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This series of instructions is recorded in 3 of the Gospels (Matthew chapter 10, Luke
chapters 9 & 10, and John chapters 14,17, & 21).


This whole chapter is concentrating on the instructions that Jesus gives to His disciples
for this task, so let us examine them:

1. In verse 1, Jesus gives them power (He breathes the Holy Spirit upon them,
a. against evil spirits, to cast them out, and to heal ALL manner of sickness and
b. Notice that Jesus makes the distinction between sickness and disease: He
considers them to be spiritually two different problems.
c. Do we recognize this when we are teaching, or training people, for a “healing
2. In verses 2-4, Jesus names those present to receive this power and commissioning:
There was Simon, (called Peter), and Andrew (his brother), and James and John,
(the sons of Zebedee), Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew (the
publican); James the son of Alpheus, and Lebbæus, whose surname was Thaddaeus,
Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, (the son of perdition) who also betrayed
a. [Judas is filled with the Holy Spirit, (just like the rest of the disciples), and
performs healings and miracles, just like the other disciples. At this stage, the
Spirit of Satan has not come upon Him.]
b. That should be a warning to all people in leadership that, you must keep short
accounts with Jesus, to make sure that you are at all times, without blemish
before God, to prevent any access for Satan to enter.]
3. In verses 5-6, Jesus sent them forth and commanded them, WHERE they were to
go. NOT to go to the Gentiles, NOT to go any city of the Samaritans, BUT to go to
the lost sheep of Israel! This is significant, because Jesus was telling His disciples
that even though Israel were the promised people from Abraham, they were
spiritually lost, and all headed for hell. They were being commissioned to bring the
lost sheep of Israel, back into a covenant with God Almighty, by having them
recognise that their promised Messiah had come.
4. In verses 7-8, Jesus reveals to them, HOW they are to conduct their ministry.
a. They are to preach the message telling the people that “the kingdom of
heaven is at hand.” (Literally this means that the kingdom of Heaven has
come down upon the earth.) They are also to:
b. “Heal the sick”, (not just pray for them),
c. “Cleanse the lepers”, (command this disease to depart from their bodies and
never return),
d. “Raise the dead”, (give loved ones back to their families)
e. “Cast out devils”, (cast them out, and send them away to their nominated
place until Christ returns, to send them into the abyss.)
f. Freely you have received this ability (this gifting,) so freely give it to others,
Do not take money for healing people, ~ like some denominations and pastors
5. In verses 9-10, Jesus instructs them on WHAT NOT TO TAKE with them on their
ministry journey.
a. Take no money with you (no gold, no silver, no brass);

b. Take no script (promissory notes). This was so that the disciples would realise
that Jesus and His Father will now provide all-of their needs, as promised in
Matthew 6:33.
c. Neither two coats, neither shoes, (go barefooted), nor yet staves (staff);
d. For the workmen are worthy of his meat. God Himself will provide your food.
6. In verses 11-13; Whenever you go into a city or town, enquire who is worthy, and
there abide until you move to the next place. [In Israeli custom, it was a requirement
to provide food and lodging for visitors for three days. When you come into the
house salute it. (As per 1 Samuel 25:6, you were to pray a blessing over the people
and the household, in this case in the name of Jesus.)]
a. [Conditional Promise] [IF] the house was worthy, [THEN] let your peace
come upon it:
b. BUT [IF] the house is not worthy; [THEN] Let your peace return to you. [The
disciples were to use the Spirit of Discernment, to determine the spiritual
intentions of the people in the house; To look into the people’s hearts.]
7. In verse 14, Jesus instructs His disciples what to do;
a. [IF] they shall not receive you,
b. [IF] they refuse to hear your words,
c. [THEN] When you leave that house/city/town, you are to shake off the dust
from your feet. You are in fact removing God’s eternal blessing from that
house, city or town, forever.
8. In verse 15, Jesus proclaims the punishment at the judgement for that house, town
or city, that refuses to receive God’s word.
a. They shall be judged more severely than Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of
b. Pastors must get the revelation that there are these categories in the list of
Judgements on the Day of Judgement: Houses, Towns and Cities.
c. God is going to judge not only you, as an individual, but your complete
d. God is going to judge you village, town or city, to determine whether you;
i. Heard the word of God,
ii. Accepted, or rejected the Word of God,
iii. Heard and accepted correction, or
iv. Rejected a correction message when it was given to you.
9. In verse 16, Jesus gives the warning, that He is sending them out as sheep, into a
world of wolves, whose main aim will be to devour you, and make your message of
*** (Conclusion), Therefore, be as wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves: But
also remember that you have the power to cast out ALL demonic influences, in a
house, village, town, or city.
10.In verse 17, it says: But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the
(religious) councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. [Beware of these
“religious zealots”, who have a “form of godliness” but are not godly; because [IF]
they were godly, [THEN] they would have recognised that the disciples were telling
the truth, and that the Messiah had already come.]
11.In verse 18, it is prophesied, that you shall be brought before governors and
Kings for the sake of Jesus Christ, for a testimony against them, and the Gentiles.
12.In verses 19-20, Jesus reassures the disciples not to fear when this happens,
because the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak, with power and authority
to defeat their accusers. The Holy Spirit will speak through you. In today’s society
when evil seems to be blatantly gaining ground, we have to be prepared to stand up
for righteousness, speaking the truth in love, but being ready to be arrested, and
brought before the courts, and unrighteous, unbelieving judges.

