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[12:53:41] Log Time: 12:53:41 2024-02-27

[12:53:41] Game Version: 1.59.0(126283) rc/1.59.0

[12:53:41] Config: Shipping
[12:53:41] Device: MacBookPro17,1
[12:53:41] [OS]: Initialized
[12:53:41] [ZWATCHDOG]: Initialized
[12:53:41] Launcher Version : 1.1.11
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/global.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/global.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/globalproj.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/globalproj.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Worlds/worlds.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/Worlds/worlds.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/Ground/textures.wad in file
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/Ground/textures.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/WhiteOrangeTheme.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/WhiteOrangeTheme.wad' with
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/minimap/minimap.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/minimap/minimap.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/Scotty/Scotty.wad in file
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/Scotty/Scotty.wad' with
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/layouts/layouts.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/layouts/layouts.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/GrassTextures/GrassTextures.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/GrassTextures/GrassTextures.wad'
with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/configs/buttonconfigs.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/configs/buttonconfigs.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/gearing/gearing.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Unable to open WAD file "assets/gearing/gearing.wad".
[12:53:41] ERROR: Could not load wad file: assets/gearing/gearing.wad
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/haptic/fittech_haptic.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Loading WAD file 'assets/haptic/fittech_haptic.wad' with file.
[12:53:41] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:41] Successful audio init!
[12:53:41] Loaded audio banks
[12:53:41] Initializing graphics window of size 0 x 0
[12:53:41] GFXDevice_Metal::Initialize(): Found device '<AGXG13GDevice:
name = Apple M1'
[12:53:41] GFXDevice_Metal::Initialize(): Using device '<AGXG13GDevice:
name = Apple M1'
[12:53:41] GLFW ERROR 65544: Cocoa: Failed to find service port for display
[12:53:42] window scale (2.000000, 2.000000)
[12:53:42] framebuffer size (2560, 1440)
[12:53:42] Vendor = Apple M1
[12:53:42] Renderer = Apple M1
[12:53:42] [GFX]: Tier 1
[12:53:42] [LOADER]: Hardware instancing enabled
[12:53:42] Screen reported DPI: 127 physical DPI: 254 Scale: 2.00
[12:53:42] Calculating Graphics Score
[12:53:42] GFX: Found a vendor/model match for APPLE M1
[12:53:42] Initializing Render Targets
[12:53:42] Initializing Texture Systems
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Blur[0][0].4
[12:53:42] Calling initialize_zwift_network()
[12:53:42] [INFO] CNL 3.46.3
[12:53:42] [INFO] Machine Id: 2-84407566-3D83-5897-BF52-ED6B283CCD74
[12:53:42] Suceeded initializing graphics
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_NoTexture[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_Textured[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_Textured_Simple[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_Textured_GammaCorrect[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_sRGB_GLES[0][0].4
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/fonts/font.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/fonts/font.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_FontW[0][0].4
[12:53:42] Using high graphics profile
[12:53:42] > res 1280x720(0x)
[12:53:42] Changed resolution to 1280 x 720 ( NO MSAA )

