Circadian Variation in

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Sports Med.

1996 Apr; 21 (4): 292-3 12

REVIEW ARTICLE 0l1 2-1642/96/<XXl4{l292/S IO.50/ 0

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Circadian Variation in
Sports Performance
Greg Atkinson and Thomas Reilly
Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences, School of Human Sciences,
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, England

Summary .. . . . . . . . . . . 292
1. The Science of Chronobiology 293
1.1 Terminology . . . . . . . , 294
1.2 Biorhythm Theory , . . . . . 294
2. The Basis for Circadian Rhythms 295
3. Human Circadian Rhythms at Rest. 296
3.1 The Body Temperature Rhythm 296
3.2 Cardiovascular Rhythms, 296
3.3 Rhythms in Ventilation . . . . , 296
3.4 Rhythms in Metabolic Variables . 296
3.5 Rhythms in Gastrointestinal Function and Excretion 297
3.6 Rhythms in Subjective Mood States and Some Hormonal Secretions 297
4. Circadian Variations in Sports Performance 298
4.1 Indirect Evidence , . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
4.2 Research Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
4.3 Components Measured Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions . 299
4.4 Physiological Responses . . . . . . . . 302
4,5 The Optimum Time of Day for Training 305
5. Rhythm Disturbances .. . . . . . 307
5.1 Shiftwork and Sports Performance . . 307
5.2 Transmeridian Travel and Sports Performance 307
6. Individual Differences in Performance Rhythms 308
7. Conclusions and Future Directions .... . .... . 309

Summary Chronobiology is the science concerned with investigations oftime-dependent

changes in physiological variables. Circadian rhythms refer to variations that
recur every 24 hours. Many physiological circadian rhythms at rest are endoge-
nously controlled, and persist when an individual is isolated from environmental
fluctuations. Unlike physiological variables, human performance cannot be mon-
itored continuously in order to describe circadian rhythmicity. Experimental stud-
ies of the effect of circadian rhythms on performance need to be carefully
designed in order to control for serial fatigue effects and to minimise disturbances
in sleep. The detection of rhythmicity in performance variables is also highly
influenced by the degree of test-retest repeatability of the measuring equipment.
The majority of components of sports performance, e.g. flexibility, muscle
strength, short term high power output, vary with time of day in a sinusoidal
Circadian Variations 293

manner and peak in the early evening close to the daily maximum in body tem-
perature. Psychological tests of short term memory, heart rate-based tests of
physical fitness, and prolonged submaximal exercise performance carried out in
hot conditions show peak times in the morning. Heart rate-based tests of work
capacity appear to peak in the morning because the heart rate responses to exercise
are minimal at this time of day. Post-lunch declines are evident with performance
variables such as muscle strength, especially if measured frequently enough and
sequentially within a 24-hour period to cause fatigue in individuals. More re-
search work is needed to ascertain whether performance in tasks demanding fine
motor control varies with time of day.
Metabolic and respiratory rhythms are flattened when exercise becomes stren-
uous whilst the body temperature rhythm persists during maximal exercise.
Higher work-rates are selected spontaneously in the early evening. At present,
it is not known whether time of day influences the responses of a set training
regimen (one in which the training stimulus does not vary with time of day) for
endurance, strength, or the learning of motor skills.
The normal circadian rhythms can be desynchronised following a flight across
several time zones or a transfer to nocturnal work shifts. Although athletes show
all the symptoms of 'jet lag' (increased fatigue, disturbed sleep and circadian
rhythms), more research work is needed to identify the effects of transmeridian
travel on the actual performances of elite sports competitors. Such investigations
would need to be chronobiological, i.e. monitor performance at several times on
several post-flight days, and take into account direction of travel, time of day of
competition and the various performance components involved in a particular
Shiftwork interferes with participation in competitive sport, although there
may be greater opportunities for shiftworkers to train in the hours of daylight for
individual sports such as cycling and swimming. Studies should be conducted to
ascertain whether shiftwork-mediated rhythm disturbances affect sports perfor-
Individual differences in performance rhythms are small but significant. Cir-
cadian rhythms are larger in amplitude in physically fit individuals than sedentary
individuals. Athletes over 50 years of age tend to be higher in 'morningness',
habitually scheduling relatively more training in the morning and selecting rela-
tively higher work-rates during exercise compared with young athletes. These
differences should be recognised by practitioners concerned with organising the
habitual regimens of athletes.

1. The Science of Chronobiology physiologist, Claude Bernard. He believed that the

body's internal environment (milieu interieur) could
Chronobiology has been defined as the science be considered as constant and resistant to change.l21
concerned with investigating and objectively quan- In the twentieth century, Bernard's theories of inter-
tifying the mechanisms of biological time struc- nal constancy were refined and elaborated by Walter
tures including the rhythmic manifestations of Cannon who introduced the term homeostasis))]
life.[l] The scientific acceptance of these rhythms Homeostasis assumes that physiological func-
was hampered in the middle of the nineteenth cen- tions are controlled around a set-point and that
tury following work carried out by the French changes in a system are countered by the way of

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294 Atkinson & Reilly

feedback regulation to re-establish constancy or a 37.7

'steady state'. Cannon[3] was careful not to consider

_ 37.5
homeostasis as strict constancy or 'something set
and immobile' . Rather, he stressed that physiolog- ~ 37.3 ~
ical functions could vary within limits. It is now
recognised that rhythmic variation is the rule rather
1 37 .1 __ lo1§l1.0 [ ____ -~ ________ - -

~ 36.9
than the exception in all living things. Biological ~
fluctuations have been shown to be robust, regular ~ 36.7 +
and predictable over time. 36.5

1.1 Terminology
r 0200 0600 1000 1400
Time of day (hours)

1800 2200

A biological rhythm has been defined as a se-

Fig. 1. The circadian rhythm in rectal temperature showing the
quence of events which in a steady state repeat terminology used to describe a biological rhythm (from Reilly,ISI
themselves in time in the same order and same in- with permission). Abbreviation: Mesor = midline estimating statistic
tervaP4] Since many studies have examined differ- of a rhythm .
ences in human performance between just a few
times of day and hence, cannot provide evidence of
the presence of a repeating rhythm, the all-encom- lar degrees (1 period = 360°) or absolute units of
passing term of 'variations' is adopted in the pres- time e.g. minutes, hours, days, weeks or years.
ent review. Any significant fluctuation within the
hours of daylight is termed a diurnal variation. 1.2 Biorhythm Theory
Most rhythms can be represented by a sine-wave
like the 24-hour body temperature curve shown in It is important to distinguish between the scien-
figure 1. The time required to complete one cycle tifically-evaluated biological rhythms and the dis-
is described as the period of a rhythm. Periods of credited theory of 'biorhythms' which has recently
biological rhythms may range from milliseconds to reappeared in some sports magazines and news-
years. Rhythms with a period of 20 to 28 hours are papers in the UK (e.g. The Guardian, 14/8/93).
termed circadian (circa - about, dies - a day).[6] Much emphasis has, in the past, been placed on
Those rhythms with periods less than 20 hours (e.g. these infradian cycles of emotion, physical well-
the 90-minute cycle of sleep stages) are termed being and intellectual function. They were pro-
ultradian. Rhythm periods greater than 28 hours posed by the psychologists Swoboda and Fliess at
(e.g. the menstrual cycle) are known as infradian. the tum of this century, who suggested they exist
The mean (midway between the highest and lowest from birth. Most proponents of the theory (e.g.
values) of a rhythm is termed the 'mesor' (midline Wolf)[7] cite anecdotal evidence of athletes who
estimating statistic of a rhythm). The amplitude of have recorded superior performances when at the
a rhythm is one half the difference between the crest of one of the cycles. Since the three cycles
highest and the lowest point of a fitted cosine curve have very different periods, an athlete may be per-
and should not be confused with the range of a forming on a day close to the crest of at least one
rhythm which is the difference between the maxi- of the cycles purely by chance. The periods of bio-
mum and minimum values.£11 The location in time rhythms are not related to any environmental cycle
of a rhythm is termed the acrophase, but, strictly, and, when tested using appropriate chronobiologi-
this only refers to sinusoidal oscillations. The cal techniques, have been proved to be of no value
term 'peak-time' should be used for non-sinusoidal at all in predicting athletic performance.l 8,9] There
rhythms. The acrophase can be expressed in angu- is also no scientific rationale for relating an athlete's

