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odsCaribbean Examination Council Caribbean

Secondary Education Certificate School Based


Candidates’ Name: Devindra Balgobin

Candidates’ Number: 0901000051
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2024
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to the

completion of this Electrical and Electronics Technology SBA.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my teacher, who has been instrumental in guiding and

supporting me throughout this project. Your expertise, patience, and dedication have been invaluable in

helping me understand the concepts and principles of electrical and electronics technology.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my classmates and colleagues for their assistance,

encouragement, and cooperation in this project. Your willingness to share knowledge and ideas has been

invaluable to my learning and success in this field.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge the support and encouragement of my family and friends, who have

always been there for me, cheering me on and motivating me to do my best.

Once again, thank you all for your support, guidance, and assistance in completing this project.

This School Based Assessment focuses on the subject of Industrial Technology (Electrical
and Electronic Technology) and is divided into five sections.

The first section covers the Core aspects of the syllabus, including the Fundamentals of
Industries, Design Principles and Processes, and Information Communications Technology. The
second section delves into Electrical and Electronics Drafting, while the third section focuses on
Electrical Power and Machines, specifically the DC Motor. Section four examines Electrical
Installation, and the final section explores the Fundamentals of Electronics, with a specific focus
on the Burglar Alarm System.

Throughout this assessment, the researcher provides detailed information on various

topics, including voltage dividers, drafting techniques, and the construction of various electrical
and electronic devices.
Table of Contents

Topics Page(s)
Core Fundamentals of Industries

Organizational Structure of a simple Construction Industry ……………………….

Organizational Structure of a simple Manufacturing Industry ……………………..

Set of Safety Rules ………………………………………………………………….

Report of an accident ………………………………………………………………..

Small Business Plan …………………………………………………………………

Design Analysis and Processes

Design analysis of a simple manufactured product …………………………………

Information Communications Technology

PowerPoint Presentation …………………………….……………………………….

Electrical Principles and Measurement

Project Design ……………………………………………………………………….

Set-up and Testing …………………………………………………………………...

Observations ………………………………………………………………………….

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………

Electrical and Electronic Drafting

Schematic Diagrams ..……………………………………………………………….

Block Diagrams …………………………………………………………………….

Flow Diagrams ………………………………………………………………………

Electrical Power and Machines
Project Design ………………………………………………………………………..

Set-up and Testing ……………………………………………………………………

Observations ………………………………………………………………………….

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………

Electrical Installation

Project Design ……………………………………………………………………….

Set-up and Testing ……………………………………………………………………

Observations ………………………………………………………………………….

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………

Fundamentals of Electronics

Project Design …………………………………………………………………………

Set-up and Testing …………………………………………………………………….

Observations …………………………………………………………………………..

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………………..

References ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean Secondary Education
Certificate School Based Assessment

Section One - Core

Candidates’ Name: Devindra Balgobin

Candidates’ Number: 0901000051
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2024
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean Secondary Education
Certificate School Based Assessment

Topic: Fundamentals of Industries

Candidates’ Name: Devindra Balgobin

Candidates’ Number: 0901000051
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2024
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo
The Organisation of a Selected Construction Industry – BK International

An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in
order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and
responsibilities. The organizational structure also determines how information flows between
levels within the company. Organizational structure is shown in an organizational chart.

The type of organizational chart shown above is a flat organizational chart. This type of
chart is an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle management between staff or
employees and executives or leaders.

BK International Inc. (BK) is Guyana’s largest privately owned construction company and
was registered in 1993. It is the successor entity to B & K Transportation and Construction
services which started operations ten years earlier.

BK now possesses the greatest collection of transportation and construction assets in

Guyana, with more than four hundred different kinds of equipment. BK has successfully finished
significant projects that were sponsored by foreign, private, and governmental organizations. Sea
defence works, civil construction, commercial construction, and custom residential construction
make up the majority of these projects. BK also maintains its own port / wharf facilities at Vreed-
The purpose of this flat organisational chart is to have as little hierarchy as possible. This
makes decision making and project approvals faster and allows employees to see their immediate
supervisors and who they need to report to.

The Organisation of a Selected Manufacturing Industry – Beharry Group of Companies

An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in
order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and
responsibilities. The organizational structure also determines how information flows between
levels within the company. Organizational structure is shown in an organizational chart.

The type of organizational chart shown above is a flat organizational chart.