[12:53:42] > sres 1024x1024

[12:53:42] Changed shadow resolution to 1024 x 1024

[12:53:42] > set gSSAO=1

[12:53:42] > set gFXAA=1
[12:53:42] Metal MTLGPUFamilyApple7 initialized
[12:53:42] Graphics Vendor: Apple M1
[12:53:42] Graphics Renderer: Apple M1
[12:53:42] RAM: 8GB
[12:53:42] CPU: Apple M1
[12:53:42] CPU Type: arm64
[12:53:42] CPU Traslated: No
[12:53:42] ANT : ANT USB receiver NOT found
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Achievements/goals.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Achievements/goals.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Achievements/achievements.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Achievements/achievements.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Registered segment 1 with hash id 888000
[12:53:42] Registered segment 2 with hash id 888001
[12:53:42] Registered segment 3 with hash id 888002
[12:53:42] Registered segment 4 with hash id 888003
[12:53:42] Registered segment 5 with hash id 888004
[12:53:42] [GAME]: Initialize
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GFXDRAW_Textured_ExtAlpha[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GaussianBlur[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader GaussianBlur[0][0].4 failed!
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader SimpleShader[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader gde_nolighting[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader shadowmap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader shadowmap_instanced[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader shadowmapHair[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Glossy_shadowmapped[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Road[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader portalRoadSFX[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader RoadAccessory[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader RoadWet[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader RoadAccessoryWet[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader HeatHaze[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader CausticPass[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader crepuscular[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader beam[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader beam_inside[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorldAO[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorldBillboard[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorldSimple[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Hologram[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader RainbowHologram[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Glossy_locked[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader londonTerrainShader_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader franceTerrainShader_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader BasicTerrain_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader BasicTerrainNoSnow_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader BasicTerrainWatopiaDesert_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader innsbruckTerrainShader_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader bolognaTerrainShader_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader yorkshireTerrainShader_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader richmondTerrainShader_HeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader WorkoutHologramPortal[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader WorkoutHologramPortalRing[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader FinalCopy[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld_TerrainHeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader shadowmap_TerrainHeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader WatopiaDesert_TerrainHeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader WatopiaDesert[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld_instanced[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld_notShadowed_instanced[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld_instanced_TerrainHeightMap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld2Layer[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld2Layer_instanced[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader vegetation[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader vegetationTerrainHeightmapInstance[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader vegetationInstance[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader vegetationShadowmap[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader vegetationShadowmapInstance[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader wire[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader wireShadow[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader accessory_instanced[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Hair[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorld_notShadowed[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader skinShader[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader shadowmapSkin[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader skinShaderHologram[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader grayScale[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader portalEntrySFX[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader FXAA[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader UberPostprocess[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Downsample4x4Luminance[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Downsample4x4MeanMax[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Brightpass[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader bloomFinalPass[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader RadialBlur[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Invisibility[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader Invisibility_locked[0][0].4
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/SkyDome/sky.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/SkyDome/sky.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader sky10[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader sky20[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader stars[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader moon10[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader cloudColor[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader portalSkySFX[0][0].4
[12:53:42] [GFX]: loading shader defaultParticles[0][0].4
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Accessories.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Accessories.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/bikes_config.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/bikes_config.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/Customization/Customization.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file
'assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/Customization/Customization.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/JerseyIcons/JerseyIcons.wad
in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file
'assets/UI/WhiteOrangeTheme/JerseyIcons/JerseyIcons.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Wad assets/Humans/Accessories/Accessories.wad at 0x5c9d2a2d already
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Glasses/ZwiftGlasses.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Glasses/ZwiftGlasses.wad'
with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Hair/Hair.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Hair/Hair.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Hats/Hats.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Hats/Hats.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Headband/Headband.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Headband/Headband.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Helmets/ZwiftHelmet.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Helmets/ZwiftHelmet.wad'
with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Shoes/Shoes.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Shoes/Shoes.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Accessories/Socks/Socks.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Accessories/Socks/Socks.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_01.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_01.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_02.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_02.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pro_Teams/pro_teams_01.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pro_Teams/pro_teams_01.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pro_Teams/pro_teams_02.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pro_Teams/pro_teams_02.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies2.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies2.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies3.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies3.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies4.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies4.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies5.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Companies/Companies5.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/camo_01.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/camo_01.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Specials/specials_01.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Specials/specials_01.wad' with
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Events/Events.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Events/Events.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Events/Events2.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Events/Events2.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Clubs/Clubs.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Clubs/Clubs.wad' with file.
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:42] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Clubs/Clubs2.wad in file
[12:53:42] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Clubs/Clubs2.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Clubs/Clubs3.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Clubs/Clubs3.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pack01/Pack01.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pack01/Pack01.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pack02/Pack02.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Pack02/Pack02.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Charities/Charities.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Charities/Charities.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Clothes/Clothes.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Clothes/Clothes.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/Zwift/Steel/ZwiftSteel.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/Zwift/Steel/ZwiftSteel.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Components/Campagnolo/SuperRecord/SuperRecord.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Components/Campagnolo/SuperRecord/SuperRecord.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/Cassette/Cassette.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/Cassette/Cassette.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/Shimano/DuraAce/DuraAce.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/Shimano/DuraAce/DuraAce.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Components/Shimano/DuraAce9200/DuraAce9200.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Components/Shimano/DuraAce9200/DuraAce9200.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/Specialized/Sworks/Sworks.wad
in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/Specialized/Sworks/Sworks.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/Sram/SramRed/SramRed.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/Sram/SramRed/SramRed.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Components/Sram/SramRed2021/SramRed2021.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Components/Sram/SramRed2021/SramRed2021.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/Sram/SramXX1/SramXX1.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/Sram/SramXX1/SramXX1.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Components/CeramicSpeed/CeramicSpeed.wad
in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Components/CeramicSpeed/CeramicSpeed.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/data.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/data.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/BmcSLR01/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/BmcSLR01/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/BmcTimemachine01/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/BmcTimemachine01/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Buffalo/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Buffalo/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/BuffaloQhubeka/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/BuffaloQhubeka/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleCaad12/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleCaad12/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleEvo/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleEvo/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleSynapseDisk2018/frame.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleSynapseDisk2018/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleSystemSix2019/frame.wad
in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CannondaleSystemSix2019/frame.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Canyon_Aeroad/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Canyon_Aeroad/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Canyon_Speedmax/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Canyon_Speedmax/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Canyon_Ultimate/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Canyon_Ultimate/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Cello/frame.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Cello/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloP5/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloP5/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloP5x/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloP5x/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloR5/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloR5/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloS3D/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloS3D/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloS5/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/CerveloS5/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/DefaultOrange/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/DefaultOrange/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/DiamondBack_Andean/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/DiamondBack_Andean/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/GiantDefyASL/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/GiantDefyASL/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/GiantPropelAdvanced/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/GiantPropelAdvanced/frame.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/LivLangma/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/LivLangma/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Parlee_ESX/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Parlee_ESX/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Pinarello_Dogma/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Pinarello_Dogma/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Pinarello_F8/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Pinarello_F8/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Pinarello_TT/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Pinarello_TT/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/PinarelloBolideTT2018/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/PinarelloBolideTT2018/frame.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/PinarelloDogmaF102019/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/PinarelloDogmaF102019/frame.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/RidleyHelium/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/RidleyHelium/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Scott_Foil/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Scott_Foil/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Allez/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Allez/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Amira/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Amira/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Roubaix/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Roubaix/frame.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Tarmac/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Tarmac/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Venge/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Specialized_Venge/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Frames/SpecializedAllezSprint2019/frame.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Frames/SpecializedAllezSprint2019/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/SpecializedShiv/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/SpecializedShiv/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/SpecializedShiv2019/frame.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/SpecializedShiv2019/frame.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Trek/frame.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Trek/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/TrekEmonda/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/TrekEmonda/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/TrekMadone/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/TrekMadone/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/VentumOne/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/VentumOne/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Aero/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Aero/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Bat/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Bat/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_BW/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_BW/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_BWConcept/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_BWConcept/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Carbon/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Carbon/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Concept/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Concept/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Safety/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Safety/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Steel/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_Steel/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_TT/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/Zwift_TT/frame.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Frames/ZwiftSkeletal/frame.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Frames/ZwiftSkeletal/frame.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Frames/ScottSparkMountainBike2019/frame.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Unable to open WAD file
[12:53:43] ERROR: Could not load wad file:
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/data.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/data.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_808_Firecrest/Firecrest808.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_808_Firecrest/Firecrest808.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_404_Firecrest/Firecrest404.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_404_Firecrest/Firecrest404.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_202_Firecrest/Firecrest202.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_202_Firecrest/Firecrest202.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
d' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_2.2/Enve22.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_2.2/Enve22.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_3.5/EnveSES_3.5.wad
in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_3.5/EnveSES_3.5.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_6.7/Enve67.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_6.7/Enve67.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES7.8/EnveSES7.8.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES7.8/EnveSES7.8.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_8.9/Enve89.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Enve/EnveSES_8.9/Enve89.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_Disc/Disc.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zipp/Zipp_Disc/Disc.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Wheels/Mavic/CosmicCXR60c/CosmicCXR60c.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Mavic/CosmicCXR60c/CosmicCXR60c.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Concept/Concept.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Concept/Concept.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Classic/Classic.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Classic/Classic.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_BW/BW.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_BW/BW.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/ZwiftSkeletal/wheels.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/ZwiftSkeletal/wheels.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Bat/wheels.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Bat/wheels.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Wheels/Campagnolo/Campagnolo_Bora_Ultra/BoraUltra.wad in file
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Campagnolo/Campagnolo_Bora_Ultra/BoraUltra.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Bontrager/Aeolus5/Aeolus5.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Bontrager/Aeolus5/Aeolus5.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Specialized/Roval/Roval.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Specialized/Roval/Roval.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open
assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Safety/Zwift_Safety.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file
'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Zwift/Zwift_Safety/Zwift_Safety.wad' with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/DefaultOrange/DefaultOrange.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/DefaultOrange/DefaultOrange.wad'
with file.
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Bikes/Wheels/Giant/SLR/PropelAdvanced.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] Loading WAD file 'assets/Bikes/Wheels/Giant/SLR/PropelAdvanced.wad' with
[12:53:43] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:43] ERROR: Accessory::GetThumbnailTextureHandle Error - Asset Load Failure -
Cannot find thumbnail texture -
[12:53:45] ERROR: Accessory::GetThumbnailTextureHandle Error - Asset Load Failure -
Cannot find thumbnail texture -
[12:53:45] ERROR: Accessory::GetThumbnailTextureHandle Error - Asset Load Failure -
Cannot find thumbnail texture -
[12:53:47] Downloader: "MapSchedule_v2.xml" downloaded successfully (manifest
checksum not provided, i.e. -1).

