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Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103

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Role of earthworms in regenerating soil structure after compaction in reduced

tillage systems
Capowiez Yvan a, *, Samartino Stéphane b, Cadoux Stéphane c, Bouchant Pierre c, Richard Guy d,
Boizard Hubert c
INRA, UR 1115 Plantes et Systèmes Horticoles, Domaine Saint Paul, 84914 Avignon Cedex 09, France
INRA, UMR Climat-Sol-Environnement, Domaine Saint Paul, 84914 Avignon Cedex 09, France
INRA, US 1158 Agro-Impact, 2 Chaussée Brunehaut, Estrées-Mons, BP 50136, 80203 Péronne Cedex, France
INRA, UR 0272 Science du Sol, 45166 Olivet, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: New non-tillage or reduced tillage agricultural practises are being increasingly adopted but generally
Received 30 March 2012 result in higher soil compaction. Due to their recognised physical influence mainly through burrow
Received in revised form creation, it is often claimed that earthworm activity could alleviate soil compaction in these systems. To
13 June 2012
put this assumption to the test, an experimental compaction event was carried out on one plot of arable
Accepted 18 June 2012
land. The abundance and biomass of earthworms were evaluated in compacted (under wheel tracks) and
Available online 7 July 2012
non-compacted (between wheel tracks) zones, seven times over a two-year period. In addition, the
functional consequences of earthworm activity, defined by burrow abundance assessed in 2D and 3D and
X-ray tomography
water infiltration, were measured three times over the same period. The short-term (less than three
Water infiltration months) effects of the compaction were clear: soil bulk density increased from 1.46 to 1.57 g cm3, the
Earthworm burrow abundance and biomass of earthworms were greatly reduced (40% and 70% respectively) and the
Recovery number and continuity of macroporosity were lower under wheel tracks at least until a depth of 30 cm.
After these initial detrimental effects, we observed a rapid recovery of earthworm populations with no
statistical difference between compacted and control zones more than three months after the
compaction. However, the recovery of soil functional properties linked to earthworm activity, macro-
porosity and water infiltration, was much slower and took between 12 and 24 months. Despite these
modifications, there were no significant changes in soil bulk density with time during the two-year
period. This study demonstrates that earthworms are important actors in the regeneration of com-
pacted soil. Although the complete regeneration of compacted soil by earthworms is a slow process,
agricultural practises that promote earthworm density and activity should be encouraged in reduced or
minimum tillage systems.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction surface and soil erosion is reduced (Cannell and Hawes, 1994). In
oceanic climates, however, compaction is also frequently due to
Compaction is an important threat to arable land (Soane and van wet conditions in spring and autumn when crops such as maize or
Ouwerkerk, 1994). Compaction is mainly due to the use of heavy sugar beet are sown and harvested (Boizard et al., 2002). Under
machinery which leads to severe changes to the soil structure and minimum or reduced tillage, these compacted zones are expected
thus modifies its functioning (Horn et al., 2000). As the use of tillage to regenerate naturally under the influence of climatic (alternating
can be expensive in terms of power requirements and fuel usage, dry/wet and freeze/thaw cycles) and soil biological actors (mainly
time and capital costs (McHugh et al., 2009), alternative agricul- roots and earthworms) (Drewry, 2006).
tural practices such as minimum or reduced tillage are being The main influence of earthworms in soil is the modification of
increasingly adopted. These new tillage systems also have positive soil structure through the creation of burrows (Capowiez et al.,
environmental impacts: organic matter is concentrated at the soil 2003) and the production of casts (Blanchart et al., 2004; Jouquet
et al., 2008). It is thus generally claimed that earthworms can
contribute to the regeneration of compacted zones by burrowing
through these zones and this was demonstrated under laboratory
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Yvan).
conditions (Joschko et al., 1989; Zund et al., 1997; Langmaack et al.,

0038-0717/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
94 C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103