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med . 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
Circadian Variations 295

training cycles over a competitive season to his/her many circadian rhythms in resting physiological
biorhythms, e.g. resting on 'caution' days. This should functions exist in the absence of any environmental
not, however, deter future researchers from scien- fluctuations and are obliterated after SCN removal
tifically investigating the presence of any infradian suggests that the dominant pacemaker is able to
rhythms in athletic performance which exist inde- communicate (neurally and/or neurohumerally)
pendently from any cycles in training volume. with other hypothalamic centres and endocrine
glands.!I] These secondary oscillations, in tum,
2. The Basis for Circadian Rhythms mediate fluctuations in their respective target tis-
Although biological rhythms are present in a wide sues resulting in the myriad of resting and perfor-
range of periods, circadian rhythms have been the mance circadian rhythms in the human.
most extensively investigated and have the farthest The inherent properties of the biological clock
reaching implications for humans. Circadian rhythms have been investigated in isolation studies. As-
in physiological parameters are influenced by choffi l5 ] and Wever!12] found in study participants
rhythmic changes in human behaviour and the en- isolated from all external time signals that the pe-
vironment over a period of 24 hours.!4] For exam- riod of circadian rhythms deviates slightly but con-
ple, human society generally exhibits wakefulness sistently from 24 hours to about 25 hours. There-
and activity diurnally, when the environmental fore, the endogenous clock will progressively lag
temperature is higher and when it is light. Fluctu- behind exogenous fluctuations as time spent in
ations such as these are termed 'exogenous com- isolation increases up to 12 days. It thus 'free runs' .
ponents' to physiological rhythmicity. Circadian
Endogenous rhythms are synchronised or 'en-
rhythmicity is not fully dependent upon exogenous
trained' to the normal 24-hour environment by
factors, but has also an 'endogenous component'
zeitgebers (German - meaning 'time-givers' ), the
(colloquially referred to as the biological- or body-
clock). Rhythmicity persists if an individual re- most important of which are the light-dark cycle
mains awake for several days at a constant level of and social influences. Light is believed to act as a
activity!IO] or is placed in 'temporal isolation'. This zeitgeber to the body clock via the transmission of
refers to environmental conditions which do not photic information along the retinohypothalamic
fluctuate, such as a natural cave!ll] or a specially tract (a neural pathway connecting the retinae with
designed isolation chamber.! 12] In addition, during the SCN). Light also entrains and suppresses the
nocturnal shift work or transmeridian travel, circa- production of melatonin by the pineal gland.!16]
dian rhythms do not immediately adjust to a new Melatonin and its precursor serotonin have impor-
sleep-wake schedule, but take time to adapt or 'en- tant roles in sleep regulation, nocturnal secretions
train'.I 4] The effect of exogenous stimuli (e.g. ex- being markedly increased. Such chronobiologi-
ercise) upon the parameters of an endogenous cal influences of melatonin have led to the theory
rhythm is termed 'masking'.
that administration of bright light or exogenous
The most important endogenous self-sustaining
melatonin has therapeutic applications in the treat-
pacemaker for circadian rhythmicity is the paired
ment of such rhythm disturbances as jet lag, shift-
suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) located in the ante-
rior hypothalamus, close to the optic chiasm.l IJ .14 ] work, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), insomnia,
It has been argued that there are other loci of rhyth- blindness and ageing.!16] Melatonin secretion is af-
micity (thus far not conclusively identified), since fected by exercise. Although there are conflicting
both total destruction of the SCN does not disrupt reports on whether exercise stimulates!I?] or inhib-
all circadian rhythms and some circadian rhythms its!18] secretion, this influence supports the hypoth-
can 'desynchronise' from each other when studied esis that physical activity is a significant zeitgeber
in temporal isolation.!4] Nevertheless, the fact that in humans.[19]

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296 Atkinson & Reilly

3. Human Circadian Rhythms at Rest ondary peak in the afternoon. This phenomenon
may be especially evident if individuals nap or
3.1 The Body Temperature Rhythm have a greater than normal post-prandial dip in
blood pressure (e.g. aged individuals).[25]
Body temperature falls to a minimum during
sleep at around 0400 hours and begins to rise before 3.3 Rhythms in Ventilation
wakefulness. This rise usually continues until the
acrophase of the rhythm is reached at around 1800 The two indicators of pulmonary airway resis-
hoursJ4] The amplitude of the body temperature tance (forced expiratory volume and peak expir-
rhythm is 0.4 to O.soC in young adults (fig. 1). atory flow) have both been found to vary with time
There is considerable evidence that the endoge- of day falling to minima between 0300 and 0800
nous component of the temperature rhythm is hoursP6] Smolensky et aI.£27] reported that asth-
large: in isolation and constant routine studies, the matic patients exhibit markedly greater amplitudes
amplitude ofthe rhythm is not markedly reducedJ4] in airway rhythms depending on the severity of the
The major exogenous influences on body temper- disease. These findings agree with the observation
ature are sleep and exercise. Minors and Water- that symptoms of asthma are exacerbated at night
house[4] maintained that the circadian rhythm in and in the early morning giving rise to the debili-
deep body (rectal) temperature results mainly from tating complaint of 'nocturnal asthma' .[28] For this
fluctuations in heat loss mechanisms (vasomotor reason, we advise asthmatic athletes not to perform
and insensible sweating) rather than heat produc- strenuous training in the early hours of the morn-
tion (metabolic rate). However, these authors also ing.
stressed that it is the set-point of thermoregulation
that varies with time of day. Akerstedt[20] reported 3.4 Rhythms in Metabolic Variables
that the peak noradrenergic activity occurs at about Mejean et a\.[29] stated that the blood glucose
1200 hours. At this time, the dissipation of heat
level at anyone time is influenced by 'multiple meta-
would be counteracted and deep body temperature
bolic phenomena'. This may be the reason why glu-
rises as a consequence.
cose levels appear to be very constant over 24
hours.[4] A few studies (e.g. Swoyer et a\.[29]) have
3.2 Cardiovascular Rhythms
detected rhythmicity in this variable, albeit with a
Heart rate varies with an amplitude of S to IS% very low amplitude. It is more usual to find a small-
of the 24-hour mean and an acrophase of around amplitude ultradian rhythm in blood glucose with
IS00 hoursJ5,21] Similar rhythm characteristics are peak levels corresponding to the 3 diurnal meals
found for stroke volume, cardiac output, blood and a fourth increase at the end of sleep.[30] Schli-
flow and blood pressure.[21] Circadian rhythms in erti 31 ] found that plasma free fatty acids were higher
blood pressure and heart rate are highly influenced at night than during the day although this, again,
by exogenous factors such as sleep, posture, inges- depended greatly on the composition of food in-
tion offood and activity. [22] The influences are such gested.
that it has been questioned whether an endogenous Minors and Waterhouse[4] reported that oxygen
component exists at all.[23] Given the multiple ex- consumption ("V0 2) at rest evidences rhythmicity,
ogenous influences on blood pressure, it has been dropping to a minimum at around 0400 hours .
found that fluctuations in blood pressure over 24 These authors also maintained that the "V0 2 rhythm
hours can be extremely complicated, not necessar- is a result and not a cause of the body temperature
ily following the classical cosine curve of more rhythm. Reilly,[5] however, calculated that the cir-
endogenous rhythms such as body temperature cadian change in core temperature explains only
(fig. 1). Zulch and Hossman[24] reported that blood 37% of the range observed in "V0 2. The circadian
pressure shows a post-lunch dip followed by a sec- rhythm in "V02 is not attributable to circadian

