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While caring for a male client with a *

mental illness, the nurse notices that the
client has suddenly become quiet after
seeing a physician walk by with a
syringe, the client then becomes
agitated, is not responsive to the nurse
and runs to a corner of his room and
hide in fear. Based on the nurse’s
assessment, the client is in which level
of anxiety?

A. Moderate Anxiety

B. Severe Anxiety

C. Panic Anxiety

D. Mild Anxiety

The nurse observes a client who is *

becoming increasingly upset. He is
rapidly pacing, hyperventilating,
clenching his jaw, wringing his hands,
and trembling. His speech is high-
pitched and random; he seems
preoccupied with his thoughts. He is
pounding his fist into his other hand. The
nurse identifies his anxiety level as:

A. Mild Anxiety

B. Moderate Anxiety

C. Severe Anxiety

D. Panic Anxiety

Which of the following would be the best *

intervention for a client having a panic

A. Involve the client in a physical


B. Offer a distraction such as music.

C. Remain with the client.

D. Teach the client a relaxation


When assessing a client with anxiety, the *

nurse’s questions should be:

A. Avoided until the anxiety is gone

B. Postponed until the client volunteers


C. Open-ended

D. SpeciEc and direct

A client resorting to fantasizing and *

delusions during an anxious event is
experiencing which type of adaptive

A. Negative Adaptive Behaviors

B. Delusional Adaptive Behaviors

C. Positive Adaptive Behaviors

D. Panic Adaptive Behaviors

Which of the following is an appropriate *

intervention for a client experiencing a
severe anxiety:

A. Teach relaxation techniques

B. ConEning the client to the room

C. Walk with client if he/she is restless

and agitated

D. Offer the client a distraction such as


This type of anxiety allows the person to *

build health coping skills and engage in
goal – oriented activities:

A. Panic Anxiety

B. Moderate Anxiety

C. Severe Anxiety

D. Mild Anxiety

During this stage of the response stress, *

the client begins to exhibit agitation,
clenching of the fist and anger:

A. Exhaustion Stage

B. Resistance Stage

C. Alarm Stage

D. General Anxious Stage

Refocusing the client who is *

experiencing a moderate anxiety can be
achieved through:

A. Guided imagery

B. Restraining the client

C. Physical activity

D. ConEning the client to his room

An anxious client who is able to use *

deep breathing and relaxation
techniques has:

A. Negative Adaptive Behaviors

B. Acceptable Adaptive Behaviors

C. Positive Adaptive Behaviors

D. Positive Coping

A patient is admitted for treatment for *

persistent, severe anxiety. Which nursing
diagnosis would help effectively direct
patient care?

a. Disturbed sensory perception related

to narrowed perceptual Eeld

b. Risk for injury related to closed


c. Hopelessness related to total loss of


d. Risk for other-directed violence

related to combative behavior

Which question would assist the nurse *

in determining whether the patient has
been experiencing anxiety?

a. “Have you had diPculty

concentrating lately?”

b. “Have you been feeling sad and

especially lonely?”

c. “Do you have a history of failed

personal relationships?”

d. “Do you frequently experience

diPculty controlling your anger?”

The nurse working with patients *

diagnosed with posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) is aware of the need to
intervene early in order to de-escalate a
patient’s increasing anxiety level. Which
patient behavior is likely an early
indication of escalating anxiety?

a. Talking rapidly

b. Pacing around the unit

c. Staring out the window

d. Refusing to go to therapy

The nurse has been working with a *

patient who experiences anxiety. Which
intervention should the nurse implement
initially when the patient is observed
pacing and wring her hands?

a. Asking how she has managed anxiety

effectively in the past

b. Distracting her by offering to help her

make a telephone call

c. Asking her what she believes is

causing her increased anxiety

d. Teaching her to take deep, relaxing

breaths to manage the anxiety

Which verbal intervention would the *

nurse use when helping a patient who is
experiencing severe to panic-level

a. “I will stay with you to make sure you

remain safe.”

b. “First, you must stop pacing and

wringing your hands.”

c. “How can I help you get control of

yourself and this anxiety?”

d. “Can you tell me what was happening

just before you got upset?”

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