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March 2024

Sunday 17th March The Fifth Sunday of Lent Sunday 24th March Palm Sunday
(Passiontide begins) Decani 1
Cantoris 1 8 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer
8 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer 8.45 am Morning Prayer Psalm 61
10 am Mattins Responses Ebdon 11 am Procession and Sung Eucharist This service will begin in front of the Cathedral. Please note the start time.
Canticles Benedicite in G Jackson; Benedictus in A Stanford Venite et revertamur plainsong Music Pueri Hebraeorum Victoria; Hosanna to the Son of David Weelkes; Hymns 511; 509; 83;
Missa brevis Walton; Ride on Grayston Ives 273; 79 (128ii)
Voluntary Fantasia and Fugue in G minor (BWV 542) J.S. Bach Psalm 107. 1-9
Voluntary Valet will ich dir geben (BWV 736) J.S. Bach
Hymns 88 (470); A&M 684 (385)
3 pm Evensong
11.15 am Sung Eucharist Canticles Noble in A minor Responses Spicer
Setting Missa Simile est regnum caelorum Victoria Hymns 84; 299; A&M 278; 400 (167) Anthem Christus factus est Bruckner Psalm 69. 1-19
Anthem Vexilla regis produent Bruckner Preacher The Reverend Prebendary Dr Isabelle Hamley, Hymns 383; 95; A&M 671
Preacher The Reverend Robert Kozak, Succentor Secretary for Theology and Theological Adviser to the House of Bishops
Voluntary Litanies Alain Voluntary Jésus accepte la Souffrance from La Nativité du Seigneur Messiaen
3 pm Evensong 4.30 pm Organ Recital Polina Sosnina
Canticles Edington Service Grayston Ives Responses Ebdon 5.30 pm Eucharist
Anthem Cast me not away from thy presence S.S. Wesley Psalm 34. 1-10
Preacher The Reverend Philip Dawson, Assistant Curate, St Giles-in-the-Fields Hymns 87 (NEH 94); 89; 76 Monday 25th March Monday of Holy Week
Voluntary Pièce Héroïque from Trois Pièces Franck 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 41
5.30 pm Passiontide Organ Meditation 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
Symphonie-Passion (Op. 23) Dupré 5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by the Choristers
Jeremiah Stephenson (St Paul’s Cathedral) Setting Mass XVIII plainsong
Offertory Stabat mater dolorosa; Cuius animam gementem Pergolesi
Monday 18th March Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, Teacher, 386 Communion Quis est homo; Vidit suum dulcem natum Pergolesi
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalms 45; 46 Preacher The Reverend Canon Dr Neil Evans, Steward, Canon in Residence
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
Tuesday 26th March Tuesday of Holy Week
Eve of Joseph of Nazareth
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 27
5 pm Evensong sung by the Wellington College Chapel Choir 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
Canticles Gloucester Service Howells Responses Ayleward 5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by the Vicars Choral
Anthem Give us the wings of faith Bullock Psalm 132 Setting Mass XV plainsong
Hymn 341 Offertory Salvator mundi [I] Tallis
Communion Dominus Jesus in qua nocte Palestrina
Tuesday 19th March Joseph of Nazareth Preacher The Reverend Canon Dr Neil Evans, Steward, Canon in Residence
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 25
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Wednesday 27th March Wednesday of Holy Week
5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by the Vicars Choral 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 102
Setting Missa Ut re mi fa sol la Palestrina Hymns 160 (190ii); A&M 666 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
