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Cost Overrun in Residential Construction Project in

Malaysia: Causes and Improvement Measures

Syafika Artika Rahim1,a, Syuhaida Ismail1,b and Abd Latif Saleh2,c
Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Abstract—Cost overrun is the major issue in residential sector anymore [3]. The construction sector gross
construction project industry worldwide, including Malaysia. development product merely contributes around 4.2 percent
This paper is therefore aimed to appraise the cost overrun in from overall economic activity led by civil engineering,
residential construction project in Malaysia. This paper was done
specialised in construction activities and non-residential
based on findings by reviewing a thorough review of literature
and expert focus group interview on the current practice of buildings [3].
residential construction projects from local and global context. Similar to other industries that contribute to the nation
The previous study reveals that many residential construction economic growth, cost in construction project is undeniably a
projects are facing various types of problems, especially cost very important factor to consider in a construction project
overrun that eventually affected most of the construction project management life cycle. Therefore, cost can be regarded as one
completions. It is found that the cost overrun in residential
of the most important parameters of a project that drives
construction project was caused by improper planning and
scheduling by contractor, inconsistency in price materials, towards the success of any construction project [1]. Normally,
unanticipated site conditions, incompetent contractor, sudden cost estimation will be planned in the preliminary stage, thus
change in the scope of the project, project financial difficulties, the contractor can forecast the budget for a construction
poor site management and supervision, and shortage of site project.
workers. Hence, it is important to examine the improvement Ineffective cost performance is a major issue in construction
measures of the cost performance in residential construction
industry [2], where cost spend exceeds budget, improper
project in Malaysia of which include proper project planning and
scheduling, effective site management and supervision, effective estimation, and construction cost under estimation are
strategic planning and appropriate construction method used in commonly occurred. Construction cost overrun shall result in
the project. This paper could serve as a guide to the project investment pressure and thus affects investment decision
management team, who involves in Malaysia residential making and wastes of the national finance. It might result in
construction project to maximise the cost performance in the corruption or offense if not control wisely. Hence, it is
project and thus shall support the Construction Industry
important to classify the factors that affect the cost overruns
Transformation Programme (CITP) Malaysia’s national agenda.
and mitigate these problems.
Index Terms—Cost Overrun, Residential Construction Poor site supervision and management amongst all can
Project, Malaysia, Causes, Improvement Measures contribute to problem of poor cost performance in
construction project. Poor management, such as non-skillful
I. INTRODUCTION and inexperience human resource in site management also
reflected this weakness as well as the incompetency of
T he construction industry in Malaysia plays a vital role in
the country's development [1]. It is also creating
employment both directly and indirectly and improves
contractors [1]. Therefore, this paper emerges with the aim of
appraising the cost overrun in residential construction project
citizens' quality of life through provision of essential in Malaysia via the objectives of investigating the causes and
socioeconomic infrastructure and public facilities. A examining the improvement measures on cost overruns in
construction project might require more than one person residential construction projects in Malaysia.
during the life cycle of a project, depending on the complexity
of the construction project as a project management team. It is II. LITERATURE REVIEW
based on the type of project that shall determine the A. Overview of Residential Construction Project in
complexity of managing the cost of the construction project. Malaysia
Malaysia is in the process of vigorous development. It has
been highlighted that since the 1970s, the economic in The Malaysian residential sector has been suffering from
Malaysia has undergone rapid growth [2]. It is found that failure of residential construction project since the early
construction industry plays an important role in Malaysia 1980s. For instance, there were 68 abandoned residential
economic growth of 15.2 percent in 1995 and reduce to 11.8 construction projects in peninsular Malaysia (excluding Sabah
percent in 1996 [2]. As of in 2018, Malaysia’s economic and Sarawak) in the year of 2014. It is comprising 24,726
growth has accelerated to 4.7 percent more from the previous residential units and 17,468 buyers [2]. As in 2017, there are
year where this growth of demand was not led by construction 67 cases of abandoned residential project in peninsular
Malaysia (excluding Sabah and Sarawak), comprising of partnership (PPP) [6]. Although efforts of the research
14,973 of residential units and 10,602 buyers [2]. Even though community have drawn attention to various aspects of the
the statistic is slowly reducing, it still needs to be improved to problem, however there is a lot to do to identify the causes and
ensure reducing trend in housing project abandonment in effects of the poor cost performance and cost overrun
Malaysia. contributed to the abandonment of residential construction
Table 1. Abandoned residential construction project by State in Malaysia It is apparent that the main factor of this abandoned
residential construction projects is due to poor cost
No. of performance or cost overrun in the residential construction
No. of No. of
State housing project. The main concern about abandoned residential
project Buyers
units construction project is when the residential construction
Johor 9 2741 2060 project is still under construction stage and is not completed
Kedah 2 765 169 within stipulated time, thus not ready for occupation [4].
