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Membrane Ion Channels


Figure 12.17 Cell Membrane and Transmembrane

MEMBRANE TRANSPORT Proteins The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid

bilayer & has many transmembrane proteins, including
different types of channel proteins that serve as ion
Membrane Protein Channels

1 2

Membrane Ion Channels Membrane Ion Channels

3 4

inner surface negative


outer -


Figure 12.19 Mechanically Gated Channels Figure 12.21 Leakage Channels In certain
Figure 12.18 Ligand-Gated Channels When the
When a mechanical change occurs in the situations, ions need to move across the
ligand, in this case the neurotransmitter
surrounding tissue, such as pressure or touch, the membrane randomly. The particular electrical
acetylcholine, binds to a specific location on the Figure 12.20 Voltage-Gated Channels channel is physically opened. Thermoreceptors properties of certain cells are modified by
extracellular surface of the channel protein, the Voltage-gated channels open when the work on a similar principle. When the local the presence of this type of channel.
pore opens to allow select ions through. The ions, in transmembrane voltage changes around them. tissue temperature changes, the protein reacts
this case, are cations of sodium, calcium, & Amino acids in the structure of the protein are by physically opening the channel.
potassium sensitive to charge & cause the pore to open to
abundant in sweat
the selected ion. -


3 4

1) Resting


Electrochemical Gradient Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Inactivated

5 6

 Gated-ion membrane channels opens  ions diffuse

across membranes along their electrochemical Voltage-gated
gradients  creates electrical currents & voltage Sodium Channels
changes across the membrane
 Ions moves along their chemical gradients when they
diffuse passively from area of higher concentration to
lower concentration
 Ions moves along their electrical gradients when they Voltage-gated
move toward an area of opposite electrical charge Potassium Channels

) concentration radiant
5 1 .

2 )

Not memorize the value

Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel

7 8

 Resting state  Activation state

 Normal resting membrane potential –90mv  Slow

 Activation gate is closed  Gate opens at the same time that Na+ channels
 Prevents any entry of Na+ into the interior of the fiber begins to close  decrease Na+ entry, increase K+
> closed
at outside !! exit  rapid repolarization  full recovery of
resting membrane potential

7 8

Membrane Physiology of the Nerve


 Electrical potential – difference in concentration of

charged particles between one point & another
 Potential energy that produce current
 Electric current – flow of charged particles

Membrane Potentials & Action Potentials

9 10

Membrane Physiology of the Nerve Membrane Physiology of the Nerve

11  12

 Nerve cells – highly specialized to transmit nerve  Electrical conditions of a resting/inactive

impulses from one part of the body to another neuron’s membrane:
 Functional properties:  Polarized
 Irritability
– ability to respond to a stimulus & convert it  Fewer positive ions inside the inner surface of the neuron’s
into a nerve impulse plasma membrane than on the outer surface
 Conductivity – ability to transmit the impulse to other  The inside is more negative than the outside surface of the
neurons, muscles or glands plasma membrane of a neuron
 As long as the inside remains more negative
(fewer positive ions) than the outside, the neuron
will stay inactive

11 12

Membrane Potential Membrane Potentials
13 14

 Voltage – is an electrical potential energy from  Unequal / different concentration of ions in the ICF
separation of oppositely charged particles (ions) & ECF
 Resting membrane potential [RMP] – the charged  Rapid changes in membrane potentials during nerve
difference across the plasma membrane excitation or muscle impulse transmission results from
 –70 millivolts (mV) [unstimulated, “resting” neuron] rapidly changing diffusion potential
 –20 to –200 mV (muscles)  “Diffusion Potentials” – created by concentration
gradient of ions across the membrane
by movements of Na+ & K+ through the
 Driven

13 14

Diffusion Membrane Potentials


 “Diffusion Membrane Potentials” – exists between

the inside & outside the cell as negatively charged
16 Nernst Potential
ions remain inside.
Selectively permeable membrane
 Blocks further net diffusion of K+ out of the cell.
 Na+ concentration gradient exist outside vs. the inside
 Na+ diffuse into the cell, more negative outside vs. the

15 16

Nernst Equation

18 Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation
[ K ]O
E = 61 log10 Non-selectively permeable membrane
[ K ]I

EMF (millivolts) = ± 61 log
C2 * EMF – electromagnetic force
C1 – concentration inside
C2 – concentration outside
Polarity (+) = negative ions
( - ) = positive ions

17 18

Importance of Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation
19 20
1. Na+, K+, chloride ions – most important ions
involved in the development of membrane potentials
in nerve & muscle fibers & neuronal cells in the
nervous system
 Concentration gradient determine the voltage of
the membrane potential
 Goldman Equation
 Gives the calculated membrane potential on the
inside of the membrane when membrane is
permeable to several ions

19 20

Importance of Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Importance of Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz

Equation 22
2. The degree of importance of each of the ions in 3. Positive ion concentration gradient inside the
determining the voltage is proportional to the membrane to the outside causes electronegativity
membrane permeability for that particular ion. inside the membrane
 If membrane has zero permeability to both K+ &  Higher concentration of positive ions inside than outside,
excess positive ions diffuses outside carrying positive charges
chloride ions, the membrane potential becomes & leaves non-diffusible negative ions inside
entirely dominated by the concentration gradient of  Negative ion concentration gradient (chloride ion) from
Na+ ions alone, & the resulting potential will be the outside to the inside causes negativity inside the cell
equal to the Nernst potential for Na+ (selectively because excess negatively-charged chloride ions diffuse
permeable membrane) to the inside, while leaving the non-diffusible positive ions
on the outside.

