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Business Statistics Grand Assesment

Analysis Reports
Research on MBTI Students Favorite’s Social Media

Arrenged by:
Lulu Mumtaz Athallah Ridwan

Telkom University
Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu St, Dayeuh Kolot,
Sukabirus, Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, West Java 40257

Table Of Content
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II .................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................................... 7
ANALYSIS/REPORT......................................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................................................. 12
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER V .................................................................................................................................................. 13
5.1 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 SUGGESTION ................................................................................................................................. 15

All praise and gratitude go to Allah SWT, we offer praise and thanksgiving for His presence, who
has bestowed his mercy and guidance for all of us. Because with His permission I was able to write
this paper and finish it on time. so that we can complete this report about Research On ICT
Business Students Favorite's Social Media, Class of 2022.

This paper was made in order to fulfill the final assignment for the business statistics course
with the 'Research on MBTI Students Favorite Social Media's title. Social media itself as a
communication medium in the modern era which has various impacts on its users. Therefore, here
I will discuss in more detail and simply about social media.

I have compiled this report to the maximum, so I would like to thank to all people who have
contributed to the preparation of this analysis report, especially friends from the MBTI major who
have helped me in completing this paper. And also I would like to thank my supervisor for my
business statistics course, Mr. Osa, for giving me the assignment for this report.

I hope that this paper can be used properly and can be useful in the future. I am aware of the
imperfection of this paper, shortcomings both in term of sentences structure and grammar.
Therefore, I expect constructive criticism and suggestions from the readers, so that it becomes an
input for the author to be better.




The internet is the largest computer network in this world, as a very complete multimedia
library, even the internet is seen as the world in another form (cyberspace), said so because
almost all information in the field of science is presented on the internet. Many changes have
occurred with the presence of internet technology, especially for the mindset of the current
generation of society. Various information contained on the internet offers easy access for its

"Social Media" is a computer-based technology that makes it possible to share ideas, and
knowledge with others through online groups and networks. Social media allows us to share
anything quickly, including movies, pictures, documents and personal information. Users
interact with social media on smartphones, laptops or computers using software or web-based
applications. The function of social media was originally to connect with friends and family,
but later, many businesses adopted it as a way to connect with clients by utilizing a new, much-
loved communication channel. The power of social media itself is about capacity to connect
and communicate with anyone on Earth, or with many people at once.

While traditional media uses print and broadcast media, social media uses the internet. Social
media invites anyone who is interested to participate by openly contributing and giving
feedback, commenting, and sharing information in a fast and unlimited time. As internet and
smartphone technology has advanced, social media also grown rapidly. Due to many people
who can access social media has caused a major phenomenon in the flow of information not
only in developed countries, but also in Indonesia. Because of its speed, social media also began
to replace the role of conventional mass media in disseminating news. The rapid development
of social media is now because everyone seems to be able to have their own media. A social
media user can access using social media with an internet network even with slow access,
without large costs, without expensive tools and done alone without employees. We as social
media users can freely edit, add, modify both writing, images, videos, graphics, and various
other content models.



Social media refers to a means of interaction among people where they create, share, and/or
exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. There are many forms of
social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo sharing sites,
instant messaging, video sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds and more. When used
correctly, social media can be a valuable addition to a department's communication strategy. As
many employees have expressed interest in developing and maintaining a social media presence
in a personal and professional capacity.

Globally, there are over 3.8 billion social media users, using it to share information and make
connections. On a personal level, social media allows us to communicate with friends and family,
learn new things, develop your interests, and be entertained. On a professional level, we can use
social media to expand our knowledge in a particular field and build our professional network by
connected with other professionals in our industry. At the enterprise level, social media allows us
to have conversations with your audience, get customer feedback, and enhance your brand. In this
analysis report I use several levels of social media variables such as Instagram, Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Because these social media are the most popular social media
among the public.

