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CHAPTER II: How Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Work produced and generated from the block's date.

Together "Hashing" is not a new method; it is often used to

secure passwords.
R1: Macatiag, Amber-Rae Z. o One of the fundamental strengths of
A. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? blockchain is hashing, it contains combination
Blockchain is the foundational technology that facilitates the of letters and numbers. The hash can be 32 or
existence and operation of cryptocurrencies. The transactions 64, Bitcoin uses 64 hexadecimal characters.
are recorded and verified, allowing anyone to access and
verify the entire transaction history. Figure1 Development of Blockchain

Introduction to Blockchain
o Initially introduced in November 2008 and
was implemented in January 2009.
o Satoshi Nakamoto developed the virtual
currency, bitcoin, and published the bitcoin white
o The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto
remains unknown, it can be a person or a
group of people.
o Bitcoin and blockchain are not
o Bitcon is the first digital currency and
Blockchain is the technology that facilitates the In Blockchain 1.0, it represents the creation and use of
existence and functions of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like issuance, distribution, and transactions.
cryptocurrencies. It provides infrastructure for Blockchain 2.0 uses Turing program language that enables the
recording and storing the transactions. users to develop smart contracts, which are self-executing
agreements coded to run on the blockchain. Blockchain 3.0
Distribued Ledger Decentralized Applications or DApps, it is software
o A distributed ledger is a replicated, applications that aim to reduce reliance on centralized
decentralized, synchronized, and cryptographically authorities, enhance user privacy, and create more open and
secured record of data and transactions shared transparent systems.
between contracting parties. (Treleaven et al.,
2017). Overview of Blockchain-Based Design Features,
o Blockchain is usually grouped under o Transaction Confirmation: the users are
distributed ledger technologies. These include all required to confirm the transaction before it is
decentralized systems for recording transactions recorded.
and sharing data across multiple servers, o Settlement Verification: the blockchain
organizations, or countries. (Aste & Tasca, 2017; immediately verifies ownership of the assets being
Treleaven et al., 2017). exchanged.
o Permanent Timestamp: once blocks are
Blockchain Technology added to the blockchain and timestamped, it
o It is a chain of blocks interconnected with becomes unchangeable providing a reliable and
complex computational crypto algorithms. The transparent historical sequence.
underlying notion of this technology is storing o Smart Contract Automation: it will be
digital assets of any kind in blocks; blocks are automatically executed and enforce terms when
linked by a digital fingerprint called hash and specific conditions are met.
stored in limitless places on a distributed database
(Cirstea et al., 2018; Woodside et al., 2017). Overview of Blockchain Characteristics
o Blockchain can be thought of as a state o Distributed: users can access the entire
machine; it stores the status of things that have system and verify transactions without the need
happened, then updates that status while a for central authorities.
permanent record of past states remains. These o Standardized Rules: it enforces consistent
past states are almost impossible to be changed rules for transaction processing, making the data
(Adams et al., 2017). tampering extremely difficult.
o One of the key strengths of blockchain is o Privacy: Blockchain offers a level of privacy
"hashing." Each block has information to be as users utilize generated addresses, and not using
stored, and every new block added in the chain is their own names.
encoded with a "hash" a code arithmetically
o Auditability: Transactions in a blockchain
are traceable and transparent, with records easily
verified through timestamps.
o Security: The interconnection of blocks
through hashes enhances security because
tampering with data in one block would affect
linked blocks, so we can ensure the protection of
users and transaction data within the blockchain.

What is Cryptocurrency?
o Cryptocurrency is a digital currency secured
by cryptography and operates on decentralized o Step 1: The transaction is submitted online
networks, allowing for secure peer-to-peer – this happens when someone requests a
transactions without central authority. transaction.
o It is not physically tangible and relies on o Step 2: The request is received by the P2P
blockchain technology for transparency and network nodes.
security. o Step 3: The network then verifies the
o Cryptocurrency was created to solve a identity of the requester and the details of the
particular problem; double spending is one of transaction. –it validates the transaction by using
those problems. Double spending means that the algorithms.
same money could be spent twice because it can o Step 4: The miners verify, accept, or deny
be easily copied. the request.
o With cryptocurrency, digital currency could o Step 5: If approved, it is logged into the
be used without going through a centralized digital database (the Blockchain) –when verified
server. The system was based entirely on P2P the transaction will create a new block of data for
(person to person) networks which is used as an the ledger.
assurance against double spending. o Step 6: The transaction is then added to a
list of stored lines of code. – the new block of data
will be added or linked to the existing blockchain,
when it has been added it will become permanent
What Makes Cryptocurrency Different From Normal and cannot be edited.
Currency? o Step 7: The transaction is then listed as
o Cryptocurrency lacks a physical form and complete.
exclusively exists in digital format, functioning on
decentralized blockchain networks. Crypto Exchanges
o This eliminates the need for a central Different Types of Exchanges
authority, such as a government or financial o Brokers: act as intermediaries between
institution, for regulation or control. buyers and sellers. For example, Coinbase
o Spending with cryptocurrencies is provides user-friendly platform for buying, selling,
somewhat like regular money. and managing various cryptocurrencies.
o Trading Platforms: allows users to place buy
Most Common Crypto or sell orders on an open market. An example is
 BITCOIN (BTC) Binance wherein it connects buyers and sellers in
 ETHEREUM (ETH) an open market, and offers advanced trading
 RIPPLE (XRP) features and charts, to more experienced traders.
 MONERO (XMR) o Direct Trading System: enable users to
 LITECOIN (LTC) trade directly with each other in a peer-to-peer
 GOLEM (GLM) fashion. Example is LocalBitcoins allowing users to
 FACTOM (FCT) negotiate terms and conditions without an
intermediary, promoting a decentralized
How Does Cryptocurrency Work? approach.

Top 3 Crypto Exchanges and Platforms (2017)

1. Coinbase
2. Poloniex
3. Kraken

How to Store and Secure Crypto?

