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SCIENCE PNA Tae cr a5) ASS Bi aC PLP a apers ‘Multiple Choice Questions ‘Answers to NCERT Questions ‘Assertion-Reason Type Questions PrintingHistory: Edition: 2020-21 Syllabus Covered: Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi Price: Five Hundred Four Rupees 504/-) ISBN: 978-93-89975-28-4 © Copyright Reserved by the Publshers ‘eels otartein anyon oy ay meas tht wen ermssonton th pune: Published By: VK Global Publications Pvt.Ltd. Regd. office: 4323/3, Ansari Road, Darya Gan} ‘New Delhi-110002 Ph: 91-11-23250105, 23250106 Fax: 91-11-23250141 Corporate Office: 15/1, Main Mathura Road, Faridabad (NCR) Heryana-121003 Phone:0129-7117719-48 lines Fax: 0129-2250322 Emai: mail@vkpublications.com vwaww.vkpublications.com Printed At: Prince Print Process le tt a Sees mae soderr onions te ubeaton nape home rors vcereptin hy mista erorordsonenc noes nay be bought sor ete heh be ken co tfinthe ne eatin atte at nee pus ror We ors ce woe espns or ycamgeoiesse siento sen oy kee nan mane erfon a bdng nas mp ‘Temi page ene eye pe te Nor 2. Acids, Bases and Salts.. 3. Metalsand Non-metals. 1. Carbon and its Compounes. Periodic Classification of Elements . Control and Coordination |. Light Reflection and Refiaction.. |. The Human Eye and the Colourful World... Contents PART:A Chemical Reaction and Equations Life Processes so sso ae 158 How do Organisms Reproduce’. Heredity and Evolution smn Electricity ‘Magnetic Effects of Electric Curent. Sources of [nergy uennnnnnn ur Environment . Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. PART: B 1 Periodic Test -1 © Pen Paper Test © Multiple Assessment ME PeFOdICTESt = 2 ann 517 © Pon Paper Tost © Multiple Assessment Periodic Test -3 524 © Pen Paper Test © Multiple Assessment 1 CBSE Sample Question Paper-2020.. 1 Model Question Papers 1-5 (Unsolved) 1 CBSE Examination Papers-2020, Syllabus Course Structure Class -X (Annual Examination) Marks: 80 Units Marke | Periods | Chemical substances Nature and ehaviou| 25, 56 | World oftving 2 0 | Natwral Phenomena 2 23 | etteas or current 3 32 Intemalascesement 20 Grad Tot 100 ‘Theme: Materials (55 Periods) Unit Chemical Substence:Neture ond Behaviour Chemical reactions: Chemical equation Balanced chemical equation, implications ff a balanced chemical equation, types of chemical reactions Combination, decomposition. diplacemer. double displacement. precipitation. neutralization ‘oxidation and reduction [Aclds, bases and salts: Ther defirons in tems of furishing of Ht and OH ions, General properties, examples and uses, concept of pH scale Defintion relating to Jogarttnm not required). Importance of pH in everyday Ife; reparation and uses of ‘Sedum Hydroxide Bleaching powder, Baking soda, Washing Soda and Paster of Paris. ‘Metals and non-metal: Properties of metals and non-metal Reactivity series; Farmaton and. properties of lorie compounds: Basic metallurgical processes: Corrosion and is prevention, {carbon compounds: Covalent bonding in carbon compounds, Yersatle nature (of carbon, Homologous series. Nomenclatwe of carben compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alecho, ketones, abiehyées, alkanes ané alkynes), ference between saturated tydrocarbons and unsaturated hycrocarbons. {Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, adtion and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uss), soaps ard detergents Periodic clesifeation of slements: Need for clesiienton, Carly attempts at casifiaton of elements (Dobereners Tacs, Newland’s Law of Octaves, Mendeleev Periodic Table), Modem periodic able, gradation h propetis, vale, atomic aumber, metalic and non-metalle properties. Theme: The World ofthe Living (50 Periods) Unit I: World of Living Life processes: ‘Living Being Basic concent of nutrition, respiration, transport and ‘excetionin plants and arimals CControt and co-ordination in animals and plants: rope movements In plans Introduction cf plant hormones; Control and co-ordination in animals; Nervous ‘system; Voluntary, Involuntary and reflex action; Chemical co-ordinator: animal hormones Reproduction Reproduction inanimas ard plants asexualand sexua reproductive heath-need and methocs of family planning, Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Chule bearing andwomen’ ealth Heredity and evolution: Heredity: Mendes centribution - Laws fo inhetance of ‘rats Sen determination: bit introduction; Base concopts of evolution, ‘Theme: Natural Phenomena (23 Periods) Unit: Natural Phenomena Aefecion of hight by cured surfaces Images formes by spherical mirors, centre of ‘curvature, principal axis, principal focus, fecal length mitrr formula (Derivation not required, magnification, Refaction; Laws of fraction, efractve index. Refaction of light by sphercalens; mage formed by spherical lenses Lens formula (Derivation no required); Magnificaton. Powerof alens. Functioning of 2 lens In human eye, defects of vision and thet cowections application of spherical mirorsandlenses. Refactionof ight through prism, dsperson oflight scattering oflight, applications in dally, Theme: How Things Work (32Periods) Unit vs Effects of Current Electric euttert, potenti difeence and eleciic ctrent. Ohm’ la Resistance, resitiviy Factorsonwhichthe esistance fa corductor depends Series combination ‘of resistors, parallel combination of resistor ane ts aplicationsin daly ie Heating cffect of electric current and its applications in daly fe. Electric power, interelation between®,V, and R Magnetic effets of current: Magnetic fed fell ines Felddue wo acarrenteatryng conductor, fed due to curent carrying col or solenoid Force on current carrying Conductor, Flemings Left Hard Rule, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic induction, Induced potertial ference, duced current. Fleming’ Right Hand Rule, Elecric Generator, Direct current. Alternating current: frequency of AC, Adrantage of AC ‘over DC. Domestic electric ciruts, ‘Theme: Natural Resources (20 Periods) Unit V: Natural Resources ‘Sources of energy: Dferent forms of energy, conventional and non-conventional sources of eneigy: Fos fuels, solar energy, biogas: wind, water and tial energy "Nuclear energy, Renewable versus non-renewable sources of Energy. (Our environment: Feosystem, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions. Biodegradable and non biodegradable substances ‘Management of natural resources: Conservation and judicious uso of natural resources Forest end wildlife; Coa and Petroleum conservation Examples ofpeople’s participation for conservation of ratural resources. ig dams: advantages and lurvtationsaternatves, any Water harvesting Sustainabilty of natural resources Practicals Practicals should be conducted alongside the concepts taught in theory classes. (stot Experiments) 1. A Finding the pl of the folloning samples by using pH paper / universal indicator: Unit Dilute Hydrochloric Ace 1 ute NaOH solution li) Dilute Ethanoic Acid Soktion 4) Lemon juice wiWater \) Diste Hydrogen Carbonate solution 3B. Studying the properties of acids and bases HCI & NaOH) by their reaction vty ‘Unit! 2) Litmus solution Blue Rec) bi Zincmeta «Sole soctum carsonate 2. Performing and observing the following reactions and classifying them int Unit ‘A.Combination reaction 8B, Decompostion reaction Displacement reaction 1D Double alsplacement reaction (9 Action of water on quick ime {Action of haat on ferrous Sulphate crystals io ron nals kept in copper sulphate solution Ui Reaction between sodium sulphate and baum chloride solutions 3. Observing the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals on the fotowing salt solutions Unit 1) 2n80 (aq) 1) FeSO (09) 19) CuSO, (aq) uy) ALSO) (29) ‘Arranging Zn Fe Cu and AI (metal) in the decreesing order of reactivity based ‘onthe above result. 