Kelantan 10 891 875 However, it is important to note that the abandonment of
Melaka 0 0 0 residential construction projects is not unique to Malaysia as it
is also presented in other countries, such as United States,
N. Sembilan 3 658 614
Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and
Pahang 5 618 478
Russia [2]. Therefore, it is important to prevent cost overrun in
Perak 4 298 249
the residential construction project to ensure lesser abandoned
Perlis 0 0 0
project in the future.
P.Pinang 2 1550 1337
Selangor 28 6999 4523
Terengganu 3 319 274 B. Factors Affecting Cost Performance of Residential
W.P.Kuala 1 134 23 Construction Project in Malaysia
Total 67 14,973 10,602 The major challenge in construction industry in general is
to keep the residential construction projects within estimated
In Malaysia, the phenomena of abandoned residential costs and schedules. It is requiring good strategies, good
construction project in the country remained unsolved, thus practices and careful judgment.
become national issue discussed by various parties [2]. The However, many construction projects experience extensive
developers blamed the contractor for their incompetent project delays and exceed original time and budget, including
management team and result to the poor cost performance in residential construction projects. This problem is more
the residential construction project. On the other hand, the obvious in the traditional type of contracts, in which the
contractor blamed on developer because the payment delay contract of the residential construction project is awarded to
and inconsistency of design have delayed the residential the lowest bidder as the strategy in the majority of public
construction project and made it difficult for their project construction projects in developing countries [7].
management team to run the residential construction project To better managing and controlling the residential
smoothly, thus leading to the problem of construction cost construction projects, there are various procurements
exceeds the budget [4]. strategies can be used that shall affect the cost performance of
Although the residential industry is one of the main residential construction projects. Most popular strategies
priorities of the government, persistent major problems of cost include traditional method, integrated services and in-house
overrun are being encountered, which resulting in the team [8]. Normally large clients or large developers who have
abandoned residential construction projects [2]. For example, their own construction arm shall directly appoint their own
based on [5] on survey of cost overrun, it was notably found team. However, the client can choose to tender out a partial of
that only 11 percent of respondents mentioned that normally contract to outsiders. Many of developers nowadays prefer this
their residential construction projects are finished within the method because they can plan the residential construction
budgeted cost, while 89 percent of respondents agreed that projects cost effectively from the beginning of the planning
mostly the residential construction projects are over budget stage. They prefer to have control in their construction arm in
compared to the budget planning [5]. order for them to get better cost performance and thus can
There have been initiatives to remedy these problems by make saving for the residential construction project.
the government imposed on contractor regarding the Since it is widely accepted that procurement method is a
increasing number of abandoned residential construction strategy to well manage the entire construction process, there
projects due to the poor cost performance, including are various proven strategies which affect the cost
rehabilitating (reviving) of the current abandoned residential performance of residential construction projects. Traditional
construction project, changing the existing selling plan to procurement is normally applied to ordinary residential
build and sell concept and encouraging project delivery construction project of moderate size and complexity.