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Circadian Variations 297

changes in thyroid-stimulating hormone since this 15

variable peaks at the same time as V'02 drops to its § 10
nadir.l 32 ] Changes in the circulating levels of cate- (/)

cholamines may exert some influence over the ~ 5

rhythm in V'02.l4] ~ 0
-e'::>" -5
3.5 Rhythms in Gastrointestinal Function iii
'0 -10
and Excretion
8E -15
Circadian rhythms have been documented for Oi
'5 -20
gastrointestinal motility patterns, intestinal ab- I-

sorption rates, gastrointestinal enzyme activities -25+----.----,----.----.----.----,

0000 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 2400
and gastric acid secretion)33] All these parameters Time of day (hours)
have been found to peak diurnally. Goo et alp4]
reported that gastric emptying rates for meals ad- Fig. 2. The circadian rhythm in 'total mood disturbance' - a
ministered at 2000 hours were over 50% slower combination of mood states measured with the Profile of Mood
than emptying rates for the same meal taken at States questionnaire (POMS). Data from 20 individuals aged
18 to 30 years.[42 J Higher values indicate worsened mood
0800 hours. It is not known whether the gastric states.
emptying of carbohydrate drinks during exercise
varies with time of day. Touitou et al.[35] reported
that peak levels of urinary electrolytes occur in these rhythms in hormone levels since the ampli-
the afternoon at around 1600 hours (exceptions be- tudes are not similar.
ing urinary chlorides, phosphates and 17 -keto- Circadian variation in catecholamines may me-
steroids). Circadian changes in urinary pH mirror
diate fluctuations in arousal. Chronobiological in-
those of urinary electrolyte level with the most
vestigations of subjective states of 'arousal' have
acidic urine (pH =5.0) reported during sleep, rising
to a maximum of 8.0 in the afternoonP6] Circadian been usually conducted in conjunction with other
rhythms in urinary pH and excretion of electrolytes experimental variables. For example, some re-
should be recognised by drug control centres. searchers have used simple visual-analogue scales
Chronopharmacological studies should be per- to measure alertness[38] or the inverse of this, fa-
formed to ascertain whether an ingested drug would tigue. [39] Other investigators have utilised recognised
be detected in an athlete's urine at one time of day scales (Stanford Sleepiness Scale )[40] for the meas-
but not at another. urement of ' sleepiness' or a questionnaire (Profile
of Mood states)[4J] for assessment of changes in
3.6 Rhythms in Subjective Mood States
mood (fig. 2).[42,43] All the evidence from these
and Some Hormonal Secretions
studies suggests that alertness and positive mood
Cortisol and growth hormone levels evidence states peak in the waking hours (usually evening).
marked peaks several times during sleep.[32] In Mood and subjective alertness may be important
fact, the growth hormone and cortisol rhythms are
for human performance since they may alter an in-
strongly influenced by sleep characteristics which
dividual's predisposition for strenuous physical
are, in turn, affected by habitual levels of physical
activity. Plasma levels of adrenaline and noradren- work. Circadian variations in mood states may also
aline peak in the early afternoon, even during suc- affect the 'team cohesion' of a work-group. For
cessive days of constant routines (i.e. bedrest with example, the ability of individuals to communicate
no sleep allowed).[4] The documented circadian and work together is important for team sports and
rhythm in blood volume[37] cannot account for coaching.

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298 Atkinson & Reilly

4. Circadian Variations in 338 • 100m

Sports Performance
u 334
lC 330
4.1 Indirect Evidence :§ 328
World records in sports events are usually bro-
ken by athletes competing in the early evening, the I;:} ___________
time of day at which body temperature is highest.
The mid-eighties series of middle-distance records
broken by the British runners; Sebastian Coe, Steve
Cram, Steve Ovett and Dave Moorcroft illustrates
~ot 07'00 1()00 1300 Hioo 1900 2200
Time of day (hours)
this, since all were set between 1900 and 2300
Fig. 3. The effects of time of day on 100m and 400m swimming
hours. Such observations should, of course, be time trials (from Reilly,151with permission).
interpreted with caution, since there is a bias for
scheduling finals of track and field competitions in 4.2 Research Methodology
the afternoon and world record attempts in the eve-
ning due to extraneous influences such as the de- In order to confirm the above indirect evidence
mands of television. The bias in event scheduling that sports performance varies with time of day,
for the early evening can, in some sports be con- laboratory conditions and pre-test diet and activity
trolled for. In the discipline of competitive cycling of individuals need to be tightly controlled. There
known as time trials, the frequency of races is more are additional problems when a study is attempted.
evenly distributed throughout the daylight hours. For instance, it is very hard to administer a large
The performances of young competitors in 16km number of consecutive performance tests to hu-
races are better when held in the afternoon and eve- mans without eliciting a serial fatigue effectJ 461
Consequently, most chronobiological investiga-
ning compared with those scheduled in the morn-
tions into human performance have employed some
ing.[441 When the frequency oftrials is standardised
sort of transverse design (several individuals stud-
at different times of day in simulated competitions,
ied at a few times of day). Reilly and his coworkers
weight-throwers also perform better in the evening
in studies examining circadian rhythms in com-
than the morningJ45 1
ponents of physical performance, e.g. Reilly and
The lack of control over environmental influ-
Down,[47 1 approached the problem of serial fa-
ences on performance is the major problem con- tigue/learning effects by spacing 6 test sessions 4
cerning the above evidence from field studies. For hours apart within a 24-hour period. Each individ-
instance, environmental temperature may be more ual performs the first test session at a different time
favourable to record-breaking performances in the of day. Conventionally, 6 or 12 individuals are ex-
evening, especially in summer. Circadian fluctua- amined to form what has been termed a 'cyclic Latin
tions in meteorological conditions such as wind square' design.[48 1 This protocol does allow suffi-
speed and direction may also affect performances cient time for recovery after each test session and
in cycling or field sports involving high velocities removes any learning/fatigue effects that could
of projectiles (e.g. discus, javelin, hammer). Never- occur. However, there is a problem of whether to
theless, tighter control can be exerted over water allow sleep after the test session at 2200 hours,
conditions for swimming. When this is done, the waking participants for the 0200 hours, tests or al-
best times for 100 and 400m swims occur, again, lowing only about 3 hours of sleep between 0200
in late afternoon/early evening (fig. 3). and 0600 hours. To alleviate this problem, the above