[12:53:47] Downloader::Update m_filesCompleted.push_back

path=/Users/alexcasaus/Documents/Zwift/MapSchedule_v2.xml success=1
[12:53:47] Game::GAME_onFinishedDownloadingMapSchedule filename=MapSchedule_v2.xml
err=0 state: m_filesPending: <> m_filesCurrent: <> m_filesCompleted:
[12:53:47] Downloader::ForgetCompleted path=MapSchedule_v2.xml
[12:53:47] GLFW ERROR 65544: Cocoa: Failed to find service port for display
[12:53:47] [GFX]: loading shader DropShadow[0][0].4
[12:53:47] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Male/male.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:47] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Male/male.wad' with file.
[12:53:47] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:47] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Male/male_textures.wad in file
[12:53:47] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Male/male_textures.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Female/female.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Female/female.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Female/female_textures.wad in file
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Female/female_textures.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] [GFX]: loading shader skinShaderOutline[0][0].4
[12:53:48] [GFX]: loading shader Outline[0][0].4
[12:53:48] [GFX]: loading shader GNSkinOutline[0][0].4
[12:53:48] [GFX]: loading shader GNAccessoryOutline[0][0].4
[12:53:48] [GFX]: loading shader bib[0][0].4
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Challenges/challenges.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Challenges/challenges.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/flags/flags.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/flags/flags.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Challenges/challenges.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Challenges/challenges.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Challenges/challenge_italy.wad in file
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Challenges/challenge_italy.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] [GFX]: loading shader defaultWorldBillboardGrass[0][0].4
[12:53:48] SaveActivityService::GameLoadLevel -- Skipped Invalid World: 0
[12:53:48] GAME_LoadLevel() worldID = 0
[12:53:48] [ZWATCHDOG]: GameState Load start
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Worlds/world0/data.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Worlds/world0/data.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Worlds/world0/data_1.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Worlds/world0/data_1.wad' with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/Road/FreshRoad/FreshRoad.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/Road/FreshRoad/FreshRoad.wad' with
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/Road/Cobblestone/Cobblestone.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/Road/Cobblestone/Cobblestone.wad'
with file.
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/Road/DirtRoad/DirtRoad.wad in file
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/Road/DirtRoad/DirtRoad.wad' with
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:48] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Environment/Road/snowy/SnowRoad.wad in file
[12:53:48] Loading WAD file 'assets/Environment/Road/snowy/SnowRoad.wad' with file.
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] Couldn't load road tex Environment\Road\FreshRoad\FreshRoadOneLine.tga
[12:53:49] Couldn't load road tex Environment\Road\FreshRoad\
[12:53:49] Couldn't load road tex Environment\Road\FreshRoad\FreshRoadOneLine.tga
[12:53:49] Couldn't load road tex Environment\Road\FreshRoad\
[12:53:49] [GFX]: loading shader colorRoadShader[0][0].4
[12:53:49] [GFX]: loading shader colorRoadShader[0][0].4 failed!
[12:53:49] AK::LoadBank(World0.bnk) failed: 2
[12:53:49] AUDIO_Event(eventName:world_0_init) failed!
[12:53:49] [GFX]: loading shader water[0][0].4
[12:53:49] [GFX]: loading shader water_noholes[0][0].4
[12:53:49] [GFX]: loading shader water_ocean[0][0].4
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_01.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_01.wad' with
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_02.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_02.wad' with
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] [ZWATCHDOG]: GameState Load end
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_01.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_01.wad' with
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_02.wad in
file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] Loading WAD file 'assets/Humans/Jerseys/Originals/originals_02.wad' with
[12:53:49] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:49] Got an access token
[12:53:49] Attempting Token Login...
[12:53:49] ANT : Setting network key on network 0...
[12:53:49] ANT : Setting network key on network 1...
[12:53:50] ANT : Setting network key on network 2...
[12:53:50] CheckOSXLauncherUpdate: new OSX installer found in game bundle
[12:53:50] CheckOSXLauncherUpdate: checking if launcher requires update...
[12:53:50] CheckOSXLauncherUpdate: launcher already up to date
[12:53:50] WorkoutDatabase Constructed: 1247821952
[12:53:51] VIDEO_CAPTURE : Upload initializing state: UploadReady
[12:53:51] resize: 1280 x 720

