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Ab Initio is a Latin phrase that translates to

“from first principles” or

“from the beginning”.


- Ab Initio is a general purpose data processing platform for

enterprise class, mission critical applications such as data
warehousing, clickstream processing, data movement, data
transformation and analytics.
- Supports integration of arbitrary data sources and programs,
and provides complete metadata management across the
- Proven best of breed ETL solution.
- Applications of Ab Initio:
• ETL for data warehouses, data marts and operational data sources.
• Parallel data cleansing and validation.
• Parallel data transformation and filtering.
• High performance analytics
• Real time, parallel data capture.
Ab Initio Comprises of 3 Core components.
- The Co>OperatingSystem
- Enterprise Meta Environment (EME)
- Graphical Design Environment (GDE)

Supplementary Components
- Continuous>Flow
- Plan>It
- Re>source
- Data>Profiler


Ab Initio
Application Development
Development Environments
Environments Metadata
Graphical C
C ++
++ Shell
Shell Repository

Component User-defined
User-defined Third
Third Party
Library Components
Components Components

Ab Initio
Initio Co>Operating
Co>Operating System

Native Operating
Operating System
UNIX Windows
Windows NT
Ab Initio has been developed to support a vast variety of
operating environments.
The Co>Operating System and EME is available in many
flavors and can be installed on
• Windows NT based
• Linux
• Solaris
• Tru64 Unix

The GDE part of Ab Initio is currently available for Windows

based Operating Systems only.

The Co>Operating System and the Graphical Development

Environment (GDE) form the basis of Ab Initio software. They
interact with each other to create and run an Ab Initio application:
The GDE provides a canvas on which you manipulate icons that
represent data, programs, and the connections between them.
The result looks like a data flow diagram, and represents the
solution to a data manipulation problem.
The GDE communicates this solution to the Co>Operating
System as a Korn shell script.
The Co>Operating System executes the script.

Enterprise Meta>Environment (EME) is an AbInitio repository and

environment for storing and managing metadata. It provides capability to
store both business and technical metadata. EME metadata can be
accessed from the Ab Initio GDE, web browser or AbInitio CoOperating system
command line (air commands).
The basic situation when you work with the EME is that you have files in two
locations, of two kinds:
• A personal work area that you specify, located in some filesystem
Essentially this is a formalized directory structure that usually only
you have access to. This is where you work on files.
• A system storage area
This is the EME system area where every version that you save of the
files you work on is permanently preserved, organized in projects. You
(and other users) have indirect access to this area through the GDE and the
command line. This area's generic name is EME datastore.


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GDE is a graphical application for developers which is used for

designing and running AbInitio Graphs.
• The ETL process in AbInitio is represented by AbInitio graphs.
Graphs are formed by components (from the standard
components library or custom), flows (data streams) and
• A user-friendly frontend for designing Ab Initio ETL graphs

• Ability to run, debug Ab Initio jobs and trace execution logs.

• GDE AbInitio graph compilation process results in generation of a
UNIX shell script which may be executed on a machine without
the GDE installed

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An Ab Initio application is called a Graph: a graphical
representation of datasets, programs, and the connections
between them. Within the framework of a graph, you can arrange
and rearrange the datasets, programs, and connections and
specify the way they operate. In this way, you can build a graph to
perform any data manipulation you want.
You develop graphs in the GDE.
A graph is a data flow diagram that defines the various processing stages of a
task and the streams of data as they move from one stage to another. In a graph,
a component represents a stage and a flow represents a data stream. In
addition, there are parameters for specifying various aspects of graph behavior.
Graphs are built in the GDE by dragging and dropping components, connecting them
with flows, and then defining values for parameters. You run, debug, and tune your
graph in the GDE. In the process of building a graph, you are developing an Ab Initio
application, and thus graph development is called graph programming. When you
are ready to deploy your application, you save the graph as a script that you can run
from the command line.

A graph is composed of components and flows:

• Components represent datasets (dataset components) and the
programs (program components) that operate on them.
 Dataset components are frequently referred to as file components
when they represent files, or table components when they represent
database tables.
 Components have ports through which they read and write data.
 Ports have metadata attached to them that specifies how to
interpret the data passing through them.
• Program components have parameters that you can set to
control the specifics of how the program operates.
• Flows represent the connections between ports. Data moves from
one component to another through flows.
A graph can run on one or many processors. The processors can be on one
or many computers.
All the computers that participate in running a graph must have the
Co>Operating System installed.
When you run a graph from the GDE, the GDE connects to the
Co>Operating System on the runhost — the computer that hosts the
Co>Operating System installation that controls the execution of the graph.
The GDE transmits a Korn shell script that contains all the information
the Co>Operating System needs to execute the programs and processes
represented by the graph by..
• Managing all connections between the processors or computers that
execute various parts of the graph
• Program execution
• Transferring data from one program to the next
• Transferring data from one processor or computer to another
• Execution in phases
• Restoring the graph to its state at the last completed checkpoint in case of
a failure
• Writing and removal of temporary files
Before using the GDE to run a graph or plan, a connection must be established between GDE
and the installation of the Co>Operating System that you want to run your graph. The computer
that hosts this installation is called the run host. Typically, the GDE is on one computer and the run
host is a different computer. But even if the GDE is local to the run host, you must still establish the
Host Settings(On GDE, Run>Settings>Host Tab) dialog to specify the information the GDE
needs to log in to the run host.

