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Do you usually help people around you?

Well, I do try to help others as much as I can. And recently, I’ve noticed something about me helping
others. The thing is when I help my friends or strangers financially, morally, or in other ways, it just
makes me feel better about myself and I spend the whole day with a smile on my face.

How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and friends?

Well, depending on the situation, the type of help I can offer to people differs. For example, just last
week, my neighbor bought some furniture and it had a lot of parts. So I went over and helped him to
move the furniture.

Do your parents teach you how to help others?

They definitely did when I was a child. I remember my parents telling me to help the neighbors, the
elderly and disabled people all the time. And when I asked why, they would always tell me to put myself
in those people’s shoes and that was enough for me as a child to understand that I should help others
who need help.

Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

Well, I’d say I am blessed to have caring parents and they did everything they could to help me. for
example, they put me through college and paid tuition fees and so many other things, which I’m grateful

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