A flat organisational chart is an organizational structure with few or no levels of middle

management between staff or employees and executives or leaders.

From modest origins as a small importer, distributor, and retailer of food products in
1937, Edward B. Beharry & Co. Ltd. has grown into a sizable conglomerate that offers
manufacturing, marketing, financial services, car dealerships, and, most recently, fast food. In
many of the items it markets, the company leads the market and currently holds a sizable market
share. Additionally, the Caribbean community in North America, as well as those in the United
Kingdom and South America, are well aware of its products. Since then, the company has
established distribution offices in Trinidad and Suriname, and it is currently looking at opening
additional locations throughout the Caribbean.

The purpose of this flat organisational chart is to have as little hierarchy as possible. This
makes decision making and project approvals faster and allows employees to see their immediate
supervisors and who they need to report to.

Safety Rules to be followed in a Workshop or on the Worksite

1. Always turn off the mains when working on electrical receptacles. It is also a good idea to
put up a sign on the service panel so that nobody turns the main switch ON by accident.

2. Avoid water at all times when working with electricity. Never Touch or try repairing any
electrical equipment or circuits with wet hands. It increases conductivity of the electric

3. Electrical hazards include exposed and unguarded electrical parts and equipment which
may suddenly be energised. Such equipment always carries warning signs like “Shock
Risk”. Always be observant of such signs and follow the safety rules.

4. Always use appropriate safety gears (safety boots, rubber gloves, goggles) and insulated
tools and equipment while working on any electrical circuit.

5. Never try repairing energised equipment. Always ensure that it is de-energised first by
using a tester before proceeding with your work.

6. Never use an aluminium or steel ladder when working on electrical equipment at a height.
This makes you the perfect conductor for an electrical surge to pass through.
Always use a bamboo, wooden or fibreglass ladder instead.

7. Know the wire codes of your country.

8. Never run, play, eat or drink in the workshop or at the electrical worksite.
Treatment Procedure For Injuries In The Workshop


For First-Degree Burns (Affecting Top Layer of Skin)

1. - Cool Burn
Hold burned skin under cool running water or immerse in cool water until the pain
subsides. Use compresses if running water isn’t available.

2. - Protect Burn
Cover with sterile, non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth. Do not apply butter, oil, lotions
or creams (especially if they contain fragrance). Apply a petroleum-based ointment two or
three times per day.

3. - Treat Pain
Give over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Panadol, Tylenol), ibuprofen
(Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), or naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn).

Degrees of Burns at the Workplace

Separate the person from the current’s source.

- To turn off power:

Unplug an appliance if the plug is undamaged or shut off the power via circuit breaker, fuse
box, or outside switch.

- If you can’t turn off power:

Stand on something dry and non-conductive, such as dry newspapers, telephone books or
wooden boards. Try to separate the person from the current using non-conductive objects such
as wooden or plastic broom handles, chair or rubber doormat.

- If high voltage lines are involved:

The local power company must shut them off.

Do not try to separate the person from the current if you feel a tingling sensation in your
legs and lower body. Hop on one foot to a safe place where you can wait for the lines to be

If a power line falls on a car, instruct the passengers to stay inside unless an explosion or fire

Do CPR, if necessary.
When you can safely touch the person, do CPR if the person is not breathing or does not
have a pulse.

If bleeding occurs, apply pressure and elevate the wound if it’s on a limb. There may be a fracture
if the shock caused the person to fall.
Wait for medical help to arrive.


Follow up.
A doctor will check the person for burns, fractures and other injuries. A blood or urine tests,
CT scan or MRI may be necessary. The person may be admitted to the hospital.

- Immediately wash out the eye with lots of water. Use whatever water source is closest.
Get medical help while or after doing this.

- For any serious injury, see a doctor right away.

For a Foreign Particle in the Eye:
3. - Don’t rub the eye.
- Pull the upper lid down and blink repeatedly.
- If the particle is still there, rinse with eyewash.
- If rinsing doesn’t help, close eye, and bandage it lightly.

A Report of an Accident Prepared by the Student.

Report Form
I am reporting a work related: ☐ Injury ☐ Illness ☐ Near miss

Your Name: Virendra Dookie

Job Title: Technician

Supervisor: Ann-Marie Khadoo

Have you told your supervisor about this injury/near miss? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Date of injury/near miss: 2022-08-03 Time of injury/near miss: 04:34 pm

Names of witnesses(if any): --- ---

Where, exactly, did it happen?

