12Th English Learnig Material With Practice Book - 2020-21

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1 mark Questions 3 - 42
2 marks Questions 42 - 72
3 marks Questions 72 - 93
5 marks Questions 93 - 123

2 PRACTICE BOOK 124 - 246


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1 & 2. Synonym s and Antonyms:

Unit –I Two Gentlemen of Verona - A.J. Cronin

I Words Synonyms Antonyms

1. slackened reduced increase

2. cautious watchful careless

3. disapprove refuse allow

4. brisk alert inactive

5. engaging interesting boring

6. humble gentle impolite

7. resistance struggle co-operation

8. persuade convince dissuaded

9. scarce seldom frequent

10. nobility honour dishonour

11. demeanour appearance & behaviour misbehaviour

12. devotion faith/dedication/loyalty disloyal

13. paused stop start

14. artless innocent artful

15. deserted uninhabited crowded

16. vexation annoyance delight

17. intrude enter without permission abandon

18. rubble debris treasure

19. hawk sell by shouting buzz

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Unit –II A Nice Cup of Tea - George Orwell

I Words Synonyms Antonyms

1 disputes conflicts agreement

2 civilization a society in an barbaric
advanced state of

3 stimulated motivated calm/dull/tire

4 stray loose fixed

5 liable responsible irresponsible

6 despised hated liked

7 optimistic positive pessimistic/negative

8 shallow depthless deep

9 arrival return departure

10 sufficient enough inadequate

11 curious interesting disinterested

12 controversial arguable agreeable

13 virtues admirable qualities evil

14 dangling hanging freely/ disgust

15 mysterious incomprehensible transparent/
16 etiquette socially acceptable rudeness

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Unit– 3 In Celebration of Being Alive – Dr. Christiaan Barnard

I Words Synonyms Antonyms

1 profession Career avocation

2 sorrowful Gloomy joyful

3 decency Noble inferior

4 destiny Fate luck

5 hijacked Commandeered gave up

6 motivation Encouragement discouragement

7 serious Severe Comical

8 significant Important worthless/trivial

9 Rare Seldom common

10 primitive Ancient sophisticated

11 Fiction Imaginary Fact

12 fearful Discourage brave

13 benign Kind malignant

14 diffidence Shyness confidence

15 boredom lack of interest amusement

16 criticize Blame appreciate

17 profound very great slight

18 amputated cut off by surgical joined

operation/ removed
Unit–4 The Summit – Edmund Hillary
Words Synonyms Antonyms
Traverse travel across stay
Scrambling climbing hurriedly unscrambling
Wriggle Jerk relax
Tantalize tease/taunt satisfy
Summit Peak base

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Laden Loaded empty

sardines Stuff release
Fierce Wild friendly
donned put on/wear Disrobe
hoisted raised/picked up dropped

Unit -5.The Chair-KI.Rajanarayanan


1. Subsided Diminished rise
2. Sturdy strong weak
3. Impudent Disrespectful respectful
4. Seasoned garnished spoil
5. Bereavement Grief Delight / joy

8. Splendor richness Simplicity
9. Unmatched supreme Inferior
10. Banter Small talk/chitchat Flattery
11 Expounded Explained Shorten
12 Hordes Crowd Small group
13. Paraphernalia Things abstract
14. Spluttered Crackled Calm
15. Gait Pace Rest
16. Burnish Polish Dull
17. Exasperatedly Annoyingly delightfully
18. Portly Fat Slim

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Unit– 6 On the Rule of the Road – A.G. Gardiner

I Words Synonyms Antonyms

1 Confusion Disorder calm

2 Risk Danger safety

3 Pedestrians travels on foot -

4 Chaos Confusion calm

5 Anarchy Disorder peace

6 preserved protected, saved harm/abandoned

7 curtailed Reduced extend

8 insolence Rudeness shyness/meekness

9 tyranny Autocracy democracy

10 interfere Hinder allow

11 contract Agreement disagree

12 Fancy desire/imagination dislike

13 ridiculous laughable/comical serious

14 conventional Normal unusual/unconventional

15 consideration analysis/scrutiny omission/neglect

16 accommodate fit in with unfit

Model - Synonyms
Choose the correct Synonym for the under lined word from the options given.
1 Yet their devotion had touched me deeply
a. dedication b. information c. satisfaction d. vexation
Model – Antonyms
Choose the correct Antonym for the under lined word from the options given.
1 He glanced at us hopefully
a. positively b. desperately c. furiously d. confidently

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3. Foreign Words & Meanings

XI std page no 172
Viva voce - a spoken examination
Sine die - without a date being fixed
Resume - a brief summary
Rapport - close relationship
Bonafide - genuine
Bon Voyage - good bye
In toto - in full /totally
Liaison - co-ordination of activities
Ex gratia - payment out of sympathy or as a gift
En masse - as a whole group
En route - on the way
Ad hoc - for a particular /special purpose

Faux pas - blunder in social situation
Par excellence - better than all others of the same kind
in camera - secret session
Status quo - in the former state
Magnum opus - the most important work of a writer/ an artist
Incognito - in disguise
De javu - a feeling of having already experienced the present
a-la-carte - ordering dishes from a menu
via-media - middle course
per-capita - for each person

tete -a– tete - private conversation between two people

carte blanche - complete freedom to act
bons mots - witty remarks
post mortem - after death
en family - as a family

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via - by the way of

erratum - error
de facto - in fact
prima facie - at first sight
adieu - good bye
avan garde - new ideas
ex parte - on one side
proforma - for the sake of form
Genre - a particular style
Model :
Choose the Meaning of the foreign phrase.
The school has enrolled 398 students in toto in this year.
a.approximately b.Generally c. Totally d. On the whole

4. Prefix /Suffix

Book back Pg. no 7

Words Prefix Suffix

Patient Impatient Patiently
Honour Dishonor Honourable
Respect Disrespect Respectful
Manage Mismanage management
Fertile Infertile Fertility
Different Indifferent differently
Friend Unfriend friendship/friendly
Obey Disobey obedience

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Book back Pg No.:39&73


Wise clever Adjective Ram is wise Wisdom Wisdom is power.
Harm hurt Verb Don’t harm Harmful It is harmful.
her. (adj)
Stimulate refresh Verb Tea Stimulation Children need
stimulates us (noun) stimulation
Argue disagree Verb She always Argument His argument is
argues (noun) good.
Strong power Adjective He is strong Strength Union is strength.
Destroy damage Verb Anger Destruction He was saved from
destroys him. (noun) destruction.

Appreciation Appreciate Appreciative Appreciatively
Success Succeed Successful Successfully
Pride Pride Proud Proudly
Hope hope hopeful Hopefully

Question Model
1 Add a suitable prefix to the root word “patient”.
a. in- b.im- c. ill- d dis- Ans. b. impatient
2 Add a suitable suffix to the root word “friend”.
a. –able b.–ly c.–ene d. -ty Ans. b. friendly


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5.Abbreviations& Acronyms
11th English Book page no:39

1 IELTS International English Language Testing System

2 GST Goods and Service Tax
3 TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
4 STD Subscriber’s Trunk Dialing
5 ISD International Subscriber’s Dialing
6 MBA Master of Business Administration
7 MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development
8 GPS Global Positioning System
9 NSS National Service Scheme

Parent Teachers Association
Non-Governmental Organisation
12 ICU Intensive Care Unit
13 IIM Indian Institute of Management
14 MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
15 ECG Electro Cardiogram
16 NCC National Cadet Corps
17 LED Light Emitting Diode
18 CPU Central Processing Unit
19 CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
20 GDP Gross Domestic Product
21 LCD Liquid Crystal Display
22 NRI Non Resident Indian
23 IIT Indian Institute of Technology
24 ITI Industrial Training Institute

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25 USB Universal Serial Bus

26 RSC Referee Stopped Contest
27 USA United States of America
28 AIBA Association Internationale Boxe Amateur
29 ATM Automated Teller Machine
30 IAS Indian Administrative Service

BOOK Pg. No. 139

31 Mossad The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operation

32 ASIS Australian Secret Intelligence Service

33 FSB Federal Security Bureau of Russian Federation

34. CIA Central Intelligence Agency

35 RAW Research and analysis Wing

36 MSS Ministry of State Security

Model :
Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation ‘CPU’
a. Central public union b. Computer program Unit
c. Central Processing Unit d. Communist party of UK

6.Compound Words
.Compound Words Text page no 118
1. Noun +Noun
ice berg, ice floe, ice sheet, ice rink, wind proof, half way, ice axe, knife –edge,
half-way, court-yard, half hour, mantel piece, eyelashes, beehive, toll gate, toll
plaza, door knob.
2. Noun +verb: ice-fall, sunset, sunrise, homework
3. Noun + Gerund: Home coming, sleepwalking, public speaking
4. Noun + adjective: spotless, waterproof, world famous
5. Verb +Noun: sing song, workshop, play ground,show cause
6. Verb +verb: talk show, see saw

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7. Adjective +Noun: gentle folk, grandmother, black board ,software

8. Adjective +verb: white wash, blueprint
9. Gerund + Verb: sleeping bags, washing machine, spinning wheel
10. Adverb +Verb: over write, overlook
11. Adjective +Adjective: partly full, kind hearted
12. Preposition +noun: inbox
13. Preposition +verb: input, output,
14. Preposition +Geround: incoming, outgoing.
15. Noun + Verb : haircut, waterfall

16. Noun + Noun : headmaster

17. Gerund + Noun : Swimming pool
18. Verb + Adverb : draw back

Question Model

1 Choose the word from the options given, to from a compound word with “toll”

a. Plaza b. late c. proof d. wheel
choose the correct combination for the compound word “whitewash”
a. adj+N b. N+N c. Adv+N d. Adj+V
3 Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination“Adj+N”
a. Crybaby b.lifetime c.overhaul d. grandmother

XI std page no72

1 Chimpanzee - chimp
2 Photograph - photo
3 Microphone - mike
4 Cafeteria - café
5 Gasoline - gas
6 Helicopter - copter
7 Telephone - phone
8 University - varsity
9 Memorandum - memo

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10 Influenza - flu
11 Hippopotamus - hippo
12 Bridegroom - groom
13 Fanatic - fan
14 Demonstration - demo
15 Perambulator - pram
16 Aeroplane - plane
17 Examination - exam
18 Demarcate - mark
19 Signature - sign
20 Fountain pen - pen
21 Refrigerator - fridge
22 Advertisement - ad.
23 Agriculture - agri
24 Discotheque - disco
25 Gymnasium - gym
27 Hamburger - burger

30 Paragraph - para
31 Spectacles - specs
32 Suitcase - case
33 Taxicab - taxi
Model :
Choose the Clipped word for ‘gymnasium’
a.gymnas b.sium c. naisium d.gym
7B . Blending words
1 Vegetable + burger - vegburger
2 Motorway + hotel - motel
3 Helicopter + airport - heliport
4 International + police - Interpol
5 Binary + digit - bit
6 Breakfast + lunch - brunch


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7 Documentary + drama - docudrama

8 Electric + execute - electrocute
9 High + technology - hi-tech
10 Medical + care - medicare
11 News + broadcast - newscast
12 Smoke + fog - smog
13 Travel + catalogue - travelogue
14 Education + entertainment - edutainment
15 Lecture + demonstration - lecdem
16 Technology + wizard - technowizard
17 Information + technology - infotech
18 Diplomacy + economics - diplonomics
19 Modulator + demodulator modem
20 sky+ laboratory - sky lab

21 Science + Fiction - Sci fi
Book back Pg No.72
1 Fiber +Tissue - fibrous tissue

2 Muscle + pain - muscular pain

3 Skeleton + system - skeletal system

4 Nerve + disorder - nervous disorder

5 Digestion + enzymes - digestive enzymes

6 Surgery + instrument - surgical instruments

7 Agony + experience - agonic experience

8 Glory+ victory - glorious victory

9 Fancy + idea - fanciful idea

10 Emotion + song - emotional song

11 Sense+ issue - sensitive issue

12. Electronic + mail - email


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13.Foreign + exchange - forex

14.Parachute + troop - paratroop
15. Motor + pedal - moped
8. Idioms
s.no Idioms Meanings
1 save one’s skin to protect oneself from difficulty
2 make both ends meet manage one’s expenses with in one’s income
3 a bolt out of a clear sky a sudden unexpected event
4 go to grave to exit the world
5 have the whip hand to be the most powerful
6 under a cloud viewed with suspicion and distrust
7 wait for the dust to settle to wait for a situation to become clear or certain
8 get all your ducks in a to have made all the preparations needed to do
something / to be well organized
9 fetch and carry to do a lot of little jobs for somebody as if you

10 do the math
were their servant
to think carefully about something before doing it.
So that you know all relevant facts and figures.
11 round the corner very near

1 nip in the bud stop at the very beginning
2 under the sun anywhere on earth
3 in deep waters in big trouble
4 apple of one’s eye one’s favorite person
5 out of the blue as a total surprise
6 two sides of the same two contrasting characters in the same category
7 pick some one’s brains use some one’s ideas
8 a drop in the ocean Unimportant
9 to give a piece of mind to express one’s opinion strongly


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10 to be at logger heads to disagree strongly

9. Question Tag

Structure of question tag: Auxiliary verb (n’t) +Pronoun?

Points to remember:

Statement - Question Tag

1. Positive statement - Negative tag
2. Negative statement - Positive tag
3. Sub.- Noun(Kala) - Pronoun(she)
Ram - Pronoun (he)
4. Let’s - Shall we
5. Imperative (come here) - Will You?

6. Hardly, scarcely, never, nor
Not, neither, rarely, none, nobody – Positive tag
Nothing, seldom, barely

7. Nobody, somebody, none,

Everyone, Someone, everybody , - Pronoun ‘they’

8 . Nothing, everything, anything - Pronoun ’it’

Eg. My uncle is very poor, isn’t he?

Kumar has known me, hasn’t he?
They don’t know the answer, do they?

Incorrect Correct
Amn’t Aren’t


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Shalln’t Shan’t
Willn’t Won’t
I am poor, aren’t I?
He will meet the HM tomorrow, won’t he?
I shall write the exam, shan’t I?

In simple Tenses:
Verb (go) - do
Verb + s(goes) - does
Verb + ed - did

He prepared well, didn’t he?

I like coffee, don’t I?
Sudha dances in the hall, does n’t she?

Take this umbrella, will you?
Rose is a beautiful flower, isn’t it?
Write the poem, will you?
Let’s begin the topic, shall we?
He will never become a doctor, will he?
I have a car, don’t I?
The flag has three colours, doesn’t it?
Task – 1
Add suitable question tags to the following sentences and punctuate properly.
1. The children are very happy today.
2. You have not returned my books yet.
3. We enjoyed the trip very much.
4. Let’s clean the shelves this weekend.
5. My mother rarely travels by bus.


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6. Somebody must bell the cat.

7. Anita never comes late to office.
8. I am always the winner.
9. Don’t commit this mistake again.
10. There is a pharmacy near that bus stand.
11. Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather conditions.
12. I am not as smart as you are.
13. The boys broke the window pane last evening.
14. Leaves wither during autumn.
15. You should add a little salt to the buttermilk.
Add the suitable question tag for the following sentence.

I can play the guitar,--------------------- ?

a. shall I b. aren’t I c. can’t I d. can I Ans. c. can’t I

Book back phrasal verbs: 118
10.Phrasal verbs Book back pg.no.7

1 see off to go to station or airport to say goodbye to

2 stop over to stay at a place for a short period of time when
travelling to another destination
3 set off start off / to begin a journey
4 get in enter a bus, train etc…..
5 get off leave a bus train . etc…
6 get on arrive inside train bus etc…..
7 get away to go away from home for a vacation
8 check in arrive and register at airport or hotel
9 check out pay the bill when leaving a hotel
10. Turn on Set on
11. Took over Took control of


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S.no Words Meanings

1 cut off Discontinue
2 come upon meet someone by chance
3 draw up Prepare
4 pass out unconscious / faint
5 take off Depart
6 turn away Refuse
7 stand by Support
8 bank on Depend
9 put Wear
10 put off post pone
11 put down Control
12 put up with endure, bear, tolerate
13 take off Start
14 take away Remove
15 break out appear suddenly
16 break down Fail
17 call on Visit
18 call off stop/cancel
19 call for Demand

carry away
give away
give out
take away, remove
23 give up Stop
24 give in Submit
25 give over hand over
26 go away Leave
27 go against Oppose
28 look after take care of
29 look for Search
30 look up Refer
31 look into Examine
32 look out be careful
33. Put out Stop/extinguish
Exam Model
Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb
Old parents rear their children affectionately.
a. bring up b. bring out c. bring on c. bring


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11. Syllabification

1. Mono syllable( one syllable) E.g.: First, Chair, Late, Stir, Write, Call, Bird

2. Di-Syllabic word( Two Syllable)

Examples : di-vide, ri-ver, a-cross, tea-cher, be-yond

3. Tri-Syllabic words(Three syllable)

Examples : mul-ti-ply, ma-ga-zine, ca-len-dar, e-du-cate, cal-cu-late

4. Tetra- Syllabic words(Four Syllable)

Examples : e-ra-di-cate, po-li-ti-cal, cal-cu-la-tion, ac-ti-vi-ty

5. Penta-Syllabic words(Five Syllable)

Examples : e-lec-tri-ci-ty, bi-o-lo-gi-cal, ad-mi-nis-tra-tor, dis-a-bi-li-ty

6. Poly- Syllabic Words(more than 5 syllable)

Cir-cum-na-vi-ga-tion, dis-ap-pre-ci-a-ted,ra-tio-a-li-sa-tion,bi-o-di-ver-si-ty

Words Syllabification syllable

1 Attractive at-trac-tive tri-syllable
2 Tomorrow to-mor-row tri-syllable
3 Element e-le-ment tri-syllable
4 Doctor doc-tor di-syllable
5 autobiography au-to-bi-o-gra-phy poly-syllable

Question Model
1. Choose the correct tri-syllabic word.
a. divide b. first c. logical d. reject

2. Choose the correct mono-syllabic word

a. fundamental b. correct c. chair d. calendar

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12. Prepositions
1 Since - 침ತ䁘 X Q䁘{ { ತ 䁘Y QX 듘಄ 䁘X침 ತ 듘침 Q] .

( 䁘X침 {u X Q듘䁘 _ { Q ) (used in perfect tenses only)

Suganya has been studying here since 2010.

2. For - : † T X ⺅ }]²] .(period of time)
Myna has been playing badminton for five years.
3. Above ( 꿘 ).- ಄OuX 꿘 }Q䁘 (not in touching position- without
He waves his hands above the crowd.
Over - 꿘 (not in touching position- in motion)
The kite flew over his head.
4. Below/Under - 꿘 ⺅. 䁘{ Below 꿘 ⺅ QX 䁘಄X .

X Under † X] QX 䁘 ⺅.

5. Along - 침}/ Y 듘಄ uX .

They walk along the river bank
6. Through - ⺅{uX / 침X

The toy train went through the tunnels.

7. Between /Among - 듘침u /꿘Q䁘{u .
Between 꿘듘 ⺅ T QX ..
Among _ 꿘YQ듘침 T QX ..
It was a tough competition between Vaideki and Akalya.
Virat Kohli is standing among the finest players of the world..
8. Before - ( }಄)

This tablet should be taken before breakfast

After(Q } )

After his stunning performance, he was respected by all.

9. Into - ( u Q듘䁘 X듘 듘 u .

He jumps into the river.

10. Near/Beside - .
The school is near the Primary Health Centre.
Gowtham sits beside Gokul.

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11. In front of - 슘ತ䁘ʄ

Praveen waits in front of the Headmaster ‘s room.

12. About – QY {/ Q䁘X⺅
The book is about international hackers.
13. Across - 침ತ
She walks across the road in a hurry.
14. Until - 듘಄u
He won’t rest in peace until he finished the job.
15. like - QX
Shreya sings like a divine angel.
16. Around - Y { / Q䁘X⺅
We walk around the park with joy.
17. Beyond - QX

Ulysses wants to travel beyond the sunset.

18. During – ತ䁘 꿘uQ䁘{

During the freedom struggle, people obey Gandhi’s words with utmost devotion.

19. Opposite - 䁘{Y
Our school is opposite the old church.
20 Past - 침ತ

Priya walks past us hurriedly.

Book page no:45
a) The boy jumped------a narrow stream.
b) Afsar will meet me---Friday morning.
c) The temple is -----the bank of river.
d) My brother will meet me ----his brother tomorrow.
e) There is usually a garden --------a bungalow.
f) Yuvan has been studying well ------childhood
g) A trekker climbed -------a mountain meticulously.
h) There was a skirmish -------my brother and sister.
i) The laudable thoughts were apparent -------many scholars in a conference .
j) It is easy to work ------aegis of visionary leader.

Ans: a) into b) on c) on d) with e) in front of f) since g) on


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h) between i) among j) with

Prepositional Phrase:

1. Despite /in spite of – ತ䁘 QX䁘{ ⺅

In spite of heavy rains, we continued our journey.

2. In case of - ತ䁘X / 침ತ䁘X

In case of emergency, call me immediately.

3. According to - QX Q䁘 듘಄.

According to me, it is a sin.

4. On the whole - 꿘XQ䁘Q䁘{

On the whole, the trip was joyful.

5. On account of/Due to/Owing to/Because of - X಄O꿘X

Due to her hard work, Keerthi got a state rank.

6. On behalf of - X QX

Santhosh received the award on behalf of his friend.

7. Instead of - 䁘 䁘

Instead of batting first, India opted to bowl first.

8. In favour of - X䁘 꿘X .
The judgment is in favour of the employees.

Book Exercise. Page no:46

a) -------Kiran, Rajesh may attend a program.
b) Many tourists visited Ooty ----heavy rains.
c) Expressing gratitude -------others is common in a vote of thanks.
d) ---------,I had a happy childhood.
e) Our teacher always acts--------her students.
f) -----------his laziness, the boy remained passive for a long time.
g) ----------Gandhiji, ahimsa means infinite love.
h) --------rain, take an umbrella.

Ans.: a) instead of b) in spite of c) on behalf of d) on the whole e) in favour of


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f) on account of g) according to h) in case of

Words followed by Prepositions

Famous for Fond of Abstain from Associated with

Ambition for Consists of Objection to Popular with

Fondness for Afraid of Indifferent to Infested with

Compensation for Confident of Contrary to Acquaintance with

Aim at Want of Sensitive to Delighted with

Deficient in Cautions of Addicted to Busy with

13.Polite Alternatives (Euphemistic Words)

Alternatives (Euphemistic)
1. Blind - visually challenged

2. Physically handicapped/disabled-
3. Deaf - hearing impaired
differently abled

4. Housewife - home maker

5. Lavatory - rest room
6. Slow learners - late bloomers
7. Barber - hair dresser
8. Undertaker - mortician
9. Fat - full figured

10. 10.Unemployed - job seeker

11. Die - pass away/breath one’s last
12. Vomited - blow chunks

13. 13.Unqualified - partially proficient

14. Beating with a cane- corporal punishment

15. Pregnant - in the family way


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16.Learning challenged- special child

17. Public toilet - compact station

18. Jail - house of correction

19. Accidental death - collateral damage

20. Underwear - unmentionable

20. Old - Senior citizen

21. Second hand - Pre-owned

Question Model:
Choose the polite alternative for the given word.

The gentleman in the black suit is a barber.

a. hair clipper b. hair dresser c. hair splitter d. hair remover

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That, where, who, whom, which, whose, what are relative pronouns
1 Who - is used for human beings
Eg: This is the boy who won the state rank.
The lady who is honest is praised by all.
2 which/that - is used for things and animals
Eg: The cat which mewed was chased by the dog.
Here is the pencil that you lost it yesterday.
3 Whose - denotes the possessive case
Eg: This is the girl whose experiment got 1stmark
This is kala whose father is in Malaysia.
4 Whom- is used for persons
Eg: Most of the friends whom she had invited came here for
5. where - denotes place
Eg: That is the house where I was born.


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She is working in the school where she studied.

E.g: 1) This is the house ____________ I live in .

2) This is the boy _______________ had an accident.
3) Rani is the girl ____________ I met on Friday.
4) She like cakes ____________ are sweet.
5) The woman __________________ daughter was crying tried to calm her.

6) The car _______ the bank robbers escaped in was orange.

7) The man _____________ drove the car was nervous.

8) The people ____________ were in the bank were very frightened.

( Ans : 1) where 2) who 3) whom 4) which 5)whose 6) which 7) who 8) who )

15. Singular –Plural 슘 (Numbers)

1.”um” – becomes ‘a’ in plural
Medium – media
Datum – data
2.”us” – becomes ‘I’ in plural
alumnus - alumni
syllabus - syllabi
fungus - fungi
3. “on” – becomes ‘a’ in plural
Criterion - criteria

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Phenomenon - phenomena
4.”a” – becomes ‘ae’ in plural
antenna - antennae
formula - formulae
alga - algae
5. ‘x’ becomes ‘ices’
matrix - matrices
index - indice
6.’oo’ becomes ‘ee’
Goose - geese
Tooth - teeth
Foot - feet
7.No changes in plural
Baggage, furniture, luggage, stationery, poetry, scenery, dear, fish,
advice, cattle, people, sheep

8.Always in ;plural

Trousers, pants, spectacles, goods, scissors,

9.Add ‘s’ in plural

boy–boys, book –books.

10.‘sis’ – ‘ses’
Analysis - Analyses
Singular Plural
Stimulus Stimuli
Curriculum Curricula
Axis Axes
Base Bases
Agendum Agenda
Radius Radii
Mouse Mice
Man Men
Child children
Ox Oxen
Larva Larvae


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Stratum strata
Model :
Choose the plural form of the noun ‘datum’
a. datums b. data c. datumes d. datemi

16. Articles & Determiners

 Use ‘a’ before 꺘ʄ ெ꺘಄ sounds
a book(಄) a union leader( )

a one eyed man( ) a useful book( )

a one rupee coin( ) a European( )

a University( ) A sub-inspector( )

2. Use ‘ a’ before 꺘ʄ sounds

an MLA an honest man

an MP an hour

Use ‘the’ before plural nouns, Names of seas, oceans, mountain ranges, Holy books,
Famous monuments, directions, musical instruments, superlative degrees, postings
and ordinal numbers.
The police arrested the thieves yesterday.
The Ramayana, the Taj mahal, the Himalayas, The first book, the earth, the
Chief Minister, The flute, the smallest, the Bay of Bengal.
 Omission of article.

Material Noun - Silver, Copper, Gold, Iron

Proper Noun - Madurai, Erode, Ooty, Raju, Ramya.

Abstract Noun - Anger, Intelligence, Happiness, Generosity

Languages; - Tamil, Malayalam, English, French

 Use’ the English ‘; ‘the ‘Tamil’ to denote the people not the language.

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Choose the correct article to fill in the blanks

1. Iron is------------ useful metal.
a. a b. an c. the
2. Hard work is----------------key to success.
a b.an c. the
Exercise: Book Page No. :220

1. I am the eldest in my life.

2. Please give me a hammer and the nail.

3. My mother is an honest woman.

4. She bought a useful gadget.

5. Please give me an ice-cube.

6. Why are you reading the book?

7.My boss wanted the draft of the report in a day.

8.The hand-out is available online

Sl.No. Determiners Usage
1. Few Used with plural countable nouns
( meaning is ‘some’ but not in
required numbers)
2. A few Used with plural countable
nouns( meaning is ‘some’ but in
required numbers)
3. Much Used with singular uncountable
4. Many Used with plural countable nouns.
5. Little Used with uncountable nouns ( It
means you have something but not in
required quantity)
6. A little Used with uncountable nouns ( It
means you have something but not in
required quantity)
7. All Both with countable and uncountable
8. A lot of Both with plural countable and


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singular uncountable nouns

Book Page No.: 56

1.Only ------------ people can afford to buy a flat in Chennai.
2. She earns so ------------ that she could not make a decent living.
3. ------------ information that she gave proved false.
4. How ------------ sugar do you want?
5. I am also very tired today, as I had ------------ guests today.
6. ------------ of my students have become doctors.
7. ------------ do I know about his personal life.
8. How ------------ pages did you read?
9. ------------ fertilizer used these days spoils the soil.
10. During my student life, I used to give ------------ trouble to my teachers.
1. a few 2. Much 3. All 4. Much 5. Many 6. Most 7. Little 8. Many 9. All 10.
Much / a lot of .
17. American & British English
1. Spelling
American British

Color Colour
Theater Theatre
Gray Gre
Labor Labour
Check Cheque

2.Change of words
Paraffin Kerosene
parking lot car park
Balcony Gallery
dust bin trash/garbage can
Cooker oven, stove
curriculum vitae Resume
foot ball Soccer
Garden Yard
Goods Freight

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Gum Glue
Jam Jelly
Lift Elevator
hand bag Purse
Indicator turn signal
Jug Pitcher
Loo rest room
Lorry Truck
Luggage Baggage
Post Mail
Purse Valet
Queue Line
Shop Store
Sweet Candy

Terminus Depot
Tin Can
Torch flash light
Underground Subway
wash basin Sink
wind screen wind shield
Flat Apartment
Autumn Fall
Biscuit Cookies
Crisps potato chips
Film Movie
Holiday Vacation
mobile phone cell phone

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Nappy Diaper

18.Sentence Patterns

Subject - Head of the sentence (nouns& Pronoun)

Verb - action word (verbs)
Complement - Completing part of a sentence.
Used after ‘be’ verbs (am, is, are, was, were) and
the intransitive verbs (become, turn, appear, grow)
Eg: The rose is beautiful.
She became a nurse.
Object - It answers the question ’whom’ (I.O)and ‘what’(D.O)
Eg: He met his friend.
Whom did he meet?- His friend.(object)
Eg: My father told me a story. – SVIOD
Adjunct - It answers the questions with ‘how’, ‘where’, ‘when’
Eg: They ran fast. - SVA
He went there yesterday. – SVAA

Other patterns: - 1. He called him fool - SVOC
2. They elected him captain yesterday. - SVOCA
1. Kamala is a
2. We call
Gandhi ‘Mahatma’.
3. Come here.
4. I gave him a
pen yesterday.
5. They proved
him wrong.

19.Definition of the Term

Book pg no 148

s.no Words Meanings

1 Psychologist one who studies the human mind and behavior
2 Linguistics the scientific study of a language


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3 Numismatics the study of money and coins

4 electro dynamics the study of the way that electric currents and
magnetic fields effect each other.
5 Phonetics the study of speech sounds
6 Aesthetics the study of principles of beauty
7 Genetics the study of genes
8 Statistics the study of analyzing information shown in
9 Politics the study of government and using power in public
10 Aeronautics the study of building and flying aircraft
11 Informatics the study of processing data for storage and

Term Definition
1 Insecticide killing insects

2 Infanticide killing of an infant
3 Xenophobia fear of stranger
4 Agoraphobia fear of being In public place
5 Entomologist one who studies insects
6 Archaeologist one who studies ancient culture by analyzing the
physical remains
7 Pathologist one who studies diseases
Poinephobia fear of punishment
2. Potophobia fear of alcohol
3. Phasmophobia fear of ghosts
4. Nyctophobia fear of the dark of night
5. Lalophobia fear of speaking
6. Kleptophobia fear of stealing
7. Katsaridaphobia fear of cockroaches


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8. Anglophobia fear of using English

9. Hydrophobia fear of water
10. Acrophobia fear of heights
11. Agrizoophobia fear of wild animals
12. Snakephobia fear of snakes
13. Scolionophobia fear of school

Question Model
1 choose the right definition for given term‘Anglophobia’
a. fear of drinking alcohol b. fear of strangers c. fear of playing outdoors
d. fear of English

20 . Collocation

1. Read and write

X { ⺅ ¸䁘 ⺅

2. Pros and cons

X䁘 QX䁘 T
3. Sooner or later 䁘{ X Q䁘{ (at some future)
4. Dead or alive u 침 X Q O꿘X X
5. Null and void X X 䁘{uX (invalid)
6. Additional: In black & white ¸Q � 꿘X

7. Blood & gore } 듘 uX

(bloodshed in violence)
8. Part & parcel {u⺅ ⺅ (essential)
9. Hard & fast 듘꿘uX fixed / definite.
10. Do's and dont's ( ಄u
²Ou듘 ⺅ ,²침X䁘듘 ⺅
11. Bread & butter X X䁘X಄⺅
12. Do or die ಄ Q 꿘O

13. By & large (generally) QX X

14. Thick & thin ¸ ⺅

15. Heart & soul ¸꿘 침}

16. Hand in glove very friendly

17. Kith and kin- one's relation Y ⺅ 듘಄⺅


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18. By hook or crook QOuX

Exercise: Choose the right word to complete the collocation

1. The thief was wanted
dead or .
a) live b)alive c)living d) life
2. He submitted the project in black and .
a) blue b)green c)red d)

b) Answers: 1.[b) alive] 2. [d)white]

Because/for } X Therefore 듘 uX
So/As/Since 듘 uX Unless X O
꿘Y]⺅ As soon as 침

Though/ Q L⺅ Neither ..nor ⺅
although … ⺅
When/while QX¸ Consequently 䁘} 듘T X
Where After Q}
As well as Q 침}

Book back – 47, 48

a. I could not complete my paper in the examination because I was slow in
answering the question.(because, but)
b. It started raining. So, we could not play.(yet, so)
c. As I got up early, I managed to reach school on time.(As, if)
d. Though he committed a mistake,(though, whereas) he apologized and
promised he would not repeat it.(and / since)
e. This is how it must be done.(how/what)
f. The vendor saw the train moving slowly from the platform, therefore he got
g. I was not well so, I did not attend the class.(but/so)
h. Although she can drive, she travels by bus.(if, although)i.


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i. Unless you register your name, you cannot participate in the

competition.(unless, if)
j. As soon as my father arrived home, I narrated the incident.(As soon as,
k.. Be quick to hear and slow to speak.(then/and)
l. I am neither an ascetic in theory, nor in practice.(neither/either)(nor/or)
m. We fail to harness the rain water: Consequently we suffer.(consequently,
n. My brother will certainly clear GRE; for he works very hard.(yet/for)

Task 2 Combine the sentences:

a. The well was deep. Therefore, the fox could not get out of the well.(because)
Ans.: The fox could not get out of the well because the well was deep.
b. The work was over. We went home.(when)
Ans.: When the work was over, We went home
c. A library is a public place. We see a number of books kept there for

Ans.: A library is a public place where we see a number of books kept there
for reading.
d. The culprit was caught immediately, he was taken to the police station.(as
soon as)
Ans.: As soon as the culprit was caught, he was taken to the police
station.(as soon as)
e. The boys were stealing mangoes from a grove, at that time, the owner of the
grove came in. (while)
Ans.: While, the boys were stealing mangoes from a grove, at that time, the
owner of the grove came in.
f. Artificially flavoured juices are hazardous to health. Moreover, they lead to
kidney problems. (and)
Ans.: Artificially flavoured juices are hazardous to health and they lead to
kidney problems.
g. Adit has been promoted. Rajan has been promoted.( as well as)

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Ans. :Adit as well as Rajan has been promoted.

h. Caesar was declared emperor.The conspirators killed him.(After)
Ans.: After Caesar was declared emperor, the conspirators killed him.

Task:3 Fill ups:

1.She is such an understanding person that everybody likes to be with her.
2. Suraj owns both a type writer and a computer.
3. Vani is not only a good singer but also a good dancer.
4. Amit did not know whether his father met his class teacher or not.
5. I would neither starve nor beg.


1. He was not allowed to read-aloud (aloud /allowed)
2 .It’s quite true that he was very quiet right from the start. (quite/quiet)
3. The diary was found near the dairy (dairy /diary)
4. The dessert was served in the desert was very delicious. (desert/ dessert)
5. The rise of fare is not fair (fare/fair)
6. The wound on his heel began to heal slowly. (heal/heel)
7. I can hear you well right from here. (here/hear)
8. The knight rode on his horse right through the night to deliver the news.(Knight /night)
9. He is the lone man to pay the whole loan.(lone/loan)
10. They steal the steel pipes at night. (Steel/steal)
11. We stare at the stair closely.(stair/stare)
12. His adopted son adapted to the new environment quickly. (adopted /adapted)
13. The eminent economist warned about the imminent crisis. (Imminent/eminent)
14. The police tried to elicit the information about the people who sell illicit liquor .
15. The judicious solution evoked comments from various judicial quarters.

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(Judicial /judicious)
16. His coverage of the rain affect areas, had an immediate effect in the political circle.
(effect /affect)
17. He is conscious that his conscience will not let him sleep peacefully.
(Conscious /conscience)
18. Besides getting an opportunity to watch the match, he is also lucky to sit beside
M.S. Dhoni .(besides /beside)

Book back: Pg.No. 6

Emigrate œ ^ immigrate: œ^N Ž

They decided to emigrate to the U.S to live in New York.

My uncle immigrated to Australia in 1985.

Beside Bʄ besides: 꺘䁘

The park is beside the lake.

Besides being a doctor, he is an orator.

Judicial: 꿘 䁘 ƫ꺘 judicious: B P 䁘ತ

A judicial matter may take months for the courts to decide on.
Through judicious use of persuasion, I convinced my family to move to New Delhi.

Eligible: 꺘 꺘B^䁘ತ illegible: ெ꺘 R

All electors are eligible to the assembly.

This writing is illegible.

Conscience: ತ 䁘꿘 B conscious: 뚸 ⺅

The boy’s conscience made him to admit the truth.

When the ambulance arrived, the patient is still conscious.

Industrial : ெ꺘䁘XBʄ industrious: œತ XP


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Kolkata is an industrial city.

Are you an industrious student?

Eminent: B ƫ꺘 imminent: ತœ

Eminent personalities attended the imminent party hosted by the Minister.

Elicit: ெ RP ~ elicit: 꿘 N 䁘꺘

Ravi’s uncle was involved in the illicit activities.

The comedian hoped his jokes would elicit a great deal of laughter from the audience.

Prescribed: X಄ proscribed: N Ž

The doctor prescribed three months of physical therapy for my leg injury.
Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.

Affect: N ⺅ effect: ^슘

The bad weather will affect the crops.
You’ll feel the effect of the medication in the next twenty minutes.

Aural:ெ NŽ ^ oral: 䁘 XB

My friend has an aural impairment and so she uses a hearing aid.

An oral agreement is legal is some places.

Born: N ƫ꺘 borne:꺘䁘಄ B^N

The child is born at dawn.

His story is not borne out by any true incidences.

ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable Homophones or confusables

Hoard horde
Desert dessert
Night knight

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Sweet suite
Plain plane
Wallet Valet
Might mite
Fairy Faery
Quite quiet
Medal Meddle
Wait Weight
Yoke Yolk
Grown Groan
Earn Yearn

23. Modal Auxiliaries

Modals Tamil Meaning Usage Tamil Meaning

Can ಄u O ⺅ can read QO O ⺅
Will ಄ } Will read QO Q Q}
Shall ಄u X⺅ Shall read QO X⺅
Could ಄u Oತ䁘 Could read QO O ⺅

಄ ⺅Q⺅

⺅ ತ䁘
Should read
Would read
QO _⺅Q⺅

⺅ ತ䁘
May ಄u䁘X ⺅ ಄u X⺅ May read QO X⺅
Might ಄䁘X 䁘X} ಄ } Might read QOQ䁘X 䁘X}QO Q}
Must 듘침u⺅ ಄u ⺅ Must read 듘침Xu⺅QO ⺅
Semi modals
Dare 듘䁘Yu⺅ Dare anyone QX 듘䁘Yu⺅
go there?
Used to ಄ ⺅Q⺅ ⺅ ತ䁘 Used to read QO _⺅Q⺅ ⺅ ತ䁘
Ought to ಄u ⺅ Ought to QO ⺅
Need ಄u Ou 䁘듘 T Needn’t read QO 䁘듘 듘

Book back Exercises Pg.No.: 14

1. The candidates must answer five out of ten questions.

2. How dare you open my bag?
3. Tajudeen will/should finish this work on Monday. I go to school today?
4. May I wish you would tell me the truth.
5. Poonam could not catch the bus yesterday.