o Online wallet: web-based wallet hosted on secure and transparent ledger for
a cloud server, accessible through a web browser. financial data.
It is accessible on different devices, but prone to o Consensus Mechanisms
hacking or phishing attacks.  In Traditional, Information Asymmetry and
o Mobile Wallet: installed on a mobile device High Transaction Costs.
for managing cryptocurrencies. More practical and  It refers to a situation where
convenient to use, it is faster to send different parties in a transaction have
cryptocurrencies and can produce QR code that different levels of information, and
can be scanned to complete transactions. Prone to because intermediaries are often
malware and web viruses, especially if we are not involved in the transaction process, it
careful about what links we click on our device. leads to additional fees.
o Desktop Wallet: software installed on a  In Blockchain, Decentralized Peer-to-Peer
computer, allowing users to store and manage Transactions and Reduced Financial Operation
their cryptocurrencies. Considered as the safest of Costs
all wallets, more secure than mobile wallet due to  It ensure that information is
more features in terms of security, but less agreed upon by all participants,
portable compared to mobile wallets. reducing information asymmetry.
o Hardware Wallet: physical device designed Additionally, blockchain's decentralized
specifically for storing private keys offline, nature and consensus mechanisms
disadvantage of this wallet is not user-friendly like allow for peer-to-peer transactions,
other wallets. You need to connect it via usb port reducing intermediary costs and
when making transactions, but it is considered to increasing efficiency.
be the most secure way to store on long-term o Smart Contracts
basis.  In Traditional, there are Trust Costs and
o Paper Wallet: involves printing the public Long Cross-Border Clearing and Payment
and private keys on a physical document. It is Cycles
more difficult to trade or transfer, but it doesn't  Electronic payments are spreading
have a third-party server which is beneficial, so we in different counties, it emphasizes the
consider it one of the safest ways to store complexity involving multiple
cryptocurrency. intermediaries, but cross-border
transactions still face challenges like
B. APPLICATION OF BLOCKCHAINS fraud and lengthy settlement times,
I. FINANCIAL APPLICATIONS leading to trust costs.
o Generally, these are the trusted  In Blockchain, De-trusting Costs and
intermediaries that carry out financial activities Accelerating Cross-Border Settlement
between individuals and institutions.  It eliminates the need for third
o Blockchain can replace the services parties or intermediaries and addresses
provided by these trusted middlemen, trust issues through automatic
particularly, avoidance of the duplications of enforcement of mutual agreement
financial transactions and registration and terms, that enhances trust by avoiding
validation of financial activities (Al-Jaroodi & default and operational risks.
Mohamed, 2019).
R2: Rubi, Kyla Coleen L.
Three core technologies to be compared between II. PAYMENTS
traditional management and blockchain technology: o When Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the
o Timestamp Mechanism bitcoin, blockchain started as a peer-to-peer
 In Traditional, Data Can Be Tampered with, electronic cash system.
Accounting Information is Prone to Distortion.  transactions involve direct exchanges of
 The data can be manipulated, digital assets between individuals without
which compromises the accuracy and intermediaries or financial institutions.
reliability of the data.  blockchain uses a distributed ledger,
 In Blockchain Technology, Data Cannot Be transactions and data are recorded identically
Tampered with to Ensure the Authenticity of in multiple locations.
Financial Data.  all network participants with permissioned
 It is tampered resistant, if access see the same information at the same
someone tries to edit it is nearly time, providing full transparency.
impossible, so Blockchain can provide o The bitcoin payment system succeeded and
gained increasing interest as an effective method
of making cross-border transfers and paying 1. Ripple
remittances at a lower transaction cost than that  is a company and a digital-payment
of the traditional financial system, with a much processing system, and it has a
faster settlement speed. cryptocurrency known as XRP.
 De  developing blockchain-based
solutions that banks can use for improved
spite the clearance and settlement.
setbacks and negative publicity due to the Silk 2. R3
Road (an online black market where buyers  another big company working on
and sellers of illegal or unethical items could distributed ledger technology for banks.
transact anonymously) and Mt. Gox was a  Ripple and R3 are working with
cryptocurrency exchange that operated traditional banks to make the sector more
between 2010 and 2014. In 2014, Mt. Gox was efficient. They seek to decentralize the
hacked and thousands of Bitcoins were stolen. system, connecting financial institutions to
the same ledger to increase transaction
JPMorgan Chase & Co efficiency.
o an American multinational investment bank 3. Chainalysis
and financial services holding company  ensures customers complete secure and
o launched the Interbank Information compliant crypto transactions through its data
Network (IIN), they declared that "the new platform.
initiative will use blockchain technology to  company conducts in-depth analyses on
minimize friction in the global payments process. various transactions, tracking funds to their
IIN will allow payments to reach beneficiaries sources and keeping each trader’s identity
faster with fewer steps and better security”. transparent.
o launched its own crypto token — JPM Coin  customers can avoid suspicious
— on a private version of the Ethereum blockchain funds and meet the legal standards of
for its institutional client base. banks, law enforcement agencies and
o takes progressive steps in the business-to- other financial institutions.
business (B2B) payment landscape by utilizing
blockchain technology for its B2B clients. R3: Galang, Jishi Khiel
III. FINANCIAL CLEARANCE AND Stock Trading- involves the acquisition and sale of shares of
SETTLEMENTS publicly traded companies either on a stock exchange or
o Financial Clearance - Clearing is the correct through over-the-counter markets. When you buy a stock,
and timely transfer of funds to the seller and you effectively gain ownership of a fractional portion of that
securities to the buyer. Clearing is necessary to particular company.
match all buy and sell orders to ensure smoother Traditional stock trading is managed by centralized
and more efficient markets. The clearing process authorities such as stock exchanges and clearinghouses.
protects the parties involved in a transaction by These entities maintain records of trading transactions,
recording the details and validating the availability handle order matching, and settle trades between buyers and
of funds. sellers.
 clearing house serves as a third-party
mediator between a buyer and seller engaged Kinds of Trading
in any financial transaction. generally, the o Day Trading- buying or selling of stocks
clearing house's main duty is to make sure the within the same trading day
transaction runs according to plan. o Swing Trading- holding the stock for a week
o The main difference between settlement or a month before trading.
and clearing is that the latter occurs before the o Long Term Investing- holding the stock for
settlement and includes the exchange, validation, an extended period of time usually a year or a
and reconciliation of transaction information decade before trading.
across the payment network. o Drawbacks of traditional trading: High fees
 companies and institutions can use and delayed settlement