The GDE creates a host settings file with the name you specified. The host
settings file contains the information you specified, such as the name of the run
host, login name or username, password, Co>Operating System version and
location, and type of shell you log in with.
Generally, Data processing involves following tasks:
• Collection of data from various sources.
• Cleansing and standardizing data and its datatypes.
• Data integrity checks.
• Profiling of data.
• Staging it for further operations.
• Joining with various datasets.
• Transforming data based on Business rules.
• Conforming data validity.
• Translating data to compatible types of target systems.
• Loading data to Target systems.
• Tying out source and target data for quality and quantity.
• Anomaly, rejection and error handling.
• Reporting process updates.
• Metadata updation.
• Selecting: The SELECT clause of an SQL statement.
• Filtering: Statements in WHERE clause of an SQL statement.
• Sorting: Specifications in an ORDER BY clause.
• Transformation: Various transformation functions used on the fields
in the SELECT clause.
• Aggregation: Summarization on a set of records (ADD, AVG, MIN
• Switch: Conditional operations using CASE statements.
• String Operations: String selection and manipulation
• Mathematical Operations: Addition, Division etc.
• Inquiry: Test for attributes and content of a field of a record.
• Joins: Specifications using JOIN(SQL server, ANSI) clauses (WHERE
clause in Oracle).
• Lookups: Getting relevant fields from Dimensions.
• Rollups: Summarized data grouped using GROUP clause of an SQL
Components are classified based on their functionality.
Following are a few important sets of Component
The dataset components represent records or act on records, as follows:
INPUT FILE represents records read as input to a graph from one or more serial files
or from a multifile.
INPUT TABLE unloads records from a database into an Ab Initio graph, allowing you to
specify as the source either a database table, or an SQL statement that selects records
from one or more tables.
INTERMEDIATE FILE represents one or more serial files or a multifile of intermediate
results that a graph writes during execution, and saves for your review after execution.
LOOKUP FILE represents one or more serial files or a multifile of records small enough
to be held in main memory, letting a transform function retrieve records much more
quickly than it could if they were stored on disk.
OUTPUT FILE represents records written as output from a graph into one or multiple
serial files or a multifile.
OUTPUT TABLE loads records from a graph into a database, letting you specify the
records’ destination either directly as a single database table, or through an SQL
statement that inserts records into one or more tables.
READ MULTIPLE FILES sequentially reads from a list of input files.
READ SHARED reduces the disk read rate when multiple graphs (as opposed to
multiple components in the same graph) are reading the same very large file.
WRITE MULTIPLE FILES writes records to a set of output files.
The database components are the following:
• CALL STORED PROCEDURE calls a stored procedure that returns multiple
result sets. The stored procedure can also take parameters.
• INPUT TABLE unloads records from a database into an Ab Initio graph, allowing
you to specify as the source either a database table, or an SQL statement that
selects records from one or more tables.
• JOIN WITH DB joins records from the flow or flows connected to its input port
with records read directly from a database, and outputs new records containing
data based on, or calculated from, the joined records.
• MULTI UPDATE TABLE executes multiple SQL statements for each input record.
• OUTPUT TABLE loads records from a graph into a database, letting you specify
the records’destination either directly as a single database table, or through an
SQL statement that inserts records into one or more tables.
• RUN SQL executes SQL statements in a database and writes confirmation
messages to the log port.
• TRUNCATE TABLE deletes all the rows in a database table, and writes
confirmation messages to the log port.
• UPDATE TABLE executes UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements in embedded
SQL format to modify a table in a database, and writes status information to the
log port.
MULTI REFORMAT changes the record format of records flowing between from
one to 20 pairs of in and out ports by dropping fields, or by using DML expressions
to add fields, combine fields, or transform the data in the records.
NORMALIZE generates multiple output records from each input record; you can
specify the number of output records, or the number of output records can depend
on a field or fields in each input record. NORMALIZE can separate a record with a
vector field into several individual records, each containing one element of the
REFORMAT changes the record format of records by dropping fields, or by using
DML expressions to add fields, combine fields, or transform the data in the records.
ROLLUP generates records that summarize groups of records. ROLLUP gives you
more control over record selection, grouping, and aggregation than AGGREGATE.
ROLLUP can process either grouped or ungrouped input. When processing
ungrouped input, ROLLUP maximizes performance by keeping intermediate results
in main memory.
SCAN generates a series of cumulative summary records — such as successive
year-to-date totals — for groups of records. SCAN can process either grouped or
ungrouped input. When processing ungrouped input, SCAN maximizes
performance by keeping intermediate results in main memory.
SCAN WITH ROLLUP performs the same operations as SCAN; it generates a
summary record for each input group.
The Miscellaneous components perform a variety of tasks:
ASSIGN KEYS assigns a value to a surrogate key field in each record on the in port, based on the
value of a natural key field in that record, and then sends the record to one or two of three output
BUFFERED COPY copies records from its in port to its out port without changing the values in the
records. If the downstream flow stops, BUFFERED COPY copies records to a buffer and defers
outputting them until the downstream flow resumes.
DOCUMENTATION provides a facility for documenting a transform.
GATHER LOGS collects the output from the log ports of components for analysis of a graph after
LEADING RECORDS copies records from input to output, stopping after the given number of records.
META PIVOT converts each input record into a series of separate output records: one separate output
record for each field of data in the original input record.
REDEFINE FORMAT copies records from its input to its output without changing the values in the
records. You can use REDEFINE FORMAT to change or rename fields in a record format without
changing the values in the records.
REPLICATE arbitrarily combines all the records it receives into a single flow and writes a copy of that
flow to each of its output flows.
RUN PROGRAM runs an executable program.
THROTTLE copies records from its input to its output, limiting the rate at which records are processed.
RECIRCULATE and COMPUTE CLOSURE components can only be used together. These two
components calculate the complete set of direct and derived relationships among a set of input key-
pairs; in other words, the transitive closure of the relationship within the set.
TRASH ends a flow by accepting all the records in it and discarding them.
The transform components modify or manipulate records by using one or several
transform functions. Some of these are multistage transform components that modify
records in up to five stages: input selection, temporary initialization, processing,
finalization, and output selection. Each stage is written as DML transform function.
AGGREGATE generates records that summarize groups of records. AGGREGATE can
process either grouped or ungrouped input. When processing ungrouped input,
AGGREGATE maximizes performance by keeping intermediate results in main memory.
DEDUP SORTED separates one specified record in each group of records from the rest
of the records in the group. DEDUP SORTED requires grouped input.
DENORMALIZE SORTED consolidates groups of related records into a single record
with a vector field for each group, and optionally computes summary fields for each
group. DENORMALIZE SORTED requires grouped input.
FILTER BY EXPRESSION filters records according to a specified DML expression.
FUSE applies a transform to corresponding records from each input flow. The
transform is first applied to the first record on each flow, then to the second record on
each flow, and so on. The result of the transform is sent to the out port.
