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2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

Congress Center Hamburg

Sept 28 - Oct 2, 2015. Hamburg, Germany

Locust-Inspired Miniature Jumping Robot

V. Zaitsev, O. Gvirsman, U. Ben Hanan, A. Weiss, A. Ayali and G. Kosa

elastic strips, which are loaded by rotating a one directional

Abstract— Jumping is one among successful locomotion gaits

for small scale robots to overcome obstacles and traverse rough bearing, and pulling a leg with a cable towards the robot's
terrains. Design of a jumping robot features many engineering body. Once the bearing passes the vertical upward position,
challenges; some of them may be solved by seeking inspiration the energy is released. Another interesting jumping and
and solutions in nature. This paper entails the conceptual and walking robot is described in [12]. This robot uses only one
detailed design of TAUB, a miniature jumping robot whose motor, when the motor rotates clockwise the robot jumps and
design was inspired by the Desert Locust's legs. The jumping when it rotates counter-clockwise the robot walks. The robot
mechanism consist a pair of legs each with two equal segments, utilizes two torsion springs, which are loaded by rotating a
mimicking the femur and tibia, joined by torsion springs, grooved cylinder, and pulling a cable connected to a slider
mimicking the Semi-Lunar Process (SLP) of the Locust's legs. that moves along a follower. When the springs are fully
The jumping legs enable relatively large opening angle of 150
loaded the slider releases the wire while moving along the
degrees, similar to the locust, allowing using softer springs and
cylinder's groove.
increase the energy storing and jumping performance. The
𝟐𝟐. 𝟔 𝒈𝒓 autonomous robot prototype constructed outperforms The main problems encountered by most of the robotic
other existing robots, by jumping to a height of 𝟑. 𝟏 𝒎 covering jumpers are insufficient jump performance and mechanical
a distance of 𝟑 𝒎. complexity. The present study focused on creating a simple
I. INTRODUCTION mechanism that would enable jumping similar to that of the
desert locust [4], while jumping higher than other robots,
Jumping of small scale robots is an energetic-efficient whose performance can be found in [10]. In addition the
way of locomotion and intended to be used widely in many energy storage and release mechanism enables high
robotic field tasks, such as reconnaissance and rescue performance such as a leap as high as 31 body lengths (legs
missions, where the robots are required to traverse unknown, closed ready to jump, see Fig. 1).
rough terrain [1]. Indeed, previous studies [2-5] have found
jumping to be the most suitable form of locomotion for
mobile robots traversing problematic terrains. Efficient
jumping introduce the need for downscaling the size of a
robot, and as a result the relative size of obstacles increases
[6], making outdoor mobility more difficult, while energy
becomes limited due to the use of a necessarily small power
source. Therefore, design and jumping performance should
be optimized, in order to overcome large obstacles and with
low energy cost.
Several small jumping robots have already been
developed, for example [4,5,7,15]. The 7 gr EPFL jumper
[8], utilizes a torsion spring loaded through a gear system and
a CAM, while the CAM is also used for energy release. A
four-bar mechanism converts the stored energy into a jump.
Later version of this robot includes self-righting capability. Figure 1. TAUB - Locust inspired miniature jumping robot: prototype
Other robots were presented in [9,10]. These robots constitute (above) and robot model (below)
a jumping mechanism which is based on a spring's loading in
the x direction along a linear guide. During the energy This study was inspired by the desert locust (Schistocerca
release, a shorter motion is accomplished in the y direction, gregaria). Adult locusts of this species weigh 1.5-3.5 gr and
while the relation between the applied force and motion is have a body length of 50-60 mm [13]. Like all insects, they
nonlinear, which is suitable for the acceleration phase. have three pairs of legs, of which the front and middle pairs
Another running and jumping robot [11] stores the energy in are used mainly for walking and are weak and short
compared to the long hind legs which are particularly active
*Resrach supported by Pearls of Wisdom Association. during kicking and jumping. The hind legs, which were the
G. Kosa, O. Gvirsman are with the School of Mechanical Engineering, model for the design of the jumping mechanism, consist of
Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University (corresponding author to two main segments, approximately similar in length (See Fig
provide phone: 972-3-6408788; fax: 972-3-6407334; e-mail: gkosa@ 2.). The two segments are connected by a single degree-of-,
A. Ayali is with the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences,
freedom revolute joint that moves from 00 to 1500 degrees
Tel Aviv University ( during the jump [14]. The much thicker segment, the femur,
V. Zaitsev, U. Ben Hanan and A. Weiss are with the Mechanical comprises two muscles: the flexor, which is responsible for
Engineering Department, Ort Braude College (e-mail: folding the tibia towards the femur; and the extensor, which,,

978-1-4799-9994-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 553

is larger and much more powerful, and is responsible for
extending the tibia away from the femur (Fig. 2). An
additional key element in the jumping bio-mechanism is the
semi-lunar process (SLP; Fig. 2). This thickened, elastic
cuticle is attached to the femuro-tibial joint and serves to
store energy as a linear spring when bent.

