The Policing System

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The policing systems, policing models, and police ranks in both the Philippines and Japan reflect the

unique historical, cultural, and social contexts of each country. Here's a comparative overview of these
aspects in each country:

### Policing Systems:

#### Philippines:

- The Philippines follows a centralized policing system, where the Philippine National Police (PNP) is the
national law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining peace and order throughout the country.

- The PNP operates under the Department of the Interior and Local Government and is responsible for
enforcing laws, preventing crime, and ensuring public safety.

#### Japan:

- In Japan, the policing system is decentralized, with a focus on community policing and direct citizen

- Law enforcement is carried out by the Japanese National Police Agency (NPA), which oversees the
prefectural police departments and the municipal police. The NPA coordinates national law enforcement
policies and activities.

### Policing Models:

#### Philippines:

- The policing model in the Philippines is evolving towards a community-oriented policing approach,
emphasizing proactive interaction between police and the community to prevent crime and maintain

#### Japan:

- Japan's policing model is characterized by its community policing approach, known as "Koban" policing,
where officers engage directly with local communities, establishing trust and addressing local concerns
to maintain public safety.
### Police Ranks:

#### Philippines:

- The ranks within the Philippine National Police start from Police Officer 1 (PO1) and progress through
various ranks, including Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs) and Police Commissioned Officers
(PCOs). The highest rank is Director General, the head of the PNP.

#### Japan:

- The police ranks in Japan follow a hierarchical structure with different levels of authority and
responsibility. This includes the Kōmisor, Keishi, and the highest rank of the Commissioner General, who
heads the National Police Agency.

### Contrast and Comparison:

- Centralization vs. Decentralization: The Philippines employs a centralized policing system under the
PNP, while Japan operates a decentralized system with a focus on local community policing.

- Policing Approach: Both countries utilize community-oriented policing, although the specific methods
and strategies may differ. The Koban policing model in Japan emphasizes direct community
engagement, while the Philippines is moving towards a more proactive community-oriented approach.

- Rank Structure: Both countries have a hierarchical rank structure within their police forces, with
different levels of authority and responsibility. However, the specific ranks and their corresponding
duties may vary between the two countries.

It's important to recognize that the historical, cultural, and societal contexts of each country greatly
influence their respective policing systems, models, and ranks. These differences reflect the unique
approaches adopted to serve the specific needs and priorities of their respective communities.

Our trip to BJMP and LSPG taught me a lot. Our teacher, Sir Rodel, and Ma'am Ivy made us line up by
section when we first arrived at BJMP. I was happy to have the opportunity to tour this kind of facility,
so I was immediately aware of how high the prison's walls were. and we were forced to peek inside to
assess the state of the occupants' belongings. I was impressed by how much their prison resembles a
boarding house; but, because the BJMP has extremely stringent security and appliances like electric fans
to keep tenants from getting too hot inside, they make sure that no one may

The officers' warm welcome to us, the knowledge they imparted, and the thought that working as a jail
guard would be nice motivated me. Since becoming a jail guard is one of my career options, I want to
work hard to complete my education and fulfill my dreams.

I am also very appreciative of our teacher, Ma'am Ivy, for her perseverance in setting up all of our needs
and donations to the inmates. Thanks to our activity, I was able to understand the distinctions between
BJMP and LSPG as well as the duties and responsibilities of a jail guard.

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