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Circadian Variations 299

experimental design can be modified so that indi- racy with which a simple repetitive test is per-
viduals are examined over a longer time period and formed .[53] Therefore, accuracy may be worse in
at least 8 hours separates each of the 6 test sessions. the early evening. This illustrates the importance
The advantages of this protocol are that study par- of defining performance since there are many
ticipants could sleep normally between 2200 hours sports which demand accuracy without speed, e.g.
and 0600 hours and 0200 hours and 1000 hours and golf, darts.
that the performance variables are examined over Although the effects of time of day on actual
2 cycles of the circadian rhythm. Alternatively, performances in these sports have not been exam-
each of the 6 test sessions could be administered ined, their complex nature probably means that
on different days, e.g. Harma et al.,149] although the they are performed best at times of day when
rigorous control procedures would need to be ad- arousal levels are endogenously low. One task which
hered to for 6 days. demands fine motor control, is the ability to bal-
The most common statistical techniques used in ance whilst standing on a 'wobble board' . This task
chronobiological studies of human performance are is performed better in the morning, probably be-
analysis of variance (ANaYA) and cosinor analy- cause arousal levels would be lower than the diur-
sis. Although ANaYA models can be employed to nal peak and closer to the optimum level for per-
identify an effect of time of day on the experimen- formance.l 42 ] Complex aspects of performance such
tal variable, the rhythm characteristics that were as mental arithmetic and short term memory also
presented in figure I cannot be elucidated. For this peak in the early hours of the morning rather than
information, the cosinor techniques that were de- the evening.[46] Rhythms in cognitive variables
scribed by Nelson et aLl50] can be employed. A dis- have relevance to sport in that they influence com-
advantage of cosinor analysis is that estimates of petitive strategies, decisions and the delivery and
rhythm parameters are compromised when the data recall of complex coaching instructions.
are nonsinusoidal. Many physiological variables Circadian rhythms in psychomotor performance,
evidence rhythms of shorter periods superimposed particularly tasks that entail cognitive operations
on a fundamental period (e.g. post-lunch 'dips' in seem especially prone to a post-lunch 'dip' .1 5] This
performance) which would not be detected with phenomenon describes a transient decline in alert-
conventional cosinor analysis. ness and performance occurring early in the after-
noon. Some aspects of performance deteriorate at
4.3 Components Measured Under this time without a corresponding decrease in body
Controlled Laboratory Conditions temperature and even if no food is ingested at
lunch-time.l52] We advise that this time of day should
'Performance' is a very broad term and sports
be avoided when the coach is trying to impart new
events usually comprise a cocktail of task compo-
skills or tactics to a group of athletes.
nents. In the following sections, an attempt is made
to isolate each component of sports performance
4.3.2 Joint Flexibility and Stiffness
and describe the circadian characteristics of each.
Joint flexibility (range of movement) shows
4.3. 1 Psychomotor Performance and Motor Skills marked rhythmicity across a wide range of human
Simple reaction time (either to auditory or visual movements. Gifford[54] noted circadian variation
stimuli) is a major component of performances in in lumbar flexion and extension, glenohumerallat-
sprint events. Reaction time peaks in the early eve- eral rotation and whole-body forward flexion. Am-
ning at the same time as the maximum in body tem- plitudes of these rhythms can be as high as 20% of
perature. 151 ] As an explanation for this, for every the 24-hour mean value (table I). There can be a
1°C rise in body temperature, nerve conduction large inter-individual difference of between 1200
velocity increases by 2.4 m1secJ52] Often, there is and 2400 hours in the peak-times of flexibility.[54]
an inverse relation between the speed and the accu- Wright[55] found that the circadian variation in

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300 Atkinson & Reilly

stiffness (resistance to motion) of the knee joint is Table I. Circadian characteristics of fitness tests
similar to that of body temperature with lowest lev- Fitness test Acrophase Amplitude Reference
els of stiffness being recorded in the early evening. (P decimal (% of 24-h
hours)' mean)
However, endogenous mechanisms cannot be fully Whole-body flexibility 20.21 21,6 42
implicated as the cause of this rhythm since joint PWC150 3.83 5,2 43
stiffness is highly influenced by exogenous factors Standing broad jump 17.75 3.4 47
such as the amount of prior physical activity.l5] Leg strength 18,33 9.0 62
Back strength 16,88 10,6 62
4.3.3 Muscle Strength Grip strength 20,00 6,0 43
Hand grip strength, although moderately corre- a An acrophase of 17.75 means that the rhy1hm peaked at
1745h, These acrophases are converted into degrees by the
lated with lean body mass and whole-body strength, term (-15) in the correction equation.
has its limitations in sport contexts considering the Abbreviations: P = the acrophase of the 'standard' rhy1hm; PWC150
specificity of strength in different sports. Despite = physical working capacity at a heart rate of 150 beats/min.
this, muscle strength, independent of the muscle
group measured or speed of contraction, consis-
tently peaks in the early evening. The relation of sessions without disturbing sleep,[61] post-lunch
the grip strength rhythm to other physiological declines in performance are still evident (fig. 4A).
rhythms (especially body temperature) has pro- With respect to the isometric strength of other mus-
moted its use as a 'marker rhythm' in chronobio- cle groups, elbow flexion strength varies with time
logy. The rhythm in isometric grip strength peaks of day, peaking in the early evening.l62] Back strength
between 1400 and 1900 hours with an amplitude is also higher in the evening than the morning. The
of about 6% of the 24 hours' mean.[54,56] The grip rhythm has an amplitude of around 6% of the 24-
strength rhythm is, in part, endogenously control- hour mean.l 63 ]
led since it persists during sleep deprivation[57] and Both concentric (generation of force while the
adjusts slowly to changes in sleep-wake regimens.[56] muscle is shortening) and eccentric (generation of
The peak-to-trough variation in grip strength can force while the muscle is lengthening) strength have
be 3 times higher than normal in rheumatoid arth- been measured at different times of the solar day
ritic patients.l58 ] using isokinetic dynamometry.l63-65] A time of day
When the isometric strength of the knee exten- effect in these variables has been noted with peak
sors is measured consecutively during the waking values occurring in the early evening, although this
hours of the solar day, 2 diurnal peaks are evident; is apparent only when measured at slow (between
one at the end of the morning and another in the 1.05 and 3.14 rad/sec) angular velocities of move-
late afternoon/evening. [59] Performance transiently ment (fig. 4B). The coefficient of variation of
declines between these times of day. Similarly, measurements made with computer-controlled
there can be a drop in grip strength between 1300 dynamometers may be as high as 20% at fast angu-
and 1400 hours when the variable is measured ev- lar velocities of greater than 6 rad/sec.l 63 ] Unless
ery hour for a 24-hour period.l60] this error is reduced through multiple trials, it prob-
It is difficult to separate a true time of day effect ably prevents the detection of any circadian varia-
from influences resulting from the experimental tion. Inadequate test-retest repeatability of measur-
protocol. This afternoon decline in performance ing equipment is a problem in chronobiological
may be a consequence of a fall in motivation aris- research and may explain why rhythms have not
ing from the high number of serial measurements
been detected in other performance variables.
that have been performed. Despite this, when iso-
metric strength measures are recorded under the 4.3.4 Shorf Term Power Output
optimal experimental protocol outlined in section Circadian rhythms have been identified in lab-
4, which allows sufficient recovery between test oratory measures of anaerobic power and conven-

© Adis International Limited, All rights reserved, Sports Med, 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
Circadian Variations 301

tional tests of short term dynamic activity. Hill and A

Smith[66] measured anaerobic power and capacity
Smith[661 113
with a modified version of the Wingate test at 0300, Q)
E 109
0900, 1500 and 2100 hours. Peak power in the eve- .......

