Motion of The Universe

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The universe is a ball of mystery. From the time of human civilization, we constantly have been
thinking about it. If we go on thinking about it, it might be we can even question our own
existence. We think of it, and we go deeper and deeper into it. There's no limit up to which we
can think, hypothesize or predict bout it. What might be the mechanism of universe? Let's
discuss something about its past and future through our basic physics.
A familiar example:
Assume a simple light and elastic spring hanging from a rigid support on its one end and a load
on its other end. When it's stretched from rest and allowed to move, it repeats its motion over
and over called as periodic motion (it only happens in absence of resistive forces like air). It is a
one-dimensional example of expansion and contraction. We call the original position of
equilibrium of spring as mean position and the maximum contraction and expansion as
extremities which are constant over time from the
mean position.

Here, Fs = force against weight and Fs’= force against weight and applied force.

Here, the spring once stretched oscillates freely crossing the equilibrium position until it is
damped by other forces. It is due to inertia of motion of the spring.

Similarly, imagine thinking of universe as three dimensional hollow and elastic ball. Through
many sources, we've come to know that the universe is expanding. It is assumed to be because
of the dominance of dark energy (acts as repulsive force for galaxies) over gravitational pull
(acts as attractive force for galaxies). Thus, the gravitational pulling potential of the galaxies is
being converted into kinetically expanding state. At certain time, it comes out that universe
reaches a point where these two forces balance each other, and we call the denseness of
universe in that state as critical density. Let's say this phase as mean position.
For reminder, at critical density=pc. K.E. = G.P.E.

On solving, v = √2GM/R Where G = gravitational constant

But due to inertia of expansion, the stretchable ball (universe) will go on expanding beyond its
limit. After time, when the pulling force totally dominates over the expanding force, the
universe will stop expanding and instantly it will start constriction due to pulling force. Let's say
this phase as +ve extremity or extreme position.

Again, since the universe has started its constrictive motion, the galaxies come nearer and
nearer. At certain time, the universe will again reach the critical state or the mean position
where again there will be a balance between gravitational pull and dark energy force. But due
to inertial effect, the universe will go on contraction though the effect of expansive force is
greater than the contracting force and it again achieves the point of singularity (which is
assumed to be the state of birth of universe). At this stage, the expanding force totally wins over
the constrictive force. Let's call the stage as -ve extremity or extreme position.
Now, the universe stops contracting but starts expanding. Galaxies will ultimately move farther
and farther due to dark energy and the universe again reaches the critical state or mean
position. Ultimately, this motion gets repeated over and over. Thus, the fate of our universe is
constant contraction and expansion or the periodic motion.

Mathematical derivation
Previously, we have claimed that the universe will undergo periodic contraction and expansion. To prove
this, we should assume that force of contraction= F cont (due to gravitational force and so on) and force of
expansion= Fexp (due to dark energy and so on).
Now, at time = t

Fnet = Fcont - Fexp

Or, Ma = = Fcont - Fexp.......(1)
Where a = non-uniform (periodic) acceleration
M = total mass of universe= m +

Where m = actual mass + dark mass

D = dark energy and c = velocity of light in vacuum= 3×10^8m/s
At the mean position (at critical density position): t = 0 sec: Fcont = Fexp
From (1): a = 0

At 0<t<π÷2: Fexp< Fcont

From (1): a = +ve
At +ve extremity (at maximum expansion) t = π÷2: Fexp = 0
From (1): a = most +ve and direction of motion changes (universe begins to contract instead of

At π÷2<t<π: Fexp < Fcont

From (1): a = +ve

At t = π: Fcont = Fexp
From (1): a = 0

At π<t<3π÷2: Fexp> Fcont

From (1): a = -ve
At -ve extremity (at maximum contraction) t =3 π÷2: Fcont= 0
From (1): a = most -ve and direction of motion changes (universe begins to expand instead of

At 3π÷2<t<2π: Fexp > Fcont

From (1): a = -ve

At t = 2π: Fcont = Fexp

From (1): a = 0 when graph between f(θ) = a and θ

= ωt is plotted:
A graph of sine is obtained
So, we can write an equation: a = a0sin ωt........(2) Where
a0=maximum acceleration.
Thus, the motion of universe is of periodic nature.
Also, da = a0sin ωt dt
On integration: v = -v0cos ωt.......(3) Where
v0=maximum velocity.

So, the velocity of universe is maximum at mean position and minimum at extreme position.

A related example:
If we consider earth as a solid sphere with a hole equal of diameter of the earth, we find a SHM for an
object falling into it. When the object falls into the hole, it is attracted to centre due of gravitational pull.
But the pulling force decreases till it becomes zero at centre where we feel weightlessness. But the
object goes on falling down because of inertia of motion. When the body reaches the other end, the
another pull, in the opposite direction, but towards the centre completely dominates the forwarding
force. Now the direction of motion of body changes and the same process happens twice in opposite
direction. Thus, inertia also helps in continuing the motion of the universe.
Present position

maximum growth of universe possible

=ve extremity

critical density position

=mean position

= point of singularity = minimum

possible contraction of universe
= -ve extremity

It should be noted that Volume before critical density= volume after critical density

Or, 2𝑟3 = 𝑅3
Or, 𝑅 r Or, 𝑅 = 1.2599𝑟 Or, 𝑟 = 0.79388𝑅
Where R=maximum radius of universe
r=critical radius of universe
So, at mean position, the universe will be covering almost 80% of total displacement possible, (we are
considering radius of sphere as displacement.

At singularity At critical density position At maximum expansion
V = minimum V = V0 V=maximum

Suggested equation will be V = V0 (tan ωt+1) .... (5)

At t = 0, V=V0
At t = 𝜋 ÷ 2, V=+∞ (Maximum possible volume is at most possible expansion or at +ve extremity)
At t = −𝜋 ÷ 2, 𝑉 = −∞ (Minimum possible volume is at singularity or at -ve extremity)
Using graph
• The graph suggests that the motion of universe before, at and after time is periodic.
• The graph is non-linear suggests that there is imbalance in volume and density at –ve extremity<
mean position< +ve extremity
• The graph verifies equation (5).
From equations (2) and (5), we can conclude that the fate of our universe is continuous contraction and
expansion over time.
Also, when the universe covers half of total displacement i.e., r=R/2
Where R= total expandable distance of universe from singularity.


Thus, at t=0: density = critical density =

At t=T/4: density = (So, density is minimum at maximum expansion i.e., 0)

Where total mass of universe=M
Again, From equation (5):
V = V0 (tan ωt+1)


Or, tan
It means, part of distance to total travelable distance of universe when is
= |-36.869|/180=0.2 (modulus signifies the measure of distance travelled)
Thus, universe will be covering half of the maximum expandable distance at almost one-fifth time than
that required to cover the whole.
It means the velocity of universe is unexpectedly high at its birth (singularity state) which kept on
decreasing on time such that it needs four-fifth time to cover next half distance after travelling first half
which is because of the decreasing velocity over time.


1. The universe moves with reference to the position at critical density.

2. The time period of the universe is its time to back to mean position after maximum
contraction and expansion.
3. The maximum growth of universe is at one-fourth of its time period.
4. The maximum decay of the universe is at three-fourth of its time period.
5. The total mass-energy of the universe remains the same throughout its motion but there
can be conflict among matter and dark energy.
6. The contraction and expansion of universe continues to the eternal due to force and

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