1999; Jégou et al., 2002) and under semi-field conditions (Capowiez during the winter season (Hillel, 1971), was 0.24 g g1. The average
et al., 2009a). Nevertheless evidence for their direct role in regen- air temperature is 10.3  C and the annual rainfall is 667 mm.
erating compacted soils under natural conditions is still lacking and The experiment was conducted as part of the long-term
the first experiments carried out under tropical (Blanchart et al., “Cropping systems and Soil Structure” field experiment (Boizard
1994), forest (Muys et al., 1992) or crop (Radford et al., 2007) et al., 2002). Three cropping systems were compared between
conditions failed to show a significant effect of earthworms. 1999 and 2008 with a wide range of soil compaction intensities,
Aside from the inherent variability of studies under natural depending on crop rotation and the rules of decision making. In
conditions and the difficulty in distinguishing naturally entangled 1999, a new treatment with superficial tillage at a depth of less than
factors, the important difference between laboratory and field 10 cm was introduced in the experiment in order to compare the
studies is that earthworms can not avoid the compacted soils under effects of annual ploughing and reduced tillage on soil structure
laboratory conditions. Indeed, Stovold et al. (2004) and Capowiez evolution.
et al. (2009a) showed that earthworms preferentially avoid these In 2005 we selected one 0.7 ha plot with reduced tillage to carry
zones in controlled or semi-field conditions. Thus most of the out the study. Rotation from 2005 to 2008 was pea (Pisum sativum
laboratory studies demonstrated that earthworms are able to L.)/winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)/flax (Linum Usitatissimum)/
burrow in very compacted zones but did not show their actual winter wheat. The risk of compaction was low in this rotation
capacity to regenerate these zones under natural conditions. In because harvesting was always carried out in summer, i.e. during
addition, it is now well established that compaction, and thus soil a dry period of the year, and sowing by avoiding wet conditions in
bulk density, is an important factor limiting earthworm abundance spring. Seedbed preparation was performed with a short disc
in arable soils (Chan and Barchia, 2007; Ouellet et al., 2008; Beylich harrow and sowing with a combined rotary harrow and disc drill.
et al., 2010). Radford et al. (2001) estimated the natural regenera- The mean depth of stubble tillage and seedbed preparation was
tion of compacted soils and concluded that earthworms play 6 cm and varied between 4 and 8 cm. We evaluate compaction
a limited role since earthworm density remained low in compacted using a morphological description of the tilled layer (Boizard et al.,
plots. However, in their experiment, plots were homogeneously 2002). The proportion of highly compacted zones, as the ratio of the
compacted and this may have slowed down or prevented earth- area of the structure considered to the total area of the tilled layer
worm recolonisation. Under real management conditions, under the seedbed, was only 20% in 2005. The cultural operations
compaction is spatially heterogeneous either horizontally (wheel during the three following years were made in rather dry condi-
tracks) or vertically (plough pan) (Roger-Estrade et al., 2009). tions and the proportion of highly compacted zones remained low.
To determine the actual role of earthworms in regenerating
compacted zones, it is thus crucial to carry out a study under 2.2. The compaction event
natural conditions with realistic soil bulk densities, possibilities for
avoidance of these zones and natural climatic variations which can A controlled compaction was carried out on the 8th of February
influence both earthworm behaviour and the fate of compacted 2005. We created a pattern of compacted and non-compacted lanes
zones. The regeneration of compacted zones, or the resilience of the by wheeling a tractor, equipped with a combined power harrow
soil, is a dynamic process and may be different depending on the and a drill in transport position, in wet conditions. Two 25 m long
factor under consideration (Gregory et al., 2009). To accurately passages were made side by side with the tractor under wet soil
describe the role of earthworms, it is therefore crucial (i) not to conditions. The total load was approximately eight tonnes and the
focus on only one factor (for example earthworm abundance) but rear wheel pressure was 250 kPa. The mean stress at the soil surface
also the functional consequences of their activity and (ii) to study under the wheel tracks was 120 kPa. The soil water content at the
regeneration rates and establish the time necessary to return to time of the compaction was on average 26.2% and 23.1% between
equilibrium, i.e. the engineering resilience according to Holling 0e5 and 5e30 cm, respectively. These values are close to the soil
(1996). water content at field capacity, which is 24% in this silt loam soil. In
To this aim, we carried out a field study by creating a pattern of order to ensure the creation of a massive compacted structure,
compacted and non-compacted lanes in one arable plot. We then a second compaction passage was carried out a week later, using
studied (i) the short-term changes (the first 3 months) in term of the same device and the same tools. The soil water content at the
soil bulk density and earthworm biomass and abundance and (ii) time of the second compaction was on average 26.3% and 23.4%
the long-term (from 3 months to 2 years) recovery of the earth- between 0e5 and 5e30 cm, respectively, outside the wheel tracks
worm community and the compacted soil by following earthworm and 29.0% and 25.5% between 0e5 and 5e30 cm, respectively,
biomass and abundance but also earthworm-related macroporosity under the wheel tracks. Given the width of the wheels (0.55 m) and
(either in 2D and in 3D) and water infiltration using the Beer-Kan the path of the tractor (1.95 m), 36% of the area was affected by
method. wheel tracks and thus severely compacted. In representative tillage
systems in northern France, the surface affected by wheel tracks
with similar constraints is between 20 and 30% at harvesting for
2. Materials and methods winter wheat and between 62 and 68% at harvesting for sugar beet
(Godin, 2005). The locations of the compacted zones were recorded
2.1. Site description with precision in order to locate them at each subsequent
measurement. The different measurements used to quantify the
The experiment was carried out at the long-term experimental regeneration dynamics were made advancing steadily along the
site: “cropping systems and soil structure” located in northern 25 m of compaction, with at least 2 m between each data point.
France (Estrées-Mons, 50 N latitude, 3 E longitude, 85 m a.s.l.)
(Boizard et al., 2002). The 0e30 cm horizon has a silt loam texture 2.3. Soil porosity
(19% clay, 76% silt, 5% sand and 1.7% organic carbon) and a pH of 7.6.
The gravimetric soil water contents measured The soil bulk density was determined on 6 undisturbed cores
at 10, 32, 50, 100 and 1500 kPa were 0.253, 0.229, 0.208, (0.05 m diameter, 0.05 m long) at three depths (0.10, 0.15 and
0.175 and 0.084 g g1 respectively. Water content at field capacity, 0.20 m) after each sowing outside and under the wheel tracks at
measured in the field 2e3 days after excess water had drained away two dates (March 2005 and March 2007, i.e. respectively two and 24
C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103 95