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6. You need not go to the market as I have brought vegetables.

7. Would you have taken all the trouble?
8. You must be joking.
9. I tried to climb up the tree, but could not.
10. Hima Das ran so fast that she could win the medal.
11. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.
12. I would like to have a cup of coffee.
13. My grandfather used to visit this temple when he was young.

Task: 2
1. You ought to help the needy.(moral obligation)
2. If I were you, I would not behave like that(conditional clause)
3. I shall never tell a lie.
4. My uncle might have reached by now.(possibility)
5. The patient is critical. He must be taken to the hospital(compulsion)

6. I used to play hockey when I was a student.(past habit)
7. You must not attend my class.(order)
8. He might come today.(remote possibility)
9. You must follow the traffic rules.(regulation)
10. He will play the match.( willingness)
11. You need not waste time on it.(necessity)
12. Had the doctor come in time, he would have saved the patient.(probability)

PART-B (2 Marks)

24.Poem-Appreciation Questions (Question no 21 to 26)

1. The Castle - Edwin Muir.

1.The Castle - Edwin Muir

a) All through that summer at ease we lay,
And daily from the turret wall
We watched the mowers in the hay

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i) Who does ‘we’ refer to?

The soldiers.
ii)How did the soldiers spend the summer days?
In a relaxed manner.
iii)What could they watch from the turret wall?

b) Our gates were strong, our walls were thick,

So smooth and high, no man could win

i) How safe was the castle?

The gates were strong and the walls were high and thick.
ii) What was the firm belief of the soldier?
No one could enter the wall.
c) A foothold there, no clever trick
Could take us dead or quick,
Only a bird could have got in.

i).What was challenging?

Entering the castle.
ii). Which aspect of the castle’s strength is conveyed by the above line?

The castle is firm strong and tall and only a bird could got in.

d. Oh then our maze of tunneled stone

Grew thin and treacherous as air.
The cause was lost without a groan,
The famous citadel overthrown,

i) What happened to the castle?

The castle was captured.

Additional Questions:

1. Who was their enemy?

2. Who had let the enemies in?
The greedy warder.
3. What was the shameful tale'?
The betrayal of the castle.
4. Why did they feel helpless?
Because they had no weapons to fight greed.
5. How did the enemies enter the gate?
Through a little wicket gate.
6. Why couldn’t they do anything?
This shameful tale can not be told to others.


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2.Our Casuarina Tree - Toru Dutt

a) A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound

No other tree could live. But gallantly
The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung…

i) What is the tree referred to? Who is the giant?

The casuarina tree.
ii) How does the tree survive the tight hold of the creeper?
The tree survive the tight hold of the creeper gallantly/ heroically.
iii) Why does Toru Dutt use the expression ‘a creeper climbs’?
It highlights the strength of the creeper.

b)The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung

In crimson clusters all the boughs among,

i). Why is the scarf colourful?

Because of the crimson flowers.

c)“Fear, trembling Hope, and Death, the skeleton,

And Time the shadow;” and though weak the verse
That would thy beauty fain, oh, fain rehearse,
May Love defend thee from Oblivion’s curse.

i) ‘May love defend thee from obivilion curse’= Explain:

The tree should be remembered out of love.
ii) What does the expression ‘fain’ convey?
Fain conveys gladness and eagerness
iii) ‘Fear, trembling hope’- Explain
Love never fears the death.
iv). What is oblivion?
A state of forgetfulness.

Additional Questions:

1.What is the creeper compared to?

Huge python.
2. To whom does Toru Dutt want to consecrate the tree’s memory?/Who
does’we’refer to?
Her siblings./Toru Dutt and her siblings
3. Why is the tree dear to Toru Dutt’s heart?
Because of her siblings memories.
4. What is casement?
Type of window that opens like door.

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3. All the World’s a Stage-William Shakespeare.

a) Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school.

i). Which stage of life is referred to?

school boy.
ii). How does the boy go to school?
iii) What are the characteristics of this stage?
The schoolboy shows unhappiness to go to school.
iv). What is ‘satchel’?
A shoulder bag.

b) . Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth.

i) What is the soldier ready to do?
The soldier is ready to quarrel.
ii). Explain ‘bubble reputation ‘.
A short lived glory.
iii) What are the distinguishing features of this stage?
The distinguishing features of this stage are boldness , craze for bubble reputation .

c). And then the justice,

In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;

i)Whom does justice refer to?

Matured man with wisdom.
ii). How does he behave with the people around him?
He is firm and serious.
iii)What does he do to show his wisdom?
He advises people and uses wise sayings.

Additional Questions:

1. What is the world compared to?

To a stage.
2. What do ‘exits’ and ‘entrances’ refer to?

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Deaths and births.

3. How many acts/parts are there in one’s life?
3. How does a lover sigh?
Like a furnace.
4 . Why is the last stage called second childhood?
He becomes a child again losing his teeth, sight, taste and everything.

4.Ulysses - Alfred Tennyson

a) Match’d with an aged wife , I mete and dole

Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed,and know not me.

i) What does Ulysses do?

He makes law for people.

ii) Did he enjoy what he was doing? Give reasons.

No, he did not enjoy what he was doing. He wants to travel all over the world and seek
iii) Why doesn’t Ulysses want to perform his duties as a king?
He loves to travel and seek knowledge.

iv).What does he think of the people of his kingdom?
As uncivilized and savages.

a. Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough

Gleams that untravell’d world, whore margin fades
Forever and forever when I move

i). What is experience compared to?

An arch.
ii) How do the lines convey that the experience is endless?
The untravelled world margin fades forever and forever. So he feels the experience is

b. Little remains: but every hour is saved

From that eternal silence, something more,
A Bringer of new things: and vile it were

i). How is every hour important to Ulysses?

To gain knowledge and experience before death.
ii). What is meant by ’Little remains’?
The few years before his death.

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d)That is my son, mine own Telemachus,

To whom I leave the sceptre and the isle,-
Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil

i). Who does Ulysses entrust his kingdom to?

His son Telemachus.
ii). What does ‘sceptre’ signify?
Kingly powers.

e)That ever with a frolic welcome took

The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed

i). What do ‘thunder’ and ‘sunshine ‘ signify?

Bad times and good times.
ii). What do we infer about the attitude of the sailors?
Very positive attitude.

f) Death closes all: but something ere the end,

Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.

i)The above lines convey the undying spirit of Ulysses- Explain

He believes men must do some work of noble note in his lifetime .
ii) What is the meaning of ‘strove’?
‘Strove’ means to try hard.

g) The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die

i) What was Ulysses ‘purpose in life?/What does Ulysses yearn for?

To travel all over the world and seek knowledge.
ii) How long would his venture last?
Till his death.
iii) What does the word “bath” mean here?
The seas and oceans in Greek mythology.

h) One equal temper of heroic hearts

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

i) Though made weak by time and fate, the hearts are heroic- explain.
The captain and the voyagers have become old but they are strong in heart and
ii) What does the poet say about the voyagers?

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They should strive to find new world and not yield to failures.

Additional Questions:

1. ‘He works his work, I mine’

Who does ‘He’&’I ’refer to?

2. What has Ulysses gained from his travel experience?
Knowledge of men and countries.

5. A Father to His Son - Carl August Sandburg.

a) “Life is hard;be steel; be a rock”.

i). How should one face life?

Like a steel and like a rock./Bravely and firmly.

b)“ Life is a soft loam;be gentle; go easy;

And this too might serve him”.

i). Why does the poet suggest to take life easy?

If one is gentle like a soft loam, he can succeed in his life.

c). Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong
and the final decisions are made in silent rooms.

i) Can solitude help a human being? How?

Yes. It encourages creativity.
ii) How would his being alone help the boy?
He becomes creative and strong in solitude.
iii) Where are the final decisions taken?
In silent rooms.

c. Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted,

Tell him to be a fool very so often.

i) Why does the poet say that time can be wasted? / Why does the poet advise his
son to have lazy days?
To find the inner motives.

d) Tell him to be a fool very so often.

And to have no shame over having been a fool
Yet learning something out of every folly
Hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies.


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i) Is it a shame to be a fool?
No. We can learn and not repeat our mistakes.

ii) What does one learn from every folly?

He learns “ what not to do’ and “ What to do”.

d. Michael Faraday and free imaginations

Bringing changes into a world resenting change.

i). How does free imagination help the world?

Brings changes into the world.

5. Incident of the French Camp - Robert Browning

a. Legs wide, arms locked behind,

As if to balance the prone brow
Oppressive with its mind.

1)Whose action is described here?

Napoleon’s action is described here.
ii) What is meant by ‘prone brow'?
Inclined downward / Thinking seriously

iii) What is his state of mind?

He was seriously thinking of capturing Ratisbon.

b)You’re wounded! ‘Nay’, his soldier’s pride

Touched to the quick, he said:

i)Why did the boy contradict Napoleon’s words?

The boy is ready to die for his country.
ii) Why was his pride touched?
His pride was touched because Napoleon asked him if he was wounded.

b. A film the mother- eagle’s eye

When her bruised eaglet breathes:

i) Who is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines?

Napoleon is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines.
ii) Explain the comparison.
Like the mother eagle, Napoleon shows care for the wounded soldier.

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iii) Why did Napoleon’s eye become soft as a mother eagle’s eyes?
When Napoleon saw the wounds of the young soldier , his eyes became soft.

Additional Questions:

1. Who took the city of Ratisbon by storm?

The French.
2. Who was the narrator? Who came galloping on a horse?/Who was the eaglet?
Who was wounded? Who fell dead? Who was killed? Whose pride was touched?
The young soldier.
4. Who was the chief? Who was the mother eagle? Who was the emperor? Whose
plans are these? Whom does the young soldier address? Who does ‘You’ refer to?

Literary Devices
1.Figure of Speech:

Simile - 듘꿘 }Q }듘 QX ' QX} 꿘 ಄. 䁘{ Like, as, so QX}

Qu}Q Q䁘 Q ⺅.

“Oh then our mass of tunneled stone
Grew thin and treacherous as air”
“What is that dirge-like murmur that I hear
Like the sea breaking on a shingle-beach”

2.Metaphor - ⺅. 꿘¸_ Q䁘{(䁘}듘 ⺅{Q Q _ TT䁘 Q )

䁘{ 꿘 ಄ X .

“All the World ‘s a stage “

“seeking the bubble reputation “

3. Personification : u ಄Y QX 듘T u T꿘 T䁘 TX Q

‘Our only enemy was gold'-Personification

4.Alliteration : 꿘X듘 䁘 ¸Q } { (consonants NOT VOWELS)Pick out

the alliterated words in the following line.

a)With our arms and provendor, load on load.

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Answer :load-load
b)How can this shameful tale be told?
Answer :tale-told
c)The chief ‘s eye flashed ;but presently
Softened itself, as sheaths
A film the mother eagle’s eye
When her bruised eaglet breathes:
Answer :softened -sheaths /bruised –breathes

5.Rhyming word:
X {uQ䁘{} 듘침 { X Q듘䁘 Q䁘 Y/ 䁘듘 u Q䁘 Y 침} Y ಄ } X 듘꿘

Just as perhaps he mused,”My plans

That soar,to earth fall,

Let once my army leader Lannes
Waver at yonder wall;
Answer :plans-Lannes/fall-wall
With neck out -thrust, you fancy how, a
Legs wide, arms locked behind, b
As if to balance the prone brow a
Oppressive with its mind. b

The others :
Zoomorphism:to illustrate movement (more actively alive) {_಄ _, {_಄ _಄u .
Like a huge python , winding round and round
The rugged trunk, indented deep with scars
(Describes the vine in animal terms with movement)

Antithesis: ಄ Q듘침 Q {듘O Q .

The growth of a frail flower in a path up


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Has sometimes, shattered and split a rock.

Transferred epithet: ெ 䁘XB: Q듘침 Qu (An epithet O QO 䁘X} Y

ತ䁘 Q / QX 듘T Q X}듘 Qualify ಄ )

Bringing changes into a world resenting changes

䁘{ Q_䁘{ ¸듘꿘uX Q ಄䁘{ {䁘{Q ⺅ ಄ 듘䁘 _ { Q .

“You know, we French stormed Ratisbon.”

1. The Castle – Edwin Muir

Appreciation Questions:

a)‘A little wicked wicket gate’

i)What is the figure of speech used in the above line?

ii)Pick out the words in alliteration in the given lines:

Wicked- wicket

b) ‘Oh then our maze of tunneled stone

Grew thin and treacherous as air,
The castle was lost without a groan
The famous citadel overthrown’

i)Oh then our maze of tunneled stone

Identify the figure of speech used in the above line?
ii) Grew thin and treacherous as air
Identify the figure of speech used in the above line?
ii) alliteration- thin, treacherous

iii) What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?


c). ‘Our only enemy was gold’

i) Identify the figure of speech used in the above line?

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2. Our Casuarina Tree- Toru Dutt

Identify the figure of speech

a) “ Like huge python, winding round and round

The rugged trunk , indented deep with scars”
Identify the figure of speech

b) “ A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound

No other tree could live. But gallantly
The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung…”
i) Imagery

b) “ A grey baboon sits statue like alone”

i) Alliteration- sits- statue

ii) Metaphor

c) “ The water lilies spring, like snow enmassed”.

i) Simile

d) “ What is that dirge- like murmur that I have
Like the sea breaking on a shingle – beach?
i) simile

3.All The World’s A Stage – William Shakespeare

i) ‘All the world’s a stage’

Mention the figure of speech

ii) “ And all the men and women merely players”

Mention the figure of speech
b) alliteration- all, and

iii) “ and shining morning face, creeping like snail”

Mention the figure of speech


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iv) “Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard”

Mention the figure of speech
4.Ulysses -Alfred Tennyson

a)“Thro’scudding drifts the rainy Hyades

Vext the dim sea…”
i) Personification

b)“ For always roaming with a hungry heart”

i) Metaphor

c)“ And drunk delight of battle with my peers;”

i)drunk , delight – Alliteration

d) … the deep
Moans round with many voices
i) Personification

e)To follow knowledge like a sinking star,

i) Simile

e) There lie the port the vessel puffs her soul
i. Metaphor

5.A Father to his Son-Carl Sandburg

1. “Life is hard;be steel ;be a rock”.

Mention the figure of speech.

2.“Life is a soft loam;be gentle ;go easy “.

Mention the figure of speech.

3. “Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed”

4. “The growth of a frail flower in a path up
Has sometimes shattered and split a rock”.
What is the figure of speech in the above lines?

5.”And left them dead years before burial :

Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper motives
Bringing changes into a world resenting change. “
What is the figure of speech in the above lines?
Transferred Epithet.

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6.Tell him to be alone often and get at himself

and above all tell himself no lies about himself.
What is the figure of speech in the above lines?

7. Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong.

What is the figure of speech?

8. Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted.

What is the figure of speech?

9.”has twisted good enough men

Sometimes into dry thwarted worms. “
What is the figure of speech?

12.So does a rich soft wanting

Alliteration-So, soft

13.A tough will counts. So does desire.

Write out the words in alliteration.
Alliteration-Does, desire

6.Incident of the French Camp-Robert Browning

1.You know, we French stormed Ratisbon:

What is the figure of speech?

2.A rider bound on bound

What is the figure of speech?

3.his plans
Soared up again like fire.
What is the figure of speech?

4.Let once my army -leader Lannes

Waver at yonder wall
Write out the words in alliteration.

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5.To see your flag-bird flap his vans

What is the figure of speech?

6.’Well’cried he, ‘Emperor, by God’s grace

We’ve got Ratisbon!
The Marshal ‘s in the market place
And you’ll be there a non,

a) What is the rhyming scheme of the above lines?

a, b, a, b

b) What are the rhyming words in the above lines?


25. Direct & Indirect Speech ( ndirect, Jerect)

Ǡᓻ䁘 뚸಄ ᓻT䁘ß Ú T಄ Ǡ ᓻ‰ > ᓻ>ˆ ÜßÚ T಄ ᓻ

1) 䁘ß Ô뚸 (Direct speech)
ii) Ô Ô뚸 (Indirect speech)

i) Direct Speech ( ndirec)

䁘ß Ô뚸 똘 ⺅ Ǡᓻ䁘 똘 ᓻT䁘ß Ú ˆ > 뚸ᓻÚTE಄.

áᓻT䁘ß Ú Ú IÔ TÚ E똘 >ß´ Ô µÚˆ ÜÜ ǠßE಄.

When we quote the actual words of a speaker, is called direct speech.

. : The boy said to me, "My father is a doctor".

뚸 The boy said to me 똘 ⺅ IÔ TÚ E똘 Ú TÚ E뚸. ᓻÔ Reporting

sentence ⺅ Non-quotated sentence 똘뚸 nˆ 䁘.

"My father is a doctor" 똘 ⺅ IÔ TÚ E똘 Ú Ú E뚸, ᓻÔ Reported

sentence ⺅ Quotated sentence 똘뚸 nˆ 䁘

ii) Indirect Speech ( Jerec)

Ô Ô뚸 똘 ⺅ Ǡᓻ䁘 똘 ᓻT䁘ß Ú ˆ > TI , Ǡß Ú IÜÜ಄

á಄Ú ITÔ TI 뚸ᓻÚTE಄. 뚸 IÔ TÚ E똘 Ú Ǡß T⺅.
When we report the substance of what one said without quoting his exact
words, it is called indirect speech. It has no quotation marks.


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. : The boy told me that his father was a doctor.

䁘ß Ô뚸 ᓻTß´ x Ô Ô뚸 ᓻTß´ x T ITÔ뚸ᓻÚÔE 똘 1 Person, II Person,
Person 똘಄⺅ TÚᓻ⺅ ᓻ ITE಄.

I Person 똘಄ሔ II Person 똘 ಄ III Person 쳌di಄

You - He – ᓻ똘
I – T똘
She – ᓻÚ
You - x Ú
2. We – T಄/ Tx Ú They - ᓻ䁘 Ú
You - 똘 ሔ him – ᓻ ሔ/ ᓻ ßE
Me – 똘 ሔ ሔßE
her – ᓻ / ᓻ>ßE

us – x / x >ßE you – x / x >ßE them –

ᓻ䁘 / ᓻ䁘 >ßE
his – ᓻ Ô
my – 똘 Ô your - 똘 Ô her – ᓻ> Ô
its - Ú Ô
our – x > Ô your - x > Ô their - ᓻ䁘 > Ô

ᓻTß´ x Ú Statement, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory ሔ T똘E

ᓻ ˆ Ü಄. áᓻTß´ x Ô Ô뚸 ᓻTß´ x T ITÔ â >Ô E똘ˆÜ
똘 Üß⺅ . Ô Ô T ITÔ ß´ E똘ˆÜ Ú

1. TÜß ˆ ÜÔ ᓻTß´ ß뚸 IÔ TÚ Ú E뚸 IÔ TÚ TÚ E뚸 ⺅ ሔß
T> .

2. IÔ TÚ ÔTڈ E뚸 ᓻǠ಄ @T ᓻT똘 ಄ ሔG @T (Reporting verb)

ᓻTß´ ß뚸ÔE Ô ᓻT뚸 Said to - @TÚT ä ᓻTß´ ß뚸ÔE told ಄಄, ಄ሔT಄ÔE asked
಄಄, Ú ಄/ ÜÔ ßE requested/ordered ಄಄ ಄ ˆ–ÔE exclaimed ಄಄
ITÔ똘 µ⺅ .

3. IÔ TÚ E똘 ಄–ßE಄ Ôß뚸 äˆÜG @T @TÚT ä ᓻTß´ ಄ - that

Ú ಄/ ÜÔ ᓻTß´ ಄ - to, not to verb ಄ሔT ᓻTß´ ಄ - if ಄ ˆÜ ᓻTß´ ಄ - that ሔ
ᓻTß´ ß뚸ÔE ÚE಄ÚᓻT뚸 ITÔ똘 µ⺅

4. IÔ TÚ Ú E뚸 ᓻǠ಄ 1 person - (I, we, me, us, my, our) speaker ßE

ÚE಄ÚᓻT뚸 ITÔ똘 µ⺅.

5. IÔ TÚ Ú E뚸 ᓻǠ಄ II Person (you, your) listener -ßE ÚE಄ÚᓻT뚸 ITÔ똘


6. IÔ TÚ Ú E뚸 ᓻǠ಄ ಄ ሔG @T , @T ᓻT똘 ಄ ሔG @T ÔE
Ô ᓻT뚸 ITÔ똘 µ⺅ .


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7. 䁘ß Ô뚸 Úx , Ô Ô뚸 Úx T , ITÔ똘 µ⺅

8. IÔ TÚ E똘 ß

Changes in Reporting Verbs and adding Linkers

Sentence Verb change Linker

Statement -said to Told That
Request / order – said Asked -
Yes/no question – said Asked Whether/ if
Wh- Question -said Asked Wh- question word
Exclamatory- said to exclaimed That

Changes in Adverb of Time

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

This That
These Those
Here There
Ago Before

Today That day
Tomorrow The next day/The day after
Yesterday The previous day/The day before
Last week The week before
Next week The week after
Hence Thence
Changes in Tenses


Sim. Present Verb(write) Sim.Past Wrote

Present Am/ is/are+ing Past Continuous Was/were
Continuous Verb
Present Perfect Have/has Past Perfect Had
Present Perfect Have been / Has Past Perfect Had been
Cont. been Continuous

Sim.Past Wrote Past Perfect Had written

Past Continuous Was/were+ing Past Perfect Had been+ing

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Verb Continuous Verb

Sim.Future Will/shall - Would
Modals Can could
May Might
Must/have to /has Had to

I. Statement ( book task pg no. 15)

1. Raju said ,“ I am very busy”.
Raju said that he was very busy.
2. Satya said, “I have completed my work”.
Satya said that she had completed her work.
3. Johnson said, “I don’t like to go out”.
Johnson said that he did not like to go out.
4. Akshitha said, “I have just come back from Chennai”.
Akshitha said that she had just come back from Chennai.
5. Jayan said, “ I am learning English”.
Jayan said that he was learning English.
6. Madhu said, “ I bought a pen yesterday”.
Madhu said that he had bought a pen the day before.
7. Joseph and Mary said, “ We will go shopping tomorrow”.
Joseph and Mary said that they would go shopping the next day.

8. Afsar and Ayesha said, “ We can’t attend the party”.
Afsar and Ayesha said that They couldn’t attend the party.
9. Victor said, “ I am fine. Thank You!
Victor said that he was fine and thanked him.

II. Imperative Sentence

IÔ TÚ Ú E뚸 ᓻǠ಄ ᓻTß´ ಄ Ô뚸 ಄ ሔG @T (Finite verb)
಄–ßÚT ⺅ ÜÔ ᓻTß´ ITE಄. xE Conjuction ‘to’ ᓻǠ಄. Please ሔ
಄–ßÚT ⺅ Ú ಄ ᓻTß´ ITE಄. xE said to, ordered ( ) requested ሔ IT뚸಄.
I಄಄ ᓻTß´ Ú똘 IßE Ô ᓻT뚸 said to ሔ⺅ – asked, advised instructed ሔ಄಄
IT뚸಄. Tense IT T⺅.

Direct Indirect
Come To come
Don’t come Not to come

1. The HM said to the boys, "Study well".
The HM advised the boys to study well.

2. The captain said to the soldiers, "Don't look back".

The captain ordered the soldiers not to look back.

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3. The maid said to the manager, "Please grant me two days leave".
The maid requested the manager to grant her two days leave.

4. The boy said to Veni, "Please help me".

The boy requested Veni to help him.

5. He said to me, "Come quick".

He asked me to come quick.

III. Interrogative Sentence

Verb - T>Ü ಄ሔT ಄–ßÚT conjunction – if (or) whether µÚ಄಄. Question
word- T>Ü ಄ሔT ಄–ßÚT conjunction ⺅಄಄ TÔ ᓻ>ÔT಄.
Verbs: am, is, was, are, were, can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, have, has,
had, do, does, did, must, need, ought etc.
Question words: What, when, where, why, who whom, whose, which, how, how long, how
far, how much,how many.
Type I. Verb questions:
1. He said to her, "Do you know Typewriting?"
He asked her if she knew Typewriting
2. She said to me, "Does he know car driving?"
She asked me if he knew car driving

3. Vani said to Veni, "Did you try any medicine?"
Vani asked Veni if she had tried any medicine.

Type 2 - wh – Questions
1. The boy said to me,"where do you live?"
The boy asked me where I lived.
2. She said to him,"when does your exam begin?".
She asked him when his exam began.
3. He said to them, "why did you come late yesterday?".
He asked them why they had come late the previous day.
4. Sathish said, “ how are you?”
Sathish asked how he was.

Exclamatory Sentence

áᓻ ᓻTß´ ß뚸 , âß >Ô ITÔ x ᓻǠ಄

i) Said to - exclaimed IT뚸಄
ii) Conjunction - that ᓻǠ಄
iii) How, what - T똘 Úx ß´ very µ⺅ .
iv) Subject ಄, verb. ಄ Ú ᓻǠ಄
v) Alas! Hurrah! Ah! T똘 Úx Ú ᓻǠ಄ T⺅ Conjunction ßE 똘, I´âG Tሔ
@ 뚸 T Ǡˆ–똘 with joyfully 똘 Úß Ú[಄, ⺅ ITሔ @ 뚸 T Ǡˆ–똘 with
sad (or) with sorrow ሔ಄಄ ITÔ똘 µ⺅ .


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Type I
1. The boy cried, "Ah! I have lost my pen".
The boy cried with sad that he had lost his pen.
2. We said to him, "Hurrah! we won the match".
We exclaimed him with joy that we had won the match.
3. The woman said, "Alas! my only child is dead".
The woman exclaimed with sad that her only child was dead.

Type 2
1. Rani said to me, "How tall the tree is!".
Rani exclaimed me that the tree was very tall.
2. Mani said, "How attractive the Rose is!".
Mani exlaimed that the Rose was very attractive.
3. He said to her, "what a fine weather today is!".
He exclaimed that that day was a very fine weather.

1. Sheela said to Mala, "Please attend my birthday party".
2. My mother said to me, "Don't play in the hot sun".
3. The HM said to Vasu, "Don't come late hereafter".
4. Geetha said to Seetha, "Do you sing well?"
5. I said to him, "Does she come daily?"

6. He said to her, "Did you know swimming?
7. Rahul said to rani, “ Where did you meet my friends?”.
8. The teacher said to the students, “how did you do your exams?”
9.We said to her, "How difficult the questions are!".
10. He said to me, "How ugly your handwriting is!".

Book Exercise: Pg No.: 15

1. Priya : Where are you goiung?
Vijay :I am going to the railway station.
Priya : Why are you going there?
Vijay : I want to receive my uncle who is coming from Banagaloru.
2. Teacher : Why are you late?
Divya : I missed the bus.
Teacher : You should have reached the bus stop on time.
Divya : My grand mother is ill. So I had to take her to the doctor.
Teacher : I am sorry. What ails her?
Divya : She has high fever.


Ôä Ô똘 Ǡ಄⺅ 䁘 Ô T , ITÔ â >Ô ITÔ x ᓻሔß뚸 TÚ
1. Reporting verb told, asked, requested, ordered, exclaimed T똘 ᓻ said to
2. Conjunction - that, to, not to, if or whether T똘 ᓻÔ ßE .
3. Pronoun @T ᓻ䁘 ( ) Ü ᓻǠßE Ô ᓻT뚸 ITÔ똘 µ⺅ .


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4. Ô Ô똘 ᓻǠ಄ Úx 䁘 Ô뚸 Úx T ITÔ뚸.
5. IÔ TÚ E똘 , Conjunction ಄–ßE಄ Ôß뚸಄಄ Ô ಄಄ µ⺅ .

I. Statement
1. He told me that he wanted a dictionary then.
He said to me, "I want a dictionary now".

2. I told her that I was not well that day.

I said to her, "I am not well today".

II. Imperative Sentence

1. He requested me to help the poor children.
He said to me, "Please help the poor children".
2. The Doctor advised him not to smoke often.
The Doctor said to him, "Don't smoke often".

III. Interrogative sentence

1. She asked him if he was waiting for her.
She said to him, "Are you waiting for me?".

2. He asked me if I had brought my Umbrella.

He said to me, "Have you brought your Umbrella?".
(or) He said to me, "Did you bring your Umbrella?".
IV. Exclamatory sentence
1. She exclaimed me that that saree was a very costly.
She said to me, "what a costly saree is this!”
2. They exclaimed him that he was a great fighter.
They said to him, "what a great fighter you are!"

Change into direct (Book back Pg. No.: 15)

1. Jeevan told his teacher that he could not understand that lesson and asked if he
would teach it to him once again.
Jeevan said to his teacher, “ I cannot understand this lesson. Will you teach it to me once
2. Kumar asked his friend if he had ever been to the beach. And if they should go there
that evening.

Kumar said to his friend, “Have you ever been to the beach? Shall we go there this

3. The old man wished that God might bless the good boy.
The old man said,” May God bless the good boy”.

4. The teacher told the students that the earth goes round the sun.
The teacher said to the students, “The earth goes round the sun”.
5. He asked her if I had typed those letters and to bring it to him.

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He said to her, “ Did you type these letters? Bring it to me”.

6. I requested my master to pardon me that time and assured him that I would never do it
I said to my master, “ Sir, pardon me this time! I will never do it again”.
7. The spectator exclaimed in joy that they had won a great victory.
The spectator cried, “Bravo! We have won a great victory”
8. A passerby directed the traveller to take a left turn and then go straight on the main
A passerby said to the traveller, “Take left turn , then go straight on the main road”.
9. Kala enquired Muna if he was going to meet his class teacher then.
Kala said to Muna, “ Are you going to meet your class teacher now?”
10. My mother says that life is full of ups and downs.
My mother says, “ life is full of ups and downs”.


Conditions deal with imagined situations:

(I) some are possible.
(II) some are unlikely.
(III) some are impossible.

If conditions:

(I) Zero Condition
(II) Open Condition(possible)
(III) Unreal Condition( unlikely)
(IV) Unfulfilled Condition(impossible)

(i)Zero Condition:

Ǡ @ 똘಄ ಄ ሔ 똘 Ü> 똘಄뚸Ô >[ITሔT ಄Ú ᓻ Tሔ

conditions zero conditions ሔˆ Ü಄.

When we are thinking about facts which are generally true, we use:

If Clause Main Clause

If + Present Simple,(verb/verb+s) Present Simple(verb/verb+s)

 If you put water in the freezer, it becomes ice.

 If you stand in the rain, you get wet.
 If you heat ice, it melts.

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You can see in the examples about the condition always has the same result.
Notice how we use a comma after the first present simple tense clause.

(ii). Open Conditions:

@JJ똘 ಄ ಄ d  « iÔt 똘c ­ሔ «irc « open

conditional clause – t

If Clause Main Clause

If + Simple Present ,(verb/verb+s) Simple future(Will+ verb)

1. T ßE I n -ß- T똘 Ú>ß Ôß⺅ßE (school) ᓻ ITÜ Ô똘.

If it rains tomorrow, I won’t come to school

2. x Ú ሔßEG @T ß TÜßÚT (teach) T똘 똘 T ˆ >ˆ 똘.

If you teach me, I will study well

3. x Ú ÔßEˆ TሔT ሔßE n಄ ᓻTx ᓻ>Ü಄.

If you go to the store, you should buy a lot of fruits for me.


If I go to Paris next month for work, I'll visit the Eiffel Tower (Plans)
If I have time, I will help you. (Promise)
If you touch that wire, you will get an electric shock. (Warning)
 If you eat my chocolate that is in the fridge, you'll sleep outside with the
 If you take me to the mall, I'll buy you an ice cream. (Persuasion)
 If she doesn't go to university, her parents won't be happy.

Notice how we use a comma after the present tense clause.

We can also reverse the order and use:

Future Verb + If + Present Simple

 I will be annoyed if they don't arrive on time.

 You will get a better job if you can speak English.
 You will miss the bus if you don't hurry.

Notice how the comma is not necessary with this word order.

(iii) Unreal condition:

Ǡ @ â T ß뚸 Ԉ Ú䁘ßE @Tß뚸 TÚ T⺅ ⺅ â಄ÚT áᓻT뚸

ǠßE I똘뚸 > Ú unreal condition ሔˆ Ü಄.


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If Clause Main Clause

If + Simple Past would+ verb

1. T똘 T Ǡ಄ÚT ಄Ú @಄Ú䁘ˆ ß Ú 똘 Üß뚸 Ǡˆ 똘.
If I were you, I would use the opportunity.
2. T똘 ᓻ T Ǡ಄ÚT T똘 ಄뚸Ǡˆ 똘.
If I were a bird, I would fly.
3. ሔßE ä಄ Ǡ಄ÚT ሔßE Ú಄ ᓻ똘.
If I had money, I would help you.

 If I were not in debt, I would quit my job.

 If he were taller, he'd be accepted into the team.
 She would still be correcting my grammar if she were still alive.
 If he trained every day, he could represent his country.
 If I had a little more money, I could buy a car.

(IV)Unfulfilled Condition:

(a) n쳌  @t ಄ n쳌  ⺅ iÔt 똘ct

(b) n쳌 @J n쳌i ሔ ⺅ iÔt 똘ct

rc « Unfulfilled Condition – t.

If Clause Main Clause

If + Past Perfect tense Would have + Past Participle

1. Ô뚸 I n 뚸Ǡ಄ÚT 똘ሔT Ú>ß Ôß⺅ßE ᓻ಄뚸Ǡß > T⺅.

If it had rained yesterday, I wouldn’t have come to school yesterday

2. T Tᓻ⺅ x > Ô ÜßÚ ß Ú 뚸Ǡ>಄ÜÔT x T >ß > T⺅.

If anyone steals your book, you won’t be able to study.

3. T Tᓻ⺅ x > Ô ÜßÚ ß Ú Üß⺅ß T>ÔT x T >ß > T⺅.

If anyone had taken/takes your book, you won't be able to study.

 If you had been more careful, you wouldn't have had an accident.
 If I had seen you, I would have said hello.
 If he had asked me, I would have helped him.
 I wouldn't have left my job if I had known how difficult it is to find another one.
 I would have taken a photo if I had brought my camera with me.
 He would have died if the ambulance hadn't arrived quickly.
 She would have gone to your birthday party if she hadn't been sick.


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Exercises: Book back Pg 124

1. If I ……………… (be ) a spider, I …………. ( weave) web.
a) Were, would weave b) will be, woven c) will, have been woven

2 If Raj …………….(be)( a sculptor, he ……..(make) beautiful idols.

a) Will, be made b) will, make c) were , would make d) will, have been made

3. If Mary had an umbrella, she ………… (lend) it to me.

a) Will lend b) would lend c)will be lent d) will have been lent

4. If I were you, I …….. ..(accept) this offer.

a) Will accept b) will have accepted c) would accept d) will have been accepted.

5. Rex would have played with me, if he ……..……(have) time.

a) Had had b) will have c)would have d) would have had

6. The education minister………… (visit) our school tomorrow, if he goes by this way.
a) will have visited b) will visit c) will be visited d) would visit

7. You will be rewarded by the wise , if you ….. (stand) for truth.
a) Stood b) standing c) stand d) had stood

If my mother ………..(know) of my poor performance in the exam, she will not allow
me to watch a movie.
a) Knew b) knows c) know d)will be known

9. If I had won the lottery, I ………..(donate) relief materials for the flood victim.
a) Would have donated b) will have donated c) would donate d) will donate

Transformation of Sentences- “IF” Clause

Rewrite the sentences making an inversion in the conditional clause:

1. If I had known this earlier, I would have helped you.
Ans.: Had I known this earlier, I would have helped you.
2.If you should need to meet me, you can call this number.
Ans.: should you need to meet me, you can call this number.
3. If you should be late once again, you would be taken to the Headmistress.
Ans.: Should you be late once again, you would be taken to the Headmistress.
4. If I were you, I would accept the offer.
Ans.: Were I you, I would accept the offer.
5. If they had joined us earlier, we would have got so much of fun.

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Ans.: Had they joined us earlier, we would have got so much of fun.

Rewrite the following sentences using “if” without changing the meaning:

Verb - Negative form
If+ Don’t = unless Send - do not send
If + doesn’t= unless Sends - does not send
If+ didn’t =unless Sent - did not send
If+ hadn’t=unless

1. Sindhu would not have won the world championship, unless she had had single
minded devotion.
Sindhu would not have won the world championship, If she had not had single
minded devotion.
2. You will not reach your goal, unless you chase your dream.
You will not reach your goal, if you do not chase your dream.
3. Unless we plant more trees, we cannot save our planet.

If we do not plant more trees, we cannot save our planet.
4. The rescue team would not have saved the victims unless they had received the call in
The rescue team would not have saved the victims if they had not received the call
in time.
5. The palace cannot be kept clean, unless we appoint more people.
The palace cannot be kept clean, if we do not appoint more people.
6. The portraits would not have been so natural unless the artist has given his best.
The portraits would not have been so natural if the artist has not given his best.
7. The manager would not have selected Nithiksha unless she exhibited good accounting
The manager would not have selected Nithiksha if she did not exhibit good
accounting skill.
8. The policeman would not have arrested the man unless she had violated the rules.
The policeman would not have arrested the man if she had not violated the rules.
9. Mr. Kunaal would not sponsor my higher education unless I studied well.
Mr. Kunaal would not sponsor my higher education if I did not study well.
10. Kavin will not stop flying kites unless he understands the risk involved in it.
Kavin will not stop flying kites if he does not understand the risk involved in it.
11.Tanya would not know the answer unless she referred to the answer key.
Tanya would not know the answer if she did not refer to the answer key.

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12. My village cannot achieve 100% literacy rate, unless the elders of the village
cooperate with the Education department.
My village cannot achieve 100% literacy rate, if the elders of the village do not
cooperate with the Education department.

27. Simple Compound and Complex Sentences

Learn the table:

Complex Compound Simple

Though/Although/ But/yet/still Inspite of/ Depite+*
Even though/ Even P.Adj+Ving
If And In case of +*P.Adj+Ving
Unless Or/else/otherwise Incase of not+*
So…..…that I can’t Very……..and so I can’t Too…..to
When And Being/V=ing
As/Since/ As soon And so Being/V=ing


Pronouns P Possessive adj.

I My
We Our
You your
He His
She Her
It Its
They their

Pronouns in compound and complex sentences should be changed into POSSESSIVE

Change the following into a compound sentence.
1. Though Raju is weak, he walks fast.
Ans.: Raju is weak but he walks fast.
2. If you run fast, you will win.
Ans. : Run fast and you will win.
3. Unless you learn well, You will not score.
Ans.: Learn well otherwise you will not score.

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4. The word is so difficult that I cannot pronounce it.

Ans.: The word is very difficult and so I cannot pronounce it.
5. As you performed well, you were appreciated.
Ans.: You performed well and so you were appreciated.

Change the following into simple sentences

1. I studied well but I did not pass.
Inspite of my studying well, I did not pass.
2. If you run three kilometres a day, you will reduce your weight.
In case of your running three kilometres a day, you will reduce the weight.
3. The Jamoon is so sweet that I cannot eat more than two.
The Jamoon is too sweet to eat more than two.
4.Karim saw the snake and he ran away.
Seeing the snake, Karim ran away.
5.She sang that song beautifully andso she won the first prize in the concert.
Singing that song beautifully, she won the first prize in the concert.

