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• Basics of the Topic

• Steps in the Process of Research
• Analyzing and Interpreting Data
• Steps Involved in Data Analysis
• Data Analysis Methods
• Data Analysis Research Methods
• Statistical Methods used for Analysis
• Selecting Among Tests of Significance
• Other Investigative Techniques
• Conclusion
• References
Basics of the Topic
• Research
• Data
• Data Analysis
Steps in the Process of Research
• Identifying the Research Problem
• Reviewing the Literature
• Selecting Participants/Samples
• Collecting Data
• Analyzing and Interpreting Data
• Reporting and Evaluating Research
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
• The researcher analyzes
▫ The themes
▫ General tendencies
• Provides Interpretations of the data
Steps involved in Data Analysis
• Before Data Collection
• After Data Collection
Before Data Collection
▫ Determine the method of data analysis
▫ Determine how to process the data
▫ Consult a statistician
▫ Prepare dummy tables
After Data Collection
▫ Process the data
▫ Prepare tables and graphs
▫ Analyze and interpret findings
▫ Consult again the statistician
▫ Prepare for editing
▫ Prepare for presentation
Data Analysis Methods
• Data analysis Research Methods
▫ Qualitative data analysis
▫ Quantitative data analysis
• Statistical Methods used for Analysis
▫ Descriptive Statistics
▫ Inferential Statistics
Qualitative Data Analysis
• Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)
▫ Range of processes
▫ Procedures
▫ Move from the qualitative data
• QDA is usually based on an interpretative philosophy.
• The idea is
▫ To examine
🞄 The meaningful content
🞄 Symbolic content
Process of Qualitative data Analysis
Quantitative Data Analysis
• Quantitative data analysis
▫ You are expected to turn raw numbers into meaningful data
🞄 Through the application of rational and critical thinking.

• Quantitative data analysis may include

▫ Calculation of frequencies of variables
▫ Differences between variables

• Quantitative approach is usually associated

▫ Finding evidence
▫ Hypotheses
Stages of Quantitative data
Statistical Methods used for Analysis
• Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis:

(i)Descriptive Statistics
(ii) Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Data Analysis
• Descriptive Statistics deal with
▫ Tabulation of data
▫ Their presentation in
🞄 Tabular
🞄 Graphical
🞄 Pictorial form
▫ Calculation of descriptive measures.
Types of Descriptive Data Analysis
• The major types of descriptive statistics are
🞄 Frequencies
🞄 Measures of Central Tendency
🞄 Measures of Variability
🞄 Measures of Relative Position
🞄 Measures of Relationship
Step Involved
• Preparing Data for Analysis
• Tabulation and Coding Procedure
• Summarizing the Data
Inferential Analysis
• Inferential Statistics are used for making inductive generalizations
▫ About populations
▫ Based on sample data
▫ Testing hypothesis
(Powell, R. at eil (2004). Basic research methods for librarians)
• Inferential statistics are data analysis techniques for determining
how likely it is that results obtained from a sample or samples are the
same results that would have been obtained from the entire
Areas of Inferential Statistics
• There are two main areas of inferential statistics:
▫ Estimating parameters.
▫ Hypothesis tests.
Selecting Among Tests of Significance
• Parametric tests
• Nonparametric tests
Parametric Test: The t Test
• The t test is used
▫ To determine whether two groups of scores are significantly
different at a selected probability level.
▫ The basic strategy of the t test is to compare the actual difference
between the means of the groups (X1-X2) with the difference
expected by chance if the null hypothesis (i.e., no difference) is
true. This ratio is known as the t value.
• We can use Excel, SPSS, or a variety of other software
applications to conduct a t test.

(Gay, L. R., at el. (2012). Educational Research)

Nonparametric tests: Chi Square
• Chi square, is a nonparametric test of significance appropriate.

• It is used to compare frequencies occurring in different

categories or groups.

• Chi square is computed by comparing the frequencies of each

variable observed in a study to the expected frequencies..

(Gay, L. R., at el. (2012). Educational Research)

Other Investigative Techniques
• Data Mining
• Factor Analysis
• Structural Equation Modeling

(Gay, L. R., at el. (2012). Educational Research)


• The Analysis section tells the reader what occurred during the
experiment by explaining the graph and data table etc.
• A data analysis report summarizes the results of an experiment
based on the purpose of the study

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