months after the compaction event). Total porosity estimated from 2.5. Earthworm sampling and recolonisation dynamics
the bulk density was divided into the textural and structural pore
space. The structural porosity (nS) was calculated from dry bulk Earthworm communities were sampled to study the short-term
density measurements in the field using the following formula: and the long-term effects of compaction (Table 1). For the short-
term study, earthworm communities were sampled a week, one,
nS ¼ 1  ra =rt ðWÞ (1) two and three months after soil compaction. To examine long-term
with ra the soil bulk density (g cm ) and rt(w) the textural soil effects, these communities were sampled 9, 13 and 24 months after
density (g cm3) at a water content w at the time of bulk density compaction excluding summer periods (i.e. when earthworms
measurement. The textural soil density was measured as a function were inactive). For each date, eight PVC rings (diameter ¼ 0.4 m)
of soil water content using 2e3 mm aggregates to consider only the were inserted in the soil, four in the compacted (under wheel
pore space due the particle arrangements and not tillage or tracks) and four in the control zones. Approximately 5 l of diluted
weathering (Monnier et al., 1973). The initially saturated aggregates mustard (15 g l1) was poured into each PVC ring. The mustard
were gradually dried to zero water content, and 2e3 g samples used contained 12% vinegar and approximately 0.4% allylisothio-
were regularly taken for the determination of volume and dry mass. cyanate. All earthworms which came to the surface were sampled.
The textural soil density at a given water content was then obtained After 30 min, the soil was dug out to a depth of 0.3 m and hand-
from the ratio of the dry mass of the sample to its volume at that sorted. Hand-sorting was carried out to ensure the representa-
water content. tiveness of the earthworm sample (especially for endogeic species)
but as a consequence it was not possible to carry out other
measurements (macroporosity and water infiltration) in exactly the
2.4. Initial effect of the compaction on macropore number and same location. In the Estrées-Mons site, only four earthworm
continuity species (two anecic Lumbricus terrestris, and Aporrectodea giardi,
and two endogeic Aporrectodea caliginosa and Aporrectodea rosea)
In March of 2005, two months after compaction, the short-term were very common and could be easily distinguished with the
effects of the compaction on the bulk density and continuity of naked eye after a first determination period using the key of Bouché
macropores and the maximal depth of these effects (Table 1) were (1972). Very rarely Allolobophora chlorotica and Octolasion sp.
determined. Four PVC rings (diameter ¼ 0.4 m) were inserted into individuals were found. Very small endogeic earthworms (less than
the soil (two in compacted and two in control zones). We con- 0.1 g) that could not be clearly identified as either A. rosea or
ducted an infiltration experiment using the single-ring infiltration A. caliginosa species were classified as ‘unidentified juvenile
method (see below) to assess macropore continuity, using methy- endogeics’ (UJE). Overall, the earthworm community was highly
lene blue added to the water (concentration ¼ 0.01 M) as a dye dominated by A. caliginosa (72.6%). The three other species were
tracer of conductive macropores (Hangen et al., 2002; Chan, 2004). less current with 10.4, 2.5 and 14.5% for A. rosea, A. giardi and
At the end of the infiltration experiment, the soil below the PVC L. terrestris respectively.
rings was excavated with a spade in order to prepare successive
horizontal planes at 10, 20, 30 and 45 cm depth. The 30 cm depth 2.6. Macroporosity dynamics
plane was adjusted to correspond to the depth of the old plough
pan. For each depth, the plane was carefully refreshed with a knife Three, 9, 13 and 24 months after compaction, the earthworm-
and the soil was removed using a vacuum cleaner. Macropores related macroporosity was estimated with the same method
stained in blue were marked with a coloured pin. The soil surface described above (Section 2.4). This type of data is generally highly
was then photographed. On the images, each visible round-shaped variable and we chose to increase the number of replicates and
macropore was traced manually using the freeware NIH-Image decrease the number of depths investigated. Thus we prepared
(Rasband and Bright, 1995) and labelled as stained or not (accord- a 30 cm wide, 4 m length horizontal plane at 10 cm depth using
ing to the presence of pins). Given the diameter of the PVC ring, the a spade. Orthogonally, this plane encompassed the two passages of
area of each macropore was automatically computed and pores, the wheel tracks and we were able to define different zones, the
whose Equivalent Circular Diameter (ECD) was smaller than 2 mm, compacted zones (under wheel tracks) and the non-compacted
were discarded since such pores are unlikely to be made by zones (between wheel tracks). In each zone, we defined eight
earthworms. different 20*20 cm areas using yellow marks. These areas were

Table 1
Summary of the measurements carried out in compacted and uncompacted zones (under and between wheel tracks) and their date (and number of months after compaction
between brackets). The compactions were done the 8th and 15th of February 2005.

