Space Physics 1

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Space Physics

It is the collection of billions of galaxies
It is the name given to the entirety of space

It is the
large collection of billions of stars
Our solar system is in the
Milkyway galaxy

Solar system
Each solar system has multiple planets
Our solar eight planets and sun
system has a

at its center

asteroid belt

Other astronomical objects in our solar system

g Pluto
Comets extremely elliptical orbit orbits son

asteroids in the asteroid belt

moons orbits the planet natural satellites
artificial satellites orbits the planet
Gravitational Field Strength 91
It is the amount of force exerted on

per unit mass due to gravity

All bodies in our solar system has some gravitational

fields such as star sun planets moons

Gravitational field strength depends on the mass of the

body greater the mass of body greater will be its

gravitational field strength

Jupiter Eating

Gravitational field strength varies with the distance

from a planet as the distance increases the decreases

i At the surface of any planet is roughly

Orbital Motion
There are many orbiting objects in our solar system
and they each orbit a different type of planetary body

Body Object what it orbits

planet Sun
moon natural satellite
comet Sun
asteroid Sun
g Any object in our solarsystem

why objects body orbits

the bigger body
The gravitational force of the bigger objects acts
as the centripetal force and keeps it in circular

moon planet

earns agravitational
attraction sun a agravitational

Orbital period Time taken for an object to complete one

Orbital speed The speed at which body orbits

Speed distance orbital Zar

time speed
Orbits of Planets
Their orbits are slightly elliptical with Sun at the


They all orbit in the same plane

They all travel in the same direction around the Sun

They orbit at different distances different orbital distant

They orbit at different speeds

They all take different time to orbit sun

Planets furthest from the sun take the longest

time to orbit the Sun they travel at the slowest
as is less
speeds g

Planets closest to the sun take the shortest amount

of time to orbit the Sun they travel at the
fastest speed as g is high

Orbits of moon

moons orbit planets in a circular path

Some planets have more than one moon

The closer the moon is to the planet

The shorter time it will take to orbit as it

has greater speed

Their orbits are highly elliptical
Not all comets orbit in the same plane and
don't even orbit in the same direction as planets

As the iomet approaches close to Sun its speed

increases and as it moves further from sun
its speed decreases

i EIFÉcomet


The Earth
Earth is the third planet in our solar system
Earth is the planet which orbits the sun once

in approx 365 days

The orbit of the Earth is which is
approx circular 23 40
The Earth rotates on its axsis which is tilted once
in approx 24 hours
It takes one month for the moon to orbit Earth
It takes approx 500s for light from the sun to
reach the Earth

The sun
Sun is a medium sized star
It mostly consists of hydrogen and helium
It radiates most of its in the form
of infrared visible light and ultraviolet waves
It is powered by nuclear fusion reactions where

hydrogen is fused to form helium

Billions of stars together make up a
The sun is the star in the galaxy known as

Milky way
The distance of rest of the stars from Sun in

Milky way is too great these astronomical distances

are measured in light years
I light year distance travelled
in vaccum by 1ight
in one year

Stars come in wide range of sizes and colors therefore

the color emit depends upon how hot they
they on


Blue white 7 Red

hottest coldest
Life of star
cycle a

lil Nebula
All stars form from a gaint interstellar cloud
of hydrogen gas and dust called a nebula

Cii Protostar
The force of gravity within a nebula pulls
the particles closer together until it forms a hot ball
of gas known as proton star
As the particles are pulled closer together the

density of the protostar increases this results in

more frequent collisions between the particles which causes
the temperature to increase

hiii Main sequence Star

Once the protostar becomes hot enough
nuclear fusion reactions occur within its core
The hydrogen nuclei will fuse to form helium nude
Every fusion reaction releases heat energy
which keeps the core hot
Once a protostar is formed its life cycle
depends upon its mass
Once a star is born it is known as

main sequence star

During the main sequence the star is in equilibrium

and said to be stable The inward force due to gravity
is equal to the outward pressure force from fusion reaction
live Red Gaint Red Super Gaint

After several billion years the hydrogen causing the fusion

reactions in the star will begin to run out

Once this happens the fusion reactions in the core will

start to die down
This causes the sore to shrink and heat up
The core shrinks the inward pressure due to gravity

will belome greater than the outward force due to the

pressure of the expanding gases as the fusion dies down

A new series of reaction will start around the core

helium nuclei undergo fusion to form beryllium

These reactions will cause the outer part of the star
to expand


A star the same size as A star much larger than

sun or smaller will become sun will become a red
a red gaint super gaint
It is red because outer It is red because outer
surface starts to cool down surface starts to cool down
µ planetary Nebula
On ie this second stage of once the fusion reactions
fusion reactions have finished the inside the red super gaints
star will become unstable and finally finish the core will
ejects the outer layer as dust collapsesuddenly causing gigantic
and gas which is known as explosing This is tailed
planetary nebula supernova
The outer remnants of the
g men star will be ejected into
The core which is left behind the space during supernova
will collapse completely due to explosion forming planetary
pull of gravity and star will nebula which form new
become white dwarf Which will stars and planets
cool down as the result the
amount of energy it emits will hit Neutron star
decrease After supernova at a
center dense body is left
Niil Black Dwarf called a neutron star
Once the star has lost a

significant of energy it
amount vill Black Hole
will become black dwarf In the of biggest

It will cool down until it star the neutron star that

eventually disappears from sight forms at the renter will
continue to
collapse under
the force of gravity until
it forms a black hole
Black hole is extremely dense
and have very high gravity
The Big Bang
Around 16 billion years ago the universe began from
a small region that was
extremely hot and dense
Then there was a gaint explosion which is known as

the Big Bang

This caused the universe to expand from a single point to
form the universe today

away from
Each point expands the others this is seen

from galaxies moving away from each other and further

away they are faster they move

Evidence for the Big Bang

The main pieces of evidence are
i Red shift
Iii Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations CraBR

Red shift
Usually when an object emits waves the wavefront
spread out symmetrically

A moving object will cause the wavelength A and frequency
of the waves to change
The wavelength of the wave in front of the source
decreases and the frequency increases
The wavelength behind the source increases and the frequency


so ice j

if an object moves away from an observer the wavelength

of light increases this is known as redshift as the

light moves towards the red end of the spectrum

Redshift is
An increase in the observed wavelength of
electromagnet radiation emitted from receding stars and

ht emitted from distant
galaxies appears redshift when

I ii compared with light emitted

on Earth
The diagram below shows the light coming to us from a

close object such as Sun and the light coming from

distant galaxy

The diagram also shows that the light coming to us from

distant galaxies is redshifted The lines on the spectrum
are shifted towards the red end
This indicates that the galaxies moving away from

us it means that the universe is expanding supports

the Big Bang theory
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiations MBR
The craBR is a type of electromagnetic radiations which
is a remnant from the early stages of universe it
has the wavelength of around Imm making it a
In 1964 it was discovered that microwaves are

coming from all directions in space

to the
According Big Bang early universe was an

extremely hot and dense environment as a result of

this it must have emitted thermal radiations
The current radiation is in the microwave region

Initially these radiations would have been high energy

radiations towards the gamma end of spectrum
As the universe expanded the wavelength of
radiation increased Overtime it has increased so

much that it is now in the microwave region of

the spectrum

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