success through some approaches such as public-private Variation, such as design and build, negotiated contract, best
vale procurement and incentive contract, is widely used for [5] has also revealed that the construction industry is a bit
residential construction projects in USA. Open tender contract behind other industries and has difficulties in sufficiently
and negotiated contract on the other hand are widely used for importing simulation tools and advanced statistical that can
residential construction projects in the UK and Malaysia. help project managers to commence the effective control
Sometimes, project management consultancy (PMC) shall actions with integrated information related to future
incorporate with client to assist them in administering the unpredictability. Hence, the construction industry including
residential construction projects. residential construction project needs to adapt the other
In addition, it is important to note that cost estimation is a relevant methods developed by other industries in order to
very important method in the construction planning for any integrate information and contingency into construction
construction project, hence also affects the cost performance project cost performance.
of residential construction projects. The cost estimation in the
residential construction projects consists of a few
C. Causes of Cost Overrun in Residential Construction
methodologies, including a conventional Earned Value
Project Worldwide
Management (EVM) methodology with associated Cost
Performance Index (CPI), Estimate at Completion (EAC), and
Schedule Performance Index (SPI). However, these techniques Poor cost performance or cost overrun in residential
have some limitations in calculating the cost EAC, such as construction project around the globe can occur due to many
problem to determine the critical path of the project, work and of reasons as shown in Table 2. Eight different countries were
quality, risk impact and presumption estimations. The studied, including Vietnam, Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Saudi
statistical methods application and simulation techniques have Arabia, Palestine, Indonesia and Malaysia.
been considered as an attempt to overcome the EAC, EVM,
Table 2. Causes of cost overrun in residential construction project.
and SPI limitations [9]. Summarised from ([26], [29], [1], [16], [27], [7], [28], [12])
To fulfill the effective monitoring of original project cost, Causes [26] [29] [1] [16] [27] [7] [28] [12]
construction project managers use the practical index-based

Frequency of
techniques to predict the final project cost. However, the
selecting and applying index-based metrics shall depend on
the residential construction projects type and the development
stage. In fact, to determine the accuracy of EAC, the cost
reporting and network scheduling are very important for 1 X X X X X X X 7
performance monitoring [9]. 2 X X X X X 5
Nevertheless, many small residential construction projects 3 X X X X 4
do not satisfy either of these collections of timely prerequisites 4 X X X X 4
5 X X X X 4
and actual cost data. Moreover, index-based EAC methods
6 X X X 3
usually tailored to fit the residential construction projects. The 7 X X X X 4
component of continuous activities cannot be easily broken 8 X X X 3
down into a few work packages and have to consider the 9 X X X 3
impact of the critical path of a schedule. Thus, the index-based 10 X X X 3
approaches can best adapt to complex residential construction 11 X X 2
12 X X X X 4
projects with longer durations and large budgets compared to 13 1
smaller residential construction projects and thus it does not 14 0
achieve cost effectiveness of the residential construction 15 X 1
projects. For example, [10] has developed a model to Indicators:
anticipate EAC based on the typical response that affecting 1 – Incorrect planning and scheduling by contractors
2 – Fluctuation in prices of material
project cost performance. The simulation calculates the EAC 3 – Frequent design changes
after setting a few input variables, such as the procurement 4 – Unforeseen ground conditions
delays, the change of orders, and the resources, which affect or 5 – Inadequate contractor experience
even eliminate the original budgets and project schedules, thus 6 – Change in the scope of the project
7 – Cashflow and financial difficulties faced by contractor
resulting in a costly rework and additional procurement 8 – Low speed of decision making
resources. 9 - Contractor’s poor site management
In other industries, methods for EAC of ongoing projects 10 – Practice of assigning contract to lowers bidder
was largely explored since there are limited studies for 11 – Lack of communication among parties
12 –Shortage of site workers
residential construction projects. There are many methods of 13 – Delay in Material procurement
refined traditional, statistics-aided and simulation-based EAC 14 – Under estimate project duration resulting schedule delay
gauge techniques for large and complex project. Product 15 – Incompetent project team (designer and contractor)
development and software projects research have been done in
[26] – Vietnam
context of construction projects [5], including residential [29] - Vietnam
construction projects. [1] –Pakistan
[16] – Ghana ultimately affects the sales, and thus leads to the cashflow
[27] –Nigeria
problem [7].
