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Group A

1. Name the two systems of a flowering plant.

2. State one use of roots to a plant.

3 Give two functions of a stem to a plant.

4 What is photosynthesis?

5. What is the importance of chlorophyll in a leaf?

6. Give one use of stomata to a plant.

7. Which part of a flower holds it to the stem?

8. State two uses of flowers to people.

9. What is pollination?

10. Name the two types of pollination.

11. Where does pollination and fertilisation take place on a flower?

(i) Pollination. (ii) Fertilisation

12. What is the importance of photosynthesis?

Group B

1. What is sanitation?

2. Name three activities that promote sanitation in hornes.

3. What is a disease vector?

4. Name a disease vector which hides in dark corners and becomes activ at night?

5. Why should we keep our hair short and clean?

6. Give the disease vector for elephantiasis

7. State two ways of controlling fleas.

8. State two places where fleas live.

9. Name one method used to control fleas.

10. What is the second stage of a cockroach in its life cycle?

11. Name two places where ticks breed?

12. What disease do ticks spread?

Group C

1. Name things which make up the environment.

2. How can you tell that there is air in your environment?

3. Name any two domestic animals in your environment

4. Give two uses of soil.

5. How do we call animals which depend on other animals for food?

6. Name two animal predators.

7. What is interdependence?

8. List two things people make from animal skins and hides.

9. Why do people cook food before eating it?

10. Give two advantages of plants to people.

11. List two uses of plants to other animals.

12. Stale one natural source of water.

Group D

1. What is the atmosphere?

2. What do we call the condition of the atmosphere at a given place and time?

3. What brings about the following types of weather.

(a) cloudy weather? (c) sunny weather? (b) rainy weather? (d) windy weather?

4. How do we call moving air?

5. What makes the atmosphere hot and bright?

6. What is the importance of the sun in the water cycle?

7. What do we call the process by which vapour changes into a liquid?

8. Why should a rain gauge be put in an open space?

9. Why is it important to measure and record rainfall received in each mor

10. What is temperature?

11. Name the instrument used to measure temperature.

12. Name the thermometer that can measure the highest and lowest temperature of a place at a given

Group E

1. What should you do after making accurate measurement of weather?

2 Name the three classes of food.

3. What do we call the taking of food that is useful to the body?

4. Which class of food gives energy? Give three sources of proteins.

5 State the use of proteins in the body.

6. Name any two sources vitamins.

7. State one use of mineral salts in the body.

8. What is a balanced diet?

9. Give four different groups of people who need a balanced diet.

10. What is weaning?

11. At what age should babies be weaned?

12. What is the best food of a baby?

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