Storage Room on Main Floor

What were you doing at the time?

Installing LED bulbs in sockets.
Describe step by step what led up to the injury/near miss (continue on the back if necessary)
1. I climbed onto the ladder to reach the socket.
2. During my descent, I slipped and my leg was caught between the metal
rungs of the ladder.
3. The weight of my body caused the tibia of my leg to fracture.

What could have been done to prevent this injury/near miss?

A safety harness could have prevented this injury.

What parts of your body were injured? If a near miss, how could you have been hurt?
The tibia of my leg was fractured.

Did you see a doctor about this injury/illness? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, whom did you see? --- --- Doctor’s phone number: --- ---

Date: --- --- Time: --- ---

Has this part of your body been injured before? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, when?
Supervisor: Ann-Marie Khadoo
Date: 2022-08-03
Your signature: Virendra Dookie
A Small Business Plan

A. Executive Summary

1. Name of Business: V-Tech Solutions Contact Number: 683-8546

Name of Owner(s): Virendra Dookie

2. Is this a new or existing business?

☐ New ☐ Existing Date business established: 2022-07-17

3. Type of Operation:

☐ Manufacturing ☐ Service ☐

Construction ☐ Other (specify)

4. Main objectives:

Our focus is to enhance the level of success for our clients by efficiently offering the highest

quality repair and installation services.

5. Description of the product/Service:

V-Tech Solutions offers repair services to any and all electronic devices including desktops,

mobile devices, laptops, A/C systems, and so much more. We are also the main distributors of

HamTech and AR solar panels and offer free installation.

6. Proposed location of business:

The proposed location of our main office is 26 Main Street, Georgetown, Guyana with branches


7. Legal Form of Business:

☐ Sole Proprietorship

☐ Partnership

9. Government Regulations:

- All of our staff are properly trained and qualified.

- V-Tech Solutions complies with all minimum wage policies.

- All of our products and services and ISO certified and customer

approved. B. Business Environment

1. Mission:

Our mission is to deliver the highest quality services and products to all of our future customers

and to work along with their feedback in order to improve business operations and customer


2. Vision:

We envision being the most competitive Tech. Solution company in Guyana by the year 2025.

3. Goals and Objectives:

We plan to hire the most qualified local and overseas experts and open branches across Guyana

in all ten regions within the first two years of operation.

C. Operation Plan

1. Justification of location:
Georgetown, being the business capital of Guyana, will attract many customers looking for

solutions to their IT related problems.

2. Type of production:

V-Tech Solutions will offer services (Tertiary Production).

3. Level of production:

V-Tech Solutions will be producing at a domestic level to cater for the entire nation.

4. Quality control mechanism:

Follow-up and feedback from customers.

5. Technology required:

- Two computer systems.

- Database of records.

6. Raw materials and other input required:

Solar Panels from manufacturers.

Computer and appliance parts for repairs.

D. Marketing Plan

1. Target customers:

Businesses and individuals that live or work around the city of Georgetown.

2. Pricing strategy:

Cost-plus pricing.
3. Promotions strategy:
There will be a sale on all our products once every few months along with reduced installation

prices for solar panels.

E. Financial Plan

1. Purpose of finances:

To establish the Main Office building and acquire all equipment, staff and business vehicle.

3. Other costs (capital goods)

List the estimated dates for the acquisition of equipment, inventory, staffing, financing, and other
items needed before you can commence your project.

Staff Value Estimated date of acquisition

Business Van $1,230,000 2022-09-18

Technical personnel $240,000 2022-09-11

4. Source of funding and use

Source Value Usage

Savings $1,400,000 Acquiring business vehicle

Loan $2,300,000 Building main office, hiring staff.

5. Collateral
Item Value ($)

Electrical tools $1,800,000

6. Projected Performance (income)

$ $

Sales $750,000

Less Expenses:

Wages $45,000

Utilities $15,000

Rent $40,000

Total expenses $100,000

Profit $650,000

Projected Expenses: $100,000 Projected Profit: $650,000

7. Projected worth of business:

$8,500,000 in 10 years.
8. Organizational Structure

9. Human Resources (available and required)

No. Personal Rules/Responsibilities

Supervision of employees
Owner and Manager
Virendra Dookie

Installing Solar Panels.

2. Electrical Technician
Doing the rewiring of appliances and devices.
Diagnosing and fixing problems with software and
3. IT Technician
upgrading of application software.