10. Studying the dependence of potential diferance (V) across a resistor cn the ‘current () passing through it end determine its resistance, Also plotting a g73ph between Vand Unie Determination ofthe equivalent resistance oftwo resistors when connected in series and parallel Unie Prepating temporary mcunt ofa leaf peel to show stomata, Unitit 7. Experimentally show that carbon dioxide i given out during respiration. Unitit 3. Study ofthe following properties of acetic acid etharoic acid: Unit Dodour ‘)soluiltyn water lideffectontitmus iv) reaction with soclum hycrogen carbonate Study of the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water. Unit (Determination ofthe focal length of Unieat Dconcavemiror sw) Convex lens " 2. %. 15. by obtaining the image ofa distant object. Tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular lass slab for diferent angle of incidence, Meature the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of emergence and interpret the result. Unit Studying [a binary fision in Amoeba and fb) budding in yeast anc Mya with the help of prepared sides, Uniti Tracing the path cf the rays ight through ¢ glass prism. Unit Finding the image dlstance for varying object elstances in case of a convex lens and drawing corresponding ray diagrams to show the nature of image formed Unit Identification ofthe diferent parts of an embryo ofa dicot seed (Pea, gram oF red kidney bear). Unitit General Instructions | There willbe an Annual Examination based on the enti syllabus 2. The Annus! Examination wil be of 8 marks and 20 marks weightage shall be {or intemal Assessment Forinternal Assessment. (a). There willbe Periodic Assessment that woul include: For 5 marks: Three periouc tests to be conducted by the school. Average ‘of the best two tests to be taken that wil have a weightage of 05 marke towards the final result. For 5 marks Diverse methods of assescment as pet the need of the cass ‘dynamics and curriculum transaction. These may include—short tess, ‘oral test, quiz concept maps, projects, posters, presentations and enquiry based scientif investigations, et. and use rubrics for arguing them ‘objectively. Ths will aso have a weightage of 05 marks towards the Fina} result (©) Practical aboratory work should be done throughout the year and the student should maintain record ofthe same. Practical Assessment should be continuous. Thare willbe weightagect5 marks towards the final rsult. All practicas listed inthe syllabus must be completed. (6 Portolio to be prepared by the student. This would include classwork ‘and other sample of student work and wil cary a weightage of S marks towards the final sults ‘Assessment Areas (Theory) 2020-21 SCIENCE Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Competencies Demonstate Knowledgeand Understanding | 45% ‘Application of Knowledge/Concepts 2% ‘Anaivze Evaluate od Create 3 Note: (© Typology of questions: VSA including objective type questions, Assertion: Reasoning type questions; SA; LA: Source-based/Case-based)/Passage-based/ Integrated assessment questions © An internal choice of approximately 33% mould be provided. Internal Assessment (20 marks) (© Periodic Assessment—(05 merks + 05 marks) (© Subject Enrichment Practical woxk)—C5 marks © Portotio—05 marks Suggestive verbs for various competencies © Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding State, name, list, dently, define, suggest, cescribe, outline summantze, et © Application of Knonledge/Concepts Calculate, tlustate, show, adapt, explain distinguish te © Analyze, Evaluate and Create Interpret, analyze, compare, contrat, examine, evaluate, discuss, construct, ete - PART-A BASIC CONCEPTS—A FLOW CHART MORE POINTS TO REMEMBER OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS ‘* Multiple Choice Questions Assertion-Reason Questions ‘* Passage-based Questions Very Short Answer Questions SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS HOTS [HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS] | | a NCERT CORNER fa aa oa a0 ¢ NCERT Intext Questions ‘* NCERT Exercises © SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST PESTS ies Rie ‘Simmer eater ferent econ ter ene sy ae "rdthatoctthe wb ct nie reat nares es Acetic equten neh nba of ers eethleérton escart es aa ott foes ARNG Wiksmnima camel [Oka oad ac aussi ee ed ecee ene [race oe een ae ae ie tances Tee caagsn hese) Fen arojsnsOj) at Oa —E, eee sMocnmerecinn — Aitestswerbecin Ae ntcacteiotin shies eis a eee acacia Se cee manta ono wan nea —< << onthe oaiset heat wars ‘easton which esters bane + nosy cecompostin reacts ae snob racic ‘00040 = 0106 00.6) “we ing compounds change thee exon oso er te ew smpaunde "Tipe 9 aed — tale * ete) cre Areectn thet produces rect race ok) Teealecs gecptaten actor ‘Sow comerion mute eo herundeebie (rtonte onde ee) ra +000 + el) — Fe —— Feacerinatich bet ners nga erate of rats 44+ 20,0) — DD.) + 24,00) + Heater ———ooeOens ‘scinteygen me Slat iygogen ste slostotonaerstons Scie sthyeroge tr se ssctpsrenelusiam aug Daan ote ate intoot essing tah Multiple Choice Questic Fach MORE POINTS TO REMEMBER Observations to determine occurrence of a chemical reaction: ( Change in state (i) Change in colour (i) Evolstion of 2 gas Go) Change in temperature ‘Steps in writing a balanced chemical equation: (© The word equation is written in the formula form. {To balance achemical equation, frst draw boxesaround each formula. Donot changeanything Inside the boxes while Ealancing the equation, (w) List the number of atoms of different elements present in the unbalanced equation, (@v) Equaise the number of atoms on both the sides ofthe reaction. (0) The physical statesofthereactants and productsarementioned alongwith heirchoricl Formule. Oxidising agent isa substance which gives oxygen or gains hydrogen. -Aitornatively, oxidising agent i the substance which oxidises other substances and reduces itso Reducing agent isa substance which gives hydrogen or gains oxygen _Attarnatively,redueing agent i te substance which reduces other substances and oxidiss tel, on ‘question has 4 choees (a, (band i. Choose