JOIN performs inner, outer, and semi-joins on multiple flows of records. JOIN can
process either sorted or unsorted input. When processing unsorted input, JOIN
maximizes performance by loading input records into main memory.
MATCH SORTED combines and performs transform operations on multiple flows of
records.MATCH SORTED requires grouped input.
The sort components sort and merge records, and perform related
CHECKPOINTED SORT sorts and merges records, inserting a
checkpoint between the sorting and merging phases.
FIND SPLITTERS sorts records according to a key specifier, and then
finds the ranges of key values that divide the total number of input
records approximately evenly into a specified number of partitions.
PARTITION BY KEY AND SORT repartitions records by key values and
then sorts the records within each partition; the number of input and
output partitions can be different.
SAMPLE selects a specified number of records at random from one or
more input flows. The probability of any one input record appearing in
the output flow is the same — it does not depend on the position of the
record in the input flow.
SORT orders and merges records.
SORT WITHIN GROUPS refines the sorting of records already sorted
according to one key specifier: it sorts the records within the groups
formed by the first sort according to a second key specifier.
The partition components distribute records to multiple flow partitions
or multiple straight flows to support data parallelism or component
BROADCAST arbitrarily combines all the records it receives into a single
flow and writes a copy of that flow to each of its output flow partitions.
PARTITION BY EXPRESSION distributes records to its output flow
partitions according to a specified DML expression.
PARTITION BY KEY distributes records to its output flow partitions
according to key values.
PARTITION BY PERCENTAGE distributes a specified percent of the total
number of input records to each output flow.
PARTITION BY RANGE distributes records to its output flow partitions
according to the ranges of key values specified for each partition.
PARTITION BY ROUND-ROBIN distributes records evenly to each
output flow.
PARTITION WITH LOAD BALANCE distributes records to its output flow
partitions, writing more records to the flow partitions that consume
records faster.
The departition components combine multiple flow partitions or
multiple straight flows into a single flow to support data parallelism
or component parallelism
CONCATENATE appends multiple flow partitions of records one
after another.
GATHER combines records from multiple flow partitions arbitrarily.
INTERLEAVE combines blocks of records from multiple flow
partitions in round-robin fashion.
MERGE combines records from multiple flow partitions that have
all been sorted according to the same key specifier and maintains
the sort order.
The compress components compress data or expand compressed
• DEFLATE and INFLATE work on all platforms.
• DEFLATE reduces the volume of data in a flow and INFLATE
reverses the effects of DEFLATE.
• COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS are available on Unix and
Linux platforms; not on Windows.
• COMPRESS reduces the volume of data in a flow and
UNCOMPRESS reverses the effects of COMPRESS.
• COMPRESS cannot output more than 2 GB of data on Linux
The MVS dataset components perform as follows:
MVS INPUT FILE reads an MVS dataset as an input to your graph.
MVS INTERMEDIATE FILE represents MVS datasets that contain
intermediate results that your graph writes and saves for review.
MVS LOOKUP FILE contains shared MVS data for use with the
DML lookup functions; it allows access to records according to a
MVS OUTPUT FILE represents records written as output from a
graph into an MVS dataset.
VSAM LOOKUP executes a VSAM lookup for each input record.
The EME (Enterprise Meta>Environment) components are in the
$AB_HOME/Connectors > EME folder. They transfer data into and out of the
LOAD ANNOTATION VALUES attaches annotation values to objects in an
EME datastore, and validates the annotation for the object to which it is to be
LOAD CATEGORY stores annotation values in EME datastores for objects that
are members of a given category.
LOAD FILE DATASET creates a file dataset in an EME datastore, and attaches
its record format.
LOAD MIMEOBJ creates a MIME object in an EME datastore with the specified
MIME type.
LOAD TABLE DATASET creates a table dataset in an EME datastore and
attaches its record format.
LOAD TYPE creates a DML record object in an EME datastore.
REMOVE OBJECTS AND ANNOTATIONS allows you to delete objects and
annotation values from an EME datastore.
UNLOAD CATEGORY unloads the annotation rules of all objects that are
members of a given category.
The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) components transfer data, as
FTP FROM transfers files of records from a computer not running
the Co>Operating System to a computer running the
Co>Operating System.
FTP TO transfers files of records to a computer not running the
Co>Operating System from a computer running the Co>Operating
SFTP FROM transfers files of records from a computer not running
the Co>Operating System to a computer running the
Co>Operating System using the sftp or scp utilities to connect to
a Secure Shell (SSH) server on the remote machine and transfer
the files via the encrypted connection provided by SSH.
SFTP TO transfers files of records from a computer running the
Co>Operating System to a computer not running the
Co>Operating System using the sftp or scp utilities to connect to
a Secure Shell (SSH) server on the remote machine and transfer
the files via the encrypted connection provided by SSH.
The validate components test, debug, and check records, and produce data
for testing Ab Initio graphs:
CHECK ORDER tests whether records are sorted according to a key specifier.
COMPARE CHECKSUMS compares two checksums generated by COMPUTE
CHECKSUMS. Typically, you use COMPARE CHECKSUMS to compare checksums
generated from two sets of records, each set computed from the same data by
a different method, in order to check the correctness of the records.
COMPARE RECORDS compares records from two flows one by one.
COMPUTE CHECKSUM calculates a checksum for records.
GENERATE RANDOM BYTES generates a specified number of records, each
consisting of a specified number of random bytes. Typically, the output of
GENERATE RANDOM BYTES is used for testing a graph. For more control over
the content of the records, use GENERATE RECORDS.
GENERATE RECORDS generates a specified number of records with fields of
specified lengths and types. You can let GENERATE RECORDS generate
random values within the specified length and type for each field, or you can
control various aspects of the generated values. Typically, you use the output
of GENERATE RECORDS to test a graph.
VALIDATE RECORDS separates valid records from invalid records.
• Where do the actual data files represented by
INPUT FILE components reside?
• Where should the Co>Operating System write the
files represented by OUTPUT FILE components, or
do those files already exist?
• If a file represented by an OUTPUT FILE component
does exist, should the graph append the data it
produces to the existing data in the file, or should
the new data overwrite the old?
• What field of the data should a program component
use as a key when processing the data?
• What is the record format attached to a particular
• How much memory should a component use for
processing before it starts writing temporary files to
• How many partitions do you want to divide the
data into at any particular point in the graph?
• What are the locations of the processors you want
to use to execute various parts of the graph?
• What is the location of the Co>Operating System
you want to use to control the execution of the
Configuring Components:
Components comprises of settings which dictates the way it
impacts the data flowing through. These settings are seen and set
with the following tabs on Properties window.
• Description
• Access
• Layout
• Parameters
• Ports
• Specify Labels
• Component specific selections
• Data Locations
• Partitions
• Comments
• Name/Author/Version
Specification for file handling
• Creation/Deletion
• Roll back settings
• Exclusive access
• File Protection
• The locations of files.
• The number and locations of the partitions
of multifiles.
• The number of the partitions of program
components and the locations where they
A layout is one of the following:
• A URL that specifies the location of a
serial file
• A URL that specifies the location of the
control partition of a multifile
• A list of URLs that specify the locations of:
• The partitions of an ad hoc multifile
• The working directories of a program