28 . Active Voice/ Passive Voice

Three changes should be made in
i) Tense 2) sub.(by) and obj. 3) pronouns

Tense change:
Active Passive
1.Send/ Sends (Sim. Pre.) - am/is /are +sent(p.p)
2. sent (Sim. Past) - was/were+sent( p.p )
3. will send(sim. future) - will be+ sent(p.p)
4.am/is/are+sending(Pre.Cont.) - am/is/are+being+ sent(p.p)
5.was/were+sending(Past.Contt - was/were+being+ sent(p.p)
6. have/has sent(Pre.Perfect) - Have been /has been + sent (p.p)
7. had sent(Past Perfect) - had been sent(p.p)
8. will have sent(Future Perfect) - will have been sent(p.p)

Subject - Object
I - Me


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We - Us
You - You
He - Him
She - Her
It - It
They - Them

Book Exercises:
Change into passive : (pg.no.76)
1. The Governor inaugurated the exhibition at 10’o clock.
The exhibition was inaugurated by the Governor at 10’o clock.
2.The crowd expected their leader to arrive early in the morning
Their leader was expected to arrive early in the morning.
3.Who taught her computer Science?
By whom she was taught Computer Science?
4.They unanimously named Ravi the captain of the team.
Ravi was unanimously named the captain of the team by them.

5.The president gave the commander an award.
The commander was given an award by the President.
6. Do not tell a lie.
Let a lie not be told.
7. Please open the door.
Let the door be opened please .
8. It is time to stop the work.
It is time for the work to be stopped.
9.They say he is a spy.
It is said that he is a spy.
10. One should keep one’s promise.
One’s promise should be kept by one.
11.People burn a great deal of wood in winter.
A great deal of wood is burnt in winter by people.
12.Where had you kept the book?
Where had the book been kept by you?

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13. When did you feel the tremors?

When were the tremors felt by you?
14.How did you finish he experiment?
How was the experiment finished by you ?
15Whose car did someone park in front of the gate?
Whose car was parked by someone in front of the gate?
Task :2
Change into active voice:-
1. The smuggler has been nabbed by the police.
The police has nabbed the smuggler.
2.By whom were you interviewed?
Who interviewed you?
3.Why were you scolded by your parents?
Why did your parents scold you?
4.Not a word was spoken by the convict in self-defence?
The convict did not speak a word in self defence.

5.Good news is expected shortly.
We expect good news shortly.
6. The mail has just been received.
We have just received the mail.
7.Sundari has been taken to hospital by her husband?
Sundari’s husband has taken her to hospital.
8. Our television is being repaired now.
The mechanic is repairing our television now.
9.Sweets have not been distributed to children by the organisers.
The organisers have not distributed sweets to children.
10.Prizes were being given by the chief guest.
The chief guest was giving the prizes.
11.Nobody has been seen in the library this week.
We have not seen anybody in the library this week.
12.Nobody would have known the truth if you had not disclosed it.
The truth would not have been known to anybody if it had not been disclosed by you.


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13. You are advised to help the poor and the needy.
Help the poor and needy.
14.You are requested to make a cup of tea for the guest.
Please make a cup of tea for the guest.

29.Combine Sentences using “though”

1. I went to his home but I could not meet him.
Ans.: Though I went to his home, I could not meet him.
2. I explained him a lot yet he was not convinced.
Ans.: Though I explained him a lot, he was not convinced.
Raju has written his exams well still he is afraid of the result.
3. Ans.: Though Raju has written his exams well , he is afraid of the result.
4. In spite of being sixty years old, he walks fast.
5. Ans.: Though he is sixty years old, he walks fast.

6. He worked hard. He did not score good marks.
Ans. Though he worked hard , he did not score good marks.

PART_C(3 marks)
30. POEM (ERC)
Explain with reference to the context (ERC)QUESTION NO 31 to33.
1.The Castle
Edwin Muir.
 Key words: enemy, gates, walls, gate, warder, citadel, shameful tale,
gold, arms, no arms.
Explanation: The poem is on the capture of the castle. The greedy warder betrayed them
for gold.They had brave captain and loyal soldiers, But they had no weapons to fight the
enemy called ‘gold’.
2.OurCasuarina Tree
Toru Dutt.

 Key words: Creeper, tree, the giant, bird and bee, sweet song, kokilas, gray


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water lilies, snow, casuarina, sweet companions, ever dear, hot tears, wail,
dreamless swoon, happy prime, native clime, a lay, the verse, oblivion ‘s curse.
Explanation :The casuarina tree is closer to the poet's heart. It is because of her
childhood memories with her siblings. She immortalizes the tree through her poem. She
wishes that the tree should be remembered out of love.
3.All the World ‘s a Stage
William Shakespeare.

 Key words: players, exits, entrances, nurses arms, snail, furnace, ballad, oaths,
pard, bubble reputation, cannon ‘s mouth, capon lined, wise saws, pantaloon,
shrunk shank, last scene, second childishness, sans.

Explanation :Shakespeare compares the world to a stage. All men and women are players.
There are seven stages in their lifetime. Infant, school boy, lover, soldier, justice, wise old

man and the second childhood.

Alfred Tennyson.
 Key words: I, travel, hungry heart, rust unburnished, knowledge, old, old age,
days, Happy isles, Achilles, Telemachus, newer world.
Explanation :Ulysses is the king of Ithaca. He is unwilling to discharge his kingly duties.
He loves to travel all over and seeks knowledge. He makes a clarion call to his sailors to
seek newer world.
5.A Father to His Son

Carl August Sandburg.

 Key words: A father, son, life, steel, rock, soft loam, brutes, lashes, fool, folly,
solitude, silent rooms, be different, lazy days, seek deep, Shakespeare, Wright
brothers, changes, change, lonely, time for the work.

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Explanation :The poet gives his worldly wisdom to his son .He warns about the
challenges in life.He wants him to go easy and learn from mistakes. He wants him to have
lazy days to find inner motives and creativity.

6.Incident of the French Camp

Robert Browning.
 Key words: French, Napoleon, prone brow, My plans, a rider, full-galloping,
lips compressed, horse's mane, Ratisbon, flag-bird, the chief, mother eagle,
wounded, I'm killed, sire.

Explanation :The poet narrates an incident at the French camp in the war. It was
between France and Austria in 1809. He describes the bravery of wounded young soldier .

He brought the triumph news from the war field. He fell down dead near his emperor,
once his duty is done.

31. PROSE QS & ANS.:

1. The Two Gentlemen of Verona

1. Who did the narrator meet at the outskirts of Verona?
He met two boys.
2. Why did the driver not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys?
They were wearing old dress and looking shabby.
3. The boys did not spend much on clothes and food. why?/ were they saving money
for States?/ What made the boys work so hard?
They saved money for their sister Lucia’s treatment.
4. Why did the author avoid going to Lucia’s room?
He did not want to intrude into their privacy.
5. What was Lucia suffering from?

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Lucia was suffering from TB.

6. Why didn’t the boys disclose their problems to the author?
They did not want to gain their sympathy.
7. Who took the author to the cubicle?
A nurse with white uniform
8. Describe the girl with whom the boys were talking.
She was 20 years old and wearing pretty jacket.
9.Describe the appearance of Nicolo and Jacopo.
They were shabby and slim and wearing old jersy.
10.What were the various jobs undertaken by the little boys?
Selling fruits, hawked newspapers, conducted tourists and ran errands were those jobs.
11. How did the narrator help the boys?
He drove them to Poleta.
2. A Nice Cup of Tea

1. What seems ‘Curious’ to the author?

The argument for the best way of making tea seems curious to the
2. Why does the author say that it is important to include a tea recipe in cookery
It is one of the mainstays of civilization in the country
3. Mention the countries in which tea is a part of civilization?
Britain, Eire, Australia and Newzealand.
4.Which tea does the author prefer- China tea or Indian tea.?
He prefers Indian tea.
5.According to the author, what does the phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’ refer to?
Refers to Indian tea.
6.How does army tea taste?

Tastes of grease and white wash.

7.Why does the author prefer cylindrical cup of tea?


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It will hold more and keep it hot for a long time.

8. What is the second golden rule in the preparation of tea?
Tea should be made in small quantities in a tea pot which is made up of china or
Earthen ware.
9.What should be poured first - tea or milk?

Tea should be poured first into the cup.

10.Why does the author advise removing cream from the milk?

It gives sickly taste.

11.Does the author like drinking tea with sugar? Give reasons
No, he does not like drinking tea with sugar because the flavour is destroyed.
12..Do tea lovers like strong tea or weak tea?

Tea lovers like strong tea.

13.Why should tea be directly added to the pot?
Tea infuses properly.

14. Why does the author prefer a cylindrical cup to a flat cup?
The cylindrical cup holds more and the hotness is well maintained.
15.What are the author’s views on China tea?
China tea is economical and has beneficial qualities. It does not have much
stimulation in it.
16.How does adding sugar affect the taste of tea?
If we sweeten tea, we only taste the sugar not the tea
17.Elucidate the author’s ideas about teapots.
The tea should be made in China or earthenware. Tea from urn is tasteless. Tea from
silver or enamel pots is bad.

3. In Celebration of Being Alive

Questions :
1.How was the unattended trolley put to use?
What roles did the duo take up?/Why did the choice of roles prove to be easy?

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Two boys took over the trolley. The mechanic was blind and the driver had only
one arm. They put on a show.
2.Who encouraged them and how?
The other patients encouraged them with laughter and shouts of encouragement.
3.What does Dr. Barnard compare the entertainment to?
To the Indianapolis 500 car race.
4.What happened in the grand finale?
There was a grand finale of scattered plates and silverware before the two boys
were put back to bed.
5.What was the profound lesson that Dr. Barnard learnt from the boys?
The business of living is the celebration of being alive.
6.When and where did the accident occur?
It occurred when he was crossing the road with his wife after lunch.
7.What were Mr. Barnard’s feelings when he was hospitalized after an accident?
He could not understand why they had to suffer.

8.What thought had troubled Dr. Barnard as he neared the end of his career as a
heart surgeon?
His thoughts start considering why people suffer.
9.How did the hospitalisation of Dr,Barnard and his wife affect their routine?
Dr.Barnard had patients to operate and his wife had a baby to look after.
10.How was dr.Barnard’s attitude to suffering different from that of his father’s?
If his father had been alive, he would have said that it was god’s will . That was the
way he tested people.As a doctor, he sees nothing noble in sufferings and pain.
11.How does Dr.Barnard know the boy who played the trolley’s driver?/ 19.what
were the problems the trolley driver suffered from?
A few years ago, he closed a hole in his heart in an operation. A few days ago the
race his arm and shoulder were amputated.
12.Detail the statistics Dr.Barnard has provided in his speech.
Suffering prevails everywhere. Out of 125 million birth 12 million will reach the
one year. Another 6 million will die before 5. Many will end up as physical or mental


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13.What happened when the doctor couple were crossing the street?
While they were crossing the road, a car knocked him into his wife . She was struck
by a car which was from opposite side.
14.What injuries did they sustain in the accident?
He has 11 broken ribs and a perforated lung. His wife had a injured shoulder.
15.Dr.Barnard couldn’t find any nobility in suffering . Why?
His heart sinks when he sees sufferings of patients and lonely child’s cry in a ward.
16.Why does Dr. Barnard find the sufferings of children heart breaking?
Because of their total trust in doctors
17. How did the boy who played the mechanic lose his eyes?
His drunken mother threw a lantern. That broke his head and shoulder and lost his
both eyes in burn.
18.Why does Dr.Barnard describe the blind body as a “Walking horror”?
He had a disfigured face and long flap of skin was hanging from the side of his neck
to the body.

4.The Summit
Question &answers
1. What did Hillary do with his wet boots?
Hillary removed them and softened them by heating over the flames of the
2. Name an equipment and a tool carried by the climbers during their
Equipment- Oxygen gear
Tool - Ice axe, crampon, rope
3.Why did Hillary become clumsy- fingered and slow moving?
The oxygen cylinder was exhausted . So he became clumsy- fingered and slow
4. What did Hillary find in a tiny hollow?


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He found two oxygen bottles in a tiny hollow.

5. When did Hillary feel sense of freedom and well being?
When he cut steps down off the south summit, he felt sense of freedom and well
being. 6. What did Hillary mean by saying” We had had enough to do the job, but
by no means too much”?
He means that though he had enough oxygen, it ran out just short of the tent.

7. How did the mountaineers belay?

They sank their ice – axe with the firm thrust in snow.
8.What was the original zest fading away?
The ridge seemed never ending and the time was passing out. So the original zest was
fading away.
9. What did Tenzing and Edmund Hillary gift to the God of lofty summit? How did
they do it?
Tenzing made a little hole in the snow and placed a bar of chocolate, a biscuit

packet and some lollies. Hillary placed crucifix near them.
10.What did the photography portray?
It portrays the north col and the old route, made famous by the struggles of great
climbers of 1920’s and 30’s.
11.The soft snow was difficult and dangerous. Why?
It can hold his weight but often gave way suddenly.
10. How did the firm snow at the higher regions fill them with hope?
The snow at the higher region was broken easily and this gave them a solid and
comfortable belay.
5.The Chair- KI.Rajanarayanan
1.Questions and answers:

1) What was put on the family agenda?

Getting a chair for the family was put on the family agenda.
2) Who visited the family?
A sub-judge, a family friend visited the family.
3) Describe the stool that the narrator's family had.

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It was three-legged, measured three-fourth foot. Grandmother used to sit on it and

churn curd.

4) What was Pedanna's suggestion to their father?

To buy a chair from the town.
5) What was offered to Maamanaar by their mother?
Buttermilk seasoned with asafoetida was offered.
6) Why were the two chairs compared to Rama-Lakshmana?
The two chairs looked alike.
7) When did the children shy away from the chair?
After the villagers had begun to use the chair to keep the dead body.

8.How did Maamanaar handle the chair at home?

Every morning he wiped it and handled carefully while putting it down.

9) what happened to the visitor when he Sat On The stool?

He fell down with a thud and rolled over.
10. Why did the family find it difficult to make a chair?
There was no model and there was not a carpenter who knew how to make a chair?
11What was grandmothers suggestion of wood? Why?
Grandmother suggested teak because it will be strong and light to lift and carry
12. How was the chair made and how did the villagers react to it?
The chair was made in black wood with mirror like gleam. People of all ages arrived
in hordes to see it.
13.When did the children get over the fear of sitting on the chair?
Suganthi, their neighbour came and put her baby brother on the chair. From then
on wards the children sat on the chair without fear.
14.Why did the mamanaar handover the chair to the villagers to retain it?
He handed over the chair to the villagers to use it for keeping the corpse in the


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6. On the rule of the road

1.What does the ‘rule of the road' mean?/Why should the individual liberty be
It means that in order to preserve the liberties of all, the liberties of everybody
must be curtailed.
2. Define ‘liberty’ as perceived by author?
Liberty is not only a personal affair but also a social contract.
3.According to the author what are we more conscious of?
According to him, we are more conscious of the imperfections of others than of our
4.What is the foundation of social conduct?
A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others.
5.Why did the lady think she was entitled to walk down the middle of the road?/
What is liberty according to the old lady?

She thought that she has got the liberty to walk whereever she likes.
6.What would be the consequence of the old lady’s action?
The end of such liberty would be a universal confusion.
7.How would a reasonable person react when his actions affect other persons
If a policeman did not interfere with him, he would not interfere with anyone.
8.How can we sweeten our life’s journey?
By following the rule of the life.
9.What does the traffic policeman symbolize?
10.How would ‘liberty’ cause universal chaos?
If a pedestrian walk down to the middle of the road, then end of it would be
universal chaos.
11.Why is there a danger of the world getting ‘liberty drunk’?
Everybody gets into every one’s way. So Individual liberty is becoming a social


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12.’Curtailment of private liberty is done to establish social order’-Do you agree?

Yes. By limiting private liberties social order can be established.

32. Dialogue Writing

* Use expressions like…..
 Good Morning, sir.
 Nice to see you.
 Nice speaking to you.
 Thank you so much.
 How are you?
 I am fine.
 What about you?
 What can I do for you ?
 What do you want ?

 Which one do you want ?
 How can I help you ?
 What is the cost ?
 How much does it cost ?
 Where are you going ?
 You don’t worry?
 It’s Okay.
 That’s fine.
 I am sorry.
 Sorry for the mistake.
 Thank you for your help.
 Please help me.
 I like it very much.
 I want to have (something).
 I want (something).


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 May I help you ?

 Can you help me?
 No mention.
 With pleasure.
 Sure.
 Certainly.
 Why not ?
 Sorry.I Cant.
 Welcome.


 On – before day and date

( On ).

Eg: On Monday , On 13 th March.

 In – before city, country, month and year.
( In )

E.g: In December, In 2020 , In Salem.

 At – Exact place and time.
( .

E.g: At Ram Nagar, At 6 o’ clock.

 By – the person. ( uX಄X ಄u Q듘침 ).

E.g: By her , By him .

 Abbreviation ( use Expanded form )

E.g: CM – Chief Minister.
 Past Tense Was / Were + Past Participle

EX: Mobile phones banned in schools .

Mobile phones were banned in schools.
 To Will
 Erode , Chennai , Delhi

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 Yesterday, Today, Last year ,last month, last night , Next year, next
month, next day
E.g:1.PM to visit Chennai.
The Indian Prime Minister will visit China in September 2020.
2.Free laptops issued to the students.
Free laptops were issued to the students of Tamilnadu in Schools.
3. 2 died in ceiling collapse.
Two women were died in ceiling collapse near Salem on Monday.
Cookery/Salads. Cleaning: Packing:
Take__________ Take___________ Take____________
Wash__________ Soak___________ Cut_____________
Cut/Chop__________ Rinse___________ Fold_____________
Grind/Powder__________ Wash___________ Wrap/cover________
Mix/well__________ Dry_____________ Stick a label________
Add___________ Use Drier________ Address tag_________
Ready to Ready to gift/post.________

Add oil
Fry/deep fry/sauté
(pan, tava, bowl )
Write a process of preparing egg fried rice
Take 3 spoon-full of oil in a pan. Heat it. Cut some onions. Fry it in oil. Beat
three eggs and add in it. Cook well. Stir it well. Add salt. Add cup of boiled rice. Stir well.
Serve it hot.
Book back pg No. 187.
Preparation of apple juice
 Take four or five apples.
 Wash them well
 Cut into pieces.
 Put them into mixer and add some milk.
 Filter it and serve


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Installing a computer
Connect the keyboard and mouse to the CPU.
Connect all other parts to the CPU.
Plug the computer and monitor with the power cord.
Finally turn on the power.

Preparing your favourite dish

Rava kesari
 Take a cup of rava and roast it with 2 tablespoon ghee.
 Take 2 cup of water and boil it.
 Add rava and cook well till it absorbs the water.
 Add 1 cup of sugar and add saffron strands.
 Add cardamon powder and ghee.
 Serve it hot.

Organising a birthday party in your house
 Plan a budget.
 Send invitation cards to friends and relatives.
 Plan for menu and order birthday cake.
 Decorate the hall and plan short games.
 Celebrate it happily.

Sending a letter by a courier service

 Click on “send now” and choose the weight of the cover.
 Ensure the size of the cover.
 Enter the details and the receiver’s details.
 Pay with credit card and print your shipping label.
 Stick it on the cover.
 Now it is ready for sending.


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Obtaining a demand draft from a bank

 Visit a nearby bank and get an application form.

 Fill the form and select the mode of payment cash or cheque.
 Pay through your account.
 Get the DD in 30 minutes.


 Least minimum, lowest

Higher, maximum, most -

Difference -

 How many -

How much
 How long
- (time)
How far 32 (distance)

 Where --
When --

 How -
Which -


 This pie chart / bar diagram / table is about ________.
 There are ________types of _________given in the pie chart / bar diagram / table.
 The pie chart / bar diagram / table gives clear data about______.

2018 TN Expenditure.


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1. What the pie-chart is about?
The pie-chart is about the 2018 TN State expenditure.
2.How much does the state spends on education?
3.Which one has the least expenditure?
Entertainment 8%
* The pie-chart is about 2018 Tn Expenditure.
*There are about six expenditures given in it.
* The pie-chart gives clear data about 2018 TN Expenditure.


1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. Great minds think alike.

3. Haste makes waste.


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4. Look before you leap.

5. Measure twice, cut once.

6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

7. Better late than never.

8. Honesty is the best policy.

9. Too many cooks spoil the broth..

10. Practise what you preach.

11. Practice makes a man perfect.

12. Leave no stone unturned.

13. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

14. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

15. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

16. Laughter is the best medicine.

17. Many hands make light work.

18. Necessity is the mother of invention.

19. As you sow, so you reap.

20. The pen is mightier than the sword.

21. Fortune favours the bold.

22. Birds of the same feather flock together.

23. The early bird catches the worm.

24. God helps those who help themselves.

25. Actions speak louder than words.

Proverb completion. 11th&12th

1.Fortune favours the -----(fool,brave,wise)

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2.-----is next to Godliness.(kindness, bravery, cleanliness)

3.------makes a man perfect.(practice, Repetition, Attempts)

4.Empty -----make the most noise.(class, places, vessels)

5.----speak louder than words.(Advice, Actions, Deeds)

6.----was not built in a day.(Paris, Rome, Athens)

7.Familiarity breeds------.(contempt, liking, love)

8.you cant judge a book by its----.(content, cover, articles)

9.-----is the mother of invention. (Greed, Thirst, Necessity)

10.A sound mind in a sound ----.(head, heart, body)

11.Better late than -----.(nothing, never, absent)

12.One----makes no Garland. (flower, fruit, bouquet)

13.To err is ---.(common, normal, human)

14.Pride comes ----a fall.(after, before, at)

15.Kindness begets-----.(love, kindness, justice)

16.New brooms ---well.(sweep, does, works)

17.Speech is silver, silence is -----.(platinum, golden, diamond)

18.A bird in hand is worth two in the----.(cage, tree, bush)

19.An---brain is the devils workshop. (evil, idle, empty)

20.Every cloud has a----lining.(bright, silver, lovely)


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Format of a Notice

Govt. Hr. Sec.School, Erode

Inaugural function of Science Club (event )

3rd March2020
Time: 11 a.m.
Venue: Meeting Hall

You are informed about /

to ………………………………………………………………………………………………



The School pupil Leader (the designation)

 This to inform you about……………….
 For registration, contact…………
 Meet the …….. for reference
 Attend the meeting without fail.
 All are invited.
 All are welcome.
 Inform your class students.
 Make arrangements.

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Question Paper Answer Paper
You I
Your my/our

You are Kala, the secretary of the Science Club. Prepare a notice about the inaugural
of Science Club
Govt. Hr.Sec.School, Gobi

The Inaugural Of Science Club

5th March 2020

Time:10 a.m

Venue: Meeting Hall

You are informed about the inaugural of science club.

All are invited. For reference ,contact the Secretary

The Secretary of Science Club.


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39.Writing E-mail
Format of an E-mail
Dear Sir,(Salutation)

(Body of the mail)

Yours faithfully/Your Friend



Don’t use short forms, from address, date.
Use ‘Cc.’ only in formal letter.
Use Expressions like:
I am……………
I am studying…………
P. find my encl., I have sent.
I invite you to the……….

Formal Letter: Friendly letter:

Dear Sir, Hi,
Sir, Dear …(name)

Yours faithfully, With love/Best wishes

I look forward to hearing from you. Reply me soon.
Thank You Waiting for your reply.
Reply soon. Covey my love to all.


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Question Paper Answer Paper
You I
Your my/our
You are I am
You are Raju. You Invite your friend to your School Annual Day function.

To: rajeev@gmail.com
Sub.: Invitation-School Day Function
Dear Rajeev,
How are you? I am fine. I invite you for my School Annual Day Function.
Please come with your family on 3rd June 2020.
Convey my love to all.

Your Friend,


The Castle
The poem is about the capture of a castle. It was strong with thick and high walls.
No one could enter it. The soldiers watched the mowers at ease. The captain was brave
and the soldiers were loyal. But the greedy warder betrayed them for gold. They had no
arms fight with it.The poet Edwin Muir decided to maintain this shameful tale till his
1. Our Casuarina Tree

The poem ‘our Casuarina Tree' by Toru Dutt is a touching poem. It is about the
memories of her childhood days with her siblings. It is a giant like tree with creeper,

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flowers, birds, bees and animals. But the memories of her siblings have made it dearer to
Toru Dutt. The poet decides to immortalize it with her verse.
3.All the World ‘s a Stage

The poem 'All the world ‘s a stage’ was written by William Shakespeare. It depicts
our life into seven stages. The world is a stage. The men and women are players. They
enter as an infant. Then they play the parts of a school boy, lover, soldier, justice, matured
old man. Finally, they enter the second childishness and exit with death.
4. Ulysses
The poem 'Ulysse' was written by Alfred Tennyson. It is Ulysses ‘ call to his sailors
for another voyage. Ulysses does not want to discharge his kingly duties. He handovers his
responsibility to his son, Telemachus. He loves to travel and seek knowledge. Though they
become old, their spirit is still young and fearless.
5.A Father to His Son

The poem A father to his son' was written by Carl August Sandburg. It is a thought

provoking poem. In this poem , the father guides his son to face the challenges of life. He
wants him to face life like a steel and a rock. He asks him to go easy, not feel ashamed to
be a fool at times,. He advises him to find his inner motives and develop creativity.
6:Incident of the French Camp

The poem 'Incident of the French Camp' was written by Alfred. Tennyson . He
narrates the bravery of a young soldier. The emperor Napoleon is waiting for the news
from Ratisbon. France and Austria are at war. The young soldier has been mortally
wounded. But he rides on his horse to the chief and conveys the news of victory and falls


1. Two Gentlemen of Verona

Nicolo and Jacopo were brothers in Verona. They were sincere and
devoted. They met the narrator on the way to Verona. They did many odd jobs in


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Verona. They did not sleep during night. They did not eat good food. They saved
money for their sister Lucia’s treatment .She was suffering from TB. So, the boys are
called ‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’.
2. A Nice Cup of Tea
Tea should be made in small quantities. Tea should be prepared from Indian
tea or Ceylonese tea. Tea pot should be made of China or earthenware. The pot
should be warmed beforehand. While pouring water, take the teapot to the kettle.
Stir well the tea with tea leaves. Pour milk without cream. Take tea without sugar.
3.In Celebration of Being Alive
Dr.Christian Bernard saw the ‘Grandprix’at a Capetown hospital. The
mechanic was blind. The driver had only one arm. They had other serious problems
too. But they took over the breakfast trolley and put on a show. They provided great
entertainment to the onlookers. There was a grand finale of scattered silverware and
plates. They taught him a profound lesson. The business of living is the celebration of
being alive.

https://kalvimaterial.blogspot.com/ 4.THE SUMMIT – EDMUND HILLARY

Hillary softened his shoes by heating on May 29, Hillary and Tenzing
began to climb. The ice axe, ice hammer and crampons helped them climb.
They crossed a 40 feet crack carefully. They reached the summit. Their will
power led them to success.

The family and the villagers of the narrator had no chair. One day, a sub- judge
made a visit to their house. As they had no chair, he was given a stool to sit on. He fell
down from the stool and rolled over. After that, the narrator’s family decided to make two
chairs from teak wood- one for them and an another one for their uncle Maamanaar. The
family took turns to sit on it. The villagers arrived in hordes to see the chair. Then the
villagers started using the chair for placing the dead body on it. When it was brought
home after using it for the corpse, the family members were afraid of using it. The
narrator’s elder brother, Pedanna redirected the villagers to his stingy maternal uncle’s
house for getting the chair. One day, Pedanna made a visit to his uncle’s house. There he

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noticed that his uncle was sitting on the floor. When the reason was asked, he told him
that he had given the chair permanently to the villagers for placing the corpse on it.


A lady thought that it was her liberty to walk down the middle of the
street. Personal liberty is not more important than public liberty. Individual
liberty should not affect the public liberty. The consideration for the rights of
others is the foundation of social conduct.



Aksionov was a rich merchant for murdering a merchant. He was jailed.

But he was innocent. 26 years passed. He met Makar in the jail. He saved
Makar from the officials. Feeling guilty, Makar admitted his crime. Aksionov

got justice but died in thejail.


Pie was in a life boat with a tiger and a hyena. He was out of food and
water for three days. He found water bottles in the boat. The tiger helped Pi to
surrive. At last, Pi left the tiger in an island. He was reunited with his family
after 22days.

Robert Baldwin was an honest man. Gresham was his friend. He was
arrested for cheating the bank. Gresham offered Baldwin a hundred thousand
dollars. Baldwin’s family forced him to accept the money. But he refused.
Gresham accepted the crime. Baldwin was rewarded for his honesty by getting
appointed in Mr. Marshall’s bank.



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Ausable was a secret agent. Fowler, a writer was with him. They saw
Max with a gun. He asked the secret papers on missiles. There was a knock at
the door. Ausable said that it was the policemen. Max jumped from the
window. He fell down to the ground. Thus Ausable outwitted Max using
presence of mind.


This story happens in Venus. The sun appears for two hours
every seven years. Margot wants to watch the sun. The children lock Margot in
a closet. Finally the sun comes out. They enjoy a lot. They release Margot and


Lord Weston found a note “Remember Caesar” in his pocket. He feared

that it was the warning of his enemies. He ordered his secretary Roger to close
all the doors and windows. The real Caesar, a gardener entered. He had an

appointment to visit Weston’s garden. His absent mindedness led to all the

43. Slogan Writing (page no 158&159)

Slogan }Q QX TT듘 T⺅Q಄⺅ ಄ 䁘Y X / ⺅{ ಄O

YQ Q 䁘Y X ¸䁘 Q ⺅ TTu Q듘침 ಄O 꿘{ X {u⺅.

꿘X ⺅, 듘 , 꿘X듘 침L⺅ 듘꿘 QO Q Q듘䁘 _⺅.

Product Slogan

1.Tooth paste. - For sparkling Teeth and smile

2.Water purifier. _ Pure for sure
3.Digital camera. - Capture the Moments
4.Gulab Jamoon. - Delicious and Tasty
5.Junk food. - No junk, live long
6.Labour day. - Worship the Worker


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7.Save water. - Save water, Save future

8.Yoga. - For peaceful mind and healthy body
9.Blood Donation - Give blood, Save lives
10.Helmet. - Lifesaver for sure
11.Music system. - Listen and be Thrilled
12.Bike. - For extra mile and smile
13.Laptop. - The world in your hands
14.Mobile. - Stay in touch always
15.Pollution. - live and let live
16.Environment. - Go green, Save earth.
17.Fountain pen. - Free flow of thoughts
18.Umbrella. - Rain or shine ,safety assured
19.Mixie. - Kitchen mate
20.Bicycle. - For Eco- friendly ride
21.Lens. - Gives clear vision

22.Television. - Nonstop entertainment
23.Debit card. - Digital money
24.Shampoo. - For shiny long hair
25.Gum. - Fixes all but broken hearts
26. Ooty apple - Keeps you healthy everyday
27. Labour Day - Celebrate the day of builders of the world
28. Save water - Every drop counts
29.Blood donations - Donate blood; be a life saver

44. Letter Writing

Types of letter:
i) Official letter
ii) Personal Letter


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Format of an official letter


Dear sir,(salutation)



………………………………………………………………………. (Body of the
letter) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Thank You,
Station: Yours

Date: Sd/-

Tips :
Change the Pronouns
Question Paper Answer Paper
You I
Your my/our
You are I am


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Format of a Personal Letter:

23, Raja street,

5th March 2020.
(from address)

Dear Raju,(salutation)
…………………………………………………………………. …………………….. (Body of the
letter) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Best wishes
With love,

Address on the cover:



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Dear sir, Hi,

Sir/Madam, Dear friend,
I am writing this letter to…. How are you? I am fine
I want to ………… I want to………
I look forward to hearing from you. Convey my love to all.
Inform me about…….. Keep in touch with me.
Convey my regards Reply soon.
1.Formal Letter
Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to help you obtain a
duplicate mark sheet of class XI, which you have lost while travelling.

The Headmaster,
ABC Hr. Sec.School,
Church Road,


Sub: Requesting for duplicate mark


I missed my XI mark sheet. So, I kindly request you to give me a

duplicate mark sheet.

Thank you.

Palce: YYYY Yours faithfully,

Date: / /2019 XXXX.

Address on the cover

The Headmaster,
ABC Hr. Sec.School,
Church Road,

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2 Informal Letter

You had been to your grandmother’s house during the summer holidays. You enjoyed your
stay in her company. Write a letter to your grandmother stating how much you miss her after
returning to your home.


/ /2019

My dear grandma,

I am well. I am studying well. How are you? I enjoyed my leave with you.

Meet you in the next holidays.



Address on the Envelope:

Mrs. Santhi,
Madurai – 10.


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3 Reply Letter





Baby Electronics,

Amman Koil Street,



Sub : Application for the post of “Sales Executive” Ref : I

saw “ The Hindu,” dated 18th July 2019.

I saw your advertisement. I would like to apply for the post of a “Sales Executive. I

have given below my bio data..

Thank you,

Place: YYYY. Yours faithfully,

Date:05.10.2019 . XXXX


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Name : XXXX

Father’s Name : ZZZZ

Age & DOB : 26 , 28TH MAY, 1994

Educational Qualification : B.Com

Technical Qualification : Tally and MS Office

Experience : 2 Years

Address : YYY

The details given above are correct and true.

Thank you.

Place: YYYY. Yours faithfully,

Date: / /2019. XXXXX

Address on the Envelope:


Baby Electronics,
Amman Koil Street,


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45. Spot the Error

1.Prefer, prior, senior, junior, inferior, superior Q 'than'- _Q䁘{ X ‘to’ ¸䁘 ⺅

 Ram is junior than me (Incorrect)
 Ram is junior to me (correct)
 He is older than me (Incorrect)
 He is elder to me (correct)

2.One of the _ lQ _ ‘Noun’ plural ⺅.

Examples :
One of the boys }] ⺅. (Incorrect)

Ram is one of the best students in the class. (correct)

꿘 ⺅ one of the boys ತ䁘X singular ‘verb’(looks,is) ⺅.

 One of the boys look happy (Incorrect)
 One of the boys looks happy (correct)
 One of the boys are happy (Incorrect)
 One of the boys is happy (correct)

3.One rupee, university, universal, useful, European, union } T ‘an’ Q

듘 ‘a’ ¸䁘 ⺅.

 Ram is an university scholar (Incorrect)
 Ram is a university scholar (correct)

4. 꿘 ⺅ Abbreviation } T M/H/F ¸Q _ } ‘a’ ಄X ‘an’ ⺅.’h’

silent ⺅ X Q듘䁘 _ } X ‘an’ ⺅.


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 Ram is a M.Sc Student (Incorrect)
 Ram is an M.Sc Student (correct)
 Ram is a honest man (Incorrect)
 Ram is an honest man (correct)
 I bought a HMT watch (Incorrect)
 I bought an HMT watch (correct)
 Saminathan is a M.L.A (Incorrect)
 Saminathan is an M.L.A (correct)

5. X {uQ䁘{ Though- ⺅ but-⺅ ತ䁘X but 꿘듘 ⺅ “ { 듘 ¸ .

 Though he is poor but he is happy (Incorrect)
 Though he is poor he is happy (correct)

6. X {u⺅ ‘ing’ (working, writing) 䁘X침 { X Q} ⺅ and “ { ¸䁘 ⺅.

 Working hard and he passed (Incorrect)
 Working hard he passed (correct)

7.Some verbs 침} _ { Q 듘침 preposition 꿘듘 ⺅ ⺅.(confident of, hope for, met

with, by foot, congratulate on)
 He is confident on his success (Incorrect)
 He is confident of his success (correct)
 Let us hope through the best (Incorrect)
 Let us hope for the best (correct)
 I met in an accident (Incorrect)


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 I met with an accident (correct)

 He goes to school by foot (Incorrect)
 He goes to school on foot (correct)
 He congratulated of his success (Incorrect)
 He congratulated on his success (correct)

8. 꿘 ⺅ discuss, enter, told, despite QX} X Q듘䁘 침} 침} preposition

ತ ಄X .
 They discuss about politics
 They discuss politics(about ಄X )
 I enter in to the room
 I enter the room(into ಄X )
 They told to me

 They told me(to ಄X )

9. Neither..nor, either..or 침} singular verb (look,is) ⺅.

 Neither you nor he are active (Incorrect)
 Neither you nor he is active (correct)

10.Physics, Economics, Politics, Mathematics, Civics, News Q singular verb 䁘X}


 The news are very good (Incorrect)
 The news is very good (correct)


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11.Some words are used only in Singular form.Eg:advice, furniture, meal.

 He gave a lot of advices (Incorrect)
 He gave a lot of advice (correct)
 I bought new furnitures (Incorrect)
 I bought new furniture (correct)
 He has finished his meals (Incorrect)
 He has finished his meal (correct)

12.(Language) 꿘X⺅{ _ } ‘the’ ಄X .

 We speak the English (Incorrect)
 We speak English (correct)

13. Q䁘{ T ಄ QX 듘T 꿘듘 ⺅ _ { ‘the’ article’
Qu}Q Q䁘 ⺅.

 Sun rises in the east (Incorrect)
 The sun rises in the east. (correct)

14.Other models
 Two and two make four (Incorrect)
 Two and two makes four. (correct)
 He is my cousin brother (Incorrect)
 He is my cousin. (correct)
 No one know the answer (Incorrect)
 No one knows the answer. (correct)
 He plays piano very well (Incorrect)
 He plays the piano very well. (correct)


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15. X {uQ䁘{ as/since/because-⺅ ತ䁘X so 꿘듘 ⺅ “ { ¸ .

 As he is poor so he is proud (Incorrect)
 As he is poor he is proud. (correct)

16.Despite- 침} of ಄X

 Despite of his riches he is humble (Incorrect)
 Despite his riches he is humble. (correct)

17.Confusables 듘 Q ⺅ 듘 Q ⺅.

All the boys fared poorly expect Gokul. (Incorrect)

All the boys fared poorly except Gokul. (correct)
䁘{ Except }Q Y (䁘 ಄) Expect }Q ( 䁘{ QX Q䁘 ) }] QX

䁘 ⺅)

18. Infinitive /Gerund Qu}QX TT ⺅ ⺅.(Book page no 220)

(Infinitive –to +verb/Gerund –verb+ing)
To- } Q} X Verb+ing ಄X .
{ 꿘u⺅ X {uQ䁘{ To 䁘듘 Q침X

She made me to cry. ( 䁘{ To 䁘듘 u 듘 )

She made me cry.

To carry a heavy pile of books, she tripped and fell.(incorrect)
Carrying a heavy pile of books, she tripped and fell.(correct)

My friends and I were sitting in a cafe and to talk(incorrect)

My friends and I were sitting in a cafe and talking. (Correct)

19.Degrees of comparison. 䁘{ Positive, comparative & superlative

Qu}QX TT ⺅. (Book Page no. 221)


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Positive ʄ as.....as( 꿘듘 X {u TT ) So....as ( 䁘{ 꿘듘 X {u TT

Qu}Q Q䁘䁘 Q { ).

Comparative than ( ಄ Q / QX Q침 Q 듘 u )than any other

(subject 듘꿘u T QX )than most other/all other (subject Q}듘꿘u
T QX )Qu}Q Q䁘 Q { .
Superlative the( QL 듘꿘uX T QX )One of the (subject Q}듘꿘uX
T QX )Qu}Q Q䁘 Q { .

20. Question tag Qu}QX TT ⺅ ⺅(Page no 218)

Nandhini is a bright student,isn't it?( incorrect)
Isn't she?(correct)

Error spotting(Book back questions and answers. Page no 73,216,218,220,&221)

 Confusables:
1.My grandfather is well-known in the village for his nobel deeds.

My grandfather is well-known in the village for his noble deeds.
2.Inspite of his poverty and setbacks, he was able to launch his dream carrier.
Inspite of his poverty and setbacks, he was able to launch his dream career.
 Prepositions
3.The Boss had full confidence on his manager for successful completion of the project .
The Boss had full confidence in his Manager for successful completion of the project.
4.After the complicated surgery, the patient hoped of complete recovery.
After the complicated surgery ,the patient hoped for complete recovery.
5.The new health care scheme announced by the Government will bring relief to
The children suffering with acute tuberculosis.
The new health care scheme announced by the Government will bring relief to the
children suffering from acute tuberculosis.
6.Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest between the sea creatures.
Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest among the sea creatures.
7.There have been several stories of dolphins helping drowning sailors.


