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ABSTRACT munications networks are crucial in

disaster/emergency response scenarios.
WRAN BS Employing wireless technologies to provide However, providing rural communications is
Microphoneconnectivity for rural areas is an active topic in often challenging due to the mismatch between
protectionthe academic and industrial communities. In this costs and demand. Most rural areas have low
article we begin by discussing the challenges of population density and the demand for services
rural communications and reviewing existing per individual or household can be much lower
microphones wireless technologies that have been proposed or in rural areas if compared to urban areas. To
implemented for this market. We then focus on create a viable business, operators must aim for
an emerging technology, cognitive radio, that low-cost solutions. However, the deployment and
promises to be a viable solution for rural com- maintenance of rural communications networks
munications. The most notable candidate for can be costly due to large areas requiring cover-
rural cognitive radio technology is the IEEE age, lack of transportation, and difficult terrains.
802.22 standard that is currently being developed This is particularly true for wired networks
We discuss the and is based on time division duplexing, orthog- because wires or cables must be laid all the way
onal frequency division multiple access, and to the destinations. As a result, wireless tech-
challenges of rural opportunistic use of the VHF/UHF TV bands. nologies usually are preferred for rural connec-
We address two important issues that can affect tivity.
communications and the success of IEEE 802.22 technology in rural In fact, there are various approaches that
deployments, namely, to: consider wireless technologies for rural commu-
reviewing existing • Provide suitable service models nications [3–7]. Proposals that make use of cellu-
wireless technologies • Overcome the problem of long TDD turn-
around time in large rural cells
lar or satellite technologies can be found in [3,
4]. Recently, with the proliferation of Wi-Fi,
that have been For the first issue, we introduce a service there have been proposals to extend this short-
model that combines TV broadcasting and data range/local-area-network technology for rural
proposed or services to facilitate service adoption. For the coverage [5–7]. Nevertheless, the challenges of
second issue, we propose an adaptive TDD providing low-cost services to a low-demand
implemented for this approach that effectively eliminates the require- market still remain.
ment for long TDD turn-around time and thus, Cognitive radio is an emerging technology
market. We then increases the efficiency of large-coverage rural that promises to overcome one of the most chal-
focus on an emerging networks. lenging problems of modern wireless communi-
cations, namely, spectrum scarcity. Access to
technology, cognitive INTRODUCTION radio spectrum today is based largely on fixed
allocation, that is, different frequency bands are
radio, that promises According to a report published by the United allocated to different services. With the prolifer-
Nations, more than three billion people are cur- ation of wireless applications and services in
to be a viable rently living in rural areas [1]. In developing many countries, most of the available spectrum
countries like China and India, about 70 percent has been allocated. On the other hand, careful
solution for rural of the total population live in rural communities, studies reveal that most of the allocated spec-
communications. which are spread far and wide over large geo-
graphic areas. For these communities, it is
trum experiences low utilization [8]. By intelli-
gently detecting and making use of the allocated
believed that providing communications services but under-utilized spectrum, cognitive radio
is an important step to facilitate development enables wireless networks to operate without
and social equity [2]. Apart from that, rural com- requiring dedicated spectrum. This, in the con-

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text of rural communications, means cognitive