C\I 105
ning was found to be 8% higher than at 0300 hours. -t
Similar results were found for mean power over the c;, 101
30-second test period. Conversely, Down et aI.l67] aI.l 671 ~
1ii 97
duplicated measurements at 6 times of the solar Cl
day and could not confirm that performance in the
Wingate test depends on time of day. Reilly and 89
0000 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Down[68] modified a cycle ergometer so that the
Wingate test could be applied to arm exercise. Sim- 0()
ilarly, no significant rhythm was observed in peak 8
".....r--~ 109
or mean power of the arms. The conflicting results L()
between the latter two studies and those of Hill and 1ii
10 105
co-workers may have been due to differences in ~
o OJ

pre-test protocols. Vigorous warm-up procedures ~ ~ 101

prior to administration of the tests may have ~~
Q) C\I 97
'swamped' any rhythm that may have been present. .><-
In addition, the sensitivity of the ergometry used Q)
in the Wingate test may have been insufficient to e-~
.><. 89
detect such small amplitude rhythms. Recently, OJ
0000 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000
more accurate methods of assessing short term Time of day (hours)
high power output on a cycle ergometer have been
Fig. 4. Circadian rhythms in leg strength. (A) Isometric strength
made available (e.g. Lakomy's flywheel inertia of the knee extensors measured with a spring-loaded dyna-
correction equations).[69 mometer. (8) Isokinetic strength of the knee extensors mea-
California) at an
sured with a LIDO dynamometer (Loredan, Califomia)
The results of studies that have examined the rad/sec. Data obtained from 20 study
angular velocity of 1.57 rad/sec.
effects of time of day on fixed-intensity work-rates participants aged 18 to 30 years).!42J
close to maximal oxygen uptake (\T02max) seem
more conclusive than those that have employed the was found for length of jump with an acrophase of
al. [70] reported that total work
Wingate test. Hill et alPOl 1745 hours and an amplitude of 3.4% of the 24-hour
performed in high-intensity constant work-rate ex- mean value (table I). Similar rhythm characteristics
ercise on a cycle ergometer was significantly have been found for vertical jumping perfor-
higher in the afternoon compared with the morn- mance.[44.72] In view of the fact that jumping re-
ing. These results agree with the findings of Reilly cords are broken usually by only a few centimetres,
Baxter[71] who reported longer work-times
and Baxter[711 work -times and time of day should be recognised as a significant
higher peaks of lactate production when set high factor that influences record breaking attempts or
intensity exercise was performed at 2200 hours the ability to meet certain performance standards
compared with 0630 hours. in order to qualify for major championships.
With respect to other conventional methods of The evening superiority of swim performances
evaluating short term explosive activity, Reilly and measured in time trials 'in the pool' is likely to be
Down[ 48 1 investigated whether performance in the physiological in origin rather than due to circadian
standing broad jump shows a circadian rhythm. changes in water temperature, since mean and peak
When individual differences in performances were power output recorded on a swim bench under
controlled for, significant circadian rhythmicity controlled conditions still vary with time of day.

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302 Atkinson & Reilly

Amplitudes of these rhythms are 11 to 14% of the However, in many studies of maximal physiologi-
24-hour mean values and the peak-time is about cal values, it is often unclear as to whether the ceil-
1800 hours. [73] This circadian variation in swimming ing of physiological capability was reached during
performance is greater than the effect of obtaining the exercise test. In contrast to the results of Co-
only 3 hours of sleep for 3 successive nights.[74] hen,l78] Reilly et al.[79] found that the rhythm in heart
rate persisted during maximal exercise, although
4.4 Physiological Responses with a reduced amplitude compared with the rest-
ing rhythm.
Some circadian rhythms in the physiological The causal nexus of the rhythm in heart rate dur-
responses to exercise are maintained in amplitude, ing exercise is complicated, with possible meta-
some disappear, whereas others become more marked bolic, thermogenic and sympathetic influences.
during exercise. The differing effects of exercise on Circadian variation in cardiac output during exer-
circadian rhythms could be due to experimental er-
cise has yet to be identified.l 80]
rors such as failure to control prior activity and diet
Reilly et aI.l79] found that both systolic and di-
of the study participants. As discussed below, the
astolic blood pressure measured for 5 mins after a
intensity of exercise and fitness of the individuals
set exercise regimen were unaffected by time of
involved in the study may also affect the results.
day. As well as outlining the measurement errors
Since fluctuations in body temperature are be-
associated with conventional sphygmomanometry,
lieved to mediate many circadian rhythms in per-
these authors suggested that their pre-exercise con-
formance, the characteristics of this rhythm during
ditions may have swamped any variations in blood
exercise are important. Reilly and Brooks[75] found
that the acrophase and amplitude of the rhythm in
Cabri et aI.l64] measured blood pressure before
rectal temperature remained unchanged during ex-
and after leg exercise on an isokinetic dynamometer
ercise. Rhythms in skin temperature during exer-
cise were generally in phase with their correspond- at 6 times of the solar day. Systolic blood pressure
ing resting rhythms but depended on the site of did not evidence rhythmicity both pre- and post-
measurement. Skin temperature of the exercising exercise. However, diastolic blood pressure (post-
limb did not evidence rhythmicity. exercise) was found to vary with time of day, the
Wahlberg and Astrand[76] exercised 20 men at rhythm reaching its acrophase between 0000 and
0300 hours and 1500 hours at both submaximal and 0200 hours. It is not known why the acrophase of
maximal loads. Heart rates during exercise were this rhythm does not coincide with those of other
consistently lower at night, irrespective of work cardiovascular variables at rest or during exercise.
rate, the day-night difference amounting to 3 to 5 The results of studies which have examined cir-
beats/min. Cohen and Muehl[77] measured heart cadian variations in metabolic responses to sub-
rate at rest, during exercise on a rowing ergometer, maximal exercise are not as conclusive as those
and in the recovery period of this exercise at 7 times that investigated heart rate responses. Home and
during the solar day. Although cosinor analysis was Pettit[81] were unable to detect rhythmicity in the
not used to examine the data, the lowest heart rates \'0 2 responses to submaximal exercise in un-
were reported to occur between 0400 and 0800 trained individuals. Reilly[82] performed a longitu-
hours. This temporal pattern was evident both dur- dinal study involving one person in order to control
ing and after exercise. for differing zeitgeber effects between study par-
Cohen[78] repeated the latter study but concen- ticipants. Circadian rhythmicity was observed in
trated on an incremental exercise task. The heart \'0 2 (expressed in ml/kg/min) at a work-rate of
rate responses to maximal exercise just prior to 150W, peaking at 1440 hours, but this rhythm
exhaustion did not vary with time of day, suggest- could be explained fully in terms of circadian vari-
ing that no rhythm exists in maximal heart rate. ations in body mass (participants were slightly

