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Grade: VIII Full Marks: 50

Subject: Computer Science Time: 2 hours

Group ‘A’

Very Short Questions. (10x1=10)

1. Why Charles Babbage is known as The Father of Computer?

2. What is Database?
3. What is Computer Network?
4. What is Machine Language?
5. What is Multimedia?
6. Which device is known as the first electronic device?
7. Who is known as first programmer?
8. Write the example of MAN.
9. How many digits are used in Digital Computer?
10. Computer cannot run without OS. Why?
Group ‘B’

Short Questions. (7x4=28)

11. What do you mean by Video Conferencing and Virtual Reality? Explain.
12. What is an OS? Write down the advantages of Windows based OS over
DOS based OS.
13. What is MS-Access? Explain the features of MS-Access.
14. What is Memory? List the types of Primary and Secondary Memory.
15. Convert Decimal Numbers into Binary Numbers.
a) 345
b) 125
16. What is function? Write about any two functions supported by MS-Excel.
17. What is CPU? Explain the different components of CPU along with the
Group ‘C’

Long Questions. (2x6=12)

18. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the greater number among
three numbers.
19. WAP to check whether the given number is completely divisible by 5 or

Grade: VIII Full Marks: 50

Subject: Computer Science Time: 2 hours

Group ‘A’

Very Short Questions: (10x1=10)

1. Why Charles Babbage is known as The Father of Computer?

2. What is Database?
3. What is Computer Network?
4. What is Machine Language?
5. What is Multimedia?
6. Which device is known as the first electronic device?
7. Who is known as first programmer?
8. Write the example of MAN.
9. How many digits are used in Digital Computer?
10. Computer cannot run without OS. Why?
Group ‘B’

Short Questions. (7x4=28)

11. What do you mean by Video Conferencing and Virtual Reality? Explain.
12. What is an OS? Write down the advantages of Windows based OS over
DOS based OS.
13. What is MS-Access? Explain the features of MS-Access.
14. What is Memory? List the types of Primary and Secondary Memory.
15. Convert Decimal Numbers into Binary Numbers.
a) 345
b) 125
16. What is function? Write about any two functions supported by MS-Excel.
17. What is CPU? Explain the different components of CPU along with the
Group ‘C’

Long Questions. (2x6=12)

18. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the greater number among
three numbers.
19. WAP to check whether the given number is completely divisible by 5 or


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