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Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in purchasing phones to your company.

Seller: Sure, how many phones do you need?

Buyer: I was hoping for 150 phones for my employees, what do you have?

Seller: We the latest phones LKD with a Wi-Fi connection and international calls including the price of
650$ by phone.

Buyer: Ok… it is a little too expansive unless you make me a price.

Seller: Maybe, I have another offer more interesting for you, without Wi-Fi connection and
international calls including the price of 500$ by phone, but you can take this offer with a contract of
40$ by phone including Wi-Fi connection and international calls. That offer is if you buy over 100

Buyer: Ok, this offer is interesting, but can we go back to the first offer but with a discount?

Seller: Sure, I can make a price for my best’s phones, but you have to buy 200 units.

Buyer: Ok, so 130 000$ without discount… and what is your price?

Seller: I can go for 620$ per phone, and that’s equal to 124 000$

Buyer: let’s say 580$ per phone.

Seller: No, I can’ go that far, let’s say 600$, it is my last word.

Buyer: Alright, but my company is in good shape, we will employ like 40 people in 8 months… so I will
have to buy phones again, maybe deal with you again.

Seller: Like I said, I can’t go that far for my best phones. But, if you buy me 100 phones for your next
employees, I will make you a good discount for my second offer.
Buyer: What is this offer ?

Seller: My offer is 500$ for the next 100 phones.

Buyer: At this price, it will not include the package international calls and wifi?

Seller: No, but I can go for 20$ instead of 40$ per package.

Buyer: Ok, It’s ok for me. Deal!

Seller: Perfect! Deal!

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