Figure 4. On the left hand side is a CAM based torque enhancement. On

the right hand side is TAUB's mechanism's torque enhancement

The transmission ratio between the springs and the motor

can be expressed as follows:
2𝑅 (1)
where L is the length of each link of the legs, R is the
Figure 2. Two main segments of the hind leg. Colored areas on the femur motor’s axle radius and 𝜃 is the deformation angle of the
show approximate areas occupied by the extensor and flexor muscles springs. The practical transmission ratio is around 1/50 thus
making it more effective than CAM mechanism for torque
II. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN enhancement. The minimal lever ratio is obtained when the
springs are fully deformed and 𝜃 is minimal. Another
Capturing and imitating nature’s designs may be advantage of TAUB's mechanism is that the springs have a
extremely challenging, while also not necessarily providing relatively large angle of deformation, around 1500 degrees,
optimal solutions to a given engineering task. We thus similar to the locust [14], compared to other designs, for
selected only part of the biomechanical features of the locust example 800 degrees [8], which allows lowering their
jump mechanism as inspiration for the design of our artificial stiffness and thus decreasing the load on the joints and legs.
jumping mechanism. The TAUB (Tel-Aviv University & Despite its advantages, TAUB's torque enhancement features
Braude) jumping robot utilizes a pair of legs, each with two a disadvantage of prolonging the charging time. However, in
segments, inspired by the hind legs of the locust. Torsion real-life scenario, we argue that this is least important issue.
springs as the elastic elements are connecting the two legs’
segments. The “muscle” of the mechanism is an electrical III. MODELING
motor connected directly to the lower part of the legs by wire.
Finally, the legs of the jumping mechanism are connected to Although intuition suggests that the smaller the mass, the
the robot's body through a revolute joint, similar to the higher the jumping height, it is not necessarily true. There are
connection of the locust’s legs to its body. The elements of three key features regarding the optimization of the jumping
the conceptual design are shown in Fig. 3. height of the robot. These features are: mechanical strength,
leap speed and aerodynamic drag, and all of them have to be
Torsion Springs optimized simultaneously.
Electric Motor
The effective power of the driving mechanism scales
down with the reduction of the mass. This decrease in
strength causes a decrease in the energy storage capability,
Legs decreasing the jumping height. The second key point is the
relation between mass and leap speed, which means that as
the mass scales down, with some given energy amount
stored, the leap speed increases due to energy conservation
Wires during the leap, thus increasing the jumping height. Larger
mass causes increased aerodynamic drag, which leads to
Figure 3. TAUB's conceptual design insufficient jumping height. In addition, too high leap speed
also causes high aerodynamic drag lowering the jumping
TAUB's suggested mechanism has an advantage in torque height as well.
enhancement over other existing mechanisms based on CAM
design, for example [4, 8], as shown in Fig. 4. The Therefore, the three design directives mentioned above
transmission ratio between the CAM's output torque and the controvert, which suggests that a single optimal value for the
torsion spring's torque is approximately 𝑙1 /𝑙2 where 𝑙1 is the robot mass may be derived. In order to optimize the mass
vertical distance from the follower to the CAM's pivot point, required for the leap of the robot with the jump height, we
and 𝑙2 is the vertical distance from the follower to the spring's simplify the problem, by assuming a straight upward jump.
pivot point. We estimate that the practical ratio 𝑙1 /𝑙2 can vary Based on this assumption, the upward direction equation of
from 1/5 to 1/10 thus resulting in maximal torque motion, describing the vertical position of the robot during
enhancement around 10 times of the CAM's output torque. In the jump is:
TAUB's mechanism however, the torque enhancement is 1 (2)
caused by a natural lever ratio obtained by the length of the 𝑦̈ (𝑡) = −𝑔 − 𝜌𝐶 𝐴 𝑦̇ (𝑡)2
2𝑚 𝐷 𝑆
legs and the motor's axle radius, as shown in Fig. 4.