and write the correct option. In which ofthe fllowing equations, dhe masa is not same on both the sides? (@) Word equation @) Skeletal equation () Balanced equation (0) Both a) and ©) 2. Which among the following statement) i (are true? Exposure of silver ehloride for tong duration turns grey due to INCERT Ev () the formation o silver by decomposition of silver chloride sublimation of silver chloride (ii) decomposition of chlorine gas from silver chloride (i) oxidation of silver chloride (6) only © dana (ay (9 (and wy) (oly 5. ‘Threebeakerslabelled as A, Band Geach containing 25m of water were taken. A small amount of NaOH, anhydrous CuSO, and NaCl were added to the beakers A, B and G respectively Ie ‘was observed that there was an increase in the temperature of the sclutions contained in ‘beakers Aand B, whereas in case of beaker C, the temperature ofthe solution falls. Which one ‘of the following statements is (are) corre INGERT Exemplar ja beakers A and B, excthermie process has occurred. (j) In beakers A and B, endothermic process has occurred. lit) In beaker C exothermic process has occurred. (de) In beaker C endothermie process has occurred. a) (oenly © dionly © Wanda) ——@ ana ain Corrosion of metas ean be prevented (2) by coating the metal surface witha paint (8) by applying fl of grease and ol onthe surface ofthe meta. [e) by covering the surface of the metal with another metal which is more elctropasiive. @) allot hese. [5 Identify the chemical equation which represents a complete balanced equation forthe react of barium chloride with sodium sulphate to produce barium sulphate and sodium chloride, (@) BaCl,iap + Na,S0 fag) —+ BaS0,() + NaClag) (©) BaChian) + Na,S0 jor) —+ 2Ba80 4) + 2NaCkap) (©) BBaClag) + Na,SO ay) — 2BS0 6) + NaCl) (4) BaCly (a) + Na,SO (aq) — BaS0,() + 2NaCa 6. Which ofthe following is not a physical change? (NCERT Exemplar) (@) Boiling of water to give water vapour (6) Making of ce to give water (6) Dissolution of salt in water @) Combustion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 1. Which among the following is are) double displacement reaction(s)? [CENT Pavan) G) Pb + GuCl, — PLCh, +6 (i NaS, + BaCl, — BaSO, + 2NeCl Giiy C+ 0, — C0, () CH, +20, — CO, + 241,0 (@) @and oy (bce) only © @and gp (4) apand go) 1. Which ofthe following reactions represents a combination resction? (4) C206) + H,0¢ — CH), (ag) ( ACO) — COW) + COL) ©) Zi) + CuSO jig) — 7nS04(eq) + U6) 25046) —~ Fe04s) + SOQ) + SO) 4. Which of the folowing observation help() sto determine tata chemical change hastaken place? @) Change in emperawue, (Change in colour. (©) Evolution ofa gas. (@) Allott 10, A dilute ferrous sulphate sohution was gradually added to the besker containing acidified potassium permanganate solution. The light purple colour of the solution fades and finally Aisappears. Which ofthe following i the correct explanation for the observation? INCERT Exemplar] () KANO, isan oxidiking agent, oxides FeSO, () FeSO, 20128 an oxidising agent and oxidises KMnO, (The colour disappears duc wo dilation: ne reason is involved (4) KMin0, is an unstable compound and decomposes in presence of FeSO, to a colourless ‘compoun 11, Which ofthe folowing is (are) an endothermic processes? Dilution of sulphuric zeid. (i) Sublimation of dry ice. (ii) Condensation of water vapours. (2) Evaporation of water, [NCE Exel (and ei (@) (a) only €) Ga) only (4) (and (ey 12, Which ofthe following are combination reactions? INCERT Exemplar) ( 8KCIO, — 2KCI +30, ) MgO + H,0 — Mg(OH), (i) 4a1 +30, — 241.0, (=) £0 + FeSO, — ZnSO, + Fe () @ ands (b) (pana Go) © Gand Go) (2) (a) and ta 18, “ 15. n 18. 19, In which of the following chemical equations, the abbreviations represent the correct states of the reactant and produets involved at resetion temperatare? NCER Exemplar] (@) 2H) + Of) —+ 24,0 () THY) + Ox) — 24,00) (9) 2H) + 04) — 24,00) (0) 2Hidg) + Org) — 24,0) Which ofthe following are exothermic processes? () Resetion oF water with quick ime (4) Diktion of an acid (i) Evaporation of water (Ge) Sublimation of eamphor (erytals) INCENY Beeman) (6) (ana i) ©) Gana Gi) (6) @and vo (8) G8) and (>) Which one of the following processes involve chemical reactions? NCENT Exemplar} (@) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure ina gus cylinder (@) Liquetacion of air (6) Keeping pettl in a china dish in the open (@) Hating copper wire in presence of at at high temperature Im the double displacement reaction between aqueous potassium iodide and aqueous lead nitrate, a yellow precipitue of lead iodide is formed. While performing the activity if lead nitrate isnot available, which ofthe following can be used im place of lead nitrate? [NCERT Exemplar) (@) Lead sulphate (insoluble) Lead acetate (Ammonium nitrate (¢) Possum sulphate Solid calcium oxide reacts vigorously wth water to form calcium hydroxide accompanied by liberation of heat. This process i called slaking of lime, Calciuen hydroxide dissolves in water to form its olution called lime water. Which among the following i (are) true about slaking of Hime and the solution formed? NCERT Bxepicn| () Itisan endothermic reaction i) Teisan exothermic reaction (ii) The pH of the resulting solution will be more than seven (Ge) The pH of the resulting solution will be less than seven (@) (anata) () diana Gia) ©) @and iy) (pad) ‘What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid Is added w irom lings? () Hydrogen gas and iron (II) ehoride are produced (b) Chlorine gas and ferric hydvoside are produced (6) Hear i absorbed, 1, test tubes becomes cl @) Tron sal and water are produced. “The following reaction is used for preparation of oxygen gn inthe laboratory: KEIO (9) 42K C119) 3066) Which of the following statements is correct about the reaction? NCERE Bxepias} (a) Ie is a docompeniton reaction and endothermic in nati (Risa combination reaction (©) tie decomponition reaction and i accompanied by release of het. @) eis a photo chemical decomposition reaction and exothermic in nate 20, ‘The following reaction isan example ofa ANTI (@) + 503 (@) —- 4NOW)+ 6110) (displacement reaction (i) combination reaction (ii) redox reaction lie) moutralieaion reaction [NEN Psvplin) (a) (pana Go) 4) @) and (ay) iv and Ge) 21. Chemically rust is (@) ferie sulphate (hydrated ferrous oxide (and (ay 0) ferric oxide ) hydrated terre oxide Answers Ld 26) se) 1a 5) BM) B@) 8) 1) 1d 1G) 15. @) 18H) 6) 18. @ 1) ME) BL) Assertion-Reason Questions iii CC TC0 ‘The following questions consist of two statements ~ Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these ‘questions selecting the appropriate eption given below (@) Both and Rare true and Ris the correct explanation ofA (©) Both Aan Rare rebut Rts nt the correct explanaion of A. (©) Als true but R is false. (@ Aisfolse but R is true. 1, Assertion(d) : Decomposition of vegetable matter into compost is an example of exothermic Reason (R) + Exothcrmic reaction ate those yeacions in which heatis evolved, Assertion A) + When HIGlis added to zine granules a chemical reaction occurs Reason (R) : Evolution of a gas and change in colour indicate that the chemical reaction is taking place 3. Asserion(A) + Calcium carbonate when heated gives cakium oxide and water Reason (R) + On heating calcium carbonate, decomposition reaction takes place. 