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Anthropology 206

Review for Midterm 2

Dr. Pia Anderson Fall 2022

Please find below terms and concepts that could be on your next midterm. Make sure you find them in your lecture notes
and in the book and read about them.

Experimental Archaeology Faeroe Islands

Ethnoarchaeology Iceland
Ethnographic examples L’Anse aux Meadows site
Inorganic material Successes and failures of Viking colonies
Organic material Erik the Red
Bog Bodies Leif Ericson
Anaerobic environments Vinland
Dry preservation Greenland
Cold preservation Viking subsistence strategies
Wet preservation Viking livestock
Environmental Archaeology Viking agriculture
Ice cores Viking economies and trade
Mud Cores Inuit
Entomology Multi-disciplinary studies and Geography
Geoarchaeology Ice cores
Ancient Environments Climate Change
Doggerland (p246) Entomology
Tree-rings and pollen (p. 250) Soil studies
Fauna Isotope analysis
Soils Soil and Turf Damage
Diet (what did people eat) Sagas
Fauna, flora and shell Inuit/Norse relations
Domestication Greenland Norse Society
Bones and teeth Skraelings
Isotopic methods (p312) Sod/Turf houses
Carrying capacity Viking Paganism
The Vikings Viking Christianity
Norse Atahualpa
Longships Inca Empire
Viking expansion Francisco Pizzaro
Scandinavia Spanish Empire
Lindisfarne Island, 793 1492
Viking colonies Columbian Exchange
“push” and “pull" factors Infectious disease
Dublin Different technologies
Kiev Moctezuma
Viking Agriculture Hernan Cortez
Viking Iron Aztec Civilization
Orkney Islands horses
Shetland Islands Culture Contact situations

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