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Striving for excellence in academia often involves the completion of a dissertation, a rigorous and

demanding task that requires dedication, perseverance, and extensive research. Crafting a
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The process of writing a dissertation entails numerous stages, including topic selection, literature
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making the entire journey both intellectually stimulating and emotionally taxing.

One of the most significant hurdles in dissertation writing is the pressure to produce original research
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adhering to strict formatting guidelines and citation styles while maintaining clarity and coherence in
their arguments.

Furthermore, time management is crucial in dissertation writing, as scholars often juggle multiple
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We would also encourage more established RSAI-BIS members to attend the sessions, and contribute
with comments and suggestions. Constituent associations range in size from more than 700 members
to 27. The API design knowledge has been encoded as a set of 156 catalogues using the Non-
Functional Requirements (NFR) language, a multi-valued logic commonly used for describing non-
functional and functional requirements of software systems. RAPID uses the API design catalogues
in a step-wise refinement and selection procedure to arrive from a given requirement, to a set of
design alternatives, to a final suggestion for a given API design specification. We demonstrate our
approach using an example of designing an open embedded software platform for the automotive
domain reported in the literature. He also co-founded the Springer book series, Advances in Spatial
Science, and served for eight years as Chair of the IGU Commission on Mathematical Models.
Although dealing with non-functional requirements during software design has been long studied,
there is still no framework to specifically assist software developers with addressing these
requirements in APIs. They are drawn largely from the disciplines of economics, geography and
planning. Decisions made by the Selection Committee are final. A panel of judges will award prizes
for the best paper and the best presentation. The Selection Committee reserves the right to not make
an award. Organised by the Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP), the main
objective of this conference is to integrate interdisciplinary inquiry to deliver the best applications. It
recognizes outstanding service to the RSAI has incorporated service extending beyond the local level
and which incorporates service of an international nature. We thus ex-pect that the accuracy of the
consultations will increase as RAPID’s knowledge of API design is extended and re-fined. From past
experience, we have found this to be a very helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and
attendees. At each stage of evolution, the software organization aims to overcome critical challenges
faced in its earlier stages, while balancing business, organizational, social, and technical forces of
change. This exposure threatens critical non-functional requirements, such as the security of back-
end systems, the performance of provided services, and the privacy of communications with clients.
He obtained a B.A. from the University of Birmingham (UK) and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the
University of Washington (Seattle). Today, this award remains the only honour conveyed by the
Association as a whole, although its three supraregional organizations have established annual
awards. We propose to treat openness as a distinct class of non-functional requirements, and to
model and analyze openness requirements and related trade-offs using a goal-oriented approach.
Geoffrey Hewings is awarded the 2020 RSAI Founder’s medal. Prior to coming to Illinois in 1974,
he was on the faculty of the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) and the University of Toronto
(Canada). The criteria established for the award are as follows. Dr. Diemer is now at Swedish
Institute for Social Research. The Award is established to recognize and honor the outstanding
service contribution Professor Hirotada Kohno has made to the Regional Science community, and
especially his role in the development of PRSCO and the Japan Section of RSAI. Dissertations must
focus on a regional science topic and represent a substantial contribution to research. He is also
Fellow of the International Input-Output Association (since 2010) and the Western Regional Science
Association (also since 2010). In 1978, the Association honoured its founder, Professor Walter Isard,
by establishing the Founder's Medal. He is the president of the IGU Applied Geography
Commission, of the Scientific Committee of the INRA PSDR (France) and of the Forum Sante
Gesundheit (Switzerland). To support the systematic design of software ecosystems, modeling is a
crucial tool.
We have equipped RAPID with a broad range of expert knowledge about API design, systematically
collected and extracted from the literature. He obtained a B.A. from the University of Birmingham
(UK) and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of Washington (Seattle). The award is
established to recognize and honor the outstanding career and contribution of Professor Martin
Beckmann, an internationally recognized regional scientist and economist of outstanding merit, and
who is a foundation fellow of the RSAI. A panel of judges will award prizes for the best paper and
the best presentation. The criteria established for the award are as follows. We propose to treat
openness as a distinct class of non-functional requirements, and to model and analyze openness
requirements and related trade-offs using a goal-oriented approach. She was supervised by Professor
Geoffrey Caruso, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Luxembourg. The
Colloquium is aimed at early career researchers working in the fields of regional and urban
economics, environmental policy, economic geography, political geography, planning, and all related
fields. They are drawn largely from the disciplines of economics, geography and planning. Dr.
