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Chapter 4


The primary goal of this phenomenological study was to determine the gaps in

phenomena’s and challenges of the students in managing time.

There where two subheadings in this chapter. (1) Challenges help the students to

practice time management, (2) Things that they encountered before and after using time

management, (3) Challenges bring the students as they choose to use time management, and

(4) Realization after using time management.

Each subheading has different themes that discussed in this chapter. The challenges

help the students to practice time management have three (3) themes 1. All responsibilities

must done on time, 2. Reduce stress, and 3. Prioritization.

Then the things that they encountered before and after using time management have two

(2) themes 1. Procrastination, and 2. Confused about what to prioritize.

Then the challenges bring the students as they choose to use time management have

four (4) themes 1. Having peace of mind, 2. Gives more leisure time, and 3. Lot of other

things to do, and 4. Prioritize Lastly, the realization after using time management have four

(4) themes 1. Having an efficient time management style is significant, 2. Time is gold, 3.

Avoid mañana habits, and 4. Stop procrastination.


Table 1

Challenges help the students to practice time management

Theme Sample Statement Frequency

All responsibilities “It helps me to balance my time 9

must done on based on my responsibilities such as

time household chores, doing school

works and other things.”


Reduce stress “Those challenges help to practice 4

time management by doing task in

different time, so that I don’t feel

drain exhausted and tired.”


Prioritization “It helps to identify which is more 2

important and needed to be

completed before others.”



The generated themes for the question 1 are All responsibilities must done on time, Reduce

stress, and Prioritization.

Theme 1: All responsibilities must be done on time

All responsibilities must done on time, It might pave the way for further career

advancement possibilities at work. Your focus and productivity increase when you manage

your time well. “Effective time management is essential for us all, whether students or

anyone else. There are many factors which affect how well students manage their time and in

what ways.” Khiat, Henry (2022) said.

“Nakakatulong ang hamong ito na magsanay sa pamamahala ng oras upang matuto sa

tamang paggamit ng oras na nagbibigay – daan sa mga tao upang makamit ang mga layunin

at mga target nang walang anumang problema.” – SHSGXIIS10

Theme 2: Reduce stress

To balance your academic workload with extracurricular activities or duties, you must

have effective time management abilities. “Good time management is essential if you are to

handle a heavy workload without excessive stress. Time management helps you to reduce

long-term stress by giving you direction when you have too much work to do. It puts you in

control of where you are going and helps you to increase your productivity.” Neil Shah


“Those challenges help me to practice time management by doing the tasks in different

time, so that I don’t feel drain exhausted and tired.” – SHSGXIISO9

“These challenges helps me to reduce stress.”


Theme 3: Prioritization

By maintaining the most important things at the top of the list, prioritization enables you

to concentrate on them fully and with complete attention. “Prioritization is how you give

hierarchy to tasks based on their importance and how early you need to complete them. When

one does the process of prioritization, it means that the energy, time, attention, and focus are

also prioritized for that particular task, ranging from top to bottom.” Dr. George G.

Tumanishvili (2022)

“It helps me identify which is more important and needed to be completed before others.”


“Sa pamamagitan ng hamon na kinakaharap ko sa pagsasanay na mamahala ng aking oras

mula sa umaga hanggang sa gabi ay natutulungan ako bilang isang humanistang studyante na

ibudget ang oras ko mula sa pagpasok sa umaga ay sinisinop ko ang aking oras para gamitin

sa mas makabuluhan na mga bagay sa aking buhay umpisa sa paaralan sa daming

ginagawang bagay bagay sa school at hanggang pagdating sa bahay natuto akong ipamahala

ang aking oras ng mas masinop at magagamit sa mas makabuluhang bagay bagay sa aking

buhay bilang isang studyante ito ay napaka importante para sa akin.” – SHSGXIIS15

Table 2

Things that they encountered before and after using time management

Theme Sample Statement Frequency

Procrastination “Procrastination is my thing 4

before. Dealing with loads

of paper works frustrates me

the most, I learn to prioritize

the tasks I needed to submit

based on their deadline.”


