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A serious health
conditions that affect
both your physical and
mental health. This
conditions include
problems in how you
think about food, eating,
weight and shape, and in
your eating behaviors.
an eating disorder
where a person
compulsively eats
things that aren’t
food and don’t have
any nutritional value
or purpose.
Rumination syndrome (also
known as rumination disorder or
merycism) is a feeding and
eating disorder in which
undigested food comes back up
from a person’s stomach into his
or her mouth (regurgitation).
Once the food is back in the
mouth, the person may chew it
and swallow it again, or spit it
Feeding Disorder
Feeding Disorder does not eat or
drink enough food or liquid, or a
broad enough range of food, to
achieve and maintain growth or
meet nutritional needs.
Anorexia Bulimia
Nervosa Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa, also It is characterized by
known as just anorexia, is uncontrolled episodes of
an eating disorder. This overeating, called
disorder makes you bingeing. This is followed
obsess about your weight by purging with methods
and food. If you have this such as vomiting or
problem, you may have a misuse of laxatives.
warped body image. You Bingeing is eating much
may see yourself as fat larger amounts of food
even though you have a than you would normally
very low body weight. eat in a short period of
time, usually less than 2
Psychosexual Disorders

Defined as the sexual problems that are psychological in

origin and occur in absence of any pathological disease.
They often arise because of physical, environment, or
psychological factors, and at times it is difficult to separate
one from the other.
Gender Sexual
Identity Dysfunctions

An individual’s self-conception Refers to experiencing Persistent and recurrent

as a man or woman or as a boy any range of difficulties sexual interests, urges,
or girl as some combination of having or enjoying sex. fantasies, or behaviors of
man/boy and woman/girl or Sexual dysfunction are marked intensity involving
are someone fluctuating recurrent and chronic, objects, activities, or even
between man/boy and and they can result in situations that are atypical in
woman/girl or as someone problems with sexual nature.
outside those categories arousal and orgasm.
Violence is an action that
Abuse and
causes destruction, pain, or
suffering whilst abuse refers to
prolonged maltreatment that
can cause emotional as well as
physical trauma.
There are those individuals, such as
women, children, and the elderly,
whose position of dependence or
disadvantage renders them less able to
cope with this experience. Victims of
violence often share a feeling of loss of
control; a sense of shame,
embarrassment, anxiety, depression,
and fear; or hostility.

Victims of
Violent Behavior
Torture and Ritual Abuse
Torture is the intentional destruction
of a human being by another.

Ritual abuse is a form of group abuse,

almost always of children. The use of
religious chanting, imagery etc. will often
dominate the flashbacks and nightmares
suffered by the children into adulthood.
Many survivors will have been given a
trigger, often an everyday object or
word, that will constantly remind them of
the abuse and the fact that something
terrible will happen if they disclose it to
Rape and Sexual
Rape is a form of sexual assault,
but not all sexual assault is rape.
The term rape is often used as a
legal definition to specifically
include sexual penetration
without consent. An act in which
one intentionally sexually
touches another person without
that person's consent, or coerces
or physically forces a person to
engage in a sexual act against
their will.
Legal Issues
Affecting Mental
Health Nursing
Confidentiality and right to privacy.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (H I P A A)- Individuals have the rights to
access their medical records, to have corrections
made to their medical records, and to decide with
whom their medical information may be shared.
Doctrine of privileged communication
Informed consent- This is the permission granted
to a physician to perform a therapeutic procedure
Restraints and seclusion
Restraint refers not only to leather
restraints but also to any manual
method or medication used to
restrict a person’s freedom of
Seclusion is a type of physical
restraint in which the client is
confined alone in a room from which
he or she is unable to leave.

False imprisonment
deliberate and unauthorized
confinement of a person within fixed
limits by the use of verbal or physical

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