[12:53:51] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Worlds/world1/data_1.wad in file 0x0237f708

[12:53:51] Loading WAD file 'assets/Worlds/world1/data_1.wad' with file.
[12:53:51] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:51] Loading routes...
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warnings - Cannot find decisions in
data/Worlds/world1/routes/routes75.xml. Is this intentional?
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadincheckpoint in
[12:53:51] WARN : Load Route Warning - Cannot find leadinhighrescheckpoint in
[12:53:52] WARN : Load Route Warning - failed to open
[12:53:52] Route manager info: 89 routes
[12:53:52] ECONOMY : login request with use_computed=true, recompute=false
[12:53:52] [INFO] Economy configuration received from server
[12:53:52] [INFO] Requesting seeds...
[12:53:52] [INFO] Session ID: 0107e385-b068-4b8e-a7b8-b24564d0e75f (secure)
[12:53:52] [INFO] Logged in
[12:53:53] [INFO] Telemetry enabled (batch mode)
[12:53:53] [INFO] Sending first telemetry...
[12:53:53] [INFO] Next seeds fetch will happen in 50 minutes
[12:53:53] [INFO] Player ID: 2518353
[12:53:53] [INFO] Analytics ID: d52bca34-a734-4cdc-85a3-29782878d147
[12:53:53] INFO LEVEL: Queuing high volume analytics event: hardware_info
[12:53:53] SaveActivityService::SaveActivityFromDisk local activity file not found
[12:53:53] Registered segment 6 with hash id 2225900758
[12:53:53] Registered segment 7 with hash id 2187808317
[12:53:53] Registered segment 8 with hash id 2340271961
[12:53:53] Registered segment 9 with hash id 2616132684
[12:53:53] Registered segment 10 with hash id 3871260762
[12:53:53] Registered segment 11 with hash id 344822555
[12:53:53] Registered segment 12 with hash id 2334801310
[12:53:53] Registered segment 13 with hash id 999296705
[12:53:53] Registered segment 14 with hash id 1235836820
[12:53:53] Logged in user:
[12:53:53] Goal Xp: 43214
[12:53:53] Catch up Xp: 43214
[12:53:53] Got Notable Moment: UNLOCKED ITEM
[12:53:53] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Achievements/goals.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:53:53] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Achievements/goals.wad' with file.
[12:53:53] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:53] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/UI/Achievements/achievements.wad in file
[12:53:53] Loading WAD file 'assets/UI/Achievements/achievements.wad' with file.
[12:53:53] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:53] *** Achievement level decrease detected
[12:53:53] [INFO] TCP disconnected
[12:53:53] [INFO] TCP host (secure)
[12:53:53] [INFO] Connecting to TCP server...
[12:53:54] [INFO] Saying hello to TCP server (largest wa is 0)
[12:53:54] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:53:54] [INFO] UDP host (secure)
[12:53:54] [INFO] Connecting to UDP server...
[12:53:55] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:53:56] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:53:56] NETWORK:Got the list of worlds
[12:53:56] PROFILE SAVED
[12:53:56] Achievement Load Success: Processing 21 achievements from Achievement
[12:53:56] Experiment service disabled assert abort
[12:53:56] ECONOMY : updating config, cycling levels=100
[12:53:56] ECONOMY : Economy Flags: serverConfigXP=use, reEarnMaxLevel=true,
showRideStreaksScreen=true, showXPUntilNextLevel=true, bonusXPForStreaks=true
[12:53:56] ECONOMY : Phase2 Flags: bikeLeveling=false, bikeCollecting=false
[12:53:56] GFX_NoesisCreateDevice(false, 1)
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[0][0].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[0][1].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[0][2].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[1][3].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[2][4].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[2][5].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[2][6].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[3][7].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[4][8].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[4][9].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[4][10].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[4][11].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[5][12].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[6][13].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[6][14].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[6][15].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[7][16].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[8][17].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[8][18].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[8][19].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[8][20].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[9][21].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[10][22].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[10][23].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[10][24].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[11][25].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][26].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][27].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][28].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][29].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[9][30].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[10][31].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[10][32].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[10][33].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[11][34].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][35].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][36].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][37].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[12][38].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[13][39].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[14][40].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[14][41].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[14][42].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[15][43].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[16][44].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[16][45].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[16][46].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[16][47].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[17][48].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[18][49].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[19][50].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[13][51].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[20][52].4
[12:53:56] [GFX]: loading shader GFX_Noesis[20][52].4 failed!
[12:53:56] GFX Noesis shader 52ll failed!
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_fonts.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_fonts.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_loc.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_loc.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_resources.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_resources.wad' with
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_root.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_root.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_styles.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_styles.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_utils.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_utils.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_views.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_views.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_zui.wad in file
[12:53:56] Loading WAD file 'assets/Noesis/Blend_Data/noesis_zui.wad' with file.
[12:53:56] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:53:56] WARNING LEVEL: [AssetPatching] unable to load XMLDoc asset, asset not
found: (virtualPath:
[12:53:56] VIDEO_CAPTURE : Video Capture Feature Flag: ENABLED, CloseClips=true
[12:53:56] Setting PacePartnerAnalytics activity break interval to 30 (0=disabled)
[12:53:56] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:53:56] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:53:56] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:53:56] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:53:57] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:53:57] NETWORK:GroupEvents: Success: Queried active group events -- Count=200.
[12:53:57] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:53:58] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:53:58] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:53:59] FPS 60.00, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:53:59] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:00] Downloader::Download filename=PortalRoadSchedule_v1.xml, length=0
[12:54:00] INFO LEVEL: [SegmentPortal]ParseXMLPortalRoadSchedule: Start Downloading
Portal Road Schedule XML
[12:54:00] INFO LEVEL: [AssetPatching] Ignoring BundledAssetsDictionary.
[12:54:00] TASKQUEUE: removing Job Background IO...
[12:54:00] TASKQUEUE: Unsuccessful job! [Background IO] [48 ms]
[12:54:00] WARNING LEVEL: [AssetPatching] Failure: {state: reading_local_manifest,
message: File does not exist}
[12:54:00] Downloader: "PortalRoadSchedule_v1.xml" downloaded successfully
(manifest checksum not provided, i.e. -1).