Repairing hardware of computer systems.

4. Engineer
Designing plans for Solar Panel installation.

Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean

Secondary Education Certificate School Based

Topic: Design Principles and Processes

Candidates’ Name: Virendra Dookie

Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo

Design Analysis of a Simple Manufactured Product

What are the design principles?

Design principles are guidelines, biases and design considerations that designers apply
with discretion. Professionals from many disciplines provided the foundation for design
principles via their accumulated knowledge and experience.

The 7 Design Principles:

1. Balance – This refers to how the elements within a composition are arranged either
symmetrically, asymmetrically, or radially to create the impression of equality in weight or

2. Scale – This affects how something is balanced. The phrase “Bigger is always better” is not
always the case in design. Sometimes tiny elements can call attention just as effectively as
something large. It’s the message you’re trying to convey with the design.

3. Contrast – Lack of contrast, or the arrangement of opposite elements, can discourage readers
or even give them eye pain. Red and yellow are not far enough from each other on the colour
wheel to be distinguishable enough to the eye, so the colours conflict with each other and the
result is a literal headache.
4. Pattern – This is the repetition of specific visual elements such as a single unit or multitude of
forms. Patterns can be used to create balance, organize surfaces in a consistent manner, or create

5. Movement and Rhythm - Movement is how the eye moves throughout the composition;
leading the attention from one aspect to another. This can be achieved by using repeating or
alternating elements or patterns. How often something repeats and the intensity of its contrast
creates rhythm.

6. Emphasis – This is when a specific element is given to a distinguishing feature to separate it

from a certain element or group. This can be achieved through other principles such as contrast,
movement, scale or balance.

7. Unity – The way elements are arranged so that the image is seen as a whole and overall,
creates a visually compelling composition is called unity.

Design Elements

Elements of design are the fundamental parts or aspects used to compose any work of design.

The 7 Design Elements:

1. Color: This helps establish a mood for your composition. When light waves strike an object
and reflect back to the optic nerve in a human’s eyes, the sensation they perceive is called color.
Artists and designers use color to depict and describe the subject. Color is used by designers to
portray mood, light, depth, and point of view.

2. Line: Line refers to the way that two points in space are connected. Whether they’re
horizontal lines, diagonal lines, or vertical lines, lines can help direct the eye toward a certain
point in your composition. You can also create texture by incorporating different types of lines
such as curved or patterned lines instead of just straight lines.

3. Value: In design, value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. The values of a color are
often visualized in a gradient, which displays a series of variations on one hue, arranged from the
lightest to the darkest. Artists can use the various values of color to create the illusion of mass
and volume in their work.

4. Space: Making proper use of space can help others view your design as you intended. White
space or negative space is the space between or around the focal point of an image. Positive
space is the space that your subject matter takes up in your composition. The spacing of your
design is important because a layout that’s too crowded can overwhelm the viewer’s eye.

5. Shape: In its most basic form, a shape is a two-dimensional area that is surrounded by an
outline. Graphic artists can use other elements including line, color, value, and shadow to give a
shape the appearance of a three- dimensional shape. There are three types of shapes: organic
shapes which occur naturally in the world, geometric shapes which are angular and
mathematically consistent, and abstract shapes that represent things in nature but aren’t perfectly

6. Form: Form pertains to the way that a shape or physical configuration occupies space.
Instead of creating form through three-dimensional physical shape, designers create the
appearance of form on a flat surface by using light, shadow, the appearance of an object’s
contours, negative space, and the surrounding objects around the subject matter.

7. Texture: Texture is one of the elements of design that is used to represent how an object
appears or feels. Tactile texture is a physical sense of touch, whether it’s rough, smooth, or
ribbed. Visual texture, on the other hand, refers to the imagined feel of the illustrated texture,
which can create more visual interest and a heightened sensory experience.

Design Process

Design process is a way of figuring out what you need to do, then doing it. Along the way you
might solve one or more problems, trying to achieve a goal, and/or creating something specific.

Design process helps designers to be reliable and creative without depending upon inspiration.
Design process provides checks to ensure creative concepts don’t steer off course.
Design of an A/C system:

- Air conditioning unit parts are formed from either plastic or metal. Metal sheets
are pounded and shaped to create the chassis of your unit. Other parts use
galvanized steel, which makes these parts less prone to rust and deterioration. The
relevant parts are also powder-coated.