Anthem Justus ut palma florebit Palestrina 5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by the Vicars Choral
Preacher The Reverend Prebendary John Beauchamp, Diocesan Disability Ministry Enabler Setting Mass XIV plainsong
Voluntary Fugue in D minor (BWV 538ii) Bach Offertory Salvator mundi [II] Tallis
Communion Vera languores nostros Victoria
Wednesday 20th March Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 687 Preacher The Reverend Canon Dr Neil Evans, Steward, Canon in Residence
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 51
Thursday 28th March MAUNDY THURSDAY
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
8 am Morning Prayer Psalms 42; 43
6.30 pm Concert St John Passion J. S. Bach
10.30 am Chrism Eucharist with the Blessing of Oils and Renewal of Ordination Vows
St Paul’s Cathedral Choir and soloists, Cathedral Chorus sung by the Cathedral Consort
St Paul’s Players, Andrew Carwood (director) Setting Missa brevis: Tongues of Fire Cecilia McDowall Hymns 205; 436; 512;
Tickets available from Anthem Vox Dei Philip Wilby A&M 493 (186); 302; 485
Preacher The Bishop
Thursday 21st March Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Reformation Martyr, 1556 Voluntary Con moto maestoso from Sonata No 3 in A Mendelssohn
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 55 5 pm The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday with Sung Eucharist with Washing of Feet
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Music Gloria (Messe solennelle) Vierne; Ubi caritas Duruflé; God so loved the world Stainer; Psalm 88
5 pm Evensong sung by the Vicars Choral Sanctus & Agnus Dei (Mass XVIII) plainsong; My soul is exceeding sorrowful Eleanor Daley Hymns A&M 171;
Introit Why fum’th in fight Tallis Responses Philip Moore Preacher The Right Reverend Dr Emma Ineson, Bishop of Kensington 270; 268
Canticles Short Service Farrant Psalm 56 6.15 pm The Watch of the Passion until Midnight
Anthem By the waters of Babylon Wills
Friday 29th March The Cathedral is open only for worship and prayer today GOOD FRIDAY
Friday 22nd March 10 am Mattins and Litany in Procession Psalm 69
7.30 am Morning Prayer and Litany Psalm 57 Music The Lamentation Bairstow; Miserere mei Deus Allegri; Litany Tallis Hymn 92
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 12 noon - 3 pm The Three Hours
5 pm Evensong led by The Right Reverend Dr Emma Ineson, Bishop of Kensington
4 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 130
Introit Vexilla regis prodeunt Dufay Responses Spicer
5 pm The Good Friday Liturgy with the Veneration of the Cross and Distribution of the Sacrament
Canticles Fauxbourdons Holmes Psalm 59
Music Christus factus est F. Anerio; St John Passion Victoria; Psalm 22
Anthem Miserere mei Deus Byrd The Reproaches Sanders; Agnus Dei (Mass in G) Poulenc; Crucifixus [a 8] Lotti Hymns 99; 95
Saturday 23rd March Saturday 30th March Holy Saturday
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalms 60; 61 8 am Morning Prayer Psalm 142
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Easter Eve
5 pm Evensong 6 pm The Easter Liturgy with Baptism, Confirmation and the First Eucharist of Easter
Introit Vexilla regis prodeunt Dufay Responses Spicer Music Go down Moses trad. arr. Tippett; Missa brevis in C (KV 317) “Coronation Mass” Mozart; Hymns 125i (om. 5, 6, 7)
Canticle Watson in E Psalms 62; 63 Rise heart thy Lord is risen Cecilia McDowall 420; A&M 189; A&M 197; 120
Anthem Timor et tremor Poulenc Hymn 96 (63) Preacher The Dean

The Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett, Dean The Reverend Robert Kozak, Succentor Andrew Carwood, Director of Music
March-April 2024
Sunday 31st March EASTER DAY Sunday 7th April The Second Sunday of Easter
Cantoris 2 (The First Sunday after Easter)
5.45 am Dawn Eucharist Hymns 113; 110 Decani 2
8 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer 8 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer
10 am Mattins Responses Rose 8.45 am Morning Prayer Psalm 22. 20-end
Canticles Te Deum in G Vaughan Williams; Jubilate in E flat Britten Easter Anthems Scott 11.15 am Sung Eucharist sung by the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields
Voluntary Incantation pour un Jour Saint Langlais Psalm 114 Setting Missa brevis Kodály Hymns 113; 118; R&S 244 (part 2); 112
Hymns 117; 113 Anthem Dum transisset Sabbatum Taverner
11.15 am Sung Eucharist Preacher The Reverend Canon Adeola Eleyae, Non-Residentiary Canon with Responsibility for Racial Justice
Setting Missa festiva Peeters Hymns 103; 102; 124; 120 Eve of the Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Anthem Dic nobis Maria Bassano 3 pm Evensong sung by the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields
Preacher The Bishop Canticles Stanford in G Responses Leighton
Voluntary Grand chœur dialogué Gigout Anthem Blessed be the God and Father S. S. Wesley Psalm 85
Preacher The Reverend Robert Kozak, Succentor Hymns 181; 187; 186
3 pm Festal Evensong
Voluntary Mors et resurrectio (Op 5 No 1) Langlais
Introit Haec dies Wood Responses Rose
4.30 pm Organ Recital Anthony Gritten
Canticles Stanford in A Psalm 105
5.30 pm Eucharist
Anthem Easter Light Cecilia McDowall Hymns 106; 115; 119
Preacher The Reverend Canon Dr Neil Evans, Steward, Canon in Residence
Voluntary Final from Symphony I Vierne
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 111
4.30 pm Organ Recital Alexander Knight
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Sung Eucharist sung by Turku Cathedral Oratory Choir, Finland
Anthems If God be for us; I know that my Redeemer liveth Handel Setting Gloria and Sanctus in B flat; Benedictus and Agnus Dei in F Stanford Hymns 161 (385); 185
Anthem Totisesti on kohtuullista Mikko Sidoroff
Monday 1st April Monday of Easter Week Preacher Canon Dr Paula Gooder, Chancellor, Canon in Residence
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 111 Voluntary Finale – Amen from Ave Maris Stella (Op. 18, No 9) Dupré
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Evensong sung by the Sanderstead Singers Tuesday 9th April Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran Pastor, Martyr, 1945
Canticles Wood in D Responses Ayleward 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalms 99; 100; 101
Anthem Christ is risen Maunder Psalm 135 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Evensong sung by Turku Cathedral Oratory Choir, Finland
Tuesday 2nd April Tuesday of Easter Week Canticles Brewer in E flat Responses plainsong
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 112 Anthem Like as the hart Howells Psalm 102. 15-28
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Evensong sung by the St Michael’s Singers Wednesday 10th April William Law, Priest, Spiritual Writer, 1761
Canticles Stanford in B flat Responses Ayleward William of Ockham, Friar, Philosopher, Teacher, 1347
Anthem This joyful Eastertide trad. arr. Ledger Psalm 136 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 103
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
Wednesday 3rd April Wednesday of Easter Week 5 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 104. 24-35
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 113
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Thursday 11th April George Augustus Selwyn, First Bishop of New Zealand, 1878
5 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 105 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 105. 1-22
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Evensong sung by the Mattheus Consort
Thursday 4th April Thursday of Easter Week
Canticles New College Service Howells Responses Radcliffe
7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 114
Anthem They that go down to the sea in ships Sumsion Psalm 105. 23-end
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 106
Friday 12th April
7.30 am Morning Prayer and Litany Psalm 106. 1-29
Friday 5th April Friday of Easter Week
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
7.30 am Morning Prayer and Litany Psalm 115
5 pm Evensong sung by the Whyte Effect
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist Canticles Winchester Service Andrew Daldorph Responses Leighton
5 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 107 Anthem Evening Hymn Balfour Gardiner Psalm 106. 30-end

Saturday 6th April Saturday of Easter Week Saturday 13th April

7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 116 7.30 am Morning Prayer Psalm 107. 1-22
8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist 8 am and 12.30 pm Eucharist
5 pm Evensong sung by the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields 5 pm Evensong sung by the Exonian Choir
Canticles Jackson in G Responses Leighton Canticles Blair in B minor Responses Clucas
Anthem Upon your heart Eleanor Daley Psalm 145 Anthem Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Stanford Psalm 107. 23-end
Hymn 101ii (om. *) Hymn 105

The Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett, Dean The Reverend Robert Kozak, Succentor Andrew Carwood, Director of Music

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