Dates (and months after compaction) Measurements Aims

March of 2005 (M þ 2) - Soil bulk density Short-term effects of compaction on biological (
(and March of 2006 (M þ 13)) earthworm density) and physical characteristics
- Infiltration (Beer-Kan) using methylene blue (macropore density and continuity, water infiltration)
- Macroporosity (2D) at 4 depths
21st of February 2005 (M þ 0) - Earthworm sampling
March of 2005 (M þ 1)
April of 2005 (M þ 2)
May of 2005 (M þ 3)
May of 2005 (M þ 3) - Macroporosity (2D) at one depth (10 cm) Dynamics of the recovery regarding earthworm
November of 2005 (M þ 9) - Earthworm sampling density, macropores density (2D and 3D) and water infiltration
March of 2006 (M þ 13)
March of 2007 (M þ 24)
May of 2005 (M þ 3) - Soil cores sampling þ X-ray tomography
November of 2005 (M þ 9) - Water infiltration (single-ring method)
March of 2007 (M þ 24)
96 C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103

then carefully refreshed with a knife and the soil was removed 1e2 cm. A fixed volume of water was poured into the ring at time
using a vacuum cleaner. The surface was then photographed. The zero and the time elapsed for the known volume of water to infil-
pictures were analysed and each visible round-shaped macropore trate was measured. When the first volume had infiltrated
was traced manually using NIH-Image (Rasband and Bright, 1995). completely, a second fixed volume of water was added. The pres-
Given the diameter of the PVC ring, the area of each macropore was sure head imposed at the soil surface was considered as constant,
automatically computed. Pores whose Equivalent Circular Diameter ranging from 10 mm to 0 mm. The procedure was repeated for
(ECD) was smaller than 2 mm were discarded and the number of a series of about eight to ten known volumes until an apparent
pores were automatically counted for two size classes (between 2 steady state of infiltration (i.e. the time elapsed between two
and 4 mm ECD and above 4 mm ECD). volume additions was constant) was reached. We computed the
final infiltration rate FIR (mm h1) by estimating the slope (linear
2.7. 3D investigation of the recolonisation of compacted zones by regression) of the relationships between cumulative infiltration
macropores and time elapsed at steady state. As the FIR was analysed on
a relative basis (compacted vs control zones), we assumed that
One, 9 and 24 months after compaction, four soil cores (about conclusions made concerning the FIR could be extended to soil
40 cm in length and 16 cm in diameter) were manually excavated, permeability (Capowiez et al., 2009b).
two in the compacted zone (under wheel tracks) and two in the
control zone, following the procedure described by Bastardie et al. 2.9. Statistical analysis
(2005): (i) first, a large pit (0.5 m  0.5 m and 40 cm deep) was dug
in the field using a pick, keeping the central part of the pit area Homoscedasticity and normality were verified using Bartlett
undisturbed; (ii) next, the cylinder was carefully placed and pushed and ShapiroeWilk tests. In most cases, data were log-transformed
around each undisturbed part of the soil by manual removal of due to variance heterogeneity. Soil bulk density were analysed
small increments of about 1 cm of soil using a knife. To avoid the independently for each depth with a two-way ANOVA with
creation of new burrows after sampling, chloroform (30 ml) was compaction and date as factors. Structural porosities were
applied on each soil core to kill the earthworms. Soil cores were compared using a two-factor KruskaleWallis test. The initial effect
then stored at 2  C to prevent emergence from cocoons before of compaction on the number of macropores was analysed with
analysis. a one-way ANOVA at each of the four depths. No statistical analysis
Each soil core was imaged using X-ray computed tomography was applied to the rate of coloured macropores. Earthworm
with a medical scanner (LightSpeed VCT, General Electrics) at the abundance and biomass were analysed with 3 repeated measure-
Amiens hospital to obtain a set of 1.25 mm thick images every ments ANOVA, with compaction as a factor, for three time periods
1.25 mm. The X-ray beam was operated at 50 mA and 100 kV. The (0e2 months, 2e9 months and 13e24 months after compaction)
burrow system in each core was reconstructed following the visually defined by the difference in mean values between com-
method proposed by Pierret et al. (2002). In brief, macropores were pacted and non-compacted zones. The number of macropores
traced starting from the darkest voxels by studying local variation during the recovery was analysed with a one-way ANOVA at each
in mean grey levels when the current voxel was included in the date on the two pore size classes independently. No statistical
current macropore. Macropores that were too small (less than 300 analysis was performed on the main characteristics of the burrow
voxels, i.e. about 0.5 cm3) were discarded. At this stage, the volume systems obtained after 3D reconstruction due to the low number of
of macropores, and the number of burrows (a burrow is a set of replicates. Data on water infiltration (FIR) was analysed using
connected voxels) were computed. a ManneWhitney test for each date.
For the sake of 3D rendering, we defined a point of observation
and computed the distance between this point and each voxel of 3. Results
the macropores. By projecting these values on a vertical 2D image,
keeping the minimum values (meaning that the nearest macro- 3.1. Initial effects of compaction on soil bulk density, macropore
pores hide all the macropores behind them) then subsequently number and continuity
translating distance into a gradient colour map (here yellow for the
minimum and blue for the maximum), we can visualise the The soil bulk density under wheel tracks, measured one month
resulting earthworm burrow systems in 3D. When the superficial after compaction, was significantly higher than under control zones
tillage was recent, the first images coming from X-ray tomography at 1.45 and 1.57 g cm3 respectively (Table 2; F ¼ 50.31; df ¼ 1;
were removed since this layer was very fragile and made of loose p < 0.0001). To better evaluate compaction intensity, we calculated
soil with a high global porosity in which it is difficult to assess with the structural pore space from the bulk density. Structural space
certainty which macropores were made by earthworms. results from the arrangement of structural elements created by
tillage and weathering whereas the textural pore space is due to the
2.8. Water infiltration measurements packing of elementary particles (Fiès and Stengel, 1981). The
structural porosity was less than 5% under wheel tracks meaning
One, 9 and 24 months after compaction, the effects of earth- that compaction was severe under wheel tracks. It was between 7
worm activity on soil macroporosity and water infiltration were and 11.8% outside the wheel tracks. This was still the overall pattern
determined. Firstly, 2e3 cm of the soil was removed using a spade two years after the compaction event: the structural porosity
and a flat horizontal plane was prepared and refreshed using remained less than 5% at 10e15 cm and 20e25 cm depth, but
a knife. Water infiltration was examined in each plot using the increased at 5e10 cm (Table 2).
single-ring infiltration method (Braud et al., 2005), which was The mean number of macropores in the control zones was
preferred to double-ring methods since it was less time-consuming similar at 10 and 20 cm depth with an average of 350 m2, but
and easier to do. This method was applied in this study to quite decreased at 30 cm depth (183 m2) and showed intermediate
a large area (0.125 m2) to take into account the heterogeneity of the values at 45 cm depth (290 m2). The compaction significantly
spatial distribution of earthworm macropores. At each date, eight decreased the number of macropores until a depth of 30 cm (Fig. 1;
PVC rings (diameter ¼ 0.4 m), four in the compacted zone and four F ¼ 8.21; df ¼ 1; p ¼ 0.09). The mean decrease was approximately
in the control zone, were inserted in the soil to a depth of about 70, 65 and 27% at 10, 20 and 30 cm depth respectively. For each
C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103 97