radio networks can be deployed at lower costs.
is followed by a discussion of existing technolo-
gies that were proposed or deployed for rural
The rural ICT market
The most notable example of cognitive radio communications. exhibits a significant
technologies for rural communications is the
IEEE 802.22 wireless regional area network CHALLENGES OF HIGH COSTS AND LOW DEMAND mismatch between
(WRAN) standard that is currently being devel- Compared to the urban ICT market, the rural
oped, which is based on time division duplexing market exhibits a significant mismatch between costs and demand.
(TDD), orthogonal frequency division multiple costs and demand. In particular, the rural ICT
access (OFDMA), and opportunistic use of very market can be characterized as follows. To overcome this
high frequency/ultra high frequency (VHF/UHF)
TV bands [9]. Apart from the fact that 802.22
• High deployment/maintenance cost: Deploying
and maintaining a communications network in
problem, rural
technology does not require dedicated spectrum, rural areas often incurs higher costs, com- network providers
which significantly saves deployment costs, the pared to doing so in urban areas. This is due
large network coverage makes this technology to large coverage areas, difficult terrains, lack should aim for
particularly suitable for rural deployment. Due of transportation, and often a shortage of
to the favorable propagation condition in the local trained staff. solutions that incur
VHF/UHF bands, an 802.22 WRAN signal can • Low customer density and demand: Most rural
reach a much longer distance, compared to Wi- areas are sparsely populated. Moreover, cus- low costs and offer
Fi and WiMAX signals transmitted on frequen-
cies above 2 GHz. In fact, 802.22 WRAN is
tomers in the rural market often have lower
incomes than those in urban areas and there-
large coverage.
designed to provide wireless broadband access to fore, have less to spend on ICT services. The
rural and suburban areas, with an average cover- low service demand also is due to low cus-
age radius of 33 km that can increase to 100 km. tomer awareness and expertise. This is partic-
To realize the advantages of 802.22 technolo- ularly true in developing countries.
gy, there are many technical challenges that • Slow service adoption rate: It has been observed
must be overcome. For example, to avoid caus- that it takes longer for consumers in rural
ing interference to incumbent users, namely, TV areas to adopt new services compared to those
receivers and FCC Part 74 wireless microphones, in urban areas [7].
WRAN systems must be able to perform spec- With the previously mentioned characteristics
trum sensing and detect these incumbents at of the rural ICT market, service providers tend
very low signal strength [9]. Another challenge is to face the following chicken and egg problem.
how multiple WRANs can coexist and interact To reduce the service costs, network providers
with networks of other types. Whereas these require a large or fast-growing customer base;
challenges are general in any 802.22 deployment, however, in rural markets, the customer demand
for rural scenarios the success of 802.22 technol- can only be increased if services are offered at
ogy and the like depends on two important fac- sufficiently low rates. To overcome this problem,
tors, namely: rural network providers should aim for solutions
• Whether service providers can offer attractive that incur low costs and offer large coverage.
content models for the rural market
• How to ensure the efficiency of operation in EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES
large coverage scenarios In the following, we discuss the technologies that
In terms of service content, it should be noted were proposed or deployed for rural communi-
that customers in rural communities are more cations.
familiar with and have higher demand for tradi-
tional applications such as telephony and TV Cellular/Wireless Local Loop/Satellite — Fixed cellu-
broadcasting, than for the Internet, data, or lar and wireless local loop (WLL) technologies
other multimedia applications [7]. To account have been proposed for rural communications,
for this, we propose a service model that com- for example, in [4]. Their advantage is the rela-
bines TV broadcasting and data services to facil- tively short deployment time. Moreover, with the
itate the growth of rural demand for connectivity. proliferation of cellular technologies, the cost of
To reduce costs and increase customer popu- portable devices has decreased significantly.
lation, rural wireless networks must be deployed Nevertheless, these technologies still require a
in large coverage areas. In such cases, if TDD is large user base to offset their costs.
used as in 802.22 WRAN, the system efficiency Small satellite earth stations are widely used
will be seriously affected by the TDD turn-around in developing regions, usually for distribution of
time, that is, the time a system must stay idle for TV signals and interactive voice/data. Examples
nearby and faraway subscribers to synchronize include the bank networks in remote parts of
their uplink transmission. To address this prob- Brazil and the India National Information Cen-
lem, we propose an adaptive TDD technology ter Network for government data services [2].
that effectively eliminates the requirement for However, the hardware costs and service charges
long TDD turn-around time and thus increases of satellite communications are relatively high
the efficiency of large coverage rural networks. for the rural market [7].