© Adis Intemotionol Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
Circadian Variations 303

lighter in the afternoon). Significant rhythmicity in tive ratings reported at this time may have been due
V0 2 responses to a lighter work-rate than 150W to higher exercise intensities and not any circadian
were evident irrespective of changes in body mass. variation in RPE. Studies that have exercised indi-
The time required for V0 2 to reach steady state viduals at levels expressed relative to V02max rather
(expressed as the fifth minute value) was not more than heart rate have noted a circadian variation in
than 2 minutes and did not vary with time of day. exercise.pI
RPE, only during maximal exercise.[ 71 1
] However,
No circadian variations were found for expired low-intensity exercise when performed many times
carbon dioxide (VC0
(VC02) 2 ) or the respiratory exchange within a solar day may mediate a transient increase
ratio during exercise. afternoon.l 851
in RPE in the early afternoon.[85]
The amplitude of the rhythm in minute ventila- One response to activity that may be important
tion (VE) is amplified during light or moderate ex- in injury and rehabilitation contexts is a loss of
Brooks[ 83 1found that the VE re-
ercise. Reilly and Brooks[83] stature attributed to 'spinal shrinkage' . The rest-
sponse to exercise displayed rhythmicity that was activity rhythm present in normal conditions im-
phased similarly to the resting rhythm, but 20 to poses compressive loading on the spine during the
40% higher in terms of amplitude. The rhythm in day, leading to the extrusion of water through the
VE may explain the reports of mild dyspnoea when invertebral disc wall and a consequent loss of disc
exercise is performed in the early morning. height. This shrinkage is reversed at night during
The lack of rhythmicity in metabolic responses aI.l 861 were
the recumbency of sleeping. Reilly et a1.[86]
to exercise is unequivocal when measured at max- the first investigators to characterise fully the cir-
imal exercise intensities. In both longitudinal[83] cadian rhythm in human stature. Using a stadiom-
cross-sectionaIl 841 studies, it has been found
and cross-sectional[84] eter accurate to O.Olmm, they found that the peak
that V0 2max is a stable function, independent of the to trough variation of stature was 1.1 % of overall
time of day of measurement. This finding is not stature. Cosinor analysis was found to provide an
surprising since the amplitude of the resting unsatisfactory fit to the circadian variation, the data
rhythm in V0 2 if maintained during maximal ex- being better described by a power function (fig. 5).
ercise would be less than 0.5% of V0 2max . Such a Peak stature was measured at 0730 hours with the
small amplitude would be difficult to detect, prob-
ably due to the insensitivity of equipment used to
measure V0 2max .
Circadian variations in the SUbjective
subjective reactions 25
to exercise may be an alternative explanation for
rhythms in maximal exercise performance. Faria E 20
Drummond[841 employed a crossover-treatment
and Drummond[84]
.Q 15
and reverse-sequence design to examine the effects
of time of day on ratings of perceived exertion !!i"
(RPE) during graded exercise on a treadmill. The
results revealed that there was a dissociation be- 5
tween RPE and heart rate which depended on time
of day. The RPE were higher during exercise car- o
ried out in the early hours of the morning (0200 to
0400 hours) than in the evening (2000 to 2200 0000 0400 0800 1200 1600
hours). In this study, work-rates were set relative Time after rising (hours)
to elicited heart rates of 130, 150 and 170 beats/min.
Fig. 5. The loss in stature after waking in the morning. Stature
Submaximal heart rate at a set work-rate is lowest expressed relative to the measurement at midnight (set at
at night (see above). Therefore, the higher subjec- 3.5mm).188)

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304 Atkinson & Reilly

minimum occurring around midnight. A study by However, as body temperature rose above optimal
Wilby et al)87] which involved female participants, levels during the evening exercise, work-rate
provided results similar to those for men, the mean dropped. In the morning, work-rate gradually in-
peak-to-trough variation in stature being 0.92% of creased as body temperature rose towards optimal
ovenill stature. The shrinkage responses to a 20- levels, until, at the end of the exercise period, indi-
minute weight-training session, carried out in the viduals chose higher work-rates in the morning
morning and the evening, have also been exam- than in the afternoon (fig. 6). In cold and wet con-
ined.l 87 ] The results indicated that stature losses ditions however, athletes running at very low exer-
were smaller in the evening when body height is in cise intensities (e.g. charity runners in marathon
the trough of circadian variation. It was asserted races) might be at a greater risk of hypothermia in
that greater stiffness of intervertebral discs in the the morning. Their low work-rate might be insuf-
evening is likely to increase the risk of injury, al- ficient to maintain heat balance due to the high loss
though it was also pointed out that higher values of of heat to the cold environment. In such conditions
back strength in the evening may serve to compens- there is a need for appropriate clothing to safeguard
ate for the increase in stiffness. against a dangerous drop in body core temperature.
In the past, it was recognised that environmental
4.4. 1 Endurance Races and temperature is more favourable for athletes in mar-
Environmental Temperature athon races in the early morning. Consequently in
During endurance races in heat, athletes may hot and humid places such as Hong Kong, Singa-
have to exercise with their body temperatures above pore and Penang, marathons conventionally start at
the level conducive to optimal performance and 0500 to 0600 hours. In recent years, various com-
close to temperatures normally indicative of heat petitive marathons have been scheduled at later
injury. If endurance exercise is carried out in the times of day to coincide with the demands of tele-
afternoon or evening, there might be a greater risk vision audiences. Such scheduling may be disas-
that such body temperatures are attained, since as trous to athletes if environmental temperature is
stated above, the body temperature rhythm is main- high. This may apply to the year 2000 Olympic
tained during exercise. Although a set body tem- marathon in Sydney if West-European and North
perature threshold for heat injury has yet to be American television companies exert their influ-
confirmed, assuming that a threshold is constant ence over the time of day that the race is held.
throughout the day, the margin of safety for heat
injury can be calculated to be 0.5 to 0.8°C greater 4.4.2 Predictive Tests of Physical Fitness
in the morning than in the afternoon. The heart rate responses to submaximal exercise
There is evidence from two sources which sup- have been employed in predicting maximal aerobic
ports the hypothesis that, in fit individuals, perfor- powerl90] and physical working capacity.191] In such
mance in sustained exercise is improved by lower tests, heart rates at two or more known submaximal
body temperatures. Firstly, pre-cooling body tem- workloads are either entered into tables to predict
perature before 1 hour of submaximal exercise by oxygen consumption at an estimated maximum
an amount that corresponds to the amplitude of the heart rate, or used to extrapolate a work-rate that
circadian rhythm causes a significant increase in elicits a certain heart rate (usually 150 to 170
work-rate. 188 ] Secondly, there is a significant inter- beats/min). Such tests have been widely adopted
action between self-selected work rate measured for testing large groups of individuals mainly as
every 10 minutes during 80 minutes of submaximal part of health education programmes, even though
exercise and time of day.l89] In the evening, when they have a large predictive error. 192 ] Part of this
body temperature was highest, individuals chose error may be attributable to the time of day at which
greater work-rates at the beginning of the exercise the test was administered since significant circa-
period in the evening compared with the morning. dian variation has been found for both maximal

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
Circadian Variations 305

A dictive work capacity may occur almost 180 0 out

of phase with acrophases of body temperature and
other performance-related measures (table I).
The equation employed in cosinor analysis for
~ 38
determining circadian functions[50) can be rearranged
~ to calculate, from known circadian characteristics,
.0700h the 24-hour mean of a fitness test score obtained at
~ 37 o 1700h any time of the solar day:
~ Freorr = - - - - - -Fr
36 I + O.OIA • cos (1St - 15P)

where t is the time of day at which the fitness test

35~.--.--'--'.--r--.--.--'---r--r- was measured (decimal clock hours), FIt is the
score for the fitness test at time t, A is the amplitude
220 of the 'standard' rhythm (% of 24-hour mean) and
P is the acrophase of the ''standard'
standard' rhythm (deci-
mal hours).
.0700h Circadian data (amplitude, acrophase) from
o 1700h previous studies of the effects of time of day on
~ fitness tests (table I) can be substituted into the
-; 200
~ above equation to correct the result for time of day.
~ This equation is useful for correcting fitness tests
190 administered to large populations of study partici-

~ pants when it is often not practical to control for
180 time of day. It is stressed, however, that in order for

~ QQ
the above equation to be used, the circadian varia-

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
tion must follow a cosinor pattern.