Table 2
Mean soil bulk densities and soil structural porosities (þstandard deviation) in the compacted (under wheel tracks) and noncompacted (control) zones (n ¼ 6). Values bearing
different letters are significantly different at the 5% level (capital letters are used for global comparisons between compacted and control zones at each date and non capital
letters are used for comparisons between compacted and control zones at each depth and date; no significant interaction was found between date and depth at each date).

Date Depth (cm) Soil bulk density (g cm3) Structural porosity (m3 m3)

Compacted zone Control zone Compacted zone Control zone

March 2005 (one month after compaction) 5e10 1.58b (þ0.036) 1.50a (þ0.032) 2.22a (þ1.57) 5.44b (þ4.45)
10e15 1.58b (þ0.034) 1.46a (þ0.023) 2.64a (þ4.75) 9.31b (þ1.92)
20e25 1.55b (þ0.067) 1.42a (þ0.020) 4.11a (þ3.66) 11.54b (þ4.61)
Mean 1.57B 1.46A 2.99A 8.76B
March 2007 (24 months after compaction) 5e10 1.47a (þ0.064) 1.44a (þ0.089) 8.52a (þ4.58) 10.42b (þ3.95)
10e15 1.53b (þ0.064) 1.47a (þ0.040) 4.63a (þ2.49) 8.39b (þ4.02)
20e25 1.57a (þ0.061) 1.52a (þ0.045) 2.18a (þ2.78) 5.65b (þ3.82)
Mean 1.53B 1.48A 5.11A 8.15B

depth, the proportion of coloured macropores was generally lower 3.3. Evolution of the macroporosity (assessed in 2D)
in the compacted zones compared to the control zones indicating
a decrease in macropore continuity to the surface. During the two year period, the mean number of macropores at
10 cm depth ranged from 180 to 280 and from 44 to 94 m2 for the
3.2. Dynamics of earthworm abundance after soil compaction smaller (2e4 mm) and larger (>4 mm) class of pores, respectively
(Fig. 3). The mean number of macropores in the compacted zones
Non-adult earthworm abundance was highly variable so only increased with time from 53 to 228 and from 15 to 75 m2 for the
adult abundance is presented here (Fig. 2A). Three time periods smaller and larger class of pores, respectively. In the control zone,
were chosen for the statistical analysis: (i) the three first dates (one the number of macropores was fairly constant for both classes of
week, one and two months after compaction) on which mean pores. The ANOVA carried out on each date showed a significantly
abundance was higher in control zones, (ii) the two following dates higher number of pores in the control zones from one week to 13
(3 and 9 months after compaction) on which abundance was much months after compaction and no significant difference for the last
higher, especially in compacted zones and (iii) the two last dates date (24 months after compaction), for both classes of pores.
(13 and 24 months after compaction). The three repeated
measurements ANOVAs revealed significant differences only for 3.4. Dynamics of macropore recolonisation of compacted zones
the first phase where earthworm abundance was significantly (assessed in 3D)
higher in control zones (F ¼ 7.84; df ¼ 1; p ¼ 0.031 for the main
factor). The 3D reconstructions of the earthworms burrow systems
For earthworm biomass (including non-adult earthworms), the clearly illustrated (i) the initial destruction of macropores due to
three phases were almost the same except for the very last date compaction (Fig. 4; first row) and (ii) a progressive recolonisation
(Fig. 2B). The three ANOVAs again revealed significant differences by macropores (Fig. 4 second and third rows). In all the recon-
only for the first temporal phase (one week, one and 2 months after structions, burrow systems consisted of a mixture of cylindrical
compaction) with a significantly higher biomass in control zones burrows with various diameters (likely to result from the activity of
(F ¼ 8.09; df ¼ 1; p ¼ 0.029 for the main factor). Due to the low juvenile endogeics to adults anecics) and less tubular macro-
number of replicates at each date and to the high variability in the porosity likely to result from older, more or less destroyed, mac-
data, we did not observe significant difference in the abundance or ropores. This less tubular porosity is also particularly visible in the
biomass between species or ecological type (anecic and endogeic) two soil cores from the compacted zones excavated one month
between control and compacted plots. after the compaction.