The world of social media is constantly evolving, with new apps like TikTok entering the ranks
of established social networks like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. And the great
thing is that the four applications above can still survive to become people's favorite social media
when there are many newcomer applications that (maybe) have superior specifications than them,
and also the TikTok application even though it is a newly released social media but they can
compete and can shoot to number one as the most popular social media platform in the world.

Population is the entire group for which we want to draw conclusions at. In this analysis report,
the subject population that I used were MBTI Telkom University Students class of 2022. I chose
this population because it was easy and fast to get respondents for this research report.

I used correlational research with quantitative methods for the sampling method. Because in
this research I have to determine extent of a relationship between two or more variables using
statistics data. 27 students have filled out the form I provided.

The data analysis technique that I use is chi square. The chi-square test can be used to test
whether the sample data taken supports the hypothesis which states that the original sample
population follows a certain distribution.


In this study, I used a quantative method because it emphasizes the amount of data collected.
And I use primary data because I use a google form with a link to collect surveys. From the existing
results following the visualization of the data I get.

The google form link:

With the SPSS calculation method from the visualization above, the results are obtained:

Statistic Std. Error
Social_Medi Mean 1.95 .156
a 95% Confidence Lower 1.63
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper Bound 2.26
5% Trimmed Mean 1.89
Median 2.00
Variance .945
Std. Deviation .972
Minimum 1
Maximum 4
Range 3
Interquartile Range 2
Skewness .650 .378
Kurtosis -.633 .741

Statistic Std. Error
Social_Medi Mean 1.95 .156
a 95% Confidence Lower 1.63
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper Bound 2.26
5% Trimmed Mean 1.89
Median 2.00
Variance .945
Std. Deviation .972
Minimum 1
Maximum 4
Range 3
Interquartile Range 2
Skewness .650 .378
Kurtosis -.633 .741

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics
Std. Minimu Maximu
N Mean Deviation m m
Favorite_Social_Me 32 2.0000 1.01600 1.00 4.00

Chi-Square Test

Frequencies Test Statistics
Chi-Square 6.500a
df 3
Observed N N Residual
Asymp. .090
Instagram 13 8.0 5.0
Tiktok 9 8.0 1.0
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have
Youtube 7 8.0 -1.0
expected frequencies less
Twitter 3 8.0 -5.0 than 5. The minimum
Total 32 expected cell frequency is


𝐻0 : 𝑝1 = 𝑝2 = 𝑝3 = 3

respondent like 4th of social media proportion in meaning not there is social media which more
liked from other (equally preferred)

𝐻1 : 𝑝1 ≠ 𝑝2 ≠ 𝑝3 ≠

The respondent like 4th of social media proportion but there is social meda which more liked from
other (not favored equally)

F table:
Degree of Freedom (dF) = 𝑛 – 1 = 𝑥
=4– 1 = 3

𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 = 95%

𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 = 5% 𝑜𝑟 0,05
So, from the table (0,005; 3) = 7.815

A. Decision Rule
Chi-Square count with Chi-Square table
- If Chi count < Chi-square table, then 𝐻0 accepted

- If Chi count > Chi-square table, then 𝐻0 rejected
by looking at the number of probabilities with the conditions:
- Probability > 0,05, then 𝐻0 accepted
Probability < 0,05, then 𝐻0 rejected

B. Decision Making
Because the Chi-square count (6.500) < Chi-square table (7,815), then 𝐻0 got accepted

Depends on the number of probabilities: Because the number on Asymp. Sig coloumn is 0,090 >
0,05, then 𝐻0 got accepted

: Both ways produce the same decision namely 𝐻0 accepted. This means that the students like four
social media proportionally in the sense that to one favorite social media is preffered over the
other. Twitter has the less interest and Instagram & Tiktok are most likes. But after being tested
with Chi-square it turns out that the distributin of the samples is still in accordance with the
theoretical distribution

This research was conducted at Telkom University involving students from MBTI majors, from
the results of my research analysis, it can be concluded that students majoring in MBTI, often use
Instagram social media. It can be seen from the data that around 40.5 percent of MBTI students
like Instagram social media because there they can connect with all their friends, they can open
accounts to sell goods & services, and also have entertainment. Furthermore, 29.7 percent of
students often open the TikTok application because there are many entertaining and funny videos.
About 21.6 percent of MBTI students like to watch YouTube because it has many videos that are
educational, entertaining, and fun. And finally, there are 8.1 percent of MBTI students like to open
the Twitter application because on Twitter there is always up to date news or booming news and
has many open-minded netizens.