[12:54:00] Downloader::Update m_filesCompleted.push_back

path=/Users/alexcasaus/Documents/Zwift/PortalRoadSchedule_v1.xml success=1
[12:54:00] ParseXMLPortalRoadSchedule.: Loaded downloaded mapSchedulePath
[12:54:00] ParsePortalRoadSchedule completed; 2 entries parsed
[12:54:00] Has scheduled portal road today
[12:54:00] INFO LEVEL: [AssetPatching] OnRemoteManifestReady received updated
manifest. {local: ?, remote:
[12:54:00] TASKQUEUE: removing Job Background IO...
[12:54:00] INFO LEVEL: Queuing high volume analytics event:
[12:54:00] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Worlds/roads.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:54:00] Loading WAD file 'assets/Worlds/roads.wad' with file.
[12:54:00] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:54:00] WARNING LEVEL: [AssetPatching] unable to load XMLDoc asset, asset not
found: (virtualPath: data/Worlds/portal/road_10024.xml)
[12:54:00] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Workouts/workouts.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:54:00] Loading WAD file 'assets/Workouts/workouts.wad' with file.
[12:54:00] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:54:00] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Workouts/workouts.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:54:00] Loading WAD file 'assets/Workouts/workouts.wad' with file.
[12:54:00] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:54:00] Wad assets/Workouts/workouts.wad at 0x0206b140 already loaded
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/3day13one_FESTIVAL.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/trainingplans.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/3day13one.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/5kRecordBreaker.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/6wk_FTP_Builder.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/8wkRacePrep.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/12wk_Winter_Plan.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Cyclist_10K.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Fondo.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/GC_TrainingPlan.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/GC_TrainingPlan_Lite.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/GranFondo.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Gravel_Grinder.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/PRL100_2018.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/PRL46.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/TT_Build.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/running_101.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/cycling_101.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/bike_ftp_multi.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Coast_Ride.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/mcmillan_adv_half.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/marathon_phase2.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/marathon_phase1.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/running201_5k.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Pebble_Pounder.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Dirt_Destroyer.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Singletrack_Slayer.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/zwift_racing.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/BackToFitness.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/3day13one_LITE.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/5kRecordBreaker_Lite.xml
[12:54:00] Tried to load a valid xml file, but it seems to not really be a ZWO
[12:54:00] LoadWorkout failed to load.
[12:54:00] Failed workout path: TrainingPlans/Fast_Track_Fitness.xml
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: Open assets/Workouts/workouts.wad in file 0x0237f708
[12:54:01] Loading WAD file 'assets/Workouts/workouts.wad' with file.
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: Close file 0x0237f708
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Fast Track Fitness' : 1518164201
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Back to Fitness' : 1933759722
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'PRL100 2019' : -1879684214
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'PRL46 2019' : 1979360334
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'FTP Builder' : 1803127634
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Active Offseason' : 2048408838
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Fondo' : 635512089
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Gran Fondo' : 972360468
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'CRIT Crusher' : 142075445
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan '3 Run 13.1' : 1200543035
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan '3 Run 13.1 Lite' : -641345532
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan '5k Record Breaker' : -260540131
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan '5k Record Breaker Lite' : -1976265984
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Build Me Up' : 1160472062
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Build Me Up Lite' : 147262524
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'TT Tune-Up' : -87367306
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Cyclist to 10k' : -1390843198
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Gravel Grinder' : -974492337
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'ZWIFT 101: Running' : 622710059
[12:54:01] WARNING LEVEL: [AssetPatching] unable to load XMLDoc asset, asset not
found: (virtualPath: data/TrainingPlans/rowing_101.xml)
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'ZWIFT 101: CYCLING' : 1499915840
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Watopia Half-Marathon' : 945347367
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Multisport Mixer' : 1064629577
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Zwift Special Access: Coast Ride' : 884034614
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'High-Mileage Half' : 23939648
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Los Angeles Marathon: Phase 1' : -26592924
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Los Angeles Marathon: Phase 2' : -1177926732
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'ZWIFT 201: Your First 5K' : -1334990693
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Dirt Destroyer' : 359714946
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Pebble Pounder' : -321384698
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Singletrack Slayer' : -20752954
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan 'Zwift Racing' : 160527161
[12:54:01] Loaded training plan '5k Record Breaker Lite' : -1976265984
[12:54:01] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:01] ---CloudSync::FindCloudFileID workouts.files
[12:54:01] ---CloudSync::FindCloudFileID gearing.files
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: QuestJsonFactory::Create questId: 1
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: QuestJsonFactory::Create questId: 1
[12:54:01] [PostLoginInit] FinishedState: Success
[12:54:01] [ZWATCHDOG]: GameFlowState Pairing
[12:54:01] INFO LEVEL: Queuing high volume analytics event: Deprecated GPU Message
[12:54:01] PairingScreen CTOR (PBE) start
[12:54:01] BLE initialization
[12:54:01] Using BLE Middleware
[12:54:01] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:29 (init(bridgeInterface:))]:
initial central manager state CBManagerState(rawValue: 0)
[12:54:01] BLEMW::Info [ (requestBluetoothAccess)]:
Requested access to Bluetooth adapter
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 5
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 7
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 9
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 10
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 11
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 12
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 13
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 14
[12:54:01] Failed to get autoselect pref key for component type 18
[12:54:01] Pairing screen interface initialization
[12:54:01] ...PreferNativeBLE
[12:54:01] Sport: Cycling
[12:54:01] PairingScreen CTOR end
[12:54:01] [INFO] LAN Exercise Device: Start scanning
[12:54:01] BLEMW::Info [ (stopScanningForPeripherals)]:
Stopped scanning for peripherals
[12:54:01] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:54:01] Process Upcoming Workingout from 0, workout count: 0, outcome: 0
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: b08abb21-da20-4e3f-89f2-a2e24a4ab600, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: b08abb21-da20-4e3f-89f2-a2e24a4ab600, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: a29a2c06-c6e7-40e8-a17b-06c3dc8ba9e1, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: a29a2c06-c6e7-40e8-a17b-06c3dc8ba9e1, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: 78be7124-839d-4491-806a-fa6a79d8e539, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: 78be7124-839d-4491-806a-fa6a79d8e539, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: 0600ab35-a769-4199-a15e-6e81eee46732, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: a5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: 0600ab35-a769-4199-a15e-6e81eee46732, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: b5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: a08abb21-da20-4e3f-89f2-a2e24a4ab600, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: b5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: a08abb21-da20-4e3f-89f2-a2e24a4ab600, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: b5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: b29a2c06-c6e7-40e8-a17b-06c3dc8ba9e1, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: b5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: b29a2c06-c6e7-40e8-a17b-06c3dc8ba9e1, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: b5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: b8be7124-839d-4491-806a-fa6a79d8e539, field:
[12:54:01] DEBUG LEVEL: [QuestService] Goal Parsing Error: {questId: b5abbf07-807b-
4c1c-a809-1195fd43d940, goalId: b8be7124-839d-4491-806a-fa6a79d8e539, field:
[12:54:01] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:01] path /Users/alexcasaus/Documents/Zwift/Gear/2518353/gearing.files size
[12:54:02] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:54:02] path /Users/alexcasaus/Documents/Zwift/Workouts/2518353/workouts.files
size 70
[12:54:02] CloudSync ---UploadToCloud OK gearing.files
[12:54:02] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:02] Starting critical power curve search job (3450708) mTimeStamp =
10.00400 m_lastSearchTime = 0.00000 calculating=false
[12:54:03] CloudSync ---UploadToCloud OK workouts.files
[12:54:03] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:54:03] BLEMW::Info [ (stopScanningForPeripherals)]:
Stopped scanning for peripherals
[12:54:03] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:04] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:05] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:06] BLE : Starting Native BLE search
[12:54:06] BLEMW::Info [ (scanForPeripherals)]: Scanning
for peripherals
[12:54:06] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:07] FPS 27.62, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:07] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:08] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:09] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:10] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:11] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:12] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:13] Starting critical power curve search job (3460798) mTimeStamp =
20.06099 m_lastSearchTime = 10.02000 calculating=false
[12:54:13] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:14] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:15] FPS 20.38, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:15] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:16] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:17] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:18] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:19] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -72
[12:54:19] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:20] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:21] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -69
[12:54:21] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -69
[12:54:21] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:22] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:23] Starting critical power curve search job (3470885) mTimeStamp =
30.14995 m_lastSearchTime = 20.10999 calculating=false
[12:54:23] FPS 20.42, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:23] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:24] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:25] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:26] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -65
[12:54:26] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:27] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:28] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:29] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -64
[12:54:29] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -64
[12:54:29] Device List:
[12:54:29] ==========================================================
[12:54:29] Non-Selected: ASSIOMA55443R (0x141D182F) [BLE]
[12:54:29] ==========================================================
[12:54:29] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:30] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -65
[12:54:30] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -65
[12:54:30] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:31] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -69
[12:54:31] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -69
[12:54:31] FPS 20.39, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:31] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:32] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -72
[12:54:32] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:33] Starting critical power curve search job (3480969) mTimeStamp =
40.23092 m_lastSearchTime = 30.19795 calculating=false
[12:54:33] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -67
[12:54:33] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -67
[12:54:33] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:34] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:35] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:36] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:37] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:38] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:39] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -68
[12:54:39] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -68
[12:54:39] FPS 20.45, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:39] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:40] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:41] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -63
[12:54:41] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -64
[12:54:41] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:42] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:43] Starting critical power curve search job (3491055) mTimeStamp =
50.31889 m_lastSearchTime = 40.28091 calculating=false
[12:54:43] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:44] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:45] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -70
[12:54:45] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -70
[12:54:45] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:46] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:47] FPS 20.46, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:47] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:48] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:49] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:50] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:50] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -69
[12:54:50] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -70
[12:54:51] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:52] [INFO] UDP metrics {StC Rx: 0, Rx error: 0, CtS Tx: 0, Tx error: 0}
[12:54:52] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:53] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -68
[12:54:53] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -68
[12:54:53] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:54:53] Starting critical power curve search job (3501122) mTimeStamp =
60.38584 m_lastSearchTime = 50.36789 calculating=false
[12:54:53] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:54] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -63
[12:54:54] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -63
[12:54:54] "ASSIOMA47588L" adding component type: 6 (BLE)
[12:54:54] Device List:
[12:54:54] ==========================================================
[12:54:54] Non-Selected: ASSIOMA55443R (0x141D182F) [BLE]
[12:54:54] Non-Selected: ASSIOMA47588L 170 (0x1E8467AA) [BLE]
[12:54:54] ==========================================================
[12:54:54] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:55] FPS 20.39, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:54:55] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:56] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -63
[12:54:56] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -63
[12:54:56] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:57] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:58] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:54:59] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -71
[12:54:59] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -71
[12:54:59] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:00] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:01] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -62
[12:55:01] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -62
[12:55:01] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:01] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -73
[12:55:01] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -73
[12:55:02] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:03] Starting critical power curve search job (3511176) mTimeStamp =
70.43810 m_lastSearchTime = 60.43384 calculating=false
[12:55:03] FPS 20.44, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:55:03] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:04] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:05] BLE : PairingDialogConfirm! deviceID = 511993770, component FUENTE DE
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:105 (connectToPeripheral(_:))]:
Connecting to peripheral <CBPeripheral: 0x600001a9cd00, identifier = 8DE8514E-9EAF-
8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0, name = ASSIOMA47588L, mtu = 0, state = disconnected>
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [ (connectToPeripheral)]:
Connecting to peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0]
[12:55:05] Device List:
[12:55:05] ==========================================================
[12:55:05] Non-Selected: ASSIOMA55443R (0x141D182F) [BLE]
[12:55:05] Power: ASSIOMA47588L 170 (0x1E8467AA) [BLE]