Fig. 1. Short-term effect of compaction on macropore number (assessed on 2D planes at different depths) and continuity (estimated by the proportion of coloured macropores) in
March 2005 (2 months after compaction).
98 C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103

Fig. 2. Abundance of adult earthworms (A) and total earthworm biomass (B) at each sampling date under wheel tracks (compacted) and between wheel tracks (control). A star
indicates a significant difference between compacted and control (three time periods were considered: 0e2, 3e9 and 14e23 months after compaction).

These visual differences were then quantified as shown in Fig. 5. compaction. The number of macropores with a volume greater than
Statistical analysis was not possible due to the low number of cores 0.5 cm3 showed the same trend as the total macroporosity volume
excavated at each date, however clear trends were still observed. with a progressive increase with time (Fig. 5C).
The macroporosity increased gradually with time (Fig. 5A) from 31
to 198 cm3 in the compacted zone and ranged from 118 to 173 cm3 3.5. Impact on the rate of water infiltration
in the control zone (mean value for soil core whose surface area is
about 0.018 m2). The number of burrows with a vertical extension The final water infiltration rates followed a clear pattern with
larger than 5 cm evolved with time in the compacted zone: initially time: one and eight months after compaction, the rate was signif-
very low (4.6-fold less than in control zone), they increased eight icantly lower (more than 10-fold and 2.8-fold lower than in the
months after the compaction (1.7-fold less than in control zone) control zone respectively) but a significant difference was no longer
and became higher than in the control zone 24 months after the observed after two years (Fig. 6). Infiltration rates, however, were


300 -
Macropore number (m-2)






0 5 10 15 20 25
Months after compaction

Fig. 3. Macropore number at each sampling date under wheel tracks (compacted) and between wheel tracks (control) for two pore size classes. For each class, differences between
compacted and control soil were significant except at the last sampling date (24 months after compaction).
C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103 99

Fig. 4. 3D reconstructions (after X-ray tomography) of the earthworm burrow systems inside soil cores (diameter ¼ 16 and length ¼ 40 cm) sampled under wheel tracks
(compacted) and between wheel tracks (control) one, 8 and 24 months after compaction. Colours range from yellow (front) and blue (back) to provide a 3D effect. (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

very variable among dates for the control zones, ranging from 77 to depths. These two observations are likely to explain the 90%
281 mm h1. decrease in water infiltration, a value close to previous estimations
based on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Kim et al., 2010).
4. Discussion Earthworms are the soil organisms the most sensitive to soil
compaction (Althoff et al., 2009). We observed an initial and
4.1. Soil compaction has immediate physical and biological effects significant decrease of 40% in the abundance of adults and 70% in
the total biomass. These values are in agreement with previous
Soil compaction is a physical disturbance that generally causes studies (e.g. Cluzeau et al., 1992). When the effect is analysed
a decrease in soil porosity and thus an increase in bulk density, species by species, it appears that the mean abundance of
which leads to unfavourable living conditions for soil organisms L. terrestris and A. rosea was lower, but not significantly, in com-
(Beylich et al., 2010). Under the experimental conditions at the pacted zones than in control zones whereas this was not the case
Estrees-Mons site, the compaction event led to a significant for A. caliginosa (data not shown). Due to very high variability, it
increase in the soil bulk density (1.57 g cm3 under wheel tracks). was not possible to determine if compaction had a more significant
As shown by Schäffer et al. (2007), under these conditions macro- negative effect on adults than on juvenile earthworms as some-
pore number and continuity decreases. In our study, we observed times claimed (Cluzeau et al., 1992; Binet et al., 1997).
a significant decrease in macropore abundance at 10, 20 and 30 cm The decrease in earthworm abundance or biomass after soil
depth with decreasing effects with depth (ranging from 70 compaction is thought to have two origins: first the direct death of
to 30%) but no effect at 45 cm depth. The continuity of these animals by crushing (as observed during our first sampling) and
macropores was lower in the compacted zones as demonstrated by then the lateral escape of the surviving earthworms towards more
the smaller proportion of coloured macropores at these three first favourable conditions. In a recent experiment carried out to
100 C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103