blockchain to record, validate, and process
financial settlements without the need for a Some Blockchain-Based Solutions have been Developed to
clearinghouse. address these issue:
 Reduce Transaction Cost
Examples of companies that are working with traditional  Automation
banks to improve transactions using blockchain:  Enhance Security
 Increase Efficiency and Speed 1. Open Account- refers to a payment
 Greater Transparency and Instant arrangement between a buyer and a seller
Traceability where goods are shipped and delivered before
payment is due.
Examples of Blockchain 2. Letter of Credit- is a financial instrument
o Polymath issued by a bank or financial institution on
 Polymath is a company and a software behalf of a buyer (importer) to guarantee that
platform founded by Trevor Koverko and Chris the seller (exporter) will receive payment for
Housser in 2017. Polymath is a token issuance goods or services, provided certain conditions
platform programmed to create and issue are met.
security token.
 Security token is a digital representation of V. ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS
ownership of or rights to an asset that has o Blockchain is a promising technology for the
been tokenized and stored on a blockchain. accounting profession. A self-auditing and
o tZero immutable record can mean massive changes for
 tZero is a subsidiary of Overstock that not just how much time and effort is required to
operates a blockchain-based trading platform verify the financials of a company, but significant
for digital securities. The platform aims to reductions in the difficulty and complexity of
provide a secure and efficient way to trade audits.
various types of digital assets, including o Instead of keeping separate records based
cryptocurrencies and tokenized traditional on transaction receipts, companies can enter their
securities. transactions directly into a shared ledger, which
 In October 2018, tZero conducted a private creates an interlocking system of enduring
digital token offering, raising $134 million. accounting records. As these entries are
These tokens, issued by tZero, were made distributed and cryptographically sealed, it
available for trading on the platform starting in becomes almost impossible to be falsified or
January 2019. This offering represented a destroyed to conceal an activity
significant step forward in the development of o The big four accounting firms (Deloitte,
blockchain-based financial markets, providing Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), Ernst & young
investors with a regulated and transparent (EY), and KPMG) and many financial institutions
platform for trading digital securities. have already recognized the importance of
o Interstellar blockchain and thus have launched several
 Interstellar is a blockchain technology projects.
company that focuses on developing solutions
for the financial industry. R4: Antonio, Aliah Maycie T.
 Interstellar's mission is to accelerate the VI. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
adoption of blockchain technology in various APPLICATIONS
sectors, including finance, supply chain, and Supply Chain Management- refers to controlling the entire
digital assets. production flow, from acquiring raw materials to delivering
the final product/service at the destination.
o Trade finance represents the financial Benefits of Blockchain on Supply Chain Management
instruments and products that are used by o holds complete provenance details,
companies to facilitate international trade and o enhances transparency and accountability
commerce. in supply chain systems (all suppliers can track
o Traditional trade finance is associated with shipments, deliveries, and progress),
many issues such as loaded paper, increased o increases trust between suppliers in the
errors,and slow method of processing transactions chain,
between counterparties. o eliminates middleman auditors (can carry
o Blockchain has a lot to offer to the world of out their own checks and balances at any time),
trade finance, ranging from removing papers, o effectively and securely helpful to logistics
automating processes and payments, reducing management (smart contracts),
fraud, and cutting costs to tracking and tracing o ensures the genuineness and quality of
shipments and allowing all participants to access products (result in reduction in processing times,
the same information. management costs, and human errors),
o enables better quality, outcomes, and
Types or Agreement in Trade Finance performance of effective supply chain
management (SCM) processes (improves in
facilitating planning, scheduling, coordinating, 6. personal health records for accessing and
monitoring, and validating these activities). controlling complete health history,
7. and health insurance claim adjudication
International Business Machine (IBM)- a supply chain automation to surface error and fraud.
consulting services that presently has a fleet of 1,000 trucks
that make over 25,000 deliveries each week on a project Angeles (2018) discussed in detail three promising
combining blockchain technology with innovative internet of healthcare use cases:
things (IoT) solutions. 1. healthcare data exchange and
IBM Food Trust- blockchain-based food-traceability platform 2. drug supply chain integrity and remote
since 2018; modular solution built on blockchain, benefiting auditing,
all network participants with a safer, smarter, and more 3. clinical trials and population health
sustainable food. Nestle, McCormick, and Dole use this IBM research.
food trust in their businesses.
Examples: o Patientory- a software and service
o Maersk- a Danish shipping company, is company, offers a blockchain-based application
using blockchain to track all its shipments across that securely stores and manages health
the world. information in real time, giving patients control of
o Provenance- which piloted a traceability their own health data.
project in Indonesia's fishing industry through o MedRec- a decentralized record
mobile phones, blockchain, and smart tagging. management system to handle electronic medical
records using blockchain technology.
VII. HEALTHCARE APPLICATIONS o AmerisourceBergen- a drug wholesaler,
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)- where patient data and that uses blockchain technology for improved
records are digitized and stored; exposed to patient-privacy drug supply chain integrity and remote auditing.
violations, outdated data, and incomplete data. o Merck & Co- a drug developer, that uses
blockchain technology for improved drug supply
Benefits of Blockchain on Healthcare chain integrity and remote auditing.
o common database of health data and o MedShare- a blockchain-based system that
information (doctors, hospitals, patients, and all highlights the issue of medical data sharing in
other stakeholders can access; doctors can spend cloud repositories among big service providers
less time in doing administrative tasks, providing (smart contracts).
more time for patient care, and more research can
be shared for new treatments), Healthcare Data Gateway (HGD)- Yue et al. (2016); a
o holds the complete medical history for each blockchain-based app architecture that empowers patients to
patient, with multiple granularities of control, own, control, and easily and securely share their data without
o tamper-resistant means of storing medical fearing a privacy violation.
history,  Indicator Centric Schema (ICS)- organize all
o increased efficiency in providing insurance different kinds of patient data.
quotes (minimizing claim and billing fraud),  Secure Multi-Party Computing (MPC)- can
o precise drug recommendations and drug be a solution that makes it possible for an
development (more accessible and ready for untrusted third party to conduct computations
research). with patient data without privacy violations.