- Once all the parts are completed and in the assembly factory, the unit is ready to
come together. An air conditioner is made up of a condenser, an inside
compressor, an outside compressor, copper pipes, a fan, and controls. Once these
are all available, the unit is assembled. First the condenser and inside compressor,
then the copper wires that connect them to the fan and outside compressor. All of

this is then connected to a motor. Lastly, the motor is linked to the plastic control
parts. Once everything is assembled, it’s only then that the coolant is injected into
the unit. The manufacturer then thoroughly tests the unit for leaks and the right
pressure. Only when it passes rigorous tests is it sent out for distribution and

- Now, more than a century later, the air conditioner ranks as one of the most
important modern inventions in history, allowing for climate control of homes and
businesses. As the heat and humidity of climate change beat down on us, it's
hard to imagine a world without it.

An air conditioner provides cold air inside your home or enclosed space by actually
removing heat and humidity from the indoor air. It returns the cooled air to the indoor space, and
transfers the unwanted heat and humidity outside.

Homeowners on average pay between $5,000 and $9,000 for a central air conditioner unit
installation. The main factors that will affect the cost of your AC unit include home’s square
footage, desired brand, and the SEER rating you choose.
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate School Based

Topic: Information Communications Technology

Candidates’ Name: Virendra Dookie

Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate School Based

Section One: Electrical Principles and Measurement

Topic: Voltage Divider Candidates’

Name: Virendra Dookie
Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo

Project Design


1. To design a voltage divider circuit.

2. To install effectively electrical components for the voltage divider circuit.
3. To measure (a) DC Current
(b) DC Voltage
(c) DC Resistance

Schematic Diagram

Schematic Diagram of a Voltage Divider Circuit

Set-up and Testing

Materials/Equipment used:

- 9V Battery
- Breadboard
- Wires
- Croc Clips
- LEDs
- Potentiometer
- Fixed Resistor

Steps of Procedure:

1. The materials: 9V battery, breadboard, wires, croc clips, LEDs, potentiometer and a fixed
resistor along with a multi-meter were gathered.
2. The circuit board was set up.
3. A fixed resistor was placed on the breadboard.
4. The variable resistor, LEDs, battery and snap were set up.
5. A trial test was done using the multi-meter.
6. The voltage of the variable resistor was tested and recorded for 8 turns using the
7. At each turn, the voltage, resistance and current of the fixed resistor was also tested and
recorded using the multi-meter.
Step Description Materials Tools

9V Battery, Breadboard,
Wire, Croc Clips, LEDs,
1. Items were selected. Multi-meter
Potentiometer, Fixed

2. Circuit board was set up. Breadboard

3. Fixed resistor was set up. Fixed Resistor

4. Variable resistor was set up. Variable Resistor

5. LEDs were set up. LEDs

6. Battery and snap were set up. Battery, Wires, Croc Clips

8. A trial test was done Multi-meter

The voltage of the variable

9. resistor was tested and Multi-meter
recorded for 8 turns.

The voltage of the fixed

10. resistor was tested and Multi-meter

The resistance of the fixed

11. resistor was tested and Multi-meter

The current of the fixed

12 resistor was tested and Multi-meter
Table showing the Steps taken to carry out the Procedure

Image of the Setup of the Voltage Divider

Operation of the Voltage Divider

A voltage divider is an electric circuit that splits a voltage into proportional parts. It consists
of two or more resistors connected in series, and the voltage is divided between them based on
the resistance values. The output voltage of the divider can be calculated using Ohm's law and is
useful in various applications such as setting reference voltage levels, measuring potential
differences, and reducing the amplitude of high voltage signals.

The operation of a voltage divider is based on Ohm's law, which states that the voltage
across a resistor is proportional to the current flowing through it, given by V = IR, where V is the
voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance. In a voltage divider circuit, the input voltage is
applied across the two resistors, and the current flowing through them can be calculated using
Ohm's law. The voltage across each resistor can then be determined by multiplying the current by
the resistance of the resistor.
The output voltage of the divider can be taken from the node between the two resistors
and is equal to the voltage across the second resistor multiplied by the ratio of the resistance of
the second resistor to the sum of the resistance of both resistors. This output voltage is useful in
various applications such as setting reference voltage levels, measuring potential differences, and
reducing the amplitude of high voltage signals.

