Attitudes To Women and The Feminine in Early Buddhism - Sponberg

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ttitu es to ar o en an t e e inine in arly u is

Alan on erg
C lavedallas tta
our Distinct ttitu es o ar o en n e e inine
soteriological incl siveness instit tional androcentrism ascetic misogn soteriological androg n

oteriological nclusi eness



am tta i a a

s tta tadanta
nstitutional n rocentris

instit tional androcentrism

C llavagga handha as

cene aha a a ati eseeches a am ni

cene aha a a ati eets ith Ananda in esali

cene Ananda ntercedes on aha a a ati s ehalf

cene The ddha Assents Conditionall

cene Ananda Comm nicates the ecision

cene Ananda Comm nicates Pa a ati s Acce tance

scetic isogyny

Ang ttara i a a

addharmasmrt asthana
Ang ttara i a a
s ttas

s tra aharatna fata


s tra
rdhadh asa a ari rccha tra
aversion craving

i a as Agamas

oteriological n rogyny
ra na anna

ra aia ramita

Astasihasri Pra a aramita tra

ra na ar na
ra na a a

s tras

da ini
da inis
da inis
da a


ns o en Worlds Women s eligio s Lives in on Western C lt res
ictionar of Pali Pro er ames

s tta

Women nder Primitive ddhism

Women eligion and ocial Change

Women eligion and ocial Change



ictionar of Pali Pro er ames

am tta i a a
Psalms of the isters Theiigatha

Agga a s ttanta Women in ddhism

Agga a Pati as tta
Cosmogon and Ethical rder

Theravada ddhism

ender and
eligion n the Com le it of m ols

Women in World eligions

am tta i a a indr a

ordination and E ivalence The at re and ole of Women in A g stine and Thomas A inas
ddhistische on eschetst naar egevens der Pali Literat r

Women nder
Primitive ddhism

ma o

Candragar ha s tra

The Chronolog of the eign of Aso a ori a

C llavagga
Ang ttara ni a a

lletin of the chool of riental t dies

hi s nivi hanga
Women in ddhism
Women in ddhism

C llavagga ovada
gar dhamma

C llavagga
anime alai

ender and eligion

i aasam cca a

ddhist Christian t dies

rther ddhist t dies

ata a
s tta

Women in ddhism

The Eastern ddhist

Women in ddhism

Pra a aramita atnag nasamca agatha The Perfecton of Wisdom in Eight Tho sand Lines and ts erse mmar

Anima e ond Androcentrism

ns o en Worlds
asters of the aham dra
da ini
o rnal of eminist t dies in eligion
Women of

ender and eligion

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