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Anthropology 206

Review Sheet #2
Dr. Pia Anderson Fall 2022
For the midterm, you are responsible for the material covered in the lectures, and the main points of the
assigned films. Make sure you have studied the terms from the last review sheet, and the terms below.
You should also be familiar with chapters 1 through 7 of the book. You should also be able to identify
and discuss the following concepts and terms:

Research design Potassium-argon dating

How to locate archaeological sites Uranium-series dating
Documentary sources Paleolithic
Aerial surveys Mesolithic
Geophysical surveys Neolithic
Electrical resistance map Stone tools
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPS) Conchoidal fracture
Geochemical techniques Obsidian
LIDAR surveys Flint
Walking survey Core tools
Mapping sites Flake tools
GIS Blade tools
Excavation Chopping tools
Limiting amount of destruction Spears
Collection of as much data/information as Arrows
possible Paleolithic Art
Use of Stratigraphy Food Foraging
Law of Superposition Food Producing
Sampling of excavation areas Ethnographic Examples
Excavation removes items from context !Kung San bushmen
What is context? Australian Aboriginals
Provenance Netsilik Inuit
Typology Bakhtiari
Style Nuer
Classification Domestication
Archaeological Assemblages Horticulture
Archaeological Cultures Agriculture
Archaeological Dating Techniques Pastoralism
Relative vs Absolute Dates The Agricultural Revolution
Stratigraphy Irrigation
Seriation Draught animals
Pollen Dating Nomadic Lifestyle
Faunal Dating Human Subsistence patterns
Dendrochronology Societal complexity
Calendrical dates Development of urban centers
Historical chronologies like King Lists Social stratification
Radiocarbon dating Egalitarianism

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