where 𝑦(𝑡) designates the vertical position of the point coefficient, and 𝐴𝑆 = 3.5 ∙ 10−3 𝑚2 is the cross-sectional
mass, 𝑔 is the gravity acceleration, 𝑚 is the robot's mass, 𝜌 is area, approximately based on the CAD model of the robot
the air density, 𝐶𝐷 is the drag coefficient and 𝐴𝑆 is the cross- designed in the next section and presented in Fig. 1, 𝑔 =
sectional area in the direction of motion. It can be seen from 9.81 𝑚/𝑠 2 is the gravity acceleration, ∆𝜃 = 2.61 𝑟𝑎𝑑 is the
(2) that a combination of small mass with high speed causes deflection angle of the springs and 𝐾 = 0.036 𝑁𝑚/𝑟𝑎𝑑 is
large downward acceleration, which will result in low the spring coefficient, both based on the robot's design. The
jumping height, as was stated earlier. The initial conditions range for the mass was set to 𝑚 = 1𝑔𝑟 to 30𝑔𝑟. The number
for (2) are: 𝑦(0) = 0, 𝑦̇ (0) = 𝑉0 meaning that the jump of springs, N, was set from 1 to 10 in order to quant the
started from the origin of a fixed frame with an initial speed energy storage. Fig. 5 presents the result of the analysis.
of 𝑉0 . The solution of (2) results in the robot’s vertical speed:
𝑔 (3)
𝑦̇ (𝑡) = √ 𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝛾 − √𝛼𝑔𝑡)
Where 𝛾 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (𝑉0 √𝛼/𝑔) and 𝛼 = 𝜌𝐶𝐷 𝐴𝑆 /2𝑚. The
height of the robot is given by:
1 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝛾 − √𝛼𝑔𝑡) (4)
𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑙𝑛 ( )
𝛼 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝛾)
In order to find the maximal height, we compute the time
that would cause 𝑦̇ (𝑡) to be equal to zero: 𝑡 = 𝛾/√𝛼𝑔. The
maximal height achieved by the robot is:
Figure 5. Maximal height as a function of mass for different energy levels.
(5) Lines are going from low to high energy according to the arrow

1 1 It can be seen from the results that there is an optimal

ℎ= 𝑙𝑛
𝛼 jumping height for a given energy level. For example, when
𝑐𝑜𝑠 (𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (√ 𝑉0 )) using five springs (0.61 𝐽), the optimal jumping height is
( 𝑔 ) around 2.7 𝑚 and achieved when the mass is 9 𝑔𝑟. Another
In order to determine the initial condition of the ballistic interesting result is that for a given energy level, the same
phase, V0, we assume all the elastic energy stored in the jumping height is achieved with two different masses that are
jumping mechanism is converted into kinetic energy: quite apart. For example, when using five springs (0.61 𝐽),
the jumping height of 2.5 𝑚 is achieved for a mass of 5 𝑔𝑟 or
1 1 (6) 15 𝑔𝑟, a difference of 200 percent. These results have their
𝑚𝑉0 2 = 𝐾𝑁(∆𝜃)2
2 2 impact on all of the design considerations regarding the
𝐾 is the spring coefficient of a torsion spring, 𝑁 is the robot. The slow decay to the right of the curves makes it
number of springs connected in parallel, and ∆𝜃 is the logical to design the robot to an overall mass located to the
deflection angle of the springs. The initial speed is: right side of the optimum point.