4. Assertion(4) + Browa fumes ate produced when led aitrate is heated Reason (R) + Nitrogen dioxide gas is produced asa by preduct due o the decomposition of lead nirate 5. Assertion(4) + White silver chloride mons grey in sunlight Reason (R) + Deccimposiion of silver chloride in presence of sunlight takes place to form silver meal and chborine gas. (6. Asserion(A) + Pungent smelling gasis produced when suiphur busns ins Reason (K) + Sulphur wide is formed on reaction of sulphur with oxygen. 17. Assertion|A) + In. reaction of copper with exygen, copper serves asa reducing agent. Reason (R) : Thesubsiance which gainseyas Answers L@ 2@ aw +o B® 66) 1@ ina chemical rection acts as reducing agent. Passape-hased Questions 4 Answer the questions below each pascage on the basis of your understanding ofthe paragraph and the ‘related studied concepts. 1 Oxidation isthe process of gaining of oxygen, oF lesing hydrogen, Reduction i the process oF losing of oxygen or gaining of hydrogen. The substance which undergoes oxidation i the reducing agent while the substance which undergoes reduction i Known 38 the axidsing agen Oxidation and reduction always tke place together and these type of reactions are known as redox reactions, Some ofthe examples of vedox reactions are given below: 1 | mm,0, + sHcl —= spn, +c + 41,0. IL jag + 0, — amo SO, + Zn —+ Gu +2080, WW. |¥,0, + sca — 2v +5640 ¥. |are + 48,0 — Feo, +n, () Give two examples of enidation reaction from your everyday lie. (0) Write the oxidising agent in the reaction IIL and VI di) Which ofthe following ian oxidising agent? (@) tial, (Hy Altaline KMn0, (6 Aeidiied KCx0, ) Both () ana (oy (i) Ovt of oxidation and reduction, which reaction takes place at anode? 2. Corrosioniethe phenomenon of deterioration of surface of metain presence of air and meistor. isa natiral process and inthe presence ofa moist atmosphere, chemically acsive metas get corroded. This s an oxidation reaction. Rusting is the process where iron corrodes due to exposure tothe atmosphere. The main circumstance of erosion occurs with ro because Wt structural material in eoestrucion, bridges, buildings, ail ranspor, ships, etc. Aluminium is alsoan important structural meta, but even aluminium undergees oxidation reactions. However, Aluminium doesnt corrode ar exe ae rapily as ie reaciniy suggests. Copper (Cu) carrodes and forms a basic groen carbonate (0) What is rusting? (9) Which io metals do not corrode as (48) Waite the chemical name ofthe compound formed on corrosion of ser (i) Corrosion is (@) aredox resaion (#) a reduction reaction (a displacereat reaction (an oxidation reaction Answers: 1.) Corrosion and rancidity, (i) CuSO, in (1M) and CuO in 1) wo (i) Oxidation takes place at anode 2. () The deierioration of surlce of ion ia presence of at and moisture is called rusting (i) Gold and platinur (ii) Siver sulphide, Ags i Very Short Answer Questions TTT ach ofthe following questions are of T mark and have to be answered tn one word or one sentence, Q. 1. What does the word aqueous (oq) represent in a chemical reaction? ‘Ans, It represents that the compound is present asa solution in water, Q.2, Why Is combustion of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) a chemical change? ‘Ans, Combustion of Ligufied Petroleum Cas (LPG) sa chemical change because aller itscombustion, samow substance is formed and eannot be weed back inte LEG. Q.3. What is wrong with the following equation? Mg+O-—- MeO {dentfy the mistake and balance the equation. Ane. In ticequation, oxygen should be in molecular frm (0,) ‘2Mg +0, — 2MgO Q.4. What is meant by skeletal equation? ‘Ans. The equation where the number of atoms of each element on beth the ses of a chemi ‘equation are not equal scaled skeletal equation. Q.5. Potassium chlorate (KCI0,) on heating forms potassium chloride and oxygen. Writeabalanced ‘equation for this reaction. Ans, 2KCIO,6) —+ 2KCIi) + 304) Q.6. What do you observe when magnesium ribbon is burnt? ‘Ans. When magnesium ribbon is burnt, formation of white ponder is abscrved along with white dzding fame. Q.7. Convey the following information in the form ofa balanced chernical equation “hm aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate reacts with an aqucous cclution of codium hydroxide toforen a precipitate of ferrous hydroxide and sodium sulphate remains in solution.” Ane, FeSO (aq) + 2NaOH (ay) —+ Fe(OH) + NoSO ig Q.8, Balance the following chemical equation: PbINOD)26) Ans, 27H(NO4).() PhOW) + NO) + 040) P90 (9) + 4NOL@) + OL) Q.9. Give one example ofa combination reaction which i also exothermic, ‘Ans. When quicklime or ealeium oxide (C20) reacts with water, slaked lime (Ca{OH),] is formed, During thisrcationalarge amount of heat sreleased So, thi reaction isan cxithermic reaction. C206), +Hy0() — Cal OFD gag) + Feat Q.10. What isthe difference between the following two types of react AgNO, + HCL —> Agcl + HNO, Mg + 2HCl— Mgcl, + Hy ‘Ana, The firt reaction it a double displacement reacion whereas second reaction is a single slisplacemen reaction. Q.1L, Why is hydrogen peroxide kept in coloured bottles? ‘Ane, This is done in order to cu of light because hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and ‘oxygen in the presence of light, 2H,0, —*- 2H,0+ 0, Q.1% Givconcexampleota reaction whichiea double displacement reaction aswell aeaprecipitation Ans, AgNOs(aq) + NaCl(ag) —~__AgCI()_ + NaNO leg) Q.18. Why is phototyathesia considered an endothermic reaction? “Ans. Photosynthesis isan endothermic reaction because energy in the form of sunlight is absorbed ddacing the process of photosynthesis by green plans Q.14. What typeof reaction is represented by the digestion of food in our body? ‘Ane. Decomposition reaction 1.15. How wil you test for the gas which ie iberated when hydrachloric aid reacts with an active metal? “Ans. When an active metal like Zn reacts with HCI, the gas produced burns with a pop sound which indicates that it ta hydrogen gas Zn) + 2HCKap) — ZoCls) + He) Q.16. Cana double displacement resetion take place when the products arc highly soluble or highly fonised? ‘Ans. No, double displacement reaction takes place when there 1. What changes inthe color a ron mils and coper supa slton do you observe ase leeping the iron nails dipped in copper sulphate solution for about $0 exis fas, non elis become bronith in eler tte Bic exour ef copper suipeatewllon Cues ‘Thins because iron displaces copper from copper sulphate solation and forms ferrous sulphate which i light green in colour [Name the oxidising and reducing agent in the following reaction: 2H,S +50, —+ 32,0458) ‘Ans, HS is the reducing agem while SO, i the oxidising agent. 