Every component in a graph — both dataset and program components —

has a layout. Some graphs use one layout throughout; others use several
layouts and repartition data when needed for processing by a greater or
• Set various component specific
• Specify transform settings
• Handle rejects/logs/thresholds
• Apply filters
• Specify Keys for Sort and
• Specify URL for transforms
• Parameter interpretation
• Assign record formats for various
• Specify URL of record format
• Interpretation settings for any
environment parameters.
Configuring components using various tabs involve changing settings for
• Transforms
• Filters
• Keys
• Record Formats
• Expressions

These settings are created using

• Text editors
• Various editors available on their respective item.

The Record Format Editor enables you to easily create and edit
record formats.

decimal(6) cust_id;
string(18) last_name;
string(16) first_name;
string(26) street_addr;
string(2) state;
string(1) newline;

Displays the built-in DML
Displays the input record
formats available for Operators:
use in an expression. Displays the built-in DML
Key Specifier Editor:

Sort Sequences

Sequence Details
Digits are treated as the lowest value characters, followed by the
letters of the alphabet in the order AaBbCcDd..., followed by
spaces. All other characters, such as punctuation, are ignored.
The order of digits is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Is the same as phonebook ordering, except that punctuation
characters are not ignored; they have lower values than all other
characters. The order of punctuation characters is the machine
Uses character code values in the sequence in which they are
arranged in the character set of the string.
For ASCII-based character sets, digits are the lowest-value
characters, followed by uppercase letters, followed by lowercase
machine letters.
For EBCDIC character sets, lowercase letters are the lowest-value
characters, followed by uppercase, followed by digits.
For Unicode , the order is from the lowest character code value to
the highest.
Uses the user-defined sort order. You construct a custom

out::reformat(in) =
out.* :: in.*;
out.score :: if (in.income > 1000) 1 else
INPUT FILE Represents records read as input to a graph from
one or more serial files or from a multifile.
Location: Datasets
Key Settings:
• Data Location URL
• Ports

Represents records written as output from a graph

OUTPUT FILE into one or more serial files or a multifile.
Location: Datasets
Key Settings:
• Data Location URL
• Ports

Note: When the target of an OUTPUT FILE component is

a particular file (such as /dev/null, NUL, a named pipe,
or some other special file), the Co>Operating System
never deletes and re-creates that file, nor does it ever
truncate it.
Sorts and merges records. SORT can be used to
order records before you send them to a component
that requires grouped or sorted records.
Location: Sort
Key Parameters:
• key : The field to be used as Sort key
• Max-core : Amount of memory to be used per

• Use Key Specifier editor to add/modify keys
and sort order and sequences.
• Sort orders are impacted by the sort sequence
used. Character sets used can also have an
impact on the sort order.
FILTER BY EXPRESSION Filters records according to a DML

Location: Transform
Key Settings:
• select_expr: The expression defining
the filter key

Note: Use Expression Editor to

add/modify the DML expression
REFORMAT Changes the format of records by dropping fields,
or by using DML expressions to add fields,
combine fields, or transform the data in the records.

Location: Transform
Key Settings:
• count: Number of transformed outputs- n.
• transformn: The rules defining the
• select: The expression specifying any filters for
• reject-threshold: Defines the rule to abort the
Note: Use Expression Editor to add/modify the
DML expression for select
Use Transform Editor to add/modify transform
A transform function is a collection of rules that specifies how to produce result
records from input records.
• The exact behavior of a transform function depends on the component using it.
• Transform functions express record reformatting logic.
• Transform functions encapsulate a wide variety of computational
knowledge that cleanses records, merges records, and aggregates records.
• Transform functions perform their operations on the data records flowing
into the component and write the resulting data records to the out flow.

The purpose of the transform function in the REFORMAT component is to construct
data records flowing out of the component by:
• Using all the fields in the record format of the data records flowing into the
creating a new field containing a title (Mr. or Ms.) using the gender field of the
data records flowing into the component
• Creating a new field containing a score computed by dividing the income field
by 10

Transform functions are created and edited in the GDE Transform Editor.
Transform functions (or transforms) drive nearly all data
transformation and computation in Ab Initio graphs. Typical simple
transforms can:
• Extract the year from a date.
• Combine first and last names into a full name.
• Determine the amount owed in sales tax from a transaction amount.
• Validate and cleanse existing fields.
• Delete bad values or reject records containing invalid data.
• Set default values.
• Standardize field formats.
• Merge or aggregate records.
A transform function is a collection of business rules, local
variables, and statements. The transform expresses the connections
between the rules, variables, and statements, as well as the
connections between these elements and the input and output fields.
Creating Transforms
Transforms consists of
• Rules
• Variables
• and Statements
Relationships between them are created using the Transform
The Transform Editor has two views:
• Grid view: Rules are created by dragging and dropping
fields from input flow, functions and operators.
• Text view: Rules are created using the DML syntax.


Input Output
Fields Fields
Text View:
Typically, you use text view of the Transform Editor to enter or edit
transforms using DML. In addition, Ab Initio software supports the
following text alternatives:
You can enter the DML into a standalone text file, then include that
file in the transform's package.
You can select Embed and enter the DML code into the Value box
on the Parameters tab of the component Properties dialog.
Untyped transforms:
out :: trans1(in) =
out.x :: in.a;
out.y :: in.b + 1;
out.z :: in.c + 2;
Typed transforms:
decimal(12) out :: add_one(decimal(12) in) =
out :: in + 4;

record integer(4) x, y; end out :: fiddle(in1, double in2) =

out.x :: size_of(in1);
out.y :: in2 + in2;
A rule, or business rule, is an instruction in a transform function
that directs the construction of one field in an output record. Rules
can express everything from simple reformatting logic for field values
to complex computations.