𝑉0 = √ ∆𝜃 Using the theoretical results from section III we tried to
𝑚 aim to the optimum relation in (9). In practice, there is a large
variety of parameters, such as components selection,
Substituting (7) into (5) results in the following relation
coefficients determination etc. that limits the design options.
between the mass of the robot and the maximal jumping
In order to simplify the design process, we ignored the
aerodynamic effects described in the modeling section.
𝛿 2 Therefore, our aim was to design the lightest possible
ℎ(𝑚) = 𝜎 ∙ 𝑚 ∙ 𝑙𝑛 (1 + ( ) ) (8) mechanism, nonetheless capable of storing as much energy as
possible, thus achieving maximal height.
where: 𝛿 = ∆𝜃√𝜌𝐶𝐷 𝐴𝑆 𝐾𝑁/2𝑔 and 𝜎 = 1/𝜌𝐶𝐷 𝐴𝑆 The robot comprises 4 main sub-systems: the driving
From (8) it can be seen that the value of 𝜎 doesn’t affect the system, the energy storage element, the power source and the
optimum. The maximal height is (𝑑ℎ(𝑚)/𝑑𝑚 = 0) achieved legs structure. Each sub-system should be as light as possible
at the value: and in addition, the whole system should store the highest
energy possible. The overall design is iterative and
𝛿 (9) simultaneous nonetheless each sub-systems design is
𝑚≅ presented here separately. The 3D model of the robot is
shown in Fig. 6, and the 22.6 gr constructed prototype is
Equation (9) is a design rule for the jumping robot which shown in Fig. 7.
enables the proper choice of the robots dimensions, driving
motor, and battery. We demonstrate this design rule by
simulating (8). In Fig. 5 the following parameters were used:
𝜌 = 1.2 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 is the air density, 𝐶𝐷 = 1.3 is the drag

Battery Springs Motor

Controller Legs

Legs Carbon rod Figure 7. 22.6 gr autonomous jumping robot prototype

Figure 6. 3D model of the jumping robot

The control unit includes a micro-controller, and a limit-
switch. The control unit was designed for minimal weight,
The driving system is at the heart of the design. It including only the necessary electronics in order to operate
comprises a small and powerful electric motor with an the robot. The limit switch, mounted in the joint between the
embedded gear system. The gearing system enables reducing femur and tibia, is toggle switch, indicating whether the legs
the motor's consumed current, as well as increasing the are closed or not. The body holding the motor, the battery
output torque, in addition to the lever ratio torque and the microcontroller, was produced by a 3D printer using
enhancement mechanism discussed earlier. A 4.5 gr geared ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and was designed to
servo electric motor (HS-35HD) with a stall torque to mass secure these components in place, with minimal weight to
ratio of 17.43 𝑁𝑚𝑚/𝑔𝑟, highest among evaluated motors, strength ratio.
was selected. Although the gearing system increases the The most significant problem of using the gearing system
charging duration of the robot, it is still the preferred solution is the slowdown of the leap process due to residual friction
for the driving system, because of the large variety of such forces and inertia effects caused by the gears, as was stated
actuators. Another disadvantage of the gearing system, the earlier. When the springs are charged, the tendon-like wire is
slowdown of the leap process caused by the gears, is fully coiled on the motor's axle, preventing the robot from
discussed later. jumping. The jump occurs when the motor is released, thus
The elastic elements are torsion springs made of A-228 the faster the motor allows the wire to uncoils, the higher the
music wire (see Fig. 7) with coefficient of 𝐾 = 0.04 𝑁𝑚/ initial jump velocity. Thus, anything that slow the uncoiling
𝑟𝑎𝑑. Each spring was designed with only 2 coils in order to process reduces the initial jump velocity, which reduces the
prevent residual bending moments and for decreasing its maximal height of the jump. To overcome the slowdown
weight. In addition, there are 2 directions of coiling, a right imposed by the gear system, we designed a latch mechanism
hand one and a left hand one, due to symmetry to hold the legs while the wire unwinds, and only after the
considerations, such as vertical planar motion of the legs wire is loose, the latch is released and the leap is executed
during charging. The joints connecting the springs were with no gear related slowdown.
designed to mount as many springs as required up to ten. The latch mechanism consists of a hook, the motor's axle
Therefore, any combination of two to ten springs can be and a nut, and is operated utilizing the same motor, without
utilized, increasing the energy storage limit with each additional actuators, in order to reduce the robot's weight, and
additional spring. is shown in Fig. 8.
The legs structure consists of four carbon rods (Fig. 7). Thread
The carbon rods are light and stiff. Note the fact there is a Rubber band
tradeoff between mass and mechanical strength. On the one
hand, large diameter of the rods increases their mechanical
strength and enables mounting more springs, but on the other
hand increases the robot's weight. After several design
iterations 2.5 mm diameter and 80 mm length rods, were
selected, combined with eight springs. In order to fix the
springs to the carbon rods we used aluminum joints specially Hook
fabricated to be light and strong. Springs