Wi-Fi and WiMAX — With the success of Wi-Fi

RURAL CONNECTIVITY: CHALLENGES AND technology for short-distance, local area network
EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES applications, there has been significant interest
in using this technology for rural connectivity.
In this section, we highlight the challenges faced An example is the Digital Gangetic Plain pro-
by service providers in the rural information and ject, developed jointly by IIT Kanpur, India and
communications technology (ICT) market. This Media Lab Asia, where IEEE 802.11 technolo-

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gies are used to provide long-haul access links. The core technology behind opportunistic
WRAN systems will This is achieved by using highly directional spectrum access is cognitive radio ([12]), which
antennas mounted on tall structures and tuning consists of the following components:
operate on the 802.11 protocols to obtain a much longer cover- • Spectrum sensing: cognitive radio devices can
age (more than 30 km) [5]. Compared to cellular sense the spectrum environment to identify
VHF/UHF TV bands, and satellite technologies, the advantages of Wi- frequency bands that are not occupied by pri-
Fi include ease of set-up and maintenance, rela- mary users.
that is, from 54 MHz tively high bandwidth, and low costs for both • Dynamic spectrum management: cognitive radio
to 862 MHz, by users and providers. Another candidate technol-
ogy is WiMAX, which is based on the IEEE
networks can dynamically select the best avail-
able frequency bands for communications and
opportunistically 802.16 standards. WiMAX is described as an monitor the spectrum environment to protect
enabling technology that provides last mile wire- primary users.
making use of the less broadband access as an alternative to cable • Adaptive communications: Cognitive radio
and DSL. Currently, WiMAX trials are being devices can configure their transmission
unused TV channels. performed in several countries. parameters to opportunistically make the best
use of the ever-changing available spectrum.
While doing so, DakNet — Asynchronous Service Network — DakNet Cognitive radio targets spatial and temporal
it must ensure that is a network architecture based on store-and-for-
ward. Instead of real-time services, DakNet pro-
spectrum white space by allowing secondary
users to identify and exploit local and instanta-
no harmful interfer- vides remote communities with useful neous spectrum availability in non-intrusive
asynchronous Internet access. The rationale are manners.
ence is caused to the [7]:
incumbent users.
• Real-time communications are generally too IEEE 802.22 — PROVIDING RURAL WIRELESS
expensive as a widespread investment for the
nascent rural ICT market. BROADBAND
• Asynchronous ICT services appear to be suffi- The IEEE 802.22 Working Group was formed
cient to meet most of the needs of rural com- in 2004 to develop a standard for wireless
munities. regional area networks (WRANs), based on
• Local information caches can be used to pro- cognitive radio technology [10]. WRAN sys-
vide local users with immediate access to com- tems will operate on the VHF/UHF TV bands,
monly requested information without the need that is, from 54 MHz to 862 MHz, by oppor-
for real-time Internet access. tunistically making use of the unused TV chan-
The three major entities in DakNet are the nels. While doing so, it must ensure that no
hub, the mobile access point (MAP), and Info harmful interference is caused to the incum-
Kiosk. A physical transport vehicle, for example, bent users, which include TV receivers and
a car or motorbike, carries a MAP through a FCC Part 74 wireless microphones [10]. Figure
rural area where the DakNet service is provided. 1 illustrates a typical WRAN deployment that
When a MAP reaches within the communication consists of a WRAN base station (WRAN BS)
range of an Internet hub or an Info Kiosk, it serving multiple fixed-location wireless cus-
uploads or downloads e-mail, voice mail, and tomer premise equipment (CPE). Figure 1 also
other offline data content [7]. However, due to shows a TV station and a wireless microphone
its asynchronous nature, DakNet is not suitable system. The WRAN must ensure that interfer-
for disaster/emergency relief situations. ence caused to all TV receivers within the TV
protection contour (around 150 km from the
TV station) is below a predefined threshold.
COGNITIVE RADIO AS AN EMERGING Similarly, there is a protection area for the
TECHNOLOGY microphone system, but with a much smaller
size (a few hundred meters).
In this section, we introduce the concepts of For rural communications, 802.22 technology
opportunistic spectrum access and cognitive offers two main advantages, that is, no dedicated
radio. After that, we describe how the IEEE spectrum is required, and the coverage is large.
802.22 cognitive radio technology can be These two advantages help service providers
employed in rural communications and highlight address the cost-demand mismatch discussed
challenges that must be overcome. earlier. In particular, as no dedicated spectrum
is required, service providers can save the cost of
OPPORTUNISTIC SPECTRUM ACCESS obtaining a spectrum license. In addition, wide
Traditionally, the U.S. Federal Communications coverage is essential to reach a large customer
Commission (FCC) regulates the radio spectrum base in rural areas. 802.22 technology is designed
resource by allocating separate frequency bands to provide the average coverage of 33 km and
for different purposes. Today, nearly 75 percent can increase to 100 km.
of the UHF band (300 MHz–3 GHz) has been Although most of the 802.22 related work has
allocated in this command and control manner. focused on various technical challenges, such as
Such a rigid and long-term allocation approach designing advanced spectrum sensing to detect
leads to spectrum under-utilization. Recent mea- weak TV and microphone signals or providing
surements by the FCC show that 70 percent of coexistence for multiple WRANs, we contend
the allocated spectrum in the United States is that these issues may not be critical for remote,
not utilized [11]. This motivates the concept of rural WRAN deployments. In particular, in
opportunistic spectrum access that allows sec- remote areas, there may be TV channels that are
ondary networks to borrow unused radio spec- always available for 802.22 access, that is, with-
trum from primary licensed networks [14]. out any need of spectrum sensing. Also, it is not