Zhang et al. (2018) identified seven potential blockchain use R5: Iglesias, Erica G.
1. prescription tracking to detect opioid Two Broad Blockchain Uses
overdose and over-prescription, o Records
2. data sharing to incorporate telemedicine o Conducting Transactions
with traditional care,
3. sharing cancer data with providers using Global Legal Blockchain Consortium - A group of companies
patient-authorized access, with joined resources will work together to "drive the
4. cancer registry sharing to aggregate adoption and standardization of blockchain in the legal
observations in cancer cases, industry, with the larger goal of improving the security and
5. patient digital identity management for interoperability of the global legal technology ecosystem”.
better patient record matching, Founders include Baker Hostetler, Orrick, IBM Watson Legal,
and a newly established company, Integra Ledger.
4. Fraud
Benefits 5. complexity
 Reduced costs and time in identity 6. Forge Connections
 Reduction in human trafficking The publisher’s challenges:
 Transparency 1. Lack of trusted, transparent, metrics
2. Need to improve the customer experience
IX. ENERGY-RELATED APPLICATIONS 3. The expensive, manual, time consuming
o Blockchain-based smart contracts enable effort
the application of power-exchange restrictions 4. Risk of compromising
and regulations, payments management, and 5. Credibility loss
direct interaction between users, without a
centralized microgrid authority. The consumer’s challenges:
o Microgrid, the cluster of multiple 1. Lack of control over personal data
distributed generators (DGs) that supply electrical 2. Lack of trust
energy to consumers without any 3. Frustration
shortage.Blockchain can facilitate microgrid- 4. Lack of education
related transactions. Blockchain-based smart
contracts enable the application of power- Blockchain can bring trust to digital ad buying in 3 ways:
exchange restrictions and regulations, payments 1. Transparency -offers a single, streamlined
management, and direct interaction between way for advertisers to keep track of their
users, without a centralized microgrid authority. spending
o Siemens, an automation company, and a 2. Security -is more than just an online
New York-based startup called LO3 Energy. They database. It's a revolutionary technology that
are developing blockchain-based microgrids to enables ad supply networks to exist in secure
allow for local energy trading. LO3 Energy has ways, creating the right visibility and security for
already piloted called TransActive Grid in Brooklyn counterparty transactions.
in New York. 3. Traceability - blockchain is a disruptive
o TransActive Grid. A microgrid and a peer-to- technology that can trace transactions without
peer trading platform piloted by LO3 Energy in depending on people auditing books or pointing
Brooklyn in New York wherein over 130 buildings to various applications.
were participated, aiming to allow buildings to sell
their extra generated energy to other microgrid How can blockchain improve digital advertising?
participants. o NOW, without a clear picture of where
budgets should be focused, brands spend money
Benefit on digital marketing that is not maximizing ROI.
o Enable to manage, track and verify o Consumers want data privacy and
thousands of energy transactions per second. transparency from retailers who handle their
personal information carefully - many shoppers
R6: Santiago, Allyssa Mae T. are becoming warier about how companies
X. ADVERTISING APPLICATIONS interact with them as they browse through social
o A notice or announcement in a public media feeds or purchase items online.
medium promoting a product, service, or event or o WITH BLOCKCHAIN, the world has never
publicizing a job vacancy. been more connected, but how do you get your
o Advertising now has many challenges, brand in front of consumers?
according to eMarketer in 2019, due to ad fraud o Brands can now communicate with their
which is predicted to cost the industry as much as consumers on a blockchain-based platform.
$100bn globally by 2023. o The system incentivizes engagement by
o Without accurate measurements, rewarding users for their quality data and
advertisers cannot create an ad that will reach the increasing exposure through injections into users'
right consumer just exactly where they need them feeds or push notifications that include offers
– which makes targeting difficult if you want any from advertisers who want access to this highly
hope of success whatsoever. targeted audience base.

