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Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College

B.A/B.Sc Sem – I (Hons) CBCS

Internal Assessment, 2019
CC – I (Theory) Psychology

Time – 30 mins. Full – Marks - 05

Answer any one question (Word limit: 300 words)

1. Define Motivation. Write briefly about the arousal approach of Motivation. (1+4)

2. Explain Episodic and Semantic Memory. (2+3)

3. What is reinforcement? Distinguish between negative reinforcement and punishment.


4. Briefly explain non-veridical perception with appropriate examples. (5)

5. Describe the experimental method with its main characteristics. (5)

Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College
B.A/B.Sc Sem – I (Hons) CBCS
Internal Assessment, 2019
CC – II (Theory) Psychology
CC – II – Statistical Methods For Psychological Research

Time – 30 mins. Full – Marks - 05

Answer any one question (Word limit: 300 words)

1. Describe briefly the concept and types of Kurtosis, with a diagram. (5)

2. Define co-efficient of correlation. Discuss various types of correlations briefly. (2+3)

3. What do you mean by central tendency? Describe the various merits of mean,
median and mode. (1+4)

4. Describe the measures of dependent variable (DV) (5)

5. Compute the mean and median from the following table. (5)
Ci frequency
30 – 39 5
40 – 49 6
50 – 59 8
60 – 69 10
70 – 79 8
80 – 89 5
90 – 99 3
Gokhale Memorial Girls’ College
B.A/B.Sc Sem – I (General) CBCS
Internal Assessment, 2019
Psychology (Gen) Theory
GE – I

Time – 30 mins. Full – Marks - 05

Answer any one question (Word limit: 300 words)

1. Discuss any two methods of psychology. (5)

2. Discuss spearman’s theory of intelligence. (5)

3. What are the laws of perceptual organization? (5)

4. Write about the Information-processing model of memory. (5)

5. What is personality? Write briefly about the personality theory given by Freud. (1+4)

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