Rules are created in the expression editor triggered by right clicking

the rule line.
Rules can utilize functions and operators to define a specific logic.
Prioritized Rules:
• Priorities can be optionally assigned to the rules for a particular
output field.
• They are evaluated in order of priority, starting with the
assignment of lowest-numbered priority and proceeding to
assignments of higher-numbered priority.
• The last rule evaluated will be the one with blank priority, which
places it after all others in priority.
• A single output field can have multiple rules attached to it.
• Prioritized rules are always evaluated in the ascending order of

In Text View:
out :: average_part_cost(in) =
out :1: if (in.num_parts > 0) in.total_cost / in.num_parts;
out :2: 0;
Local Variable:
A local variable is a variable declared within a transform function. You can use local
variables to simplify the structure of rules or to hold values used by multiple rules.

• To declare (or modify) local variables, use the Variables Editor.

• To initialize local variables, drag-and-drop the variable from the Variables tab to
the Output pane

Alternatively, enter the equivalent DML code in the text view of the Transform Editor.
For example:
let string(7) myvar="a";
let decimal(2) mydec=2.2;
A statement can assign a value to a local variable, a global variable, or an output
field; define processing logic; or control the number of iterations of another
INPUT TABLE unloads records from a database into a graph,
allowing you to specify as the source either a
database table or an SQL statement that
selects records from one or more tables.
Location: Database / Datasets
Key Settings:
• Config File: Location of the file defining key
parameters to access the database.
• Source: Choose to use a table or a SQL

Note: Database settings and other pre-requistes

needs to be completed to create the config file.
JOIN JOIN reads data from two or more input
ports, combines records with matching
keys according to the transform you
specify, and sends the transformed records
to the output port. Additional ports allow
you to collect rejected and unused records.
JOIN can have as many as 20 input ports.
Location: Transform
Key Settings:
• Count: An integer from 2 to 20 specifying
the total number of inputs (in ports) to
• sorted-input: specifies the input data
• Key: Name(s) of the field(s) in the input
records that must have matching values
for JOIN to call the transform function.
• Transform: Transform function specifying
Key Settings (continued):
• Join-type: specifies the join method from inner-join,Outer-
Join and Explicit.
• Record-requiredn: dependent setting of join-type.
• Dedupn: removes duplicate records on the specified port.
• Selectn: Acts as a component level filter for the port.
• Override-keyn: Alternative name(s) for the key field(s) for a
particular inn port.
• Driving: specifies the port that drives the join
JOIN with DB JOIN WITH DB joins records from the flow or flows
connected to its in port with records read
directly from a database, and outputs new
records containing data based on, or calculated
from, the joined records.
Location: Database
Key Settings:
• DBConfigfile: A database configuration file.
Specifies the database to connect to
• select_sql: The SELECT statement to perform for
each input record.
AGGREGATE AGGREGATE generates records that
summarize groups of records.
ROLLUP is the newer version of the
AGGREGATE component. ROLLUP offers
better control over record selection,
grouping and aggregation.
A vector is an array of elements, indexed from 0. An element
can be a single field or an entire record. Vectors are often
used to provide a logical grouping of information.
An array is a collection of elements that are logically grouped
for ease of access. Each element has an index by which the
element can be referenced(read or written).
char myarray[10] = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j] ;

Above is an example of an array with 10 elements of type char.

The elements of this is addressed as
The above statement will return the first element ‘a’. Indices are
addressed starting from 0 to n-1 where n is declared no. of array
NORMALIZE NORMALIZE generates multiple output
records from each of its input records.
You can directly specify the number of
output records for each input record, or the
number of output records can depend on
some calculation.
Location : Transform
Key Settings:
• Transform: Either the name of the file
containing the types and transform
functions, or a transform string.
groups of related records by key into
a single output record with a vector
field for each group, and optionally
computes summary fields in the output
record for each group.
Location : Transform
Key Settings:
• Key: Specifies the name(s) of the key
field(s) the component uses to define
groups of records.
• Transform: Specifies either the name
of the file containing the transform
function, or a transform string.
Parallelism and multifiles
• Graphs can be scaled to accommodate any amount of data by introducing parallelism —
doing more than one thing at the same time — into it. Data parallelism, in particular,
separates the data flowing through the graph into as many divisions — called partitions.
Partitions can be sent to as many processors as needed to produce the result in the desired
length of time.
• Ab Initio multifiles stores partitioned data wherever convenient — on different disks or on
different computers in various locations, and so on — and yet manage all the partitions as a
single entity.

Phases and checkpoints

• Resources can be regulated by dividing a graph into stages — called phases —
each of which must complete before the next begins.
• Checkpoint are used at the end of any phase to guard against loss in case of
failure. If a problem occurs, you can return the state of the graph to the last
successfully completed checkpoint and then rerun it without having to start over
from the beginning.
• You set phases and checkpoints graphically in the GDE.

The power of Ab Initio software to process large quantities of data

is based on its use of parallelism — doing more than one thing
at the same time.
The Co>Operating System uses three types of parallelism:
• Component parallelism
• Pipeline parallelism
• Data parallelism
Component parallelism occurs when program components
execute simultaneously on different branches of a graph.

In the graph above, the CUSTOMERS and TRANSACTIONS datasets

are unloaded, sorts them and merges them into a dataset named
Component parallelism scales to the number of branches of a graph
— the more branches a graph has, the greater the component
parallelism. If a graph has only one branch, component parallelism
cannot occur.
Pipeline parallelism occurs when several connected program
components on the same branch of a graph execute

Both SCORE and SELECT read records as they become available

and write each record immediately after processing it. After
SCORE finishes scoring the first CUSTOMER record and sends it to
SELECT, SELECT determines the destination of the record and
sends it on. At the same time, SCORE reads the second
CUSTOMER record. The two processing stages of the graph run
concurrently — this is pipeline parallelism.
Data parallelism occurs when a graph separates data into
multiple divisions, allowing multiple copies of program
components to operate on the data in all the divisions

The divisions of the data and the copies of the program

components that create data parallelism are called partitions, and a
component partitioned in this way is called a parallel component.
If each partition of a parallel program component runs on a separate
processor, the increase in the speed of processing is almost directly
proportional to the number of partitions.
The divisions of the data and the copies of the program components that create data
parallelism are called partitions, and a component partitioned in this way is called a
parallel component. If each partition of a parallel program component runs on a separate
processor, the increase in the speed of processing is almost directly proportional to the
number of partitions.
When you divide a component into partitions, you divide the flows that connect to it as well.
These divisions are called flow partitions.
The port to which a partitioned flow connects is partitioned as well, with the same number of
port partitions as the flow connected to it.
The number of partitions of a component, flow, port, graph, or section of a graph determines
its depth of parallelism.