Yamada received her Doctorate from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and was
supervised by Prof. In the 1990s his research activities focused on regional labor market analysis and
then shifted increasingly to spatial econometric methods (theory and applications), with applications
in a diversity of research areas such as economic growth, research productivity, regional tax
competition, military spending, foreign direct investment and transport economics. He obtained a
B.A. from the University of Birmingham (UK) and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of
Washington (Seattle). Software developers can use RAPID to receive design suggestions generated
through reusing the knowledge of experts, or to add their own knowledge of API design to RAPID
for future use of their peers. He was presented with the Founder's medal at the 56th ERSA Congress
in Vienna, Austria, August 2016. ERSA members are academics, policy professionals and
researchers interested in spatial economics and planning, regional and local development and related
issues. Prize winners will receive a certificate, and will be entitled to attend our 2023 annual RSAI-
BIS conference (in Newscastle, 4-6 July 2023), for free. From past experience, we have found this to
be a very helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and attendees. The RSAI Council
thanks all members of both groups for their professional service and dedication. Questions regarding
the dissertation competition may be sent to him too. The Association invites the submission of
dissertations in the field of Regional Science to the annual competition. The first conference of
PRSCO was held at the East-West Center, University of Hawaii, August 26-29, 1969. Shortlisted
candidates will also receive a certificate, and their first drink at the 2023 annual conference will be
on us. Submissions can be updated before the competition deadline, with the latest submission being
considered for evaluation. He has made a host of contributions to spatial panel data models
highlighted in his 2014 book Spatial Econometrics: From Cross-Sectional Data to Spatial Panels.
Difficult Roads Lead to Success According to Raja Shuja, the research idea was shaped during his
doctoral research proposal development phase by utilizing a thorough examination of prevailing
knowledge gaps in contemporary literature. Seven well-experienced software engineers have blindly
evaluated the accuracy of RAPID’s consultations over seven dif-ferent cases of web API design and
on providing design guidelines for thirty design questions. LARSA operates as an objective,
scientific body without political, social, financial, or nationalistic bias. Dissertations must focus on a
regional science topic and represent a substantial contribution to research. Dr Tian’s PhD dissertation
made significant contributions towards the knowledge of urbanization and environmental changes at
the global scale. The results of evaluation show that RAPID’s recommendations meet acceptable
standards of the majority of the evaluators 73.3% of the time. Moreover, analysis of evaluators’
comments suggests that more than one-third of the unacceptable ratings (34%) given to RAPID’s
answers are due to valid but incomplete design guidelines.
