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D 32301 (Pages :2) Name....'..........

Reg. No........,,....,,.....


NOVEIIiltsER 2022


(2019-2022 Ad:nissions )

Time : Tho Hours and a Half Maximum : 80 Marks

Psrt A
Answer alL qrrcstians.
Each qucstinn carrizs 2 marhs.

1. What is Eudaimonism ?

2. Define Coordination.

What is scalar chain ?

4. r6hu1 i. gscoding ?
5. Write up the advantages of gamffication.

6. What is meant by negative reinforcement ?

7. What do you understand by primacy of planning ?

8. What is financial motivation ?

9. What do you know about Bank and Yank ?

10. What is Accountability ?

11. What is stress management ?

12. What is meant by functional foremanship ?

13. Define Corporate Governance.

L4. What is Kaizen ?

15. What is line and stalf organisation ?

(15 x 2 = 30, Maximum ceiling 25 Marks)

Turn over
2 D 32301

Part B
Answer al! questions.
Each questian carries 5 marks.

16. Why corporate governance is more important in today's business world ?

17. Describe the process of comnunication.

18. Explain the principles of delegation.

19. Write a note on trait theory of leadership.

20. State the benefits of TPM.

21. Explain the contributions made by Henry Fayol to management thought.

22. Differentiate between policies and rules.

23. Why departmentation is necessa4r ?

(8 x 5 = 40, Illgximrrm geiling 35 Marks)

Part C

Answer any two quzstions.

Each questinn carrics lO mnrks.

24. Define logistics management. Explein the activities involved in it.

25 . Explain the essentials of a good control system.

26. what is meant by business ethics ? Explain the factors influeucing business ethics.

27. Discuss the principles of organizi"g.

(2 x 10 = 20 marks)
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1' Eudaimonism (or Eudaemonism or Eudaimonia)

is a moral philosophy that defines right action
as that which leads to the "weil-being"
of the individuar, thus holding ,,well-being,, as having
essential value.

2' coordination can be described as that invisible cord, which runs through
all the activities of
the organization and binds them
together. It is not a function df t)re management,
rather it is
the essence of management, which
is needed at aI revers and at each step of
the firm, to achieve
the objectives of the organization.

3' Scalar chaie is the formal line of

authority which moves from highest to lowest
rank in a straight
line. This chain specifies the route through
r.vhich the irutrmation is to be commrrnicated
to the
desired location /person.

4' Decoding is the process of converting code

into plain text or any format that is useful for
subsequent processes. Decoding is
the reverse of encoding. It converts encoded
communication transmissions and
files to their original states.
5. Increase leamer engagement-provide
instant feedback_User motivation.

6' Negative reinforcement is a term described

by B. F. skinner in his theory of operant conditioning.
In negative reinforcement, a response or
behaviour is strengthened by stopping removing,
avoiding a negative outcome or aversive
7' It means that planning is the function that
is perform frsl in compare to alr the management
function. That is why it is known as primacy
of planning.
8' Financial motivation invorves motivating
employees with money and things associated
money' The main methods of financial
motivation used in business are remuneration,
commission. promotion and fringe benefits.

9' According to The Performance Management

and Appraisar Resource center, ,,rank and yank,,
is a term used to describe when
companies rank their employees against one another, then
terminate the eniployees who are dead
last in the rankings.

l0 The obligation ofan individual or organization

to account for its activities, accept responsibility
for them' and to disclose the results in a
transparent manner. Accountability is
when an individual
or department is held responsible for the
performance ofa specific function.

1 i. Stress management is awide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies

aimed at controlling
a person's lever ofstress, especia y
chronic stress, usualy for the purpose ofand
for the motive
of impro'ing e'eryday functioning. These can
include a dec.line in phl.sical health as ri,ell
asdepression The process of stress management is named as one of the keys to a
successful life in modem society.

12. The term, functional foremanship means separation of planning from execution. Each worker
supervised by various specialists. For this, Taylor suggested that under the factory manager, there

is a planning in charge and a production so as to increase efficiency.

13. corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is
directed and controlled. Corporate govemance essentially ilvolves balancing the interests of a

company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, senior management executives, customers,

suppliers, financiers, the govemment, and the community.

14. Kaizen is a Japanese term, which means, "change for the better, or ,,continuous

improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously

improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a
gradual and methodical process.

15. Line and staffl organization is a modification of line organization and it is more complex than
line organization. According to this administrative organization. specialized and supportive
activities are attached to the line of command by appointing staff supervisots and staffspecialists
who are attached to the line authority. The power of command always remains with the line
executives and staff supervisors guide, advice and council the line executives.

16' Large number of stake holders-Changing structure of ownership-Greater social responsibility-

Corporate Scams and frauds-Shareholder activism-strong regulatory system-Globalisation-

Mergers and acquisitions.

17. Sender) Message) Encoding) Channel) Receiver) Decoding) Feedback.

I 8 . Principie of delegation by results expected-Principle of absoluteness of responsibility-principle

of parity of authority and responsibility- Authority level principle- Principle of fimctional
definition-Scalar Principle.

19. The trait theory of leadership suggests that certain inbom or imate qualities and characteristics
.make someone a leader. Ihese qualities might be personality factors, physical factors, intelligence

factors, and so on. The trait theory gives constructive informalion about leadership. It can be
applied by people at all levels in all types of organizations. Managers can utilize the information

from the theory to evaluate their position in the organization and to assess how their position can
be made stronger in the organization. The trait theory of leadership focuses on identifuing
different personality traits and characteristics that are linked to successful leadership across a
variety of situations.
l)aut 3 oi 4
20. Increased equipment producti'ity-Reduced equipment don
time-rncreased plant capacity_
Lower maintenance and production cost-Improved RoI-Rectifi
ed customer compla.ints.

21' Henry fayol-father of management process school- .Formulated

fourteen general principles.
Fayol conceived management incrttdes pranning
& forecasting, organisirg, commancring,
coordinating and controlling His theory of management
completely revolutionized the thinking
of managers as thrct!f,ott his treatise, there exists
an understanding of the universality of the
principles' These principles are not rigid laws;
they could be modified to suit the requirements
the situation faoed by amanager.

22. Difference behveen policies and rules

Guides to thinking
Gui des to behaviour
General statements
Specifi c statements
Laydo wn management attitude
Indicates what should / should not be done
Provide discretion
Provide no scope for discretion
Rigid ; no exceptions/deviationi
23 . Increasing operating efficiency
ofempl oyees-Fixation of responsibility alert
decision making-Identifi cation of efficien
cy by management amongst departments.
24' Logistics management is that part of supply
chain management that plans, imprements,
contrors the efEcient, effective forward
and reverses flow aqd storage of goods,
services and
related inforrnation between the point
of origin and the point of .o*r-ptioo
in order to meet
customers' requirements. Activities:
Demand forecasting- customer
service_ order processing-
Material handling-Inventory contror- procurement-Iocation
of prant & ware house-packagrng-
warehousing- Transportation-Reverse logistics-
Handring of retumed goods_sarvage and
disposal-After sales sewice support_ Communication.

25' suitability-Prompt reporting-Timely and

Forward looking-objective and understandable_
and operational-periodic review.

26 Business ethics is rhe stucly of proper

business poricies and practices regarding
controversial issues, such as corporate govemance, insider trading,
discrimination, corporate social responsibility
and fiduciary responsibilities. Factors:
competition-Abnormal profit motive-Political interference-political uncerflr^inty-unjust
legislation-corruption-Lack ofethical
attitude- Lack ofEducation-Non-co-operation
of workers-
27' Principles of: objectives-unity of objectives-clivision of work & specialisation-flrnctional
definition-balance of various factors-simplicity-span of control-scalar chain-responsibility-
delegation of authority-unity of command-unity of direction-co-ordination-communication-
exception/exceptional matters-flexibility/continuity-efficiency-facilitation of leadership-
Simplicity and homogeneity-Joint decisions-Continuity.


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