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There have been several stories about dolphins helping drowning sailors.
8.The more we learn on dolphins, the more we realise how amazing they are.
The more we learn about dolphins, the more we realise how amazing they are.
9.Dolphins take care off the sick.
Dolphins take care of the sick.
10.Dolphins protect the weakest at danger.
Dolphins protect the weakest in danger.

 Gerund and infinitive:

1.She wants to continuing her studies abroad.

She wants to continue her studies abroad.
2.It was a shame breaking up.
It was a shame to break up.

3.It will be a waste throwing the food away.
No error.
4.She made me to cry.
She made me cry.
5.My company has delayed to give pay rise due to economic problems.
My company has delayed giving pay rise due to economic problems.
6.There's someone to talk on the phone, but they cannot hear me.
There's someone talking on the phone, but they cannot hear me.
7.My friends and i were sitting in a cafe and to talk.
My friends and i were sitting in a cafe and talking.
8.To carry a heavy pile of books, she tripped and fell.
Carrying a heavy pile of books, she tripped and fell.
 Question Tags:
9.I have captured some beautiful moments in my camera, aren’t I?
Haven’t I?
4. Arun was in a great dilemma at that time, didn’the?


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wasn’t he?
11.I am an expert in cooking, amn't I?
Aren’t I?
12.Let’s take this matter to court, can we?
Shall we?
13.The pair of shoes near the door is not yours, are they?
Is it?
14.They have a resort in Yercaud, isn’t it?
Haven’t they?
15.There is a stadium near your office, isn't it
Isn’t there?

 Degrees of Comparison:
16.Oxygen is more heavier than hydrogen.

Oxygen is heavier than hydrogen.
17.Very few indoor games are more interesting than chess.
Very few indoor games are as interesting as chess.
18.Henry is the most strongest of all the players in the team.
Henry is the strongest of all players in the team.
19.Diamond is more precious than any gem.
Diamond is more precious than any other gem.
20. Mr.Sridhar is wiser than all men in our family.
Mr.Sridhar is wiser than all other men in our family.
21.The Biology lab in our school is spacious than the chemistry lab.
The Biology lab in our school is more spacious than the chemistry lab.
22.This is one of the busier streets in our town.
This is one of the busiest streets in our town.
23.Beema is stronger among the five Pandava brothers.
Beema is the strongest among the five Pandava brothers.
24.An ounce is lesser than a gallon.


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An ounce is less than a gallon.

25.Let me introduce my oldest daughter to you all.
Let me introduce my eldest daughter to you all.
26.Of the two sisters, Helen is the prettiest.
Of the two sisters, Helen is the prettier.
27.This is the most least mark i have ever scored.
This is the least mark i have ever scored.

 Conjunctions
28.Neither Ramya is a singer nor a dancer.
Ramya is neither a singer nor a dancer.
29.Scarcely had the workers stepped out, than the building collapsed.
Scarcely had the workers stepped out, when the building collapsed.
30.No sooner did the power resume, when the children screamed in joy.

No sooner did the power resume, than the children screamed in joy.
31.My friend can type so fast as I.
My friend can type as fast as I.
32.Sitha had no other assignment, but that of collecting the data.
Sitha had no other assignment, than that of collecting the data.
33.Rekha cooks like her mother does.
Relha cooks as her mother does.
34.Professor Usha is not only a writer but an orator.
Professor Usha is not only a writer but also an orator.
35.Your neighbours are not so wicked like you think.
Your neighbours are not so wicked as you think.
36.The girl both won an award and a scholarship.
The girl won both an award and a scholarship.
37.Three years have passed when my cousin resigned his job.
Three years have passed since my cousin resigned his job.
 Singular /Plural

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38.I had my evening meals in a restaurant near my office.

I had my evening meal in a restaurant near my office.
1. a) Homophones b) Modal Auxiliaries c) link word d) Tense form
46.Summary Writing
1. X Q듘침 QQ䁘{듘u 2 3 듘 }_ QO ⺅. 듘䁘 QY {

¸䁘 Q듘 T QO ⺅. Title _⺅.Key ideas 듘침uXT⺅

XO ⺅.

2.䁘듘 듘Q { ⺅ ಄ ⺅ 䁘Q䁘{ T듘 / Y { 듘TQ 䁘듘 듘Q

䁘X ⺅ 䁘듘 u 듘 .

3. YQ ¸䁘 Q듘침듘 , O듘 QX} ⺅ 䁘듘 u 듘 .

4.uX듘಄/ 듘䁘 QY { ¸䁘 Q듘 T 꿘Y]⺅ , QX , }, † T QX}

5.Abbreviation Qu}Q
_ 듘침 䁘 Q듘


X⺅.Adjectives 䁘
⺅ 침⺅ Q X⺅.

⺅.Statistical data

QX} 듘 䁘 Q침 ⺅.

6.. Xತ䁘 듘침u ¸䁘 u ⺅ † X] ¸䁘 u X䁘 {}

X {u TT 䁘 Q침 Ou Y듘 䁘 Q X {u⺅ 듘꿘 X⺅.

7.Rough copy, Fair copy 꿘Y]⺅ Title QX} 듘 Y ಄ ತ䁘X 3

꿘䁘{ Q {듘침 _⺅.

8.꿘XO ,꿘XO u Total passage- ಄ 침X Q YQ Rough copy, fair copy

¸ 䁘듘 䁘 Q䁘 ⺅. ¸ QQ䁘{ _⺅ Rough copy ¸䁘 u ⺅.

䁘듘 꿘⺅Q Q䁘{ Fair copy ¸䁘 ⺅.

Mark Allotment:
 Rough Draft - 1 mark
 Title - 1 mark
 Fair Draft - 3 mark


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Model Exercise :
It is easy to say,” Enlarge your vocabulary “,first that you may enter upon the
privileges of cultivated women ;and secondly, that you may be able to tell the truth
easily and accurately. But it is another and more difficult matter to prescribe the means
by which this is to be done. Every girl must, to a large degree, work out her own method.
The reading of the best books and conversation with cultivated folk-both helps to the
free use of words. The dictionary is the best friend for your task. Never allow a strange
word to pass unchallenged. Usually it is wise to look it up at the moment. If that is
impossible it must be written firmly on the memory and traced at the first opportunity.
It is good to encourage the habit of dawdling a little over the dictionary. It is the only
place where dawdling reaps a harvest. By learning two new words a day thoroughly,
you can ensure a large vocabulary before you reach middle age.

Answer : Rough copy

Enlarge Your Vocabulary
By enlarging your vocabulary, you can have the privileges of cultivated person

and express the truth easily and accurately.Every one must work out one's own method.

Reading the best books and converse with scholars help coining the use of words. The

dictionary usage is the best tool. Da 펐෾䁘 䁘‫ ݐ ܽ ݑ ݍ‬䁘 䁘 wdling over the dictionary can

reap a harvest. By learning two new words a day, you can ensure a large vocabulary

before the middle age.

Fair copy:
Enlarge Your Vocabulary
By enlarging your vocabulary you can enjoy the privileges of cultivated people.
You can express the truth better. Everybody must work out one’s own method. Reading
the best books and talk with elite people can help coin words. The dictionary is the best
tool. Dawdling over it can help reaping a harvest. Two new words a day can ensure a


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large vocabulary before the middle age.

47.Report Writing
What is a report?
 A report is a written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or
 It is a systematic and well organised presentation of facts and findings of an
event .
 Reports are used as a form of written assessment to find out what you have
learned from your reading, research or experience.
A well written report must possess the following traits:

 analysis of relevant information;

 Structuring in a logical and coherent order;

 presentation in a consistent manner according to the instructions of the report


 making appropriate conclusions that are supported by the evidence and analysis

of the report;

Report Writing Format :

Format of a magazine report

i. Heading
ii. By line- Name of the person writing the report. It is generally given in the
iii. Opening paragraph (introduction) – It may include the '5 Ws' namely, WHAT,
WHY, WHEN and WHERE along with WHO was invited as the chief guest.
iv. Account of the event in detail- The proper sequence of events .
v. Conclusion- This will include the description of how the event ended. Format of

A Newspaper Report

i. Headline- A descriptive title which is expressive of the contents of the report.

ii. By line- Name of the person writing the report along with the designation. It is
generally given in the question. Remember, you are not supposed to mention your
personal details in your answer.
iii. Place and date of reporting- It is generally not mentioned in a magazine report
separately, but here, it is.


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iv. Opening paragraph- It includes expansion of the headline. It needs to be short

as it is a general overview of the report.
v. Account of the event in detail- It is generally written in two parts: First,
complete account of what happened in it’s chronological sequence (preferably) and
second, the witness remarks.
vi. Concluding paragraph- This will include the action that has been taken so far or
that will be taken. It is the last paragraph.


Heading(Inter School Cultural Headline(Inter School Cultural

Competition) Competition)

By line By line (along with the designation)

Opening paragraph Date and place

Account of the event Opening paragraph

Conclusion Account of the event and witness remarks

https://kalvimaterial.blogspot.com/ Conclusion


Inter School Cultural Competition

Radha/Raju/ Staff reporter.
5 march 20XX,Chennai.

Body (Include facts and quotations)


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 Summary

i. Plan before you pen.

ii. Presentation is very important.
iii. Make sure you double check for grammatical accuracy and spellings.
iv. Underlining the main points is very important.
v. Make small sentences.
vi. Passive voice is preferred.


Question 1:
The Principal of your school retired after rendering 35 years of meritorious service. A
grand function was held to give him a hearty send-off. Write a report in 150-200 words
for publication in your school magazine describing the celebrations. You are
Sudha/Karthick of XI A.

(by Sudha, XI A)

Our esteemed Principal Dr. Balaji retired on 30th September this year after rendering
35 years of meritorius service. On the day of his retirement a grand function was held to
give him a hearty send-off. Students and teachers organised a cultural show. Songs and
poems dealing with his qualities were recited. Our Vice Principal delivered a thought-
provoking speech. He praised the outgoing principal for his contribution to education
and sports. Students garlanded the principal. Some of them became emotional. They
began to weep. We bade him farewell with tears in our eyes.

Question 2:
Your school has recently opened an indoor stadium. The facility of the indoor stadium
has been made available to all the students. As Ranjan/ Radhi of XI B, write a report on
the new auditorium in 150-200 words for your school magazine.


(by Radhi, XI B)

The new indoor stadium of our school on 25th March constructed at a cost of one crore
rupees was inaugurated by the Director of Education, yesterday. The stadium is
centrally air-conditioned. The playing area comprises of a wooden floor and is provided
with floodlight facility.Games such as volley ball, tennis, badminton , boxing, fencing etc.,


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can be played here.


Your state government has banned the use of plastic bags. Your are Anitha, a reporter of
The Hindu. Write a report in 100-125 words on how the ban is being ignored and what
damage the indiscriminate use of plastic bags in causing to the environment.

Environment Unfriendly Polybags

By: Anitha, Staff Reporter
The Hindu

In the year 2002 the government had banned the production and use of plastic
bags in our country. But unfortunately, these are now being widely used again
everywhere. Not only are we using a huge number of polybags daily but we are also
discarding them in our drains. They will block the flow of drain water. Polybags are also
a threat to our environment. They cause pollution, kill wildlife and are responsible for
using up the natural resources of the earth. They are one of the main factors that litter
the landscape. While the government works out ways to lessen the impact of polybags

on the environment, each one of us too should shoulder some responsibility for this
problem that ultimately harms us all.

48.Article Writing

While writing a composition keep the following points in mind:

1. Study carefully the hints/points.

2. Arrange the given hints in the order .
3. Organise the points properly.
4. Add your own ideas.
5. Arrange the points in a logical order.
6. Put them under different main headings.
7. Add sub-points to the main points.
8. Introduce the topic, main idea/issue in the first few sentences.
9. End your composition with proper conclusion.



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You are Nivetha/Niranjan. You have been asked to write an article for your school
magazine titled ‘The Sights and Sounds of Our City’. You decide to observe a busy street
in the main shopping area to collect material for your article. You note the following: —
quiet in the morning—crowded in the afternoon—housewives out shopping—vehicular
traffic—noise—vendors occupying pavements—stray cattle on the road—evening—
lights transform the scene-people out for strolling—eating.
Write your article in 150-200 words using the above notes and your own ideas.


(by Nivethe. Niranjan)

Road of our city is a very busy street. It has shops, eating places and residential
accommodation above the shops. The pavements on either side are occupied by the
vendors. The cobblers, vegetable sellers and cheap ready-made clothes sellers sit on the
ground in front of the shops. Thus the wide road is reduced to a narrow lane.
People from villages start pouring in for shopping. Afternoons are busier as local
housewives also go for shopping. As early evening approaches, more vegetable and fruit
vendors appear. The scene is transformed with the switching on of lights. The
atmosphere becomes bright, gay and festive. Well-dressed people can be seen shopping
for children and visiting restaurants. It is indeed a time for family outing. Roads are

crowded as people start coming back from offices, factories and outstations. The only
blemish in this street is that stray cattle—cows, buffaloes, dogs, pigs and monkeys—
wander freely on the road and cause inconvenience to all.


Learn the following words with their related field:

Religion God Temple faith Makara jothi

Holy Sacred church mosque
Sports Match Captain/umpire Olympic Grand slam
Athletes billiards wrestling championship
Weather Fog Thunder hurricane tornado
Storm Breezy lightning Cloudy/windy
Space GSLV Rockets astronaut Launch
PSLV Missile Satellite ISRO


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Computer Hacker desktop motherboard internet

Recycle bin unplugged monitor E-mail
Commerce Industries dividend inflation profit
Trade business fluctuation Stock market
Medicine Clinical orthopaedic diagnostics disease
Surgery diagnostics laparoscopic infection
Music Carnatic Vocal orchestra guitar
melodious classical Hip-hop keyboard
Agriculture Fertile cultivation organic Harvest/yield
livestock hydrid Cattle rearing uprooting

Book back pg 119

Machinery Snow- chains
Sports Snow-board

Weather Snow-storm
Transportation Snow- mobile
Geography Snow-belt
Travel Snow-bird

e.g:Identify each of the following sentences with the field given below:
(weather,Sports,Agriculture,Music, Education)
1. .The yield of cash crop is increasing due to rain.

2. The drop-outs in school’s has been reduced due to the steps taken by the
department of education.

3. She was appreciated for singing melodiously.

4. Indian weight lifter bag awards.

5. Today, it will be stormy.


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50. Prose & Poem Comprehension

47. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

Across the world, the rose has fascinated mankind for centuries With its pastel
colours, delicate scents and various dimensions,the rose may be one of the most
beautiful and perfect flowers. Seduced by its beauty and fragrance, the Greeks and
Roman were the first to cultivate roses.The Egyptians used it in religious ceremonies.
During the Middle ages, in France and England, roses were used in medicine and for
manufacturing perfumes. After a brief decline in popularity, the rose became popular in
Europe, thanks to Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. She worked with
botanists and rose enthuasists of France to grow every kind of rose in her garden. She
collected new varities from all over the world. New breeds were created with the
process of cross -pollination.
Questions :

1.Which has fascinated mankind for long?
2.What made rose one of the most beautiful flowers of the world?
3.Who were the first to cultivate roses?
4.How were the roses used in France and England?
5.pick out the words from the passage :
a)Synonym of ‘variety’.
b)Antonym of ‘bore’

ತ䁘 QQ䁘{듘u Y 듘 }_ QO ⺅. 䁘} Q } 듘T Y

듘 QO ⺅.Q } X Q듘䁘u ⺅ Q䁘{ 듘u ಄Yತ

X T uY { ⺅.


Who was Josephine?

⺅Qತ䁘 Q듘침 Y TT ⺅ Q䁘 ⺅. Josephine uX }Q . 䁘Y X

듘침 She was the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte/Empress of France }Q䁘X_⺅.


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}_ ⺅ Q䁘{ QX]듘꿘 침} ¸䁘{ X ¸ 꿘䁘{ Q Q X⺅.

} Tense T 䁘X † X Q䁘{ 듘꿘u ⺅.

Synonyms /Antonyms. _ {Q䁘 _ QQ䁘{ ¸ QOQ X Q듘䁘 듘T ⺅

XO ⺅.

{ 꿘u⺅ Poem X Q ⺅. QX 䁘Y_ Title } }] 침⺅ Q]⺅.

Poem 듘䁘 QY {u }Q듘䁘 _ {Q Title ⺅.

Read the following poem and answer the questions given below .
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain,
If I can ease one life the aching
Or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

Questions :

a)When will one’s life not be lived in vain?

b)What could you do to one’s aching life?
c)How could you help the fainting robin?
d)What could you do to one in pain?
e)Give a suitable title to the poem.


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SECTION -A (One Mark)
Question Number 1-20
1. SYNONYMS (Question No 1-3)
1. They were selling wild strawberries," Don't buy" warned Luigi, our cautious

a. careless b. careful c. ceaseless d. deliberate

2. They were childish enough, and in many ways quite artless.

a. artist b. cunning c. innocent d. naughty

3. My interest was again provoked by their remarkable demeanour.

a. intruded b. evoked c. induced d. introduced

4. When the resistance movement began secretly to form, they were among the first
to join.

a. tough b. rigid c. opposition d. submission

5. China tea has virtues which are not to be despised nowadays.

a. detected b. disclosed c. hated d. rejected

6. If the tea is not loose in the pot, it never infuses properly.

a. fill b. clever c. acute d. informal

7. …, but at least four others are acutely controversial.

a. accused b. severely c. adopt d. climax

8. … under the spout to catch the stray leaves.

a. isolated b. loose c. crucial d. fresh

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9. Suffering seems so cruelly prevalent in the world today.

a. common b. prefer c. validity d. banned

10. … something basic that was full of solace for me.

a. reside b. mitigate c. comfort d. smear

11. In those days, they didn't have sophisticated heart surgery.

a. solitude b. sorrowful c. urbane d soothe

12. And very soon this trolly was commandeered by an intrepid crew of two -a
driver and a mechanic.

a. timid b. bold c. intricate d. captivate

13. While the tents flapped and shook under the perpetual south col gale…

a. eternal b. periodical c. final d. portrayal

14. Then once again as he belayed me I would go on morning.

a. To secure to a rope or person b. fixed c. washed d. recognised

15. No more ridges to traverse and no more humps to tantalize us with hopes of

a. punish b. enclose c. tease d. dominate

16. We persisted in our efforts to beat a trail up it.

a. delayed b. great c. continued d. tedious

17. Far away across the clouds, the great bulk of Kanchenjunga loomed on the

a. emerged b. moderate c. escaped d. looted

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18. Yet their devotion had touched me deeply.

a. dedication b. information c. satisfaction d. vexation

19. Seeing your car pulled up by his insolence of office, feel that your liberty has
been outraged.

a. calmness b. rudeness c. closeness d. attraction

20. Scrambling on the rocks and cutting handholds on the snow…

a. retreating b. climbing fast c. stopping d. starting

21. Individual liberty would have become social anarchy.

a. motionless b. lawlessness c. inertness d. steadiness

22. The liberties of everybody must be curtailed.

a. reduced b. absorbed c. engrossed d. approached

23. He shrugged his shoulders to convey his disapproval…

a. bounced b. released c. raised d. let go

24. In those days, they didn't have sophisticated heart surgery.

a. mild b. strong c. complicated d. refined

25. I dragged our oxygen sets into our tents…

a. pulled b. pushed c. lifted d. moved

26. Just as we thought our chuckles had subsided.

a. Diminished b. increased c. completed d. submerged

27. Our father rejected it, saying it wouldn’t be sturdy.

a. weak b. strong c. tall d. good

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28. Anna would say with an impudent smile.

a. innocent b. fake c. disrespectful d. decent

29. A silver tumbler of buttermilk seasoned with asafetida.

a. mixed b. garnished c. filled d. loosened

30. A few people from the house of bereavement stood outside.

a. rejoice b. celebration c. grief d. wor

2. ANTONYMS (Question No 4-6)

1. We watched for a few moments; then as trade slackened, we went over.

a. found b. increased c. boiled d. secured

2. They brought her here, persuaded us to take her into the hospital.

a. dissuaded b. embraced c. maintained d. covered

3. I could scarcely believe my eyes.

a. durable b. continued c. harmful d. abundant

4. It is economical and one can drink it without milk.

a. extravagant b. disgraced c. wasted d. moderate

5. It would be equally reasonable to put in pepper or salt.

a. capable b. useful c. insensible d. changeable

6. China tea has virtues which are not to be despised nowadays.

a. vice b. vigilant c. feel d. obscure

7. …tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this country.

a. Barbarism b. educated c. freed d. left

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8. These are not the only controversial points to arise in connexion with tea

a. suitable b. agreeable c. homely d. amicable

9. … and much might be written about the subsidiary uses of tea leaves.

a. primary b. additional c. allowance d. decrease

10. He had returned to the hospital because he had a malignant tumour on the bone.

a. massive b. begin c. benign d. important

11. There was a grand finale of scattered plates and silverware before the nurse and
ward sister caught up.

a. gathered b. saluted c. gifted d. assaulted

12. It opened my eyes to the fact that I was missing something.

a. fixed b. formal c. fiction d. filament

13. Sir Edmund Hillary's own words tell how the summit of Everest was reached.

a. peak b. base c. basic d. submit

14. Finally collapsed at the top like a giant fish when it has just been hauled from
the sea after a terrible struggle.

a. pull b. push c. provide d. halt

15. Our original zest had now quite gone. It was turning more to a grim struggle.

a. cheerful b. watchful c. alert d. serious

16. In 2001, when the economy became sour once again, they fell sharply.

a. slowly b. holy c. hopefully d. gradually

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17. He glanced at us hopefully.

a. positively b. desperately c. furiously d. confidently

18. One night, we came upon them in the windy and deserted square…

a. inhabited b. unoccupied c. crowded d. shrouded

19. You have liberty to laugh at me, but I have liberty to be indifferent to you.

a. different b. interested c. careless d. passable

20. The end of such liberty would be universal chaos.

a. freedom b. sanity c. slavery d. subsidy

21. Their devotion had touched me deeply.

a. dedication b. loyalty c. love

22. The end of such liberty would be universal chaos.

d. disloyalty

a. confusion b. risky c. cracked d. order

23. China tea has virtues which are not to be despised nowadays.

a. hated b. destroyed c. liked d. disturbed

24. …suffering ennobles you - makes you a better person.’

a. demean b. oppose c. refuse d. praise

25. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it.

a. positive b. pessimistic c. active d. reactive

26. The anticipation of this imagined separation only increases their fondness for
the calf.

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a. expectancy b. contemplation c. outlook d. ignorance

27. Fortuitously, a guest visited our house

a. luckily b. peacefully c. unfortunately d. happily

28. There he was sitting in splendour on his chair.

a. magnificence b. pomp c. effulgence d. simplicity

29. Maamanaar was unmatched.

a.inferior b. incomparable c. excellent d. supreme

30. He greeted me with his usual smile and banter.

a. Flattery b. small talk c. chitchat d. repartee


1. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CIA

a. Central Intelligence Association b. Central Intelligence Agency

c. Central Industrial Agency d. Central Investigation Association

2. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym AIDS

a. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome b. Acquired Infection Deficiency


c. Acquired Immune Disease Syndrome d. Acquired Immune Deficiency


3 Choose the correct expansion of the acronym SAT

a. Standard Account Task b. Standard Assessment Task

c. Standard Aptitude Test d. Scholastic Assessment Test

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4 Choose the correct acronym of FERA

a. Federal Railways act b. Foreign Exchange Regulation Act

c. Federal Eastern Railways Administration d. Foreign Exchange Regional Act

5.Choose the correct expansion of the acronym GATE

a. General Aptitude Test in Electronics

b. Graduate Aptitude Test in Electronics

c. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

d. General Aptitude Test in Engineering

6. Choose the correct expansion of the Abbreviation MSS

a. Ministry of State Security b. Ministry of Special Security

c. Ministry of Standard Security d. Ministry of Social Security

7. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym RAW

a. Random Analysis Wing b. Research and Analysis Wing

c. Random Association Wing d. Research Authority Wing

8. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym CAT

a. Common Aptitude Test b. Computer Aptitude Test

c. Computer Accuracy Test d. Computer Accessories Test

9. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym TOEFL

a. Teaching English as Foreign Language

b. Treating English as Foreign Language

c. Test of English as a Foreign Language

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d. Test of English as Focus Language

10. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation BPO

a. Bank Process Outsourcing b. Better Process Outsourcing

c. British Process Outsourcing d. Business Process Outsourcing

11. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation IELTS

a. Indian English Language Testing System

b. Indian English Language Teaching system

c. International English Language Testing System

d. International Language Teaching System

12. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation IAF

a. Indian Air Force

c. Indian Association Fund

b. International Air Force

d. International Association Force

13. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation RRB

a. Railway Reservation Board b. Record and Revenue Bank

c. Railway Recruitment Board d. Roadways and Railways board

14. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym INSAT

a. International satellite b. Indian satellite

c . Indian National Satellite d. Institute for satellite

15. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym ISRO

a. International Satellite Research Organisation

b. Indian Space Research Organisation

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c. Indian Social Reforms organisation

d. Indian Southern Railway organisation

16. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CCTV

a. Charged Channel Television b. Closed Channel Television

c. Closed Circuit Television d. Checked Circuit Television

17. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym SAIL

a. Steel Authority of India Limited

b. Service Authority of India Limited

c. Sports Authority of India Limited

d. Space Authority of Information limited

18. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym NEET

a. National Engineering Eligibility Test

b. National Engineering Entrance Test

c. National Eligibility cum Entrance Test

d. National Entrance cum Eligibility Test

19. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym NASA

a. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

b. National Acrobatics and Sports Administration

c. National Aerospace and Special Administration

d. National Agriculture and Support Administration

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20. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym AVADI

a. Association of Vehicles and Ammunition Depot of India

b. Armoured Vehicles and Ammunition Depot of India

c. Armed Vehicles and Ammunition Defence of India

d. Automatic Vehicles and Ammunition Depot of India

21. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation GPS

a. Geographical Positioning System b.Geographic Positioning System

c. Global Positioning System d. Global Positioning Service

22. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym OPEC

a. Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries

b. Oil and Petroleum Exporting Committee

c. Oil and Petroleum Exporting Commission

d. Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

23. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation GST

a. Goods and Service Tax b. Goods and Sensing Tax

c. Goods and Sales Tax d. Goods and Sector Tax

24. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CLRI

a. Central Labour Research Institute

b. Central Legal Research Institute

c. Central Learner's Research Institute

d. Central Leather Research Institute

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25. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CBSE

a. Central Board of Service and Education

b. Central Board of State Education

c. Central Board of Space Education

d. Central Board of Secondary Education

1. Choose the word from the options given that can be placed before the word
'going '

a) free b) hard c) easy d) hot

2. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination Adjective + Noun

a) whitewash b) blueberry c) output d) playground

3. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ' overpower'

a) Adjective+Verb b) Preposition + Noun c) Preposition +Verb

d) Adjective+Noun

4. Choose the word from the options given that can be placed after the word ' safe'

a) life b) sight c) guard d) living

5. Choose the word from the options given that can be placed after the word 'day '

a) work b) park c) dream d) sleep

6. Choose the word from the options given that can be placed after the word' good'

a) food b) action c) person d) will

7. Choose the word from the options given that can be placed after the word ' half '

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a) safety b) water c) way d) sleep

8. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination Noun+Noun

a) tooth brush b) sunlight c) overcoat d) green house

9. Choose the correct combination for the compound word' Show room'

a) Noun+Noun b) Verb+Preposition c) Verb+Noun

d) Adverb +Noun

10. Choose the correct combination for the compound word 'windproof '

a) Noun+Noun b) Noun+Adjective c) Verb+Noun

d) Noun+Verb

11. Choose the word from the options given that can not be placed after the word'


a) path b) berg c) rink d) sheet

12. Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word with 'never'

a) fall b) dream c) look d) ending

13. Choose the correct combination for the compound word' partly-full '

a) Adverb +Noun b) Adverb + Adjective c) Adjective +Adjective

d) Adverb +Adverb

14. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination Noun+Verb
a) railroad b) jet black c) drop-out d) ice-fall

15. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination Adverb+Noun

a) afternoon b) snow drop c) ice - floe d) eyebrow

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16. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination Verb+Noun

a) outlook b) hardware c) gentleman d) pickpocket

17. Choose the word from the options given that cannot be placed after the word
'knife '

a) edge b) point c) like d) sharp

18. Choose the word that can be placed after the word' snow '

a) cut b) storm c) weight d) ground

19. Choose the correct combination for the compound word' sleeping-bags'

a) Noun+Gerund b) Gerund +Noun c) Verb+Noun

d) Adverb +Noun

20. Choose the correct combination for the compound word' see-saw'

a) Noun+Noun b) Noun+Verb c) Verb+Verb d) Verb+Noun

21. Choose the word from the options given that cannot be placed after the word
'blue '

a) print b) moon c) cross d) box

22. Choose the word from the options given that cannot be placed after the word
'self '

a) assurance b) confidence c) possession d) loyalty

23. Choose the correct combination for the compound word' duty free '

a) Noun +Adjective b) Adverb+Noun c) Adverb +Verb

d) Adjective +Noun

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24. Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word with 'light'

a) heart b) room c) house d) night

25. Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word with
'forgotten '
a) place b) love c) life d) long


1. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘patient’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

2. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘friend’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

3. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘obey’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

4. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘different’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

5. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘honour’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

6. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘respect’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

7. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘manage’

a) mis b) in c) im d) dis

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8. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘fertile’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

9. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘tidy’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

10. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘approve’

a) Un b) in c) im d) dis

11. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘new’

a) re b) in c) un d) de

12. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘trust’

a) re b) mis c) un d) de

13. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base word ‘arrange’

a) re b) in c) un d) de

14. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘classic’

a) ment b) ence c) al d) less

15. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘manage’

a) ment b) ence c) al d) less

16. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘differ’

a) ment b) ence c) al d) less

17. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘honour’

a) able b) ence c) al d) less

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18. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘friend’

a) ness b) ence c) al d) ly

19. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘patient’

a) ness b) ence c) al d) ly

20. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘social’

a) ful b) ence c) al d) ism

21. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘move’

a) ful b) ence c) able d) ism

22. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘beauty

a) ful b) ence c) able d) ism

23. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘child’

a) hood b) ence c) able d) ism

24. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘fortune’

a) hood b) ence c) ate d) ly

25. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the base word ‘class’

a) ment b) ness c) ful d) ic


1. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘ad interim’

a) Permanently b) Advertisement c) Temporarily d) individually

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2. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘bons mots’

a) A witty saying b) An adage c) Motto d) Rubbish

3. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘viva voce’

a) Written exam b) Spoken/oral exam c) Physical test

d) Voice test

4. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘sine die’

a) Without a date being fixed b) adjourned c) Postponed

d) Scheduled

5. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘resume’

a) Report b) Summary c) Essay d) Translation

6. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘rapport’

a) Enmity b) Affectionate c) Jealous d) Close relationship

7. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘bonafide’

a) Affidavit b) Genuine c) Fake d) Un genuine

8. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘bon homie’

a) Sadist b) Short temper c) Cruel person d) Good natured person

9. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘in toto’

a) Partial b) Tattoo c) As a whole d) Empty

10. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘alias’

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a) Additional b) Otherwise known as c) Pen name d) Other interests

11. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘verbatim’

a) Fake b) Difference c) Eye witness d) Exactly the same words

12. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘en masse’

a) Individually b) Separately c) In pair d) Altogether or as a group

13. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘en route’

a) On /along the way b) Misroute c) Short route d) Distant

14. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘ad hoc’

a) Important purpose b) Regular purpose

c) For the special / particular purpose d) Ordinary purpose

15. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘faux pas’

a) Great deed b) Truthful c) Social blunder d) Brave action

16. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘par excellence’

a) Great b) Worse c) Neutral d) Ultimate

17. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘in camera’

a) Public b) Transparent c) Secret/Private d) Spying

18. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘status quo’

a) Continuously b) Pausing c) Present /existing state d) Moving state

19. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘magnum opus’

a) Lethargic b) Lazy work c) Great work d) Magnetic work

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20. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘in cognito’

a) Original b) Duplicate c) In disguise d) Alternative

21. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘deja vu’

a) Dream b) Present state c) Future vision d) Seen/ experienced before

22. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘elite’

a) Bright b) Gloomy c) Normal d) The best

23. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘tete-a-tete’

a) Tea break b) Open conversation

c) Private conversation d) Secret conversation

24. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘carte blanche’

a) Restricted

c) Complete freedom to act as one wishes

b) Partial freedom

d) Conditional liberty

25. Choose the meaning of the foreign word ‘de facto’

a) Factory b) Actual/Real c) False d) Unreliable


1. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘linguistics’

a)The study of lungs b) The study of language

c) The study of space d) The study of physic

2. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘numismatics’

a) The study of numbers b) The study of sounds

c) The study of money and coins d) The study of nerves

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3. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘electro dynamics’

a) The study of numbers b) The study of shapes

c) The study of money d) The study of electric and magnetic field

4. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘phonetics’

a) The study of numbers b) The study of speech sounds

c) The study of language d) The study of phone

5. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘aesthetics’

a) The study of principles of beauty b) The study of sounds

c) The study of language d) The study of nature

6. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘genetics’

a) The study of jeans b) The study of sounds

c) The study of language d) The study of genes

7. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘politics’

a) The study of government and its power b) The study of sounds

c) The study of language d) The study of police

8. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘aeronautics’

a) The study of aeroplane b) The study of sounds

c) The study of space d) The study of building and flying aircraft

9. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘informatics’

a) The study of spying b) The study of journalism

c) The study of space d) The study of analysing information

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10. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘ecology’

a) The study of echo b) The study of eggs

c) The study of environment d) The study of birds

11. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘entomologist’

a) One who studies birds b) One who studies animals

c) One who studies insects d) One who studies fish

12. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘pathologist’

a) One who studies diseases b) One who studies animals

c) One who studies insects d) One who studies language

13. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘paleontologist’

a) One who studies diseases

c) One who studies fossils

b) One who studies planets

d) One who studies language

14. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘dermatologist’

a) Specialist in skin problems b) Specialist in heart problems

c) Specialist in eye problems d) Specialist in lung problems

15. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘pulmonologist’

a) Specialist in skin problems b) Specialist in heart problems

c) Specialist in eye problems d) Specialist in lung problems

16. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘ophthalmologist’

a) Specialist in skin problems b) Specialist in heart problems

c) Specialist in eye problems d) Specialist in lung problems

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17. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘gynecologist’

a) Specialist in skin problems b) Specialist in heart problems

c) Specialist in eye problems d) Specialist in diseases of women

18. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘criticism’

a) Serious examination and judgement of something

b) Experiment c) Written exam d) Oral test

19. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘patriotism’

a) Hatred of one’s own country b) Love & sacrifice of one’s own country

c) Love for neighbour d) Hatred of neighbour nation

20. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘oology’

a) The study of echo

c) The study of environment

b) The study of birds’ eggs

d) The study of birds

21. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘infanticide’

a) Killing of father b) Killing of mother

c) Killing of a child d) Killing of teacher

22. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘bibliomania’

a) Craze for books b) Craze for Bible

c) Craze for food d) Craze for movies

23. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘gloss phobia’

a) Fear of glasses b) Fear of speaking in public place

c) Fear of empty room d) Fear of darkness

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24. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘xenophobia’

a) Fear of strangers or foreigners b) Fear of neighbours

c) Fear of relatives d) Fear of friends

25. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Anglophobia’

a) Fear of teachers b) Fear of angels

c) Fear of using English language d) Fear of Anglo Indians


Add suitable question tag for the following sentences:

1. Character is influenced by society, -------------?

a) is it b) isn’t it c) doesn’t it d) hasn’t it

2. Ramya cannot run fast, -----------?

a) can she b) can they c) can they d) does she

3. Krishna has completed his painting,-----------?

a) has he b) does he c) hasn’t he d) doesn’t he

4. Our team will win the match,---------------?

a) isn’t it b) will it c) won’t it d) shall it

5. He hardly absents himself,-----------?

a) does he b) isn’t it c) doesn’t he d) has he

6. The lessons are quiet interesting,------------?

a) are they b) aren’t they c) do they d) don’t they

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7. Regina danced well,-----------?

a) did she b) doesn’t she c) does she d) didn’t she

8. I won’t repeat it,------------?

a) will I b) won’t I c) aren’t I d) are I

9. Let’s go for a movie, ----------?

a) should we b) will you c) shall we d) won’t we

10. She had her lunch at Taj,--------?

a) had n’t she b) had she c) does she d) didn’t she

11. Don’t commit this mistake again,----------?

a) would you b) won’t you c) can you d) don’t you

12. Neither of my brothers helped me in that situation, ---------?

a) don’t they b. do they c) did they d) didn’t they

13. I am very honest, ----------?

a) aren’t I b) are I c) am I d) do I

14. This is not your book, ------------?

a) aren’t it b) does n’t it c) isn’t it d) is it

15. There was a pond beside the temple,-----------?

a) wasn’t there b) was there c) was it d) wasn’t it

16. Both the sisters have left for Canada,----------?

a) aren’t they b) haven’t they c) didn’t they d) hasn’t she

17. That’s not the right thing to do,---------?

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a) is it b) isn’t that c) hasn’t it d) isn’t it

18. I claim to be a person of faith and prayer,----------?

a) are I b) don’t I c) aren’t I d) do I

19. Leaves wither during autumn,-----------?

a) don’t they b) do they c) are they d) aren’t they

20. You have not returned my books yet,----------?

a) haven’t you b) have you c) can you d) will you

21. My mother rarely travels by bus,---------?

a) has she b) hasn’t she c) doesn’t she d) does she

22. I could add a little sugar to the tea,-----------?

a) could’t I b) should you

23. I am not as smart as you are,----------?

c) will you d) would you

a) aren’t I b) are I c) am I d) is it

24. I always follow the traffic rules, ------------?

a) wouldn’t you b) don’t I c) are you d) can you

25. These girls sang very well yesterday,-----------?

a) did they b) didn’t they c) did she d) didn’t she


Fill in the blank with a suitable phrasal verb.

1. Prajeeth is ----------------------- a placement in Australlia.

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a. Longing on b.Longing to c.Longing for d. Longing of

Replace the underlined phrasal verb into a single word.
2. You must go by the rules of the institution .
a. Follow b. Avoid c. Check d. Watch
3. They drew up near the gate.
a. Dash b. Stop c. Hit d. Start
4. He put out the lamp.
a. Lit b. Induced c. Extinguished d. Started
5. I was taken in, when I won the lottery.
a. Took inside b. Surprised c. Agitated d. Excited
6. The CBI looked into the scandal.
a. Investigated b. Enquired c. Verified d. Acquitted
7. The government ---------------- the old pension scheme .

a. Cut on b. Cut up c. Cut off d. Cut down
8. Jacopo ----------- to the door handle of the car.
a. Looked at b. Brought forth c. Sent out d. Came up
9. We ----------- them in the windy and deserted square.
a. Looked back b. Peeped out c. Came upon d. Narrowed down
10. I --------------- to the fountain to have my shoes shined.
a. Went across b. Went over c. Went into d. Put aside
11. The following afternoon we --------- the tiny village set upon the hill side.
a. Set aside b. Called on c. Got away d. Drove to

Substitute the phrasal verb with a single word.

12. Getting in and Getting off a moving bus and train is dangerous.
a. Arriving inside and leaving in a bus train etc.b. Going and coming back
c. Playing on and off d. Returning back.