To apply, please submit a short abstract by the 17th October 2022, using this link. Prior to coming to
Illinois in 1974, he was on the faculty of the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) and the
University of Toronto (Canada). The first conference of PRSCO was held at the East-West Center,
University of Hawaii, August 26-29, 1969. Seven well-experienced developers have blindly
evaluated accuracy of RAPID’s consultations over seven different cases of API design and on
providing design guidelines for thirty design questions. Dr. Yamada received her Doctorate from the
State University of New York at Buffalo, and was supervised by Prof. A full international
conference is held every second year and a smaller summer institute in alternate years. Award
announcements will be made at the North American Meetings of the RSAI, where participants in the
competition are strongly encouraged to be present. In this paper, we (a) identify a set of descriptive
and analytical requirements raised in the design of software ecosystems; (b) review several modeling
techniques used for describing and examining software ecosystems; and (c) assess the support of the
reviewed techniques towards addressing the identified requirements. For further information, check
the RSAI web site. ( ). He was presented with the Founder's medal in 2020. Dissertations must
focus on a regional science topic and represent a substantial contribution to research. In total, ERSA
has some 3500 members in its constituent associations. Runner-up was Nancy Lozano of Arizona
State University. He was supervised by Professor Ben Derudder, Department of Geography, Ghent
University. NARSC is an objective, scientific body without political, social, financial, or nationalistic
bias. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look,
present. The API design knowledge has been encoded as a set of 156 rules using the Non-Functional
Requirements (NFR) multi-valued logic, a formal framework commonly used to describe non-
functional and functional requirements of soft-ware systems. RAPID uses the encoded knowledge in
a stepwise inference procedure to arrive from a given re-quirement, to a set of design alternatives, to
a final recommendation for a given API design specification. In the 1990s his research activities
focused on regional labor market analysis and then shifted increasingly to spatial econometric
methods (theory and applications), with applications in a diversity of research areas such as
economic growth, research productivity, regional tax competition, military spending, foreign direct
investment and transport economics. Organising committee (Daragh O'Leary, Richard Rijnks, Matt
Lyons, Maria Abreu) and RSAI-BIS Committee. This exposure threatens critical non-functional
requirements, such as the security of back-end systems, the performance of provided services, and
the privacy of communications with clients. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). Large
submissions can be uploaded to a cloud file-sharing site. The role of the organizing committee is to
assure good administrative and logistic support throughout the competition, to check the
completeness and correctness of the application documents and that the eligibility requirements are
met by each applicant, to appoint the members of the evaluation committee and to validate the final
rankings based on the evaluations received. From past experience, we have found this to be a very
helpful and fulfilling experience for both presenters and attendees. The Selection Committee reserves
the right to not make an award. The ICMDRSE 2021 is an academic conference that gathers
researchers from diverse fields, engineering, technology, and management to share their research
findings and latest ideas. Dr Tian’s PhD dissertation made significant contributions towards the
knowledge of urbanization and environmental changes at the global scale. One main concern in
developing APIs is that they expose back-end systems and data towards clients. Geoffrey has also
served as President of the North American Regional Science Council, the Regional Science
Association. He also co-founded the Springer book series, Advances in Spatial Science, and served
for eight years as Chair of the IGU Commission on Mathematical Models.
The results provide insight into the gaps between the issues raised in the design of software
ecosystems, and the coverage of the studied techniques, suggesting an agenda for future research. Dr.
Frank Witlox and Dr. Tim Schwane. Congratulations. Shortlisted candidates will also receive a
certificate, and their first drink at the 2023 annual conference will be on us. Dr. Yamada received her
Doctorate from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and was supervised by Prof. There are
presently 20 active associations (commonly named ’sections’), some, such as the German or French
speaking sections, organized on linguistic groupings and covering more than one country.
Submissions can be updated before the competition deadline, with the latest submission being
considered for evaluation. LARSA operates as an objective, scientific body without political, social,
financial, or nationalistic bias. Software developers can use RAPID to receive design suggestions
generated through reusing the knowledge of experts, or to add their own knowledge of API design
to RAPID for future use of their peers. Presenters who wish to be considered for the best paper prize
will be expected to submit a full paper by the 28th October 2022. The Award is established to
recognize and honor the outstanding service contribution Professor Hirotada Kohno has made to the
Regional Science community, and especially his role in the development of PRSCO and the Japan
Section of RSAI. He was presented with the Founder's medal at the 56th ERSA Congress in Vienna,