The power source is a battery (see Fig. 7) that was

selected to be as light as possible to fulfill the charging Figure 8. Latch mechanism's components
profile of the system, starting with low current (opened legs)
and ending with high current (closed legs). Note the fact that The hook rotates around the rotation axis of the joints
the mechanism's lever ratio described earlier, keeps growing connecting the legs to the body, and its shape was designed to
as the charging advances, thus restraining current increase. allow rotation only to one direction as shown in Fig. 8. In
The selected battery was 110 (mAh) Lipo-Battery weighing 3 addition, the hook returns to its initial position after any slight
gr. We tested this battery to estimate its life-time and rotation, due to a small rubber band fixed on the motor and
measured 123 jumps of the robot. attached to the hook. The locking occurs when the carbon rod
fixed in the tips at the lower part of the legs (see Fig. 6),
touches the round curvature of the hook from beneath. The

carbon rod causes the hook to rotate, and when it surpasses Start
the curvature, the rubber band quickly returns the hook back,
enabling the fixation of the carbon rod at the flat surface
above the curvature. In order to release the lock, the nut Receive
moves on the external thread of the motor's axle and pulls the command
hook again, using a second wire connected to the hook (the
connection of the second wire is the green dot, see Fig. 8).
In TAUB's mechanism, the motor's axle radius is 1.5 mm, Y N
Limit switch open
thus with the leg's length, resulting in an approximate lever
ratio of 3/160, thus enhancing the motor's torque in addition Motor Motor
to the gears. rotates to rotates to
one side other side
Before the jump starts the legs are open, the springs are
The robot
not loaded, the tendon-like wire is completely loose and the N jumpes
nut is at the end of the motor's axle, as shown in Fig. 7. The Limit switch close
motor starts rotating to one direction as shown in Fig. 9(a)
causing the tendon-like wire to wind-up on the axle. Thus, Y
the tibia approaches the femur while the springs deform, End
storing the required energy for the jump, and the nut moves Motor stops
towards the motor. In the end of the charging process, which
lasts roughly ten seconds, the hook locks the tibia, as shown
in Fig 9(b).
Figure 10. Robot's control sequence
(a) (b)
Experiments were conducted using the prototype
weighing 22.6 gr (see Fig. 7), with the main purpose of
examining the jumping trajectory and leap speed. The
experiments we report in this paper were carried outside and
were recorded using fast speed camera (Fujifilm HS-10)
capable of producing 240÷1000 frames per second. Analysis
was conducted using video analysis software Tracker. In Fig.
11, the jumping trajectory and the jumping height versus time
are presented, using the 240 fps filming. In Fig. 12, the leap
(c) (d) phase is presented, using the 1000 fps filming. Prior to the
charging phase, the robot's posture on the ground was similar
Support to that of Fig. 7, and before the leap itself the posture was as
shown in the model of Fig. 6.
Figure 9. Robot's operation sequence 3

Next, the motor starts rotating to the other direction, as

shown in Fig. 9(c), while the tibia stays locked in the hook 2.25
and the tendon-like wire unwinds from the axle. During this
phase, the nut moves away from the motor towards its
original place at the end of the axle, in a duration of roughly 1.5 3.1(m)
ten seconds as well. At a certain point, the second wire 𝑙1
connecting the nut to the hook is suddenly stretched,
unlocking the tibia from the hook and allowing the leap, as 0.75
shown in Fig. 9(d). The leap occurs since the tendon-like
wire is completely loose at this stage. During charging and
releasing, the motor axle is supported by the body to prevent
the bending of the axle under the loading of the springs and
also the leap impact. 0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3 𝑿(𝒎)

An external IR remote is used to command the robot and 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 𝒕(𝒔𝒆𝒄)
the operation procedure's command scheme is shown in Fig.
Figure 11. Jumping trajectory and jumping height versus time using 240 fps

The current version of TAUB presented in this paper has
few shortcomings compared to several existing jumping
robots, mainly because it lacks the ability to perform
continues jumps (although not every other robots has the
ability to perform such multiple jumps), it lacks the ability of
steering, and it also lacks the ability of alter its leap angle,
meaning the direction of jump and trajectory remain
uncontrolled. Therefore, we are currently working on self-
righting and steering mechanism that would enable TAUB to
execute multiple jumps with navigation.

This research was funded by Pearls of Wisdom
Figure 12. Leap speed sequance sample points from Tracker using 1000 fps Association ( We thank Zickel
Engineering ( for the controller design.
The estimated leap speed extracted from Tracker
averaged around 9 𝑚/𝑠 which is in good agreement with the REFERENCES
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