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13. We set off to Goa on a holiday.

a. Called b. Start a journey c. Returned d. Waited
14. Ram went to airport to see off his friend.
a. Welcome b. Receive c. To say good bye to some one d. Invite
15. We had been working hard for a long time. We need a get away.
a. Move away b. Getting bored c. Tired d. Go away for a vacation
Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.
16. Some airlines provide a short stay at a place for night during their long flight.
a. Stay at b. Stay back c. Stop over d. Stop at
17. The university exam was postponed due to the agitation of the students.
a. Post of b. Put off c. Phoned d. Withdrawn
18. Don’t be involved in an argument.
a. Get into b. Get up c. Get in d. Get out
19. They asked the driver to go with a car and bring the doctor.
a. Start with b. Sent to c. Sent for d. Sent in
20.The terrorists caved in after a terrible fight.
a. Surrendered b. Escaped c. Opposed d. To be rated.
21. Before leaving the airport, we checked out the hotel.
a. Verified b. Paid the bill and vacated c. Verified d. Moved out
22. I continue my work with a joy.
a. Carry out b. Carry in c. Carry off d. Carry on
23. The students called on their headmaster.
a. Visited b. Invited c. Saw d. Found
24. The students get on the bus when the bus arrived.
a. Entered b. Stopped c. Interrupted d. Attacked
25. The bomb went off suddenly.
a. Rolled on b. Stopped c. Exploded d. become wet

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Substitute the underlined word with the appropriate polite alternative.
1. He is a miserly person.
a. Stingy b. Thrifty c. Economical d. Greedy
2. He is an unemployed person.
a. Between jobs b. Without jobs c. Jobless d. Seeking job
3. Sam is buying a used car.
a. Pre-loved b. Tried c. Different d. Challenges
4. Vincent Parker is a reputed burier in this locality for Christians.
a. Disposer b. Mortician c. Expeller d. End maker
5. I think the garbage man did not come on his usual rounds.
a. Clean b. Sanitizer c. Garbage disposer d. Sanitation Engineer.
6. Till the next trial, the suspects will be kept in the Prison camp.
a. Jail b. Dungeon c. Relocation center d. Dormitory
7. Joseph was half bald at 25.
a. Follicular challenged b. Hairless c. Hairy d. Glaring
8. Surya was lazy.
a. Emotional b. Motivationally deficient c. Motivational d. Sensitive
9. UNO investigated the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.
a. Analysed the genes b. Killing c. Murder d. Ethnic cleansing
10. The movie about the beggars portrayed the reality.
a. Idlers b. Poverty c. Poor d. Panhandlers
11. Avinash died at the age of 21
a. Long relaxed b. laid to rest c. Rested ford.d. Slept away
12. Vasanth is used to make futile and risky efforts.
a. Cloning the mammoth b. Risk c. Task breaker d. Extensive worker.

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13. We are going to sack the executive.

a. Suspend b. Fire c. Let go d. Dismiss
14. I am sorry to let you go
a. Receive b. Relieve c. Send d. Kill
15. Loneliness grips the old age.
a. Elderly b. Out dated c. Old fashioned d. Senior citizens
16. This is a school for deaf and dumb.
a. Special children b. Differently abled c. Aurally & orally challenged
d. Retarded
17. Before surgery, the patient was euthanized .
a. Sterilized b. Put to sleep c. Prepared d. Examined
18. He is an expert in cheating.
a. Acting b. Professional foul c. Deceiving d. Impersonating
19. Many people vote against death Penalty.
a. Capital punishment b. Paid fine c. Punished d. Died
20. Cyclone rendered the slum –dwellers homeless.
a. Stay at home b. On the streets c. Poor d. Under privileged
21. My maid did not come to work today.
a. Domestic engineer b. Friend c. Ally d. Companion
22. The criminal was put in jail.
a. Rail b. Camp c. Correctional facility d. At home
23. I don’t like liars
a. Buyers b. Renders c. Cunning people d. Economical with truth
24. He is an idiot.
a. Ideal man b. Idle man c. Intellectually challenged d. Wise
25. Mrs . Jones is a fat woman.
a. Wealthy b. Horizontally challenged c. full figured d. Gigantic

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Choose the suitable meaning for the idioms found in the following sentences:

1. Eleventh hour preparation will not help the students.

a. Till ...2.00 pm b. At the last moment c. Much in advance d. Late at night
2. The management’s offer indicates that they try to make good of themselves.
a. Giving dividend b. Increment
c. Bonus d. Compensate for a wrong doing
3. The poor people struggle hard to make both ends meet .
a. Manage one’s expenses with one’s income b. Make a profit
c. Saving for future d. Bearing the loss
4. The death news of the political leader came as a bolt from the blue.
a. A bolt in blue colour b. Nut and bolt

c. Sudden unexpected event d. Dropped from the blue sky
5. The manager tried to save his skin by supporting the management.
a. Having a skin problem b. Protect oneself from difficulty
c. Risking his life d. Saving money
6. When asked to reconsider his decision, he puts his foot down.
a. Accepted b. to act firmly c. Felt happy d. Grew angry
7. His name is under cloud in the theft case.
a. On suspicion b. Convicted c. Acquitted d. Not in the list
8. Mano is a down –to-earth man.
a. Difficult b. Practical c. Rare d. Useful
9. At present, the performance of state’s Kabbadi team is ’ at a low ebb’.
a. At a peak b. Out standing c. Upto the expectation
d. On the decline

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10. The judgement of the lower court was declared “null and void” by the high
a. Invalid b. Relevant c. Valid d. Correct
11. I told him flat that I did not like him.
a. Expressed opinion directly b. Express indirectly
c. Expressed to confuse d. Expressed in his apartment
12. I will do the math before contesting the election.
a. Think carefully b. Spend money c. Talk wisely d. Calculate
13. Examination is round the corner.
a. Far away b. Over c. Exciting d. Near
14. She claimed the lion’s share of the credit for the show’s success.
a. A minor share b. Major share c. Extremely brave
d. Extremely coward
15. People are waiting for the dust to settle after the onslaught of the pandemic
a. Wait for a solution b. Wait for the situation to become clear
c. Wait for a situation to take action d. Wait aimlessly
16. Indian army has all its ducks in a row anticipating military intervention from
a. To have made all the preparations needed b. Purchased armaments
c. Made war plans d. Planned a air-raid
17. The Sherpas are the tribal people who fetch and carry tents, oxygen etc., for
the mountaineers.
a. Brought food b. Made arrangements
c. Did a lot of little jobs d. Carried messages
18. The Principal’s announcement about the excursion was like the icing on the

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a. Gave ice and cake b. Prepared cake c. Decorated the cake

d.Something extra and that is added to make it even better
19. The ice-breaking activity was a hilarious one.
a. Break the ice into pieces b. Frozen the ice
c. Make people more relaxed before the meeting d. The process of making
20. My uncle knew everything inside out in share market .
a. Knows nothing b. Through knowledge
c. A little knowledge d. Knowledge of something
21. He likes to blow his own trumpet.
a. Proud of others b. Praises others c. Boasts oneself d. Blames others
22. Investing all your savings in share market is like a riding a tiger.
a. Foolish act b. Wise act c. Clever act d. Illogical act
23. When I saw my friend after a long time, my joy knew no bounds.
a. Limited b. Unlimited c. Bounded d. Ignorance
24. I feel honour bound to help him because I promised I would.
a. Admired b. Refused c. Neglected
d. Required to do something as a moral duty
25. On seeing the police man, the thief took to his heels.
a. In all respects b. To run away c. Irregularly d. A pretention
Choose the correct preposition for the following sentences:

1. He will come here______ a week.

a) for b) after c) by d) a&b

2. I was speaking_____ a friend.

a) with b) in c) of d) at

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3. We are not interested____ your story.

a) to b) by c) from d) in

4. The police ran_____ the thief.

a) out b) after c) with d) by

5. The boy jumped_____ a narrow stream.

a) into b) by c) to d) with

6. We shall be back_____ 4 o'clock.

a) at b) by c) in d) on

7. He is______ the way to Delhi.

a) in b) by c) on d) since

8. The food is not______ my taste.

a) in b) to c) with d) on

9. There is usually a garden______ a bungalow.

a) near b) beside c) in front of d) over

10. She is playing_____ the violin.

a) of b) on c) with d) by

11. I am confident_____ success.

a) at b) in c) of d) for

12. The little girl is pleased______ her new dress.

a) by b) on c) with d) at

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13. There was a skirmish_______ my brother and sister.

a) between b) among c) with d) beside

14. The examination is_____ hand.

a) in b) at c) on d) by

15. He is_____ work now.

a) in b) at c) on d) by

16. You must feel_____ your misdeeds.

a) at b) in c) of d) for

17. She writes_____ her left hand.

a) by b) on c) with d) at

18. We should rely_____ our own efforts.

a) in b) at c) on d) by

19. He has no money_____ him.

a) between b) among c) with d) beside

20. Jagan is sorry____ what he has done.

a) at b) in c) of d) for

21. I will meet you there_____ six o'clock.

a) in b) at c) on d) of

22. Cuckoos can be seen _____ the spring.

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a) during b) in c)at d)during / in

23. Soldiers _____ their battle dress look very smart.

a) in b) at c) on d) of

24. He still comes to see me ____ time to time.

a) in b) at c) on d) from

25. It has been the same old story ever _____ he was a little boy.

a ) for b) since c) to d) with

Use a suitable Prepositional Phrase.

1. They continued the match……..the rain.

2. I’ve gone...…..all the shelves in the library, but I can’t find Thesaurus.

3. The match continued..…..the rain.

4. He continued to bowl..…..his shoulder injury.

5. She was happy……..her poverty.

6. ….…..his being rich, he is humble.

7. The people did not leave their village……..heavy floods.

8. You must not go……the advice of your parents.

9. He came to school……..his illness.

10. …....the warning, he made a mistake.

11. He failed in his examination……..his hard work.

12. Anne was happy……..her poverty.

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13. We reached there……..the rain.

14. …...to his illness, he did not go to school

15. Our CM always acts in ………. people.

16.Tolerance is a virtue for a woman…… Gandhiji.

17. ……..her poverty, she was always happy.

18. He wrote the exam….….his illness.

19.…….rain, take an umbrella.

20. ……...his laziness, the boy remained passive for a long time.

21. The Manager attended the conference…….the Chairman.

22. ………, I had a happy childhood.
23.They continued their journey……..the earthquake.

24. Expressing gratitude………..others is common in a vote of thanks.
25. ……Kiran, Rajesh may attend a programme.

1. Choose the clipped word for 'hand kerchief'

a) kerchief b) hand c) chief d) kerch

2. Choose the clipped word for gymnasium'

a) nasium b)gym c) sium d) nas

3. Choose the clipped word for 'suitcase'

a) case b) suit c) suitcase d) cas

4. Choose the clipped word for 'advertisement'

a) ment b) advert c) ad d) vertise

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5. Choose the clipped word for 'telephone'

a) tele b) phone c) telephone d) ph

6. Choose the clipped word for 'refrigerator'

a) fridge b) frige c) refri d) rator

7. Choose the clipped word for 'signature'

a) nature b) sign c) sig d) nat

8. Choose the clipped word for 'microphone'

a) mike b) mic c) phone d) micro

9. Choose the clipped word for 'demarcate'

a) mark b) marcate c) demark d) marc

10.Choose the clipped word for 'perambulator'

a) peram b) pram c) lator d) rambulator

11. Choose the clipped word for 'helicopter'

a) copter b) heli c) cop d) helicop

12.Choose the clipped word for 'kilogram'

a) gram b) kil c) ram d) kilo

13.Choose the clipped word for 'mathematics'

a) matics b) themat c) math d) maths

14. Choose the clipped word for 'laboratory'

a) lab b) labo c) ratory d) oratory

15.Choose the clipped word for 'taxicab'

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a) taxi b) cab c) tax d) taxcab

16.Choose the clipped word for 'demonstration'

a) demo b) demon c) demonstr d) ration

17.Choose the clipped word for 'hamburger'

a) ham b) burger c) burg d) hamb

18.Choose the clipped word for 'fountain pen'

a) pen b) fountain c) fount d) tain

19.Choose the clipped word for 'caravan'

a) cara b) van c) car d) avan

20.Choose the clipped word for 'aeroplane'

a) aero b) plane c) lane

2..Choose the clipped word for 'zoological park'

d) plan

a) logical b) park c) zoo d) logi

22.Choose the clipped word for 'fanatic'

a) fan b) fana c) natics d) fans

23.Choose the clipped word for 'spectacles'

a) spec b) tacles c) specs d) spectac

24. Choose the clipped word for 'photograph'

a) photo b) graph c) phot d) grap

25. Choose the clipped word for 'influenza'

a) influ b) fluenza c) flu d) enza

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1.Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Newscast’

a. News + broadcast c. Newspaper + Cast
b. News + cast d. Newspaper + broadcast
2. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Smog’
a. Smock + fog c. Smoke + fog
b. Smooth + fog d. Some + fog
3. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Travelogue’
a. Travel + logue c. Travelling + catalogue
b. Travel + catalogue d. Travels + catalogue
4. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Edutainment’
a. Educate + entertainment c. Education + entertainment
b. Education + infotainment d. Educate + infotainment

5. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Infotech’
a. Info + Technology c. Info + Tech
b. Information + Technology d. Information + Tech
6. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Diplonomics’
a. Diploma + Economics c. Diplomacy + Economics
b. Diploma +Economy d. Diplomacy + Economy
7. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Modem ‘
a. Modulator + demodulator c. Modern + demodulator
b. Modulator + demo d. Modern + demo
8. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Skylab ‘
a. Sky + lab c. Sky + labour
b.Sky + laboratory d. Skyhigh + lab
9. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Scifi’
a. Science + fiction c. Sci + fiction

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b. Science + fictitious d. Sci + fic

10. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Infomercial’
a. Info + Commercial c. Information + Commercial
b. Inform + Commercial d. Info + Mercial
11. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Pixel’
a. Pix + element c. Pix + el
b. Pixie + element d. Picture + element
12. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Sitcom’
a. Sit + Communication c. Situation + Communication
b. Situation + Comedy d.Sit + Comedy
13. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Emoticon’
a. Emoji + con c. Emotion + con
b. Emotion + icon d. Emoji + icon

14. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Globish’
a. Global + Fish c. Global + English
b. Globe + English d. Globe + Fish
15. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Wifi’
a. Wire + fire c. Wire + fidelity
b. Wireless + fidelity d. Wire + fiction
16. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Electrocute’
a. Electric + Execute c. Electric + Cute
b. Electricity + Execute d. Electro + Execute
17. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Bionics’
a. Bio + Electronics c. Biology + Tronics
b. Biology + Electronics d. Bio + Electronic
18. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Multiplex’
a. Multi + Complex c. Multi +apex

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b. Multiple + Complex d. Multiple + Cineplex

19. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Biopic’
a. Biography + Picture c. Bio + Picture
b. Biography+ Epic d. Bio + Epic
20. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘blog’
a. Web + log c. Website + login
b. Website + log d. Web+ login
21. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Breathalyzer’
a. Breath + alyzer c. Breathe + alyzer
b. Breathe + analyzer d. Breath + analyzer
22. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘webinar’
a. Web + binar c. Website + binar
b. Website + seminar d. Web + seminar

23. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘faction’
a. Fact + fiction c. Factor + tion
b. Factor + fiction d. Facts + fiction
24. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Transistor’
a. Trans + resistor c. Transfer + resistor
b. Translate + resistor d. Trans + resist
25. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Vash’
a. Volcanic + Wash c. Volcanic + ash
b. Volcanic + Vash d. Volc + ash

1. Choose the Monosyllabic word

a. thirty b. count c. cereal d. defeat

2. Choose the Disyllabic word

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a. fortune b. curious c. horizon d. origin

3. Choose the Tri syllabic word

a. usually b. metropolis c. example d. recreation

4. Choose the Tetra syllabic word

a. ultimately b. sociology c. university d. liability

5. Choose the Penta syllabic word

a. fascinating b. disability c. horizon d. ragged

6. Choose the Monosyllabic word

a. spirit b. species c. yelled d. wizened

7. Choose the Disyllabic word

a. pole b. scene

Choose the Tri syllabic word

c. create d. steep

a. assumption b. especially c. delicately d. casualties

9. Choose the Tetra syllabic word

a. coincide b. assemble c. equity d. generation

10. Choose the Penta syllabic word

a. sincere b. individual c. agreement d. decorative

11. Choose the Monosyllabic word

a. routine b. saucer c. pause d. absence

12. Choose the Disyllabic word

a. blame b. conflict c. steep d. mourn

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13. Choose the Tri syllabic word

a. defeat b. fear c. dialogue d. thirty

14. Choose the Tetra syllabic word

a. arch bishop b. nauseating c. potentiality d. criticize

15. Choose the Penta syllabic word

a. evaluation b. subservient c. memorable d. delicately

16. Choose the Monosyllabic word

a. against b. routine c. execute d. rhythm

17. Choose the Disyllabic word

a. tongue b. weapon c. horizon d. rage

18. Choose the Tri syllabic word

a. atmosphere b. school c. defeat d. steep

19. Choose the Tetra syllabic word

a. curious b. museum c. usually d. injury

20. Choose the Penta syllabic word

a. fascinating b. ideology c. announcement d.metropolis

21. Choose the Monosyllabic word

a. mourn b. routine c. volunteer d. thirty

22. Choose the Disyllabic word

a. cheeks b. rage c. absence d. school

23. Choose the Tri syllabic word

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a. archbishop b. memorable c. spirit d. species

24. Choose the Tetra syllabic word

a. casual b. injury c. subservient d.emphasise

25. Choose the Penta syllabic word

a. anniversary b. execute c. recreation d.nauseating


1. Choose the American English word for " bonnets".

a. food b. hood c. good d. wood

2. Choose the American English word for "pavement".

a. sidewalk b. crosswalk c. catwalk

3. Choose the American English word for " pullover".

d. basement

a. pullup b. pullback c. sweater d. woolen

4. Choose the American English word for "waistcoat".

a. vest b. west c. waistbelt d. woolen

5. Choose the American English word for "Chips"

a. ships b. sweets c. cheats d. crisps

6. Choose the American English word for "flat"

a. balcony b. building c. apartment d. empty land

7. Choose the American English word for "groundfloor"

a. firstfloor b. ground floor c. second floor d. ground

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8. Choose the American English word for "underground".

a. deluxe b. subway c. arena d. playground

9. Choose the American English word for "queue”.

a. quail b. quest c. stand d. line

10. Choose the American English word for "wind screen" .

a. vest b. west c. windshield d. window screen

11. Choose the American English word for "indicator".

a. turn signal b. light c. torch d. turning point

12. Choose the American English word for "timetable".

a. schedule b. plan c. agenda d. planner

13.Choose the American English word for "post".

a. mail b. letter c. job d. position

14.Choose the American English word for "chemist”.

a. medical asst b. doctor c. druggist d. lab assistant

15. Choose the American English word for "holiday".

a. jolly day b. vacation c. leave d. summer

16.Choose the American English word for "autumn".

a. spring b. summer c. fell d. fall

17.Choose the American English word for "lift".

a. elevator b. escalator c. uplift d. left

18.Choose the American English word for "happy".

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a. joyness b. cheerful c. joyful d. jolly

19.Choose the American English word for "fully".

a. completely b. concretely c. constantly d. empty

20. Choose the American English word for "loo".

a. latrine b. restroom c. lavatory d. toilet

21.Choose the American English word for "sweets".

a. candy b. chocolate c. cookies d. sweat

22.Choose the American English word for "bin".

a. garbage can b. dustbin c. can d. basket

23.Choose the American English word for "petrol".

a. gasoline b. natural gas c. gas

24. Choose the American English word for "aerial”.

d. lpg

a. antenna b. rod c. dish d. projection

25.Choose the American English word for "lorry”.

a. truck b. track c. wagon d. container


1.Choose the correct plural form for the word "Xerox".

a. xeroxs b. xeroices c. xeroxes d. xeross

2. Find out the correct plural for the word "Ox".

a. oxs b.oxes c. oxss d. oxen

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3. What is the plural form for the word "calf"?

a. calfs b. calves c. calve d. calfes

4. Choose the correct plural form for the word "crisis".

a. crises b. crisises c. crisiss d. crision

5. Find out the correct plural for the word "mouse".

a. mouses b. mousess c. mice d. mices

6. What is the plural form for the word "brother-in-law"?

a. brothers-in-law b. brothers -ins-laws

c. brother - ins-law d. brother-in-laws

7. Choose the correct plural form for the word "person".

a. persons b. pupil c. persona d. persones

8. What is the singular form for the word "termini "?

a. termin b. termina c. terminus d. terminia

9. What is the plural form of "Quiz"?

a. quizs b. quizes c. quizzes d. quizss

10. Find out the plural form for the word "piano".

a. pianoes b. pianos c. piano d. pianoess

11. Choose the correct plural form for the word "Vita".

a. vitaea b. vitaes c. vitas d. vitae

12. Find out the plural form for the word "Apex".

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a.apices b. apexs c. apexes d. apexen

13. Find out the plural form for the word "foot".

a.foots b. feet c. footes d. feat

14. Choose the plural form for the word "louse".

a. louses b. lousess c. lice d. lousa

15. What is the plural form for the word "One day"?

a. one days b. ones days c. two day d. two days

16. Find out the plural form for the word"city".

a. cityes b. cities c. citys d. cityes

17. Choose the plural form for the word "wolf".

a. wolfs b. wolfes c. wolves d. wolfss

18. What is the plural form for the word "woman".

a. womans b. women c. womanes d. womanss

19. Find out the plural form for the word "formula".

a. formulas b. formulaes c. formulass d. formulae

20. Choose the correct plural form for the word "stadium".

a. stadia b. stadiums c. stadiumes d. stadiae

21. Find out the correct plural form for the word "index".

a. indexes b. indexess c. indices d. a & c

22. Choose the correct plural form for the word "Hypothesis".

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a. hypothesiss b. hypothesises c. hypoth d. hypotheses

23. Find out the singular form for the word "knives".

a. knafe b. knif c. knife d. knifes

24. Choose the singular form for the word "fungi".

a. funga b. fungus c. fung d. fungae

25. Find out the plural form for the word "penny".

a. pennis b. pennys c. pennyes d.pennies


Identify the pattern of the following sentences

1. The conductor gave him the ticket.


2. All the guests have arrived.


3. My friend Akillan is very rich.


4. Indian team won the world cup quite easily.


5. The collector inspected the building.

a. SVC b. SVO c. SVA d. SVAA

6. You lend me your ears now.

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7. Brutus is an honourable man.


8. BCCI appointed Rohit Sharma the vice captain of Indian Cricket team.


9. English Teacher gave the students a difficult assignment.


10. I come to bury Caesar.


11. The governor has sworn him Chief Minister yesterday.


12. They want money immediately.


13. They will open the shop early in the morning.


14. The train left the station on time.


15. Often he became angry.


16. Everyday the teacher teaches them good thoughts..

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17. In the end, the judge declared the culprit innocent, after the trial.


18. They came suddenly


19. Many critics criticised the play.


20. Her dreams have come true.


21. They named the child Robert.


22. The headmaster showed her the result.


23. I lost my purse with money in the bus.


24. I met him at the theatre yesterday.


25. Last week in Paris she worked as a professor.



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Use a suitable tense form:

1. Where ______ (you spend) your last holiday?

2. Sheela’s parents ________ (be) in Coimbatore from today.

3. Scientists predict that by 2050, man ______ (land) on the Mars.

4. The plane ______ (take) off in a couple of minutes.

5. Yusuf ______ (go) to movie once in a while.

6. Our team ______ (not win) any games last year.

7. Hurry up! The movie _________ (begin) already

8. Sh! Someone _______ (listen) to our conversation.

9. My mother was tired yesterday because she ______ (not sleep) well the night
10. Evangeline ______ (quit) her job a couple of years ago.

11. Nobody _____ (know) when the power supply will resume.

12. The man who directed the film _____ (be) my classmate.

13. Fifty candidates appeared for the interview but only five people _____ (select)

14. If I ____ (be) a spider, I would weave web.

15. The professor ______ (work) on the last chapter of the book since March.

16. Please tell me what the time _____ (be).

17. Honesty promotes character, and dishonesty _____ (destroy) it.

18. If Saravanan had played well, he ______ (win) the match.

19. Rex would have played with me, if he _____ (has) time.

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20. You ________ (reward) by the wise if you stand for the truth.

21. If my mother _____ (know) of my poor performance in the exam, she will not
allow me to watch a movie.

22. We ________ (disappoint) as our team was disqualified.

23. Just now the officials ________ (receive) the news.

24. Every Monday, we _____ (hoist) flag in our school assembly.

25. Last week, we _____ (go) to Ooty.


Complete the sentence by choosing the correct homophones.

1. The most ____ scientist in the world has been warning about the ____ danger of
nuclear war. (imminent / eminent)

2. We ate ice-cream as a ______ in the ______. (dessert / desert)

3. The Spartan ______ invaded the Greece at ______. (night / Knight)

4. He was not _______ as his handwriting was ______. (illegible / eligible)

5. Usain Bolt achieved the greatest _____ with his strong ______. (feet / feat)

6. The truck stood ________ near the _______ shop. (stationery / stationary)

7. We installed ______ flooring throughout the house that _____ last for a long time.
(would / wood)

8. The director asked the _______man ______ there would be rain that day.
(weather / whether)

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9. We bought a three-piece ______for the living room so that we distributed _____

to all. (suite / sweet)

10. If he _____ at the optical illusion, the _____ appear to be moving. (stairs / stares)

11. Treating the ______ requires a lot of _____ for the doctors. (patience / patients)

12. If you add more _____ in the dough, it will turn as soft as _____. (flower / flour)

13. I _____ my bike in the damaged _____. (road / rode)

14. She was the ______ daughter to her parents that she was considered as their
____. (sole / soul)

15. The ______ of the coconut was eaten by the ______. (Colonel / Kernel)

Use appropriate word (Homophones)

16. The teacher let the students_____ (chews / choose) their essay topics.

17. He signed the document in _____ (blew / blue) ink.

18. The snowstorm will ______ (affect / effect) thousands of travelers.

19. The ______ (son / sun) was shining through the window.

20. They plan to _______ (marry / merry) in the spring.

21. Crows ______ (steal / steel) food from the picnickers.

22. The _____ (fairy / ferry) doesn't run in bad weather, leaving the islanders cut off
from the mainland.

23. The duck hid the ducklings among the dense _______ (reads / reeds).

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24. His words _____ (wield / wheeled) tremendous influence among his followers.

25. After the earthquake, the pavement was cracked with deep _____ (fishers /


1. Tell him to stand__________ I give permission.

2. We bought their biggest basket __________ set off towards town.

3. He did not even know, ______his wife and children were still alive.

4. ___________ you are so kind , you might send us in your car.

5. ______ rising high , the ridge dropped sharply.

6. Gresham offered hundred thousand dollars _________ Baldwin did not accept it.

7. __________ all the difficulties, there was a grin of delight on his face.

8. I waited outside ____________ the boys rejoined me.

9. ________ Gresham pressurized Baldwin to tell a lie, Baldwin refused to do it.

10. I had to drink now ________I would die.

11. _________ I were to see other lifeboats, I needed to be higher up.

12. ____________ she saw her husband in the prison dress, she fell down.

13. Liberty is not a personal affair only ________ a social contract.

14. Why do you cross question me _________ I were a thief?

15. ____________ the war was over , they came back to their beloved sister.

16. ____________ my progress is slow and steady, I moved further.

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17. He kept repeating prayers all night _________ he could not get peace.

18. The boots had become wet ________ he cooked them over the fierce flame.

19. We shall see _____________ there is anyone lurking in the tree.

20. One should pour the cream off the milk ____________ using it for tea.

21. ___________ they had had tea together , he had not seen the merchant.

22. _____________ the driver seated on the mover deck, the mechanic provided
motor power by galloping.

23. _____________ the snow was dangerous , we made all our efforts to beat the

24. She looked ___________ she had been lost in the rain for years.

25. Were you alone _____________ with a fellow merchant?



1. One _____________ see at a glance her resemblance to her brothers.

2. _______ you like to go to the cafe?
3. I felt, I ____________ not bear to intrude upon this happy family party
4. They __________ prefer to feel that they had safely kept their secret.
5. We ____________ petition the CZAR not to let an innocent man perish
6. The tea pot __________ be made China or earthenware.
7. The champion __________ work hard to get those last points.
8. How _____________ anyone put a knife into your bag, while it was under your
9. Barnard ___________ not understand why they had to suffer.

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10. He would have to do the best, he_________.

11. __________ I show him in?
12. He __________ be safer in my hands than in yours.
13. _________ you see anyone outside?
14. If I do not answer the door, they ___________ enter anyway.
15. __________ you have some tea with me?
16. If they don’t convict him, he _________ hand it over to me.
17. If I tried to speak those three words, they _____________ choke you.
18. I imagined that our destinations __________ be some humble dwellings.
19. If you go in, Lucia __________ be pleased to see you.
20. If I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, I ____________ ask no man’s permission.
21. If he did not interfere with you, he ____________ interfere with no one.

22. How ___________ he asks me such a thing?
23. The grandmother __________ throw chappathis to the village dogs , when she
was in the village.
24. I once really did something wrong and _________ have come here long ago.
25. How __________ this fellow interfere with your free use of the public highway?


1 . A spokeswoman said that the agreement had been declared null and

a) void b) large c) declare

2. We did not know whether the fish was dead or __________.

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a) crash b) death c) alive

3 . There are pros and __________to this , to be sure but over, this has increased our

a) cons b) pity c) pretty

4. He will come back sooner or__________

a) later b) soon c) late

5. Tamil is one of the primary independent sources of modern Indian culture and

a) antic b) ancient c) tradition

6. She has a vast and __________ knowledge in her profession

a) rich b) big c) enlarge

7. Today they are genuinely uncertain of their own __________and richness of how
to exercise their power.

a) great b) greatness c) endure

8. The __________and profundity of its works , their varied scope and their
universality quality.

a) well-known b) subtlety c) tradition

9. Preethi is well –versed in read and__________ in Spanish .

a) write b) learn c) speak

10 .The wall looks like black and __________

a) big b) large c) white

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11. My grandfather was a heavy __________ , so few people were surprised when
he died of oral cancer.

a) serial b) smoker c) big

12. she was a __________wife who loved her husband more than anything else in
the whole universe.

a) devoted b) sincere c) intelligent

13. I always avoid his company because he is a crashing __________

a) guy b) nuisance c) bore

14. It is a __________opportunity if you miss it, you will regret it.

a) chance b) golden c) offer

15. She seemed quite interested in buying that house , but at the last moment , she

changed her __________

a) mind b) thoughts c) offer

16. Although I was __________annoyed by her attitude , I said nothing

a) moderately b) lightly c) slightly


Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs forms:

1. If we __________ (want) a pack of American cigarettes, or seats for the opera or

the name of good restaurant, Nicola and Jacopo could be relied upon to satisfy
our needs.
2. If you look up ‘tea’ in the first cookery book that comes to hand you
__________ probably__________ (find) that it is unmentioned.

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3. If I had considered my prospects in the light of reason, I surely__________ (give)

up and let go of the oar.
4. If he __________ , (die) I would be left alone with despair.

5. If you can’t help, they __________ (accept) their fate.

6. If I tell all I know, John Gresham __________ (go) to jail.
7. If it __________ (be) anybody else than Gresham, I would have struck him
across the face.
8. If they __________ (not convict) him, he’ll hand it over to me.
9. If he had paid me what he should have, I __________ (put) by more than a
hundred thousand by now.
10. If Gresham doesn’t go to jail, he __________ (start) the business again.
11. If I __________ (take), this money I do a dishonourable thing.

12. I __________ (not say) it, if I didn’t mean it.
13. If she __________ (speak) at all, her voice would be a ghost.
14. If they tagged her and ran, she__________ (stand) blinking after them and did
not follow.
15. If you go in, Lucia __________ ( please) to see you.
16. If I tell, they __________ probably __________ (flog) the life out of him.
17. If you __________ (sweeten) it, you will no longer taste the tea.
18. If I live until tomorrow night, they__________ (convict) him.
19. If the negative emotions are not eliminated, the mind __________ (grow)
corrupt and diseased.
20. If I __________ (play) well, I will win the match.
21. If it rained, they __________ ( cancel) the match.
22. If Saravanan __________ ( play) well, he would have won the match.
23. If I __________(be) a spider, I __________(weave) webs.

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24. If Raj __________(be) a sculptor, he__________ (make) beautiful idols.

25. If Mary had an umbrella, she __________ (lend) it to me.
26. Rex would have played with me, if he __________ (has) time.
27. If I were you, I __________ (accept) this offer.
28. We __________ (select) story books for kids, if we allot time for storytelling.
29. The Education Minister __________ (visit) our school tomorrow, if he goes by
this way.
30. You will be rewarded by the wise, if you __________(stand) for truth.
31. If my mother __________ (know) of my poor performance in the exam, she will
not allow me to watch a movie.
32. If I had won the lottery, I __________ (donate) relief materials for the flood
33. If I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, I __________ (follow) my fancy and ask

no man's permission.

SECTION - B (Q.NO. 21-30)


Read the given lines and answer the questions that follow in a line or

1. ‘Whereon all day are gathered bird and bee;

And oft at nights the garden overflows

With one sweet song that seems to have no close”,

a) Who gathered on the tree?

b) What happens at night?

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2. Little remains: but every hour is saved

From that eternal silence, something more,

A bringer of new things: and vile it were

a) How is every hour important to Ulysses?

b) What does the term ‘Little remains’ convey?

3. “ Then a soldier

Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,

Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel

Seeking the bubble reputation

Even in the cannon’s mouth”…………..

a) What is the soldier ready to do?

b) Explain ‘bubble reputation’.

4. “The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung

In crimson clusters all the boughs among______”

a) Who is the giant here?

b) Why is the scarf colourful?

5. “Life is hard;be steel; be a rock.”

a)How should one face life?

b) Identify the figure of speech in the above line.

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6. ‘You’re wounded‚’ ‘Nay’, his soldier’s pride

Touched to the quick, he said

a) Why did the boy contradict Napoleon’s words?

b) Why was his pride touched?

7. ……………………………..Free imaginations

Bringing changes into a world resenting change.

a) How does free imagination help the world?

b) Identify the figure of speech in the above lines.

8. The quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs

Has twisted good enough men

Sometimes into dry thwarted worms.

a) What do you mean by the phrase the “quest of lucre”?

b) What happened to the good men who had the quest for money?

9. A film the mother-eagle’s eye

When her bruised eaglet breathes

a) Who is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines?

b) Explain the comparison.

10.“Fear, trembling Hope, and Death, the skeleton,

And Time the shadow”, and though weak the verse

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That would thy beauty fain, oh, fain rehearse,

May Love defend thee from oblivion’s curse.

a) What does the poet mean by the expression ‘May love defend thee from
oblivion’s curse?’

b) What does the expression ‘fain’ convey?

11. “All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts,

a) What is the world compared to?

b) What does ‘exits’ and ‘entrances’ mean?

12. All through the summer at ease we lay,

And daily from the turret wall

We watched the mowers in the hay

a)Whom does “we” refer to?

b)How did the soldiers spend the summer days?

13. ……………….. for my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars, until I die.

a) What was Ulysses’ purpose in life?

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b) How long would his venture last?

14. ‘I’m killed, Sire’’And, his Chief beside,

Smiling, the boy fell dead.

a) What did the rider reply to Napolean’s question?

b) Why was there a smile on the face of the rider before he died?

15. ………………….. I have enjoy’d

Greatly, have suffer’d greatly, both with those.

a) What is Ulysses referring to in the above lines?

b) Pick out the words in alliteration in the above lines.

16. Oh then our maze of tunneled stone

Grew thin and treacherous as air.

The castle was lost without a groan,

The famous citadel overthrown,

a) Pick out the rhyming words in the above lines.

b) What happened to the castle?

17. “There was a little private gate

A little wicked wicket gate

The wizened warder let them through”

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a) What do you mean by a ‘wicked wicket gate’?

b) What is the figure of speech used in the second line?

18. …………………………….. And then the lover,

Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.

a) Is the lover described happy?

b) How does he behave?

B. GRAMMAR (Q. NO.: 27-30)


A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘If ’ without changing the meaning.
1. Unless you go for a walk regularly, you cannot reduce your weight.

2. Sindhu would not have won the world championship, unless she had had single
minded devotion.
3. You will not reach your goal, unless you chase your dream.
4. Unless we plant more trees, we cannot save our planet.
5. The rescue team would not have saved the victims, unless they had received the
call in time.
6. The palace cannot be kept clean, unless we appoint more people.
7. The portraits would not have been so natural, unless the artist had given his best.
8. The manager would not have selected Nithiksha, unless she exhibited good
accounting skill.
9. The policeman would not have arrested the man, unless he had violated the rules.
10. Mr Kunaal would not sponsor my higher education, unless I studied well.
11. Kavin will not stop flying kites, unless he understands the risk involved in it.
12. Tanya would not know the answer unless she referred to the answer key.

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13. My village cannot achieve 100 % literacy rate, unless the elders of the village
cooperate with the education department.



1. If I had money, I would buy this basket of fruits. (Begin with 'Had')

2. Were he the manager, he would give a salary hike for the employees. (Begin with

3. If I had already told Luigi, he would have come on Sunday. (Begin with 'Had')

4. If it had been anybody else than Gresham, I would have struck him across the
face. (Begin with 'Had')

5. If I were going to shoot you, that is where I would shoot you from. (Begin with
6. If I should die, think only this of me: ............. (Begin with 'Should')
7. Should I tell all I know, John Gresham must go to jail. (Begin with 'If')
8. If he had paid me what he should have, I would have put by more than a hundred
thousand by now. (Begin with 'Had')
9. If I were you, I would accept this offer. (Begin with 'Were')

10. Had I won the lottery, I would have donated relief materials for the flood
victims. (Begin with 'If')


I. Change the following sentences into other voice:

1. One should keep one’s promise.

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2. The clown was laughed at by the students.

3. Do not leave the food uncovered.

4. Whose car was parked by someone in front of your gate?

5. Do the children like sweets?

6. Their leader was expected to arrive early in the morning by the crowd.

7. Will he have received the letter?

8. Mirthika has been challenged by Harshit.

9. She might win the match.

10. This mango is sweet, when tasted.

11. Grass grows over the fields.

12. I am surprised at your behaviour.

13. Someone was knocking at the door.

14. A year is made of twelve months.

15. Work hard.

16. Milk is contained in this bottle.

17. The children are making a noise.

18. Where will your holidays be spent by you?

19. You ought to serve your parents.

20. A stick is to be walked with.

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21. Get out of my way.

22. It is time to take rest.

23. We elected him the chairman.

24. A note was left for her by us.

25. Keep your surroundings clean.


Change the following sentences into other speech:

1. I requested my friend to make me a cup of hot chocolate.

2. “Oh no! We’ve missed the bus,” he said.

3. The teacher asked the boy whether he had completed his homework.
4. The captain said to his men, “Stand at ease.”

5. The Principal told the students not to go in.

6. They said, “The earth goes round the sun.”

7. My mother said, “Would you like to have a cup of tea?” I said, ‘yes.’

8. Mani said that he couldn’t drive a truck.

9. He said, “Let’s listen to the music.”

10. Raji says that she knows the answer to that question.

11. He said, “What a wonderful fellow you are!”

12. The inspector ordered that no one should touch the file.

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13. The anxious mother said, “Oh! doctor, please save my son’s life.”

14. The announcer said that the Cheran Express was late by two hours.

15. She said to her mother, “Please give me some money today.”

16. He asked me what that bird had got under its tail

17. “She is going to be ill,” cried Ram.