Austria, August 2016. In this thesis, we introduce Rational API Designer (RAPID), an assistant that
provides consultation about designing non-functional requirements in the architecture of APIs. We
extend the Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) analysis method with a new set of catalogues for
specifying and refining openness requirements in software platforms. We apply our approach to
revisit the design of data provision service in two real-world open software platforms and discuss the
results. He has made a host of contributions to spatial panel data models highlighted in his 2014 book
Spatial Econometrics: From Cross-Sectional Data to Spatial Panels. The prize covers fees,
accommodation, and economy-class travel. This exposure threatens critical non-functional
requirements, such as the security of back-end systems, the performance of provided services, and
the privacy of communications with clients. WEBAPIK is comprised of 27 distinct non-functional
requirements, 37 distinct design techniques to address some of the identified requirements, and the
trade-offs of 22 design techniques, presented in two forms of natural language and knowledge
graphs. The first conference of PRSCO was held at the East-West Center, University of Hawaii,
August 26-29, 1969. He obtained a B.A. from the University of Birmingham (UK) and an M.A. and
a Ph.D. from the University of Washington (Seattle). Geoffrey has also served as President of the
North American Regional Science Council, the Regional Science Association. Organising committee
(Daragh O'Leary, Richard Rijnks, Matt Lyons, Maria Abreu) and RSAI-BIS Committee. We
demonstrate our approach using an example of designing an open embedded software platform for
the automotive domain reported in the literature. He was supervised by Professor Marguerite
Madden from the University of Georgia. He was supervised by Professor Kingsley Haynes, George
Mason University. In total, ERSA has some 3500 members in its constituent associations. He
received his Doctorate from London School of Economics, and was supervised by Professor Simona
Iammarino and Prof. The thesis included highly innovative methodological features such as the use
of multi-source (and high quality) Earth Observation data and social data, contributing to academic
and policy knowledge relating to global urbanization and sustainability as well as their nexus at the
neighbourhood level. The letter should clearly explain the dissertation’s originality and contributions
to the field of regional science. Visit the RSAI website for additional information on the awards and
prizes listed below. They are drawn largely from the disciplines of economics, geography and
The award is established to recognize and honor the outstanding career and contribution of Professor
Martin Beckmann, an internationally recognized regional scientist and economist of outstanding
merit, and who is a foundation fellow of the RSAI. He was presented with the Founder's medal at
the 56th ERSA Congress in Vienna, Austria, August 2016. Recently, many firms join collaborative
networks to develop software products and platforms for a shared market, constituting “Software
Ecosystems”. Paul Elhorst (University of Groningen) is awarded the 2023 Jean Paelinck RSAI
Award. NARSC is an objective, scientific body without political, social, financial, or nationalistic
bias. ERSA members are academics, policy professionals and researchers interested in spatial
economics and planning, regional and local development and related issues. Seven well-experienced
developers have blindly evaluated accuracy of RAPID’s consultations over seven different cases of
API design and on providing design guidelines for thirty design questions. The API design
knowledge has been encoded as a set of 156 catalogues using the Non-Functional Requirements
(NFR) language, a multi-valued logic commonly used for describing non-functional and functional
requirements of software systems. RAPID uses the API design catalogues in a step-wise refinement
and selection procedure to arrive from a given requirement, to a set of design alternatives, to a final
suggestion for a given API design specification. Dr. Frank Witlox and Dr. Tim Schwane.
Congratulations. The prize covers fees, accommodation, and economy-class travel. He is also a
recipient of the Fulbright and the Woodrow Wilson awards and, in 2003, he has also been nominated
Fellow of the Regional Science Association International. It affiliates sub-national, national or
regional sections of the RSAI located on Latin America and the Caribbean. WEBAPIK is comprised
of 27 distinct non-functional requirements, 37 distinct design techniques to address some of the
identified requirements, and the trade-offs of 22 design techniques, presented in two forms of natural
language and knowledge graphs. The results of evaluation show that RAPID’s recommendations
meet acceptable standards of the majority of the evaluators 73.3% of the time. Moreover, analysis of
evaluators’ comments suggests that more than one-third of the unacceptable ratings (34%) given to
RAPID’s answers are due to valid but incomplete design guidelines. Dissertations must focus on a
regional science topic and represent a substantial contribution to research. Questions regarding the
dissertation competition may be sent to him too. He is also Fellow of the International Input-Output
Association (since 2010) and the Western Regional Science Association (also since 2010). First-year
PhD students are strongly encouraged to apply, and may present research plans or work in progress.
He holds BS and MS degrees in Geography from The Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in
Geography from the University of Washington, and his areas of research include spatial statistics,
pattern analysis, urban geography, disease and crime clustering, and geographic information sciences.