1, A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually added to the beaker containing acidified potassium permanganate solution. The light purple colour of the volution fades and Gnally disappears. Write the correct explanation for thi observation. ‘Ans. Pouassium permanganate soluion (MnO) isan oxidising agent. I oxidises ferrous sulphate (FeSO, ) to ferric sulphate (Fe,(S0,) Q.20. Define rancidity. ‘Ane, “The oxidation of oils or fats in food resulting in a bad tase and smell is called rancid Q.21. Name one synthetic antioxidant, “Ane. Butylated hylroxyaniaole (BHA) Short Answer Questions iy CTS) Each ofthe following questions are of 5 marks and have to be answered in about 50-60 words, formation of slightly soluble sal QA. (0) 1 gof ammonium chloride is added to a test tbe containing 2 g barium hydroxide. What happens when you touch the bottom of che test tube? Give reason. (i) Wiite the chemical equation forthe reaction. ‘Ans. () The betiom ofthe test ube becomes cold. The reaction in endothermic reaction. () Bo(OH), + 2NH,CL —+ BaCl, + 2NH, + 2H,0 @.2. Which among the following are physical or chemical changes? () Evaporation of petrol (4) Burning of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) (ii) Heating of an iron vod to ed hot (Ge) Curdling of milk (2) Sublimation of solid ammonium chloride IVCERY Exemper} ‘Ans. () Physical change: (i) Chemical change (i) Physical chang (io) Chemical change (0) Physical change 10 J. How do we come to know that « chemical reaction has taken place? The presence of any a he following changes helps uso devermine that a chemical reaction has taken place. (i) Formation of new substance() (a Ghange in sate (8) Change in colour (¢=) Change in temperature (@) Formation of precipitate (8) Evolution of a gas For example, if on mising two substances a gas is evolved, then we can say that a chemical reaction has taken place. 4. Which among the following changes are exothermic or endothermic in nature? (@ Decomposition of ferrous (i) Dilution of sulphuric acid ii) Dissolution of sodium hydroxide in water (Go) Dissolution of ammonium chloride in water WxCERT Beep ‘Ans. ()ixendothermic:s hea is absorbed in these changes (i) isexothermic as heat is released io these changes. Ga) is exothermic as heat i released in these changes (Gr) is endothermic aa heat is absorbed in these changes. Q.5. What is an oxidation reaction? Give an example of axkdation reaction. Is oxidation an exothermic or an endothermic react ‘Ant. The texction in which oxygen combines with other elements or compounds it known a6 an oxidation reaction, For example, burning of hydrogen san oxidation processin which hydrogen combines with oxygen to form wat 2Hfe) + 03) — 21,00) Oxidation reactions are exothermic Give reasons (@) Aluminium is «reactive metal but is till used for packing food articles. (i) Real litmus paper turns blue when touched with aqueous solution of magnesium oxide. (i) Fire Hes glow a might. ince (0) On exposure to ai, aluminium forms a hard prowetive ayer of aluminium oxide (AL0,) which prevent ferther oxidation, (i) Magnesium oxide tan oxide of metal so, ics basi n nature. Duc to its base char turns red lms paper blue when touched with is aqueous sation fics havea preein whi Presence of enzyme u hemical reaction which involves emision of visible 1 Exempla) 1 acral oxidation, a) i kh + Complete the missing componcntsvariables given asx and y in the following reactions: @ PHNO,)(ag) + 2KKag) —- Pol + 2KNOAG) (i) Cale) + 2AgNO4 (09) —+ CaNO,eg) +) Znls) + H,8O,(ag) —- Za50,6) + His) 0) CaCO, Ca0K) + COLW) Excener Fema) )x—6:y—@p (i x 24g (i) xe (2) x Heat -@ et ‘Ans. 2.9. Qo. Qu Ane Que Ane. 12 J. Explain why (@) sine liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas copper does no? INCERT Esrplr] (ti) we store silver chloride in dark coloured bores? NCENEY Expl @ Zinc is above hydrogen whereas copper is below hydrogen in the activity series of meals “That is why zine displaces hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric aci Zn + Gl — ZnCl, + My Gu + Hel — No reaction nile copper doesnot. (i Silver chloride on exposure to sunlight may decompose as per the fllowing reaction. Bago) —- 2Aqs) + Chie) Therefore, itis stored in dark coloured bots, edict the formed is blue-green. blue-green colour tothe solution. ‘The new compound formed is copper(I chloride (CuCl), which imparts blue-green colour the solution, A solution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution, an insoluble white ‘substance is formed. Write the chemical reaction involved and also mention the type ofthe ‘chemical reaction. NCENRE Exenplar| Klay) + AgNO slag) —= Ago) + KNOyag) Iisa double displacement and precipitation reaction, Draw a labelled diagram to show displacement reaction between copper and zinc. Also write the chemical equation for the reaction. 5 =, 2b aso, + Zn — ZnSO, + 60 |Ldentify the substance oxidised, substance reduced, oxidising agent and reducing agent: MnO, +4HCL—- MnCl, + 2H,0 4 Cl, Substance oxidised HCl Substance reduced M0. Osidising agent MnO, Reducing agent Hel Grapes hanging om the plant do not forment but after being phicked from the plant can be Fermented. Under what conditions do these grapes ferment? Is ita chemical or a physical INCERE Exemplar their own immune sytem prevents vation. The microbes can grow in the plucked grapes and under anacrubie conditions these can be fermented. This chemical change Qs. Ane. Qs. Ans, an, Ane. Quis. . A copper coin was kept dipped ia silver nitrate solution for «few hoursdays: What will pen te the copper coin? What will happen to the colour ofthe solution? Copper i more reactive than silver, Hence, it diaplaces silver from the silver nitrate solution according to the given reaction (6) + 2AgNO, fag) —+ GX(NO,),(a9) + 2AG6 Cont Sern Creme “The siver thus formed i deposited on the suiface of copper, thereby giving ita white shining appearance. “The solution becomes blue due ta the form Identify the reducing agent inthe following reactions. () 4NH, +50, ——~ 4NO + 6H,0 Gi) H04¥, — HE + HOE (iti) FeO, +360 — 2Fe + 8CO, (ie) 2H, +0, —- 24,0 [CERT Beempdor} (i) Ammonia (NH) (a) Water (1,0) 25 Fy i geting reduced to HE i) Carbon monoxide (CO) Go) Hydrogen (FL) ‘Translate the following statements into chemical equations and balance them: (@) Lead nitrate reacts with sulphuric acid to form a precipitate of lead sulphate and nitric a, jon of copper nitrate (i) Calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide. (Gi) Aluminium metal stip is added in hydrochloric acid to produce 1d hydrogen gas. 4) PbINO, lag) + H,SO lag) —> PbSO() + 2HNOSiag) (i CaCOy6) + 2HCKaq) — CaChlag) + H,01) + COde) (8) YAK@) + 6HCHeg) — ZAIC9) + Hye) Write the balanced chemical equations forthe following reactions: (Sodium carbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid in equal molar concentrations ives odivm