[7] - Palestin
[28] – Indonesia The inflation of project costs would also lead to increasing
[12] - Malaysia of cost, fluctuation of equipment, materials and labor costs,
and result to the cost overrun in residential construction
Based on Table 2, the most important cause of poor cost project. These cases may vary depending on geographically
performance in residential construction project amongst all of a country and as well as different contracts between the
is due to ineffective construction management and poorly subcontractor with supplier, which may involve different
established cost of control system [11]. It is undeniable that fluctuation terms agreed with client. Material price
many residential construction projects are facing the fluctuation causes poor cost performance in most cases in
problem of poor cost performance due to this poor residential construction project, where it is hard to gauge the
management and system, yet the degree of overrun varies cost accurately [1]. This is proven to be true when a study in
from project to project. Gaza found that the top ten factors causing the poor cost
Financial management is an important criterion in performance include the fluctuation of construction material
achieving successful residential construction project. Most price [7].
of the contractors doing the residential construction project
are poor in financial and cashflow due to their ineffective III. METHODOLOGY
planning in the projects that might lead to cost overrun [12]. The research methodology is a description of how the
Hence, it is important to monitor the financial spending objectives can be realised. The paper is based on findings by
thoroughly throughout the residential construction projects reviewing a thorough review of literature. The document
life cycle from the beginning [13]. review generally provides useful information in order to
On client-side, the financial difficulties could also occur support or supplement data collection as part of study
in the on-going project. The problem is where there is assessment. Based on understanding of causes of cost
delayed payment of monthly valuations to the contractors overrun in residential construction project in Malaysia as
which affects the cash flow of contractors [14]. This identified via literature review in the previous section, the
problem may result to slower residential construction project current practice of residential construction projects from
progress [7]. Hence, sufficient funding in the project should local and global context are obtained via expert focus group
be determined at the very early stage of a residential interview on 5 experts of developers, consultants and
construction project planning so that regular periodic contractor having vast experience in residential construction
payments may be made to the contractor for work done projects in Malaysia. The experts interviewed in this study
respectively [15]. were well experienced in managing residential construction
In addition, [5] stated that the main factor that contributes projects in private and public sector in Malaysia. The data
to cost overruns in residential construction projects is collection through these methods is analysed and the results
incorrect estimation of original cost of a residential are presented accordingly.
construction project. It is because of technical problem on
how to estimate project costs and also not enough project
information in the early stage of residential construction IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
project. On top of that, inaccurate planning and limited
management experience were also result in cost overruns in
The expert focus group interview suggested that amongst
residential construction project as the construction progress
the improvement measures in bettering cost overrun in
becomes slower and takes longer time to complete [16].
residential construction projects in Malaysia is to well equip
Upon getting residential construction project approval,
managers who that are expected to execute the residential
some stakeholders have to consider the preliminary
construction project. Managers should consider the quality
estimating costing for their project. It is the most important
of work, cost and limits at all times. The resource inputs at
conditions that have to be considered on some residential
the residential construction project site shall produce outputs
construction projects [12] because the pre-initial cost
in the form of work, including materials, labour, machinery
estimation should be accurate. Accuracy of cost estimation
and monetary. To successfully achieve cost performance, a
allows clients to gauge and determine the required fund that
project should control its resources. The clients should avoid
suffices to execute the residential construction project.
cost escalation in the residential construction project that is
[17] also highlighted that because of other related problem
caused by unnecessary delays.
causes from the mismanagement project financial, the
It is also suggested by the expert via this expert focus
residential construction projects are most likely to be
group interview that as a part of improving the poor cost
abandoned. For instance, poor cost performance in the
performance in residential construction project in Malaysia.
residential construction project may be due to the failure of
It is important that a construction manager seriously
the project management team or unstable economic
considers several critical routine such as performing the
conditions, inaccurate feasibility study to determine the right
material inventory. This is to ensure that there is no lack of
type of development and wrong marketing strategy that
improper accounting, pre-work preparation and administration
coordination, negligent of project team, poor storekeeping, Provide systematic control X
and high rate of downturn due to long storage at the place of Improve contract award procedure X X
work, as well as over-issues from the central supplier and 15
by giving less weight to prices and
failures to return the unused materials to the supplier. more weight to the capabilities and
past performance of contractors
Managing construction cost is one of the most challenge
tasks in achieving successful project completion [14].