Exercise time (mins) 4.5 The Optimum Time of Day for Training
Fig. 6. Effects of time of day on self-chosen work-rate and rectal Two issues are relevant here which affect the
temperature during 80 mins of exercise on a cycle ergometer.l91 )
(A) Rectal temperature is higher during exercise in the aftemoon efficacy of a training programme: (i) the time of
than in the moming. (8) Higher work-rates are initially chosen day at which athletes are prepared voluntarily to
during afternoon exercise, but these fall towards the end of the work harder; and (ii) the time of day which elicits
exercise period to values below those recorded during moming
exercise. the greatest training responses to standardised ex-
ercise regimens. With respect to (i), self-chosen
work -rate during exercise of less than 40 minutes'
heart rate and heart rate during exercise. This has duration is higher when that exercise is attempted
been confirmed with reported peak-trough varia- in the late afternoon/evening (fig. 6).
tions of predicted 'V02max ranging from 10 to Atkinson et aU 43 ) and Coldwells et aP93) re-
25%,[5) a finding which is not replicated in studies corded self-chosen work-rate at the start of 30 min-
that have measured 'V02max directly (see below). A utes of exercise on a cycle ergometer and found
low heart rate response to exercise results in a high circadian rhythmicity with an acrophase at 1900
score on these tests. Since the rhythm in heart rate hours and an amplitude of about 7% of the 24-hour
peaks at 1500 to 1600 hours, the acrophase of pre- mean value. The higher work-rates chosen in the

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reserved. Sports Med.
Med. 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
306 Atkinson & Reilly

evening were not accompanied by any increases in testosterone have been found to be significantly
ratings of perceived exertion. This would be analo- higher following training in the evening compared
gous to an athlete adopting greater training loads with the morning,[ 97 l although, again, maximal
in the early evening spontaneously without him! muscle contractions, which can be affected by time
her realising it. The evening preference for higher of day, were used as the training stimuli.
work rates may not be apparent when prolonged Paradoxically, there is some evidence to suggest
exercise is performed in hot conditions (fig. 6). that the learning of motor skills is faster when tasks
Assuming that athletes are exposed to the zeit- are performed in the early morning; the greatest
gebers that are associated with a diurnal existence, improvement in the performance of a pursuit rotor
it is unlikely that habitual training in the morning task is evident when the task was performed at
over many weeks (carried out by swimmers, for ex- 0900 hours.[ 98 l Like the studies on strength, it is
ample) would fully reverse the evening-superiority difficult to separate a true time of day effect on
of self-selected training stimuli, although this has learning/ training (the response) from the ability to
never been examined empirically. perform the task (the stimulus) better at certain
Research on the circadian variation in the effi- times of the day. Further, future investigations
cacy of endurance training programmes is equivo- should employ sport-specific skills and examine
cal. In one study, the circadian effects of an aerobic the effect of long term training in the morning on
training programme in 3 groups of men who exer- training responses.
cised in the morning (0900 to 0930), afternoon Evening exercise may be safer than morning
(1500 to 1530) or evening (2000 to 2030) were work-bouts. For the reasons stated in section 2,
examined.l94l Each group performed 30 minutes of asthmatic athletes should be discouraged from ex-
cycle ergometer exercise at 60% \,02max (therefore ercising before or soon after breakfast. Caution
the training stimulus was the same irrespective of should also be exerted in the mid afternoon by asth-
time of day) for 4 days per week over a 4-week matic athletes who train in urban areas, since this
period. The V0 2max was estimated and adaptive re- is usually the peak-time of day for photochemical
sponses of heart rate and blood lactate levels to the smog. Willich[99l reported that the risk of acute cor-
training programme were measured. After 4 weeks, onary events is increased 3-fold in the morning
the afternoon group showed the greatest increase compared with other times of day. These authors
in estimated V0 2max max, suggesting that aerobic found a separate effect of physical exertion on car-
training is most effective in the afternoon, although diac events, the risk being slightly greater in inac-
all groups were assessed after the training period tive individuals who suddenly perform physical ac-
only in the afternoon. Other research work has tivity. It is not known, to date, whether there is an
found no significant differences in the training re- interaction between these two effects, but it would
sponses to morning and evening exercise.l95l seem good advice for cardiac patients not to sched-
Improvements in muscle strength following ule their more intense exercise bouts in the morn-
training sessions scheduled at 2100 hours have ing.[lOOl Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is
been found to be 20% higher than those following a transient condition of musculo-skeletal trauma
training carried out at 0900 hours,[ 96 l although this that can follow vigorous exercise, particularly that
is with maximal isometric contractions as the train- involving eccentric muscle contractions. Soreness
ing stimuli (which can themselves vary with time ratings peak 2 to 3 days after exercise, although any
of day) and the responses to training of each group circadian variation within this period has not been
of study participants were examined only at the researched. The plasma level of creatine kinase in-
times of day that they trained at (the group who creases during DOMS and has been employed as a
trained at 2100 hours were examined at that time marker of muscle damage. Lowest ratings of sore-
post-training). Plasma levels of somatotrophin and ness and plasma levels of creatine kinase have been

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1996 Apr: 21 (4)
Circadian Variations 307

found following exercise performed in the eve- are most often scheduled in the early evening and
ning. 197 ] The mechanisms responsible for this find- at weekends. At these times, the shiftworker may
ing are unknown. be needing recuperative sleep. Even if the shift-
worker does manage to arrive at the start of a com-
5. Rhythm Disturbances petition, inappropriately phased rhythms and/or
marked sleep deprivation may adversely affect per-
Humans often have to overcome rhythm distur-
formance. Sport is one of the few leisure activities
bances when shiftwork is adopted or when time-
which may mediate long term favourable changes
zones are crossed from travelling to different parts
in physiological functions and/or exacerbate the
of the world. It should be noted that crossing time
fatigue of the shiftworker. Physical activity per-
zones and working shifts are not chronobiologic-
formed at least twice a week is usually included in
ally identical. When multiple time-zones are crossed,
guidelines for improving shiftwork tolerance. llOS )
a person is normally exposed to all the zeitgebers
The usefulness of exercise during shiftwork is
of the new environment whereas, during shiftwork,
poorly understood and there is evidence that the
any change in the phasing of a person's rhythms
majority of shiftworkers do not follow that partic-
has occurred whilst being exposed to some zeit-
ular piece of advice.! 1061 More research is needed
gebers still associated with a diurnal existence (e.g.
regarding not only how leisure interests are af-
the light-dark cycle). The consideration of shift-
fected by shiftwork, but, conversely, how leisure
work is further complicated by the fact that the
activities, especially those involving exercise, af-
rhythm disturbances may not be, as in transmerid-
fect tolerance of shiftwork.
ian travel, isolated events, but can be frequent, oc-
curring every time the shift rotates.
5.2 Transmeridian Travel and
5.1 Shiftwork and Sports Performance Sports Performance

One third of British male manual workers are The effects of transmeridian travel as a rhythm
involved in nocturnal shiftwork.l 101 ] Many shift- disturbance on athletic performance have been
workers wish to, but cannot, perform leisure activ- reviewed previously in this JournaLlI07,108] Since
ities at the same times of day as day workers. lI02 ] most performance components evidence circadian
For those people participating in team sports or any rhythmicity and because circadian rhythms are
type of competitive sport, a restriction in leisure- slow to adapt to time-zone travel, it would be rea-
time may become one of the major factors in them sonable to hypothesise that athletic performance is
leaving shiftwork.1 103, 104] For people involved in affected by transmeridian travel (but not trans-
solitary hobbies or those training for (but not com- latitudinal travel). It would also be logical to sug-
peting in) individual sports, this may not be a prob- gest that performance is detrimentally affected by
lem. For example, Atkinson l42 ] found that 9% of a trans meridian travel, given the negative aspects of
sample of racing cyclists were shiftworkers. Indi- 'jet lag' (fatigue, sleep disturbances).
vidual sports other than cycling, which may not be O'Connor and Morgan,1108] however, pointed
adversely affected by shiftwork, in terms of the out that there is very little scientific evidence to
opportunity for training are track and field athletics support these notions. The results of a study by this
and swimming. Although the opportunity to train research groupll09] suggested that competitive
for some sports may not be hindered by shiftwork, swimmers who were rapidly translocated in both
this training often cannot be scheduled in the early directions across 4 time zones during a period of
evening which is the time of day associated with heavy training showed improved mood and de-
the highest self-selected work-rates. The opportu- creased ratings of muscle soreness. Many variables
nities for the shiftworker to participate in sports other than time-zone travel may have, however,
competitions are undoubtedly hindered, since these influenced these findings including the excitement