chloride and sodium hydrogen carbonate. (i Sodium hydrogen carbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid gives sodium chloride, water and liberetes carbon dioxide. with potassium iodide precipitates cuprousiodide (Cu,;), ine gas and also forms potassium sulphate, TNCERE exenptar| 0) Na,CO,6) + HCKay) —~ NaCliag) + NaHCO) (i) NaHCO,6) + HCKay) —- NaCl) + H.W) + COM) () 2680 jag) + AKG) —- Cushy) + 2K,S0 ag) + 16) rite the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify the type of reaction in each ease. (@) Nitrogen ga is treated with hydrogen gus in the presence ofa catalyst at 773 K to form amomonia ae. (i Sodium hydroxide solution i treated with acetic acd to form sodium acetate and water. (Gi) Ethano is warmed with ethanoicaci w form ethylacetatein the presence of concentrated 11804. yminium chloride 13 (Go) Ethene is burat in the preseace of exygea to form carbon dioxide, water and releases heat and light. INCERT Bmpr} Ans. @) Neg) + 941g) Combination reaction li) MAOH + CHACOOHa) — CHACOONaNp + 1,00 Double displacement reationy/Neutralsation reaction Git) GHSOHW + CH,COOHK) —"—GH,COOGSHAID) + HOW, Double displacement reation/Esterifcaion reaction Hyg) + 80,@) —+ 200g) + 2H,0() = Hest + Light Redox reaction/Combustion reaction 19, Write the balanced chemical equations forthe following reactions and identify the ype of reaction ia each ese. @ Thcrmit reaction, iron (UD) oxide reacts with aluminium and gives molten irom and aluminium oxide (i) Magnesium ribbon ie burnt in ride, (i) Chlorine gas is passed in an aqueous potassium jodide solusion to form potassium chloride solution ad solid iodine. inairt form casbon dioxide, water and releases heat{\(EIY Jw) ) mosphere of nitrogen gas to form solid magnesium Ans. () Fe,O4i) + 2AK6) — Al,Oy6) + 2Fe() + Heat Displacement reaction (i SM) + Nyle) —> Maa) Combination reaction (G8) 2g) + Chg) —+ 2KCiag) +16) Disphicement reaction (62) G:HJOHW) + $049) —> 200,4g) + 9H,00) + Heat ‘Combustion reaction 2.20, —G) Classify the following reactions into different types {e) AgNOs(ag) + NaCllag) —+ AgCl) + NaNO,(eq) () C206) + 140 —~ GxOH a9) 1 8KCIO,i) —*-- 2KCag) + 30,40) (@) Zn + CuSO, —- 2080, + Cu cose 2019 2140) (i) Translate the following statement into a balanced chemical equation: “*Racium chloride reacts with aluminum sulphate to give alumina chloride and barium su ‘Ans. (i) (e) Double displacement reaction, precipitation reaction ¥) Combination reaction (© Thermal desommpeniion reaction (2) Displacement reaction (i) SBaChiag) + ALISO, (ay) — 2AICLYap + SBS) Q.21, Name the type of chemical reaction represented by the following equatio (@ 0+ 1,0 — cxoH), (i) 3BaC, + AIjS0)) — AIC, + $850, ii) 2FeS0, > FeO; + 50} + 805 tece 2161 ‘Ans, —() Gombinaton reaction (a) Double displacement reaction (i) Thermal decomposition reaction 14 Qa 2. Qe. Qe. 28, Ans, “Translate the following statements into chemical equations and then balance the equatis (@) Phosphorus burns in oxygen o give phosphorus pentoxide. (40) Aluminium metal replaces iron from ferric oxide, Fe,O,, giving aluminium oxide and (Gi) Carbon disulphide burns in aic to give carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. (Go) Barium chloride reacts with zine sulphate to give sine chloride and barium sulphate, 1) PAs} + 504g) —= 20,0,0) Ai) 2A16) + Fes0y6) — ALO4o) + 2FeID a) C840) + 804g) —+ COJe) + BOY) (9) BoC) + Zn8Oglag) —+ ZaCkG) + BaSO (aq) ‘When poussium iodide solution is added to a solution of lead (I) nitrate in a test tube, a precipitate is formed. (i) What isthe colour of this precipitate? Name the compound precipitated. (Gd) Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction. (ii) List swo types of reactions in which this reaction can be placed. (CSP 2019 (51/11) (The colour of the precipitate is yelow. The compound precipitated is Poly (i) PoNO,), + 2KI —s Po, + 2KNO, (G2) Double displacement reaction, precipitation reaction 2 g of silver chloride is taken in a china dish and the china dish is placed in sunlight for ‘sometime, What will be your observation in this ase? Write the chemical reaction involved ia the form of a balanced chemical equation. Identify the type of chemical reaction. [CSE 2019 (311/)) The white silver chloride turns grey in sunlight. This is because ser chloride decomposes 9 form silver and chlorine gas 2ngcle) HH 2Ag(9) + Chie) {isa photadecompatiion reaction, (0 What happens when silver nitrate solution is added to sodium chloride solution? Write the equation for the reaction which takes place. (0) Name the type of resetion involved. 10) When siker nitrate soktion fe added to sdinm chloride solution, a white precipitate of siler chlovide i formed along with sodium nitrate solution, AgNO,lap * NaCliag) —+ AGC) + NaNO) (G) Thin is double dplacement reaction and precipitation reaction 2 gofferrous sulphate crystals are heated io a dy bling tube. (9) List any ono obserations Name the type of chemical reaction taking place, ‘Write balanced chemical equation forthe reaction and name the product formed. Tense 2079 3179) (© (@) The colour of ferrous sulphate crystals changes fom grocn to white then ura int brown due to formatinn of FeO (0) The ametlof burning sulphur due w the cxclation of SO, gu is observed (@) Thermal decomposition reaction (i) 25044) eO\6) + S044) + SOsL0) ete)” (a te “ 15 oan Ans, oe. Q.30, Ans. Ans, 16 entity the oxidising agent (oxidant) i the follows (@ PbO, + SHC! — sPbct, + cl, + 41,0 (Mg + 0, — 20g0 ii) CuSO, + Zn —+ Gu + 2080, (io) Vs0, + SC — 2V-+5C0 Ske + 41,0 — Fe,0, +40, (o) CO + Hy — Cu H,0 INCERT Boner) ( 9,0, (0, Gi Cus, wo vo, ono &) G0. ‘A substance X, which is an oxide of group 2 element, is used intensively in the cement industry. This element ia present in bones alee. On treatment with water it forme «solution “which turns red litmus blue. Identify X and also write the chemical reactions involved. INCERT Engler) X is calcium oxide, alo called quick lime. It reacts with water to form calcion hydronide which isbosic in nature. So it rns red litmus blue CaO{) + 10K) —> Ca\OH)(ap 1. A magnesium ribbon is burnt in oxygen to give awhite compound X accompanied by emission ‘of light Ifthe buvaing ribbon is now placed in an atmosphere of nitrogen it continues wo burn find forme» compound Y. (@) Write the chemical formulae of X and ¥- Wire the balanced chemical equation when X i dissolved in water. (NCP I¢/ Ppl) 2Mg6) + Oxie) — 2MgO') + Light Mg) + Neg) — Masao (i) Nis MgO: Vis MgyNo () MgOb) + H,00) — MgOH) a=) dentfy the typeof reaction inthe fllowing examples: ( NayS0,(aq) + BaCh(eq) — BaSO,(») + NaCliag) i) FeG) + CuSO,(ag) —+ FeSOJap) + Cue) ii) 2H) + 0,4) — 2,00) (i Double displacement reaction (i) Displacement reaction (i) Combination reaction Daring the reaction of some metals with dilute hydrochloric acid, following observations were sade, (f Silver metal does not show any change. (i) The temperature ofthe reation mixture rises when aluminium (Al) is