Sometimes you will want to store partitioned data in its
partitioned state in a parallel file for further parallel
processing. If you locate the partitions of the parallel file on
different disks, the parallel components in a graph can all read
from the file at the same time, rather than being limited by all
having to take turns reading from the same disk. These parallel
files are called multifiles.
Multifiles are parallel files composed of individual files, which may be
located on separate disks or systems. These individual files are the
partitions of the multifile. Understanding the concept of multifiles is essential
when you are developing parallel applications that use files, because the
parallelization of data drives the parallelization of the application.
Data parallelism makes it possible for Ab Initio software to process large
amounts of data very quickly. In order to take full advantage of the power of
data parallelism, you need to store data in its parallel state. In this state, the
partitions of the data are typically located on different disks on various
machines. An Ab Initio multifile is a parallel file that allows you to manage
all the partitions of the data, no matter where they are located, as a single

Multifiles are organized by using a Multifile System, which has a directory

tree structure that allows you to work with multifiles and the directory
structures that contain them in the same way you would work with serial
files. Using an Ab Initio multifile system, you can apply familiar file
management operations to all partitions of a multifile from a central point of
administration — no matter how diverse the machines on which they are
located. You do this by referencing the control partition of the multifile with a
single Ab Initio URL.
• An Ab Initio multifile organizes all partitions of a multifile into
one single virtual file that you can reference as one entity.
• An Ab Initio multifile can only exist in the context of a multifile
• Multifiles are created by creating a multifile system, and then
either outputting parallel data to it with an Ab Initio graph, or using
the m_touch command to create an empty multifile in the multifile
Ad Hoc Multifiles
• A parallel dataset with partitions that are an arbitrary set of
serial files containing similar data.
• Created explicitly by listing a set of serial files as partitions, or
by using a shell expression that expands at runtime to a list of
serial files.
• The serial files listed can be anything from a serial dataset divided
into multiple serial files to any set of serial files containing similar

- Visualize a directory tree containing

subdirectories and files.
- Now imagine 3 identical
copies of the same tree
located on several disks, and
number them 0 to 2. These
are the data partitions of the
multifile system.
- Then add one more copy of
the tree to serve as the
control partition.

- This Multifile system will be referenced on GDE using Ab Initio URLs.

Creating the Multifile system MFS
m_mkfs // \
// \
// \
m_mkdir //
m_touch // \
Creating a Multidirectory
• Open the command console.
• Enter the following command
m_mkdir c:\data\mfs\mfs2way\employee
A layout of a component specifies :
• The locations of files: A URL specifying the location of file.
• The number and locations of the partitions of multifiles: A URL that specifies
the location of the control partition of a multifile.
Every component in a graph — both dataset and program components — has a
layout. Some graphs use one layout throughout; others use several layouts.
The layouts you choose can be critical to the success or failure of a graph. For a
layout to be effective, it must fulfill the following requirements:
• The Co>Operating System must be installed on the computers specified
by the layout.
• The run host must be able to connect to the computers specified by the
• The working directories in the layout must exist
• The permissions in the directories of the layout must allow the graph to
write files there.
• The layout must allow enough space for the files the graph needs to write
During execution, a graph writes various files in the layouts of some or
all of the components in it.
Flows indicate the type of data transfer between the components
Straight Flow:
A straight flow connects components with the same depth of
parallelism, including serial components, to each other. If the
components are serial, the flow is serial. If the components are
parallel, the flow has the same depth of parallelism as the
Fan Out flow:
A fan-out flow connects a component with a lesser number of
partitions to one with a greater number of partitions — in other
words, it follows a one-to-many pattern. The component with the
greater depth of parallelism determines the depth of parallelism of a
fan-out flow.

NOTE: You can only use a fan-out flow when the result of dividing the greater
number of partitions by the lesser number of partitions is an integer. If this is not
the case, you must use an all-to-all flow.
Fan In flow:
A fan-in flow connects a component with a greater depth of
parallelism to one with a lesser depth — in other words, it follows a
many-to-one pattern. As with a fan-out flow, the component with the
greater depth of parallelism determines the depth of parallelism of a
fan-in flow.

NOTE: You can only use a fan-out flow when the result of dividing the greater
number of partitions by the lesser number of partitions is an integer. If this is not
the case, you must use an all-to-all flow.
All to All flow:
An all-to-all flow connects components with the same or different
degrees of parallelism in such a way that each output port partition of
one component is connected to each input port partition of the other