[12:55:05] ==========================================================
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA47588L" with RSSI value of -75
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:400
(centralManager(_:didConnect:))]: Connected to peripheral ASSIOMA47588L
[12:55:05] BLE : Time until device connection for "ASSIOMA47588L 170": 11 seconds.
[12:55:05] BLE : Sending DEVICE - BLE CONNECTED [ UUID: 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
19E5E62DBEB0 ] ASSIOMA47588L 170
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:142
(discoverServices(forPeripheral:withUUIDs:))]: ASSIOMA47588L attempting to discover
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [ (discoverServices)]: Running
service discovery for peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0]
[12:55:05] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:518
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverServices:))]: Did discover service for ASSIOMA47588L:
<CBService: 0x600003f31a80, isPrimary = YES, UUID = Cycling Power>
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:518
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverServices:))]: Did discover service for ASSIOMA47588L:
<CBService: 0x600003f33bc0, isPrimary = YES, UUID = Device Information>
[12:55:05] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:518
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverServices:))]: Did discover service for ASSIOMA47588L:
<CBService: 0x600003f32f00, isPrimary = YES, UUID = Battery>
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:174
ASSIOMA47588L attempting to discover characteristics for service Cycling Power
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (discoverCharacteristics)]:
Running characteristic discovery for service [UUID = 1818] of peripheral [Addr =
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:174
ASSIOMA47588L attempting to discover characteristics for service Device Information
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (discoverCharacteristics)]:
Running characteristic discovery for service [UUID = 180A] of peripheral [Addr =
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:174
ASSIOMA47588L attempting to discover characteristics for service Battery
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (discoverCharacteristics)]:
Running characteristic discovery for service [UUID = 180F] of peripheral [Addr =
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
2A63 on ASSIOMA47588L for service Cycling Power:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 16)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [
(setNotificationsForCharacteristic)]: Enabling notifications for characteristic
[UUID = 2A63] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0]
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
Manufacturer Name String on ASSIOMA47588L for service Device Information:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
Model Number String on ASSIOMA47588L for service Device Information:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
Serial Number String on ASSIOMA47588L for service Device Information:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
Hardware Revision String on ASSIOMA47588L for service Device Information:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
Firmware Revision String on ASSIOMA47588L for service Device Information:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (readCharacteristic)]: Performing
characteristic read [UUID = 2A29] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (readCharacteristic)]: Performing
characteristic read [UUID = 2A24] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (readCharacteristic)]: Performing
characteristic read [UUID = 2A25] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (readCharacteristic)]: Performing
characteristic read [UUID = 2A27] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (readCharacteristic)]: Performing
characteristic read [UUID = 2A26] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:543
(peripheral(_:didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor:error:))]: Did discover characteristic
Battery Level on ASSIOMA47588L for service Battery:
CBCharacteristicProperties(rawValue: 2)
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (readCharacteristic)]: Performing
characteristic read [UUID = 2A19] of peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:634
(peripheral(_:didUpdateNotificationStateFor:error:))]: Updated notification state
for characteristic 2A63
[12:55:06] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:55:06] "ASSIOMA47588L 170" hardware revision number: 04.01
[12:55:06] "ASSIOMA47588L 170" firmware version: 04.80
[12:55:06] "ASSIOMA47588L 170" battery level: 100%
[12:55:06] "ASSIOMA47588L 170" adding component type: 1 (BLE)
[12:55:06] BLE : PairingDialogConfirm! deviceID = 511993770, component CADENCIA
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Error [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:82 (connectToPeripheral(_:))]:
Cannot connect peripheral <CBPeripheral: 0x600001a9cd00, identifier = 8DE8514E-
9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0, name = ASSIOMA47588L, mtu = 90, state = connected>
while it is already connecting/connected
[12:55:06] BLEMW::Info [ (connectToPeripheral)]:
Connecting to peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0]
[12:55:06] Device List:
[12:55:06] ==========================================================
[12:55:06] Non-Selected: ASSIOMA55443R (0x141D182F) [BLE]
[12:55:06] Cadence: ASSIOMA47588L 170 (0x1E8467AA) [BLE]
[12:55:06] Power: ASSIOMA47588L 170 (0x1E8467AA) [BLE]
[12:55:06] ==========================================================
[12:55:06] BLE_MW | Peripheral 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0 is already
[12:55:06] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:07] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -71
[12:55:07] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -71
[12:55:07] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:08] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -71
[12:55:08] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -71
[12:55:08] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:09] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:10] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:11] FPS 20.46, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:55:11] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:12] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:13] Starting critical power curve search job (3521244) mTimeStamp =
80.50655 m_lastSearchTime = 70.48811 calculating=false
[12:55:13] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:14] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:15] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -74
[12:55:15] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -74
[12:55:15] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:16] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:17] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:18] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:19] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -77
[12:55:19] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -77
[12:55:19] FPS 20.48, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:55:19] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:20] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:21] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -68
[12:55:21] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -69
[12:55:21] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:22] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:23] Starting critical power curve search job (3531336) mTimeStamp =
90.60197 m_lastSearchTime = 80.55556 calculating=false
[12:55:23] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:24] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:25] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:26] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:27] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:27] FPS 20.39, 3101, 14640, -2099
[12:55:28] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:29] NETWORK:error (6) sending player state
[12:55:30] [ZWATCHDOG]: GameFlowState EndGame
[12:55:30] SaveLogFileToCloud: Preparing logs to cloud
[12:55:30] SaveLogFileToCloud: Create SUCCESS retryCt 28
[12:55:30] Preparing to trigger event: ABOUT_TO_SAVE_AND_QUIT
[12:55:30] Finished triggering event: ABOUT_TO_SAVE_AND_QUIT
[12:55:30] Profile: shutdown
[12:55:30] Profile bike distance: 1702464
[12:55:30] Preparing to save analytics.
[12:55:30] BLE Stack: 2
[12:55:30] BLE : Max BLE events received in a frame: 5
[12:55:30] Preparing to save profile.
[12:55:30] Waiting for profile to be updated
[12:55:30] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:366
(centralManager(_:didDiscover:advertisementData:rssi:))]: Discovered peripheral
"ASSIOMA55443R" with RSSI value of -87
[12:55:30] User profile updated
[12:55:30] Profile: shutdown
[12:55:30] Profile bike distance: 1702464
[12:55:30] Route Decision: Staying on same road
[12:55:30] [ZWATCHDOG]: GameFlowState EndGame
[12:55:30] SaveLogFileToCloud: Preparing logs to cloud
[12:55:31] SaveLogFileToCloud: Create SUCCESS retryCt 24
[12:55:31] Preparing to trigger event: ABOUT_TO_SAVE_AND_QUIT
[12:55:31] Finished triggering event: ABOUT_TO_SAVE_AND_QUIT
[12:55:31] Profile: shutdown
[12:55:31] Profile bike distance: 1702464
[12:55:31] Preparing to save analytics.
[12:55:31] BLE Stack: 2
[12:55:31] BLE : Max BLE events received in a frame: 5
[12:55:31] Preparing to save profile.
[12:55:31] Waiting for profile to be updated
[12:55:31] [INFO] Sending telemetry...
[12:55:31] User profile updated
[12:55:31] Log out event sent

