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Interview Questions - I

1. Rollup and Join behavior in mfs.

2. In memory Join and In memory rollup examples

3. Meaning of max core. thorough understanding.

4.Diff between join and lookup. thorough with example.

5. When to use lookup and lookup local. thorough understanding.

6. How to solve pallindrom example in abinitio

7. How to find out prime number or not in abinitio

8. Most difficult graph u have developed. Explain in detail why it was difficult
and how did u manage to develop it.

9. CDC ... With proper thorough example of SCD 1 and SCD 2

10. Diff between private, common and public sandbox. With example.

11. Diff between project pset and sandbox pset.

12. Explain performance improvement steps for a graph. Questions will be asked in

Unix - grep options ... -w, -x, -i, -v

sed option ... global replace ... Does it change original file or u need to

find command ... thorough understanding

1. How to create a tag ?

air tag create

2. How to create a save file ?

air save save_file_name -from-tag tag_name

3. How to check contents of a tag ?

4. How to check contents of save file ?

5. How to combine 2 tags ?

air tag combine

6. How to add an object to existing tag ?

air tag create

7. How to read data from a compressed multi file ?

8. How to take count of a multi file ?

9. What will you do if your control file is deleted by mistake ?

10. How can you view data of a particular partition ?

11. How to find out public sandboxes or sandboxes associated with a private project

1. How to find 2nd highest salary in sql ?

2. How to remove duplicates in sql ?

1. What is Fact table ?

2. What is Dimension table ?

3. What is primary key and what is surrogate key ?

4. What is Normalization ? Do you know 1NF, 2NF and 3NF ?

5. Do you know what is CDC ?

6. Do you know what is SCD1, SCD2 and SCD3 ?

7. Do you know what is Factless Fact ?

1. What is 3NF ?

2. What is Factless Fact ?

3. What is SCD1 and SCD2 ?

4. What is CDC ?

5. Give syntax and options of air tag create

6. Give options of m_dump

7. How to use air project export and air project import ?

8. How to use air promote save

9. What is AB_DML_DEFS ? How to use it ?

10. What is Block Expression in PDLs? How to use it ?

11. Rollup with Null Key

12. Dedup Sort

13. In memory Join functionality

14. In memory Rollup functionality

15. What is AB_CATALOG ?

16. What is Dependency Analysis ?

Unix : sed, grep, find

Vi Editor : How to go to end of Line, How to go to end of file, How to search and
replace a pattern

Database - Remove duplicates from a table, nth highest salary, ( rank, dense rank,
row number difference)

DWH - Surrogate Key

Header-Body-Trailer -- Separate them And validate count from trailer

How to use key change function ?


Balls Runs

1 1

2 2

3 4

4 6

5 0

6 1

1 4

2 4

3 4

4 0

5 0
6 6

Output should be

Overs Runs

1 14

2 18

Remove last 10 lines from a file in unix

Metaprogramming Functions :

1. Read_type

2. Read_file

3. Allocate_with_defaults

4. Reinterpret_as

5. Test_characters_all

6. String_convert_explicit

7. File_information

8. Directory_listing

Use of below functions in Rollup Component

1. accumulation

2. Input select param

3. Output select param

How to transfer multifile from one server to another ?

Do we checkin .sandbox.pset ?

Private-Public-Common sandbox difference

1. What is difference between null and blank in AbInitio ?

2. Pallindrome Word ... How wud identify in AbInitio ?

3. Thorough difference between lookup and lookup local ?

4. There will be a scenario where 2 Rollups will be used.

So just remember ..

5. How would u do performance tuning of a complex AbInitio graph ?

6. How is null handled in abinitio ?

7. Ur cv will be reviewed thoroughly. So whatever u have mentioned can be asked to


8. what is the diff between SIT and Unit Testing ?

9. Do you know diff between Waterfall model and Agile model ?

10. What component is used to create lookup ?

11. How to use tracking file ... what is the extension ?

what is AB CATALOG ?

