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Preliminary revisited

Counting Numbers
1. (a) How many numbers are there from 145 to 999?
(b) How many numbers are between 1563 and 10000?

2. (a) How many single digit numbers are there?

(b) How many two digit numbers are there?
(c) How many three digit numbers are there?
(d) How many four digit numbers are there?

3. A person types numbers from 1 to 1000 without repetition. Find how many numbers in all he
types or how many times he hits the typing keys.

Revisiting Long Division

1. Find smallest number which is divisible by 1, 2, 3,….., 10


Is it possible to find two integers a and b such that 4a + 22b = 2023?

Investigating divisibility
Because of its fundamental nature, logic is moved forward in Number theory through investigative
approach rather than operational approach. So, we need to reinforce tools of investigation rather
than tools of operations.

 Test of divisibility by Prime factorization

(1) Perform prime factorization of following numbers:
(a) 21 x 1010 (b) 65 x 7510 x 7712 (c) 5! (d) 10!
(2) Check whether 10 is divisible by: (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
(3) Check whether 81 x 108 is divisible by: (a) 15 (b) 20 (c) 17 (d) 31
(4) Check whether 10! is divisible by (a) 8 (b) 100 (d) 13 (d) 47
(5) Check whether 131313131…….is divisible by 31 where 31 is repeated 100 times in
(6) Check whether 211111……. is divisible by 11 where 11 is repeated 1000 times in number

 Test of divisibility using the factorization xn + yn or xn - yn

(1) Check whether 270 + 370 is divisible by 13.
Some use Modulo
 (mod 9):
To check consistency calculation: N (mod 9) = S (mod 9), where S is the sum of the digits of N

To check “Perfect cubes”

 (mod 4): To check “Perfect square”

 (mod 8)
(Mod 7) : To check “Perfect cubes”

Use of Invariant

Solving Linear Diophantine equation in two variables from a trial solution:

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