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Class struggle may vary in character and form in social life.

The working class conducts the struggle in

three forms

1. Economic struggle is the first form of proletarian struggle for higher wages, improving working
condition and reducing working hours. It is the trade unions which is the first form of workers
organisation. It organises strikes ,protest meetings, submits propaganda etc. But economic
struggle is not enough as bourgeoisie along with state will device techniques to curb economic
2. Political struggle isnecessary to counter the use of political power biby bourgeoisie to subjugate
the working class. Political struggle entails the idea of radical political transformation . It ranges
from participation in local council elections to parliamentary election, mass demonstration and
political strikes. The ultimate ideas to establish dictatorship of proletariat. In this struggle they
will create their own political parties.
3. ldeological struggle ofthe working class is aimed at making the worker realise the bourgeois
mind set and prejudices which will hinder the rise of egalitarian society like socialist society.
Hence the need is to provide an alternative ideology in order to shape the working class
movement. It is essential for the final victory of the proletariat. In the course of the class struggle
it will be socialist ideology that would provide objective and consciousness to the proletariat. It is
because of this ideological struggle the proletariat will become the class for themselves. The
ideological struggle willultimately give rise to the Communist party and party will become
Vanguard organization of the movement.


1.Practically working class movement have witnessed divergent ideas and views. It has been a
struggle for the left groups to unite such divergent ideas.
2.David Mclellan pointed out that the Marx used the term class synonymous to that of fraction
or group. He did not adhere to any fixed notion of class.
3. Marx and Engels ignored that the nature of class struggle will undergo transformation with the
progress in social economic development.
4. Class struggle will have to deal with issues like impatience, inconsistencies, Ilack of
radicalization of the petty bourgeoisie, and intellectual which in turn willdelay the revolution
was not accounted Marx and Engels.

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