Precautions and Limitations:

1. The circuit should be disconnected from the power source before making any changes.
2. The wires should be properly connected to avoid any short-circuiting.
3. The resistors should be of the correct values and wattage ratings to avoid damages.
4. The potentiometer should be adjusted slowly to avoid sudden changes in the circuit.
5. The multi-meter should be set to the correct range before taking any measurements.

Component Functions:

1. 9V Battery: provides the voltage source for the circuit.

2. Breadboard: used to build and connect the circuit components.
3. Wires: used to connect the circuit components.
4. Croc Clips: used to connect the circuit components to the power source and multi-meter.
5. LEDs: light up when current flows through them.
6. Potentiometer: a variable resistor used to vary the voltage in the circuit.
7. Fixed Resistor: a resistor with a fixed resistance value that limits the current in the circuit.

In the voltage divider circuit, the resistors are connected in series, and the voltage is divided
between them based on their resistance values. The output voltage can be calculated using Ohm's
law, which relates voltage, current, and resistance. The potentiometer is used to vary the voltage
in the circuit, while the fixed resistor limits the current. The LEDs light up when current flows
through them, indicating that the circuit is working.

Voltage of Current of Resistance of Voltage of Fixed
Variable Resistor Fixed Resistor Fixed Resistor Resistor

(V) (A) (Ω) (V)

1. 5.14 0.108 22.933 2.50

2. 5.65 0.147 20.728 3.22

3. 6.15 0.221 16.578 3.21

4. 6.25 0.224 16.425 3.35

5. 6.66 0.323 15.668 4.16

6. 7.26 0.396 11.988 4.71

7. 7.87 0.622 8.012 5.27

8. 8.73 1.945 2.966 6.26

Table showing results of the Observations

Verification of the Ohm’s Law using to the measured data

Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional
to the voltage across the two points, given a constant temperature and pressure. This can be
expressed mathematically as: V=IxR where V is the voltage across the
conductor, I is the current passing through the conductor, and R is the resistance of the conductor.
To verify Ohm's law, the data recorded was used to calculate the resistance of the fixed resistor
using the formula R = V/I, and then a graph of V against I was plotted.

R1 = 2.50/0.108 = 23.15 Ω

R2 = 3.22/0.147 = 21.89 Ω

R3 = 3.21/0.221 = 14.51 Ω

R4 = 3.35/0.224 = 14.96 Ω

R5 = 4.16/0.323 = 12.88 Ω

R6 = 4.71/0.396 = 11.87 Ω

R7 = 5.27/0.622 = 8.46 Ω

R8 = 6.26/1.945 = 3.22 Ω

Ohm's Law Graph

2.5 3.22 3.21 3.35 4.16 4.71 5.27

I vs V

Graph of Ohm's Law

The graph shows a straight line, which indicates that there is a linear relationship between
voltage and current, confirming Ohm's law.

In conclusion, a voltage divider circuit was successfully designed and its electrical
components were effectively installed. The DC current, voltage and resistance of the circuit were
successfully measured.
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate School Based

Section Two: Electrical and Electronics Drafting

Candidates’ Name: Virendra Dookie

Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate School Based

Section Three: Electrical Power and Machines

Topic: DC Motor

Candidates’ Name: Virendra Dookie

Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo Project Design
1. To Design a small DC Motor
2. To install effectively the various components of a simple DC Motor

Schematic diagram

Schematic Diagram of a small DC Motor

Set up and Testing

Materials/ Equipment Used
1. 9V Battery
2. Battery Snap
3. 1- Magnet
4. 2- Screws
5. 2- Paper clips
6. Copper wire
7. Circuit board
8. Multi-meter

Steps of Procedures

Step Description Materials Tools

1. Items were selected. Circuit Board, Solder Solder Bolt, Pliers,
Copper wire, Tweezers
Magnet, Battery,
Battery Snap, Paper
clip, Screw

2. Circuit board was set up. Circuit Board

3. Coil was set up. Copper Wire, Circuit Pipe
4. Support for coil was set up. Paper Clips, Screws ----
5. Batter and snap were set up. Battery, Battery Solder Bolt, Pliers,
Snap, Circuit Board, Wire Stripper
Solder, wire
6. Switch was set up. Switch, Circuit, Solder Bolt, Pliers,
Solder Wire Stripper
7. Magnet was placed. Magnet, Complete ---
8. Trial test was done. Complete Circuit ---
9. The voltage at the opened and closed Paper Multimeter
circuit was tested and recorded. Pencil
10. The resistance of the coil was tested and Paper Multimeter
recorded. Pencil

Table showing Methods of the Procedure

Images of the small DC Motor

Operations of the DC Motor
A DC motor is an electrical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
The basic working principle of the DC motor is based on the interaction between the magnetic
field and the current-carrying conductor, known as Fleming's left-hand rule. When a
currentcarrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a mechanical force that is
perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the direction of the current. This force causes the
conductor to rotate around its axis.