A 250
Volume of macroporosity





Control Compacted Control Compacted Control Compacted
M+1 (03/2005) M+8 (11/2005) M+24 (03/2007)

B 20
Fig. 6. Infiltration rates measured with the Beer-Kan method under wheel tracks
extension is greater than 5 cm

(compacted) and between wheel tracks (control). Stars indicate a significant difference
16 between compacted and control soil (each date was tested separately).
earthworms and increased earthworm biomass was observed in
the compacted zones as previously reported by Althoff et al. (2009)
in a tallgrass prairie compacted by tracked vehicles. Overall, our
6 results contrast greatly with previously published studies which
4 reported that earthworms were slow to recolonise compacted
2 zones in agricultural sites (Radford et al., 2001), forests (Ampoorter
0 et al., 2011) or during reclamation of open-cast mine sites (as
Control Compacted Control Compacted Control Compacted reviewed by Edwards and Bohlen, 1996) although in the last case,
M+1 (03/2005) M+8 (11/2005) M+24 (03/2007) compaction was not the only problem faced by earthworms. The
ability of earthworms to move vertically above the surface or
C underground is well known (Eijsackers, 2011) and they can move
rapidly to avoid unfavourable zones, for example after pesticide
is greater than 0.5 cm3

80 application (Christensen and Mather, 2004), to colonise reclaimed

polders (Ligthart and Peek, 1997) or higher quality habitats
(Mathieu et al., 2010) or during invasion processes (Daniel et al.,
The recolonisation of compacted soils by earthworms has been
20 studied mainly under laboratory conditions. Such studies demon-
strated that earthworms can recolonize compacted zones (Zund
0 et al., 1997; Langmaack et al., 1999; Jégou et al., 2002; Ponder





et al., 2000). However because they could not avoid these com-
pacted zones, these studies have led to a clear overestimation of
their role in soil regeneration as discussed by Langmaack et al.
M+1 (03/2005) M+8 (11/2005) M+24 (03/2007) (1999). In contrast, studies made under field or semi-field condi-
tions reached various conclusions. In the study by Radford et al.
Fig. 5. Some mean characteristics (and standard deviations) of the 3D burrow systems (2007) earthworms did not recolonise the soil even after several
from soil cores sampled nder wheel tracks (compacted, n ¼ 2) and between wheel
years. Capowiez et al. (2009b) observed limited recolonisation in
tracks (control, n ¼ 2): A ¼ total volume, B ¼ number of burrows whose vertical
extension was greater than 5 cm and C ¼ number of burrows whose volume was their short-term (two months) experiments. Larink and Schrader
greater than 0.5 cm3. (2000) reported a recovery under field conditions but no clear
indication of earthworm abundance or the time necessary to reach
recovery was given. Buckerfield and Wiseman (1997) found that
determine the physical resistance of A. caliginosa to physical stress earthworm populations recovered quickly (after one year) after
(high pressures), McKenzie et al. (2009) demonstrated that this heavily trafficked potato cropping compared to an adjacent pasture.
species is highly resistant and assumed that the decrease in However, comparing all these field or semi-field studies remains
abundance observed under field conditions may be due mainly to difficult since the experimental conditions (soil type, compaction
escape. intensity, earthworm abundance) were different and as noticed by
Beylich et al. (2010), the precise experimental conditions were not
4.2. Rapid recolonisation of compacted zones by earthworms given in most cases.
Our findings thus raise the question of which specific factors in
It was surprising that the earthworms recolonised the com- our experimental conditions contributed to such a rapid recolo-
pacted zones so rapidly: three months after the compaction event, nisation of compacted zones by earthworms. The first factor could
earthworm abundance was no longer significantly different in the be the spatial heterogeneity of the compaction at the plot scale.
compacted and non-compacted zones. Furthermore, after three Under our experimental conditions, the pattern of highly com-
and nine months, a trend towards a greater number of adult pacted zones is representative of arable farming situations in
C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103 101