What is the use of Lookup Template component ?

1. Multifile hai ...Multiple city data is present I want to find out count of
records of each city. How will u do it ?

2. AB_DML_DEFS ka use kya hai ?

.project.pset .sandbox.pset What is the difference between the two ?

3. What is the difference between lookup and join ?

4. What is lookup match ?

5. What is lookup next ?

6. What is lookup first ?

7. What is lookup last ?

8. How to lock object from abinitio command ?

1. Performance Tuning ?

2. Lookup vs Join

3. Lookup vs Lookup Local

4. Pallindrome Code

5. Prime Number Code

6. air object version

7. air object changed

8. Assign key component

9. How to implement SCD 2 ?

10. What is the use of start script and end script ?

11. Most difficult graph that u have worked on ?

12. What is the diff between Unit Testing and SIT ?

air object changed -version1 -version2 -diff

1.What is the use of check point ?

2. What is the use of phases ?

3. Difference between phases and check points ?


Interview Questions - II

1.What are critical production issues in ur project?

2.input table is nullable and output table is not nullable. is output table allow
null values?

how will u send null values to output table?

3.input file have 100 records and out of 100,one record

will have duplicate.if u want to find count using rollup and scan.

how many records will show as count in rollup and

scan? will u print multiple fields at a time using syntax in abinitio components? it possible to load directly from input table to output

table? will u create trigger when issue comes to ur end?

7.what are indexes and constraints in SQL?

8.what is referential integrity?

9.What are differences between primary key and unique key?

1 a.what it contains AB_HOME?

11.can u tell me all type of facts in ur project?

12.what are conman commands in Tivoli scheduler?

13.input table have 100 records.after loading 90 records.server will down.then how
many records loaded in output table?

14.i have following skeleton

i/pfile---->FBE----->RFMT------>REP------>o/p table

is above correct?

will u eliminate any component by considering performance issue?

15.what are the different steps followed when issue came from data base server? u working on plans? it possible to read 10 input files at a time?

18.input file have one field allowed 10 bytes but same field trying to assign 11
bytes at output file at production box.

how will u resolve this in different ways?

19.can u tell me some junk dimension fields in ur project?

20.what are the different steps to be followed before u r loading at target table?


1. 1have 10 psets and one generic graph.I will run Pset1 at 12:00 PM.can i run
pset2 at 12:02 PM?

if yes,how is it possible used one generic graph in two

psets at a time?

2.1 have input file like below first 4 records-headers

body records-5 account transactions with last trailer in every each account number.

last 3 records - trailers.

and there is no record indicator for header and trailer. how will you produce with
only body records? it possible to write and execute UNIX commands like (ls,cp,mv,grep etc) in
GDE?if possible where we will write?

4.what are start script and end script?what is use of it?

when we will use?

5.1 have some Spanish characters those are not available on the keyboard in my
input file.

I need to eliminate those from will you do it?

6.1 have one input file.l need another file timestamp to my will do it in

7.what are steps to observe before loading into the target table without business


1 )Tel me about your carrier experience and your current project

2)what is start script and end script in unix?

3)how to override parameters in abinitio?

5)how to trans 8way MFS from server A to Server B?

6)How to separate Header, Body and trailer without using

dedup, index without generating

next in sequence.

7)how to find second highest sal from table using

Oracle and Abinitio?

8)how to display duplicate records in oracle?

what are the parameters in join.

1 )Explain over ride key.

2) if count increase which ports are increased.

3) Explain dedup parameter.

Explain output index out indexes.

how many ways to the filter the header and trailer validations.

Explain rollup and scan & parameters & differences

Explain dedup sort & parameters.


Difference join an lookup

Difference between lookup local and lookup.

how to separate header.body and trailer in unix.

Delete the first line AND the last line of a file, i.e, the header and trailer line
of a file.
$ sed '1d;$d' file


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