NOTE: You can only use a fan-out flow when the result of dividing the greater
number of partitions by the lesser number of partitions is an integer. If this is not
the case, you must use an all-to-all flow.
A sandbox is a special directory (folder) containing a certain
minimum number of specific subdirectories for holding Ab Initio
graphs and related files. These subdirectories have standard
names that indicate their function. The sandbox directory itself can
have any name; its properties are recorded in various special and
hidden files that lie at its top.
Parts of a graph
• Data files (.dat)
• The Transactions input dataset and the Transaction Data output
dataset. If these are multifiles, the actual datasets will occupy
multiple files.
• Record formats (.dml)
• There are two separate record formats in the graph, one for the
input file, the other for the output. These record formats could be
embedded in the Input File and Output File components themselves.
• Transforms (.xfr)
• The transform function can be embedded in the component, but (as
with the record formats)
• Graph file (.mp)
• The graph itself is stored complete as an .mp file.
• Deployed script (.ksh)
• If deployed as a script, the graph will also exist as a .ksh file, which
has to be stored somewhere.
Sandbox Parameters:
Sandbox parameters are variables which are visible to any
component in any graph which is stored in that sandbox. Here are
some examples of sandbox parameters:
• $DML
• $RUN
Graphs refer to the sandbox subdirectories by using sandbox
Sandbox Parameters Editor
The default sandbox parameters in a GDE-created sandbox
are these eight:
PROJECT_DIR — absolute path to the sandbox directory
DML — relative sandbox path to the dml subdirectory
XFR — relative sandbox path to the xfr subdirectory
RUN — relative sandbox path to the run subdirectory
DB — relative sandbox path to the db subdirectory
MP — relative sandbox path to the mp subdirectory
RESOURCE — relative sandbox path to the resource subdirectory
PLAN — relative sandbox path to the plan subdirectory
• Graph parameters are associated with individual graphs
and are private to them.
• They affect the execution only of the graph for which they are
• All the specifiable values of a graph, including each
component's parameters (as well as other values such as
URLs, file protections, and record formats,) comprise that
graph's parameters.
• Graph parameters are part of the graph they are associated
with and are checked in or out along with the graph.
• Graph Parameters are used when a graph needs to be reused
or to facilitate runtime changes to certain settings of
components used in the graph.
• These are created using Graph Parameter editor.
• Values to the graph parameters can be stored(pset) in a file
and called during the execution of graph.
Graph Parameters Editor
• Value: Unique identifier of the parameter.
• Description: String. First character must be a letter; remaining characters can be a combination of
letters, digits, and underscores. Spaces are not allowed.
• Example: OUT_DATA_MFS
• Value: Local or Formal.
• Description:
• Local: parameter receives its value from the Value column.
• Formal: parameter receives its value at runtime from the command line. When run from
GDE, a dialog appears prompting input values.
• Sandbox
• Value: Unspecified or Keyword.
• Description:
• Unspecified: parameter values are directly assigned on command line.
• Keyword: The value for a keyword parameter is identified by a keyword preceding it.
The keyword is the name of the parameter.
• Graph
• Value: Positional, Keyword or Environment.
• Description:
• Positional: The value for a positional parameter is identified by its position on the
command line.
• Keyword: same as Sandbox setting.
• Environment: parameter receives its value from the environment.
• Value: Common Project, Dependent, Switch or String.
• Description:
• Common Project: to include other shared, or common, project values within the
current sandbox.
• Dependent: parameters whose values depend on the value of a switch parameter.
• Switch: purpose of a switch parameter is to allow you to change your sandbox's
• String: a normal string representing record formats, file paths etc..
Dependent on:
• Value: Name of the switch column.
• Value: The parameter's value, consistent with its type.
• Value: Constant, $ substitution, ${} substitution and Shell.
• Description: Determines how the string value is evaluated
• Value: Required. Or Optional.
• Description: Specifies the value is required or optional.
• Value: Checked /Unchecked
• Description: Specifies if the parameter /value needs to be exported to environment
When you run a graph, parameters are evaluated in the following
1. The host setup script is run.
2. Common (that is, included) project (sandbox) parameters are
3. Project (sandbox) parameters are evaluated.
4. The project-start.ksh script is run.
5. Formal parameters are evaluated.
6. Graph parameters are evaluated.
7. The graph start script is run.
• Graph parameters are visible only to the particular graph to
which they belong
• Sandbox parameters are visible to all the graphs stored in a
particular sandbox
• Graph parameters are created by Edit>Parameters on the Graph
• Sandbox parameters are automatically created (defaults) and
can be edited by Project>Edit Sandbox
or by editing the .air-project-parameters file on the root
directory of the sandbox
• Graph parameters are set after Sandbox parameters. If a graph
parameter and a sandbox parameter shares the same name, the
graph parameter has a higher precedence.
The value of a parameter often contains references to other parameters. This attribute
specifies how you want such references to be handled in this parameter. There are four
$ substitution:
This specifies that if the value for a parameter contains the name of another parameter preceded by a
dollar sign ($), the dollar sign and name are replaced with the value of the parameter that's referred
to. In other words, $parameter is replaced by the value of parameter. $parameter is said to be "a
$ reference" or "dollar-sign reference to parameter".
${} substitution:
${} substitution is similar to $ substitution, except that it additionally requires that you surround the
name of the referenced parameter with curly braces — {}. If you do not use curly braces, no
substitution occurs, and the dollar sign (and the name that follows it) is taken literally. You should use $
{} substitution for parameters that are likely to have values that contain $ as a character, such as
names of relational database tables.
The GDE uses the parameter's specified value literally, as is, with no further interpretation. If the value
contains any special characters, such as $, the GDE surrounds them with single quotes in the deployed
shell script, so that they are protected from any further interpretation by the shell.
The shell specified in the Host Settings dialog for the graph, usually the Korn shell, interprets the
parameter's value. Note that the value is not a full shell command; rather, it is the equivalent of the
value assigned in the definition of a shell.
The Parameter Definition Language is available as an interpretation method only for the :eme value of
a dependent graph parameter. PDL (Parameter Definition Language) is a simple set of notations for
expressing the values of parameters—in components, Graphs, and projects.
A lookup file is a file of data records that is small enough to fit in
main memory, letting a transform function retrieve records much
more quickly than it could if they were stored on disk. Lookup files
associate key values with corresponding data values to index
records and retrieve them.
Ab Initio’s lookup components are dataset components with
special features.
Data in lookups are accessed using specific functions inside
Indexes are used to access the data when called by lookup
The data is loaded into memory for quick access.
A common use for a lookup file is to hold data frequently used by a
transform component. For example, if the data records of a lookup
file contain numeric product codes and their corresponding product
names, a component can rapidly search the lookup file to translate
codes to names or names to codes.
• Unlike other dataset components, LOOKUP FILE is not connected to
other components in a graph. It has no ports. However, its contents
are accessible from other components in the same phase or later
phases of a graph.
• LOOKUP FILE are referred in other components by calling lookup,
lookup_count, or lookup_next DML functions in any transform
function or expression parameter.
• The first argument to these lookup functions is the name of the LOOKUP
FILE. The remaining arguments are values to be matched against the
fields named by the key parameter. The lookup functions return a
record that matches the key values and has the format given by the
RecordFormat parameter.
• A file to be used as a LOOKUP FILE must be small enough to fit into
main memory.
• Information about LOOKUP FILE components can be stored in a catalog,
and thus you can share the components with other graphs.
DML lookup functions locate records in a lookup file based on a
key. The lookup can find an exact value, a regular expression
(regex) that matches the lookup expression, or an interval (range) in
which the lookup expression falls.
A lookup file with an exact key allows for lookups that compare one
value to another. The lookup expression (in the lookup function) must
evaluate to a value, and can be comprised of any number of key fields.
Lookups can be configured for pattern matching: the records of the
lookup file have regular expressions in their key fields and you specify
that the key is regex.
The lookup expression is considered to match a lookup file record if its
value matches any value in the range (i.e., interval). Another way to
state this: the lookup function compares a value to a series of intervals
in a lookup file to determine in which interval the value falls.
Interval Lookup:
Intervals defined using one field in each lookup record :
Interval is specified to imply that the lookup file is set up such that each
key is comprised of only one field: that field contains a value that is both
the upper endpoint of the previous interval as well as the lower
endpoint of the current interval.