The ad buyer’s challenges: 4 Ways Blockchain Transform Digital Marketing

1. Lack of trust 1. Effecting the Privacy of Data- provides
2. Rising customers’ expectations security features like encryption and two-factor
3. Inability to mine current metrics
authentication system that ensures the privacy o Artists will earn much more than they
of data. currently do under the centralized media and
2. Tracking Keywords - marketers could have entertainment production system
real numbers when keyword tracking and can o The distributed ledger technology will
use this information to create more accurate enable content creators and entertainers to
campaigns. handle projects involving different locations,
3. Changes in Digital Advertising - companies countries, and continents using the hash
are introducing apps such as basic Attention mechanism representation.
Tokens that bring changes to the interaction o Blockchain will also enable content creators
between advertisers, users, and publishers. and artists to keep track of milestones achieved
4. Provide Highly Transparency - allows and the production budget aligned with the
advertisers to know who is seeing their ads and milestones.
if it is marketed to the right audience.
Piracy and Plagiarism in Media and Entertainment
o If developers entirely built the internet on
the blockchain’s distributed ledger technology,
trucking of unlawful actions would be very easy to
Consumer-Centric Blockchain Advertising detect, follow up, and stop.
1. Brave o Users must seek permission from owners
o Helps to block unwanted ads and, via its before sharing or benefiting from other people’s
Brave Rewards, enables users, publishers and content.
creators to earn rewards in the form of Basic
Attention Tokens (BAT). Peer-to-Peer Media and Entertainment Transactions
o Through Brave Private Ads, “privacy- o Peer-to-peer transactions in the blockchain
preserving, first-party ads” users can opt in to network will allow direct commercial transactions
view in exchange for BAT, advertisers earn between the content creator and the media
revenue and gain insight on their ads’ consumer.
effectiveness without violating user privacy. o A peer-to-peer business model will enable
o Brave’s ad blocker uses blockchain to track compensation of copyrighted content. The
harmful ad popups and neutralize them before process will occur passively through validating
they can spread malware. The shields are smart contracts between the two parties
completely customizable and on a per-site
basis. Blockchain in Television Broadcasting
2. BitClave o Once a news event is validated in the
o uses blockchain to reward consumers for network through the hash embedded in all
sharing their personal data with marketing blockchains, unverified information, such as
teams. rumors, will no longer be published and broadcast
o Via a transparent ledger, the BitClave Active to the mainstream audience. It will be impossible
Search Ecosystem (BASE) enables users to or very difficult to publish fake news or videos.
control their identity and decide who can and
cannot access their information. The Ledger Technology in Film Distribution
o In exchange for access to information, o Blockchain technology will enable the
marketing and advertising teams build direct actors to follow through with each verified view
relationships with customers and offer them on the network. Since no one can erase the
uniquely targeted promotions to match their viewing information, the information embedded
preferences. in the blocks is reliable and may be retrieved at
any time, at the discretion of the actor.
MEDIA APPLICATIONS o Content creators will also have the privilege
o the main means of mass communication of following up on advertisements placed upon
(broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) their content and accurately price them during
regarded collectively. monetization.
o The ledger technology may aid the o Contracts involving media companies and
production of new content by allowing content actors will be stored in the blockchain network as
creators to have more authority over their smart contracts. Blockchain security will preserve
production these contracts in their original form, making each
o easily monetize involved party accountable to the signed
Blockchain Media and Social Media Companies Web, which describes the web as a network of meaningfully
o Live Bash -allows performers — from linked data.
musicians to comedians — to book stage time, The main distinctions between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 involve
livestream a set and create NFTs of performance data storage, connectivity, currency, and decentralization.
moments on the fly. These minted moments, Web 2.0 is about creating content and interacting with
which fans can buy and collect, are built on websites. Web 3.0 means immersing yourself in the digital
proprietary blockchain technology. experience, and it involves concepts like individual control of
o Binded -is a blockchain copyrighting personal data, cryptocurrency, and decentralized record
technology for photographers. Photographers keeping on the blockchain.
upload their images, which are stored on a
copyright vault that is secured by a unique XI. INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT)
fingerprint saved on a blockchain. Once images o The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of
are uploaded and secured, artists can share their interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
work and track similar images to help thwart any digital machines, objects, animals or people that
copyright infringements. are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and
o Sapien - is a social news platform that gives the ability to transfer data over a network without
users control of data and content. By posting requiring human-to-human or human-to
content the community unanimously agrees is computer interaction.
true — or by interacting with other members — o An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled
Sapien creators earn SPN tokens they can use smart devices that use embedded systems, such
throughout the platform and marketplace. as processors, sensors and communication
o Rally - an online platform helps creators set hardware, to collect, send and act on data they
up communities and economies to drive further acquire from their environments.
engagement with their followers. It allows users to o IoT devices share the sensor data they
launch their own branded cryptocurrency, set up collect by connecting to an IoT gateway or other
ways to incentivize and reward fans, and gate edge device where data is either sent to the cloud
exclusive content. Best of all? The company says to be analyzed or analyzed locally.
using Rally requires no prior crypto experience. o IoT enables devices across the Internet to
o Audius - is a music-streaming platform for send data to private blockchain networks to
the Web3 era. That means users can listen to create tamper-resistant records of shared
curated playlists, discover new emerging artists transactions. IBM Blockchain enables your
and share songs with friends — all while earning business partners to share and access IoT data
token rewards. On the other side, Audius positions with you — but without the need for central
itself as a creator-friendly service, equipping control and management. Each transaction can be
artists with metrics and tools to deepen verified to prevent disputes and build trust among
engagement with fans, so they can grow their all permissioned network members.
platform while maintaining their independence
from major labels. Benefits of IoT and Blockchain
o Mirror - is an online publishing platform o Build trust in your IoT data -Each
pushing the media industry into the far reaches of transaction is recorded, put into a data block, and
Web3. With Mirror, you log in with Ethereum, added to a secure, immutable data chain that
store your writing on Arweave (a decentralized cannot be changed — only added to.
storage network), mint your posts as collectibles, o Rely on added security - With the Watson
collect crypto subscription payments and set up a IoT® Platform you can select the data to be
DAO. You can even embed NFTs in your posts. managed, analyzed, customized, and shared
o Verasity - bills itself as a blockchain among permissioned clients and partners.
company where eSports, adtech and digital rights o Gain greater flexibility - The IBM Blockchain
management collide. More specifically, the Platform is open, interoperable and is built for
company aims to increase advertising revenue for your multicloud world, using the latest version of
video publishers by eliminating ad fraud with its the leading Hyperledger Fabric platform,
Proof-of-View technology. And on the eSports optimized for Red Hat® OpenShift®.
side, Verasity has partnered with some big gaming o Generate new efficiencies - IBM Blockchain
names like PUBG Mobile and Riot Games. streamlines processes and creates new business
value across your ecosystem by drawing on the
Web 3.0, also known as Web3, is the third generation of the data supplied by IoT devices and sensors.
World Wide Web. Web 3.0 is meant to be decentralized,
open to everyone (with a bottom-up design), and built on top Applications of IoT and Blockchain
