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Sanjana Goyal


Good nutrition is the key to a healthy life. We can improve our health by following a balanced diet. A
balanced diet is one of the nutrition practices that should be followed by the heart. A balanced diet
helps to protect against malnutrition in all forms and from various diseases such as diabetes, stroke.
Unhealthy practices like eating junk food and lack of physical activity are a risk to your life.

Start healthy dietary practices from today itself.

 Energy intake (calories) should be in balance with energy expenditure. To avoid unhealthy
weight gain, total fat should not exceed 30% of the total energy intake. Saturated fatty acids like
milk fat, pure ghee, butter etc. should consume less than 10% of total energy intake.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA &PUFA) can be consumed. MUFA
include canola oil, olive oil, and rapeseed oil. PUFA include linoleic (n-6) and linolenic acids (n-3).
The ratio of n-6: n-3 between 5-10 is healthy. Linoleic acid includes safflower, sunflower, corn
and sesame oil. Linolenic acid includes olive oil, mustard, rapeseed oil and fish oils.

 Limiting intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake is a part of a healthy diet.
Avoid carbonated and sweetened beverages.

 Keep salt intake to less than 5g per day helps to prevent hypertension and reduces the risk of
heart diseases.

 Intake of fibre: 40g per day. A high fibre diet helps in maintaining cholesterol levels, control
blood sugars, and aid in weight loss. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains are great
sources of fibre.

 Eat more fruits and vegetables to get a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals.

 Get adequate sleep of 7-8 hours.

 Never skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

 Avoid fasting and feasting. Eat wisely at social gatherings and restaurants.

 Do physical activity of at least 30 minutes a day.

In the end, avoid stress, enjoy delightful music, meditate and have a positive attitude towards life. Make
lifestyle and behavioural changes for better health.

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