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Answers by Sanokulov
How do you feel about advertisements?

I have mixed feelings about them, to be honest. On the one hand, they are the
single most annoying thing ever especially pop-up ads. Imagine you are
enjoying a song, a movie or a videogame and all of a sudden an ad pops up.
That’s irritating. But sometimes advertisements can come in handy as they
inform people(me) about the availability and price of a particular product.
Do you like advertisements?

I have mixed feelings about them, to be honest. On the one hand, they are the
single most annoying thing ever especially pop-up ads. Imagine you are
enjoying a song, a movie or a videogame and all of a sudden an ad pops up.
That’s irritating. But sometimes advertisements can come in handy as they
inform people(me) about the availability and price of a particular product.
Do you like advertisements on TV?

No, I hate them because I feel there are too many of them and they are too
frequent. Even worse, they keep showing the same advertisements. I’d probably
find it more useful if there were a bit of diversity but when I see the same
advertisement 10-15 times in two hours, it’s annoying.
Is there much advertising in your country?
Unfortunately, yes especially in urban areas. For example, when I take a walk
around the city center, I feel like I’m constantly bombarded with
advertisements wherever I go. They are in stations, cafes, buses and even in
public toilets.

Answered by Sanokulov
What are the different places where we see advertisements?
the internet is definitely one place that users come across an excessive number
of ads on a regular basis as the internet ads are the fastest way to reach out to
more people. When it comes to physical places, they mostly appear in public
places such as shopping malls and supermarkets to target and influence

Answered by Sanokulov
What advertising do you have in your country?

We have advertising for practically everything, ranging from food items and
drinks to clothes, and construction materials. These advertisements often
feature celebrities like singers and actors but in recent years it has become
common to see Instagram influencers to promote different sorts of products.

Answered by Sanokulov

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