21 22

Importance of Goldman-Hodgkin-
Katz Equation
4. The permeability of the Na+ & K+ channels undergoes
rapid changes during transmission of a nerve impulse
24 Membrane Potentials
 The permeability of the chloride channels does not
Normal Resting Membrane Potentials
change greatly during this process  rapid changes in
Na+ & K+ permeability are primarily responsible for Resting Membrane Potentials of Nerves
signal transmission in nerves

23 24

Resting Membrane Potential Resting Membrane Potential
25 26

 Contribution of the K+ diffusion potential.

 Contribution of the Na+ diffusion.
 Contribution of the Na+- K+ pump.

25 26

Resting Membrane Potential

Resting Membrane Potential


–86 millivolts – resting membrane potential caused by diffusion

potentials of K+ & Na+ diffusion alone (mostly due
of Nerves

to K+ diffusion)

–4 millivolts – additional is contributed by the continuously

acting electrogenic Na+-K+ pump

–90 millivolts – net membrane potential


27 28

Local Potentials

29 Nerve Action Potential

Local Potentials / Graded Potentials
Action Potentials

29 30

is not met :
If threshold
Above 70
reached it could
If not ,

meet an


Local Potentials vs. Action Potentials


Figure 12.25 Graded Potentials.

Depolarizing or Hyperpolarizing – depends on the size of the stimulus.

31 32

Action Potential Components Action Potential

33 34

 Resting membrane potential

 Depolarization
 Repolarization
 Hyperpolarization


33 34

Action Potential Action Potential

35 36

35 36

Action Potential


37 38

Resting Membrane Potential Depolarization

39 40

39 40

Depolarization – Threshold Point Repolarization

41 42

41 42

1. Resting Membrane – polarized; slightly positive
Repolarization external surface; slightly negative internal surface;
impermeable to both ions
2. Local Depolarization – stimulus initiates & changes
permeability of a local “patch” of the membrane,
Na+ rapidly goes into cell (inside becomes more
positive; outside more negative)
3. Depolarization & Generation of an Action
Potential – if stimulus is strong enough,
depolarization completely reverses membrane
polarity & AP is generated
4. Propagation of the AP – depolarization if the first
membrane patch causes permeability changes in the
adjacent membrane, polarity changes, inside more
positive, outside more negative; rapid propagation
of AP along entire length of membrane
5. Repolarization – K+ diffuse out of the cell as
membrane permeability changes, restoring negative
charge on the inside & positive charge on the
outside surfaces.

43 44


6. Initial Ionic conditions restored – ionic conditions of

the resting state restored by the sodium-potassium
46 Nerve Action Potential
pump Properties of AP
Propagation of AP
Plateau in AP

45 46

“All-or-None Principle” Propagation of AP

47 48

 AP happens completely or it doesn't happen at all

 Once AP has been elicited at any point in the
membrane of a normal fiber, depolarization process
travels in all directions over entire length of the
membrane provided the conditions are appropriate,
or it might not travel at all if conditions are not right.

AP elicited at one point in an excitable membrane

excites adjacent portions of the membrane.

47 48

Propagation of an Action Potential Plateau in an Action Potential
49 50

A. Normal resting  Instances when a

membrane membrane fails to
B. Local circuit of immediately after
current flow depolarization
C. More additional local
 Depolarization process
circuits of current
is prolonged as the
flow action potential
D. Depolarization remains on a plateau
travels along entire before repolarization
length of fiber

49 50

Rhythmicity in Excitable Tissues


51 Rhythmicity in Excitable Tissues

51 52

Rhythmicity in Excitable Tissues


54 Nerve Conduction of Impulse

Saltatory Conduction
Continuous Conduction

53 54

Continuous Conduction Continuous Conduction
55 56

 AP travels in all
directions away from
the stimulus, even along
all the branches of a
nerve fiber, until the
entire membrane has
become depolarized.

55 56

Saltatory Conduction


57 58

Importance of Saltatory Conduction Importance of Saltatory Conduction

59 60

 Impulse “jumps” over areas of myelin, spread of  Increases the velocity of nerve transmission along an
impulse is much faster along myelinated neuron axon as depolarization process jump long intervals
vs. non-myelinated neuron  Conserves energy for axon because only nodes
 Insulated myelin sheath & 50- fold decrease in
membrane capacitance allow repolarization to occur
with very little transfer of ions.

59 60

Absolute Refractory Period

61 Refractory Period

61 62

Absolute Refractory Period Relative Refractory Period

63 64

63 64


65 end

65 66

Absolute Refractory Period

61 Refractory Period

61 62

Absolute Refractory Period Relative Refractory Period

63 64

63 64

NO Thanks &

65 end

65 66


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