From this it can be concluded that people prefer social media that offers funny, entertaining,
and educational content with application features that are simple and easy to learn.


In this analyis report I chose the title 'research on social media that is often used by students
majoring in MBTI Telkom University' because people often use it so I think this is an easy thing
to find nowadays. The emergence of this technology called social media has a very big influence
on people in Indonesia and even in the world, people are spending more time just opening social
media, communicating between countries easily, expanding the sales market area to other
countries, and people also increasingly want to have a sense of wanting to get all things in an
instant way.

Social media refers to a means of interaction among people where they create, share, and/or
exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. There are many forms of
social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo sharing sites,
instant messaging, video sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more. We can now
see that we can do just about anything through social media! Where in the past we could only
communicate through traditional media. As internet and smartphone technology advances, social
media is also growing rapidly. Because of its speed, social media is also starting to replace the role
of conventional mass media in disseminating news.

Personally, I use several social media as samples such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube,
Twitter, and TikTok. I chose these samples because the four applications are very popular
applications among the public, there is no one who does not know these applications. Instagram is
an application where we can share important moments, see inspiration, and sell. Facebook, as the
king of social media has become a driving force in organizing human social life in cyberspace
which has now evolved into business and entertainment media. Youtube application is a web-
based video sharing mass media that facilitates users to share videos that they have, or simply
enjoy various videos uploaded by various parties. Twitter, is a social media that can surprise people
with its trending news. Because twitter provides a lot of very real information. Compared to other

applications, hot news reaches the user of twitter faster thanks to the trending feature. And on
Twitter there are also many informative accounts that provide very useful posts or threads. And
the last one is Tiktok. Which is a music video platform and social network where users can create,
edit and share short video clips with fellow users. So users can create interesting short videos and
easily share them with other users around the world. Even though it has been released since 2016
and was dim, the TikTok application can raise their application ranking to number 1. Tiktok has
been influencing other social media on making short video clips, for example Instagram reels,
Youtube shorts, etc.

Students majoring in MBTI Telkom University are the research population that I used in this
research report, because it is effective for getting respondents. And the research this time was
conducted using quantitative methods because this method emphasizes the amount of data
collected. And on this occasion, I used primary data as my reference in making this paper. The
data was collected through google form to MBTI students.

The reason for the quantitative method is because I gave the google form to an audience who
are not experts in the field of social media. Then, this quantitative method is more useful if you
want to get a lot of respondents in a short time. From the survey that I conducted, the results of the
analysis were obtained as stated in chapter 4/3. It was found that telkom uniiversity students
majoring in MBTI really like the Instagram app because it entertains them and keeps them updated
with their friends.

During the 18 meetings, I think the guidance from Mr. Osa was very good. The learning method
used by Mr. Osa is fun, when learning a material he always prepares exercises related to the
material that has been explained so that all his students become more familiar with the material.
He is also patient and painstaking in guiding his students when they have difficulty understanding
the material. The class atmosphere during the business statistics course was very interactive, all
friends were active in answering and asking questions about the material presented.

Thank you very much Mr. Osa for your guidance during this first semester.


Erna Erviana, Pachadella Yolanro., Zafirah Dwi Lestari., & Siti Rosidah. (2015). Importance
of English Languange For Now and the Future, 47022184

Lin, Agustian. (2017). Social Media Reports: , 39779677.


Google Form Spreadsheet link:

The respons:


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