18. He asked me if I could dance and I replied that I couldn’t.

19. She said to me, “You didn’t break the window, did you?”

20. My father said, “May God bless you!”

21. The student regretted that he had wasted his time the previous year.

22. The priest said, “Be quiet and listen to my words.”

23. Jai told his cousin that he was leaving for Newyork the next day.

24. I said to him, “Why don’t you work hard?”

25. Rani asked how long would it take to travel from Germany to Australia.



1. We bought their biggest basket, and then set off toward town. (change into
complex sentence)

2. As trade slackened we went over.(change into compound sentence)

3. "We should greatly like to go to the States. But here, at present, we have other
plans.”(change into complex sentence)

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4. A pleasant-looking woman with steel-rimmed spectacles appeared.(change into

compound sentence)

5. I shook my head and turned away. (change into simple sentence)

6. When he had gone about twenty-five miles, he stopped for the horses to be fed.
(change into simple sentence)

7. Aksionov wondered why he was asked all these questions, but he described all
that had happened.(change into complex sentence)

8. Seeing a blood-stained knife taken from his bag, Aksionov was

frightened.(change into compound sentence)

9. Aksionov tried to answer, but he could hardly utter a word.(change into simple

10. As soon as they tied his feet together and flung him into the cart, Aksionov
crossed himself and wept.(change into compound sentence)

11. His wife was in despair, and did not know what to believe. (change into simple

12. Taking them all with her, she went to the town where her husband was in jail.
(change into compound sentence)

13.She saw her husband in prison-dress and in chains, shut up with thieves and
criminals and at once she fell down.(change into simple sentence)

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14. Aksionov wrote no more petitions; gave up all hope, and only prayed to God.
(combine into a.simple b. complex c. compound)

15. Go away, or I will call the guard!”( Begin with "If")

16. When Aksionov heard Makar sobbing he, too, began to weep.(change into
simple sentence)

17. He no longer had any desire to leave the prison, but only hoped for his last hour
to come. (change into simple sentence)

18. Unless one is drinking it in the Russian style, tea should be drunk without sugar.
(change into simple and compound sentences)

19. The rain stopped. I could not stay in the position I was in forever. (combine the
sentences using "When")

20. The truth of it would be confirmed as soon as I felt well enough to

investigate.(change into simple sentence)

21. I unrolled the tarpaulin a little. Immediately I was rewarded.( combine into
complex sentence)

22. The can was too cool and heavy to touch.(change into complex and compound

23. My feelings can perhaps be imagined, but they can hardly be described. (change
into complex sentence)

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24. During the next few days in the hospital, I experienced not only agony and fear
but also anger. (change into simple sentence)

25. My wife had a young baby who needed her care. (change into compound

26. He is desperate. He doesn’t know what to do.(combine into simple sentence)

27. My boots were frozen solid so I cooked them over the fierce flame of the
Primus. (change into complex sentence)

28. The snow on this face was dangerous, but we persisted in our efforts to beat a

trail up it. (change into simple sentence)

29. As I was stamping a trail in the deep snow, a section around me gave way and I
slipped back through three or four of my steps. (change into compound sentence)

30. Kicking backwards, I sank the spikes of my crampons deep into the frozen snow.
(change into complex sentence)

31. Although my progress was slow, it was steady. ( change into compound

32. We were now very tired, but moved down to the two reserve cylinders on the
ridge.(change into simple sentence)

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33. Besides Tamil and Sanskrit, I know the classical languages of Latin and Greek.
(change into compound)

34. Time was passing but the ridge seemed never-ending. (change into simple

35. Liberty is not only a personal affair, but also a social contract. (change into
simple sentence)

SECTION - C (Q.NO. 31-40)


1. “They have their exists and entrances

And one man in his time plays many parts”

2. “Dear is the Casuarina to my soul”

3. “He will be lonely enough

To have time for the work”

4. “I cannot rest from travel; I will drink

Life to the lees”

5. “How can this shameful tale be told?”

6. “A film the mother-eagle’s eye

When her bruised eaglet breathes:”

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7. “It is the tree’s lament, an eerie speech…”

8. “And guide him among sudden betrayals

And tighten him for slack moments.”

9. “They seemed no threat to us at all”

10. “Is second childishness and mere oblivion

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”

11. “Then off there flung in smiling joy,

And held himself erect”

12. “He works his work, I mine”

13. “Our only enemy was gold”

14. “A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound no other tree could live”

15. “Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like snail”

16. “To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”

17. “Yet learning something out of every folly

Hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies.”

18. “I’m killed Sire!’ And, his Chief beside,

Smiling, the boy fell dead.”

II. PROSE (Q. NO.:34 -36)


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1. Why did the author avoid going to Lucia’s room?

2. What was Lucia suffering from?
3. What made the boys join the resistance movement against the Germans?
4. Why did the driver not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys?
5. What were the various jobs undertaken by the little boys?
6. According to the author, what does the phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’ refer to?
7. Mention the countries in which tea is a part of civilization.
8. Why does the author prefer the cylindrical cup to a flat cup?
9. What are the author’s views on China tea?
10. How does adding sugar affect the taste of tea?
11.What happened in the grand finale?
12.What injuries did they sustain in the accident?
13. Why does Doctor Barnard describe the blind boy as a walking horror?

14. What were the problems the trolley driver suffered from?
15. Name equipment and a tool carried by the climbers during their expedition.
16.What did Hillary do with his wet boots?
17.The soft snow was difficult and dangerous. Why?
18.What did Tenzing and Edmund Hillary gift to the God of lofty Summit? How
did they do it?
19.What does ‘rule of the road’ mean?
20. Why should individual liberty be curtailed?
21. Define Liberty as perceived by the author.
22. What is ‘liberty’ according to the old lady?
23. How would ‘liberty’ cause universal chaos?
24. Describe the stool that the narrator’s family had?
25. Why did maamannar hand over the chair to the villagers to retain it?
26. What happened to the visitor when he sat on the stool?

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1. You are president, RWA Sri Vari Apartments. Recently you have seen a lot of
poor people and beggars lying on the roads in very miserable condition. You
really want to help them. Write a notice to be put up on the society board
asking the families to voluntarily donate food each day for these under
privileged people.

2. An inter-class drama competition is to be held in GGHSS, Chennai. As Priya,

school pupil leader draft a notice to be put up on the notice board inviting

3. You are Smitha /Aakash, Secretary AVM Housing Society. You are going to
organize a blood donation camp. Write a notice urging the members of your

society to come in large members for this noble cause.

4. You are the Secretary of the English Literary Association of AGN School,
Salem. Write out a notice for notice-board, inviting names of those who would
like to participate in the proposed inter-house spell bee and elocution contest.

5. You are Bhavna / Girish. You have planned a 2-week course to be arranged to
help the children of your area to acquire the communication skills. Prepare a
notice stating the objectives of the course.


1. Read the conversation between two friends and complete the dialogue in
a suitable way

Shruti : Did you visit the book fair in Erode?

Anitha : No. Did you?

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Shruti : Yes (i) ----------------

Anitha : Did you buy any books?

Shruti : Yes, (ii) ______________

Anitha : Well, what sorts of science fiction books did you buy?

Shruti : (iii)_______________

2. Following is a dialogue between two friends on the topic of air

pollution. Write 3 suitable exchanges.

Neeta : Vibha, why are you rubbing your eyes?

Vibha : I feel acute irritation in them.

Neeta : What is the reason?

Vibha : It is due to air pollution.

3. Sarita is being interviewed for the job of a teacher in a school.

Complete the dialogue by filling in the gaps.

Interviewer : Why do you think you (i)_________________?

Sarita : Ma’am, I am qualified for job and I have a passion for

children and teaching. All these traits make me suitable

for the job.

Interviewer : Can (ii) ________any foreign language?

Sarita : Yes, I can speak and write German.

Interviewer : What (iii)_______________in graduation?

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Sarita : Ma’m,I have graduated in Chemistry.

Interviewer : Do you (iv) ________________?

Sarita : Yes, I have (v)_____________in AGN school.

Interviewer : Well,(vi)________________

4. Rajan calls up Rohit to make a plan for the weekend. Complete the

dialogue between them with three suitable exchanges.

Rajan : What are you doing this weekend?

Rohit : I don’t have any special plan

Rajan : How do you like the idea of going to a movie?

Rohit : That sounds good. But I need to take my parent’s permission.

5. Following is a dialogue between two friends about good handwriting.

Complete the dialogue with three suitable exchanges.

Jayesh : Your writing is very fine. Could you let me know(i)_______?

Rupesh : There is no secret(ii)______________

Jayesh : Please tell me(iii)____________

Rupesh : It will be enough if you spare an hour every day.


You have been invited to attend the wedding of your friend's sister during summer
vacation. Write an e-mail to him/her regretting your inability to attend it.

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Draft an e-mail in not less than 50 words to the Administrative Manager, JR

Promoters seeking permission to take photos in the office premises for your interior
decoration project.

Write a mail to Prof. Vijaya Thiagarajan inviting her to preside over your school's
English Literary Association meeting. You are Sujitha, the school pupil leader.

Write an e-mail to the Technical Officer, Science Park, seeking permission to allow
50 students to see Birla Planetarium. Sign the email as Karan.

Draft an e-mail to your cousin congratulating him on his success in NEET. Sign as


1) BSNL begins countrywide 4G roll out.

2) India seeks Swiss Bank details of RatulPuri and his dad.
3) Trump halts WHO Funding, as COVID 19 cases increased .
4) India to receive normal monsoon, forecasts IMD.
5) Woman throws 5 children into Ganga river after quarrel with husband in UP.

1. You are Keshav / Karuna, Sports Secretary of ABC Hr. Sec. School, Trichi. You
participated in the district level Chess Tournament at Chennai recently. Write a
report for your school magazine, in 100-125 words on the programme and your
team’s performance.

2. Traffic police has launched a special drive against pollution causing vehicles.
This has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. Write a report in

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100-125 words to be published in ‘Chennai Times’. You are Prince/Priya , 12 M.G.

Road, Adayar, Chennai.

3. You are Rohini / Mohan. Your school KRM Higher Secondary School,
Coimbatore organised a workshop on how to conserve energy. A number of Hr. Sec
Schools of Tamilnadu participated in it. Many eminent personalities addressed the
students. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine.

4. You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many

eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125-150 words on how the
workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh / Rajshree.

5. You have visited a book exhibition in your neighbourhood. Write a report in 125-

150 words on the exhibition. You are Mahesh / Mano.


1. One __________makes no garland.

2. Waste not_______ not.

3. Pen is mightier than the __________.

(want, sword, flower)

4. To err is _________.

5. ____________ makes waste.

6. United we stand,________ we fall.

(haste, human, divided)

7. _____________ is worship.

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8. Truth alone__________.

9. Blood is thicker than ___________

(water, work, triumphs,)

10. Covet all,___________ all.

11. All that glitters is not __________.

12.As you sow, so you ___________.

(lose, reap, gold)

13. __________ before you leap.

14. Make _________ while the sun shines.

15. Too many _______ spoil the broth.

(cooks, look, hay)

16. Birds of same feather _________together.

17. Better late than_________.

18. No pain, no ___________.

(gain, flock, never)

19. _________ is believing.

20. Strike while the iron is _______.

21. Honesty is the best __________.

(seeing, hot, policy)

22. Talk less work ______.

23. Many a _______ makes an ocean.

24. ________ maketh a man.

(manners, more, drop)

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25. Even _______ sometimes nods.

26. Cleanliness is next to _______.

27. Empty ______ make much noise.

(vessels, Godliness, Homer)

28. No man is an ______.

29. Reading makes a _______ man.

30. ________ garments never fit well.

(perfect, borrowed, Island)

31. A _____ child dreads fire.

32. A rolling ____ gathers no mass.

33. A tree is known by its _____.

34. An_______ brain is the devil’s workshop.

35. Appearance are _______.

36. Bare words buy no _____.

(deceptive, barley, idle)

37. Early bird catches the _______.

38. Better ______ than never.

39. A sound ______ in a sound body.

(late, mind, prey)

40. Don’t build _______ in the air.

41. After a storm comes a _______.

42. _______is the soul of wit.

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(calm, brevity, castles)

43. Don’t ______ Peter to Paul.

44. A ________ knowledge is dangerous.

45. Rome was not built in a______.

(day, rob, little)

46. ________is better than cure.

47. Fortunes favours the ______.

48. Little _______ fell great oaks.

(strokes, prevention, brave)

49. Time and _____ never waits for none.

50. Noble people never look for ______ gains.

(petty, tide).

I. Frame correct questions for the following sentences.

1. Yes. I have had my breakfast.

2. The enemies entered the caste through the wicket gate.

3. Gayathri likes jasmine amidst several flowers.

II. Frame correct questions for the following sentences.

1. Ulyssess wanted to see Achilles

2. No. I am not hungry.

3. I spent Rs.2000 to buy this new watch.

III. Frame correct questions for the following sentences.

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1. As he saw the snake, he ran away.

2. Bharathidasan’s poems are revolutionary.

3. The cobra is six feet long.

I. Frame suitable question for the underlined word in each of the following

1. Bagat Singh was a brave man.

2. I watched my friend’s car passing by yesterday

3. The trekkers have been climbing the hill for two hours.

II. Frame suitable question for the underlined word in each of the following

1. Leela attends the music class twice a week.

2. Suseela goes to office at 9’o clock in the morning.

3. The author saw two boys selling the newspapers in the street.


1. Study the following table and write three sentences on your inference about
the data. (Mar-2020)

Average annual rainfall in the southern states of India in the year 2019.

S.No States of India Average rainfall in mm

1. Tamilnadu&Pondicherry 1996
2. Andhra Pradesh 3580
3. Karnataka 5160
4. Kerala 3055

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2. Study the following bar graph and write three sentences on your inference
about the data.

The research projects submitted during the last five years in a university.

3. Study the following table and write three sentences on your inference about
the data.

Runs scored and balls faced by five players.

Batsman Runs scored Balls faced

Dhoni 45 48
Tendulkar 99 105
Virat kohli 20 40
Ghambir 80 90
Harthik 12 15

4.Study the pie chart and answer the questions that follow:
Monthly sales at a medical shop.

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1. Name the drug which has the highest sale record in the medical shop?

2. Which is the least sold drug?

3. Which drug is twice the sale of cosmetics?

5. Study the pie chart and answer the questions that follow:

Percentage of vehicles crossing the bridge during peak hours.


1. Which are the fewest number of vehicles which cross the bridge?

2. What are the two vehicles, which most people prefer to travel?

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3. Which vehicle is used mostly, after the bicycle and bike?


Write slogans for the following

1. Labour day

2. Road Safety

3. Junk Food

4. Gulab Jamun

5. Water Scarcity

6. Right to Vote

7. Twitter

8. Black Tea

9. Women Safety

10. Personal Hygiene


1. were/ wild/ they/ strawberries/ selling.

2. melted/ Sky/ from/ the/ away/ darkness/ the.

3. celebration/ living / business/ alive/ being/ of /the/ is/ of / the.

4. Their cheeks/ a few/ and/ their mouths / Drops/ cold/ and/ their noses/ fell/ on.

5. affair/ Liberty/ contract/ personal/ is/ but/ social/ not/ a/ only/ a.

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6. his last chance / it / was / after telling / him/ to the temple / Rama’s mother/ of /
send / him/that

7. Kali / in her most / before him / took pity / on him and / awe- inspiring form /

8. burst / at the frightening form / into laughter / took one look / and / Rama.

9. they / sportsmanship / cooperation / include / and.

10. sports / bring / definitely / closer to / man / man.


1. Write any three precautions to be taken at home before a cyclone hit.

2. List out a few precautions to be observed during a pandemic period.

3. Prepare a checklist for a family picnic to a hill station.

4. Describe the process of cleaning the tarnished brass items at home.

5. Describe the precautions to be taken while taking selfies.

6. Describe the process of organising a school function.

SECTION - D (Q.NO.41-17)


1. “ Selfless action brings a new nobility to human life.” Illustrate this statement
through the story’ Two Gentlemen of Verona’.

2. Bring out the author’s own recipe for preparing tea.

3. Through two children, Dr Christian Barnard perceived a new dimension of life.

4. Narrate the achievement of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay through ,” The

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5. Describe how A.G.Gardiner in his essay, “ On The Rule Of The Road” points
out what constitutes true liberty?

6. Narrate the humorous incidents that happened in the author’s home before and
after the arrival of the chair?


1. The young soldier matched his emperor in courage and Patriotism.

Elucidate your answer.
2. Human greed led to the Mighty fall of the citadel. Explain.
3. Explain how the poet guides his son who is at the threshold of manhood, to
face the challenges of life.
4.The poet immortalizes the tree. Elucidate.
5. Shakespeare has skillfully brought out the parallels between the life of man

and actors on stage. Elaborate the statement with reference to the poem 'All
the world's a stage'.
6. List the roles and responsibilities Ulysses assigns to his son Telemachus
while he is away.
1.“Forgiveness is the best form of revenge” Substantiate this statement through
Aksionov’s story. (or)

Ivan Dmitrich - merchant-Russia - decides - business venture - wife - bad dream -

Ivan disregards - meets another merchant - travel together - retrieve separately
stopped by police-sentenced - Siberia - new merchants came -disclose the fact -
Makar admits - Aksionov dies.

2. “Water is the elixir of life” Explain this through Pi’s story.

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3. Is Baldwin really honest or does he maintain his honesty fearing criticism? why
do you say so?

4. How did Ausable outwit Max?

5.The Sun brought about a positive change in the attitude of the children.Illustrate
the statement through the story “All Summer in a Day”

6. Bring out the irony in the message

“Remember Caesar”.

Q. NO.: 44 -47


Read the following passage and make notes or summarize the passage
1. Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do in
order to become a good conversationalist is to find a subject that interests you
and your listeners. There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But
the important thing is that you must talk about other fellow’s hobby rather than
your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. Talk to your friends about
the things that interest them, and you will get a reputation for good fellowship,
charming wit, and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much
as your interest in their interest.

It is just as important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select
for good conversation. If you don’t want to be set down as a wet blanket or a bore,
be careful to avoid certain unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about yourself,
unless you are asked to do so. People are interested in their own problems not in

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yours. Sickness or death bores everybody. The only one who willingly listens to
such talk is the doctor, but he gets paid for it.

To be a good conversationalist you must know not only what to say, but how also
to say it. Be mentally quick and witty. But don’t hurt others with your wit.
Finally try to avoid mannerism in your conversation. Don’t bite your lips or click
your tongue, or roll your eyes or use your hands excessively as you speak.

Don’t be like that Frenchman who said, “How can I talk if you hold my hand?”

2. A meteor show is a celestial show that you get for free - no tickets, no telescopes
no binoculars. You don't have to travel to high mountains to view it. All you need
to enjoy this show in a dark night, go to the backyard and find a perfect spot to
watch it.
Let's see what a meteor shower is? A meteoroid is a piece of debris-the size of a

Pebble-which travels in outer space. Large meteoroids are believed to come from
the asteroid belt. Some of the smaller meteoroids may have come from the Moon
or Mars. If a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, it is called a meteor or
shooting star. If part of that meteor travels through the atmosphere and hits the
earth It is a meteorite.
A lot of meteoroids never end up being meteors or meteorites. When the Meteor
( or a meteoroid) falls towards the Earth the resistance( to drag) from the Earth's
atmosphere makes it extremely hot. The hot air around the rock glows as the
rock zips through the atmosphere. When Earth comes across many meteoroids at
once, we call it a meteor shower.
According to SPACE.com, meteor showers occur when dust or particles from
asteroids or comets enter Earth's atmosphere at very high speed. When they hit
the atmosphere, meteors rub against air particles and create friction. The heat
vaporizes most meteors making them into shooting stars. We see meteor showers

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when the earth rushes through the trail of particles left behind by a comet or
asteroid. Meteor showers may appear anywhere in the sky but their ‘tails’ usually
point to the same spot in the sky. That's because all the meteors travel to Earth at
the same angle. When they are close to Earth, they look like they are getting
away from one another. This is just an optical illusion.

3. The long lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools, colleges and
other educational institutions and ushered in the city wide classroom: tens of
thousands of students in cities and towns are glued to computers and Smartphone
screens as teachers take to online apps for lecturers, tutorials and assessments.
E learning poses a challenge to both teachers and students over technology and
access, but it is keeping everyone busy with worksheets, video lectures and

Some Institutions are uploading lectures to YouTube while the Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan is deploying its Swayam Prabha portal, which has lectures on DTH and
online, to help students. Andhra Pradesh is trying to tap Doordarshan to remove
access barriers. Some institutions have adopted the Zoom app, others Google
classroom. Yet, the instructors are unable to say how effective they are, and not
every student is tuning in. Here is how the system has rolled out.
DAV Public School principal, Minu Agarwal is keen that student interest in online
classes offered as live teaching can be sustained only with a mix of activities,
worksheets and interactive sessions. And further added, not all students might have
laptops or Tablet computers. If they have one, it may be engaged by the parents
working from home. While smart phones are the next best option, teachers are
apprehensive about students using them earnestly because of distracting apps. And
most teachers find it difficult to cope with online teaching. Lack of familiarity with
technology forces them to seek help from their children to set up apps and deal with

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technical glitches. Not alone teachers, parents are finding it difficult to adjust to the
online system of the children due to the lockdown domestic help is not available
adding to household work. Some parents say schools are going online only to justify
charging the fees in April. Without textbooks for the new sessions, schools are
sending study materials as terse WhatsApp messages.

4. A mobile phone, also known as a hand phone, cell phone, or cellular

telephone, is a small portable radio telephone.

The mobile phone can be used to communicate over long distances without wires. It
works by communicating with a nearby base station (also called a "cell site") which
connects it to the main phone network. When moving, if the mobile phone gets too
far away from the cell it is connected to, that cell sends a message to another cell to
tell the new cell to take over the call. This is called a "hand off," and the call

continues with the new cell the phone is connected to. The hand-off is done so well
and carefully that the user will usually never even know that the call was transferred
to another cell.

As mobile phones became more popular, they began to cost less money, and more
people could afford them. Cell phones have become so cheap to own that they have
mostly replaced pay phones and phone booths except for urban areas with many

When a mobile phone is switched on, its radio receiver finds a nearby mobile phone
network base station, and its transmitter sends a request for service. Computers in
the base station check if the phone is allowed to use the network. The base station
covers an area called a cell. A phone can move between different cells, but will only
communicate with one cell at a time. This is why mobile communications are
sometimes called cellular communications.

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Once connected to a station, the mobile phone can make calls. Because the network
knows that the phone is connected to that particular cell, it can also route calls to the
mobile phone. Sometimes the radio connection to the cell is lost, for example when
you go underground. This means the phone cannot make or receive calls until the
connection is made again.

The network is the company that provides the phone service. In most areas there
will be more than one mobile network. Customers choose networks based on how
well the different networks work in their area, or by price.

A majority of new mobile phones from the 21st century are smartphones. These
phones are basically small computers. Besides calling, they can be used for email,
browsing the internet, playing music and games, and many other functions that
computers can perform.

5. Occasional self-medication has always been part of normal living. The making
and selling of drugs has a long history and is closely linked, like medical practice
itself, with belief in magic. Only during the last hundred years or so, as
the development of scientific techniques made it possible diagnosis has become
possible. The doctor is now able to follow up the correct diagnosis of many
illnesses-with specific treatment of their causes. In many other illnesses of which
the causes remain unknown, he is still limited, like the unqualified prescriber, to
the treatment of symptoms. The doctor is trained to decide when to treat
symptoms only and when to attack the cause. This is the essential difference
between medical prescribing and self-medication.
The advance of technology has brought about much progress in some fields of
medicine, including the development of scientific drug therapy. In many
countries public health organization is improving and people’s nutritional
standards have risen. Parallel with such beneficial trends are two which have an
adverse effect. One is the use of high pressure advertising by the pharmaceutical

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industry which has tended to influence both patients and doctors and has led to
the overuse of drugs generally. The other is emergence of eating, insufficient
sleep, excessive smoking and drinking. People with disorders arising from faulty
habits such as these, as well as well from unhappy human relationships, often
resort to self –medication and so add the taking of pharmaceuticals to the list .
Advertisers go to great lengths to catch this market.
Clever advertising, aimed at chronic suffers who will try anything because
doctors have not been able to cure them, can induce such faith in a preparation,
particularly if steeply priced, that it will produce-by suggestion-a very real effect
in some people. Advertisements are also aimed at people suffering from mild
complaints such as simple cold and coughs which clear up by themselves within
a short time.
These are the main reasons, why laxatives, indigestion-

remedies, painkillers, cough-mixtures, tonics, vitamin and iron tablets, nose drops,
ointments and many other preparations are found in quantity in many households.
It is doubtful whether taking these things ever improves a person’s health, it may
even make it worse. Worse, because the preparation may contain unsuitable
ingredients; worse because the taker may become dependent on them; worse
because they might be taken excess; worse because they may cause poisoning ,
and worst of all because symptoms of some serious underlying cause may be
asked and therefore medical help may not be sought. Self-diagnosis is a greater
danger than self-medication.

1. You are Radha/ Karthik, the Sports Secretary of Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Bhavani.
Write a letter to ABC Enterprises, 12, Fort Street, Salem, a leading firm dealing
in sports goods, requesting them to supply their trade catalogue. You may

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mention the items you intend to buy and ask for a discount on the catalogue

2. You are Kannan / Shruthi staying at 106,Muthu Nagar, Erode. Last month, you
bought a hair dryer from Preethi Enterprises,10 ,West Car Street, Gobi, against
a warranty of 2 years. Now you discover that there is something wrong with the
dryer. The fan does not work properly and it produces heat waves only for a few
seconds and then it turns off. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about it.
Also request him to change this defective dryer against the warranty that goes
with it.

3. You are Nandhini/Nirmal, Pupil Leader of Government Hr. Sec. School, Erode.

You have to organize short tours to Mysore and Bangaluru. Write a letter to
Thamari Travels, Near New Bus stand, Erode enquiring about their terms for
conducting tours by deluxe buses. Also ask about the fare, boarding and lodging
charges and arrangements, total time of the trip and mode of payment.

4. Your cousin Priya is just completing X standard and has sought your advice to
opt for science or commerce group. Write a letter giving guidance to select the
group in XI standard.

5. As the Sales Manager of M/s Bharathi Book Suppliers, 10, Kamala Nagar,
Perundurai, write a letter to the librarian of Municipal Hr. Sec. School, Erode ,
offering information regarding the sale of dictionaries and illustrated children’s

6. Write a letter to the Mayor of your city seeking a solution to the problem of
water logging in your area. You are Vijay /Vidhya of Ram Nagar, Erode.

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7. You are Ram/ Seetha. Write a letter to your friend Kareena / Salim Khan,
inviting her / him to your birthday party. Give details regarding the day, time,
venue, etc. Add interesting details like theme, dress code, etc.

8. You are Kaviya / Mithun of class XII. You are interested in pursuing a course
in Aeronautical Engineering. You have seen an advertisement issued by
National College of Technology, Trichy., offering courses in aeronautical
engineering. Write a letter to the Director seeking information about their
courses, fee structure, placement opportunities etc.,

9. You are Swathi/ Sharath staying at K.K Nagar, Chennimalai. Your locality
being away from the town. the poor bus service adversely affects the life of

residents. Write a letter to the Editor, the Indian Express, highlighting the
problems faced by the people and also giving a few possible solutions.

10. A new advertising firm, Alpha Ads Ltd, Nachiappa Street, Coimbatore, needs
office space at a prime location in Erode. Write a letter to the manager offering
first floor of your building on rent. Give details of the premises, terms and
conditions etc.,You are Manohar, Nallisai builders, Erode.

11. You are Nithya; write an informal letter to your friend explaining to her about
one of the most unusual places you are exploring right now on your summer

12. Write a letter to your friend who just met with an accident informing him
about his speedy recovery in a consoling tone in about 120-150 words. You are

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13. You are Chithra/ Chandru. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him for
his new job offer in about 120-150 words. He just graduated from college.

14. Write a letter to the Manager of Residency Hotel, Mumbai asking him to
reserve for you a double room from 5th April to 15th April, 20XX. You are
Anandh/ Kiruthika of Sathiyamangalam.

15. Tagore Hr. Sec. School, Erode urgently requires a post-graduate teacher to
teach History for which they have placed an advertisement in The Hindu. You
are Veena/ Vasanth from 106, Viveka Street, Erode. Draft a letter including a
CV, applying for the advertised post. (120 – 150 words)


1. Write a paragraph on ‘procrastination’.

2. Reading skills are essential to succeed in society. It is a source of
knowledge and pleasure. Write a paragraph on ‘The Importance of Reading’.

3. More and more people are suffering from health problems caused by a

modern life style. Give you opinion about the health and hygiene and to improve it.

4. Many things that used to be done in the home and factories by hands are now
being done by machines. Artificial Intelligence plays vital role in this aspect. Write
a paragraph on ‘Artificial Intelligence’.

Match each of the following sentences with suitable field in the list given below
1) a. Mozart could compose music when he was just a lad of ten.
b. Weblogs are becoming popular.

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c. One’s school stays with him forever.

d. We should avoid using plastic bags.
e. Zero budget cultivation is becoming popular now.
(education, computer, agriculture, environment, music)

2) a. Walt Disney’s land of fun and fantasy, the vision that gives pleasure to kids of
and adults alike, turns fifty this year.
b. Maruti Udyog improved its operating margins by 2.4 percent in 2018-19.
c. People use the binary system, which is able to represent any number using only
two digits, 0 and 1.
d. Every plant organ has a definite form and structure and also performs certain
specific functions.
e. An Indian woman was honoured for her leadership in starting bank for poor

(computer, social service, botany, tourism, business)

3) a. The ozone layer protects us from UV rays.

b. FORTRAN language is commonly used in multinational companies.
c. Add coriander leaves for flavour in the end.
d. We came to know Mr. Peter’s demise from the obituary columns.
e. Take these pills regularly before having breakfast.
(cooking, medicine, environment, media, computer)

4) a. Sports was started for the differently abled children.

b. Those days, the only entertainment and infotainment was the newspaper and
c. Vegetable carving is displayed at the entrance.

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d. In 1988, the first Shatabdi express was introduced between New Delhi and
e. Dropouts who come for mid-day meal are returning to class.
(media, railway, education, Paralympics, arts)

5) a. Heavy rains claim six lives.

b. Many records were broken at the Olympics.
c. I received an E-mail.
d. Trees must be planted in plenty to clean up the air.
e. On our way to Ooty we stayed in a motel for a night.
(sports, travel, pollution, computer, weather)

6) a. Shakespeare’s plays are read by many people.

b. Fast food is a growing health hazard.
c. The yield of wheat has increased.
d. My brother is planning to go to US.
e. Rohit Sharma was declared the man of the series.
(nutrition and dietetics, sports, agriculture, literature, travel)

7) a. Many foreigners come to watch Jallikatu at Madurai.

b. The rapid depletion in indigenous aquatic plants would prove detrimental to
c. The investigations included megascopic and microscopic studies of rocks.
d. Technology develops machines that can substitute for human and replicate
human actions.
e. A tropical diet is based on fruits and vegetables, while a polar diet relies on
meat and fish.

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(flora, geology, cuisine, robotics, sports)

8) a. We can find many archaic words in the works of Shakespeare.

b. Hero Honda has recorded a sales volume of 4 lakh motor cycles.
c. The symbol used at the Olympic games shows five interlocked rings.
d. Hybrid variety of tomato gives a good harvest.
e. Thousands of people witnessed Makara Jothi in Sabarimala.
(agriculture, sports, business, religion, literature)

9) a. China- Russia border trade gets a boost.

b. India bags a gold medal in wrestling.
c. The health department is taking remedial measures to cure Ebola infection.
d. Farmers learn mite control measures.

e. English learning lab was opened for the students.
(sports, medicine, commerce, education, agriculture)

10) a. He got a diploma in personal management.

b. The unpleasant weather turned cold.
c. Gandhiji appreciated the strong will power of women.
d. Eating spicy food is not good.
e. The hybrid variety of paddy was a failure.
(weather, education, agriculture, nutrition and dietetics, history)



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1) If you would have seen yesterday’s cricket, I am sure you would have enjoyed
seeing our team bat.

2) It was her who suggested that you be at the door to welcome each participant on
his arrival

3) As we see it, she appears to be unreasonable anxious about pleasing her


4) Many a man have realized that real happiness lies in making sacrifices and not
in personal aggrandizement.

5) There is many important details to attend to before this book gets printed.


6) Along the northern frontier of India is seen the Himalayas, mighty in their
7) Although there are some similarities in the qualifications of both candidates, the
differences among them are considerably pronounced.

8) During the final minutes of his speech, the speaker requested to the audience to
hold its applause.

9) A body of volunteers have been organized to help the faculty in their attempt to
raise funds.

10) My grandfather is well-known in the village for his noble deeds.


11) Like the committee has written in its current report, the rules need to be
enforced more strictly.

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12) Each of the students whom I have chosen to take part in the discussion have
indicated that he will be happy to do so.

13) The village head understood the intention of the politician, doesn’t he?

14) The green paint on the wall provides a suitable contrast with the yellow doors.

15) Neither your earnest pleadings nor your profuse tears has made me change my


16) We will learn a lot by attending the course on English Grammar, isn’t it?

17) I would like you to meet my cousin brother.

18) After Napoleon had lost the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 he had been exiled to
the island of St. Helena.

19) Nobody can resolve this issue, can’t he?

20) After every participant had had three minutes to express their opinion, the
debate was thrown open to the audience.

21) For a long time, I did not know who was sitting besides me because it was so

22) Neither Lekha nor Leela have been selected.

23) She had been a nurse for three years and then she wants to study medicine.

24) This room would be much improved if you put a furniture in the corner near the

25) Do you insist that we meet at least once tomorrow to discuss about the subject?

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26) No sooner had she realized her blunder when she began taking corrective

27) The tallest among them expressed a keen desire to sit under the shade of a tree.

28) A number of books are missing.

29) He is too healthy and is best suited to an army career.

30) She has remarkably kindly disposition who wins her friends wherever she goes.


31) One of her firmest belief was that her friend shouted at her with a view to
making her aware of her repeated lapses.

32) He was curious to know why we should return them their money back.

33) Her memory played her false and she could not remember who had invented

34) Between you and I, we are most reluctant to grant any further concessions to the

35) They were quarrelling between themselves when all of a sudden it occurred to
them that someone was watching all the five of them.


36) Thanks to an insight and persistence of the local doctor, hundreds of victims
have been able to resume normal life.

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37) Many a man were opposed to the idea of making attendance at the concerts

38) I am wondering why are you tinkering with wires; you might get a shock.

39) A lots of people go to the hill resorts during the summer vacation even though it
has become extremely expensive to travel these days.

40) The committee, appointed to investigate into the said murder, will convene next
week to discuss their strategy further.



Grasshopper and Toad appeared to be good friends. People always saw them
shopper, "Dear friend, tomorrow come and dine at my house. My wife and I will

prepare a special meal. We will eat it together." The next day Grasshopper arrived
at Toad's house. Before sitting down to eat, Toad washed his forelegs, and invited
Grasshopper to do the same. Grasshopper did so, and it made a loud noise. "Friend
Grasshopper, can't you leave your chirping behind. I cannot eat with such a noise,"
said Toad. Grasshopper tried to eat without rubbing his forelegs together, but it was
impossible. Each time he gave a chirp, Toad complained and asked him to be quiet.
Grasshopper was angry and could not eat. Finally, he said to Toad: "I invite you to
my house for dinner, tomorrow." The next day, Toad arrived at Grasshopper's
home. As soon as the meal was ready, Grasshopper washed his forelegs, and
invited Toad to do the same. Toad did so, and then hopped toward the food. "You
had better go back and wash again," said Grasshopper. "All that hopping in the dirt
has made your forelegs dirty again." Toad hopped back to the water jar, washed
again, then hopped back to the table, and was ready to reach out for some food
from one of the platters when Grasshopper stopped him: "Please don’t put your

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dirty paws into the food. Go and wash them again." Toad was furious.. "You just
don't want me to eat with you!" he cried. "You know very well that I must use my
paws and forelegs in hopping about. I cannot help it if they get a bit dirty between
the water jar and the table."Grasshopper responded, "You are the one who started it
yesterday. You know I cannot rub my forelegs together without making a
noise."From then on, they were no longer friends.

Moral: If you wish to have true friendship with someone, learn to accept each
other's faults, as well as each other's good qualities.


1. Which title might the author give this story?

2. Who will prepare a special meal?
3. Toad washed his paws and forelegs because _____.

4. The word chirp means the same as _____.
5. The word faults means the opposite of _____.


It is Thursday. It is raining today. It is a rainy day.Anna is inside the house.

Anna is watching TV. Anna is watching TV inside the house.Anna cannot go
outside. It is raining outside. Anna cannot go outside because it is raining
outside.Anna is bored. Wait!Anna hears someone at the door. Someone is at the
door of her house. Anna opens the door. What does Anna see? Anna sees a dog.
The dog is small. Anna sees a small dog.The dog is wet. The dog is wet from the
rain."Awww! You are all wet!" Anna says to the dog. "You are very
cute!""Mom!" Anna says."Yes, dear?" says Anna's mom."There is a dog here!
There is a dog at the door!" Anna says."What?" says Anna's mom. "A
dog?"Anna's mom comes to the door. Anna's mom sees the wet dog. The wet

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dog looks cute."Can we keep it?" asks Anna."Yes, we can," says Anna's mom.
The dog is happy.


1) What is at the door of the house?

2) What day of the week is it in the story?
3) What happens at the end of the story?
4) How does the wet dog look?
5) Give the suitable title for the story.


This may sound bizarre, but its logical to expect that a whole lot of people have
begun to love the novel coronavirus. Let me take a bottom -up approach, beginning
with children. They have not just one or two but three reasons to thank the virus :no

school and homework, and an opportunity to play with their parents locked down at
home. With maids not turning up, the mindset of generations of men that are not
supposed to any household work has changed. Now many of them have been
compelled to learn the skills of washing utensils and sweeping and mopping the
floor. Rumours are afloat that many women are contemplating doing away with the
services of maids even after the lifting of lockdown. At the organizational level, the
bosses enjoyed a long rest and stress free atmosphere. Work from home enabled
them huge cost savings, less travel, reduced staff and lot of time to chalk out
strategies for the future. The aged ones seem to be free from some of their regular
ailments. The families are enjoying their togetherness for a long time. Some friends
and relatives got calls after a while from their almost forgotten ones And of course,
the biggest gainers are the TV channels and media service providers like Netflix.
Their viewership had been increased as largely.

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Questions :

1. For what reasons, the children may thank the virus?

2. What was the mindset of generations of men?

3. What skills have they been compelled to learn?

4 . Who are the biggest gainers?

5. Give the word that is synonymous with ‘strange’in the passage.


Dad decided last Sunday that we should all go on a camping trip. He

read an article in the Sunday paper about camping and how it “brings
families together under the canopy of nature.” “Overrated,” I joked. “What
about the canopy of television or the canopy of restaurant food?” “This will

be good for us,” Dad said, sliding the magazine across the coffee table.
“Let’s go next weekend.” I shot a quick look over at my little brother, Paul.
He gave me a slow eyebrow raise which meant, “This will probably not go
off completely as planned.” My smile back said, "But it will surely be fun."
I started to think back. Once Dad decided we should all learn how to canoe.
We borrowed two canoes from our friends, hoisted them on the van and
drove for three hours to a secluded lake in Virginia. Alone in the middle of
nowhere, we discovered that we had forgotten the paddles. Paul and I got in
a canoe with Dad and our two younger sisters got in a canoe with Mom.
We floated aimlessly around the lake for hours. Then we all jumped in with
our life jackets on. We pushed the canoes back to shore. It was a fantastic
trip. Another time, Dad decided we should all learn how to ski. All of us
hate the cold so we spent the weekend huddled by the fire, drinking hot
cocoa in the ski lodge and playing board games. It was great. We had a

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blast. When I stopped daydreaming, Mom was saying, “Sweetheart, we

don’t have a tent.” “We don’t need one!” Dad said happily. “We’ll take all
the seats out of the van when we get to the campsite and put in an air
mattress.” I don't know what the punch line will be on this excursion, but I
am sure with Mom, Dad and the four of us kids scrunched in a van at some
national park, we are bound to have a good time.


1) Give a suitable title that fits this passage best?

2) As used at the end of the story, which is the best synonym for excursion?
3) Which best describes the narrator’s tone?
4) The narrator probably says the camping trip will have a punch line because
he or she feels it will _________
5) What lesson does the narrator's family seem to live by?


