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Judeia: Maayong buntag Bipsunistas! Welcome to the School of Technology and

Computer Studies' seminar on Gender, Society, and Youth: Navigating the Challenges
on Mental Health, HIV, and Teenage Pregnancy. I'm Judeia Joson, and I'm thrilled to be
one of your emcees today.

Jannyn: I'm Jannyn Sinagote, and I'm equally excited to be here with you all.

Rolando: And I'm Rolando Mintal. Together, we'll be guiding you through today's
insightful discussions on crucial topics affecting our youth.

Prayer and National Anthem

Rolando: Before we begin our program, let's take a moment to center ourselves in
prayer followed by the singing of National Anthem.

Judeia: Please stand up and bow our heads and feel the presence of the Lord.

[Pause for prayer]

After sa Prayer and National Anthem

Jannyn: We'll be exploring several significant topics today. Our excellent speakers cover
a wide range of topics, from understanding HIV to nurturing mental wellness in today's
modern world.

Judeia: And don't forget about navigating the complexities of teenage pregnancy. It's
important for us to understand these issues and support each other through education
and empathy.
Rolando: So, get ready for a day filled with learning, reflection, and hopefully, some
inspiration to make positive changes in our communities. And remember, your
participation today is a step towards creating a more informed and supportive society for
our youth.

Opening Remarks

Judeia: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow participants, it is with great
pleasure that we introduce our distinguished speaker for the opening remarks. He is
also the president of Biliran Bisexual and Gay Society (BBGS). Let's Welcome, Mr. Tito
Amerigo Custodio, Jr.

Understanding HIV: From Basics to Breakthroughs

Speaker: Mr Eduard E. Estroso, RN

Program Coordinator on HIV/AIDS & DRRMH

Introduction sa Speaker

Rolando: "Everyone, please welcome our first speaker, Mr. Eduard E. Estroso, RN. Mr.
Estroso is a dedicated Mental Health Program Coordinator with a lot of knowledge in
addressing the challenges posed by HIV/AIDS. He will be guiding us through
understanding HIV: From Basics to Breakthroughs." Please give a round of applause.

After ug discuss sa speaker

Clap clap sa hands ang mga audience

Jannyn: Thanks you Mr. Eduard Estroso for that informative session on understanding
HIV: from basics to breakthroughs. He taught us an important topic, providing us with
valuable insights into HIV/AIDS and its implications.

Judeia: His dedication in raising awareness of HIV/AIDS is truly commendable. We

appreciate you sharing your expertise with us today.
Jannyn: Yes, and let's not forget to share to our communities the knowledge and
awareness we have obtained from his lecture.

Giving of Certificate

Judeia: Now, as we express our gratitude for the enlightening session delivered by Mr.
Eduard E. Estroso, we would like to invite him to the stage to receive a certificate of

Judeia: Let's give a round of applause.

Mind Matters: Nurturing Mental Wellness in the Modern world

Speaker: Ms. Nicole Vonn Victoria Psychometrician

Introduction sa Speaker

Judeia: Next up, we have Ms. Nicole Vonn Victoria, a distinguished Psychometrician
with a passion for nurturing mental wellness in today's modern world. Ms. Victoria brings
a unique perspective and expertise to our seminar, and we're excited to learn from her
insights during her session titled 'Mind Matters: Nurturing Mental Wellness in the
Modern World.'" Please give a round of applause.

After ug discuss sa speaker

Clap clap sa hands ang mga audience

Rolando: Thank you Ms. Nicole Vonn Victoria for that insightful session on nurturing
mental wellness in the modern world. Her emphasis on the importance of mental
wellness and self-care serves as a reminder for all of us to prioritize our mental well-

Judeia: And thanks you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. Your insights
will undoubtedly make a difference in our lives and communities.
Giving of Certificate

Judeia: Now, as we express our gratitude for the insightful session delivered by Ms.
Nicole Vonn Victoria, we would like to invite her to the stage to receive a certificate of

Judeia: Let's give another round of applause.

Navigating Your Choices:

Understanding Teenage pregnancy

Speaker: Ms. Maria Lovella B. Ang, RN Provincial AHDP/NPFP/VAWC/BHC/PPO

Introduction sa Speaker

Jannyn: Last but certainly not least, please give a warm welcome to Ms. Maria Lovella
B. Ang, RN. Ms. Ang is a Provincial Adolescent Health and Development Program
Coordinator, and her dedication to understanding and addressing teenage pregnancy is
commendable. We're honored to have her with us today as she navigates the
complexities of teenage pregnancy and empowers us with knowledge and awareness.

After ug discuss sa speaker

Clap clap sa hands ang mga audience

Judeia: Thank you Ms. Maria Lovella B. Ang for that insightful session on understanding
teenage pregnancy. Her expertise as a registered nurse have provided us with valuable
insights into the complexities surrounding teenage pregnancy.
Rolando: Her commitment in addressing teenage pregnancy and related concerns is
genuinely admirable. We appreciate you bringing this significant subject to our attention,
Ms. Ang, and providing us with the information we need to make wise decisions.

Judeia: Indeed, and let's remember to carry forward the awareness and understanding
we've gained from her presentation into our communities.

Giving of Certificate

Judeia: Now, as we express our gratitude for the enlightening session delivered by Ms.
Maria Lovella B. Ang, we would like to invite him to the stage to receive a certificate of

Judeia: Let's give a round of applause.


Closing Remark

Jannyn: As we come to the end of our seminar, it's our privilege to introduce our
esteemed speaker for the closing remarks, Mr. Robert P. Logronio. Please give a round
of applause.

After sa Closing Remark

Jannyn: We want to express our deepest gratitude to all our speakers, participants, and
organizers who made today possible.

Rolando: Your enthusiasm, engagement, and commitment to learning have truly made
this event a success.
Judeia: We've covered a lot of discussions today, from understanding HIV/AIDS to
nurturing mental wellness and exploring the complexities of teenage pregnancy.

Rolando: Let's take the knowledge, insights, and inspiration gained today and continue
to advocate for positive change in our communities.

Judeia: Remember, each one of us has the power to make a difference, whether it's
through education, advocacy, or support.

Jannyn: Thank you once again for your participation and dedication. Let's continue to
stand together and make a meaningful impact.


Jannyn: But before we end this seminar, let's capture this moment with a group photo
featuring our esteemed speakers and all our enthusiastic participants.

Rolando: This photo will serve as a reminder of the knowledge shared, connections
made, and the collective effort towards positive change.

Judeia: We invite all the speakers and participants to come forward and gather in front
of the stage for this memorable snapshot.

Rolando: With that, we officially close today's seminar. Stay safe everyone, and let's
stay connected as we work towards a better future for all.

Judeia: Thank you, and have a wonderful day ahead!

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