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likely that multiple WRANs will be deployed in

a sparsely populated region.
Based on the previously mentioned argu- TV protection
ments, we believe that the success of 802.22 as a
technology for rural communications, significant- TV station
ly depends on whether a scalable service model
can be introduced for the rural market, and
whether the technology can be deployed in an
efficient way. A scalable service model that is
tailored for rural customer demand and aware-
ness is discussed later. Regarding system effi-
ciency, a major concern is that when TDD is
used in WRANs with large coverage areas, the
long TDD turn-around time will significantly
reduce the system throughput. We will discuss
an approach to overcome this problem.


RURAL AREAS Microphone

Two important factors that determine the growth
of the rural ICT market are cost and service con- WRAN CPE Wireless
tent. In terms of service content, as pointed out microphones
in [7] and other surveys, although there are many
potential applications, in the short-term, only e-
mail, scan-mail, voice-over-e-mail, and chat are
likely to be revenue-generating applications for
the rural market. We further contend that to WRAN
increase the demand in the initial phase of net- coverage
work deployment, service providers should focus
on traditional applications such as telephone and ■ Figure 1. IEEE 802.22 WRAN deployment. Each WRAN system consists of
TV broadcasting. Data services such as e-mail, a BS serving fixed wireless subscribers (CPE). Incumbent users are TV
Internet access, and video streaming, should be receivers and FCC's Part 74 wireless microphones.
introduced gradually, in accordance with the
adoption and awareness of rural customers.
Based on the above arguments, we propose domains, for a system that employs TDD and
that service providers start with a TV broadcast- OFDMA, that is, similar to IEEE 802.22. In sce-
ing service, as the demand and awareness already nario (a), a digital TV payload is transmitted on
exist in rural communities. This TV broadcasting the earlier time slots of the downlink subframe.
can be combined with delay-tolerant, asyn- This is followed by downlink and uplink (UL)
chronous data applications such as e-mail and data payloads. In scenario (b), both TV and DL
voice mail. These data applications can be scaled data payloads can be transmitted simultaneously,
up in accordance with demand. Furthermore, but on orthogonal frequency subchannels. These
when the need arises, such as in emergency/disas- two configurations provide the flexibility to sup-
ter responses, TV broadcasting can be switched port different amounts of data payload, for
off to deliver command, control, and rescue infor- example, e-mail, file transfer, and different
mation. With this, we can eventually create a latency requirements.
widespread wireless infrastructure that grows We note that there are existing technologies
seamlessly with the rural communications market. that support digital TV broadcasting, such as the
Figure 2 illustrates how digital TV and data European Digital Video Broadcasting standards
payloads can be multiplexed into the downlink (DVB-T for terrestrial and DVB-H for hand-
(DL) channel, in both time and frequency helds), the North America Advanced Television