If anybody thought that mere completion of a degree and some specialized skills,
they would be fit for jobs in firms they were completely wrong. University
education, say some businessmen spoils young men and women, destroys their
simple enthusiasm for, say,the product, and makes them too sophisticated to be
loyal to the firm. Among the essential traits mentioned for the young person
applying for his first job in an industrial empire are: drive; decisiveness;
determination; push; analytical ability; an inquiring mind ;ability to get on with
colleagues -this last one is highly praised by companies -the dependable,
combinable type. Above all they want 'good mixers ‘.These are the alpha and

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omega of desirable traits for entering management, if not for going into business.
There is wide agreement that academic distinction is less important than personality.

Questions :

1. What does some businessmen say about University education?

2. List out the essential traits needed for a job in an industrial empire.

3. Who do the companies want?

4. Give the word that gives the antonymn for ‘unwanted’ from the passage.

5. Academic achievement is less important than...........(Complete the



Read the poems and answer the questions given below:


Little Lamb who made thee

Dost thou know who made thee
Gave thee life & bid thee feed.
By the stream & o’er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing wooly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice!
Little Lamb who made thee
Dost thou know who made thee

Little Lamb I’ll tell thee,

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Little Lamb I’ll tell thee!

He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek & he is mild,
He became a little child:
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by his name.
Little Lamb God bless thee.
Little Lamb God bless thee.


1. What does ‘thee’ mean?

2. Who is meek and mild?

3. Who created Lamb?

4. Lamb is known for -------

5. Suggest a suitable title for this poem.


Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

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He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
1. The woods are filled with--------
2. What does ‘queer’ mean?

3. Where does the poet stop his carriage?
4. Who gives harness bells a shake?
5. What is the time mentioned in the poem.


The way a crow

Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.


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1. Who shook down on the poet?

2. From where did the dust of snow fall from?

3. What is the mood of the poem?

4. Mention the rhyming scheme of the poem?

5. Does the mood of the poet change?


Give me hunger,

O you gods that sit and give

The world its orders.

Give me hunger, pain and want,

Shut me out with shame and failure

From your doors of gold and fame,

Give me your shabbiest, weariest hunger!

But leave me a little love,

A voice to speak to me in the day end,

A hand to touch me in the dark room

Breaking the long loneliness.

In the dusk of day-shapes

Blurring the sunset,

One little wandering, western star

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Thrust out from the changing shores of shadow.

Let me go to the window,

Watch there the day-shapes of dusk

And wait and know the coming

Of a little love.


1. What does the poet ask God to give him?

2. For what does the poet long for?

3 .What does the poet ask God to shut him with?

4. From where does the poet want to watch the day?

5. Did he attain the love he longed for?


Moonlight, the stars and the wind,

By placing them in front
And drinking the honey thereof-
A poetic frenzy seizes us;
That atomic thing called Mind-
We shall let it roam free.
Should one wonder at the bee that sings
While imbedded in a tasty fruit?
Oh, Mind! Go hence to join
The jewel of stars.

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1. What is the jewel of stars?

2. What is the atomic thing?

3. Suggest a suitable title for this poem.

4. Does the bee sing?

5. What does the word ‘imbedded’ mean?


1. a. If he __________, (die) I would be left alone with despair. (Tense)

b. How __________ he asks me such a thing? (semi-modal)
c. Liberty is not a personal affair only ________ a social contract. (Linkers)
d. Usain Bolt achieved the greatest _____ with his strong ______. (feet/ feat)

2. a. The tea pot __________ be made China or earthenware. (Modal)

b. The truck stood ________ near the _______ shop. (stationery/ stationary)

c. Our team ______ (not win) any games last year. (Tense)
d. I had to drink now ________ I would die. (Linkers)

3. a. She was the ______ daughter to her parents that she was considered as their
____. (sole/soul)

b. Tell him to stand__________ I give permission. (Linkers)

c. If I live until tomorrow night, they__________ (convict) him. (Tense)

d. The champion __________ work hard to get those last points. (Modal)

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4. a. The grandmother __________ throw chappathis to the village dogs , when she
was in the village. (semi-modal)
b. I waited outside __________ the boys rejoined me. (Linkers)

c. ________ you see anyone outside? (Modal)

d. If you add more ________ in the dough, it will turn as soft as _______.

5. a.We shall see __________ there is anyone lurking in the tree. (Linkers)

b. If it rained, they __________ ( cancel) the match. (Tense)

c. Barnard ___________ not understand why they had to suffer. (Modals)

d. We bought a three-piece _________ for the living room so that we distributed

_______ to all. (suite/sweet)


1) Write a dialogue between passenger and a railway staff regarding the

cancellation of the reserved tickets.

2) write a dialogue between two friends about the NSS camp which they are going
to attend

3) write a dialogue of minimum 3 exchanges between teacher and a student who has
not done his/her homework

4) write a dialogue between a regular late comer and the P.E.T master

5) frame a dialogue between a man and his wife discussing the arrangements to be
made to celebrate their child’s first birthday

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6) write a dialogue between house owner and a tenant about hike of rent

7) write a dialogue between a bank manager and a student who wants to open a
bank account

8) write a dialogue between two girls after +2 results

9) write a dialogue between a doctor and a patient

10) write a dialogue between a policeman and a tourist who needs some guidance


Develop the following hint into a story.

1. A Shepherd – lived -village – took his herd of sheep – near the forest – felt very
boring – wanted – fun – cried aloud – wolf, wolf – farmers -came running -
asked – where is the wolf? – the boy replied – fun – played the trick – many

times – after some days – wolf came – cried – no one came – shouted – wolf!
Help! – villagers – thought – the boy was playing – the wolf -carried a lamb.

2. A King – ruled a country – had one leg and one eye – invited painters -
announced – wanted a beautiful portrait – of himself – many painters – thought
-impossible – to make a beautiful portrait- with king’s disability – declined -one
painter – made a beautiful portrait – the king – sitting on the horse – aiming the
arrow – with one eye closed – cleverly hiding the king’s disability – king
pleased – gave reward.

3. A Merchant - had a donkey – carried – salt load regularly – heavy – grumbled –

unfortunately – donkey -slipped and fell into the stream – load – became light –
donkey – happy – followed the trick continuously – merchant -got an idea –
placed cotton bales – same trick – too heavy – sad – stopped following the trick.

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4. Two friends – walking through the forest – dangerous – promised each other –
would help in danger – saw a bear – one climbed up a tree – other – did not
know – lay down still – bear sniffed – thought him to be dead – went away –
friend on the tree – came down – asked the other – what did the bear tell –
replied – not to trust a false friend.

5. A rich merchant – went abroad – in a ship – for trade – carried gold coins and
precious gems – unfortunately – a hole in the ship – water entered – people –
tried to escape – used life boats – jumped – swam -but merchant – prayed god –
not tried to escape – a man advised to jump – to escape -did not listen –


Name Mulk Raj Anand
Life span 1905 – 2004
Occupation Writer, Teacher, Script Writer for BBC
Alma Matter Kalsa College of Amristar
Cambridge University
University College, London
Famous Works Untouchable (1935),
Coolie (1936),
Two Leaves and a bud (1937),
Letters on India (1942) Apology for Heroism
Founder MARG (Modern Architectural Research Group)
Awards International Peace Prize (1953),

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Padma Bhushan (1968),

Sahitya Academy Award (1971)
Uniqueness Voice to the Voiceless (Poor, Untouchables,
Peasants) Indian writer in English
Longevity and Consistency – Commitment –
Independent India
Legacy Activism, Creativity, Internationalism

Name P.T. Usha
Birth 1964, Payyoli, Kerala
Genre Track and field Athletic / Sprinter
Called as Payyoli express, The Queen of Indian Track and

Coach O.M. Nambiar
Medals won Totally 102 (33 gold) at International and National
Awards Arjuna award for sports (1983),
The Best Woman Athlete (1985),
Padma Shree (1985),
Golden Shoe award (1986).
Achievements Asian games (1982, 1986, 1990),
Olympics – Los Angels (1986),
Asian Track federation Meet (Delhi 1989), and
Japan (1998).
Honour “Sports person of the Century” – Indian Olympic

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P.T.Usha Road – Kochin – Kerala Govt.

Autobiography “Golden Girl”- Penguin Publishers
Current Position Committee head – Indian Talent Organisation


Name M.S. Subbulakshmi (16.9.1916 to 11.12.2004)

Known as M.S. Kunjamma, Kunjakka
Genre Indian Classical Music
Occupation Classical Vocalist
Admirers Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Sarojini Naidu
Contribution to Music Spritual verses and charts, Venkatesha Suprabhatam,
Vishnu Sahasranamam, Bhaja Govindam of Adi

sankara, Sri Annamacharya etc.,
Speciality Epitomised the traditional Indian Woman - her life
was her music
Brought cultural renaissance in the country
Awards and Honours First Indian to perform in UN general Assembly in
Padma Bhusan, Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan,
Sangita Kala Nidhi, Raman Magsaysay award
Commemorative stamp – on Dec. 2005.

4. Bidhan Chandra Roy – B.C. Roy – one of the foremost National leaders-
physician congress leader – freedom fighter – politician – educationist

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(philanthropist. Chief Minister of West Bengal (1948 until Death 1962) – problem
state to prosperous one – advisor of Nehru and Patel – promoted Shillong Hydro
electric corporation – Air India – edited and reviewed journals- Forward atmasakti,
Liberty – obtained MRCP and FRCS the same year – a rare feet -6th mayor of
calcutta – vice chancellor of Calcutta university – member of the congress working
committee – July 1 – Doctor’s day – Awarded Bharat Ratna (1961).

5. Dr. Rajendra Prasad – First president of the constitution Assembly in 1946 –

elected 3 times – ardent follower of Gandhi – close associates – Patel and Rajaji –
Set basic principles for constitution making – enriched Indian politics – took part in
Salt Satyagraha and Quit India movement – facilitated than initiated – worked as
teacher, lawyer, journalist and leader of the National movement – awarded Bharat

Ratna (1962) autobiography – Atmakatha – Written in Jail (1949)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b c c c c a b b a c c b a a c c a a b b b a C d a

26 27 28 29 30
a b c b c

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b a d a c a a b a c a c b b a d b c b c d d c a b

26 27 28 29 30

d c d a a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b d d b c a b a c d c A c C b c a c a b c d A d d

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

c b b c c d c B c a a d b D a d d b b c d d A c D


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
c a d b d a/ a b a d a b a C a b a d d d c a A c D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

c a a a b d b d c b d d a C c d c c c C d d C c b


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b c d b a d a d d c c a c A d c D a b b c a B a C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b a C c a b d a c d b c a D a b A b a b d a C b B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

c a B c b a c d c b d a b C d c B a c a b d A a C


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

c a a b D c a b d d b a c b d c b B a b a c d c b


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b d a c b b a b d a a a d B b a c d c b c a B d B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b a d b a b c b c b c c a B b d c c c d b d A d B

1 in spite of 2 through 3 in spite of 4 in spite of
5 in spite of 6 in spite of 7 in spite of 8 against
9 in spite of 10 in spite of 11 in spite of 12 in spite of
13 in spite of 14 Due 15 in favour of 16 according to


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17 in spite of 18 in spite of 19 in case of 20 On account of

21. instead of / along with / on behalf of 22. on the whole 23. inspite of
24. on behalf of 25 instead of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

a b a c b a b a a b a d d a a a b a b b c a C a c

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

a c b c b c a b a c d b b c b d b d a a d d A c c

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b a c a b c c a d b c b c B a d b a c b a c A c a


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b a c a d c a b d c a a a c b d a c a d a a a a a


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

c d b a c a a c c b d a b c d b c b d a d d C b d

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

b c d a b b a a b c d c d a a d a c d c a b a c c

1.Did you spend 2. Will have been 3. 3. Will have landed
4. Will take 5. Goes 6. Did not win
7. Has begun 8. Listens 9. Had not slept
10. Quit 11. Knows 12. Was


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13.Were selected 14. Were 15. has been working

16. is 17. Destroys 18.would have won

19.had had 20. Will be rewarded 21. Knows

22.Were disappointed 23. Have received 24. Hoist


1.Eminent, imminent 2. Dessert, desert 3. Knight, night

4. Eligible, illegible 5. Feat, feet 6. Stationary, stationery

7. Wood, would 8. Weather, whether 9. Suite, sweet

10. Stares, stairs 11. Patients, patience 12. Flour, flower

13. Rode, road 14. Sole, soul 15. Kernel, colonel

16. Choose 17. Blue 18. Affect

19.Sun 20. Marry 21. Steal

22.Ferry 23. Reeds 24. Wield
25. Fissures


1.until 2.and then 3. if 4. since/as 5. Instead of

6. but 7. Inspite of 8.until 9.Though 10. or

11. If 12. when / as soon as / as 13. But 14. as if


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15. when/ as soon as 16.Though 17. But 18. and so 19. Whether
20. before 21. after 22. While 23. Though 24. as if 25. or


1. Could 2. May 3. Could 4. Would 5. Must/should

6. Should/must 7. Must/should 8. Could 9. Could 10. Could

11.Shall 12. Will 13. Can 14. Will 15. Will

16.Will 17. Would 18. Would 19. Will 20. Shall

21.Would 22. Dare 23. Used to 24. Ought to 25. dare


1. Void 2. Alive 3. Cons 4. Later 5. Tradition

6. Rich 7. Greatness 8. Subtlety 9. Write 10. White

11. Smoker 12. Devoted 13. Bore 14. Golden 15. Mind

16. Slightly


1. wanted 2. will find 3. would have given 4. died

5. will accept 6. will go 7. had been 8. don't convict

9. would have put 10. will start 11. Take 12. wouldn’t say

13. spoke 14. would stand 15. will be pleased 16.will flog

17. sweeten 18. will convict 19. Grows 20. play.


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21. would cancel 22. had played 23. were, would weave

24. were, would make 25. would lend 26. had had 27. would accept

28. will select 29. will visit 30. Stand 31. knows

32. would have donated 33. will follow


1. a) Birds and bees gathered on the tree.

b) At night the garden seems to overflow with a sweet song which has no end.

2. a) Every hour is important to Ulysses because it brings new experiences and new

knowledge to him.

b) “Little remains” refers ‘his remaining life time on earth’ to touch all the
places of the world.

3. a) The soldier is ready to guard the country.

b) Bubble reputation refers to glory that is short lived like a bubble.

4. a) The Casuarina tree is the giant here.

b) The scarf is colourful as the creeper with red crimson flowers has wound
around the tree.

5. a) One should face life like a rock and steel.

b) Metaphor.

6. a) Napolean thought that the boy was wounded. But really he was going to die.
So the boy contradicted Napoleon’s words.


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b) He is ready to die for his country after delivering the victory message to the

7. a) Free imagination helps to bring about changes in the world.

b) ‘Transferred Epithet’ is used here.

8. a) The phrase ‘the quest of lucre’ means money gained in a dishonourable way.

b) Good man also has fallen prey in quest for money.

9. a) Napolean is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines.

b) Like a mother eagle the chief feels sad seeing the young soldier’s wounds.

10. a) The poet hopes to save the tree from being forgotten through her verse.

b) ‘Fain’ conveys the eagerness of the poet.

11. a) The world is compared to a stage.

b) ‘Exits’ means death and ‘entrances’ means birth.

12. a) ‘We’ refers to the soldiers.

b) The soldiers spent the summer days by laying and taking rest.

13. a) Ulysses’s purpose in life is to sail to new places beyond the sunset and

beyond the western stars to gain knowledge.

b) The venture would last till his death.

14. a) The rider replied that he was killed.

b) There was a smile on the face of the rider because he was satisfied with the

duty and loyalty. He was glad to deliver the news of victory to his Emperor.

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15. a) Ulysses is referring to the adventures he had where he both enjoyed and

b) Greatly- greatly.

16. a) The rhyming words are

Stone - groan - overthrown

b) The castle was captured by the enemies.

17. a) A Wicked - wicket gate is an evil small door or gate.

b) There are two figures of speech used here.

i. Personification : The small door or gate is personified as an evil one.

ii. Alliteration : Wicked-wicket

18. a) No, he is not happy. He is sorrowful.

b) He sighs and writes sad verses in praise of his beloved's beauty.



Rewrite the following sentences using ‘If ’ without changing the meaning.

1. If you do not go for a walk regularly, you cannot reduce your weight.

2. Sindhu would not have won the world championship, if she had not had single
minded devotion.

3. You will not reach your goal, if you do not chase your dream.

4. If we do not plant more trees, we cannot save our planet.


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5. The rescue team would not have saved the victims, if they had not received the
call in time.

6. The palace cannot be kept clean, if we do not appoint more people.

7. The portraits would not have been so natural, if the artist had not given his best.

8. The manager would not have selected Nithiksha, if she had not exhibited good
accounting skill.

9. The policeman would not have arrested the man, if he had not violated the rules.

10. Mr Kunaal would not sponsor my higher education, if I did not study well.

11. Kavin will not stop flying kites, if he does not understand the risk involved in it.

12. Tanya would not know the answer, if she did not refer to the answer key.

13. My village cannot achieve 100 % literacy rate, if the elders of the village do
not cooperate with the education department.
1. Had I money, I would buy this basket of fruits.

2. If he were the manager, he would give a salary hike for the employees.

3. Had I already told Luigi, he would have come on Sunday.

4. Had it been anybody else than Gresham, I would have struck him across the
5. Were I going to shoot you, that is where I would shoot you from.
6. Should I die, think only this of me: .............
7. If I Should tell all I know, John Gresham must go to jail.
8. Had he paid me what he should have, I would have put by more than a
hundred thousand by now.

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9. Were I you, I would accept this offer. (Begin with 'Were')

10. If I had won the lottery, I would have donated relief materials for the flood

1. One’s promise should be kept by one.

2. The students laughed at the clown.

3. Let not the food be left uncovered.

4. Whose car did someone park in front of your gate?

5. Are sweets liked by the children?

6. The crowd expected their leader to arrive early in the morning.

7. Will the letter have been received by him?

8. Harshit has challenged Mirthika.

9. The match might be won by her.

10. This mango tastes sweet.

11. The fields are overgrown with grass.

12. Your behaviour surprises me.

13. The door was being knocked by someone.

14. Twelve months make a year.

15. You are advised to work hard.

16. This bottle contains milk.


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17. A noise is being made by the children.

18. Where will you spend your holidays?

19. Your parents ought to be served by you.

20. A stick is to walk with.

21. You are ordered to get out of my way.

22. It is time for rest to be taken.

23. He was elected chairman by us.

24. We left her a note.

25. Let your surroundings be kept clean.


1. I said to my friend, “Please make me a cup of hot chocolate”

2. He exclaimed sadly that they had missed the bus.

3. The teacher said to the boy, “Have you completed your homework?”

4. The captain commanded his men to stand at ease.

5. The principal said to the students, “Don’t go in.”

6. They said that the earth goes round the sun.

7. My mother asked me whether I would like to have a cup of tea. I replied that
I would.

8. Mani said, “I can’t drive a truck.”

9. He suggested that we should listen to the music.


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10. Raji says, “I know the answer to this question.”

11. He exclaimed that he was a very wonderful fellow.

12. The inspector said, “Let no one touch the file.”

13. The anxious mother entreated the doctor to save her son’s life.

14. The announcer said, “The Cheran Express is late by two hours.”

15. She requested her mother to give her some money that day.

16. He asked me, “What has that bird got under its tail?”

17. Ram cried that she was going to be ill.

18. He said, “Can you dance?” And I said, “No.”

19. She reassured me if I had not broken the window.

20. My father prayed to God to bless me / My father prayed to God for my well

21. The student said, “Alas! I wasted my time last year.”

22. The priest urged them to be quiet and listen to his words.

23. Jai said to his cousin, “I am leaving for Newyork tomorrow.”

24. I asked him why he didn’t work hard.

25. Rani asked, “How long will it take to travel from Germany to Australia?”


1. After we had bought their biggest basket, we set off toward town.


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2. Trade slackened and so we went over.

3. "Though we should greatly like to go to the States, here, at present, we have

other plans.”

4. A woman with steel-rimmed spectacles appeared and she was looking pleasant.

5. Shaking my head, I turned away.

6. Having gone about twenty-five miles, he stopped for the horses to be fed.

7. Though Aksionov wondered why he was asked all these questions, he described
all that had happened.

8. Aksionov saw a blood-stained knife taken from his bag and so he was frightened.

9. In spite of trying to answer, Aksionov could hardly utter a word.

10. They tied his feet together and flung him into the cart, and (at once) Aksionov
crossed himself and wept.

11. Being in despair, his wife did not know what to believe.

12. She took them all with her and she went to the town where her husband was in

13.On seeing her husband in prison-dress and in chains, shut up with thieves and
criminals, she fell down.


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a. Simple: Giving up all hope and praying only to God, Aksionov wrote no
more petitions.
b. Complex: As Aksionov gave up all hope and prayed only to God, he wrote
no more petitions.
c. Compound: Aksionov gave up all hope and prayed only to God and so he wrote
no more petitions.

15. "If you do not go away, I will call the guard!”

16. On hearing Makar sobbing , Aksionov too began to weep.

17. No longer having any desire to leave the prison, he only hoped for his last hour
to come.
Simple: In case of not drinking tea in Russian style, it should be drunk without

Compound: Drink tea (with sugar) in Russian style or it should be drunk without

19. When the rain stopped, I could not stay in the position I was in forever.

20. Feeling well enough to investigate, the truth of it would be confirmed.

21. As soon as I unrolled the tarpaulin a little, I was rewarded.


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22. The can was too cool and heavy to touch.

Complex: The can was so cool and heavy that I cannot touch it. /

The can was so cool that no one can touch it.

Compound: The can was very heavy and cool and so I cannot touch it./

The can was very heavy and cool and so no one can touch it.

23. Though my feelings can perhaps be imagined, they can hardly be


24. Besides agony and fear I experienced anger during the next few days in the

25. My wife had a young baby and he needed her care.

26. Being desperate, he doesn’t know what to do.

27. As my boots were frozen solid, I cooked them over the fierce flame of the

28. The snow on this face being dangerous, we persisted in our efforts to beat
a trail up it.

29. I was stamping a trail in the deep snow and so a section around me gave
way and I slipped back through three or four of my steps.


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30. As I kicked backwards, I sank the spikes of my crampons deep into the
frozen snow.

31. My progress was slow but steady.

32. In spite of being very tired, we moved down to the two reserve cylinders
on the ridge.

33. I know not only Tamil and Sanskrit, but also I know the classical languages
of Latin and Greek.

34. In spite of time passing, the ridge seemed never-ending.

35. Besides being a personal affair, Liberty is also a social contract. /
Liberty is both a personal affair and a social contract.



1. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’ written by
‘William Shakespeare.
The poet talks about the seven stages of human life.


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The poet compares this world to a stage. All men and women are only actors
and actresses on the stage. They enter this stage when they are born and leave this
stage when they die. The first stage symbolises birth and the last stage death.
2. Reference:
This line is taken from ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ written by Toru Dutt.
The poet highlights the nostalgic memories of her childhood.
Toru recaptures the happy times with her siblings under the shade of the
Casuarina Tree. So, it is dear to her soul.
3. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘A Father to his Son’ written by ‘Carl
August Sandburg’

The father wants to offer his worldly wisdom to his son..
The father urges his son to take advantage of his loneliness to become
creative like Shakespeare, Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Michael Faraday.
4. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by ‘Alfred Tennyson’
King Ulysses has an unquenchable thirst for adventure.
Ulysses has returned Ithaca after a long time. He does not want to take rest.
He believes that life is a journey. And the journey does not mean stopping. He
wishes to enjoy life to the fullest and so he cannot afford to idle away his
remaining life as a king.


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5. Reference:
This line is taken from the poem ‘The Castle’ written by ‘Edwin Muir’.
The narrator wonders how the shameful wicked act of the warder is to be

The narrator feels disgraced about the disloyalty of the wicked warder. They
were sold for gold by the old guard. As it was a shameful act, the narrator decided
to hold this by not telling to anyone until his death.
6. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘Incident of the French Camp’ written
by ‘Robert Browning’.

Expresses the feelings of Napoleon at the sight of wounded soldier.
Napoleon saw the soldier fatally wounded. The feelings of Napoleon at that
moment were just like those of the mother eagle who gets confused when she finds
her young ones badly bruised.

7. Reference:
This line is taken from the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ written by ‘Toru
The poet personifies the tree and believes that it laments over her absence.


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The poet strongly believes that nature communicates with human beings.
When Toru was as far as in Italy and France, she could hear the tree lamenting her
8. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘A Father to his Son’ written by ‘Carl
August Sandburg’
The poet gives a description of a father’s worldly wisdom in directing his
The father motivated his son to be like a hard rock and withstand
life’s struggles and sudden betrayals. The father who has earned experience from

the life wishes that his son should lead a life where he could overcome the hurdles
that come in the pathway of life.
9. Reference:
This line is taken from the poem ‘The Castle’ written by ‘Edwin Muir’.
The narrator talks about the confidence of the soldiers in the castle.

The castle was strong and they could watch the enemy at a distance of half a
mile. So, the enemies did not seem to be a threat at all to the soldiers.
10. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’ written by
‘William Shakespeare’.


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The poet talks about the last stage of man where the old man behaves in a
childish manner.
This is a strange stage of life. The old man’s mental abilities decline and he
forgets everything. He is dependent upon others as a child. He is childish as well
as childlike. He loses his teeth, vision and taste. He is without everything.
11. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘Incident of the French Camp’ written
by ‘Robert Browning’.
The poem describes an act of patriotism and sacrifice of a young French

The poet appreciates the attitude of the soldier. He showed no sign of pain.
But he was smiling in joy, jumped off the horse and gave the happy news of
victory to the emperor. Thereafter, the wounded soldier breathed his last.

12. Reference:
This line is taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by ‘Alfred Tennyson’

Ulysses has confidence that his son Telemachus will fulfil his duties as a
Ulysses speaks his son’s capabilities as a ruler, praising his prudence,
dedication and devotion to the Gods. Telemachus will do his work of governing
Ithaca while Ulysses will continue his adventures at sea.


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13. Reference:
This line is taken from the poem ‘The Castle’ written by ‘Edwin Muir’.
The narrator insists that his only enemy was gold.
The soldier was proud of their castle and loyal soldiers. Gold was their
enemy for which they had no weapon. The weakness of the old guard for gold
made the strong castle weak.
14. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ written by ‘Toru
The poet appreciates the strength of the Casuarina tree.

The creeper saps the tree for its growth and survival. The tree treats the
creeper’s tight hold as a lover’s embrace. It allows the creeper to lean on its trunk
and live.
15. Reference:
These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ written by ‘William

The poet talks about the second stage of man.
During boyhood, the school boy goes to school unwillingly. He slings his
bag on his shoulders and moves like a snail to school. His face shines like the
bright and fresh morning.


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16. Reference:
This line is taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by ‘Alfred Tennyson’
Ulysses reveals that we are strong because of our will to strive, seek and find.
Ulysses describes his desire to keep sailing. He is getting older and doesn’t
have a lot of time left. His spirit was young and energetic to achieve the goal. He
wanted to work hard, to seek new knowledge.
17. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘A Father to his Son’ written by ‘Carl
August Sandburg’.
The father advises his son to be truthful and learn from the mistakes.

The father advises his son that we should learn from our mistakes and at the
same time we should not repeat them. The father provides a set of guidelines
and values to lead a meaningful life.
18. Reference:
These lines are taken from the poem ‘Incident of the French Camp’ written
by ‘Robert Browning’.
The the young wounded soldier uttered these words while meeting the chief.
When Napoleon inquired whether the boy was wounded, the wounded
soldier replied with contradiction. The soldier proudly declared that he was killed,
not wounded.


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1. The author avoided going to Lucia’s room because he didn’t want to intervene
into the happy reunion of the boys with their beloved sister, Lucia.
2. Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.
3. The boys joined the resistance movement against the Germans because the war
had killed their father and left them homeless on the streets.
4. The driver did not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys because of
their shabby appearance.
5. The little boys sold strawberries, polished shoes, hawked newspapers, conducted
tourists around the town and ran errands.
6. According to the author, ‘a nice cup of tea’ refers to Indian tea.

7. Tea is a part of civilization in Australia, New Zealand, England and India.

8. The author prefers a cylindrical cup as it holds more and the heat is well

9. China tea has many good qualities. It is economical and can be drunk without
milk. But there is no much stimulation in it. One may not feel wiser, braver or
optimistic after drinking it.
10. Adding sugar destroys the taste of tea. It is similar to adding pepper or salt to
tea. By adding sugar, we taste only the sugar and not tea. So, the tea should be
drunk without sugar
11. In the grand finale the two boys were caught up by the nurse and the ward
sister. They scolded them and put them back to bed and there were scattered
plates and silverware.

12. Doctor Barnard had eleven broken ribs and a damaged lung. His wife had a
fractured shoulder


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13.The blind boy had a disfigured face with the third degree burns. Long flap of
skin hanged from the side of his neck. His lower jaw became gripped in a
fibrous tissue mass.

14. The trolley driver had a hole in his heart which was closed by Doctor Barnard.
He also suffered from malignant tumour of the bone because of which his
shoulder and arm were amputated.

15.The climbers carried oxygen sets, Ice hammers and crampons

16. Hillary removed his wet boots as they were frozen. He warmed them over the
fierce flame of the stove to soften them.

17. The soft snow made the route on top of the ridge both difficult and dangerous,
as it held their weight but often gave way suddenly.

18. Tenzing and Hillary offered various small articles of food, a bar of chocolate, a
pocket of biscuits and lollies as gift to the God of summit. They placed a
crucifix in a little hole in the snow.

19. The rule of the road means that the liberties of everyone must be curtailed in
order to preserve their personal liberty.
20. Individual liberty should be curtailed because if everybody gets into everybody
else’s way, it would become a social lawlessness.

21. According to the author, liberty is not a personal affair. It is a social contract
and accommodation of interests of others.
22. According to the old lady, “liberty is to walk wherever she likes to roam”. She
thinks that she has got the liberty to do so.
23. If everyone thought that they had liberty to walk down the middle of the road
instead on the pavements, then such liberty would end in universal chaos.


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Help the needy

10-th July, 20XX

RWA has decided to help the underprivileged people lying on

the roads. All families are requested to donate food daily in the morning. The
food would be collected from those who consent to help at 9.00 am by the security
guard. For further information, contact the undersigned.




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Inter- class Drama Competition

1st October, 20XX

An Inter - school drama competition will be held in our school for classes
IX to XII on 22nd Oct, 20XX. Students who are interested to participate
may give in their names to the class leaders latest by the 5th of October .

(School pupil leader)

Blood Donation Camp
22nd September, 20XX
Our society is organizing a blood donation camp in the
community centre on 1st October,20xx, from 10 A.M to 4 P.M. The camp is
being conducted under the expert guidance of the doctors and nurses of the
Red Cross Society. Residents are requested to ensure an over whelming
response to this camp.



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5th August, 20XX

The English Literary Association invites participants in the following

contests to be held in the school auditorium :

• Spell bee: 20 Aug 20xx at 11.00 a.m.

• Elocution : 21 Aug 20xx at 11.00 a.m.

Each house can send a team of two students per item.

Last date for submission of names: 10th Aug 20xx
Secretary, ELA

2nd Oct 20xx
A two-week course on communication skills is being
organized for the children of our J.J Nagar Housing Society.
Details of the course
Date : 15 Oct – 30 Oct 20xx
Timings : 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Venue : Community hall, J.J. Nagar
Fee : 500/-
The interested ones may contact the undersigned for further details.
Bhavna / Girish
23B, J.J Nagar


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1. (i) I did

(ii) I bought books of Science Fiction.

(iii) Stories about space and unidentified flying objects.

2. Neeta : Oh yes, the air is full of fumes

Vibha : These fumes have poisonous gases.

Neeta : Yes. I forgot to bring my sunglasses today.

Vibha : How would sunglasses help?

Neeta : They shield the eyes from harmful gases.

Vibha : Then, I too would wear mine from tomorrow.

3. (i) are suitable for the job

(ii) you speak

(iii) were your subjects

(iv) have any teaching experience?

(v) teaching experience of 5 years

(vi) then we may consider you for the job.

4. Rajan : I will come to your house today evening and request your

parents to send you with me for the movie.

Rohit : Ok


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Rajan : Will they be at home in the evening?

Rohit : Yes, they will be at home.

Rajan : Then I’ll surely come.

Rohit : See you in the evening.

5. (i) How you developed it?

(ii) It is a constant practice that is needed.

(iii) How much time I should devote to it every day?

Drafting E-mail.
To : revanth2123@gmail.com
Cc :
Subject : Inability to attend the wedding - reg.
Dear Revanth,
Thank you for your cordial invitation on the occasion of your sister’s wedding. I,
however, regret my inability to be with you on this happy occasion as we are
quarantined for COVID- 19 till May 3rd20xx. Please excuse my absence.
Do convey my regards and best wishes to the couple
Yours sincerely,


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To : thirukumaran@gmail.com
Cc: arun123@gmail.com
Sub: Permission to take photos in the office premises - reg.
Dear Sir ,
I am designing my first interior decoration project and your designs in interior
decorations have always marvelled me. Therefore, I kindly request you to give me
permission to take photos in your office premises which will help me on the new
plan I am working on.

Yours sincerely,


To : vijayathiagarajan@gmail.com
Cc : sujitha543@gmail.com
Subject : Invitation to preside over English Literary Association - reg.
Dear Madam ,
I would like to invite you for presiding over the inauguration of our
School’s Literary Association scheduled to be held at Auditorium, Govt. Girls
Hr. Sec. School, Perundurai on 20th June 20xx at 2.30. PM. On behalf of the
school, I invite you to deliver the keynote address also.

Yours sincerely,


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To : mukesh@gmail.com
Cc : karan12@gmail.com
Subject : Permission to see Pĺanetarium - reg.
Dear Sir,
I, Karan, entrusted by our class teacher to write to you to block 50
seats for students and 5 seats for teachers in Birla Planetarium, morning show
between 10 am to 11.30 am. After receiving your consent letter and entry ticket
charges only, we have to make arrangements.

With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,


To : arunesh@gmail.com
Cc :
Subject : Congratulating on the success of NEET exam - reg.
Dear Arunesh,

I am so glad to hear that you have cleared your NEET exam. Today your dream
has come true.
Congratulations. You have made every one of the family very proud. My best
wishes are there for you always.
Convey my regards to all.


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Yours lovingly,


1. BSNL begins countrywide 4G roll out

23rd April, Delhi. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has started the process to roll
out 4G services across the country.

2. India seeks Swiss bank details of Ratulpuri and his dad

22nd March, Goa. India sought details of Ratulpuri and his dad’s Swiss Bank
accounts for illicit funds.

3. Trump halts WHO funding, as COVID- 19 cases increased

3rd May, Newyork. United states President Donald Trump suspended fund to the
World Health organization. Even as the country saw an increasing COVID-19
fatalities on Tuesday.

4. India to receive normal monsoon forecast IMD

4th July, Lucknow. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) said on

Wednesday that India will likely have a normal monsoon, with a chance of rain in
August and September.

5. Woman throws 5 children into Ganga after quarrel with husband in UP

5th May, UP. A woman in Uttar Pradesh ‘s Bhadohi, allegedly threw her five
children into the Ganga following an argument with her husband, police said on


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1. ABC Hr. Sec. School, Trichi
By: Karuna, Sports Secretary.

It was a great honour for me to represent my school, ABC Hr. Sec. School, Trichi,
in the state level Chess Tournament held at Chennai from 19th to 22nd September,
20xx. The tournament was inaugurated by the Chief Education Officer. Seven
schools from all over Tamilnadu were qualified for the district level competition.
The first round of the competition started on 19th September in the ABB Indoor
Stadium. After various elimination rounds entered the final round in which our
school and Model School, Chennai qualified. Finally, this journey of ten cracker
rounds was won by our school by scoring 8.5 points. With great pride, I accepted
the winning trophy. The Cheif Education Officer, Chennai gave away the prizes

during the closing ceremony. In his speech, he praised the officials for their good
work in promoting the game of Chess.

2. Pollution Check Causes a Mess

By: Priya,12, M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai

26th August, 20xx, Chennai.

The traffic police have recently launched a special drive against the pollution
causing vehicles. This has created more confusion than relief. It has led to traffic
jams and crowds at important intersections. The traffic constables have gone into
overdrive by putting barricades and conducting checks on pollution. These
barricades, put up by the police, create heavy traffic snarls especially during the
peak hours. Traffic congestion is a problem for commuters who are invariably


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delayed in reaching their destination. The police need to restrict their drive to lean
traffic hours. This way, they will be able to carry forth their drive against pollution
without causing inconvenience to the commuters.

3. Workshop on Energy Conservation

By: Rohini

26th August, 20xx, Tirupur.

KRM Higher Secondary School, Tirupur our school organised a workshop on

‘How to Conserve Energy’ on 24th April, 20xx. Around 25 Hr. Sec. schools
participated in it. The participants were trained on various tools and methods for
energy conservation and efficient use of energy. A training manual titled ‘Doing

More with Less’ was distributed to all the participants. Many eminent personalities
from the Energy Department of the NRSE Division addressed the students. They
highlighted the importance of incorporating energy into different spheres. They
also pointed out the various steps that could be taken at the individual levels to
conserve energy and use it efficiently. This workshop which was organised as a
part of the project, Building Energy Awareness on Conservation (BEACON), was
most enlightening and everyone felt more. Such workshops should be organised at
regular intervals.

4. Workshop on Personality Development for Students

By: Rajesh, GHSS, Thingalur

26th August, 20xx, Tirupur.


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Regular personality development workshops are organized for students wherein

eminent personalities from different fields are invited to interact with the students.
I attended one such workshop organized by Thulir, an NGO that works for child
development. About 72 students attended this workshop wherein, Mrs. N. Mythili,
a student counsellor and personality trainer conducted the workshop for the
development of students’ communication skills. Through multimedia presentation,
along-with an animated and energizing speech, she stressed that for rising in any
field of career, communication skills play a very important role. After attending the
one hour workshop I understood that this was bound to prove most beneficial to
the students who had attended it. They were sure to gain a lot of valuable
knowledge that would prove to be most useful to them in the future. I feel such
workshops should be organized more frequently.

5. Book Exhibition
By: Mano,

26th August, 20xx, Erode.

Makkal Sindhanai Peravai has successfully organized a three day Book Exhibition
in our neighbourhood, in the VOC Park grounds. Many reputed national and
international publishers participated in this event. This fair was inaugurated by the
Mr. Irayanbu IAS, Tourism and Developement. He appreciated all the
arrangements made at the book fair and also visited many stalls and thanked the
publishers for making the book fair such a success. Many people enthusiastically
visited the book fair as it housed a good collection of academic, fiction, research
and general books. This book fair is likely to play a pivotal role in reiterating the
importance of books and is likely to be recognized as a huge annual cultural event


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of book bonanza keenly awaited by students, teachers, scholars, intellectuals,

authors and book lovers.


1. flower 2. Want 3. Sword 4. human

5. haste 6. Divided 7. Work 8. triumphs

9. water 10. Lose 11. Gold 12. reap

13. look 14. Hay 15. Cooks 16. flock

17. never 18. gain 19. Seeing 20. hot

21. policy 22. More 23. Drop 24. manners

25. Homer 26. Godliness 27. Vessels 28. Island

29. perfect 30. borrowed. 31.burnt 32. stone

33. fruits 34. Idle 35. Deceptive 36. barley

37. prey 38. Late 39. mind. 40. castles

41. calm 42. Brevity 43. Rob 44. little

45. day 46. Prevention 47. Brave 48. strokes

49. tide 50. petty.

Framing questions

I.1. Have you had your breakfast?

2. How did the enemies enter the castle?

3. Which flower does Gayathri like amidst several flowers?

II.1. Whom did Ulysses want to see?