He also co-founded the Springer book series, Advances in Spatial Science, and served for eight years
as Chair of the IGU Commission on Mathematical Models. The Selection Committee reserves the
Events Calendar. It is made annually for the best paper published in the Issues comprising an annual
Volume of Papers in Regional Science. She was supervised by Professor Geoffrey Caruso, Institute
of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Luxembourg. LARSA operates as an objective,
scientific body without political, social, financial, or nationalistic bias. Organised by the Institute for
Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP), the main objective of this conference is to integrate
interdisciplinary inquiry to deliver the best applications. Geoffrey has also served as President of the
North American Regional Science Council, the Regional Science Association International, the
Western Regional Science Association and the International Input-Output Association. The main
objective of this award is to recognise and encourage young researchers from the local robotics and
automation academic and industrial communities and to increase their engagement with IEEE and
with the Robotics and Automation Society. Decisions made by the Selection Committee are final.
He received his Doctorate from London School of Economics, and was supervised by Professor
Simona Iammarino and Prof.
In this paper, we present WEBAPIK, a body of structured knowledge on addressing non-functional
requirements in the design of web APIs. WEBAPIK is comprised of 27 distinct non-functional
requirements, 37 distinct design techniques to address some of the identified requirements, and the
trade-offs of 22 design techniques, presented in two forms of natural language and knowledge
graphs. The main objective of this award is to recognise and encourage young researchers from the
local robotics and automation academic and industrial communities and to increase their engagement
with IEEE and with the Robotics and Automation Society. One main concern in developing web
APIs is that they expose back-end systems and data towards clients. In this paper, we introduce
Rational API Designer (RAPID), an open-source assistant that advises on designing non-functional
requirements in the architecture of web APIs. Dissertations must focus on a regional science topic
and represent a substantial contribution to research. This practice changed in 1990, when the
President became principally a leadership position in the Association. It affiliates sub-national,
national or regional sections of the RSAI located on Latin America and the Caribbean. He was
presented with the Founder's medal at the 56th ERSA Congress in Vienna, Austria, August 2016.
NARSC is an objective, scientific body without political, social, financial, or nationalistic bias. First-
year PhD students are strongly encouraged to apply, and may present research plans or work in
progress. She was supervised by Professor Geoffrey Caruso, Institute of Geography and Spatial
Planning, University of Luxembourg. Lucian Busoniu (UTCN), Assoc. Prof. Levente Tamas
(UTCN), Prof. Organising committee (Daragh O'Leary, Richard Rijnks, Matt Lyons, Maria Abreu)
and RSAI-BIS Committee. He was supervised by Professor Marguerite Madden from the University
of Georgia. This exposure threatens critical non-functional requirements, such as the security of
back-end systems, the performance of provided services, and the privacy of communications with
clients. The Association invites the submission of dissertations in the field of Regional Science to the
annual competition. The Selection Committee reserves the right to determine whether a dissertation
is relevant to the field of regional science. He is also Fellow of the International Input-Output
Association (since 2010) and the Western Regional Science Association (also since 2010). LARSA
serves as the organizational body representative of the interests of its institutional and individual
members with respect to the RSAI. Ioana Fagarasan (UPB), Assoc. Prof. Florin Anton (UPB),
Assoc. Prof. Ionela Prodan (INPG), Assoc. Prof. Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie (UNI BORD), Prof. The
first conference of PRSCO was held at the East-West Center, University of Hawaii, August 26-29,
1969. The thesis included highly innovative methodological features such as the use of multi-source
(and high quality) Earth Observation data and social data, contributing to academic and policy
knowledge relating to global urbanization and sustainability as well as their nexus at the
neighbourhood level. The association organizes an annual national conference that provides a forum
for interaction and discussion, and sponsors scholarly regional science journals for the dissemination
of research and ideas. In this thesis, we introduce Rational API Designer (RAPID), an assistant that
provides consultation about designing non-functional requirements in the architecture of APIs. He
was supervised by Professor Ben Derudder, Department of Geography, Ghent University. We have
equipped RAPID with a broad range of expert knowledge about API design, systematically collected
and extracted from the literature. Award announcements will be made at the North American
Meetings of the RSAI, where participants in the competition are strongly encouraged to be present.