of blockchain technologies and developments in the Semantic  Freight transportation
 Component tracking and compliance  Efficiency Gains
 Log operational maintenance data  Regulatory Compliance
 Centralized Governance
R7: Galulu, Ismylyn Marie T. Cons
C. What makes a Blockchain suitable for  Limited Transparency
business?  Higher Corruption Risks
o Shared/Distributed Ledger  Censorship Potential
o Permission  Centralization Risks
o Consensus Permissionless blockchain- are public blockchain networks
o Smart Contract that impose no restrictions on access or participation. Some
of the salient features of a permissionless blockchain include:
I. SHARED/DISTRIBUTED LEDGER o Fully Open Access- In contrast to
An immutable record of all transactions on the network, a permissioned blockchains, anyone globally can
record that all network participants can access. join, submit transactions, and participate in
Three Characteristics of a Shared Ledger consensus mechanisms like mining in
1. Records all transactions across the business permissionless blockchains without needing
network; the shared ledger is the system of approval.
record, the single source of truth. o Full Transparency- All transactions are
2. Is shared among all participants in the publicly visible to every node in a default
network; through replication, each participant permissionless blockchain like Bitcoin
has a duplicate copy of the ledger. o Pseudo-Anonymity- Users interact through
3. Is permissioned, so participants see only cryptographic key pairs rather than real-world
those transactions they’re authorized to view. identities.
o Censorship Resistance- With no central
II. PERMISSION authority and distributed consensus mechanisms
PERMISSIONED BLOCKCHAIN VS. PERMISSIONLESS like proof-of-work, no single entity can tamper
BLOCKCHAIN with transaction histories or censor activity on a
Permissioned Blockchains- is a type of private blockchain permissionless blockchain like Bitcoin.
network that places restrictions on access and participation. o Incentivized Participation- Tokens are used
Some of the salient features of a permissioned blockchain to incentivize nodes to verify transactions and
include: secure the network through mining and staking.
o Closed and Controlled Access- Users must
be granted permission to join, and there is Pros and Cons of Permissionless Blockchain
typically a central authority that approves Pros
memberships.  Censorship Resistance
o Partially Decentralized- While permissioned  Transparency
blockchains are distributed across multiple peers  Security Resilience
or nodes like other blockchains, the network  Immutable Records
participants are limited to approved entities  Accessibility
rather than anonymous nodes. Cons
o Identity Verification- In permissioned  Performance Limitations
blockchains, real-world identities can be  Energy Intensive
associated with user addresses and transactions  Minimal Privacy
through identity verification processes.  Potential for Crime
o Customized Permissions- Administrators in
permissioned blockchains can define granular R8: Manaloto, Kathleen Ed T.
access policies and permissions for different types III. CONSENSUS
of members and roles. All parties agree to network verifiable transactions.
o Flexible Consensus Models- Permissioned
blockchains can utilize faster and more energy- Two Approaches of Consensus
efficient consensus models like PBFT and voting- o Centralized
based schemes rather than resource-intensive o Decentralized
Consensus Mechanisms
Pros and Cons of Permissioned Blockchain o The process by which a group of peers – or
Pros nodes – on a network determine which blockchain
 Increased Privacy and Security transactions are valid and which are not.
 Customizability
o Are used to verify transactions and maintain o A participant (typically a business user) with
the security of the underlying blockchain. permissions to join the blockchain network
and conduct transactions with other network
Different types of Consensus Mechanisms participants.
o Proof of Work (PoW) o Blockchain technology operates in the
o Miners essentially compete against background, so the blockchain user has no
one another to solve extremely complex awareness of it.
computational puzzles using high-powered 2. Regulator
computers. o A blockchain user with special permissions
o Proof of Stake (PoS) to oversee the transactions happening within
o Miners are required to pledge a the network. Regulators may be prohibited
‘stake’ of digital currency for a chance to be from conducting transactions.
randomly chosen as a validator. The process 3. Blockchain developer
is not unlike a lottery whereby the more o Programmers who create the applications
coins you stake, the better your odds. and smart contracts that enable blockchain
o Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) users to conduct transactions on the
o Relies upon a reputation-based blockchain network. Applications serve as a
voting system to achieve consensus. conduit between users and the blockchain.
o Proof of Capacity / Proof of Space 4. Blockchain network operator
(PoC/PoSpace) o Individuals who have special permissions
o Miners generate a list of all the and authority to define, create, manage, and
possible hashes beforehand in a process monitor the blockchain network.
called ‘plotting’. 5. Traditional processing platforms
o Proof of Activity (PoA) o Existing computer systems that may be
o The mining process begins like used by the blockchain to augment
PoW, with miners competing to solve an processing.
elaborate mathematical problem using 6. Traditional data sources
immense computing power. o Existing data systems that may provide data
o Proof of Burn (PoB) to influence the behavior of smart contracts
o Miners gain the power to mine a and help to define how communications and
block by ‘burning’ (destroying) a data transfer will occur between traditional
predetermined amount of tokens in a applications/data and the blockchain — via API
verifiable manner-namely, sending them to calls, thru MQ style cloud messaging, or both.
an ‘eater address’ where they cannot be 7. Certificate authority
recovered or spent. o An individual who issues and manages the
different types of certificates required to run a
Two most popular Consensus Mechanism permissioned blockchain.
 Proof of Work (PoW)
 Proof of Stake (PoS) CHAPTER 3: Limitation and Challenges
I. Pros and Cons of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
R9: Sevilla, Benigno Jr.
A. What is Blockchain?
o is a program stored on a blockchain that
The concept of blockchain was initially introduced
runs when predetermined conditions are met. in November 2008 and was implemented in January
o is stored on the blockchain and is executed 2009. A presumed pseudonymous person or persons named
automatically as part of a transaction. Satoshi Nakamoto developed the virtual currency, bitcoin,
o may have many contractual clauses that and published the bitcoin white paper. In this paper, a
could be made partially or fully self-executing, decentralized, publicly available, and cryptographically
self-enforcing, or both. secure system based on a chain of blocks was proposed,
Benefits of Smart Contract allowing peer-to-peer digital currency trading, and
 Speed, Efficiency, and Accuracy eliminating the need for centralized financial institutions to
 Trust and Transparency enable currency issuance or transaction settlement (Dai &
 Security Vasarhelyi, 2017; Murray, 2018; Nakamoto, 2008). Bitcoin
 Savings and blockchain are not synonymous. Blockchain
provides the infrastructure for recording and storing
bitcoin transactions; it has many uses besides bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the first application of blockchain.
1. Blockchain user
Moreover, blockchain should be considered as an transactions and actions (e.g., exchange of property,
overarching idea that includes various technologies and money, shares, or anything that has a value), without a
applications. The concept of blockchain can be compared to middleman, as the terms of agreements are fulfilled.
the Internet, which has many technologies and applications. Smart contracts can be utilized in traditional systems,
It is argued that blockchain is likely to transform business but data integrity and data availability to all parties
in as great a manner as the Internet. Blockchain can make blockchain the right technology platform to
disrupt in a positive manner central banking platforms and leverage smart contracts.
many business models and use cases, including trades,
financial services, supply chains, business process The Majority Attack (51% Attacks): The blockchain
improvement, health information sharing, and logistics employs a distributed consensus mechanism to create
management (Woodside et al., 2017). mutual trust. This consensus mechanism is susceptible to
51% vulnerability. Attackers might exploit this issue to
B. Pros of Blockchain (Wajde Baiod, Janet Light, & Aniket control the entire blockchain (Li et al., 2017; Monrat et al.,
Mahanti, 2021 — page 84) 2019). In the simplest terms, if a user controls over 51% of
1. Transparency the network, they can then manipulate and modify the
2. Business Continuity blockchain. As they control most of the network, they can
3. Trust dictate the consensus (McBee & Wilcox, 2020; Nawari,
4. Smart Contracts 2019).