13.In verse 21 it says: brothers shall betray members of their own families, and have
them delivered up to death. (And as in the days of Hitler in Germany). Members of
government and the public service will lose all sense of righteousness, and act upon
orders from their superiors, without question. And that is how One World
Government will take over the nations.
14.In verse 22, it says: And you will be hated of all men, for My Name’s sake; BUT
he that endures to the end shall be saved. [Here we have one of the most often
misquoted scriptures. This scripture is not for everybody! It is only for those who
have been sent out, captured, and tortured, for the Name of Jesus Christ. Those who
have been tortured for their faith and who have not defiled the name of Jesus Christ,
but remained steadfast in their faith and trust in Jesus ~ even unto death. [Their
bodies may die, but their spirits will have eternal life.]
15.[P] In verse 23: If they persecute you, then flee to another city and
preach/teach there. Jesus tells them that you shall have not gone to preach in
all-of the cities in Israel before the Son of man has come.
16.In verses 24-25 it says; Jesus reminds us that NO DISCIPLE is above, or greater
than His Master. And that NO SERVANT is above His LORD. [Many in leadership
forget that there is a higher Master, that is GREATER THAN THEY ARE, and He is the
ultimate & eternal Judge!]

IN LUKE CHAPTER 9, Jesus calls His 12 disciples together, before the Cross and
Pentecost, and gave them;
1. “Power and authority over ALL devils”, and “to cure diseases”.
2. He also sent them “to preach the kingdom of God”, and “to heal the sick”. [Here
again, it is recorded that Jesus makes the distinction between curing ALL diseases,
and healing the Sick. [NOTE, it is confirmed twice in scripture (Gospel of Matthew
and Gospel of Luke), therefore is it confirmed doctrine, and must be taught from
ALL pulpits.].
3. In verse 3-4, Jesus also commanded them about what NOT TO TAKE WITH THEM,
on their journey.
a. Neither staves (staff), nor script, (promissory notes), neither bread, nor money,
neither have 2 coats apiece. [These two lists are the same, except in the gospel of
Luke. you are allowed to wear shoes. (but only 1 pair.]
b. Now thinking about planning trips, how many people would be prepared to go on
a ministry trip, with these commands from the LORD today?
c. And whatsoever house that you enter into, there abide and thence depart. [No
mention of blessing the house this time.]
4. In verse 5; Jesus states that “whosoever will NOT receive you”, when you go out
of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet, for a testimony against them.
5. In verse 6, it says that they went through the towns, preaching, the gospel, and
healing everywhere.
6. In verses 7-9 it says that this ministry was so effective, that news of it, even
reached Herod the Tetrarch.
a. Some were saying that it was John the Baptist risen from the dead.
b. Others were saying that it was the Spirit of Elijah that had appeared;
c. Whilst others said it was one of the Old Testament Prophets that had appeared.
d. Herod said that he had beheaded John the Baptist, so who could this be? So, He
desired to see Him.
e. Question: Is your ministry so effective, that other are talking about it, and want
to see it for themselves? [IT SHOULD BE!]
7. In verse 10 The Apostles returned and made their report to Jesus, and told Him
all that they had done.

