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Dear Parents, 2/4/2022

February 14 is Valentine’s Day. We will be focusing on friendships the children have

made in the classroom. Our class will have a friendship celebration and the children will
distribute the valentine cards, drawings they they be making for a friend.
Family project: Together with your child, gather the supplies needed to create a box to
hold his/ her valentines. A shoebox or a tissue box is the perfect size. Be creative!!

 1 box (you can use a Kleenex or a shoebox).
 Paper (Construction paper, wrapping paper, tissue paper, scrapbook paper or fabric).
 Stickers, foam shapes, ribbons or other embellishments.
Some recommendations:
 Make a large slit on top of the box to fit the cards through.
 Cover and decorate the box.
 Be sure to put your name on top of the box, make it easy for the teachers and your
classmates to read.
 Bring your decorated box to school on/ before
Wednesday, February 9, 2022.

You can use this link to get more ideas about the project.
Thank you for your continuous support.

Mrs. Elassa & Ms. Rivera

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