northern France: 36% of the soil surface was highly compacted and a pasture (compacted) and a forest (non-compacted) and deter-
the compacted zones corresponded to linear 0.55 m wide lanes mined that “one year was sufficient to transform the compact
every 1.95 m. This means that the borders between compacted structure of the pasture soil into a highly porous framework with
and non-compacted zones were very large (1.43 m m2 in interconnected galleries”. However, we can expand our point of
average). This may increase the probability of recolonisation view and take into account previous studies of soil recovery after
compared to homogeneously compacted rectangular plots compaction that did not focus solely on the role of earthworms. For
(Radford et al., 2001). Another factor could be that the experi- example, based on macroporosity abundance, bulk density and
mental plot in our case was superficially tilled. Furthermore, hydraulic properties, several authors (Douglas et al., 1998; McHugh
a superficial tillage operation was carried out only two weeks after et al., 2009) found that the system recovered significantly 22 or 24
the compaction event for seedbed preparation. This kind of tillage months after the compaction. These durations are indeed
created a top soil layer (with a mean depth of 7 cm) made of loose in agreement with our observations of earthworm macropore
soil. Thus it is possible that either, A. caliginosa (the most abundant recolonisation. In contrast, Radford et al. (2007) found that soil
species in the compacted zones at least for the first dates) was able improvement after compaction, assessed through crop yield, water
to live and survive in such a thin soil layer, or this could have storage and some physical parameters, can take five years. In that
enhanced earthworm lateral recolonisation and forced anecic study, it is possible that the low earthworm density (between
earthworms to burrow deeper in the compacted zones. In this 15 and 2 ind. m2) found in the plots and the fact that entire
case, earthworm abundance is not a realistic reflection of efficient rectangular plots were compacted may have limited earthworm
soil regeneration, information on earthworm burrows and recolonisation and thus earthworm contribution to soil
possibly water infiltration is required. regeneration.
Even if, in our case, superficial tillage and the long border
4.3. Slower formation of macropores and thus slow recovery of between compacted and non-compacted soil may have facilitated
water infiltration earthworm colonisation, the question remains why earthworms
burrowed in such dense soil layers implying a high energy cost. For
Formation of earthworm macropores, assessed in 2D, was much example, Larink and Schrader (2000) highlighted that earthworms
slower than earthworm recolonisation and took between 12 and 24 living in compacted plots have a lower individual biomass and
months. This means that either macropore creation by each assumed this was due to a lower energy budget and thus more
earthworm in the compacted soil was reduced, as often observed energy needed for burrowing in the dense soils. In the Estrees-
under laboratory conditions (Rushton, 1986; Kretzschmar, 1991; Mons plots, earthworm abundance was relatively high for crop
Söchtig and Larink, 1992), or that an installed earthworm burrow conditions (about 100 ind. m2 including adults and juveniles). This
systems can be viewed as a balance between burrow creation (by could lead to high intra- and inter-specific competition between
active earthworms) and burrow destruction (by earthworm refill- earthworms for space and food (Uvarov, 2009) and thus may have
ing or due to climatic conditions) as demonstrated by Ligthart forced some earthworms to live under unfavourable conditions
(1997). This suggests that more than one year might be necessary (high bulk densities). Another reason could be that these com-
to reach a steady state. pacted zones may not represent permanently unfavourable
These 2D results were confirmed by our observations of the 3D conditions. Indeed it is known that compacted zones become wet
soil macroporosity for which we assume that the origin was mainly more slowly than non-compacted zones but they also dry more
earthworms (due to the tubular shapes and the diameter range). slowly during drought periods (Ampoorter et al., 2011). Thus
The functional consequence of the recovery of the earthworm occasionally, active earthworms may find better humidity condi-
burrow system was illustrated by the recovery of soil water infil- tions in the compacted zones.
tration indicating that both macropore density and continuity were
restored. The temporal scale used (only 1, 9 and 24 months after
compaction) prevented us from determining the recovery rate with 5. Conclusions
precision. However these overall observations are in agreement
with the results for 2D macroporosity and we can assume that Our results show that in silty soils earthworm populations do
recovery was reached between 12 and 24 months. contribute significantly to soil regeneration after compaction. After
In contrast, the structural porosity measured at a larger scale a severe compaction, the number of macropores increased due to
(0.30 m wide and depth of 0.05e0.25 m) remained almost constant earthworm activity in the highly compacted volumes but it took
two years after compaction, except for a small increase observed at more than two years for full recovery of burrow systems. The
5e10 cm depth (Table 2). In another study conducted in the long- infiltration rate, which was almost zero after compaction, increased
term “Cropping systems and soil structure” experiment, we eval- quickly after several months but it also took two years for it to fully
uated the recovery of structural porosity over a four year period in recover.
a plot with the same soil texture. We observed that bulk density Despite this significant and rapid contribution of earthworms,
remained very high, between 1.52 and 1.58 g cm3, during the the soil structural porosity remained very low in compacted zones.
following years, though there was no further severe compaction at Other adverse consequences of compaction, which were not
the time of field operations during the four year period (Roger- studied in our experiment, such as shear strength and penetration
Estrade et al., 2009). These results show that the time for resistance, appear to have remained. Moreover, even if the field
recovery depends greatly on the criteria under consideration: in conditions of this study are probably representative of a large area
our case, earthworm abundance recovered within three months in the Paris basin and northern France, our observations were made
after the compaction event, recolonisation by earthworm macro- at a single site and it is still possible that specific characteristics of
pores took between 12 and 24 months and the recovery of bulk the soil (texture, hydraulic properties, pH.), climate or biology
density took more than four years. (earthworm community, crops) influenced the speed at which the
The scarcity of other studies of soil regeneration by earthworms earthworms were able to recolonise the compacted soil and thus
makes it difficult for us to compare the dynamics of this recovery contribute to soil regeneration. More studies under various
with previously published data. We could find only one reference edaphic, climatic and biological conditions are necessary to confirm
(Barros et al., 2001) that used soil blocks exchanged between our results.
102 C. Yvan et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 55 (2012) 93e103

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