8. In verse 13-17 After this, they went to a place near Bethsaida, where Jesus
challenged the apostles to feed the 5,000; [but Andrew had only the little boy’s
lunch, of 5 small loaves and 2 fish. After the miracles of feeding the 5,000 He
ordered that they collect up the fragments (12 baskets ~ one for each of the
disciples; or one for each of the tribes of Israel.) In both cases it was an example,
that God can provide for His people, whenever there is a need.]
9. In verses 18-22, Jesus asks the disciples who they think He is; and Peter replies
that He Is the Christ, to Son of the Living God. Upon the revelation, Jesus
commanded them to tell no-one.
10. In verses 23-28, Jesus teaches about the value of our physical life and
martyrdom. Again, a challenge that is not heard very often from the pulpit. [When
they pass the law that you must have the 666 chip, the Mark of the Beast, what
are you going to do as a church leader? Are you going to roll over and submit to
this worldly Government, or are you going to stand up for righteousness, and
refuse to have the jab, and encourage the congregation to do the same; making
it very clear, that there will be eternal consequences if you do take the jab.]
11. So, a theological question about these Disciples for you scholars:
a. They believed that Jesus IS the Messiah, BEFORE THE CROSS, & BEFORE
b. So, are they believers under the Old Testament (Messianic Jews), or are they,
c. Early believers under the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) which was
activated when Jesus rose from the dead, proving He had power over sin and


In Luke’s Gospel (old KJV), Jesus appoints a further 70 people, (In the NIV it says 72
people) and He sends them out two by two before His face, into every city and place
that He would and preach to the people.

1. But their function and purpose are different to that of the Apostles, which were
sent out previously.
2. These 70 are sent out into the harvest fields!
3. To prepare the soil of people’s hearts,
4. After Christ has planted the seeds (through the Apostles), and the Holy Spirit has
watered the seeds,
5. Now the harvest is ripe for the harvesting.
6. These 70 were anointed with DIFFERENT SPIRITUAL GIFTS, TO THOSE OF THE
7. This shows that Jesus delegates “different people” to do “different tasks”. The
Church leadership needs to recognise this and practice it in the church today.
8. The pastor is not expected by Jesus to do everything!
a. When people are sick, James chapter 5 says “call the elders” ~ NOT the
b. Identify people in the congregation who have the gift of helps, and assign
them to different functions in the church;
c. Those who have the gift of administration, to legal and administrative tasks.
d. Those who show empathy, to guidance, or counselling functions (after proper
9. The instruction about what NOT TO TAKE ON YOUR JOURNEY, is basically the same,
as in Matthew chapter 10.
10. The punishment for those who refuse hospitality, or refuse to hear and/or heed
the message about the Kingdom being at hand, is the same, cast the dust off your
feet, as a testimony against them for the last day judgement.

11. Jesus commands them to go two by two, BUT NOT TO GO HOUSE TO HOUSE!
Unfortunately, one cult/religion does exactly that; they go house to house, in direct
rebellion against God’s word.
12. In verse 17: they excitedly came back to report on their journeys to Jesus.
a. Lord, even the devils are subject to us through your name.
b. Congregations need to be taught that Jesus has conquered Satan and all-of
His demons, and they are subject to the power and authority of the name of
Jesus, spoken by believing, born-again, Holy Spirit filled, DISCIPLES.
13. In verse 18-20, Jesus tells them that He saw Satan, fall as lightning from heaven.
[I personally like to think that Jesus drop-kicked Satan out of heaven, and you can
trace his path of expulsion, like a flash of lightning falling out of heaven.]
a. So, Jesus had power over Lucifer (the fallen ark-angel) even before the cross.
b. Jesus tells them that He has given them power (through the Holy Spirit -
BEFORE THE CROSS) to tread on serpents, and scorpions,
c. Over ALL POWER of the enemy,
d. And NOTHING shall in anyways hurt you: you will be under divine protection
BECAUSE of your obedience to your calling.
e. Jesus tells them NOT TO REJOICE that the spirits are subject to them, but
rather rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Why are their names
written in Heaven? Because they were obedient to the “calling” that Jesus has
placed upon each ones lives. John 15:16 makes this very clear, but sadly this
is not very often highlighted from the pulpit.
14. In verses 38-42, Jesus visits the house of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, in Bethany,
and Martha has the gift of hospitality, and busies herself with preparing a meal for
their guests, whilst Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, listening to what Jesus is saying.
Later, Martha gets upset because Mary is not helping her, to which Jesus replied
that “Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”
WARNING: We must never allow our God-given gifts, to take priority, over
sitting before the feet of Jesus, and listening to His voice!


