5. According to Paragraphs 17 - 22, are the following statements True (T), False (F) or
Not Given (NG)? (3 marks)
a. Less than one-tenth of the respondents had a high level of burnout. (T) Line 171
b. The results of the 2001 and 2016 surveys were completely identical. (F) Line
177 – 179
c. The stress level and the skills and knowledge of the dentist were positively
correlated. (F) Line 191 – 192
d. Dentists working in residential areas had a higher depersonalization score. (T)
Line 202 – 203
e. If it is easier to make a living, the personal accomplishment and
depersonalization scores may be higher. (NG) Line 208 – 209
f. The overall burnout of dentists was negatively related to their qualifications. (T)
Line 212 – 214
6. Answer the following questions about the comparison of the three subscales. (2
a. Explain the relationship between the local dentists’ ability to tolerate stress and
the public examinations.
As local students are more used to the keen competition of the public
examinations, they can tolerate stress better. (Line 220 – 223)

b. Name ONE reason why the local dentists are less stressful than the local doctors.
They seldom need to be on-call (Line 226) OR
The public have high expectations of the public health care service. (Line 227 –

7. Answer the following questions about the Limitations of the study section. (3
a. What are three reasons behind the low response rate? Fill in the blanks with
ONE word only.
(1) the lack of time (Line 246)
(2) the lack of interest (Line 247)
(3) the sensitive (Line 248) nature of the questions

b. Explain why the results of the survey “might underestimate the level of stress
and burnout among dentists”.
It is because there is a possibility of information bias as the information is
self-reported. (Line 248 – 249)

c. What is the possible problem with the small sample size?

There is a possible lack of statistical power. (Line 251)

8. What are the recommendations suggested by the authors? Use ONE word only
for each blank. The answers should be grammatical. (1 mark)
(1) work shorter (Line 259) hours
(2) acquire new (Line 261) knowledge and skills

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