Time Time
UL data payload

UL data payload
DL data payload

Control and

Control and
TV payload


TV payload

DL data payload

DL subframe UL DL subframe UL
(a) subframe (b) subframe

■ Figure 2. Different frame configurations that support combined digital TV and data services for a system
that employs TDD and OFDMA (e.g., IEEE 802.22).

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Systems Committee (ATSC) standards, and mul- UL subframe that are used respectively for
tichannel multipoint distribution service downlink and uplink transmissions. In the time
(MMDS). DVB and MMDS are also based on domain, DL and UL subframes are further divid-
OFDM. DVB and ATSC technologies only focus ed into multiple OFDMA symbols; each consists
on TV broadcasting, not general data services. of a set of orthogonal subchannels in the fre-
MMDS can be used for both video and data ser- quency domain.
vices, but the high operating frequency (above 2 Due to the difference in propagation delay
GHz) makes it unsuitable for large rural cover- from BS to the CPE, different CPE finish the
age. In our opinion, 802.22 technology that oper- downlink reception at different time instances.
ates on VHF/UHF bands and supports the Specifically, a nearby CPE can finish its DL
flexible frame structures in Fig. 2 can be a good reception long before a faraway CPE does. This
solution to provide both TV and data services to also means that a nearby CPE is ready to start
the rural market. uplink transmission before a faraway CPE is.
However, to guarantee reliable reception at the
BS, the UL transmissions from different CPE
ADAPTIVE TDD FOR LARGE RURAL must be scheduled in a way such that the
COVERAGE OFDMA symbol boundaries are aligned at the
TDD TURN-AROUND TIME The existing approach is to schedule the UL
transmissions of all CPE based on the farthest
The operation of a point-to-multipoint system one. Specifically, even when nearby CPE finish
employing TDD and OFDMA can be illustrated DL reception and are ready for UL transmis-
in Fig. 3. Time is divided into fixed-length sion, it is delayed so that UL transmissions reach
frames; each consists of a DL subframe and an the BS at the same time as those from the far-
thest CPE. This can be illustrated in Fig. 3,
where the UL transmission of nearby CPE 1 is
Time delayed to align (at the BS) with that of the far-
away CPE 2. The delay CPE 1 endures is equal
to the difference in round-trip propagation
DL subframe UL subframe
1 OFDMA symbol delays between CPE 1 and CPE 2.
BS As was mentioned, 802.22 rural networks
should target large service areas, for example, up

to 100 km in a coverage radius. This means that

DL subframe UL subframe the difference in the round-trip propagation
CPE1 delay between nearby and edge CPE can be sig-
nificant. For example, if the coverage radius is
100 km, then the difference in round-trip propa-
gation delay will be {2×100×103/3×108} = 660 ×
DL subframe UL subframe 10 –6 s = 660 µs. This delay, when compared to
CPE2 the typical frame duration of 5 to 10 ms is signif-
icant and can seriously reduce the operation effi-
Propagation delay Switch from receiving to ciency of 802.22 WRANs.
from BS to CPE2 transmitting mode
■ Figure 3. Structure of conventional TDD. Uplink transmission from nearby Our proposed scheme, termed adaptive TDD
CPE 1 is delayed to align with uplink transmission from faraway CPE 2. (ATTD), allows the transition gap between DL
and UL subframes to be CPE-dependant. Specif-
ically, after finishing their downlink reception,
nearby CPE is scheduled to start uplink trans-
mission first, and far-away CPE start uplink
transmission later. While doing so, the OFDMA
DL subframe UL subframe symbol boundaries of all CPE are synchronized
BS at the BS for reliable communications.
Extra symbols Adaptive TDD is illustrated in Fig. 4. When
gained by the difference between the round-trip propaga-