Confused about what to “I encountered before using 11

prioritize time management is the

naguguluhan ako sa mga

school works and household

chores because I didn’t

know what will be the first.


And after using time

management it’s more

relaxing and fun.”



The generated themes for the question 2 are Procrastination, and Confused about what to


Theme 1: Procrastination

Delaying or putting off a task that needs to be done is known as procrastination. It entails

delaying crucial duties till later when it might be too late or challenging to complete them

appropriately. Low productivity, poor time management, and missed deadlines can all be

results of procrastination. “Procrastination is a serious issue for many students and associated

with different negative consequences, such as anxiety or low grades. As procrastination is

described as a self-regulatory failure, a training programme focussing on self-regulatory skills

might be helpful.” Alexander (2014)

“The things that I have encountered before is the procrastination and the things that I have

encountered after using time management is I learn self – discipline.”


Theme 2: Confused about what to prioritize

You can work on your priorities when you are most productive by setting priorities. You

become a procrastinator when you don’t manage your time. It is simple to put off doing

something when your goals are unclear and unfocused. Procrastination and distraction are the

results of poor time management. “They should be encouraged to prioritize their activities,

maintain a proper time audit in their work place, be prepared to adjust to the best use of

time.” Cyril (2017)

“Before, I usually forgot to do the things that I need to do. After learning to manage my time,

I prioritize the things or tasks I need to do based on their deadline.”


“Ang mga naranasan ko ay ang kakulangan ng oras, di ko matapos lahat ng aking gawain.” –


“Before using time management I don’t know which task are needed to be done first leading

to a disturbed management or activities and school works.” -SHSGXIIS11

“Maraming mga bagay ang aking napagdaanan bago pa ako tuluyang mahasa sa aking

pagkatuto una sa tamang pamamahala ng aking oras, daming mga barrier ano pumipigil o

umaattract sa akin na masanay sa mga bagay na siyang makakasira sa aking pagmamahal sa

aking oras tulad ng mga modernong gamit tulad ng cellphone pag gamit ng social media

matuusin ang pansin namin sa mas mga walang kwentang bagay lamang sadyang maraming

mga bagay ang siyang pipigil o hahadlang sa atin para matuunan ang pansin sa mas mga

walang kwentang bagay pero dapat ibabaling ang tingin sa mas makabuluhang bagay sa ating

buhay.” -SHSGXIIS15

Table 3

Challenges bring the students as they choose to use time management

Theme Sample Statement Frequency

Having peace of mind “It always brings me at 4



Gives more leisure time “I have more free time as a 6



Lot of other things to do “Time Management has 4

been a challenge for me

because sometimes I have a

lot of other things to do.”


Prioritization “It helps me identify things 1

that are important and must

be done first.” -



The generated themes for the question 3 are Having peace of mind, Gives leisure

time, Lot of things to do, and Prioritization.

Theme 1: Having peace of mind

Being mentally at peace can help you stay composed in the midst of stress by

reducing feelings of worry, anxiety, and overwhelm. If your mind isn’t at ease, you can

eventually start to experience the aches and pains, disturbed sleep, and other signs of stress

and anxiety. “Managing your time better can reduce your likelihood of experiencing burnout,

as it ensures you have more time to rest and deal with other things that can cause mental,

emotional, or physical distress. With plenty of time to attend to your work, you’re less

stressed and anxious.” Mcleanhospital (2022)

“I think that these challenges bring me as I choose to use time management by having

peace of mind, time w/ myself & friends and of course doing every task in right time.” –


“It always brings me at positive.” –SHSGXIIS07


Theme 2: Gives leisure time

The idea of leisure time management is to remind you to plan, be conscious of, and

place significance on your free time too. “Leisure has always been, is and will be an essential

as-set to every human being to function properly. Ability wise time management is a virtue

that can be learned. Therefore, it is important to “take care” of our free time.” Paulina (2017)

