Global Warming HW

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Friday, November 5, 2021 Class: K, Kang Keathung

Climate change is real. As we can see it by our eyes and can feel it by our soul, so, I believe it
something real that happening on earth nowadays. It due to many reasons but one of the main
reasons is due to human activity that caused global warming. Humans emissions and activities
have caused around 100% of the warming observed since 1950, according to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC).

Global warming is an important environmental problem. It is caused by humans emitting too much
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, resulting in the greenhouse effect. It can cause severe weather
such as floods and hurricanes, and at the same time cause the death of many animals and plants,
change the environment, and bring people a lot of trouble. As the earth getting hotter, irregular
rain, increased levels of toxic gases by the factory, cars and electronic that we using, people cutting
down the tree or fire the tree to catch the animals and more. Fundamentally speaking, we should
try to use all means to solve this problem as much as possible and protect the environment.
However, in many cases, environmental protection requires a large investment of money and
technology, and may even affect economic development. So, the government or politician want to
believe about global warming because they want to do more research and find the solution to fix
this problem.

To sum up, global warming is REAL so as we are a part of destroyer, we should try to useless to
harmful thing to the global and even if protecting the environment will bring us some economic
losses, we still have to protect the environment first in order to keep the good global environment
for the next generation.

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