1- Pro: Pro-active measure
Unfortunately, the expert claimed that the residential
2- Re: Re-active measure
construction project in Malaysia is suffering difficulties in
3- Org: Organisational measure
achieving effective cost management. It is often in a
residential construction project experiencing a significant
Improvement measures in pro-active (Pro) strategy are
amount of cost overrun. Since poor cost performance is a
the countermeasures that must be implemented from the
quite serious problem in Malaysia, the expert suggested that
early stage of the residential construction project to gauge
it is important to identify the countermeasure that can be
and prevent cost overrun to be occurring. Improvement
used by contractors to control their construction project cost.
measures in re-active (Re) strategies are the countermeasures
Out of 15 causes of cost overrun factors as discussed in
that can be implemented to relieve the effect of restrain
the previous section, the experts had ranked “contractor's
factors in project control as a remedy whilst improvement
poor site management and supervision” as the most
measure in organisational (Org) strategies are the
important cause to cost overrun in residential construction
countermeasures which are normally in place because of the
projects, followed with “lack of information amongst
orientation, company’s belief, management style and
parties”. Nevertheless, the least important cause of cost
philosophy [18].
overrun in residential construction project in Malaysia is
These improvement measures show that this practice
“cashflow and financial difficulties”.
required to improve the current cost control practice in
Apart of these findings on the causes of cost overrun in
residential construction projects in Malaysia in to achieve a
residential construction project in Malaysia, the experts had
good cost performance in construction project. The owners
proposed 15 improvement measures on the cost overrun in
of organisation are suggested to incorporate all of the
residential construction project in Malaysia as illustrated in
mentioned improvement measures to be implemented at an
Table 3.
early stage to achieve effective cost control and to avoid the
They also had identified these countermeasures into three
hindrance during the project, thus assuring the completion of
implementation strategies. Thus, the results of the expert
the residential construction project is within budgeted cost.
focus group interview on the classification of these
improvement measures on poor cost performance in
residential construction project in Malaysia are based on
three ways of implementation strategy, namely as proactive,
re-active and organisational strategy following the There are many factors affecting to cost overrun in
suggestion by [18]. residential construction project in Malaysia. The outcomes
of a thorough review of this literature would be able to
Table 3 Proposed mitigation measures with implementation strategy classify the causes of cost overrun and propose improvement
Improvement Measures in Pro Re Org measures with implementation strategy on the poor cost
Improving Cost Overrun performance in residential construction project in Malaysia.
1 Have effective strategic planning X Also, it is found that the most important causes cost
Have proper project planning and X overrun in residential construction project in Malaysia based
Provide effective site management X on the findings are inaccurate planning and scheduling by
3 contractor, changes of material prices and cashflow
and supervision
4 Conduct frequent progress meeting X X difficulties faced by contractor.
Put proper emphasis on contractor X Based on the improvement measures findings, the most
past experience
Use experienced subcontractors and X X important measures are effective strategic planning that have
suppliers to be implemented via pro-active strategy (preliminary
Use appropriate construction X planning stage). However, performing the construction early
8 Use up-to-date technology utilisation X X
planning for resources needs and project task is important to
Ensure clear information and X X be implemented at all stages of pro-active, re-active and
communication channels organisational strategies to ensure its effectiveness in the
Conduct frequent coordination X residential construction project in Malaysia.
between the parties
Perform a preconstruction planning X X X In addition, this paper shall be beneficial to the project
11 management team who involves in the project to maximise
of project tasks and resources needs
Develop human resources in the X the cost performance in the residential construction project
construction industry
in Malaysia. The outcome shall support the initiatives of the
13 Provide comprehensive contract X
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