tion delays of nearby CPE 1 and faraway CPE 2
CPE1 is comparable to the OFDMA symbol duration,
CPE 1 is allowed to start UL transmission right
after finishing DL reception. Faraway CPE 2 is
scheduled to start UL transmission later such
that the OFDMA symbol boundaries of all CPE
CPE2 are aligned at the BS. In Fig. 4, at the BS, the
first OFDMA symbol of CPE 2 is aligned with
Propagation delay Switch from receiving to the fourth OFDMA symbol of CPE 1.
from BS to CPE2 transmitting mode
■ Figure 4. Structure of proposed adaptive TDD. Uplink transmission from When adaptive TDD allows nearby CPE to start
nearby CPE1 arrives at the BS earlier than that from faraway CPE 2. The uplink transmission early and gain extra
OFDMA symbol boundaries of CPE 1 and CPE 2 uplink transmissions are OFDMA symbols, this throughput gain can be
synchronized at the BS. beneficial to all users in the system and for both

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OFDMA symbols OFDMA symbols

Freqency subchannels

Freqency subchannels
UL for
Control and signaling

Control and signaling

DL for user 1 DL for user 1 user 5
UL for user 1
UL for

DL for user 5
user 1 UL for
DL for UL for user 2 DL for user 2
user 2 user 2
DL for DL for
user 3 UL for user 3 user 3
UL for UL for
DL for DL for user 3
user 4 UL for user 4 user 4 user 4

DL subframe UL subframe DL subframe UL subframe

Frame structure for conventional TDD Frame structure for conventional adaptive TDD

■ Figure 5. Exploiting the gain of adaptive TDD. Two OFDMA symbols are gained by adaptive TDD, and the BS can use this gain to
support one extra user (user 5) in both DL and UL.

uplink and downlink usage. This is because the

BS can exploit the throughput gain of adaptive 60
TDD in different ways, for example, to give Frame size = 5 ms, CP = 1/4
Frame size = 5 ms, CP = 1/8
some users extra uplink bandwidth or to support Frame size = 10 ms, CP = 1/4
more users in the uplink, or even to keep the Frame size = 10 ms, CP = 1/8
50 Frame size = 20 ms, CP = 1/4
uplink load unchanged and schedule more down-
Percentage increase in UL throughput

