Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence

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Fundamentals of Investigation and Intelligence

1. Implementation of the right of the accused and victims

Welfare. - (Kapakanan)
2. Procedures in crime scene investigation and police intelligence.
3. Application of diffirent Forensic Science.

Do you think Investigation is an Art or Science

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 Law Enforcement Officer

3 Fold Aims (3A’s)
1. To identify (guilty party, victim , witness)
2. To locate (guilty party)
3. To provide evidence of his guilt

6 Cardinal Points of investigation

1. What (crime committed)
2. Where (location)
3. Who (guilty party, victim , witness)
4. When (time and date)
5. Why (motive)
6. How ( re-enactment)

6 Major types of Investigation

1. Formal Investigation
- expose the truth (using media or social media)
2. Inquest
- cause of an incident
3. Inquisistion
- religious issues
4. Probe
- search for informations
5. Research
- identify cause of problem
6. Investigation Report
- difference forms of police report writing
Criminal - anyone who committed an offense or act punishable by law.
Criminal Investigation
- The Process of carefully examining or reasearching what transpired
in a criminal act.
- Used to identify locate and prove the guilt of a criminal
- Identify (guilty party, victim , witness)
- Locate (guilty party)
- Provide evidence of his quilt

History of Crminal Investigation

 1729’s England, Jonathan Wild

- once hireling and a master criminal

 1750’s England, Henry Fielding

- wrote the novel “Tom Jones” magistrate sheriff in London

 Sir John Fielding

- Youngest Brother of henry

 BOW STREET RUNNERS - Have been called London’s first professional

police force.

 1829 London, Sir Robert Peel

- founded the London Metropolitan Police (SCOTLAND YARD)

 Metropolitan Police
- History of Criminal Justice

 1833 England, - Scotland Yard

- employed the first undercover officer

 1835, USA - Texas Rangers

- organized as first law enforcement agency

 1835
- The use of ballistics

 1839, The Birth year of Photography

- Willian Henry Fox Talbot explained photograpic process invented
in Royal Society of London.

 1852, USA - Allan Pinkerton

- American most famous private investigator.
 Early 19th Century
- Dr Hans Gross Edmund Locard established the earliest crime

Early Contributors

♥ Edmund Locard
- French Criminologist

“ when two object come into contact with one anotheer, they leave traces of each
other behind” (there is always something left behind at the crime scene)
knowns as “Locard Exchange Principle”

♥ Sir Llewelleyn William Atcherly

- M.O Modus Operandi

♥ Alphonse Bertillon
- Father of Personal Indentification (body measurements)

♥ August Vollmer
- Army Sergeant in Philippines / Guardia Civil

♥ John Edgar Hoover

- Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

 Rights of the accused


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