1. In verses 12-21, Jesus is telling the disciples of coming events and gives them
prophetic instructions;
a. In verse 12: He that believes on Me, and the works that I do, greater works that these
shall he do; because I go to the Father.
b. In verse 13: And whatsoever you shall ask in My name, that shall I do, so that the
Father may be glorified in the Son.
c. In verse 14: It is clarified: If you shall ask ANYTHING, in MY name, I will do it.
d. [IF] you love Me, [THEN] keep my commandments. ALL-OF them, not just some of
e. Jesus is preparing His disciples for what is to come; but with the knowledge,
that Jesus is going to send the Holy Spirit, to be their guide, their empowerment, and
their Comforter, teaching them ALL THINGS. (Reminding them of the promises made
by Jeremiah in chapter 31:31-34).


1. In verses 17-19: Jesus makes statements to His Father;
a. “Sanctify them through your Truth: YOUR WORD is Truth.
b. “As YOU have sent Me into the world, even so have I sent them into the
world.” (to continue My work).
c. “And for their sakes, I sanctify Myself, that they may also be sanctified,
through the truth.

d. In this longest recorded prayer in the Bible, Jesus lays out the reasons He
wants the Father to protect those that Jesus has sent out into the harvest
field, as labourers, to “bring in the harvest of souls.”
e. We must remember that in John chapter 15, Jesus has made a very
interesting statement, that “we did not choose Jesus”, but Jesus chose US,
(even before we were in our mother’s wombs,) and we have been
commanded to go (into the harvest fields) and make fruit, and that fruit must
be good, (not fruit that rots, or is poisonous), and that fruit must remain!
f. This commandment did not stop at the cross, or at Pentecost, but is an
ongoing commandment to His disciples throughout the 2,000 years since
then, and will remain as a commandment form Jesus until His return in the
clouds for His selected saints, which forms the Bride, for the wedding
ceremony in Heaven.
g. We all must get the Revelation, that ALL who call upon the name of the Lord
will be saved: BUT not all-of them will be invited by Jesus to be part of His
Bride. Only those with clean hands and a pure heart!


1. In these scriptures Jesus prophesies by what type of death Peter would be subject
to, that glorifies Jesus. He would also die on a cross.
2. Then Peter asks this question to Jesus concerning John, and Jesus replies; that if
He chooses, John could still be alive unto I come back ~ but what concern is that
to you?
3. This saying was misinterpreted and was told about that John would remain alive
unto Jesus returns, BUT that was NOT what Jesus said. Jesus said, that IF I
CHOOSE, then John could still be alive when He returns. But from this side of
history, looking back, we know that Jesus did not make this choice, as John died
of old age in approximately 100 AD, after completing the Book of Revelation in
around 96-7 AD.

1. Did Jesus send out the 12 Disciples (later called Apostles) before the cross? Yes!
2. Did Jesus breathe the Holy Spirit upon them BEFORE THE CROSS? Yes!
3. Did Jesus send them out with power over all demonic spirits, before the cross?
4. Were they commanded to heal ALL manner of sickness, and ALL MANNER OF
DISEASES, before the Cross? Yes!
5. Were they sent out to special villages, towns, and cities, to prepare for Jesus to
come to those places? Yes!
6. Were they to take anything with them for their journey? NO!
7. Were they told stay in hotels, or motels? NO! But in the houses of “worthy people”.
8. Were they told to bless this house, [IF] their peace rested on the house? Yes!
9. Were they told to dust off their feet for any house, village, town, or city, that
refused to receive them, or refused to hear and receive the Message “that the
kingdom was at hand”? Yes.
10. Did Jesus tell them that they were being sent as sheep among wolves, so be wise
as serpents and gentle as doves? Yes!
11. Did Jesus prophecy that they would be hated and taken before Kings and
Governors for His sake, and because of the messages that they preached? Yes!
12. Did Jesus tell them not to worry about what they would speak, because the Father
would put the words in their mouths? Yes!

13. Did Jesus give any instruction that this ministry should cease? No! In fact, in
Matthew 28:18-20, He issues it as a command, just before He ascends back to His
Father in Heaven.
14. So, as a person, who “claims to be” a Disciple of Jesus Christ, what are you (as an
individual) doing to make this happen? Are you fulfilling the commandment of
Matthew 28: 18-20? Yes/No?
15. Jesus already knows the answer to this question, and you (and I) will be judged
upon our obedience, or rebellion, to His commandments!

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