“I have more free time as a results.” –SHSGXIIS03

“It gives me more leisure time.” –SHSGXIIS02

“Makatutulong ito upang mapamahala ko ng maayos ang oras ko sa pagbalanse ng oras ko sa

bawat gagawin ko.” -SHSGXIIS04

“Dinadala ako ng mga hamong ito habang pinipili kong gamitin ang pamamahala ng oras sa

pamamagitan ng pagkakaroon ng maraming balakid sa bawat pagkilos o desisyon sa pang

araw-araw.” -SHSGXIIS10

Theme 3: Lot of other things to do

One of the challenges that usually encountered is a lot of other things to do, are particularly

for high school students, as they have to deal with more subjects, tests, assignments, and


Theme 4: Prioritize

Setting priorities is essential for maintaining attention. The more effectively you can

set priorities, the more effective you’ll be. Set your tasks’ priorities. Determine the relative

importance of each of your duties. Being punctual demonstrates your dependability,

dependability, and credibility. “Prioritization helps you focus on important tasks by keeping

them in the highest priority which enables you to work on them with full attention and focus.

Hence, the quality of the work is improved.” Kashyap (2023)

“It helps me identify thing that are important and must be done first.” -SHSGXIIS11

Table 4

Realization after using time management

Theme Sample Statement Frequency

Having an efficient time “I realize that time 11

management style is management is important

significant because it helps me to

prioritize the tasks that need

to finish.”


Time is gold “I realize that time 1


management is important

especially for me as a

student to balance my time

for the things that I need to

do. Moreover, I believe that

time is gold.”


Avoid mañana habits “The realization are it’s 2

better to take a nap after

doing all the activities &

task, avoid mañana habits,

don’t pressure yourselves &

take some unwind



Don’t procrastinate “Realization hits me that 3

procrastination will lead

you to nowhere.”



The generated themes for the question 4 are Having an efficient time management

style is significant, Time is gold, Avoid mañana habits, and Stop procrastination.

Theme 1: Having efficient time management style is significant

To use your time more productively, time management entails intelligent time

management. Greater productivity, fewer stress, and more opportunity to pursue the things

that matter are all advantages of effective time management. “Efficient time management

skills can have a positive impact on your work and life in general. When you learn to take

control of your time on a daily basis, you improve your ability to get things done, make better

decisions and most importantly, gain ultimate control of your key priorities.” Kashyap


“I realize that time management is important because it helps me to prioritize the tasks that

need to finish.” -SHSGXIIS01

“Realization hits me that having an efficient time management style is very important to

students like me.”


“I realized that using proper time management you can easily do thing within your

capabilities and continue the progress steady and smoothly.”


“Napagtanto ko ang paggamit ng time management ay mahalaga at huwag sayangin ang mga

oras na inilalaan.” -SHSGXIIS14

Theme 2: Time is gold

It means time is a valuable resource (because our time in this world is finite), so it’s better

to do things as quickly as possible. Spend your time and energy on activities that will help

you achieve your goals. “Time management is the key to success for you are allowed to take

control of your life rather than follow the flow of others. Accomplishing more, making better

decisions, and working more efficiently equal a more successful life.” Lourdes (2015)

“I realize that time management is important especially for me as a student to balance my

time for the things that I need to do. Moreover, I believe that time is gold.”


Theme 3: Avoid mañana habits

The habit of putting off until tomorrow what might be done today is known as the

“mañana habit.” Like the majority of our procrastination issues, it frequently happens

unconsciously. It is a manner of thinking and acting that was learned by prior practice at task

avoidance. “Mañana habit makes you delay the most important because it is a habit. It means

that when you have challenging tasks, your default is to avoid doing them until you have no

choice but to do them.” Jef

“The realization are it’s better to take a nap after doing all the activities & task, avoid

mañana habits, don’t pressure yourselves & take some unwind sometimes.” -SHSGXIIS09

Theme 4: Stop procrastination

Its opposite, procrastination, may be the root of many of your life’s troubles. Spend

your time on things that will add value to your life. Time management is the answer if you

are a chronic procrastinator. “It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act.

Procrastination can restrict your potential and undermine your career.”

If we can’t stop procrastinating, It can lead to reduced productivity and cause us to miss out

on achieving our goals.

“Realization hits me that procrastination will lead you to nowhere.” -SHSGXIIS03

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