Intervals defined by two fields in each lookup record:

Intervals specified with interval_top and interval_bottom to imply that
each lookup file record contains two key fields, one having the bottom
endpoint of the range; the other, the top.
Key Specifier types

Keyword Description
Specifies that the field holds a value that is both:
interval - The lower endpoint of the current interval inclusive
- The upper endpoint of the previous interval exclusive
Specifies that the field holds a value that is the lower endpoint of
an interval inclusive.
The interval_bottom keyword must precede the interval_top
Specifies that the field holds a value that is the upper endpoint of
an interval inclusive.
Note that interval_top must follow the interval_bottom
Modifies interval_bottom and interval_top to make them
inclusive (default) inclusive.
Use only with interval_top and interval_bottom.
Modifies interval_bottom and interval_top to make them
exclusive exclusive.
Use only with interval_top and interval_bottom.
• Each record in the lookup file represents an interval, that is, a
range of values. The lower and upper bounds of the range are
usually given in two separate fields of the same type.
• A key field marked interval_bottom holds the lower endpoint
of the interval.
• A key field marked interval_top holds the upper endpoint.
• If a field in the lookup file's key specifier is specified as interval,
it must be the only key field for that lookup file. You cannot
specify a multipart key as an interval lookup.
• The file contains well-formed intervals:
• For each record, the value of the lower endpoint of the interval
must be less than or equal to the value of the upper endpoint of
the intervals.
• The intervals must not overlap.
• The intervals must be sorted into ascending order.
Ways to use Lookup:
Static: LOOKUP FILE component.
The lookup file is read into memory when its graph phase starts
and stays in memory until the phase ends.
You set up this kind of lookup by placing a LOOKUP FILE component
in the graph. Unlike other dataset components, the LOOKUP FILE
component has no ports; it does not need to be connected to other
components. However, its contents are accessible from other
components in the same or later phases of the graph.
A LOOKUP FILE component lookup has the advantage of being
simple to use: you add a LOOKUP FILE component to a graph, set
its properties, and then call a lookup function.
The lookup file (or just its index if the file is block-compressed) is
read into memory only when you call a loading function from
within a transform; you later unload the lookup file by calling a
lookup_unload function.
A dynamically loaded lookup provides these advantages:
• You can specify the lookup file name at runtime rather than
when you create the graph
• You can avoid having multiple lookup files or indexes take up a
lot of memory — this is especially relevant in a graph that uses
many lookup files.
• A graph need load only the relevant partition of a lookup file
rather than the entire file — this saves memory in a graph
where a component and lookup file are identically partitioned
Catalogued Lookup:
Information about lookup files can be stored in a catalog, so that
you can share the lookup files among multiple graphs by
simply sharing the catalog. A catalog is a file that stores a list of
lookup files on a particular run host. To make a catalog available to
a graph, you use the Shared Catalog Path on the Catalog tab of
the Run Settings dialog to indicate• whereIgnoreto find the
shared shared
catalog, use
catalog. lookup files only (default) —
Ignores the shared catalog
• Use shared catalog and lookup
files — Accesses the files in the
shared catalog along with lookup
files in the graph.
• Add lookup files to shared
catalog permanently — Adds
lookup files in the graph to the
shared catalog, then uses the
shared catalog.
• Create new shared catalog
from lookup files — Removes all
lookup files from the shared catalog
and replaces them with the lookup
Uncompressed lookup files:
• Any file can serve as an uncompressed lookup file if the data is
not compressed and has a field defined as a key. These files
can also be created using the WRITE LOOKUP component.
• The component writes two files:
• a file containing the lookup data and
• an index file that references the data file.

Block-compressed lookup files:

• Lookup files are written in compressed indexed blocks. These
kind of files are created using the WRITE BLOCK COMPRESSED
LOOKUP component.
• The component writes two files:
• A data file containing the blocks of compressed data
• An index file that contains indexes to the blocks
When you load a block-compressed lookup file you are actually
loading its index file. The compressed data remains on disk.
Lookup files can be either serial or partitioned (multifiles).
• When a serial lookup file is accessed in a component, the
Co>Operating System loads the entire file into memory. In most
cases the file is memory-mapped: every component in your graph
that uses that lookup file (and is on the same machine) shares a copy
of that file. If the component is running in parallel, all partitions on
the same machine also share a single copy of the lookup file.
• lookup, lookup_count, lookup_match, lookup_next, and
lookup_nth are used with serial files
• Partitioning a lookup file is particularly useful when a multifile system
is partitioned across several machines. The depth of the lookup file
(the number of ways it is partitioned) must match the layout depth of
the component accessing it.
• lookup_local, lookup_count_local, lookup_match_local,
lookup_next_local and lookup_nth_local are used with partitioned
lookup files
Lookup Functions:
record lookup[_local] (string file_label, [ expression [ ,
expression ... ]])
Returns the first matching data record, if any, from a [partition
of a] lookup file.

unsigned long lookup_count[_local] (string file_label, [expression [
,expression ..]])
Returns the number of matching data records in a [partition of
a] lookup file.

unsigned long lookup_match[_local] (string file_label, [expression [
,expression .. ]])
Looks up a specified match in a [partition of a] lookup file.
record lookup_next[_local] (string file_label )
Returns the next successive matching record, if any, from a
[partition of a] lookup file after a successful call to lookup or

record lookup_nth[_local] (string file_label, unsigned integer
record_num )
Returns a specific record from a [partition of a] lookup file.
Dynamically loaded lookup:
Unlike the normal lookup process, dynamically loaded lookups load
the dataset only when it is called by a lookup_load function
in any transformation on the graph.
This provides an opportunity to dynamically specify which file to
use as a lookup.
Dynamically loaded lookups are used in a specific sequence:
• Prepare a LOOKUP_TEMPLATE component
• Use lookup_load to load the dataset and its index
lookup(lookup_id, "MyLookupTemplate", in.expression)
• Call the standard lookup function within a transform
• Unload the lookup using lookup_unload function
• A lookup file works best if it has a fixed-length record format
because this creates a smaller index and thus faster lookups.
• When creating a lookup file from source data, drop any fields
that are not keys or lookup results.
• A lookup file represented by a LOOKUP FILE component must fit
into memory. If a file is too large to fit into memory, use INPUT
FILE followed by MATCH SORTED or JOIN instead.
• If the lookup file is large, partition the file on its key the same
way as the input data is partitioned. Then use the functions
lookup_local, lookup_count_local, or lookup_next_local. For more
information, see "Partitioned lookup files".

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