[12:55:31] [INFO] Sending last telemetry...

[12:55:32] [INFO] Logged out
[12:55:32] Logout Successful (shutdown).
[12:55:32] BLE : UnpairAllPairedDevices
[12:55:32] BLE : Unpair "ASSIOMA47588L 170", address = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-
19E5E62DBEB0 (previously paired)
[12:55:32] BLEMW::Info [ (disconnectFromPeripheral)]:
Disconnecting from peripheral [Addr = 8DE8514E-9EAF-8A57-82E5-19E5E62DBEB0]
[12:55:32] Removing device "ASSIOMA47588L 170"
[12:55:32] BLE : Unpair "ASSIOMA55443R", address = 50AA1CD9-3C03-E6D9-CD79-
8FE67EC12906 (unpaired)
[12:55:32] BLEMW::Info [SwiftBLEInterface.swift:437
(centralManager(_:didDisconnectPeripheral:error:))]: Disconnected from peripheral
[12:55:32] BLEMW::Info [ (disconnectFromPeripheral)]:
Disconnecting from peripheral [Addr = 50AA1CD9-3C03-E6D9-CD79-8FE67EC12906]
[12:55:32] Removing device "ASSIOMA55443R"
[12:55:32] VIDEO_CAPTURE : Video Capture Feature Flag: DISABLED
[12:55:32] ERROR LEVEL: ECONOMY : MissingLastXPGap
[12:55:32] ERROR LEVEL: ECONOMY : MissingPrevCyclingLevel
[12:55:32] ERROR LEVEL: ECONOMY : bad server config, sport = cycling
[12:55:32] ERROR LEVEL: ECONOMY : MissingLastXPGap
[12:55:32] ERROR LEVEL: ECONOMY : MissingPrevRunningLevel
[12:55:32] ERROR LEVEL: ECONOMY : bad server config, sport = running
[12:55:32] ECONOMY : updating config, cycling levels=60
[12:55:32] ECONOMY : Economy Flags: serverConfigXP=use, reEarnMaxLevel=false,
showRideStreaksScreen=false, showXPUntilNextLevel=false, bonusXPForStreaks=false
[12:55:32] ECONOMY : Phase2 Flags: bikeLeveling=false, bikeCollecting=false
[12:55:32] Setting PacePartnerAnalytics activity break interval to 0 (0=disabled)
[12:55:32] [ZWATCHDOG]: GameFlowState Shutdown
[12:55:32] [GAME]: Shutdown
[12:55:32] BLEMW::Info [ (stopScanningForPeripherals)]:
Stopped scanning for peripherals
[12:55:32] [ERROR] Curl error: [42] 'Operation was aborted by an application
callback' for: POST
[12:55:32] [ERROR] Failed to send telemetry [400] Failed to send telemetry
[12:55:33] CrashReportingImpl::DeleteSessionMarker removed file
[12:55:33] [ZWATCHDOG]: Destroyed
[12:55:33] [OS]: Shutdown
[12:55:33] ZwiftApp Gracefully Shutdown

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