The Award is established to recognize and honor the outstanding service contribution Professor
Hirotada Kohno has made to the Regional Science community, and especially his role in the
development of PRSCO and the Japan Section of RSAI. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
Large submissions can be uploaded to a cloud file-sharing site.
Raja Shuja took four years to complete this quantitative academic research paper which was a part of
his PhD work at APU and presents ground-breaking insights of the effect of cognitive influence on
online health and nutrition information-seeking behaviour of Malaysian millennials professionals
residing in Kuala Lumpur. He is also Fellow of the International Input-Output Association (since
2010) and the Western Regional Science Association (also since 2010). The Colloquium is aimed at
early career researchers working in the fields of regional and urban economics, environmental policy,
economic geography, political geography, planning, and all related fields. One main concern in
developing APIs is that they expose back-end systems and data towards clients. In this paper, we (a)
identify a set of descriptive and analytical requirements raised in the design of software ecosystems;
(b) review several modeling techniques used for describing and examining software ecosystems; and
(c) assess the support of the reviewed techniques towards addressing the identified requirements.
This practice changed in 1990, when the President became principally a leadership position in the
Association. Difficult Roads Lead to Success According to Raja Shuja, the research idea was shaped
during his doctoral research proposal development phase by utilizing a thorough examination of
prevailing knowledge gaps in contemporary literature. For more information contact the This email
address is being protected from spambots. He was supervised by Professor Kingsley Haynes, George
Mason University. The thesis included highly innovative methodological features such as the use of
multi-source (and high quality) Earth Observation data and social data, contributing to academic and
policy knowledge relating to global urbanization and sustainability as well as their nexus at the
neighbourhood level. Questions regarding the dissertation competition may be sent to him too. The
main objective of this award is to recognise and encourage young researchers from the local robotics
and automation academic and industrial communities and to increase their engagement with IEEE
and with the Robotics and Automation Society. The largest sections have their own national
professional organizers. NARSC is an objective, scientific body without political, social, financial, or
nationalistic bias. It recognizes outstanding service to the RSAI has incorporated service extending
beyond the local level and which incorporates service of an international nature. We have equipped
RAPID with a broad range of expert knowledge about API design, systematically collected and
extracted from the literature. This exposure threatens critical non-functional requirements, such as
the security of back-end systems, the performance of provided services, and the privacy of
communications with clients. WEBAPIK is comprised of 27 distinct non-functional requirements, 37
distinct design techniques to address some of the identified requirements, and the trade-offs of 22
design techniques, presented in two forms of natural language and knowledge graphs. They are
drawn largely from the disciplines of economics, geography and planning. The results of the
evaluation show that RAPID’s recommendations meet acceptable standards of the majority of the
evaluators 73.3% of the time. Moreover, analysis of the evaluators’ comments suggests that more
than one-third of the unac-ceptable ratings (33.8%) given to RAPID’s answers are due to valid but
incomplete design guidelines. He was presented with the Founder's medal at ERSA conference
Liverpool, August 2008. In this thesis, we introduce Rational API Designer (RAPID), an assistant
that provides consultation about designing non-functional requirements in the architecture of APIs.
He was presented with the Founder's medal in 2020. He holds BS and MS degrees in Geography
from The Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of
Washington, and his areas of research include spatial statistics, pattern analysis, urban geography,
disease and crime clustering, and geographic information sciences. Geoffrey has also served as
President of the North American Regional Science Council, the Regional Science Association. Dr.
Diemer is now at Swedish Institute for Social Research. We discuss that explicating and in-depth
analysis of developers’ objectives and decision criteria can facilitate the design of sustainable
collaborations in software ecosystems. Scenarios from Apple iOS and Google Android ecosystems
are used for illustration. Geoffrey Hewings is awarded the 2020 RSAI Founder’s medal. The results
of evaluation show that RAPID’s recommendations meet acceptable standards of the majority of the
evaluators 73.3% of the time. Moreover, analysis of evaluators’ comments suggests that more than
one-third of the unacceptable ratings (34%) given to RAPID’s answers are due to valid but
incomplete design guidelines.

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