Frame size = 20 ms, CP = 1/8

link transmission.
The above arguments are illustrated in Fig. 5, 40
where example bandwidth allocations are shown
for the conventional TDD and the adaptive
TDD approaches. When conventional TDD is
used, the BS can schedule DL and UL traffic for
four users. When adaptive TDD is used, two
nearby users, namely, user 1 and 4 can transmit
UL data two symbols earlier than the rest. Due
to this gain of two OFDMA symbols, the BS can
schedule the DL and UL traffic for one extra
user, namely, user 5, whereas the bandwidth 10
allocated to the existing four users remains
NUMERICAL RESULTS 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Percentage of nearby CPEs
To demonstrate the performance gain of adap-
tive TDD, we consider a 802.22 deployment sce-
■ Figure 6. Throughput gain of adaptive TDD.
nario with the following parameters. The cell
radius is 50 km; all CPE located inside a 5 km
inner disk from the BS is regarded as nearby,
and all CPE locating outside this inner disk is er transform (FFT) size with cyclic prefix set at
regarded as far away. We vary the percentage of 1/4 and 1/8.
nearby CPE from 1 percent to 90 percent, where In Fig. 6, we plot the percentage gain in the
the low and high percentages of nearby CPE, uplink throughput versus the percentage of near-
respectively, represent the case of uniform and by CPE. With the chosen parameters, a CPE
center-concentrated CPE distributions. As near- located inside the inner 5 km disk can transmit
by CPE usually experience good channel condi- UL data at one OFDMA symbol earlier than
tions, they can transmit at higher rates compared CPE located outside the inner disk. As can be
to faraway CPE. Here, we assume that all CPE seen, the gain in average UL capacity when
inside the inner disk can transmit using 64-QAM employing the proposed adaptive TDD scheme
and 3/4 code rate and that all CPE outside the is significant. The highest gain is around 30 per-
inner disk can transmit using quadrature phase cent, and the lowest gain is around 5 percent.
shift keying (QPSK) and 1/2 code rate. When The gain decreases when the percentage of near-
the number of extra OFDMA symbols gained is by CPE increases. This trend can be explained as
fixed, the percentage gain in uplink capacity follows. The absolute gain, in terms of UL
depends on the frame size. The shorter the throughput, is almost constant (due to the fixed
frame size, the higher the percentage gain in one OFDMA symbol gain). On the other hand,
uplink capacity. We consider the frame sizes of the absolute average throughput increases with
5, 10, and 20 ms. The TV channel bandwidth is 6 the percentage of nearby CPE. As a result, the
MHz, and OFDMA is based on 2048 fast Fouri- percentage gain, which is equivalent to absolute

IEEE Wireless Communications • June 2008 21

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We discussed two gain divided by the absolute throughput, will

