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LEADER: Good Day Everyone! This is Mark Justin G. Deroy, your chair of the steering committee.
I am assigned to hold a video conference meeting to you to conduct a plan to organize a company

MEMBERS: Good Day!

LEADER: Who’s absent today?


LEADER: That’s good to know!

LEADER: Okay, Our agenda for today are as follows:

1. Date of outing
2. Venue of outing
3. Theme of the outing

LEADER: We are planning out a company outing, it's a good idea to double-check the schedule
ahead of time. This will ensure that no national or local events clash with our company outing.
Check the calendar to see if there are any holidays near the date of the corporate outing. Small
Biz Trends also recommends checking the month to determine if it'll be too near to any vacation
seasons. This will guarantee that everyone will be able to attend the event. Can you suggest the
best dates to for our outing?

MEMBER: The long weekend is approaching next week we can organized an outing for 2 days on
that dates.

LEADER: That’s good idea. Are everyone doesn’t have any appointment for that dates so that
there is no conflict with our schedules?


LEADER: alright, we are all set with that dates. It will be on May 27 to May 30, 2022.

LEADER: Now, Let’s discussed the venue. We require sufficient space to perform most business
outings. We must also consider the location of the event's food and entertainment. You should
search around to receive a variety of service rates. All of the information you can obtain can assist
us in making an informed decision, especially if you base your decision on the pricing as well as
the venue's reputation.
LEADER: Can you suggest some of best possible venues we can use that have a sufficient space
for us to conduct an event?

MEMBER: We can have the place for venue of Maruyog Farm and Resort, Sir Brooke's Resort,
Island Treasure Inn and Resort or Kim’s Beach. These are the places where spaces are sufficient
for us to conduct an event.

LEADER: Great suggestions! Now let’s vote, for us to choose the final place among the four
suggestions. Who among of you are in favor of Maruyog Farm and Resort, Sir Brooke's Resort,
Island Treasure Inn and Resort or Kim’s Beach?

MEMBERS: We are in favor of Maruyog Farm and Resort, because the place is more spacious for
our activities and the resort has its own restaurant which will serve our caterer.

LEADER: I agree! Alright we’re done with our 2nd agenda; let’s proceed to our last agenda.

LEADER: The theme serves as the unifying factor that ties the entire event together. As a result,
it's ideal to pick and choose one concept that will serve as a guide for the rest of the theme's
essential elements. The concept should revolve around the activities that you want to participate
in. You may go with a theme centered on a local athletic event. If you want to conduct more
adventurous or demanding activities, try a jungle theme.

MEMBER: Since our venue is in a farm I think it is best to conduct a more adventurous or
demanding activities, a jungle theme. It’s also a good start to have a bit of exercise and the same
time we enjoyed it.

OTHER MEMBERS: We agreed with his suggestions.

LEADER: Okay we are all set now! If everyone agrees then majority wins.

LEADER: To sum up our discussions today the following are the following are the suggestions that
we agreed on:

1. Date of outing - May 27 to May 30, 2022

2. Venue of outing - Maruyog Farm and Resort
3. Theme of the outing - A jungle theme

LEADER: Thank you everyone for participating in our online call meeting! See you on our
company outing. Goodbye!

MEMBERS: Thank you and Goodbye!

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