added. Ui) The reaction of sodium metal is found to be highly explsive (io) Some bubbles ofa gas are seen when lead (Pb) is reacied with the acid. Explain these obrervation giving uitable reaso INGER Esenlar) It) Silber being a less reactive metal than hydrogen docs not displace hydrogen from HCL Hence it does not react with dilate HCL The temperature of the reaction mixture rises when aluminium i added because ts an ‘exothcrmic reaction (i) Reaction of sedivmn metals found tobe highly expksive because cis an exothermic reaction (Ge) When lead is treated with hydroehlorie acid, bubbles of hydrogen gas are evolved bi) + Hla — PoCheq) + Hue) 32. Asiher article generally tums black when leptin the open fora few days. The article when rubbed with oothpaste again starts shining. (@) Why do silver articles turn black when ept in dhe open for @ few days? Name the phenomenon involved. ) Name the black substance formed and give its chemical formals. [\CPIRT'Fanpler ‘Ans. (i) Metals such as silver when attacked by substances around it such a8 moisture, acids, gases, ‘exc, are sid 10 corrode and this phenomenn is called corrosion (i) The black subsance is formed because siher (Ag) reacs with H,S present in ait 1 forms thin black coating of sver sulphide (Ag,S) 2Ag(9) + HS@)— Ag,S6) + Hale) Back Long Answer Questions 4 TTT] Reka ean eet MCLEE ERR it double displacement reaction? Explain with an example. (i) Asmall amount of quick lime i added to water in a beaker. (@) Name and define the type of reaction that hae taken place, (@) Write balanced chemical equation for the above reaction and the chemical name of the product formed. (€) List two main observations ofthis reaction. lease 2019 (31/9290 ‘Ans. (i) In double displacement reaction, two compounds react by exchanging thei ions and form two new compeunds For example, ser nate and sodium chloride exchange their ions, NO} and Cr respectively and form two neve compounds in the following reaction. AgNO: (ap) + NaCl(ag) —~ AGC) + NaNO, (oq) __@) Combination veation. The reaction in which 1wo or mote reactants combine wo forma a tingle product is known 2s combination reaction. (b) The product formed i slaked lime for which the chemical formula is C}OH)- C206) +Hg0() —+ Ca(OH)g eg) * Heat (6 Following ae the wo observations: {© Caium oxide (CaO) reacts vigorously with water to form sled lime: © The comuiner becomes hor because large amount of heat is released du (Q.2. Consider the chemical equation given below and answer the questions that follow: CuO + Hy! Cu + HO (é) Name the substance which i gotting oxidised. (i) Name the substance which is geting reduced. (Gil) Narne the oxidising agent. 7 (Ge) Name the reducing agent, (@) What type ofa reaction docs this equation represent? ‘Ans. () Thesubstance geting oxidised is Hy (i) The substance getting reduced is CuO. (2) Gu0 isthe oxidising agent (Ge) Hy isthe reducing agent. (e) Since oxidation and reduction is aking place simultaneously cis reaction isan example of redox reaction, @.3._ Give the characteristic tests For the following goses: CO, (SO, i), [CERT Bmpr] ‘Ans. The characteristic us forthe given gases are as follows () Gasbon dioxide (CO,) yas wars lime water milky when passed through it duc wo the Formation o insoluble calcium carbonate GaOH)ay) + COs”) — CaCO,6) > H,00) When CO, as ispased in excessthrongh ime water. mikiness disappears duct formation ‘of soluble cakium hydrogen carbonate €aCOis) + H,09 + CO,g) —+ CHHCO,),(9) (i) Sulphur dioxide (80,) gas when passed through acidic potsssium permanganate solution (purple in color) curs ic colourless because SOs isa suong reducing agent AKMAO (9) + 2HOU) + 804(2) ——> K,SO4(eq) + 2MnSO\iag) + 2HSOYCD nw Sane Masai” Mtge romano oe = sous oa cmt, cmt, (4) The evolution of oxygen (O,) ga during a reaction can be confirmed by bringing 2 burning ‘candle near the mouth ofthe es tube containing the reaction mire. The itensity ofthe Dame increases because oxygen supports burning. (Ge) Hydrogen (H,) gas burns with a pop sound when a burning candle i brought near it Q4. With the help ofan activity explain that hydrogen doxygen are released when an electric eurreat ‘pasted through water. Ane. () Take 2 plastic vessel. Dri two holes at is bottom and set rubber stoppers in these holes (i) Hasert carbon electrodes in these rubber oppers and connect these clecrodes to ‘Gvol bauery and a switch (ii) Fil the vessel with water such thot the lectoder ate immersed. Add a few drops ‘of dilute sulphuric acid to the water in the ves, (Ge) Take two graduated test tubes filled with water and invert them over the two cabo electrodes 46) Swi on the current (2) After sometime, you will observe the Form bubbles displace water inthe gracusted tubes, a of bubbles at both the electrodes. These 18 (sit) Once the tet tubes are filled with the respective gases, remove them carefully (i) Test these gases one by one by bringing @ burning splinter of wood cose to the mouth of teat bes he glowing splimer of wood i brought close ta the mouth of ane tes tube it eighs and when its brought close to the mouth of ether tet tube, the gas burns with a pop ound. Oxygen isthe only common gas that relights the splinter and hydrogen gas burns with a pop sound. Q5. (i) Design an activity to demonstrate the decomposition resetion of lead nitrate. (if) Draw labelled diagram ofthe experimental set up. List rwo main observations. (i) Write balanced chemical equation forthe reaction stating the physical sae of the reactant nd the products. CBSE 2010 (31/935) ‘Ans. (i) Activity: (2 Take a boing tube and put about 3g lead nitrate poweler in it (9 Hold the boiling tube carefully witha pair of vongs, €¢ Now, eat the tube over a lame, (0) Observations: wei «2 Broxin fumes of nitrogen dioxide gas i observed, scsi Lead oxide, a yellow compound i formed. en Se tassios (4) 2PHLNOY LL BNO) + ANOYG) + OL) 2 as ‘oe oe an G6. What happens when a picce af () 2ine meta is added w copper sulphate solution? d) aluminium metal is added 10 dilute hydrochloric acid? (Ut) silver metal i added to copper sulphate solution? ‘Also, write the balanced chemical equation ifthe reaction occurs, [CER Bumper) ‘Ans. () Zine being more reactive than copper displaces copper trom its solution and a soution of Zin sulphate is obtained, 2a())+ CuSO,(eg) —= ZnSO, (ag) * 0049 (2) Aluminium being more reactive diyplass hydrogen from dilate hydrochloric aid solution and hydrogen goss evolved. 