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2. Are you not hungry?

3. How much did you spend to buy this new watch?

III. 1. Why did he run away?

2. Whose poems are revolutionary?

3. How long is the cobra?

I. Frame suitable question for the underlined word in each of the

following sentences.

1. What kind of man was Bhagat Singh?

2. Whose car did you watch passing by yesterday?

3. How long have the trekkers been climbing the hill?

II. Frame suitable question for the underlined word in each of the
following sentences.

1. How often does Leela attend the music class?

2. At what time does Suseela go to office in the morning?

3. Whom did the author see selling newspapers in the street?

Verbal and Non-verbal comprehension

1. Answer:
* This table is about Average Annual rainfall in the southern states of India in the
year 2019.
* Karnataka got highest (maximum) rain.


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* Tamilnadu & Pondicherry got lowest (minimum) rain.

2. Answer:
* This graph is about the research projects submitted during the last five years in
a university.
* Total number of projects during the year 2018-2019 is 179
* Projects submitted were very low in 2014-2015.
3. Answer:
* Tendulkar scored 99 runs in 105 balls.
* Dhoni scored 45 runs in 48 balls.
* Harthik scored 12 runs in 15 balls.

4. Answers:
1. Antibiotics. 2. Sedatives. 3. Analgesics.
5. Answers:
1. Vans 2. Bicycles and bikes. 3. Cars.

1. Workers of the world, Unite! 2. Don’t hurry,Your family may worry!

3. Health is wealth or Fast food is waste food

4. The taste makes your tongue paint your lips

5. Save Nature, Save Future! 6. Change your fate by your vote.

7. Let your words travel all over the world.

8. The tasty sip will not slip from your lip.

9. No more advices on dressing, Need advises on seeing!


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10. Farewell to filth, Hello to health!


1. They were selling wild strawberries.

2. The darkness melted away from the sky.

3. The business of living is the celebration of being alive.

4. A few cold drops fell on their noses and their cheeks and their mouths.

5. Liberty is not a personal affair only but a social contract.

6. Rama’s mother sent him off to the temple after telling him that it was his last

7. Kali took pity on him and appeared in her most awe-inspiring form before him.

8. Rama took one look at the frightening form and burst into laughter.

9. They include co-operation and sportsmanship.

10. Sports definitely bring man closer to man.


1. Precautions before cyclone hit.

1. Wear tough clothes and shoes.

2. Lock doors and windows.

3. Turn off power & gas.

4. Keep an emergency kit ready.


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(Portable battery radio &stove, matches, fuel lamp etc)

5. Keep a list of emergency phone no's on display.

6. Fill vehicle’s fuel tanks.

2. Precautions during pandemic.

1. Wash your hands often (using soap)

2. Wash your feet, hands and face on coming home.

3. Cover your mouth while sneezing with tissue paper or hand kerchief.

4. Dispose them carefully afterwards.

5. Maintain social distancing.

6. Wear a mask while going out.

7. Take a balanced diet that boosts your immunity.

8. Avoid mass gatherings and crowds for a certain period.

3. Check whether you have taken

S.No. Things to be remembered. Tick box

1. Food items/plates/snacks
2. Water cans/jugs/Tumblers.
3. Bed sheets /Towels.
4. Dresses/Sweaters.
5. Raincoats /umbrellas.
6. Camera /video cameras


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4. Cleaning the tarnished brass items

1. Take the brass items.

2. Spray some water on them.

3. Apply some ash and tamarind on the brass items.

4. Scrub them well.

5. Clean them well with water.

6. Now they are shiny and good looking.

5. Precautions before selfies

1. Ensure that there are no vehicles at all.

2. Avoid taking them in railroads& rail gates.

3. Avoid going near the edges of cliffs in hill areas.

4. Don’t try to take selfies on the top in waterfalls.It may be slippery

6. Organising a function
1. Discuss with your institution head and teachers.

2. Have an idea of their plans.

3. Make a clear plan of the role of everyone.

4. Make a list of things required. (Invitations, mementos ,etc.)

5. Get them ready in time.

6. Share your workload and get them done neatly.

7. Rock on the day.


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1. Note- making

The Art of Conversation

• Conversation —most easily teachable art

(a) Requires interesting subject – hobbies
(b) Talk about another fellow’s hobby
(c) Will get reputation. as good conversationalist
(i) good fellowship
(ii) charming wit
(iii) brilliant mind

• Fit subject for conversationalist

(a) What subjects, to avoid/select?

(b) Avoid unpleasant subs.
(i) sickness
(ii) death
(c) Avoid talking about self

• Qualities of a good conversationalist

(a) What to say & how to say it
(b) mentally quick & witty
(c) pleasant & non hurting
(d) avoid mannerisms.


Rough copy

The Art of Conversation


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Conversation is the easiest and the most effective tool than other arts. To have such
an attractive quality, you need to pick a subject that interests your listeners more than
you. Talking to your friends on topics that can indulge them in the conversation for a
longer period of time gives such an idea. Being a good conversationalist, you have to
be quick and witty. You should have a pleasant and non-hurting quality. Mannerism
should be avoided.

Fair copy

The Art of Conversation

Conversation is the easiest and the most effective tool than other arts. To have such
an attractive quality, you need to pick a subject that interests your listeners more than
you. Talking to your friends on topics that can indulge them in the conversation for a
longer period of time gives such an idea. Being a good conversationalist, you have to

be quick and witty. You should have a pleasant and non-hurting quality. Mannerism
should be avoided.

2. Note-Making

1) Meteor show
a) celestial show
b) Don’t need to travel high mountains
c) Enjoy show in a dark night
2) Meteoroid
a) piece of debris-the size of a Pebble
b) travels in outer space
c) Large - from the asteroid belt


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d) Smaller - from the Moon or Mars

e) Shooting star - meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere

3) Meteor shower

a) Earth comes across many meteoroids at once

4) SPACE.com

a) shower occurs - dust or particles from asteroids or comets enter Earth's


b) meteors rub against air particles and create friction

c) appear anywhere in the sky

d) meteors travel to Earth at the same angle


Rough Copy


A meteor show is a celestial show. A meteoroid is a piece of debris-the size of a

Pebble-which travels in outer space. Meteoroid entering the Earth's atmosphere, is
called a meteor or shooting star. When Earth comes across many meteoroids at
once, we call it a meteor shower. Meteor showers may appear anywhere in the sky
but their ‘tails’ usually point to the same spot in the sky.

Fair copy


A meteor show is a celestial show. A meteoroid is a piece of debris-the size of a

Pebble-which travels in outer space. Meteoroid entering the Earth's atmosphere, is


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called a meteor or shooting star. When Earth comes across many meteoroids at
once, we call it a meteor shower. Meteor showers may appear anywhere in the sky
but their ‘tails’ usually point to the same spot in the sky.

3. Note- making

Virtual Classes

1. Lockdown

a) COVID-19 pandemic closed schools

b) cities and towns glued to computer and smartphone screen

c) teachers take to online app for lectures, tutorials and assessments

2. Online tools

a) YouTube – institutions upload lectures

b) Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Swayam Prabha portal

c) Andhra Pradesh - tap Doordarshan

d) Some institutions - Zoom app, others Google classroom.

3. System rolled out

a) Can sustain only with mixed activities

b) Not all have tablet computers or laptop

c) Smartphones – distracting apps

d) Teachers – lack of familiarity with technology

e) Sending material in Whatsapp without textbook

Summary Writing


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Rough copy

Virtual Classes

The long lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools, colleges and
other educational institutions. Teachers and students enter a new world of virtual
lectures and worksheets. Some of the virtual classrooms in India are Youtube,
Swayam Prabha Portal, Zoom app, Google Classroom etc. This system may roll
out because of lack of computer tablets or laptops, lack of mixed activities,
distracting apps in smart phones, teachers’ lack of familiarity and schools sending
materials through whatsapp without textbook .

Fair copy

Virtual Classes

The long lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools, colleges and
other educational institutions. Teachers and students enter a new world of virtual
lectures and worksheets. Some of the virtual classrooms in India are Youtube,
Swayam Prabha portal, Zoom app, Google classroom etc. This system may roll
out because of lack of computer tablets or laptops, lack of mixed activities,
distracting apps in smart phones, teachers’ lack of familiarity and schools sending
materials through whatsapp without textbook.

4. Note-making

Mobile Phone

a. Mobile without wire

i) works by base station connects to main network


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ii) when moving hand-off done

b. Cost of Mobile

i) More popular became to cost less

ii) replaced pay phones and phone booths

c. Making calls

i) radio receiver finds network base station

ii) transmitter sends a request for service

iii) base station check network - covers area called cell

iv) Radio connection to cell lost - cannot make or receive calls

d. Network and Smart phones

i) network provides phone service

ii) more network – customer choose by area or by price

iii) 21st century smart phone – small computer

Summary Writing

Rough copy

Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is a small portable radio phone. The mobile phone can be used to
communicate without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base station
which connects it to the main phone network. While moving, hand-off is done.
Mobile phones became more popular but cost less money. Mobile phone’s radio
receiver sends a request for service through transmitter to its nearby base station.
Once connected, mobile can make a call. The network is the company that


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provides the phone service. 21st century smartphones are basically

small computers.

Fair Copy

Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is a small portable radio phone. The mobile phone can be used to
communicate without wires. It works by communicating with a nearby base station
which connects it to the main phone network. While moving, hand-off is done.
Mobile phones became more popular but cost less money. Mobile phone’s radio
receiver sends a request for service through transmitter to its nearby base station.
Once connected, mobile can make a call. The network is the company that
provides the phone service. The network is the company that provides the phone
service. 21st century smartphones are basically small computers.

5. Note-making


a. Self-medication
i) part of normal living—last 100 yrs
ii) Advance in diagnosis technology
iii) Drugs required for diagnosis & treatment of disease
iv) self medication differs from medical prescription
b. Technological Advancement in medicine
i) drug therapy
ii) improvement. In public Health organization
ii) increase in nutritional standards.
c. Clever advertising by pharmaceutical companies
i) take advantage of people’s need


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ii) chronic suffers

iii) mild complaints like cold and coughs
d. Dangers of self – medications
i) Preparation contain unsuitable ingredients
ii) Taker becomes dependent
iii) Taker consumes medicine in excess
iv) Preparations may cause poisoning
v) Real cause of illness gets suppressed or untreated.

Rough copy

Self-medication is part of normal living. Medicinal experts are required
for diagnosis and treatment of disease according to symptoms and cause. The
development of drug therapy and improvement in public health organizations and
nutritional standards have helped progress in medicinal science. Excessive
advertising by pharmaceutical companies and emergence of the sedentary society
are two counter trends. Self-medication is dangerous as the preparation may be
toxic or contain unsuitable ingredients; the user becomes dependent and
consumes medicine in excess. Self-diagnosis is worse than self medication.

Fair copy
Self medication is part of normal living. Medicinal experts are required
for diagnosis and treatment of disease according to symptoms and cause. The
development of drug therapy and improvement in public health organizations and


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nutritional standards have helped progress in medicinal science. Excessive

advertising by pharmaceutical companies and emergence of the sedentary society
are two counter trends. Self medication is dangerous as the preparation may be
toxic or contain unsuitable ingredients; the user becomes dependent and
consumes medicine in excess. Self-diagnosis is worse than self medication.

1. Procrastination

Procrastination is the behaviour of putting off actions or tasks to a later time.

Everyone procrastinates. Putting up your homework till the last minute, studying
for the test only a day before, delay in submitting the assignments till the last
possible hour are some of the procrastinations by students. The reasons can be
varied. It depends on person to person and situation to situation. The common

reasons are fear of failure, lack of focus and determination, too much of a
perfectionist, easy distraction and laziness. It can be a very bad thing to do because
you do not get enough things done. First reason, why procrastination is bad is that
it affects the quality of work. Skipping some important steps and running out of
ideas are some causes to affect the quality. Next, last minute submission of
assignment likely to resort to cheating which leads to stress. And these reasons
may lead to poor work habits.

Procrastination can be over-come by scheduling the task, breaking down the big
task into small steps, giving priority, focus and attention to the tasks. Bound
yourself to the goals and achieve them in proper time.

2. The Importance of Reading

Reading makes a man perfect.


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- Sir Francis Bacon.

Reading helps a man know more about life and live smarter. It helps to understand
the world in a better way. The reading process needs calm and serene atmosphere.
The reader acquires communication skill and enjoys the variety in the world. He
gains the experience of writer easily and improves his decision making skill. With
the help of reading, one can create a better version of oneself. One can see the
world in a different perspective. While we read different topics, we can get
exposure to new ideologies and wide range of knowledge. It develops a normal
human being into an educated, cultured, affluent and proud citizen of the world.
Books are the all time sole companion. It not only develops our personality but
also entertains us. We will become a leader , an all- rounder personality, intelligent
and confident. We should make ourselves a good friend of books. If anybody
wants to be a full man, he must read books.

Reading changes the mind and the outlook of the people. We can become great by
making reading a good friend of us.

3. Health and Hygiene

'No Health, No Wealth', 'Health is Wealth' are some of the popular sayings which
reminds us the importance of health in human life. According to WHO, healthy life
maybe defined as the ability to adopt and manage physical, mental and social
challenges throughout life. We cannot separate hygiene from health. Hygiene is a
practice which is performed to preserve health. Physical health is about the body.
To maintain physical health, we must keep our self and our surroundings clean.
Physical exercise and yoga help to a great extent. Mental health represents,
rehabilitation of mentally disturbed, reduction of tension in a stressful world and
attainment of well-being. To develop our mental health, don't over think or over
analyse, accept change, do meditation, laugh a lot and be thankful. Social health is

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the science of a human relationship. To enhance a positive and healthy relationship,

accept and celebrate differences, listen effectively, give people your time, develop
your communication skills, learn to trust and develop empathy. These three are the
pillars of a healthy life.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence. Artificial

intelligence refers to the intelligence of machines. It is the ability of a computer
programme or a machine to think and learn. With artificial intelligence, machines
perform functions such as learning, planning, reasoning and problem solving.
Artificial intelligence has the ability to execute tasks naturally associated with
human intelligence, like speech recognition, decision-making, visual-perception

and translating languages. AI is now getting used in multiple fields from mobile
phone to disease diagnosing high-performance accurated system work.

'Alexa' by Amazon and 'Siri' by Apple are some of the best examples of AI.

AI is playing an important role helping humans to work with better performance

and efficiency without help of humans.


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Government Hr. Sec. School,


M/s. ABC Enterprises,

12,Fort Street,

5th April 20xx.

Dear Sirs,
Sub: Trade Catalogue for Sports Goods-reg
We have to buy sports materials for various games and sports for our school.

We are interested in cricket bats and balls, hockey sticks, balls, goalkeeper’s full
kit, footballs, volleyballs, basket balls, table tennis balls and bats etc.,. We also
need sports uniform. Please send us the trade catalogue with quotation and mention
the date of delivery, the percentage of discount and the mode of payment.
Yours faithfully,
Sports Secretary.
Address on the cover:


M/s. ABC Enterprises,

12,Fort Street,

106, Muthu Nagar,


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The Sales Officer,

Preethi Enterprises,
10, West Car Street,
5th April 20xx.

Sub: Complaint against defective hair dryer- Reg
Ref.: Receipt No. 3452 dt 25.01.20xx
I bought a hair dryer from you on 25th January, 20XX against a two
years of warranty. Now I discover that there is something wrong with the dryer.
The fan does not work properly and it produces heat waves only for a few seconds
and then it turns off.

So Now I write this letter to you to complain about it. I also request you to change

this defective dryer against the warranty that goes with it.

Thank You,
Yours Sincerely,

Address on the cover:

The Sales Officer,
Preethi Enterprises,
10, West Car Street,


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The School Pupil Leader
Govrnment Hr.Sec.School,

M/s Thamari Travels,

Near New Bus Stand,
Sub : Enquiry about conducted tours- reg

We organise short tours to Mysore and Bangaluru.I write this letter to you to

enquire about the terms for conducting tours by deluxe buses. Also, I want to
know about the fare, boarding and lodging charges and arrangements, total time
of the trip and mode of payment.
Expecting an early response.
Thank you,

Yours faithfully,
The School Pupil Leader
Address on the cover:
M/s Thamari Travels,
Near New Bus Stand,


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12, Car Street,
5th April 20xx.
Dear Priya,
Received your affectionate letter and was glad to note that you are going to
complete X standard. I was so happy when you had sought my advice to opt for
science or commerce group in XI standard.
In my opinion, you should opt for commerce group. There are some other reasons
behind this choice.

• Your father is a successful businessman. As a student of commerce, you may

learn business.

• If you want to seek employment, your commerce degree may help you get a
good job.

• You may appear for competitive examinations.

I hope all these points will help you in choosing suitable group.

With love,
Yours sincerely,
Address on the cover:

Ms. Priya,
46, South Court Street,


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The Sales Manager,
M/S. Bharathi Book Suppliers,
10, Kamala Nagar,

9th May, 20XX.

The Librarian,
Municipal Hr.Sec.School,

Sub: Sale of Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias-reg.
Ref. : Ref. No. 2456.

We thank you for your letter dated 5th May, 20XX and are happy to
furnish you the following information:
We stock dictionaries and encyclopaedias published by Indian as well as
foreign publishers. We have books suitable for all age-groups of school going
children. We are enclosing our latest catalogue. It contains the information you
We shall offer you 15% discount and accept payment by DD. I hope we’ll
receive your order soon.


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Yours faithfully,
Sales Manager.
Address on the cover:


The Librarian,
Municipal Hr.Sec.School,

K. Vijay,

Ram Nagar,
23rd August 20xx.

The Mayor
Sub.: Complaint regarding the problem of water logging in Ram Nagar- reg

I am Vijay, a resident of Ram Nagar. The residents of the area are facing a
lot of problems due to water logging.
Every year in the monsoon season, the area gets filled with water due to the


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poor drainage system. Many water-borne diseases have spread. All the houses are
submerged and we are facing a tough time.

Please consider the issue and find a solution at the earliest.

Yours Sincerely,

Address on the cover:


The Mayor


21, Vidhya Nagar,

21st Jan 20xx

Dear Salim,
Hi Dear! How are You? Have you performed well in your exams?
My birthday falls on 23rd of this month. You are invited to the birthday party which
is going to be celebrated at Red Hills Hall, from 4 p.m to 7 pm. As the party is
based on ‘Spiderman’ theme, please wear a dress in red/black color combination. I
have arranged a Mask game to have fun.

Please do come with your brother Mohammed. Waiting for your



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With love


Address on the cover:

Mr. Salim,
41, Bharathi Street,



12, Raja Street,


14th March 20xx.

The Director,

National College Of Technology,



Sub.: Seeking information about the course in Aeronautical Engineering.

This is in response to your advertisement in the daily “The Hindu” dated 10th
March,20xx regarding courses offered by your institute. I have finished my
XII std examinations and I would like to do Aeronautical Engineering.


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I write this letter to you seeking information about the courses, fee structure,
placement opportunities etc…

Please forward the details at the earliest.

Yours faithfully,


Address on the cover:


The Director,

National College Of Technology,




V. Sharath,

K.K Nagar,


25th February 20xx.

The Editor

The Indian Express,


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Sub.: Poor bus service in K.K. Nagar- reg.

I am Sharath, a resident of K.K. Nagar. Most of the residents of our

locality are daily wagers and labourers. We don’t have any high school or higher
secondary school in our area. So the people and the students have to go to Erode
for their livelihood and education.

Due to the poor bus service, it creates a lot of issues to the commuters.
Despite many pleas, the authorities concerned have turned a deaf ear to our only
request. A few additional buses to our area are only our request.

Thank you,
I hope you will publish the matter in your daily and help us.

Yours faithfully,


Address on the cover:


The Editor

The Indian Express,




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10. S.Manohar,

The Manager,

Nallisai Builders,

Erode .

28th May 2oxx.

M/S,Alpha Ads Ltd,

7, Nachiappa Street,



Sub.: Office space for rent- reg

We came to know that you need office space for your advertising company at a
prime location in Erode. We have a place that will be suitable for your office. We
write this letter to you offering the first floor of our building on rent. It is located
near bus stand and the area of the office is 40ftx40ft and the rent is Rs. 20,000 per

We require three months’ rent as advance and an agreement can be signed.

If you are satisfied with the terms and conditions, contact us at the earliest.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


The Manager


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Address on the cover:


M/S,Alpha Ads Ltd,

7, Nachiappa Street,



11. 15, Vidhya Nagar,

23rd November 20xx.

Dear Aarthy,

Hi!. How are you dear? How are you spending your summer holidays? I am very
happy to explain to you about one of the most unusual places I am exploring right
now on my summer break. It’s Kullu Manali.

The people I travel with are incredible .They are very helpful. They share their
knowledge and experience with me.

It is truly an amazing place, virtually every space is covered with ice and snow. I
loved looking at the glaciers! They are exceptionally amazing and the Himalayan
mount is filled with various other wildlife.

Anyway, I’d like to meet you when I get back. Hope you are enjoying your holiday.
Do write back soon.

Yours lovingly,



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Address on the cover:



23, Park Road,




129, Lotus Apartments

12h, March, 20xx.
Dear Raj,

How are you my dear friend? I hope you will be in good spirit. When I
visited last week, you seemed a little bit depressed.

Everything is going to be fine very soon. I heard that you are out of danger.
But You have to be in hospital for a few more days. Your family and friends are
there for you.

Don’t forget that life is a mixture of joys and sorrows. We have to celebrate
your recovery as soon as you come home. Hope to see you soon.

My parents have sent you lots of love and wishes.

Wish you a speedy recovery!

Yours truly,



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Address on the cover:


Mr. Raj,
5, South Lane,


B-101,Regency Apartments
28th December 20xx.
Dear Vishnavi,

I just heard that you have received a new job. Congratulations!

I know it is not easy to get a good job in this troubled job market. It is
particularly tough for a fresh graduate. The resourcefulness you displayed in your
job search is appreciable. You have inspired me a lot and others that “Where there
is a will, there is a way.” You have made us all proud, Vishnu!

May all your dreams come true!.Best wishes.

Yours truly
Address on the cover:
Ms. Vishnavi,
4, Main Road,


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12,Nehru Street,
25 March, 20XX.

The Manager,
Residency Hotel
Dear Sir,
Sub: Reservation of a double-room-reg
I along with my parents shall be visiting Mumbai for eleven days—5th April

to 15th April . You are requested to reserve a deluxe double room for us, for eleven
days from 5th April to 15th April, 20XX. I am enclosing herewith a bank draft for
5000 as advance for reservation charges and partial room rent.
This letter follows in continuation with my telephonic conversation. Kindly
confirm the booking through my Telephone No. 2323321.
Hoping for an early response.
Yours sincerely

Address on the cover:

The Manager,
Residency Hotel


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15. R.Vasanth,
106, Viveka Street,
01 March, 20XX

The Principal
Tagore Hr.Sc.School,

Sub.: Application for the post of a post-graduate teacher-reg

In response to your advertisement in The Hindu, dated February 25th , 20XX
for the post of a Social Science teacher in your renowned school, I wish to offer
my candidature.
I am enclosing a copy of my bio-data for your perusal and kind
I am available for the interview on any day of your convenience. If given a chance
to serve you,


NAME - Vasanth R.
AGE &DATE OF BIRTH - 28 Years & 25 July, 1992
ADDRESS - 106, Viveka Street,Erode.


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E-MAIL - vasanthrajan@gmail.com
AGE - 28 years


S.No. Class/ Subject &Institution Year Of Percentage

Degree Completion

1. B.Ed Education- Periyar University May 2016 73%

2. M.A History- Bharathiyar University May 2015 82%

3. B.A History- Bharathiyar University May 2013 80%

4. XII Govt. Hr.Sec. School, YYY Mar’ 2010 89%

5. X Govt. Hr.Sec. School, YYY Mar’ 2008 93%

HOBBIES - Trekking and reading

EXPERIENCE - 3 yrs in ABC Hr. Sec.School, yyy

STRENGTHS - Good communication skills, computer literate.

LANGUAGES KNOWN - Tamil & English (Read & Write)


i) Mr. Vijay ,Principal
D.A.V. School, Chennai


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ii) Mr. Satish Raj,

Head of Humanity Department
Anna University, Chennai.


I assure you that I shall work with utmost sincerity and dedication up to your
Thank you,

Yours faithfully,

Address on the cover:

The Principal

Tagore Hr.Sc.School,

1. a. music, b. computer, c. education, d. environment e. agriculture.
2. a. tourism, b. business, c. computer, botany, social service
3. a. environment, b. computer, c. cooking, d. media, e. medicine
4. a. Paralympics, b. media, c. arts, d. railway, e. education
5. a. weather, b. sports, c. computer, d. pollution, e.travel
6. a. literature, b. nutrition and dietetics, c. agriculture, d.travel, e. sports
7. a. sports, b. flora, c. geology, d. robotics, e. cuisine
8. a. literature, b. business, c. sports, d. agriculture, e. religion
9. a. commerce, b. sports, c. medicine, d. agriculture, e. education


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10. a. education, b. weather, c. history, d. nutrition and dietetics, e. agriculture



1. If you had seen yesterday’s cricket match, I am sure you would have enjoyed
seeing our team bat.

2. It was she who suggested that you be at the door to welcome each participant
on his arrival

3. As we see it, she appears to be unreasonably anxious about pleasing her


4. Many a man has realized that real happiness lies in making sacrifices and not

in personal aggrandizement.

5. There are many important details to attend to before this book gets printed.


6. Along the northern frontier of India are seen the Himalayas, mighty in their

7. Although there are some similarities in the qualifications of both candidates,

the differences between them are considerably pronounced.

8. During the final minutes of his speech, the speaker requested the audience to
hold its applause.

9. A body of volunteers has been organized to help the faculty in their attempt to
raise funds.

10. My grandfather is well-known in the village for his noble deeds.


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11. As the committee has written in its current report, the rules need to be enforced
more strictly.

12. Each of the students whom I have chosen to take part in the discussion has
indicated that he will be happy to do so.

13. The village head understood the intention of the politician, didn’t he?

14. The green paint on the wall provides a suitable contrast to the yellow doors.

15. Neither your earnest pleadings nor your profuse tears have made me change
my decision.


16. We will learn a lot by attending the course on English Grammar, won’t we?
17. I would like you to meet my cousin.

18. After Napoleon had lost the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, he was exiled to the
island of St. Helena.

19. Nobody can resolve this issue, can they?

20. After every participant had had three minutes to express his/her opinion the
debate was thrown open to the audience.

21. For a long time, I did not know who was sitting beside me because it was so

22. Neither Lekha nor Leela has been selected.


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23. She had been a nurse for three years and then she wanted to study medicine.

24. This room would be much improved if you put some furniture in the corner
near the window.

25. Do you insist that we meet at least once tomorrow to discuss the subject?


26. No sooner had she realized her blunder than she began taking corrective

27. The tallest among them expressed a keen desire to sit in the shade of a tree.

28. A number of books is missing.

29. He is very healthy and is best suited to an army career.

30. She has remarkably kindly disposition which wins her friends wherever she


31. One of her firmest beliefs was that her friend shouted at her with a view to
making her aware of her repeated lapses.

32. He was curious to know why we should return them their money back.

33. Her memory played her false and she could not remember who had discovered

34. Between you and me, we are most reluctant to grant any further concessions to
the workers.

35. They were quarrelling among themselves when all of a sudden it occurred to
them that someone was watching all the five of them.


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36. Thanks to the insight and persistence of the local doctor, hundreds of victims
have been able to resume normal life.

37. Many a man was opposed to the idea of making attendance at the concerts

38. I am wondering why you are tinkering with wires; you might get a shock.

39. A lot of people go to the hill resorts during the summer vacation even though it
has become extremely expensive to travel these days.

40. The committee, appointed to investigate into the said murder, will convene
next week to discuss their strategy further.


1) True Friendship

2) Toad and his wife

3) They got dirty

4) Tweet

5) Weakness



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1. A dog

2. Thursday

3. Anna keeps the dog

4. Strong and cute

5. Happy visitor or any other relevant title


1. They have no school and homework and an opportunity to play

with their parents locked down at home.

2. Not supposed to do any household work.

3. They have been compelled to learn washing utensils sweeping and

mopping the floor.

4. The Tv channels and service providers like Netflix.

5. Bizarre.

1. Never as planned

2. Expedition

3. Jovial

4. Have a funny ending

5. Things don’t need to go as planned to have fun


1. They say that University education spoils them, destroys their simple

enthusiasm and makes them too sophisticated to be loyal to the firm.


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2. Drive, decisiveness, determination, push, analytical ability, inquiring mind and

ability to get on with the colleagues.

3. They want dependable, combinable type/good mixers.

4. Desirable.

5. Personality.



1. Thee means ‘you’.

2. Lamb is meek and mild.

3. God created Lamb.

4. Lamb is known for innocence.

5. Lamb/Innocent Lamb.


1. Snow.
2. It means ‘strange’
3. The poet stops his carriage between the woods and frozen lake.
4. The horse gives harness bells a shake
5. Evening time is mentioned here

1. A crow shook down on the poet.

2. The snow of dust fell from the hemlock tree.
3. The mood of the poem is optimistic.
4. The rhyming scheme of the poem is abab.


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5. Yes, the mood of the poet changes from sad to happy.


1. The poet asks God to give him hunger and pain .

2. The poet longs for love.

3. The poet asks God to shut him with shame and failure.

4. The poet wants to watch the day from the window.

5. No, he didn’t attain the love he longed for. Till the end he was waiting for a little


1. Moon is the jewel of stars.

2. Mind is the atomic thing.

3. Moon/The Jewel of Stars.

4. Yes, the bee sings/makes buzzing sound.

5. It means ‘laid down’


1. a. died b. dare c. but also d. feat, feet

2. a. should / must b. stationary / stationery c. did not win d. or

3. a. sole, soul b. until c. will convict d. must / should

4. a. used to b. until c. can d. flour, flower

5. a. Whether b. would cancel c. could d. suite, sweet


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1. Passenger : Good morning sir.

Railway staff : Good morning. How can I help you?

Passenger : I have reserved 2 tickets for Chennai. I would like to cancel it.

Railway staff : Get the cancellation form from the counter and fill it.

Passenger : Will they refund the amount?

Railway staff : You will get 60 percentage of your amount.

Passenger : Thank you sir.

2. Raj : Hi. How are you?

Ram : I am doing good.

Raj : Do you know about the NSS camp?

Ram : No. I was absent yesterday.

Raj : They are taking us to the nearby village.

Ram : For how many days?

Raj : 10 days.

Ram : What are the things to be packed?

Raj : It has been put on the notice board.

Ram : OK. I will se.

Raj : Ok. Bye.


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Ram : Bye.

3. Teacher : Rani, come here.

Student : Good morning ma’am.

Teacher : Good morning . Have you done your homework?

Student : No ma’am.

Teacher : Why you didn't do it?

Student : I went to hospital.

Teacher : What happened?

Student : I had headache.

Teacher : Ok. Complete it tomorrow.

Student : Thank you ma’am.

4. Student : Good morning sir.

PET : Good morning. Why are you always late to school?

Student : I missed the bus sir.

PET : Do you always miss your bus?

Student : Sir I have to walk 2 kilometres from my village to reach the bus stop.

PET : But this is not a reason. You must wake up earlier and come to

school on time.

Student : I am sorry sir. From tomorrow I shall never be late.


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PET : Ok. Go to your class.

5. Man : Only two more days for our child's first birthday. We have to plan

about the celebration.

Wife : Yes. Shall we celebrate it in our house itself?

Man : Ok.

Wife : Let us invite our friends relatives and neighbours.

Man : We have to order a cake.

Wife : We have to to purchase decorative items, paper plates, water cups

and snacks.

Man : Shall we arrange for a dinner?

Wife : Ok.

Man : Let us start our work today itself.

6. Tenant : Hello sir.

House owner : Hello.

Tenant : How are you?

House owner : I am fine thank you. How are you?

Tenant : I am fine. Here's the rent.

House owner : From next month onwards, the rent is increased by rupees



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Tenant : It would be better if you increase it by rupees 500

House owner : No it's not possible.

Tenant : Kindly consider it.

House owner : Government has increased the tax. So the rent has been


Tenant : ok sir. See you.

House owner : See you

7. Student : May I come in sir.

Manager : Yes, come in.

Student : Good morning sir.

Manager : Good morning. How can I help you?

Student : I want to open an account in your bank.

Manager : Get the application form from the counter and fill it.

Student : What are the other documents to be enclosed sir?

Manager : You have to enclose the photocopy of Aadhar card number pan card
and two passport size photo.

Student : Thank you sir.

8. Raji : Hi.

Rani : Hi

Raji : How are you?


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Rani : I am fine. How are you?

Raji : I am fine. Thank you.

Rani : What is your mark?

Raji : My total is 530. What is your mark?

Rani : 450

Raji : In which college you are joining?

Rani : In government arts college. I have applied for BA literature. What is

your plan?

Raji : I have also applied for BA literature in the same college.

Rani : Ok. Very happy see you. Bye.

Raji : Bye.

9. Patient : Good morning doctor.

Doctor : Good morning. what is your problem?

Patient : I have stomach ache.

Doctor : From when?

Patient : From yesterday doctor?

Doctor : Did you have anything outside?

Patient : I had non veg in a party.

Doctor : Ok the pain may be due to some infections. Take these tablets.


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You will be alright.

Patient : Thank you doctor. How much is your fees?

Doctor : 200

10. Policeman : Are you a tourist?

Tourist : Yes sir.

Policeman : From where are you coming?

Tourist : I am from Chennai.

Policeman : What can I do for you?

Tourist : I want to go to the lake.

Police man : Take left and go 2 kilometres.

Tourist : At what time the boat house will close.

Policeman : At 5:00 p.m.

Tourist : Thank you sir.

Once there lived a shepherd boy in a village. He took his herd of
sheep near the forest. One day he felt boring.

The shepherd wanted to have fun. So he cried aloud ‘Wolf! Wolf!’

Farmers came running and asked, “Where is the wolf?” The boy replied, “It
was just a fun”. The boy played the trick many times.


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After some days, there came a real wolf. The boy cried loudly “Wolf!
Wolf!” No one came.The boy shouted wolf! Help! The villagers thought that
the boy was playing. The wolf carried a lamb away.

MORAL: Always speak the truth.


Once upon a time, a king ruled a country. He had one leg and one eye.
One day he invited many famous painters and announced that he wanted to
have his own portrait.

Many painters thought that it was impossible to make a beautiful

portrait with king’s disability. Most of the painters declined. But one painter
made a portrait in which the king was sitting on the horse and aiming the
arrow with his one eye closed.
The painter had made a beautiful portrait by cleverly hiding the king’s
disability. On seeing the portrait, the king was pleased and he gave him a

MORAL: Think positive and act positive.


Once there lived a merchant. He had a donkey. He carried a salt load

regularly on it. It was heavy for the donkey. It grumbled.

Unfortunately, one day the donkey slipped and fell into the stream
with load. The load became light. The donkey was happy. It followed the
same trick continuously. Merchant got an idea. One day he placed the cotton
bales on the donkey.


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The donkey followed the same trick.The load became too heavy. The
donkey was sad and it stopped following the trick.

MORAL: You can’t cheat others always.


Once there lived two friends in a village. They were walking through
the forest. They knew it was dangerous. So they promised each other that
they would help each other in danger. On the way, they saw a bear.

One friend climbed up a tree. The other friend did not know how to
climb. He lay down still. The bear sniffed and thought that he was dead. It
went away.

The friend on the tree came down and asked the other, “What did the

bear tell you?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to trust a
false friend.”

MORAL: A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Once there lived a rich merchant. He went abroad in a ship for trade.
He carried gold coins and precious gems in the ship. Unfortunately, there
was a hole in the ship. Water entered the ship.

Many people tried to escape from the drowning ship. They used life
boats, jumped and swam ashore. But merchant prayed to god to help him.
He did not try to escape.

A man advised him to jump and escape. But he did not listen to his
words. At last he drowned.


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MORAL: God helps those who help themselves.

Mulk Raj Anand (1905-2004) was an Indian writer in English. Anand’s
novels lent voice to the voiceless- the poor, untouchables and peasants. As a writer,
he wrote novels, short stories and published many journals and pamphlets. His
famous novels are Untouchables (1935), Coolie (1936) and Two Leaves and a Bud
(1937) He studied at Amristar and then at Cambridge University and University
College, London. He worked as a teacher and script writer for BBC during Word
War II. He was the founder of MARG. What made Anand unique was , the
longevity and consistency of his commitment to build an independent India. He
received International peace prize (1953), Padma Bushan in 1968 and Sahitya
Academy Award (1971) . He left a remarkable legacy of activism, creativity and

2. P.T. USHA
P.T. Usha was born in 1964 at Payyoli, Kerala. She is a retired track and
field athlete. She is called “Payyoli Express” and the Queen of Indian Track and
Field because of her awesome speed on the track her coach O.M. Nambiar was
instrumental in her development. Totally she has won 102 medals including 33
golds at the National and International meets. She represented India at Asian
Games (Seoul, New Delhi, Beijing, Hiroshima) Olympics (Los Angels) Common
Wealth Games and Asian Track Federation Meet. She was honoured as “The
Sports Person of the Century” by Indian Olympic Association. Kerala government
has honoured her by naming a street on her in Kochin at Present. She is a
committee head for “Indian Talent Organisation” which selects school students for

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Olympic games. Her autobiography “Golden Girl” is published by Penguin


M.S. Subbulakshmi (1916 to 2004) popularly known as M.S. Kunjamma.
Kunjakka was a classical vocalist. She excelled in Indian Classical Music. She
touched the hearts of many with the magic of her unique voice. She won the hearts
of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sarojini Naidu. Subbulakshmi’s
unique contribution to music is her recordings of spiritual verses and chants,
Venkatesha Suprabhatam, Bhajagovindham of Adi Sankara and Vishnu
Sahasranama'am. She took the level of music appreciation to new heights. Her
music was her life. She epitomised the traditional Indian woman. She brought
cultural renaissance to our country. She was the first musician to be honoured with

Bharat Ratna and Ramon Magsaysay award. She was also honoured with Padma
Bhusan, Padma Vibhusan and Sagita Kalanidhi. Her golden voice, grace and
fluency in singing made her the first Indian to perform in UN General Assembly in
1966. A commemorative stamp was issued by Indian Government in 2005.


Bidhan Chandra Roy, popularly known as B.C. Roy, was one of the
foremost National leaders and freedom fighters of India. He was an eminent
physician, educationist, philanthropist and politician who served as the Chief
Minister of West Bengal from 1948 until his death in 1962). He is after called “the
Maker of West Bengal” as he transformed the problem state into prosperous one.
He was the political advisor of Nehru and Patel. He became the 6th Mayor of
Calcutta. It was under his Mayoriship that the City undertook a massive expansion.
He promoted “Shillong Hydro Electric Corporation” and “Air India”. He edited


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and reviewed journals like “Forward Atmasakthi and Liberty” . He obtained

“MRCP” and “FRCS” simultaneously, a rare feet to achieve. He was the Vice
Chancellor of Calcutta University and member of the Congress Working
Committee. His birthday July 1 is celebrated as “National Doctor’s Day” . He was
awarded Bharat Ratna in 1961.


Dr. Rajendra Prasad was a lawyer, political leader and ardent follower of
Gandhi. He was a close associate of Patel and Rajaji. He was the first President of
the Indian Constitution Assembly and served three terms from 1950 to 1962.
Teaming with Nehru and Maulana Azad, he set basic principles for constitution
making. He enriched Indian Politics by his larger contribution. He took part in
Salt Sathyagraha and Quit India Movement. As an ambassador of India, he built

diplomatic rapport with foreign nations. He saw the role of President as the
Constitutional Head who facilitates rather than initiates. He worked as a teacher,
leader of the National Movement and a journalist. He was awarded Bharat Ratna
in 1962. His autobiography “Atmakatha” was written in Jail and published in 1949.


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