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1. Sofia: Hello, Maryana! How is your day?

Maryana: Hello, Sofia! The day is wonderful! I just came back from shopping. You won't
believe it, I found the best dress!
Sophia: Oh, I'm already feeling jealous! Where did you buy this dress?
Marjana: In the new boutique that was opened near the central square. They have an
incredible selection!
Sofia: I have already heard about this store! What are the prices there?
Mariana: Well, they were a little higher than I'm used to paying, but I think it's worth it.
The quality and design are just great!
Sofia: Are you sure you didn't take the entire assortment for yourself?
Marjana: (laughs) Don't worry, there are still many wonderful things for you! Let's go
there together next week!
Sofia: Sounds like a plan! Thank you, Maryana, for the recommendation. I can't wait!
Maryana: You're welcome, Sofia! Shopping together is always fun.

2. Sofia: Hello, Maryana! How is your day?

Maryana: Hello, Sofia! The day was very busy. I decided to go shopping and found some
great things!
Sofia: Oh, I'm always happy to hear about new acquisitions! What exactly did you buy?
Marjana: First of all, I found incredible shoes on sale. And they were half price!
Sofia: Wow, such a discount is a real find! What are they?
Marjana: Black with a high platform and original decor. I can already imagine how they
will go with my new shorts.
Sofia: Sounds stylish! Also, did you find something for a special occasion?
Marjana: Yes, I also found a great dress for the party. It just fits my style perfectly.
Sofia: I'm sure you'll look great in it! Maybe someday we'll go shopping together again?
Maryana: Of course, I will be glad! Shopping together is always fun, especially with you,

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