A simple DC motor consists of a stationary set of magnets in the stator and a coil of wire
with a current running through it, known as the armature, to generate an electromagnetic field
that is aligned with the center of the coil. The commutator, a rotating switch, allows each
armature coil to be energized in turn, creating a steady rotating force known as torque.

To make a small DC motor, the researcher first set up a circuit board, then created a coil
using copper wire and the circuit board. The researcher then set up a support for the coil using
paper clips and screws, and set up a battery and switch using a battery snap and solder. The
researcher then placed a magnet near the coil and tested the circuit using a multi-meter.


Both during and after the construction and testing of the DC motor, the following observations
were made:

• The voltage was 7.30 Volts at the opened circuit, which indicates that the circuit was
properly connected and the battery was working as expected.
• The voltage was 3.84 Volts at the closed circuit, indicating that the circuit was properly
closed and the motor was working.
• The coil had to be placed very close to the magnet for proper operation. This is because
the interaction between the magnetic field and the current-carrying conductor is strongest
when the conductor is close to the magnet.

• The coil had to be placed at the center for proper operation. This is because the
electromagnetic field generated by the coil needs to be aligned with the center of the
magnet in order to create a steady rotating force.
• The coil had a resistance of 3.7 Ohms, which is an important parameter to consider when
designing and testing a DC motor.
• The coil had to be balanced before it could be operated properly. This is because an
unbalanced coil can create uneven torque and cause the motor to vibrate or not rotate at
• The coil had to be helped before it started to be in operation. This may be due to the coil's
small size, which may require additional force to start the motor.


In conclusion, the researcher was able to effectively install the apparatus and accurately
record and document the readings. As a result, the project was a success. The simple DC motor
was able to demonstrate the fundamental principles of DC motor operation, and the observations
made during the testing phase provided valuable insights into the challenges and limitations of
building small DC motors.

Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean

Secondary Education Certificate School Based
Section Four: Electrical Installation

Candidates’ Name: Virendra Dookie

Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo

Students will be able to:
I. Identify the various components which make up the circuit
II. Construct a circuit to control different lightning loads from different positions.
III. Distinguish between the various controls and their operation.
IV. Adhere to the codes/regulations or standard specifications with regard to the type of
installation being done.

1. Four fluorescent light bulbs
2. 4 bulb holders
3. 1.5mm2 cable
4. intermediate switch
5. 2-way switches (2)
6. 3-pin plug
7. Circuit breaker
8. Circuit board (plywood)
9. Screw driver
10. Pliers

I. The circuit breaker was installed.
II. All necessary wirings were made according to the circuit diagram.
III. The fluorescent bulbs were connected on the project board.
IV. All connections were made where necessary.
V. Continuity, Earthing and polarity was tested for in the circuit.


Circuit Diagram for the Installation being done


After the circuit breaker was installed the

live neutral and ground wires were all
connected. The plug was also connected.

The first circuit box was inserted at a

level position and wires were passed
through it, so that it can be connected to
the switch (two way).

The other two circuit boxes were put in

position with the intermediate switch in
the middle of the three.

The switches were now connected to their

respective boxes.
The bulb sockets were connected at this

Picture showing all the components of the

circuit connected.


Upon completing the electrical installation, several observations were made. Firstly, all
four fluorescent bulbs lit up when the first switch was turned on. Secondly, when the second
switch was activated, all four bulbs were illuminated. Lastly, turning on the third switch caused
all the bulbs to light up. These observations demonstrate that the circuit was successfully
constructed and all the components were working properly.