2A) + 6HCI(ag) —~ BANC (eg) + 3410) (a) Silver metal being les reactive than copper cannot displace copper from its salt solation Therefore, no reaction occurs Agi) + C8009) —= No reaction Q.7. What happens when aine granules are treated with dilute solution of H,SO,, HCl, HNO, [NaCl and NaOH? Also waite the chemical equations ifreaction occurs. [VIP Frrmplat] Ans. The reaction of Zn grass with () dilute 1,50, 2ais) + H,S0,(aq) —+ 2080,laq) + Hale) die HCL Zn) + 2HCKae) — ZaChyan) + Heh 19 (i) dite HNO, Reaction wit dite HNO, is diferent as compared other ais cause nie aid san oiisingageat and it oxides Hy gos evlsed to H,O. 2a) + WHNO,les) —= AZa(NO,iap) + 5HLOW) +0) (i) NaCl station Zn) NaCkeg) —+ No reaction (©) NaOH solaion Zn\9) + 2NGOH (aj) — NagznOzlon+ He) 8.) Grysatsof copper sulphate are heated in aes whe fr sometime. (@) What isthe colour of copper sulphate crystals before heating, and ater heating? (®) What ts dhe source ofliguid droplets seen on the inner upper side of the tes tube dling the heating proces? (i A meal X whca dipped in agucous solution of aluminium sulphate, no reaction is ‘beerved whereas when iit dipped i am quent solution of fora tiphate, he pale treen solution turns colourless dently metal "X° with reason. 6) (The calour of copper sulphate exysals before Reaing is blue and wrns white afer hentng (© Toe iui droplets are actualy the water drops. The source of water droplets is the water of eryatalisation of hyiauc copper sulphate sal (CuSO, 4,0), (0) wen metal 7 i app! in aqueous solution of aluminium sulphate po reaction x afervcd, i means ic ess reactive than almisiom. But when i dipped in fev Sulphate sluton, the slaton turns fom pale green to colourkas, 50° more eactne {han io and ths displaces i fom i sltion. Therefore, °X must be sinc ea with eros sulphate w form colorless in sulphate soluion by daplcing iron Tas) + FeSO) —= ZnSO¥aq) + Fe) HOTS [Higher Order Thinking Skills} (QI. Samuel had a silver coin which turned black: He kept the coin in a bow Fined with aluminium foil. Then he filled the bowl with water and boiled it After sometime, he found that the coin hhas become new. Its blackness disappeared. How did it happen? ‘Ans. The blackness of silver coin i duc to the formation of ser sulphide on i surface de to it exposure toair On bing, the annum fl reacs with the layer ofer sulphide andl displaces siker from siver sulphide to form aluminium sulphide and silver. This makes the eoin shiny. SAguSE) + 2Al6) —- BARK) + ALS, 2 During electrolysis of water a few drope of sulphuric acid is added into water. Why? ‘Ans. Parc water is abad conducor of electricity. By adding 2 few drops of sulphuric acid, it becomes 8 good conductor of electri (Q.3. Justify wih the help of an example shat displacement reaction is also a redox reaction. ‘Ans. Consider the following displacement reaction in which Fe displaces Cu from CuSO, to form reso, Fes) + CuSO lag) —= FeSO. tag) + Cal) i” Grete tat In the above reaction, Fe is gaining oxygen. Hence, Fe is oxidised. CuSO, i losing axygen Hence tis reduced, So, it ie redox reaction, 20 6 Compound ‘A’ when dissolved in water gives compound ‘B' which is used in whitewashing. Compound “B’ reacts with CO, to form » white precipitate of compound “C’. Identify ‘compounds A,B" and ‘C’. Also write the equations involved. UE, +60, — ye Slaked lime {(Ca(OH),]is used for whitewashing. lis cbtained when quicklime, CaO veaets with C106) + HO) ——> COM xlug) + Heat eines SoA’ is CAO and "Bis CAOH)y CalOHY (a7) + COG] —=_CACOYE) + HOD (On heating blne coloured powder of copper(I) nitrate in a boiling ube, copper oxide (black), ‘oxygen gat and a brown gue X is formed. (d) Write balanced chemical equation of the reaction. i) Identify the brown gas X evolved. (iy Tdernty the typeof reaction (i=) What could be the pH range of aqueous solution ofthe gue XP [NCER' Evnwplar] (CSE 2019 312) © 2EUNO D6 2CuOW) + 0,@) + 4NOYE) (i) The brown gas X evolved is nitrogen dioxide (NOx). li) Thisis a decomposition reaction Go) Niuogen dioxide dissolves in water wo form acidic solution because it isan oxide of ‘non-metal. Therefore, pH of this solution isles than 7, (On adding 2 drop of barium chloride solution to an aqueous solution of sodium ealphite, white precipitate is obtained. (Write a balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved. (8) What other name can be given to this precipitation reaction? (ii) On adding dilute hydrochloric acid tothe reaction mixture, white precipitate disappears. Why? INCERT Exemplar] ( Na,SOs(a7)+ BaC(ag) —- BaSOs4)_ + 2NaCt(ag) Sstinvvate"snnote Besse.” ee (Thi reaction i ako known as double displacement reaction, iw) MaSO, fe a salt of a weak acid (H,SO,, therefore dilute add such ax HCI decompeses barium sulphite wo produce sulphur dioxide gas which has the smell of burning sulphur. Ba80,|9) + 2HCaq) —= BaCl,fay) + HOM) + SOx) Ba is soluble in water, hence white precipitate disappears 21 Q.7. A brown substance ‘X” on heating in sir forms a substance Y". When hydrogen ge ‘over heated “Vit again changes back into X". (@) Name the substance X' and "Y. (i) Name the type of chemical reactions occurring during both the changes. (ii) Write the chemical equations of the reactions. eck 20165 ) X—Cu: Y—Cu0, (i) When copper is heated in air, oxidation takes phe, When hydragen 4 is passed over heated copper oxide, redtion takes place. (8) 26.4) + 0,6) 2+ 26406) (Oxidation) GuO19) + Hy) A Cus) + LO Reduction) NGERT Corn NCERT Intext Questions (QL. Why thould » magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in sir? ‘Ans. The magnesium ribbon which we use usually has a coating ofa white byer of magnesium oxide fn its surface Is formed by the slow reaction of moist air on it ‘This hinders the burning of "magnesium. So, this lier is remoxed! by rubbing with sindpsper before burning. Q.2. Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reactions! (@) Hydrogen + Chlorine —- Hydrogen chloride (18) Barium chloride + Aluminium sulphate — Barium sulphate + Alum (i) Sodium + Water — Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen ‘Ans. i) Hg) + Cleg) — 2HCIQ) (i) $BaCylag) + AL(SO sag) —+ 3B450,6) + 2AICI eq) (in) 2Na) + 24,00) —+ INAOH (09) + Hy) Q.8. Write balanced chemical equation with siate symbols fr the following reactions: (i) Solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulphate in water react o give insoluble barium sulphate and the solution of sodium chloride. {d) Sodium hydroxide solution (in water) reacts with hydrochloric acid solution (a water) reduce sedium chloride solution and water ‘Ans. (i) BaClylaq) + Na.SO lag) —+ BaSO4i) + 2N: (i) NoOHaq) + HCKay) —- NaGhag) + 1,00) J. Asolation ofa substance “X" Is used for whitewashing. (i) Name the substance °X' and write its formula. (id) Waite the reaction of the substance “X" named in (i) above with water. ‘Ans. i) The substance X use for whitewashing is quick lime (calcium oxide). Its formula is CaO. (4) When quick imei mixed with water, the fll 409) + HO) — Ca(OH) ag) * Hea Q.5. Why Is the amount of gas collected in one of theres tubes double ofthe amount collected in the other in electrolysis of water experiment? Name this gas. Ane. The gat which is collcied in double the umount in the ckctrolyis of water experiment i hydrogen. This i because water (H,O) contains wo parts of hydrogen element as compared. ‘one part of oxygen element by volume. ng reaction takes place: 22

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