Day 4 Feature

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I. Objectives
Show enjoyment in listening to a story.
Answer question about the story listened to.

II. Developmental Activities

Oral Language Activity
Spelling: Say and Spell on air
1. Anymore 4. inquired
2.Dislike 5. Troubles
3. Hoot

A. Setting the Stage

Unlocking of Difficulties
Identify the word that means the underlined word in each sentence.
People dislike the owl because of the loud sound (hoot, speaker, laughter) it produces.
“Where are you going?” inquired the dove. ( asked, answered, added)

Have you encountered a dove and an owl in any medium – picture, realia, etc.?
In what direction do you usually see them moving/flying?
B. Explaining the students what to do

Motive Question
Let us predict and fill the chart to answer each question.
East West North South

Why does the owl/dove fly toward the chosen direction?

C. Modeling the Students

During Listening

Read the story to the pupils accurately and clearly. Pause once in a while to ask questions.

Today you are going to listen to the story of the owl and the dove.
Ask: Why does the owl move to the west?
If he moves to the west, will he be liked by the people there?
If you were the owl, will you do the same? Why?

D. Guided Practice
1. Cooperative Group Activities
Group 1- Play the role of the dove and the owl.
Group 2- Draw the eyes of an owl and write their advantages.
Group 3- Draw a dove and write the words that symbolize it.

Home Activity:
Cut a feature article from a magazine and paste it on the page of your notebook. Be ready to explain it.

Think and Tell

Let us predict and fill the chart to answer each question.

East West North South


Find and Learn

The Owl and the Dove
One day, a dove met an owl. “Where are you going?” inquired the dove, “I am moving west”, said the
owl “But why? Don’t you like to live here anymore?” asked the dove. “It’s not that, but the people here
dislike my hoot,” replied the owl, “So, I want to move west.”
“If you can change your tone”, said the dove. “It will be alright. But if you can’t, even if you move west,
you will be taking your troubles with you, for the people there will dislike you the same.

Learn some
Cooperative Group Activities
Group 1- Play the role of the dove and the owl.
Group 2- Draw the eyes of an owl and write their advantages.
Group 3- Draw a dove and write the words that symbolize it.

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