From this installation, it was learned that intermediate switches are typically utilized in
large rooms and halls where various lamps require control from different positions. Additionally,
in a multi-story building, an intermediate switch circuit allows for the control of a lamp on the
ground floor from any floor. It is important to adhere to the relevant codes and regulations when
undertaking any electrical installation to ensure safety and proper functioning of the circuit.
Overall, students were able to identify the circuit components, construct a circuit for controlling
different lighting loads, distinguish between various controls and their operation, and follow
codes and regulations for the specific installation being done.
Caribbean Examination Council Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate School Based

Section Five: Fundamentals of Electronics

Topic: Burglar Alarm System

Candidates’ Name: Virendra Dookie

Candidates’ Number: 0901000159
Name of Centre: Saraswati Vidya Niketan
Centre Code: 090100
Year of Examination: 2023
Subject: Industrial Technology (Electrical and Electronic
Name of Teacher: Ann-Marie Khadoo
Project Design


1. To design a closed circuit Burglar Alarm System which includes a laser and a LDR to
trigger the alarm.
2. To effectively install all the components for the construction of the closed circuit burglar

Schematic Diagram

Schematic Diagram of a Burglar Alarm System

Set-up and Testing

Materials/ Equipment used

- Circuit Board
- Copper wire
- Battery
- Transistor
- Fixed resistor
- Siren
- Switch
- Tweezer
- Solder bolt
- Pliers
- Wire Stripper

Steps of Procedures
Step Description Materials Tools

1. Items were selected. Circuit Board, ,

Copper wire,
Battery, Transistor,
Fixed resistor, Siren,

2. Circuit board was set up. Circuit Board ---

3. Fixed resistor and solder were set up on Circuit Board, Fixed Tweezer, Solder bolt,
circuit board. Resistor, Solder, Pliers, Wire Stripper

4. LDR and solder were set up on circuit Circuit Board, LDR, Tweezer, Solder
board. Solder, Wire Bolt, Pliers
5. Transistor and solder were set up. Circuit Board, Tweezer, Solder
Transistor, Solder, Bolt, Pliers, Wire
Wire Stripper

6. Buzzer was set up. Circuit Board, Solder Bolt, Pliers,

Buzzer, Solder, Wire Wire Stripper

7. Battery and snap were set up. Complete Circuit, Solder Bolt, Pliers,
Battery, Battery Wire Stripper
Snap, Solder

8. Switch was set up. Complete Circuit, Solder Bolt, Pliers,

Solder, Switch Wire Stripper

9. Trial test was done. Complete Circuit ----------

10. Final test was done. Complete Circuit ----------

Image of the Burglar Alarm being set up

Image of the set up


The closed circuit burglar alarm system is designed to detect unauthorized entry into a
specific area by using a laser and a light-dependent resistor (LDR) to trigger the alarm. The laser
beam is directed at the LDR, which is placed at a specific point in the area being protected. When
the laser beam is interrupted, the resistance of the LDR increases, which triggers the alarm. The
alarm is activated by the circuit board, which is powered by a battery.

The circuit board is the heart of the system, and it consists of several electronic
components, including a transistor, a fixed resistor, a siren, and a switch. The transistor acts as a
switch that allows current to flow through the siren when the laser beam is interrupted. The fixed
resistor helps to regulate the current flowing through the circuit. The siren produces a loud noise
when the alarm is triggered, and the switch is used to turn the system on or off.

To set up the system, the various components are connected to the circuit board using
copper wires and soldering. The circuit board is then connected to a battery using a battery snap,
and the entire system is mounted at the protected area. Once the system is turned on, it is ready to
detect any unauthorized entry.
The closed-circuit burglar alarm system can be used in various settings, such as homes,
offices, stores, and other facilities that require security against unauthorized access. It is a
costeffective way to protect property and valuables, and it provides an audible warning when
someone attempts to enter an area without authorization. The system can also be used in
conjunction with other security measures such as cameras, motion detectors, and access control
systems to provide comprehensive security.


After constructing the electronics project, several observations were made. Firstly, it was
noted that the alarm was triggered when the laser light was disturbed, indicating that the system
was functioning as intended. Secondly, it was observed that the laser light needed to be placed in
front of the light dependent resistor (LDR) for the system to be operational. This is because the
LDR is designed to detect changes in light intensity and is sensitive to the laser light. Thirdly, it
was observed that the laser had to be turned on before the system could be activated. This is
because the laser beam needs to be present for the LDR to detect any changes in light intensity
and trigger the alarm.


In conclusion, it can be stated that the circuit was successfully developed, and all the
components were installed effectively. The observations made during the testing process
confirmed that the system was able to detect unauthorized entry and trigger the alarm. The closed
circuit burglar alarm system has the potential to be used in various settings and is an affordable
way to protect property and valuables. When used in conjunction with other security measures,
such as cameras, motion detectors, and access control systems, it can provide comprehensive
security against unauthorized access.

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