Benefits of Blockchain Technology Blockchain technology  Privacy leakage: Blockchain is considered

is still embryonic, but it has changed many businesses and has a very safe system because users connect with
become an appealing technology for many industries, even in pseudonymity, only making transactions with
this formative stage. Some of the vital benefits of blockchain generated addresses, not with their real identities,
application include the following (Beck, 2018; Herlihy, 2019; and can generate many addresses to protect
Kumar, 2019; Workie & Jain, 2017): against information leakage (Zheng et al., 2018).
It is possible to trace the users' behaviors in
1. Transparency: In a blockchain, a the blockchain; thus, blockchain takes
complete history of transactions is permanently precautions to protect users' transaction
maintained and simultaneously available to all privacy.
network users. All users involved in a transaction are
aware of any actions taken on any data or transactions Private key security: It is argued that blockchain is only as
executed, thus promoting increased transparency. secure as private keys (Yeoman, 2018). Users' private keys are
2. Business Continuity: The availability and considered the identity and security credentials in blockchain
continuity of services provided is a crucial systems. These keys are generated and maintained by users
requirement for all businesses. The absence of a and used to prove ownership of a crypto asset (i.e., bitcoin).
vulnerable single failure point in the blockchain However, it is impossible to recover private keys if lost
technology means the system is never down, despite (McBee & Wilcox, 2020). If criminals obtain private keys,
some parts' failure, thus supporting business they can manipulate users' blockchain accounts. Moreover,
continuity. Disintermediation: Blockchain blockchain does not rely on any centralized trusted third party,
infrastructure’s being truly decentralized enables a so if private keys are stolen, tracking the criminal's behaviors
significant level of disintermediation. Technology and recovering the modified blockchain information becomes
protocols and elements can replace intermediaries, difficult (Li et al., 2017).
enhancing efficiency, and reducing friction-related
direct and indirect costs between individuals and What is cryptocurrency?
organizations, due to decreased trust. A cryptocurrency is a unique form of currency. It’s ability to
3. Trust: The blockchain mechanism's use encryption techniques to encode transactions sets it apart
underlying concept is the establishment of a from any other currency we have ever used in the past.
trustworthy record between untrusted parties. The Pros of Cryptocurrency:
good design of blockchainembedded protocols and Transparency When trading in digital currency all
cryptography property enforce trust and ease its transactions are recorded and monitored. When a transaction
verification. has been completed, it is added to the ledger, and it becomes a
4. Smart Contracts: Some functionality can permanent part of the record.
be added to ledgers, as most blockchain Example:
applications provide some scripting languages. For TRONSCAN- is a first block-chain browser in the tron
instance, a rudimentary stack-based language is community. It supports multiple login methods and provides a
contained in bitcoin, whereas a language similar to complete browsing and search experience.
JavaScript, a Turingcomplete imperative language, is Global Reach: no matter where you are in the world, if you
provided by Ethereum. These programs, so-called have access to the Internet you can trade in cryptocurrency,
smart contracts, are computer codes/software designed but because it is not backed by any geographical boundaries or
to digitally facilitate, verify, and enforce the business governmental institutions, it is accepted and used in most
logic's negotiation or performance. Smart contracts are countries of the world.
selfexecuted and automate the execution of credible
Low Transaction Fees: the fact that the transaction fees for even longer, because it must outweigh the cost of double
trading in cryptocurrency are a mere fraction of the fees that spend attack.
most financial institutions charge which makes it extremely
appealing. 3. Size and Bandwidth
Better Security: unlike traditional payments, like cash and Bandwidth is the data transfer capacity of a network
credit cards, cryptocurrencies are digital and encrypted; you in bits per second (Bps). The term may also be used
cannot be ripped off in a transaction as you can be with legacy colloquially to indicate a person's capacity for tasks or deep
payment systems, and it is much harder to steal thoughts at a point in time.
cryptocurrency compared to a full wallet cash. Blockchain size refers to the size of all blocks within
You Control Your Money. Void of any middleman or third- a blockchain, where each block is a permanent record of
party interests, no one is in charge of your money. There is no transactions.
other electronic cash system in which your account isn’t The Bitcoin community calls the size problem
owned by someone else. “bloat,” but that assumes that we want a small blockchain;
With cryptocurrency, you own the private key and the however, to really scale to mainstream use, the blockchain
corresponding public key that makes up your cryptocurrency would need to be big, just more efficiently accessed.
address. No one can take that away from you (unless you lose
it yourself or host it with a web-based wallet service that loses 4. Security
it for you.) Security is all about being safe, i.e., free from danger,
Cons of Cryptocurrency: harm, or fear. Security is managed in order to protect some
Lack of Acceptance: One of the biggest negatives with vital information so that hackers or other unauthorized users
cryptocurrencies is their newness. do not get access to it. With the increasing dependency on
Volatile: while bitcoin is a pretty stable currency, most other Blockchain networks, Blockchain security has become a prime
cryptocurrencies are not. concern.
Cannot be Recovered if Lost: Cryptocurrencies cannot be Blockchain's security measures have often been
recovered if they are lost. Unlike financial institutions that touted as key strengths of the technology — but the security of
have regulations to protect your investment, a single incident blockchain networks is not without its challenges.
of hacking could literally wipe you out. There are some potential security issues with the
Still in Development: It is still in development, and there will Bitcoin blockchain. The most worrisome is the possibility of a
likely be many changes coming in the future. Investors must 51-percent attack, in which one mining entity could grab
be prepared to accept and adapt to these changes before the control of the blockchain and double-spend
system is fully perfected. 5. Wasted Resources
In economics, the term "wasted resources" refers to
II. Limitations the inefficient allocation and utilization of factors of
production (such as labor, capital, and materials) in the
A. Technical Challenges production of goods and services.
1. Throughput In cryptocurrency, mining consumes substantial
Throughput refers to the capacity of a blockchain energy, all of it wasted. The earlier estimate cited was $15
network to process a specific number of transactions within a million per day, and other estimates are higher, raising
designated timeframe. It acts as a measure of the efficiency environmental concerns (carbon footprint).
and capability of a blockchain. 6. Usability
The API for working with Bitcoin (the full node of all code) is
Two kinds of Throughput Metrics far less user-friendly than the current standards of other easy-
a. Transaction per Second to-use modern APIs, such as widely used REST APIs.
b. Block Confirmation Time
7. Versioning, Hard Forks, Multiple Chains
Bitcoin network has a potential issue with throughput Versioning is the creation and management of
in that it is processing only one transaction per second (tps). multiple product releases, all of which have the same general
Compared with: VISA 2000 tps, twitter 5000tps, advertising function, but are improved, upgraded or customized.
network <100000tps. Blockchain networks, like any software systems, may undergo
updates, improvements, or modification overtime.
A fork is a change to the protocol, or a divergence
2. Latency from the previous version of the Blockchain. When a new,
Blockchain network latency is the time between alternative block is generated by a rogue miner, the system
submitting a transaction to a network and the first reaches consensus that this block is not valid, and this ‘orphan
confirmation of acceptance by the network. After the first block’ is very soon abandoned by the other miners.
confirmation, the transaction becomes more final as more 2 types of Forks
blocks are added beyond the initial confirmation. a. Soft Fork – backward compatible. Meaning
they are compatible with old protocols
Bitcoin right now takes 10 minutes to process, b. Hard Fork – incompatible with the older
meaning that at least 10 minutes for your transaction to be versions.
confirmed. For sufficient security, you should wait more time Multi-chain is a process where projects deploy smart
– about an hour – and for larger transfer amounts it needs to be contracts across multiple blockchains, connecting isolated
chains together as one network. Also, it refers to the growing version of DLS (the solution to the Byzantine
ecosystem of hundreds of blockchains that exist today. Generals’ Problem by Dwork, Lynch, and
Stockmeyer), with bonded coins belonging to
8. Proposed Solutions to the Technical Issues byzantine participants.
a. Offline wallets to store the majority of  Another idea for consensus without mining
coins. or proof of work is through a consensus algorithm
 Offline wallets, also known as cold storage such as Hyper‐ledger’s, which is based on the
or cold wallet, are used for long-term secure storage Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm.
of cryptocurrencies and typically hold large amounts
of money that are not intended to be touched very e. Only focus on the most recent or unspent
frequently. outputs
 Different manners of offline wallets could  Many blockchain operations could be based
be used to store the bulk of consumer cryptocoins— on surface calculations of the most recent or unspent
for example, paper wallets, cold storage, and bit outputs, similar to how credit card transactions
cards. operate.
 Paper wallet: Physical paper with printed  “Thin wallets” operate this way making
private and public keys. transactions quicker and more efficient and this is
 Cold storage: Keeping cryptocurrency how Bitcoin e-wallets work on phones.
offline, away from internet-connected devices.  Cryptonite is a related idea that uses a
 Bit cards (Crypto Debit Cards): Prepaid “mini-blockchain scheme”, a scheme designed for
cards loaded with cyptocurrency. maximum scalability, achieved by addressing the
problem of blockchain bloat and providing a
b. Dark pools solution that allows all old transactions to be
 Private exchanges for trading securities that forgotten by the network after they become old
are not accessible to the investing public. Also enough.
known as dark pools of liquidity, the name of these
exchanges is a reference to their complete lack of f. Blockchain Interoperability
transparency.  Blockchain interoperability refers to the
 Created to facilitate block trading by ability of blockchains to communicate with other
institutional investors who did not wish to impact the blockchains.
markets with their large orders and obtain adverse  To coordinate transactions between
prices for their trades. blockchains, there are several side chain projects
Types of Dark Pools proposed, such as those by Blockstream.
1. Broker-Dealer-Owned Dark Pool  Sidechains are independent blockchains that
2. Agency Broker or Exchange-Owned Dark Pool connect to their parent chains via a two-way
3. Electronic Market Maker Dark Pools bridge. This bridge allows the transfer of assets
between the two.

c. Alternative hashing algorithms g. Posting Bond Deposits

 Cryptocurrency algorithm or hashing  Requiring miners to post bond deposits to
algorithm – is a mechanism that encrypts virtual blockchains, preventing malicious activities such as
currency or digital currency double-spend attacks.
 It is like a special tool that takes a piece of  A double-spending attack is a critical flaw
data, like a transaction, and turns it into a unique that allows the same unit of a cryptocurrency to be
code, called hash (serves as a digital fingerprint of spent more than once, leading to potential inflation,
the original data) theft, and the erosion of trust in the digital monetary
 Alternative hashing algorithms are like system.
different types of locks for securing information on  Bond deposits could be posted to
the blockchain. blockchains like Tendermint does, making it costly
 Example: Litecoin and other to fork and possibly improving operability and
cryptocurrencies use an algorithm called Scrypt security.