© Adis International limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
308 Atkinson & Reilly

resulting from travelling to a new country, im- and evening types. Diurnal variations in submaxi-
proved mood owing to the athletes returning home mal heart rate, RPE and V0 2 were not affected by
and the effects of enforced rest, during the journey, individual chronotype. However, V0 2max in the eve-
from a vigorous training regime. ning types group was best in the evening, whereas
A major factor influencing studies of athletic the V0 2max of the morning types was not affected
performance is the discrepancy, after a flight, be- by time of day. Burgoon et al.[114] found that max-
tween 'body clock time' and the 'real time' in the imal exercise performance on a treadmill at 0730
new environment. The peak-time of day for most and 1930 hours did not depend on morningness/
athletic events may still be between 1600 and 2200 eveningness scores. Rossi et al.[IIS] circulated
hours 'body time', but this may correspond to the morningness/eveningness questionnaires to golf-
morning ('real time') after a long flight to the west. ers who competed at differing times of day and
This factor may explain some of the findings in the water polo players who performed mostly in the
study by O'Connor et aPI09] since all tests were evening. The elite golfers in the experimental sam-
administered to the athletes at 1300 hours 'real ple were reported have higher scores for morning-
time' on the days before and after the flight (1300 ness than the water-polo players. Such individual
hours after the flight corresponded to 1700 hours differences in chronotype should be recognised by
pre-flight time which is closer to the peak-time for coaches when scheduling training sessions. For ex-
swimming performance). This factor may also ex- ample, an extreme evening type swimmer may find
plain the findings of lehue et aPIIO] who reported that attending early morning training sessions is so
that the performances of travelling American Foot- difficult that he or she quits the sport, even though
ball teams depended on how close the game-time
he/she performs well in the evening competitions.
corresponded to the usual afternoon peaks in per- Women have been found to have higher mean
formance. To study, chronobiologically, the influ-
body temperatures over a 24-hour period than
ence of time-zone travel on sports performance,
men.[116.117] Smaller rhythm amplitudes in body
athletes should be tested at several times of day for
temperature have also been documented for female
several days after a flight. Alternatively, phase
study participants compared with male partici-
shifts of the sleep-wake cycle could be simulated
pants,!ll7] Mellette et aP118] observed that peak
in the laboratory. Such a study has been performed
temperature occurred later in the solar day and the
by Reilly and Maskelll lll ] who found that perfor-
minimum occurred earlier in women, although it is
mance (e.g. standing broad jump) worsens and
stressed that these were observations and cosinor
takes time to adjust following phase-shifts of the
sleep-wake cycle. analysis was not employed to analyse the data. It is
also stressed that from the 3 studies cited above,
only one[116] controlled for the phase of the men-
6. Individual Differences in
strual cycle. Therefore, more work is needed to
Performance Rhythms
describe any sex-differences in circadian rhythms,
The concept of morning and evening types was especially those in performance.
first considered by scientists in the early part of the Harma et aP49] and Atkinson et al.l 119] reported
twentieth century.£l12] Classification of morning that the rhythm amplitudes of physically fit indi-
types ('larks'), evening types ('owls') and inter- viduals were higher than in unfit individuals, when
mediate types (neither larks nor owls) is based on they were studied under standardised laboratory
the responses to questions regarding sleep and conditions. The greater rhythm amplitude in body
waking times and the phasing of work and habitual temperature for the physically fit study participants
activity. Hill et al.[ll3] compared the responses to was explained by a minimum in the early hours of
exercise (lOOW and a work-rate corresponding to the morning that was O.4 D C lower than that of the
V0 2max ) on a cycle ergometer between morning unfit individuals. Mermin and Czeisler[120] found

© Adis International Umited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
Circadian Variations 309

that although exercise during the day increased body 70

temperature, after exercise there was a greater drop
in body temperature during sleep relative to what
was observed during 'normal' sleep (sleep follow- ~ 50
ing no activity during the day). However, the re- ~ 40
sults of the studies by Harma et aP49) and Atkinson c:
.~ 30
et aPl19) cannot be attributed to this 'post-exercise o
thermoregulatory overcompensation' since, in their 20
studies, the order of exercise testing was random-
ised. This implies that the lower nocturnal body
temperatures of physically fit individuals may be 0+-------,------,-------,------,
mediated via endogenous mechanisms (a training
o 20 40 60 80
Age (years)
effect of habitual physical activity). These exact
mechanisms are unknown. Fig. 7. The relation between age and 'momingness' in 117 com-
petitive cyclists.142l r =0.43. P < 0.00001 .
Circadian timing is altered in elderly individu-
als.l 12l ) This applies to circadian rhythms in body
temperature, hormonal secretions, haematological
7. Conclusions and Future Directions
parameters and the urinary excretion of metabo-
lites. Exogenous rhythms such as heart rate and An attempt has been made in this review to com-
blood pressure are also different in elderly individ- municate present knowledge of how the time of
uals, although probably as a consequence of changes day influences variables associated with sports
in the sleep-wake cycle and the cardiovascular performance, as well as to suggest areas for future
responses to mealsP5) The most consistent age- research.
related circadian differences are a reduction in the It is known that many components of perfor-
amplitudes or a 'flattening' of the rhythms, as well mance fluctuate persistently every 24 hours in par-
as a rise, with age, in the inter-individual variabil- allel with the body temperature curve which peaks
ity of rhythm acrophases. Rhythm acrophases of in the early evening. Research work is needed to
elderly individuals often occur earlier than normal ascertain whether the ability to perform tasks de-
manding complex motor skills varies with time of
in the solar day,[122) in agreement with other obser-
vations of earlier wake-times and increased morning-
A limiting factor of prolonged exercise perfor-
ness in old age[44] (fig. 7). Veteran cyclists seem to
mance in hot conditions is a supra-optimal body
be more morning type individuals, scheduling
temperature. Therefore, we advise that endurance
greater amounts of training before 1400 hours than
races should be scheduled in the morning when
young adults. This is evident before the older cy- body temperature may be 1°C lower than in the
clists have retired from work.l44 ) The performance evening and the environmental conditions are more
of veteran cyclists in time trials is also less affected favourable.
by early morning starts. Laboratory studies have Physiological responses to exercise depend on
confirmed that, although people aged 50 to 60 time of day. The heart rate response to a given in-
years still perform best in the early evening, they tensity of exercise is lower in the morning. In fit-
also perform relatively well in the morning, age ness tests that employ heart rate as the criterion,
differences in performance being least at this scores would be erroneously higher at this time of
time. [38,89) It is still unclear whether such findings day.
reflect age-related changes in the endogenous Studies should be designed to examine whether
clock or exogenous influences such as sleep. exercise performed in the morning is more danger-

© Adis Internotionol Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med. 1996 Apr; 21 (4)
310 Atkinson & Reilly

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