decrease as the percentage of nearby CPE
[10] IEEE 802.22 Wireless RAN, “Functional Requirements
for the 802.22 WRAN Standard, IEEE 802.22-
05/0007r46,” Oct. 2005.
important issues that increases. [11] Federal Communications Commission, “Spectrum Poli-
cy Task Force Report, FCC 02-155,” Nov. 2002.
can affect the success CONCLUSIONS [12] J. Mitola, “Cognitive Radio for Flexible Mobile Multi-
media Communications,” Proc. IEEE Int’l. Wksp. Mobile
of IEEE 802.22 In this article, we began with a discussion on the
Multimedia Commun., 1999, pp. 3–10.
[13] Y.-C. Liang et al., “System Description and Operation
challenges of rural communications and then
technology for rural reviewed existing wireless technologies that were
Principles for IEEE 802.22 WRANs,” http://www.ieee802.
org/22/, Nov. 2005.
[14] Y.-C. Liang et al., “Sensing-Throughput Tradeoff for
applications: implemented or proposed for this market. We then
focused on an emerging technology, cognitive
Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Com-
mun., vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 2008, pp. 1326–37.
providing a suitable radio, that promises to be a viable solution for
rural communications. The most notable example BIOGRAPHIES
rural service model; of a rural cognitive radio system is the IEEE 802.22 YING-CHANG LIANG [SM’00] ( is cur-
standard that currently is being developed, which is rently a senior scientist at the Institute for Infocomm
overcoming the based on TDD, OFDMA, and opportunistic use of Research (I2R), Singapore. He also holds adjunct associate
professorship positions in Nanyang Technological University
VHF/UHF TV bands. We discussed two important
problem of long TDD issues that can affect the success of IEEE 802.22
and National University of Singapore. His research interests
include cognitive radio, reconfigurable signal processing
systems for broadband communications, space-time wire-
turn-around time in technology for rural applications:
• Providing a suitable rural service model less communications, and information theory. From
December 2002 to December 2003, he was a visiting schol-
large rural cells. • Overcoming the problem of long TDD turn- ar with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford
around time in large rural cells University. At I2R he has been leading the research activi-
For the first issue, we introduced a service ties in cognitive radio and standardization activities in IEEE
802.22 WRANs. He received Best Paper Awards from IEEE
model that combines TV broadcasting and data VTC-Fall 1999 and IEEE PIMRC 2005.
services to facilitate the growth of rural demand
for connectivity. For the second issue, we pro- ANH TUAN HOANG [M] ( received
posed adaptive TDD technology that effectively a Bachelor’s degree (with First Class Honors) in telecommu-
nications engineering from the University of Sydney in
eliminates the requirement for long TDD turn- 2000. He completed his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer-
around time and thus, increases the efficiency of ing at the National University of Singapore in 2005. He is
large coverage, rural networks. currently a research fellow in the Department of Network-
ing Protocols, I2R. His research focuses on design/optimiza-
tion of wireless communication networks. Specific areas of
REFERENCES interest include cross-layer design, dynamic spectrum
[1] Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United access, and cooperative communications.
Nations, “World Urbanization Prospects: The 2005 Revi-
sion,” Oct. 2006; HSIAO-HWA CHEN [SM’00] ( is currently a full
publications/WUP2005/2005wup.htm professor in the Department of Engineering Science, National
[2] E. Hudson, “Economic and Social Benefits of Rural Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and he was the founding director
Telecommunications: A Report to the World Bank,” of the Institute of Communications Engineering of the National Sun
June 1995. Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. he received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
[3] M. D. Farrimond, “PCN and Other Radio-Based Telecom- from Zhejiang University, China, and a Ph.D. degree from the Uni-
munications Technologies for Rural Regions of the versity of Oulu, Finland, in 1982, 1985, and 1990, respectively, all
World,” Proc. 2nd Int’l. Conf. Rural Telecommun., Lon- in electrical engineering. He has authored or co-authored over 200
don, U.K., 1990, pp. 99–104. technical papers in major international journals and conferences,
[4] R. Westerveld and R. Prasad, “Rural Communication in five books, and several book chapters in the areas of communica-
India Using Fixed Cellular Radio Systems,” IEEE Com- tions, including the books entitled Next Generation Wireless Sys-
mun. Mag., Oct. 1994, pp. 70–74. tems and Networks and The Next Generation CDMA Technologies
[5] RuralNet 802.11-Based Low-Cost Networking for Rural (Wiley, 2005 and 2007). He has been an active volunteer for vari-
India; ous IEEE technical activities for over 20 years. Currently, he is serv-
[6] Y. Kawasumi, “Deployment of WiFi for Rural Communi- ing as chair of the IEEE ComSoc Radio Communications Committee
ties in Japan and ITU’s Initiative for Pilot Projects,” and vice chair of the IEEE ComSoc Communications & Information
Proc. 6th Int’l. Wksp. Enterprise Networking and Com- Security Technical Committee. He served or is serving as symposium
puting in Healthcare Industry, 2004, HEALTHCOM chair/co-chair of many major IEEE conferences, including VTC,
2004, June 2004. ICC, GLOBECOM, and WCNC, and so on. He served or is serving
[7] A. Pentland, R. Fletcher, and A. Hasson, “DakNet: as associate editor and/or guest editor of numerous important tech-
Rethinking Connectivity in Developing Nations,” IEEE nical journals in communications. He is serving as Chief Editor (Asia
Computer, vol. 37, no. 1, Jan. 2004, pp. 78–83. and Pacific) for Wiley's Wireless Communications and Mobile
[8] FCC, “Facilitating Opportunities for Flexible, Efficient, Computing Journal and Wiley's International Journal of Communi-
and Reliable Spectrum Use Employing Cognitive Radio cation Systems. Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of Wiley's Security
Technologies, Notice of Proposed Rule Making and and Communication Networks Journal (http://www.interscience.
Order, FCC 03-322,” Dec. 2003. He is also an adjunct professor at Zhe-
[9] IEEE 802.22 WG Web site; jiang University, China, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

22 IEEE Wireless Communications • June 2008

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