d. Alternatives to proof of work for h. REST APIs

Byzantine consensus  Application Programming Interface
 There are many other consensus models (API) is a piece of code that specifies how different
proposed—such as proof of stake, hybrids, and software components should interact and
variants—that have lower latency, require less communicate programmatically.
computational power, waste fewer resources, and  REST stands for Representational State
improve security for smaller chains. Transfer and REST APIs play a crucial role in the
 Consensus without mining is another area cryptocurrency ecosystem, facilitating
being explored, such as in Tendermint’s modified
communication and interaction between various
applications, services, and blockchain networks. Challenges Associated with Blockchain Business Models
 REST APIs enable secure real-time calls, 1. Regulations
enhancing usability in specific cases.  Lack of clear regulatory guidance makes it
 Many blockchain companies offer difficult for businesses to know how to comply
alternative wallet interfaces with REST API with the law.
functionality, such as 2. Adoption
 Limited knowledge and awareness of
B. Business Model Challenges blockchain
 It is the way a business utilizes Blockchain  Difficulty in gaining traction and user base
technology in its business operations to create  Need for education and awareness
and generate value. initiatives
3. Interoperability
Types of Blockchain Business Models  Difficulty in interaction between different
 P2P (peer-to-peer) Blockchain Business blockchain platforms and exchanging data
Model - utilize Blockchain to facilitate direct seamlessly
transactions between individuals. 4. Complexity
 Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) Business  Technical nature of blockchain technology
Model - allows businesses to build and deploy  Requirement of significant technical
their Blockchain-based solutions using cloud- expertise and resources.
based infrastructure and tools. 5. Integration
 Token Economy - Utility Token Business  Challenge in integrating blockchain into
Model - leverages the creation and use of tokens existing systems
to drive its operations. Utility tokens are a  Need for technical expertise and resources
specific type of cryptocurrency that can be used
to access a particular product or service within a C. Scandals and Public Perception
particular platform. The Public's Perception of Bitcoin
 Blockchain-Based Software Products -  Bitcoin is often associated with illegal
focuses on building software products that utilize activities like drug-related and money-
the power of Blockchain technology to solve laundering.
particular problems.  Bitcoin and blockchain are neutral
 Development Platforms - offers the tools technologies that can be applied for either good
and infrastructure for other companies and or bad.
developers to develop and deploy their  Benefits of Bitcoin outweigh potential
Blockchain solutions. drawbacks.

Difference Between Traditional Business Models and The Pseudonymous Enabler: Bitcoin
Blockchain Business Models  Bitcoin has the potential to enable malicious
Traditional Blockchain and illicit activity, which could result in "Red
Business Models Business Models Queen" reactions.
uses a  Malicious players have been identified
decentralized through the use of computer virus detection
rely on a centralized
network of software.
Centralization vs. authority to manage
computers for
Decentralization business
enhanced security Constant Fraud, Scandals, and Theft
and record  Theft, scandals, and scams afflict the
keeping. industry.
Intermediaries vs  MtGox collpase highlighted issues like the
require enable direct
Direct “transaction malleability bug”
intermediaries for transactions
Transactions  Thefts continue to persist.
transactions between parties
rely on high level of
intermediaries like transparency with Industry Models and Supervision for Blockchain
Transparency banks and lawyers open and  For improved safety features and the ability
for trust accessible ledgers to distinguish between trustworthy and dishonest
verification. for all parties. participants, blockchain industry models must
decentralized data develop.
centralized data
storage, enhancing  Rather than coming from outside the
storage, making the
Data Management security and ecosystem, oversight responsibilities ought to be
data vulnerable to
preventing distributed throughout.
 The oversight roles continue to be crucial in Distributed Systems. A distributed system is a collection of
providing checks and balances for the system. computer programs that utilize computational resources across
multiple, separate computation nodes to achieve a common,
Obstacles and Restrictions shared goal.
 Metrics like coin market capitalizations,
investment, startup numbers, GitHub code Example: Google search system. Each request is worked upon
commitment, and "newspaperink" indicate the by hundreds of computers that crawl the web and return the
robustness of the blockchain industry. relevant results. To the user, Google appears to be one system,
 Even with advancements, it might be too but it actually is multiple computers working together to
soon for digital currencies to become widely accomplish one single task (return the results to the search
accepted. query).
 Bitcoin might not be as user-friendly as
Apple Pay, but it could open the door for digital
currencies to be fully accepted by the general Advantages of Decentralized Blockchains
public. Even though blockchain technology is a somewhat new
concept, it has proven itself to be extremely useful in business
D. Government Regulation and has a number of core advantages. Here's a list of some of
How government regulation unfolds could be one of the most important advantages of decentralized blockchains.
the most significant factors and risks in whether the
blockchain industry will flourish into a mature 1. Fraud Prevention. Because blockchains are
financial services industry. open-sourced ledgers, and because every single
transaction is recorded on them, it is very easy to
A. The potential practical impossibility of carrying out tell if fraud is taking place.
taxation with current methods. 2. Protection from Government Meddling.
A decentralized peer-to-peer sharing economy of Airbnb 2.0 Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are not
and Uber 2.0 run on local implementations of OpenBazaar controlled by any government, bank, or central
with individuals paying with cryptocurrencies renders bank.
traditional taxation structures impossible. 3. Faster Transaction Times. Blockchain-
B. The value proposition offered by governments and their cryptocurrencies provide transaction times that are often
business model. much, much faster than bank transaction times
Some argue that in the modern era of big data, governments
are increasingly unable to keep up with their record-keeping 4. Increased Financial Efficiency.
duties of recording and archiving information and making data Decentralized blockchains allow transactions to
easily accessible. be made directly from person to person without
the assistance of a third-party.
C. Privacy Challenges for Personal Records
Decentralized solutions enable private information to be
shared securely, while users remain in full control of their Disadvantages of Decentralized Blockchains
data. 1. Crime. Due to the anonymous nature of
decentralized blockchains and the
Overall: Decentralization Trends Likely to Persist cryptocurrencies that rely on them, they have
What is decentralization? become somewhat of a preferred financial
In blockchain, decentralization refers to the transfer of control instrument for criminals.
and decision-making from a centralized entity (individual, 2. Volatility. Many of the cryptocurrencies that
organization, or group thereof) to a distributed network. use decentralized blockchains are extremely
Why decentralization matters? 3. Storage Issues. Storing blockchain-based
Decentralization is not a new concept. When building a cryptocurrencies can be a problem for people who are not tech
technology solution, three primary network architectures are savvy.
typically considered: centralized, distributed, and

Centralized Systems. these are systems that use client/server

architecture where one or more client nodes are directlv
connected to a central server.

Decentralized Systems. In decentralized systems, every node

makes its own decision. The final behavior of the system is the
aggregate of the decisions of the individual nodes.

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